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    /r9k/ and /new/ were removed. [Why? Read this.] No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.

    File : 1295490100.png-(101 KB, 476x421, interesting_life.png)
    101 KB Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:21:40 No.303391502  
    green text your life

    >woke up
    >went to school
    >went to class
    >went to lunch
    >went to more class
    >went to crew
    >came home
    >ate dinner
    >took a shit
    >counter strike
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:22:40 No.303391703
    >wake up
    >still unemployed
    >browse 4chan
    >drink whisky
    >go to bed
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:23:13 No.303391826
    >woke up
    >took a shower
    >took calc midterm
    >trolled 4chan
    >made a sandwich
    >trolled 4chan
    >went to work
    >trolled 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:26:14 No.303392471
    >green text your life?

    >was born
    >I grew up
    >> noko Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:28:20 No.303392923
    >woke up
    >fell out of bed
    >dragged a comb across my hair
    >found my way downstairs and drank a cup
    >looking up, i noticed i was late
    >found my coat and grabbed my hat
    >made the bus in seconds flat
    >found my way upstairs and had a smoke
    >somebody spoke and I went into a dream

    >I read the news today oh boy
    >about a lucky man who made the grade....
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:29:00 No.303393084
    >Was born
    >Did fun stuff
    >Discovered the Internet
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:31:02 No.303393533
    >wake up
    >wake up
    >repeat several times until 7am
    >get ready for work
    >dog pukes
    >clean puke
    >take test for trade school
    >pass :3
    >come home
    >try to work on online class
    >get bored and start browsing 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:32:06 No.303393781
    >Woke Up
    >Find wife with another man in the bed with me
    >punch her in her whore face
    >Continue punching
    >She bleeds
    >Immediately feeling upset, I run away
    >Her sister calls
    >She tells me she's in a coma
    >I run there as fast as I could
    >walk in the door
    >get on the floor
    >everyone walk the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:32:08 No.303393789
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:32:45 No.303393908
    >wake up early
    >pick up friend for earlybird class
    >4chan anyway
    >sleep for 5 hours
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:33:08 No.303393997

    where is that
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:33:46 No.303394136
    >wake up
    >feel like p diddy
    >take shower
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:33:49 No.303394148
    Oh :/ It's in Beaverton Oregon and we have that crew shit. Thought it was just my school
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:35:47 No.303394609
         File1295490947.png-(3 KB, 210x230, shadowstare.png)
    3 KB
    >woke up
    >alarm didn't go off
    >went to school at lunch
    >Went to English and got a shit ton of work done
    >History teacher was a fucking bitch today
    >studying for test
    >Of Mice And Men
    >gayest book ever
    >mfw i try and read it
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:36:28 No.303394759
    >Wake up
    >shit, shower, shave
    >Put on uniform
    >Kill terrorists
    >Like a boss
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:36:32 No.303394769
    >wake up at 5:30
    >go back to sleep
    >wake up again at 6:00
    >get ready for school
    >get to school
    >fix my hair
    >go to class
    >talk to friends during entire class period
    >go home
    >eat dinner
    >talk on phone with girlfriend
    >watch tv until 1:00.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:36:45 No.303394822
    high school confirmed
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:38:35 No.303395233
    >18 and graduating
    Got behind last year so redoing classes, will be 19 in 3 months
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:38:56 No.303395298
    >wake up at 11pm
    >LoL server is still down
    >sleep 4 more hours
    >wake up
    >LoL/4chan for 10 hours
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:39:06 No.303395336
    >woke up
    >went downstairs, drank some water
    >went to hospital, had blood samples taken
    >bought coffee
    >went home
    >ate weet-bix
    >watched GSL restream
    >played minecraft
    >applied to some jobs online
    >went downtown and talked to a job agency
    >went to class
    >went to health services centre
    >went to pharmacy
    >came home
    >boiled some pasta
    >microwaved pasta sauce
    >ate both while watching an old episode of The Simpsons
    >went to pharmacy and picked up prescription
    >came home
    >watched rest of GSL restream
    >called the bank
    >went online and played minecraft
    >watched the first episode of The Walking Dead (it sucked)
    >which leads us to now, reading 4chan and drinking cola
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:39:28 No.303395408
    >wake up early as fuck
    >sturggle out the door for class
    >forget gloves, -3 degrees outside
    >3 hour class then break
    >go home, fuck girlfriend
    >go back for second class
    >eat dinner around 7
    >ehh life ain't too bad
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:39:31 No.303395419
    >Woke up
    >Went to school
    >Went to class
    >Came home
    >Worked out for an hour
    >Cooked lunch
    >Applied for jobs
    >Went to work
    >Applied for jobs there
    >Went to venue about a job
    >Looked at live sound equipment
    >Came home
    >Trolling 4chan
    >Hollowing out cigarette for a discrete joint
    >Get stoned and make dinner
    >Go to sleep
    >Up by 6
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:41:15 No.303395791
         File1295491275.jpg-(98 KB, 768x576, seriously.jpg)
    98 KB
    >woke up at 6
    >went to school, took finals from 8-12
    >went to subway with some bros
    >chilled around town
    >went home at 6
    >played some BFBC2
    >played guitar
    >went on /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:41:50 No.303395922
    >woke up
    >ate cereal
    >ate sushi
    >took out trash
    >played bass
    >did school work
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:42:18 No.303396038

    You best be trolling kid, otherwise I'm gonna sick /lit/ on your uneducated ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:43:13 No.303396257
         File1295491393.png-(162 KB, 400x300, 1279597019461.png)
    162 KB
    >woke up
    >went to work
    >left work early for a pedi paid for by the masochist I'm currently fucking/beating/dating.
    >came home
    >cooked bbq chicken
    >sent the slave to the gym with her friend
    >waiting on her to get back, eat dinner, take a shower, have sex
    >start over
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:43:20 No.303396282
         File1295491400.jpg-(8 KB, 237x237, stimpy.jpg)
    8 KB
    >wake up
    >go to school
    >faggot's birthday today
    >friend walks around with banana in his pants
    >faggot thinks its a boner
    >eyes light up like a stoner on April 20th
    >everybody laughs at faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:43:24 No.303396295
         File1295491404.jpg-(5 KB, 147x151, 17745635.jpg)
    5 KB
    >Wake up
    >Get ready
    >Work at skateshop
    >Band Practice
    >Fall asleep on couch
    I'm just fine with this for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:43:59 No.303396438
    how the fuck do you get behind in high school

