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    File : 1295460656.jpg-(223 KB, 800x800, 1295441561065.jpg)
    223 KB Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:10:56 No.303295041  
    So /b/ it has finally come to this.

    I have nothing more to live for, and ive been planning on an hero for a long time now, but a week ago i read something in the style with "you suicidal? the world is your yoster."

    It means, i dont have anything to live for, no purpose, no dreams.

    What has also been on my mind for a few years, is how to the most effectivley get rid of every living human.

    I once saw a picture of an overgrown airport with trees and shit, it was so beautiful, it was as if the world had finally healed while we were gone. I dream of a world without human.

    No more humans.

    I dont love the world, i'm not a veganfag, i dont even like cats, but we human are the most abominable thing to have ever descended upon earth, we are tearing this master piece of life apart, and for that, sincerly, fuck you mankind.

    So, to get to the point. I want to eradicate the human specie from the world.

    What rights do we have to claim ownership on it? None. We fight, we leak oil, destroy oceans, we fuck things up. We invent religion and belive in some koko light in the sky, i fucking despice religion, its like cancerx9000.

    My chances of becoming a dictator are small, tiny at best. not gunna happen.

    I have been thinking of starting a war somehow, if i only were funded i could fix a few bombs, make chilna/russia/usa/NKorea hate on eachother, or how about doing like in the picture? came to think about it today..
    If that would happen all muslims everywhere would send white people to concentration camps, shoot us, mass murder, they would go berserk... on the other hand i dont want to leave the planet for the sandniggers...

    Push me in the right direction /b/ give me a reason to live, inspire me, help me destroy you.

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:11:52 No.303295153
    Fuck with the monetary system, blow up banks
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:12:26 No.303295251
    Your picture. Do it, also let the passengers go. do it yourself, claim to have a hostage so they don't shoot you down.

    Leave a note saying your an extremist american
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:12:27 No.303295254
    OP, just do what your pic shows. I'm dead serious: I'll beg you to do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:12:43 No.303295292
    do what is depicted in your photo.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:13:50 No.303295435

    you posted a picture which i feel would be a good goodbye for you. you seem to have shit figured out. good job. enjoy dying.
    >> ­­ 01/19/11(Wed)13:14:10 No.303295472
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    you are now looking at a bird drinking from a pond.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:14:16 No.303295481
    yes, nuke that fucking rock!

    if you do that, I will raise a statue for you, in gold, or copper and burn qurans as a piece of offering
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:14:55 No.303295557
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:15:00 No.303295571

    Then there is only one problem.

    where do i get a jumbo jet. who will sponsor me?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:15:44 No.303295657

    OP I agree. This planet would be better without us.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:16:12 No.303295712
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:16:20 No.303295732
    hijack moron
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:16:24 No.303295746
    > I once saw a picture of an overgrown airport with trees and shit, it was so beautiful, it was as if the world had finally healed while we were gone. I dream of a world without human.

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:16:30 No.303295761
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:17:22 No.303295882
    you have to do what they did on 9/11, hijack a jet right after takeoff from Mecca airport.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:17:55 No.303295965

    Yeah because thats easy.

    I would gladly sit in the plane and drive it, but i gotta get there first, i'm dead serious about this thread, hook me up with some people capable of fixing me a plane and that rock is going Down.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:18:10 No.303296003
    If you really are dead fucking serious, if you could break into one of the nuclear silos and launch a missile, that could trigger a nuclear war.

    I have no fucking idea how you could pull it off though, I know nothing about their systems.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:18:39 No.303296077
    What a pathetic waste of a life.

    You aren't happy with your life therefor you want to kill a bunch of people.

    Then not only are you a fucktard in that sense but then you are too lazy to even work at that goal.

    Seriously, grow the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:19:04 No.303296141
    >> ­Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:19:13 No.303296166
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:19:20 No.303296194
    how about you take one of my single engine planes with one "hostage" or real hostage, load it with explosives?

    you don't need to follow in 9/11 heavily guarded footsteps.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:19:46 No.303296262

    Neither do i, and thats not an easy thing to do...
    I would need some sort of organized team and ALOT of money to even get close to that, not to mention a small army to get past the fucking guards.

    be more realistic please.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:19:58 No.303296292
    Do the thing in your picture. It would get rid of the worst religion of the bunch and you'd be remembered forever as a hero in 4chan. Also let the passengers off before ramming into the cube.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:20:13 No.303296347
    newfag spotted, he's shown himself, destroy.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:21:00 No.303296485
    or, to get the message across. Suicide bomb your local mosque.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:21:09 No.303296509
    no, fuck you.

