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  • File : 1298857533.jpg-(274 KB, 1067x1600, IMG_0271.jpg)
    274 KB Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:45:33 No.312560767  
    you wanna be popular on school?

    1-be a faggot or lesbian(doesn't apply if you are in a school that every one is the same sex)
    2-do something totally ridiculous so every one can remember you.
    3-have a retarded name
    4-dess really stupid and random every day(doesn't apply if you have uniform)
    5-have A's so people will ask you for the homework just to copy pasted
    6-been in a band
    7-be emo(every one in school today is emo)
    8-be a total jackass
    9-been a nigger(doesn't apply if every one is black)
    10-complain about everything
    11-comment every time the teacher is saying something
    12-think as every one else, so you will know how to impress them.
    13-be a slut( only works with women)
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:47:40 No.312561188
         File1298857660.jpg-(158 KB, 500x334, 4406854174_d21b48479b.jpg)
    158 KB
    fuck every one is black
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:51:47 No.312561953
         File1298857907.jpg-(72 KB, 600x800, 1298796338279-2.jpg)
    72 KB

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