    it is seriously incredibly easy
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:44:02 No.303396453
         File1295491442.jpg-(137 KB, 598x598, 1295319051399.jpg)
    137 KB
    >wake up
    >get dressed
    >wait for public bus in 10 degree weather to get to school
    >draw all through school hours
    >go to shitty job
    >less than minimum wage
    >wait half hour in 10 degree weather for public bus
    >get home
    >open door
    >get on floor
    >everyone walk the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:44:21 No.303396530
    crew as in rowing?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:44:56 No.303396670
    >wake up
    >maybe this isn't so bad
    >no wait, sad
    >fail erg test
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:45:13 No.303396742
    >go school
    >go high school
    >start college 2 years early because I am overachieving
    >mum diagnosed with cancer in year 10
    >meet girlfriend in year 11
    >do everything with girlfriend
    >go to college on the same course
    >get job at same place
    >get offered web development job
    >happy days :D
    >grandad dies
    >auntie dies
    >mum dies
    >girlfriend cheats
    >get made redundant
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:45:19 No.303396766
    >wake up
    >go to school
    >go out to lunch
    >back to school
    >go home
    >choose one of the following; play drums, play videogames, go on computer, watch tv
    >put on headphones and fantasize about playing live shows
    >watch 5 minutes of whatever show is about to end
    >go to bed
    >lay in bed thinking about everything
    >actually sleep
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:45:45 No.303396869
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:46:27 No.303397024
    >wake up
    >figure out where i am
    >figure out how to get home
    >find someone to get high with
    >enjoy life
    >hate life
    >enjoy life
    >contemplate not existing
    >contemplate having a happy life
    >find my bed and pass out
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:47:06 No.303397165
    >wake up
    >in the morning
    >feeling like p diddy
    >grab my glasses go out the door
    >im gonna hit the city
    >before i leave
    >brush my teeth with a bottle of jack
    >cuz when i leave for the night i aint comin back
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:47:20 No.303397224
    >woke up
    >washed balls
    >ate bananas
    >went to uni
    >replied to emails
    >met lecturer that i had to do admin shit for
    >did said shit
    >met research supervisors
    >did some research
    >went home
    >moar work
    >play computah
    >in bed eating cereal
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:47:46 No.303397337
    Grandpa was sick and started working his business then moved
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:47:49 No.303397347
    shit yeah. your 2k?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:48:56 No.303397610
    >woke up
    >went to school
    >went to italian classess
    >came home
    >starcraft II
    >boxing classess
    > having some popcorns while 4chan now.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:49:44 No.303397814

    it was my first day today, since i just quit wrestling last week
    so i have no idea what my times are
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:50:00 No.303397874
    >wake up
    >nervous about first day of college.
    >Get to college.
    >So far, my teachers are really nice and my classes are interesting.
    >things went better then expected.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:50:15 No.303397944
    >wake up
    >cocoa crispies
    >more school
    >jazz band
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:50:15 No.303397945
    >woke up
    >went to school
    >aced a final
    >went home
    >ate pasta
    >drew for a while
    >read 'in cold blood'
    >harassed my brother
    >accidentally his legos
    >ate dinner
    >surfing /b/, then sleeping
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:50:20 No.303397969
    >woke up
    >did op's mom
    >went to work
    >came back
    >did op's mom
    >did op's mom again
    >did op's mom
    >did op's mom
    >doing op's mom
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:51:31 No.303398247
         File1295491891.jpg-(7 KB, 252x200, fuck yeah.jpg)
    7 KB
    >woke up
    >smoked bowl
    >did 18 whip its
    >trolled 4chan
    >made toasted ravioli
    >smoked another bowl
    >made fajitas for dinner
    >trolled 4chan
    >tv &sleep

    Fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:51:50 No.303398329

    >reading your post
    >see the greentext
    >went to crew
    >i now know you are a faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:52:27 No.303398468
    >wake up
    >eat food
    >Go to college class at 8:00
    >get off at 10:30,hang out at school and study
    >anther class at 1:00 til 2:00
    >get home
    >browse /b/
    >play psobb
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:53:08 No.303398634
    here lemme fix that to show what actually happened

    >woke up
    >got high
    >hung out by self all day
    >got high again
    >went to bed sad
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:53:44 No.303398773
         File1295492024.jpg-(88 KB, 520x683, fuck bitches get money.jpg)
    88 KB
    > wake up
    > check facebook/ email
    > shower
    > breakfast
    > dress/ bus to school
    > class all day
    > bus home
    > /b/
    > get high
    > /b/
    > watch The Simpsons/ American Dad
    > sleep

    feels good man
    >> Fur fag 01/19/11(Wed)21:54:27 No.303398944
         File1295492067.jpg-(83 KB, 407x405, become-a-teacher-whip-your-pen(...).jpg)
    83 KB
    >woke up
    >went to school
    >came home
    >worked on my jeep
    >went to panda express
    >ate with family
    >browse internet
    >take shower
    >watch tv
    >> Josh 01/19/11(Wed)21:54:42 No.303398995
    >woke up
    >ate breakfast
    >walked to school
    >walked to pizza shop, got soda
    >walked to girlfriends house
    >took shots of jaquins
    >went home
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:55:14 No.303399117
    well not exactly. it was a snowday at my school so it was pretty much awesome
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:55:39 No.303399214
    >wake up
    >go to class
    >go to p.e.
    >eat lunch
    >more class
    >get home
    >watch t.v
    >eat dinner
    >do homework
    >browse /b/
    >go to bed
    >wash. rinse. repeat.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:56:03 No.303399290
    >woke up.
    >had lunch
    >wrote some more code for my android app
    >played tf2
    >had a smoke
    >gf came round
    >lit incense
    >had epic sex
    >ate burger king (chips only, i'm vegetarian)
    >received water balloon cannon in the mail
    >fucked shit up all over the neighbourhood all night
    >didn't sleep
    >get home
    >walk in the door
    >get on the floor
    >everyone walk the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:56:15 No.303399354

    this to the 'T' but with unemployment checks.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:56:33 No.303399440
    >wake up
    >open the door
    >mama gets scared
    >move in with the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:56:39 No.303399461
    >woke up
    >eat breakfast
    >more school

    >wake up
    >eat lunch
    >late dinner

    I really, really fucking hate myself.
    >> I'm me, that's right me 01/19/11(Wed)21:56:44 No.303399477
    >> 9734 9734 !kTp9734Rgo 01/19/11(Wed)21:56:52 No.303399517
    >wake up
    >bitch at car until it starts
    >get my work assignments for the day
    >go do them (if any)
    >come home
    >dump furry porn on b
    >dump furry porn on b
    >post in a thread that's not furry
    >dump furry porn on b
    >finally fap

    left out the unimportant stuff
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:57:12 No.303399620
    >woke up
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >drank a beer
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:57:40 No.303399737
    >wake up
    >ass hurts
    > watch tv
    > computer
    > sleep
    a circle...
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:57:56 No.303399794
    >woke up
    >lost the game
    >had breakfast
    >lost the game again
    >went to classes
    >lost the game again
    >came home
    >played rock band
    >considered an hero
    >lost the game again
    >lost the game again
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:58:46 No.303400022
    >woke up
    >woke up 30 minutes later
    >woke up 1 hour 30 minutes later
    >went to class
    >stared at hot girl's tits for an hour
    >ate lunch
    >orientation for school program
    >take train home
    >browse /b/
    >open thread about greentexting my life
    >start recounting my day
    >post about how i woke up three time
    >post about getting to school
    >post about those epic tits... oh god, they were beautiful.
    >submit post
    >an hero
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)21:58:53 No.303400054
         File1295492333.jpg-(89 KB, 407x405, 1282937178280.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:00:13 No.303400362
    >wake up
    >eat cheerios
    >go to kindergarden
    >play with billy the new kid
    >take billy home to continue playing