    even if this doesn't end the human race, he'll still instill some sort of awakening into humanity if he wanted to with such a drastic, powerful action
    >> ‮ suomynonA‬ 01/19/11(Wed)13:21:35 No.303296586
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:22:02 No.303296651
    >implying snadniggers could imprison white people or anyone else for that matter
    Mecca is what is believed by muslims to be the point on earth where heaven and earth meet and where muhammed ascended to heaven or some shit....but taking that out would cause quite the opposite reaction to what you believe, most i think would commit suicide or become so mentally unstable because all they knew to be true would be proven false or weak, this would ensure war yes but also the collapse of the religion itself you would be doing the world a favor
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:22:37 No.303296753

    Actually I'm not joking. Those things aren't as secured as people think. Hell I remember hearing from a friend they had a silo in the middle of a farmfield and they only had a single guard and some fencing guarding it.

    Also I know they are operated by two men that each have a key to open a safe to get the launch code.

    I know back before the 1970s they were all just zeros because the Air Force was too fucking lazy to set codes.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:23:24 No.303296876
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:23:25 No.303296881
    O yeah sure her will. Just like the people behind 9/11, Timothy McVeigh, Hitler, etc etc etc.

    The world sure is a much better place after these guys went on their killing sprees right?

    Seriously, grow the fuck up. Only hormone raging teens and pathetic emo excuses for adults think this way.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:23:33 No.303296912

    They will obviously want revenge, so if he states that hes an extremist american or russian, BAM BAYBEE.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:23:34 No.303296914
    1 spend entire life building nuke
    2 bomb china
    3 ???
    4 1/4 SUCESS PROFIT!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:23:35 No.303296918
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    so where are you exactly OP?

    also, you don't need a big fucker like they used.
    take a smaller airplane and just launch it right into that stone.

    I even made a flightplan for you

    jsut promiss me, when you go down, scream:
    For the Emperor!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:24:13 No.303297045
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    Read this OP
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:24:54 No.303297129
    And why would an inferior human such as yourself, not even equipped with the most basic of natural instincts - self-preservation - be suited to pass that kind of judgement? You are more flawed than the average human you despise so much. Instead of inflicting damage upon nature's creation, you should rid nature of the plague that is you.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:25:17 No.303297199
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    Everything that starts with a lowercase i in OP post is something he either does not believe or is a blantant lie.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:25:20 No.303297210
    Stop asking for money. It's not going to happen. If you want help, ideas, organization, all of that you will find. Funding, you will not. Not unless you have friends in an extremest organization.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:25:42 No.303297269
    I dislike a lot of humanity as well, but fuck you OP. You don't deserve to take another life, just do everyone else a favor and end your own. Nobody gives a fuck, you're not special, and you'll never achieve in destroying humanity. Oh also, life isn't that hard. Maybe if you hit the gym instead of the cheeseburgers every now and then, took regular showers, and forced yourself to talk to women you'd realize that it's even worth living - but you won't. Have fun dying a failure, you pussy.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:25:43 No.303297270
    do what's in the picture
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:26:01 No.303297309
    You are a fool.

    First off they may have only had one guard above ground but they have more below. econd how you going to get below ground? Bring a cutting torch and start cutting through a few inches of steel. Third their launch codes were not a bunch of zeros. Fourth in addition to onsite launch codes you also need launch codes provided by the Pentagon, which the president has to authorize.

    Yay for ignorance. Now go read a book.
    >> Danger 01/19/11(Wed)13:26:15 No.303297359
    Run a plane into the Vatican. That'll get those religousfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:26:30 No.303297399

    Sweden. My guess is that there arent that much security around our airports... but it will be enough to keep a single person out, and especially from letting him get a plane, keys and shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:26:53 No.303297462
    seriously. to destroy something you have to know about it more than itself...
    if you want to destroy this society, or, in my opinion to make it something truly worth living, existing and giving this world just as much as we take from it..


    study it, know it, let it be as transparent and simple for you as it could be and make this the advantage you need to take serious action.

    also, you are BY FAR not the only anon out there who is going for that.
    I do.. and a lot of other ones do, as well.

    If you've got nothing to lose.. make this world, this society your playground.