    yfw im a 65yo man
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:01:24 No.303400688
    >friend and ex-love of my life calls at 11.30, wakes me
    >ignore it
    >calls again
    >ignore it - she's calling to discuss her feelings on the fact her sister (also a very good friend) is having an abortion today. I am sick of having to deal with her since last time we fooled around (she's a mother of three and in a long term relationship - I'd loved her for 15 years)
    >finally get up, breakfast, 4chan, farcebook and text her "what's up"
    >bus to sign for social welfare, realise my phone is fucked, fix it and get a text "I can't get through to your phone"
    >walk to bank and put cash in
    >walk home
    >lunch and remix a tune from System Shock computer game
    >post it and others, music forum friends appreciative
    >text her again and she calls, listen to her go on about how fucked it all is, have no response as such
    >make dinner - a fish finger fucking sandwich (I'm dam,n hungry now, but can't be bothered)
    >decide to start another tune
    >decide to let my alcoholism get the better and buy booze just before the booze selling place closes
    >drink and work on music
    >knock on my balcony door
    >my ex (over 6 months ago) drops in to let me know she was in a mental institution for a month until Christmas and that she still wants me (haven't seen her since October)
    >share my bottle of wine with her
    >have a hard time getting rid of her
    >finally manage to
    >buy tobacco because she finished it on me
    >see a man eating a cornetto ice cream in the street in sub zero temperatures at 1am (highlight of the day in a way)
    >get back, get stuck into beers I was saving until ex left
    >implore my friend in another country to sort shit out so I can fuck off over there soon as possible

    Most eventful day so far this year. But, meh.- and I fapped at some point too.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:01:25 No.303400693
         File1295492485.jpg-(88 KB, 679x427, 1281472132846.jpg)
    88 KB
    >wake up
    >eat breakfast
    >drive to store
    >look for computer
    >buy it
    >use it
    >break it
    >fix it
    >trash it
    >change it
    >mail upgrade it
    >charge it
    >point it
    >zoom it
    >press it
    >snap it
    >work it
    >quick erase it
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:01:50 No.303400792
    >Woke up
    >Had breakfast
    >browsed interwebs
    >browsed interbutts
    >had dinner at restaurant with friend
    >watched film
    >came home
    >browsing interwebs
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:02:43 No.303401022
         File1295492563.jpg-(8 KB, 160x160, 1295156122591.jpg)
    8 KB
    >wake up
    >drive friend to work cuz he got a DUI
    >come home
    >look for apartments on craigslist
    >think of ways to fuck over ex girlfriend
    >contemplate suicide
    >dont eat anyting all day
    >dream about ex girlfriend
    >get to work constructing helium hood
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:03:37 No.303401203
    >go to school
    >chill on playground most of the time
    >Play basketball as well
    >Meet some thugs
    >Mom sends me to bel-air
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:03:49 No.303401262
    >shower and stuff
    >take public bus to class
    >more class
    >more class
    >shitty mcjob
    >get high

    >looonnggg mcjob
    >get high
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:03:51 No.303401270
         File1295492631.jpg-(64 KB, 400x398, fap-then-fap-more.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:04:09 No.303401335
    >Woke up
    >Went to Jazz band
    >Went to School
    >Went to class
    >Went to lunch
    >went to more class
    >went to more band
    >went to private lessons
    >came home
    >ate dinner
    >went to sleep
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:04:11 No.303401340
    >Woke up at 3pm
    >Feels bad man
    >Check regular websites
    >Have freezer meal for lunch
    >Lurk on internet til dinner
    >Have dinner
    >Play bass for an hour
    >Lurk on internet more and try and instigate going to the pub with my friend
    >Doesnt happen
    >Feels bad man
    >More internet
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:04:15 No.303401363
    >woke up
    >hate life
    >hate school
    >girl friend gets high
    >go to her house
    >watch movies
    >no sex
    >stop by work to get pay stub
    >an hero
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:04:25 No.303401407
    i lold
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:05:01 No.303401535
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:05:17 No.303401603
    >>woke up at 10
    >>Went on /b/
    >>Repeated Step Two
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:05:33 No.303401682
         File1295492733.png-(924 KB, 2100x4102, 1273560676177-2.png)
    924 KB
    >woke up
    >ate a pop tart
    >went to class at 1 until 2
    >went over to an office that bros of my major hang out at to do some homework until a meeting in that room
    >bros that are on my team for that meeting are in there we bro the fuck out while i'm doing homework
    >have the meeting at 4 until 5:30
    >come back to my on campus apartment
    >make some mac n cheese
    >play some L4D2
    >open the door
    >get on the floor
    >everrybody walk the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:06:28 No.303401870
    >wake up 8:00 p.m.
    >browse /b/ 2 hours
    >eat cheerios
    >browse /b/ 2 hours
    >make dinner
    >browse /b/ 2 hours
    >do dishes
    >check /b/ 30 minutes
    >sleep all day

    >captcha: apstrou statutory]
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:06:42 No.303401919
    >>Talk to to corporate
    >>Approve memos
    >>Lead a workshop
    >>Remember birthdays
    >>Direct workflow
    >>My own bathroom
    >>Promote Synergy
    >>Hit on Debra
    >>Get rejected
    >>Swallow sadness
    >>Send some faxes
    >>Call a sex line
    >>Cry deeply
    >>Demand a refund
    >>Eat a bagel
    >>Harrassment lawsuit
    >>No promotion
    >>Fifth of vodka
    >>Shit on Debra's desk
    >>Buy a gun
    >>In my mouth
    >>Pussy out
    >>Puke on Debra's desk
    >>Jump out the window
    >>Suck a dude's dick
    >>Score some coke
    >>Crash my car
    >>Suck my own dick
    >>Eat some chicken strips
    >>Chop my balls off
    >>Black out in the sewer
    >>Meet a giant fish
    >>Fuck its brains out
    >>Turn into a jet
    >>Bomb the Russians
    >>Crash into the sun
    >>Now I'm dead
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:06:49 No.303401943
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:06:56 No.303401980
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:07:22 No.303402072
    Be a fat american with retarded parents that are filled with resentment
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:07:25 No.303402084
    >woke up
    >did w/e the fuck I did on my computer
    >walked around the house aimlessly either talking to my dad or just walking around
    >did w/e the fuck I did on my computer
    >watched some TV shows
    >now I'm here
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:07:35 No.303402134
    >wake up
    >first class at 12
    >second class
    >to go lunch
    >gym to ball and lift
    >back home for dinner/movie
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:07:49 No.303402194
         File1295492869.gif-(205 KB, 180x135, 1295152428594.gif)
    205 KB
    >Open the door
    >Got on the floor
    >Walked the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:07:55 No.303402221
    >Implying I have a life.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:08:08 No.303402266

    If you mean 10:00 p.m.