    Protip: Working on a single, "huge" plan will never work out. Start small, make just individual people your dolls without anyone knowing it... let the number of those people grow, and at some time, you will be able to take action in a creative, distructive way.

    have fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:26:55 No.303297468

    Well said, my nigger. Brofist.
    >> Verso 01/19/11(Wed)13:27:01 No.303297483
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    i hear you Anon, i love those pics. however, dont kill yourself bro. life to too, lively. enjoy it. do random stuff that makes you laugh
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:27:08 No.303297506

    Your pic I dreamed about that. Make sure your have lots of explosives on the plane. Find some radical American extremists to help you. make sure the plane is filled with bombs crash that fucker and blow them all back to the stone age. also have leaflets staying "HELLO INFIDELS GREETINGS FROM AMERICA!"
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:27:47 No.303297603
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:27:55 No.303297626
    Are you all fucking stupid or just trolling?

    Hijack a plane?
    Break into a nuclear power plant and make it explode?

    Do you think there's a fucking red button marked "Self-Destruction" in every power plant?
    Some people study this shit their entire life and fail miserably when the time comes.
    Terrorists are taught for years how to hijack and drive a plane into a building.

    And you, OP, think that if you get references from 4chan, that that might get you in touch with the right people to do this kind of stuff??...

    Do you even think that, IF you kill yourself, you'll do it with a loud bang and that you'll even pass on the news?

    I'll tell you what, you're losing time.
    Losing time because any of what you do has no real repercussion and never will.

    You will not hijack a plane.
    You will not start any wars.
    You will not be remembered.

    So stop acting childish and either kill yourself like a fucking junkie in an alley.
    Or motherfucking move on with your life and stop whinning like a bitch.
    >> your mom 01/19/11(Wed)13:28:05 No.303297659
    epic winn goo go go
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:28:14 No.303297690

    Hate Humanity for being destructive. >>>>>>>>Be destructive...

    captch: woman came
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:28:21 No.303297707
    ITT: OP is a faggot.

    We're the cancer killing the Earth? You're a fucking psychopath faggot. I can't wait for you to kill yourself, you sack of fucking shit.

    That being said, it would be awesome if you did what was happening in your picture. Take out other sacks of shit, too. Dive a fucking plane into Mecca. DO IT FAGGOT.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:28:22 No.303297711
    @ OP
    I do share you suicidal thoughts and the opinion that the world would be much better without humans.. i agree completely. But a while ago in my life I decided that taking any human life that is not yours is the worst thing that a human can do in its existence. Think about how much your plans for suicide matter to you.. how shitty would it be if some1 else killed you before you could kill yourself (the way you want to go). So yea, killing powerful people along with yourself might seem like a good/righteous idea at first, but when you think of the individual and how much they probably dont want to die, you must realize that the only life a human is allowed (in any morality) is their own. Be at peace with yourself and think of others (even if you hate other people, which i do as well). I look at it as: other people all have a reason for doing the things they do, everyone is just trying to survive. Niggers act all tough and violent because (possibilities..) either they dont want to "act white" (loose their identity in the Brotherhood) or because if they are seen weak WHERE THEY ARE FROM then they would have gotten picked on, and dont know it's different around white people. So you have to be wise about the world and think about how much your plans for your own death mean to you and relate that to other people's will/desire to live. I hope you (or any1 else) read(s) this because this is a heartfelt message.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:29:05 No.303297807
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    >implying that any method for causing world wide catastrophe is simple and easy......
    if you're fucking serious you get shit done in a realistic way, not wait for an easy way to get it done, it takes careful planning and extreme want change, well it doesnt come easily, quit being a lazy fuck of a human shitling and decrease the world's populous
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:29:24 No.303297858

    okay I'm the flightplan guy, listen to me OP.

    First you go to Mecca, locate the fucking rock, (it's in a huge white building)
    Go to Mecca airport, locate where all the little planes are.
    Locate a member of the personel that can get near the planes.
    Follow him/her home, knock on the door, kill him/her, take the uniform and get the fuck out of there.
    Don't forget some securitypasses and shit like that.
    The next day, go to the airport, get yourself inside (with a weapon)
    See which plane is getting started by a pilot.
    Get in the plane, threaten the pilot to do as you command.
    Follow my flightplan.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:29:51 No.303297930
    durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm going to end humanity even though I'm a worthless sack of shit that's never contributed anything good to the planet, hurrrrrrr

    Please die.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:29:59 No.303297945
    If you want to crash a plane, by all means go ahead. But make sure:

    1. Your money pays for said plane and the cleanup.

    2. You're the only cunt who gets killed.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:30:00 No.303297950

    Actually at one point all the codes really were set to zero.