    that sounds like my average day.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:08:19 No.303402303
         File1295492899.jpg-(187 KB, 500x375, month335.jpg)
    187 KB
    >woke up
    >wake girlfriend up
    >sit in car waiting on the het to get her ass moving
    >go to pill ladys house
    >buy 4 30's
    > take one drop mah lady off at work
    >took a transmision out of a 99 escort
    >more school
    >pick girlfriend up
    >get home take shower
    >took another pill
    >now I'm postan on /b/

    It was a good day.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:09:52 No.303402683
    >woke up
    >shitty breakfast
    >MI class
    >march back for lunch
    >more MI class
    >march back for dinner
    >march to company barracks
    >go back to room

    army AITfag here
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:10:11 No.303402741

    that's depressing as fuck but at least you got dubs
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:10:29 No.303402807
    lenny dies. spoiler
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:10:47 No.303402861
    >Born/raised in west Philadelphia
    >Spent most days on playground
    >Couple of guys were up to no good, making trouble in my neighborhood
    >Got in one fight and my mom got scared
    >Said I was "movin with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air"
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:11:04 No.303402932
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:12:12 No.303403206
         File1295493132.jpg-(47 KB, 437x427, mahbrainjusexplodid.jpg)
    47 KB
    Then who was post?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:13:14 No.303403464
    >woke up
    >jersey shore
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:13:28 No.303403510
    exactly what i did, but instead of CS, WoW, and some Fallout NV.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:13:40 No.303403571
    >Just a city boy
    >Born and raised in South Detroit
    >Took a midnight train going anywhere
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:14:06 No.303403676
    >stay up all night downloading music
    >sleep for an hour
    >go to school
    >bitch out former friend who unexpectedly went psycho on me a few days ago
    >take exam
    >no second exam, wander around town with friends avoiding makeup exam
    >friends go home
    >wander around alone
    >see teacher of makeup exam I'm missing in car, in grocery store parking lot
    >she sees me too
    >keep walking
    >get picked up, go home
    >eat lunch
    >fall asleep until 8
    >wake up
    >eat dinner
    >considering taking bath
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:14:13 No.303403705
    >lied to get a chick out of my bed
    >went back to sleep
    >went to material science
    >went to statics
    >stopped by work
    >took a shit
    >ate some cereal
    >took a nap
    >went to physics
    >went back to work to hang out
    >came home
    >grilled steak
    >differential equations homework
    >walked dog and talk to father on phone
    >on 4chan
    .....about to smoke some bud
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:14:23 No.303403740
    >Noticed the doubles, smirked

    It's fine really. I don't feel bad about it myself.
    Glad the story had an effect though.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:14:50 No.303403840
    >Woke up
    >Schools closed
    >Have breakfast
    >Play Black Ops for 3 hours
    >Take shower
    >Play Black Ops for 2 hours
    >Have lunch
    >Get on /b/
    >Fuck up CNN poll
    >Have dinner
    >Lurk /b/
    >Take shit
    >Get in bed
    >Here I am.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:15:24 No.303403953
    >wake up
    >come home
    >wake up in the middle of the night, eat
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:15:52 No.303404054
    >>implying you fapped
    >>fapped to you implying i fapped
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:16:14 No.303404138
    fat ass
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:16:15 No.303404145
    >woke up
    >gun jammed
    >died more inside
    >OD'd on pills
    >woke up in hospital
    >went back to sleep
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:16:38 No.303404230
    >woke up
    >so hung over
    >stare at ceiling for a few minutes
    >get up
    >decide not to brush teeth
    >decide not to shower
    >eat a few pieces of bread
    >drink a beer
    >look at the shitty writing from the night before
    >move onto liquor
    >piece missing from memory
    >wake up
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:17:33 No.303404417
    >woke up
    >took a shower
    >took calc midterm
    >trolled 4chan
    >made a sandwich
    >trolled 4chan
    >went to work
    >trolled 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:17:38 No.303404443
         File1295493458.jpg-(21 KB, 400x266, 1263137815635.jpg)
    21 KB
    your so cool and emo brah!

    wanna hang out w/ me and write poems in blood together?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:17:50 No.303404485
    >wake up
    >drive to school
    >sit at school taking exams for 2 hours
    >finish early, go home
    >take food to mom at work
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:18:33 No.303404663
    >woke up
    >browse /b/
    >fap again
    >continue browsing /b/
    >go to sleep
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:18:49 No.303404719
    >wake up
    >ocd the place up
    >go to work
    >smoke a shitload
    >get home
    >go to the pub
    >drink and smoke a shitload
    >sleep briefly
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:19:21 No.303404840

    do you have AIM? let's chat.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:19:24 No.303404850
    >wake up
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:19:28 No.303404862
    >wake up
    >fail a couple tests and mediocre classwork
    >contemplate an heroing
    >basketball with friends, do awful
    >hate my life, more contemplating suicide
    >internet connction is down because some spics cut the lines when fixing something down the street
    >can't get on Oblivion
    >forced to use Android no /b/ folder
    >depressed, /b/rowsing foreveralone etc
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:20:19 No.303405056
    >woke up
    >thought about going to class
    >other sites
    >eat an otter pop x 5
    >back to /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:20:37 No.303405136
         File1295493637.jpg-(8 KB, 240x250, 1278266447704s.jpg)
    8 KB
    >wake up
    >6 am
    >go to school
    >class at 7:30
    >see bros
    >go have breakfast at ihop
    >chill with bros
    >meet female friends
    >hang out
    >wait for my 3:00 pm class
    >have class
    >hate class
    >give bro a ride home
    >go home
    >take off pants
    >browse /b/
    >lose the game
    >you lost the game
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:20:45 No.303405174
    >woke up fucking early
    >went to work
    >deal with web servers, unix and shit all day
    >friend drove me home
    >turned off cellphone cuz of bitch being annoying as fuck
    >check fb and lurk /b/
    >turn on cellphone to call bitch and hear her complain how her life sucks and everyone hates her
    >be a hypocrite and tell her everything will be ok, etc
    >lurk moar
    >will eat dinner
    >will have a drink of jack daniel's and weed
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:20:54 No.303405209
    > Just saw my mum naked, fuchi
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:21:35 No.303405364
         File1295493695.jpg-(32 KB, 492x444, 1291860742512.jpg)
    32 KB
    >woke up
    >went to classes
    >finished homework
    >found out all classes are canceled tomorrow.
    >Got on /b/
    >saw thatotherfuckingcat.jpg
    >watched the Colbert and Daily Show that I missed last night
    >Played little big planet and bioshock with my roomate
    >got back on /b/
    >saw this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:21:37 No.303405371
    >Wake up
    >Lay in bed for 10 minutes
    >Get dressed
    >Lounge around watch tv for a bit
    >Try to start truck
    >Piece of shit won't turn over
    >Steal grandparent's truck
    >Go to school
    >Pick up schedule for new semester
    >Fuck around all day
    >Go home
    >Browse /b/
    >Take a nap
    >Wake up
    >Eat Dinner
    >Play Nazi Zombies with friends
    >Go to bed
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:21:44 No.303405397
    ITT: underage b&. Also wtf new cpatcha,
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:22:00 No.303405445
    >woke up
    >arrived in Cozumel on cruise ship
    >went to No Name Bar with a few 20-something dancers
    >sat next to pool getting drunk while installing a Solaris VM session on my MacBook Pro
    >went back to ship
    >played with girlfriend's tittays
    >cruised /b/

    I have to say it was a good day.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:22:12 No.303405495
    >Woke up
    >Tech support
    >Tech support

    Repeat every day for 5 years.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:22:55 No.303405640
    >wake up at 5pm
    >restart RSBot
    >Find food
    >Go to bed at 7am

    My life is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:23:04 No.303405673
    >Woke up
    >Showered, shaved
    >went to class
    >talk to girls I'm into because not a total beta
    >went back to apartment
    >epic shit
    >ate lupper
    >went to work
    >hit on female coworkers / bro with male coworkers
    >got back from work
    >browsing 4chan before bed
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:23:30 No.303405767
    >3am wakeup
    >drive like i stole it 120ks to work, drink/darbz all the way
    >hop on jetboat
    >steam 20nm out, drink/darbz all the way
    >start pulling pots
    >work like a nigger
    >steam 20nm back in drink/darbz all the way
    >drive like i stole it120kms home
    >stop at bakery on the way back
    >chick serving me smiles
    >she wants to fuck

    >get up do it all again tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:23:42 No.303405816
    >woke up
    >ate waffles
    >took a shit
    >played xbox
    >ate shitty dinner
    >trolled omegle
    >here I am browsing /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:23:48 No.303405844
    > Woke Up
    > Went to 8:30 film class
    > Went home to get ready for work
    > Went to work
    > Came home from work
    > Got drunk and high
    > Browsed 4Chan
    > Owned at TF2
    > 9:30am Film Class tomorrow .'. Sleep
    > Fap
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:24:02 No.303405898

    i jelly
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:24:55 No.303406096
         File1295493895.jpg-(53 KB, 733x533, 1285368810901.jpg)
    53 KB
    >woke up to find the heat isn't working
    >go to sleep
    >woke up to bitching
    >went back to sleep
    >Woke up to complaining
    >Ate some Cereal
    >Took a shower
    >Went to the skatepark
    >Went to my friends
    >came home
    >Fixed the heat
    >Fed my Cat and Dog
    >About to lurk and get drunk.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:25:01 No.303406121
    OH HELL YEAH! CREW! What do you usually row?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:26:01 No.303406347
    Don't have AIM.
    Not too keen on putting out any contact info on here either.

    Would like to maybe.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:26:20 No.303406411
    >pissed in toilet
    >made coffee in french press
    >drank coffee
    >walked to school in - 40*C
    >went to class early
    >played monster hunter Freedom Unite
    >wrote test, got 72%
    >sat in lounge area playing MHFU for 5 hours with friends
    >went to class
    >accidently the whole project instead of doing it over 2 weeks
    >came home and fapped
    >made dinner
    >im now eating dinnger, playing MHFU
    > Fapping in 1 hour
    >Wake up and do it all again tommorrow
    ▲ ▲
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:26:26 No.303406439
    >woke up
    >go to college
    >hang with friends
    >make out with gf
    >hang with friends more
    >go to class
    >hang with friends more
    >make out with gf more
    >hang with friends and eat lunch
    >more class
    >hang with friends
    >make out with gf
    >hang with friends
    >go home
    >go to 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:26:45 No.303406519

    runefag here
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:26:46 No.303406524
    >woke up
    >internets for 2 hours
    >ate lunch
    >took shower
    >took shit
    >donated blood
    >came home
    >internets again for 2 hours
    >ate dinner
    >watched titanic on tv
    >/b/ and fap
    >shower again
    >fap again
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:27:07 No.303406618

    :( ok later, david davidson.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:27:09 No.303406626
    >Woke up
    >Went to school
    >Had a big ass coffee
    >Bought condoms
    >Saw my girlfriend
    >Hung out with some buddies
    >Ate dinner
    >Fable 3
    >NBA 2k11
    >Watched DVRed Tosh.0
    >Got into bed
    >Watched That 70s Show

    All I got so far
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:28:20 No.303406885
    >woke up
    >went to class
    >class from 7-1
    >eat lunch
    >come home
    >play WoW for an hour
    >browse /b/ til 7
    >Go to friends room to use his printer
    >his printer is broken
    >call classmate to print a thing out for me
    >talk to him about his single room mate and hooking me up with her
    >go back to room
    >browse /b/ for two more hours
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:29:03 No.303407046

    Yeah I been botting Fletching for like 12h/day now... should be 85 in a few more hours...
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:29:57 No.303407245
    >woke up
    >drink water
    >put some girls underwear
    >put some boy clothes on
    >brush my hear
    >watch me in the mirror
    >drink cola, eat something
    >make my bag
    >cry more
    >wonder if i'll be able to don't cry when I'm in school
    >look at time
    >it's time I should go
    >don't go
    >stay at home, cry in the bed for the whole day
    >go out at 4h A.M because I want to walk but I don't want to see anyone
    >repeat until a day I feel a little happy and go to school and try to avoid anyone and go to cry in toilets and talk on the phone to my friends and mother who thought I killed myself for not answering the phone for 5 days and lie a lot about how I feel and what is happening and who I am

    Your life is fucked but mine is worst
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:30:44 No.303407410

    i bought a maxed account for christmas from a goldfarming company the original owner stole it back am filing fraud report on western union by the end of the week. fuck the chinese
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:31:09 No.303407494

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:32:14 No.303407725

    >> Pink Cigar !!thaFdOM8E2c 01/19/11(Wed)22:33:01 No.303407882
    XKCD is for hypercunts and ultratwats
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:33:20 No.303407961
         File1295494400.jpg-(65 KB, 604x453, 1284956802423.jpg)
    65 KB

    negrant farm worker go to college@!

    pic 100% unrelated
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:33:25 No.303407982
    I love you too
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:33:34 No.303408012
    : ( David Davidson.

    /join #stoopid irc dal net
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:33:46 No.303408050
    >wake up
    >take little sister to school
    >eat breakfast
    >play WoW
    >walk dog at park
    >go to school
    >go to gym
    >eat dinner with friends at school
    >come home
    >browse /b/
    >> Anon !!QFaiyIc6Ayn 01/19/11(Wed)22:34:03 No.303408103

    Dude, I read, "Of Mice and Men", in like the 8th grade....
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:34:12 No.303408134
    >wake up
    >go to school
    >blunt for lunch
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:35:49 No.303408444
    >woke up
    >goodbye to girlfriend
    >get dressed
    >start watching day of the dead
    >brother/business partner comes over
    >prepare for meeting
    >lunch meeting
    >secure 10k brand identity job
    >celebrate with a drink
    >back to apartment
    >get financial aid response, getting extra 3k for whatever this semester
    >research new tvs
    >research engagement rings
    >girlfriend comes home from school
    >friend comes over
    >order sushi
    >watch rest of day of the dead
    >eat sushi
    >watch television
    >fuck around on youtube
    >friend leaves
    >do some work for a client
    >browse 4chan
    >future - sex, sleep
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:36:44 No.303408632
    >Woke up
    >Quick shower to clean fap
    >Went to dinner with some friends
    >Ceremonial Event
    >Came home
    >Posted in thread
    >About to go to bed
    >> TheWiseOne !Wise1AXIvI 01/19/11(Wed)22:39:45 No.303409271
         File1295494785.jpg-(25 KB, 400x400, 1276390758135.jpg)
    25 KB
    >woke up
    >went to school
    >had break on the playground
    >where i spent mosta my days
    >went to class again
    >started shootin some b-ball outside of school
    >When a couple o' guys who were up to no good started makin' trouble in my neighbourhood,
    >got into a fight
    >mom got scared
    >needed to get home
    >whistled for a cab and when i came near, The license plate said 'Fresh', And had dice in the mirror,

    >I pulled up to the house at bout seven or eight,
    >I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo home, smell ya later!'
    >I looked at my kingdom,
    >I was finally there!
    >To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:40:54 No.303409513
    >post on /b/
    >get trips
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:41:44 No.303409692
    >wake up
    >call girlfriend
    >smoke bowl
    >go to school
    >drink whiskey in comp sci
    >go to lunch
    >smoke bowl
    >smoke cigarette
    >come home
    >talk to gf on facebook
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:42:00 No.303409744

    >woke up
    >still hate myself
    >still hate myself throughout the day
    >still hate myself after I just swallowed 40 sleeping pills a minute ago
    >still will hate myself when Iose the ability to type and they find my corpse, passed out on the keyboard, with 4chan open
    >> Glassberg Never 01/19/11(Wed)22:42:04 No.303409769
    >Woke up
    >brother gets home from work
    >play vidya
    >smoke weed
    >write this
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:42:27 No.303409860
    >Woke up
    >Contemplated not going to class do to illness
    >Decided against it, went to get cough drops
    >More class
    >Went home
    >Went online
    >Bed soon
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:42:31 No.303409871
    fuck you green text
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:43:22 No.303410066

    i think i did? installed mirc and i joined what i think is #stoopid irc dal net but no dice.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:44:39 No.303410362
    >wake up 6:00
    >run till 7:00
    >get ready to go to school
    >go to school
    >learn absolutely nothing
    >school ends
    >forget pads
    >have to go back to my house
    >15 minutes late to practice
    >average practice
    >rest for an hour
    >go workout
    >eat dinner
    >browse 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:44:45 No.303410386
    Normal day:

    >wake up
    >go to school
    >fap at lunch
    >go home
    >check facebook
    >browse 4chan
    >drink 3 cups of coffee at midnight
    >fap 3x harder
    >drink and get high
    >wake up in night and fap
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:44:53 No.303410415
    >WAKE UP

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:45:21 No.303410520
         File1295495121.jpg-(106 KB, 300x400, 1284250842878.jpg)
    106 KB
    >woke up
    >got dressed 7 minutes before school starts
    >wife comes to pick me up
    >on our way to school
    >both feel like shit
    >decide to cut 1st period
    >question life, while at mc donalds at 7:20 am
    >realize we have to go to class
    >go to school, be depressed and suicidal till math (5th)
    >see her during 6th, get a kiss and hug made me feel better
    >school bullshit till whenever
    >get home
    >play nazi zombies with bro till 4
    >wife comes over, unexpected visit = :)
    >we do shit
    >she leaves
    >sleep for a few hours wearing her pants and nothing else = I came
    >wake up to dysfunctional family fighting and slamming doors cursing at each other
    >I call her
    >makes me feel better
    >makes me feel better
    >...makes me feel better

    Listen /b/, if I can find a fucking lover thats as weird as I am, you can too anon. I didn't think true love was possible but honestly it is, it happened to me in the past 2 months. I was ready to an hero but then I met her /b/. She posted on my wall randomly, out of fucking nowhere and we hit it off. We hung out. We eventually hang out at her house while no ones home at night > we cuddle and kiss the night away. We realize we're perfect for each other.

    I have faith in you /b/.
    Go out and meet her. Shes my life now.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:46:11 No.303410702
    >woke up around 3 PM
    >went on 4chan
    >worked out
    >watched doctor who
    >went to staples
    >went grocery shopping
    >ate too much
    >got sick
    >went on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:46:43 No.303410821
    >Wake Up
    >See couples
    >Think about how forever alone you are
    >Get Home
    >Play xbox
    >Still Foreveralone
    >Get on /b/
    >Feel less foreveralone
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:46:48 No.303410838

    Biggest pussy ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:47:27 No.303410983

    >implying we all want a fat, acne covered, cow as a girlfriend.

    nuff said mfw
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:47:50 No.303411076
    >2pm wake up
    >stay in bed browsing till 4ish
    >do some coursework
    >browsing in bed again
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:48:20 No.303411189
    so in all these replies, only four of you got laid today. thats some baaaad odds. 4chan ftw? naa, ftl
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:48:24 No.303411200

    >talk about class periods

    are you married in high school?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:48:38 No.303411264
         File1295495318.jpg-(38 KB, 600x450, 1254000075495.jpg)
    38 KB
    >>303410821 perfectly describes life, /thread
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:48:47 No.303411285
         File1295495327.png-(183 KB, 757x409, 1294920872718.png)
    183 KB
    >wake up
    >drink alcohol
    >clean self
    >browse internet
    >> TheWiseOne !Wise1AXIvI 01/19/11(Wed)22:48:55 No.303411318
    This entire fucking post confused the shit out of me.

    Surely by "wife" you mean "girlfriend".
    And by "girlfriend" you mean hand.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:48:59 No.303411333
    >wake up
    >class is canceled due to weather
    >go to local hobby gaming store
    >play games
    >go home for paint brushes
    >go back to store
    >play moar games
    >go to burger king
    >get veggie burger, fries, dr. pepper
    >go back to gaming store
    >eat burger king
    >play moar games
    >go home
    >lurk 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:49:01 No.303411344
    >woke uo
    >drove to school
    >took one exam
    >drove home
    >watched videos of minecraft on youtube
    >pirated minecraft
    >was supposed to work today, instead played minecraft literally all day
    >browse 4chan in between doing push ups
    >didnt eat dinner or shower yet, its 11pm
    >still have to study for exam

    fuck procrastination, seriously
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:49:11 No.303411385
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:49:21 No.303411417
    >Woke up
    >Went to class
    >Went to moar class
    >Drove home in the snow
    >Got cock-blocked by the snow since my car won't start and my girlfriend doesn't drive
    >Studied for like 20 minutes
    >Want to go buy weed now, but my car still won't start
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:49:23 No.303411430
    >open the door
    >get on the floor
    >everybody walks the dinosuar
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:49:59 No.303411558
    >woke up
    >go to bed
    >> lolz Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:50:02 No.303411566
    >wake up late
    >sleep in untill bus comes
    >rush to get cloths
    >dont do shit in school
    >go home
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:50:04 No.303411571
    >Wake up
    >Boyfriend is using me to get rid of his morning wood
    >Climax violently
    >Be ejaculated inside
    >Make a sandwich
    >Be tickled
    >Chat and cuddle
    >Say goodbye and he leaves for college
    >Read Kant's "Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime"
    >Check Facebook
    >Take care of my little brother
    >Bid him farewell
    >Boyfriend returns
    >Chat and cuddle, eat biscuits
    >Four orgasms, no climax
    >Be ejaculated in
    >Cook steak in red wine gravy and gratin potatoes with assorted vegetables
    >Lie awhile, chat, listen to Audioslave
    >Have a few joints
    >Drink Fischers (of Hell)
    >Cuddle until he falls asleep
    >Masturbate to bestiality
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:50:07 No.303411581
    K, what's her name?
    I mean, if you want us to meet her so badly...
    Maybe I could meet her in a park and then park meat in her.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:50:22 No.303411625
    >wake up
    >get dressed
    >die in P.E.
    >die in global studies or ela
    >have fun in creative writing
    >die in science
    >go home
    >make snack
    >read or watch tv
    >> Mr Kroot !xZzs9fJ31A 01/19/11(Wed)22:50:44 No.303411712
    >Throw on old clothes
    >Begin sanding a shed roof
    >Buy 2 cans of spray primer.
    >They are not enough
    >Eat some pasta leftovers
    >Begin primering with brush
    >Fall off roof
    >Finish primering
    >Too dark to continue
    >Eat some Toast
    >Drink some Rum.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:51:18 No.303411829
    Fucking excellent.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:51:31 No.303411879

    >four orgasms, no climax

    >> TheWiseOne !Wise1AXIvI 01/19/11(Wed)22:51:35 No.303411895
    I don't believe this is a real person.
    If you are, you are truly a /b/tards perfect woman.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:51:43 No.303411927
    >Wake up at 5 a.m.
    >Take bus to school at 5:30, arrive at 7:30
    >School is fucking A
    >Come back, have lunch outside, go to work
    >Paid intern, motherfucking awesome at Itaipu (Greatest hydroeletric powerplant and shit)
    >Go back home, talk to the neighboor watching the sunset
    >Have dinner
    >Sleep midnight

    My life is awesome right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:52:35 No.303412112
         File1295495555.jpg-(7 KB, 251x227, cereal guy.jpg)
    7 KB
    >less than minimum wage
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:52:49 No.303412160
    >woke up
    >fapped in sister's panties
    >ate food
    >read books
    >came on /b/
    >posted about it
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:53:13 No.303412239
    >woke up at 4pm
    >played WoW

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:53:20 No.303412262
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:53:35 No.303412317
    >Wake Up
    >Teacher gives you shit about going nowhere in life
    >Since America is based on freedom, it is illegal to say anything to defend yourself
    >In School Suspension
    >Get Home
    >Bitched at
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:53:44 No.303412354
    >woke up
    >smoke/sell weed
    >smoke/sell weed
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:53:57 No.303412403
    Aren't orgasms and climaxes the same thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:54:05 No.303412432
         File1295495645.jpg-(22 KB, 334x500, 1293399981778.jpg)
    22 KB
    >wake up
    >reading group for class
    >get back to my dorm for the first time since leaving at 9am
    >browse 4chan
    >post this
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:54:08 No.303412449
    >woke up
    >went to school
    >went to 14 year old girls house
    >girl made me a sandwhich and kool aid
    >got head while watching superbad from a 14 year old girl
    >came home
    >ate pizza
    >taking shit
    >browsing /b/ while taking said shit
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:54:56 No.303412623
    >Grow up in West Philadelphia
    >Hang out at playground
    >Play basketball with niggers
    >Doubleniggers start a fight
    >Mom says "Go live with your aunt and uncle"
    >Get in cab, go to house
    >become prince of Nigeria
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:54:58 No.303412630
    Since when are there 12 year old Anons?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:55:07 No.303412676
    gb2 >>>/r9k/
    oh wait
    you can't
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:55:13 No.303412694
    There's a distinction, for me at least. Orgasms are really nice, pleasurable feelings which can lead to a climax. Or just fizzle out, if I'm not hit in the right places.

    I'm really lucky I found somebody who likes me, I have some fucking weird, annoying attributes (see aforementioned fetish).
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:55:15 No.303412707
    >wake up
    >get gas
    >have a nice sesh with buds
    >burn out at home
    >watch blow
    >play cod

    that's how today went for me
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:55:17 No.303412714
    >woke up, get call from boyfriend
    >talk, plan day
    >do chores, talking to him in between
    >go to his house
    >hang out, have supper together
    >have sex
    >hang out more
    >come home
    >lurk 4chan
    >get ready for school tomorrow
    >lurk moar
    >lying in bed right now
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:55:18 No.303412716
    >wake up (in the mornin)
    >feel like p diddy
    >grab my glasses
    >out the door
    >i'm gonna HITHISITY
    >befo4 i leev
    >brush my teeewitha bottlajack
    >cuzwen i leeffor the nigh
    >i ain cumminback!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:56:01 No.303412878
    >wake up
    >missed college
    >go to get tattoo
    >too late to get it done they close in 1/2 hour
    >get home
    >go on 4chan
    >spend evening going over old pictures with ex
    >miss everything about the past 3 years
    >crying into framed photo i still have of us she doesn't know about
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:56:02 No.303412881
    > staid up all night yesterday till school
    > went to class
    > went to lunch
    > went home
    > Slept till 9PM
    > woke up
    > ate dinner
    > watched this
    > Played counter strike
    > Now im bored and here on /b/ lulz have not been had for over 9000 years (I cry myself to sleep)
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:56:27 No.303412971
    already? and you're still on /b/? let it go, man.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:56:41 No.303413034
    >wake up
    >drink coffee
    >get on the bus
    >go to school
    >have class
    >have class
    >have class
    >have lunch
    >have class
    >have class
    >have class
    >have class
    >have class
    >get little brother off the bus
    >go on /b/
    >do homework
    >go on /b/
    >> Aubrey Plaza 01/19/11(Wed)22:57:08 No.303413142
    >Wake up
    >Go to class
    >Get McDonalds
    >Go Home
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:57:09 No.303413148
    what kind of tattoo?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:57:09 No.303413150
         File1295495829.png-(215 KB, 400x400, 1295048602389.png)
    215 KB
    >Stay up til 1 talking to my friend who has rejected all romantic advances.
    >Wake at 7 for school
    >Go to school
    >Sleep through my first class
    >2nd and 3rd classes
    >Smoke weed with a friend and his wife
    >Back to school
    >4th and final class
    >Talking to her again :(
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:57:24 No.303413201
    You're still absolutely amazing. What are your measurements, and what do you look like, so I can fap over you.

    I mean, what are you doing reading Kant? Are you in college? What age are you? I need to know these things.

    >Wake up
    >go to feed fish
    >fish are dead
    >fap and browse 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:57:33 No.303413231
    >woke up
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:57:49 No.303413294
    >wake up at noon
    >make two eggs
    >wash face, do makeup, straighten hair
    >say hi to boyfriend
    >begin errands
    >try to find village offices. fail because they're on some back street in the middle of fucking nowhere.
    >go to dentist for the sole purpose of paying the dentist.
    >go to the mall.
    >victoria's secret does not have flannel pants anymore.
    >buy mom a b-day card and boyfriend a v-day card and some of his favorite candy as part of the gift.
    >buy mom seven things of soap since it's on sale anyway.
    >drive back to fayetteville.
    >locate village offices. re-license dog
    >successful errands. drive home.
    >take my now-legal dog on a two mile walk
    >make tea.
    >watch the benchwarmers
    >eat dinner with parents.
    >fight with boyfriend about stupid shit.
    >watch awful tv shows
    >boyfriend reads online diary he convinced me to keep.
    >found out i bought him a present.
    >he's no longer mad. fight is over.
    >browse 4chan.

    my life is boring. D:
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:58:16 No.303413411
         File1295495896.jpg-(53 KB, 507x889, finished heartagram.jpg)
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    inb4 hurr durr him sucks derp u suck dicks
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:58:56 No.303413550
    >Wake up at 7am.
    >Went to college.
    >Went to class.
    >Went back home for a couple hours.
    >Ate lunch
    >Went back to college.
    >Went back for last class.
    >Came back home
    >Passed the fuck out for 5 hours.
    >Wake up
    >Browse the internet
    >Eat dinner
    >Browse internet
    >Talk to a few friends
    >Browse Internet
    >Pass the fuck out at 3am.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:58:56 No.303413554
    >woke up
    >fucking annoying kids
    >vydia time
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:58:56 No.303413555
    >wake the fuck up
    >go do stuff
    >wait to go the fuck to sleep
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:58:58 No.303413569
    >get woke up by vomiting childspawn at 4am
    >clean and help said spawn
    >sleep til 6
    >get up feed, dress and get spawn ready for school
    >get dressed and leave with spawn to school and work
    >spawn shits pants
    >call into work and schedule a walk in at the dr
    > get kid meds
    >go into work at 12
    >get off work and start drinking while making dinner
    >drunk here now.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:58:59 No.303413570
    fuckin stalker

    is there anyway of tracking down this chick to see if she's real?
    >> TheWiseOne !Wise1AXIvI 01/19/11(Wed)22:59:17 No.303413637
    Well, you'd be a perfect match for me.

    I know that's not saying much.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:59:19 No.303413651
    personally wouldn't get it, but to each his own
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)22:59:38 No.303413715
    >woke up
    >smoked weed
    >ate cereal
    >worked out
    >came home
    >smoked more weed
    >played wow
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:00:48 No.303413974
    ITT a bunch of underage faggots that need to be banned
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:01:11 No.303414051
    >wake up
    >have sex
    >have sex
    >have sex

    U mad fags?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:01:15 No.303414067
    >>wake up
    >>i'm 12
    >>wat is this
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:01:28 No.303414111
    >wake up
    >go back to sleep
    >really wake up
    notice a pattern?
    >come home
    >make GF supper (she works long than me and gets paid more so I cook)
    >inb4 faggot
    >fuck gf
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:01:37 No.303414150
    >woke up
    >start coffee
    >drink coffee
    >brush teeth off to school
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:02:32 No.303414350

    ITT basement troll who is jealous of the kids who actually did stuff with their adolescant life while said troll lurked /b/ and fapped to women who wouldnt even look at him
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:03:02 No.303414471
    >wake up
    >math class
    >do homework
    >read books/take notes/study
    >browse /b/
    >take more notes
    >text gf
    >browse /b/
    >listen to music
    >play LoL
    >browse /b/
    >watch movie
    >bed soon

    just grinding it out another day, waiting for weekend to fuck gf
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:03:15 No.303414520
    >woke up 7am
    >uni till 4 pm
    >study till 7pm @ uni
    >come home can chan till 9pm
    >study till 1am
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:03:28 No.303414570
         File1295496208.jpg-(385 KB, 900x912, Sylvanas_windrunner_by_yy6242.jpg)
    385 KB
    >stood around in Undercity
    >gave quests to lowbies
    >told people "there is no end to this torment"
    >broke some ice walls with my bow and arrow
    >called some NPCs pathetic
    >wiped an alliance raid
    >stood around some more
    >bounced up and down for old times sake
    >still standing around
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:04:14 No.303414747
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:05:55 No.303415115
    >>Wake up
    >>Go to school
    >>Work on exam reviews
    >>Come home
    >>Spend six hours doing homework
    >>Feel like a boss after done, reward by minecrafting
    >>Four way with friends while on minecraft server with them
    >>Cheat and and get TNT, blow the fuck outta each other
    >>Get on phone with one friend
    >>Ignore him while he talks about stats on OS's, at the same time browsing /b/ and typing.
    >>Get pissed off with captha
    >> lebal 01/19/11(Wed)23:06:37 No.303415269
    >wake up
    >lunch, tries to ask out best friend but pussies out
    >rest of school
    >go home
    >gmod with a few friends for an hour or 2
    >runescape for 1.5 hours
    >random songs on youtube
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:07:13 No.303415414
    This is what I do most everyday:

    >wake up
    >MOAR school
    >get home parents bitch at me
    >a little 4chan here and there
    >>might work out
    >go to bed
    >fap in bed leave cum on sheets (I don't give a fuck)

    Only time I talk to people besides family is at school. I really don't like my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:07:21 No.303415444
         File1295496441.jpg-(45 KB, 170x197, 1285689376121.jpg)
    45 KB
    >Summer holidays
    >Wake up
    >Watch House, brekfast
    > Go out sort out youth allowance
    >Come home browse net
    >African-American Operations
    >Going to a show later
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:08:38 No.303415698
         File1295496518.jpg-(33 KB, 293x293, 88697646492[1].jpg)
    33 KB
    >lishing to Ke$sha
    >fuck knows why
    >get to track 11
    >everybody get on the floor
    >do the dinosaur

    >with ke$ha?

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:09:10 No.303415812
         File1295496550.jpg-(19 KB, 400x354, 1287211626002.jpg)
    19 KB
    >forget gloves
    >-3 outside

    mfw i dont wear gloves in -40
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:10:13 No.303416045
    >woke up
    >took a shower
    >went to school
    >fuckton of tests
    >came home
    >played some goddamn happy wheels
    >smoked a few bowls
    >took a nap
    >ate dinner
    >walked dog
    >talked to my wench
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:10:49 No.303416184
    >wake up
    >get a call from president, ninjas kidnapped the pentagon
    >"sons of bitches"
    >put on sunglasses
    >run full speed to the pentagon, fuck bitches on the way
    >sure enough it's gone
    >find fat ninja at the scene
    >hoist him by the throat, use mind reading powers
    >secret ninja base is on pier no.9
    >get to warehouse
    >open the door
    >get on the floor
    >everybody walk the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)23:10:49 No.303416189
         File1295496649.jpg-(5 KB, 120x120, 1287211683478.jpg)
    5 KB
    >summer break....

    you must be......... FUCKING AUSSIE FAG

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