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:30:03 No.303297957
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    you think life has no purpose . Are YOU the guy to say life isn't beautiful ?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:30:04 No.303297959
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    Shoot up a grocery store, lol.

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:30:20 No.303298001
    Going to be funny when OP realizes that it is a crime to plan terrorist attacks (that is exactly what this is) and the Fbi pays him a nice visit and locks him up.

    Bet he will really enjoy life then.

    And don't try the whole "i'm hiding behind 56 proxies." You have already shown your ignorance, don't try and claim to be smarter than the governments hacks.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:30:47 No.303298085
    LOL why you blow up sam boyd stadium?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:31:05 No.303298144

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:31:32 No.303298219
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    Dont hero.
    You can Fuck up humanity with your inbreed retarded children. Op have as many kids as you can and make them play pro football or basketball or MMA.
    nothing is destroying humanity progress faster than a bunch of overgrown babies getting payed millions of dollars to play a kids Game on TV
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:32:08 No.303298306

    Mad or a sandnigger who wants his mecca intact.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:32:55 No.303298408
    I don't have anything to live for. But on the other hand I don't have anything to die for. So I've chosen to live to find the reason to live.
    If you wanna go kill some people you should at least some have reason for it. There's no point killing because just "Humanity is bad. Human are abominable. Fuck humanity!". As a human you probably aren't the one to decide what we are or we aren't.
    At least don't blame humanity. It's not like we have chosen to exist.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:33:19 No.303298467
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    bro can i have any of ur personal belonging or left over currency? Secondly, being suicide with a clear mind is probly the best thing ever you can take the chances everyone sits around and dreams about, why not instead of killing yourself maybe drop everything and go somewhere by yourself or i dunno.... something something dark side.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:34:16 No.303298608

    If you really want to end all human life, and really want to dedicate yourself to that goal...DO IT FAGGOT. Go to college. Finish with high marks, get a great job, start a business, earn shit-tons of money, get involved in politics, get REAL power. Run for president, or work in the military taking care of nukes or some shit. THEN, when you have REAL POWER, THEN YOU FUCKING UNLEASH IT ON HUMANITY, THATS HOW YOU DO IT YOU DUMB SHIT
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:34:16 No.303298609
    OP you're a selfish piece of shit

    think about that for a second
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:34:17 No.303298610


    Just do what the sandnigger did in Stockholm in december.
    But more successfully ofcourse.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:34:21 No.303298622
    Not OP.
    And no, life is not beautiful.
    Stop hiding behind some sunset scene and you'll see the world for what it really is: ugly, painful and forced upon us.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:34:41 No.303298674
    ITT: faggots pretending not to support OP, in fear of being black bagged and vanned by national security
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:35:13 No.303298739
    they invented the internet yet you think you can hide in the labyrinth they made? LOL
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:35:14 No.303298740
    i say fucking do, get me a war son, get me a fucking war.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:35:36 No.303298796
    OP; Eventually new humans will evolve.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:35:49 No.303298821

    Good idea OP fly a plane into Mecca.
    Let us know when you've done it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:36:09 No.303298868
    >It means, i dont have anything to live for, no purpose, no dreams.

    I did badly in my exams and now my parents are mad at me :(

    >What has also been on my mind for a few years, is how to the most effectivley get rid of every living human.

    I'm pissed off at everyone because I'm a teenager

    >No more humans.

    The jocks at school are sooo mean to me ;__;
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 01/19/11(Wed)13:36:22 No.303298912
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    > OP you're a selfish piece of shit



    the world is his yoster
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:36:32 No.303298933
    fligh into the stone!!!
    I can't help you how to hijack a plane, but if you got one
    do this: hijack a plane full with muslims that is on his way to mekka.
    If you fly in with another plane, they will see that the plane is not following his normal course and shoot it down.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:36:42 No.303298964
    >I hate humans they are always fucking shit up.

    >So /b/ how do i best fuck up humanity.

    Your retarded, but please bomb a mosque or some shit
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:37:18 No.303299056
    ...chances of me being in mecca, at that location are zero, so go ahead! Find a friend and get the pope too.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:37:32 No.303299102
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:37:37 No.303299122

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:37:48 No.303299145
    lol...that was my evaluation too.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:38:11 No.303299188
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    just how safe is posting on here anyways? I mean hell I got so many masterplans, just scared someone might carry it out like a noob and get me raeped
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:38:25 No.303299227
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    time travel to 1920 and kill Hitler, there would be fuckload more covetous jews now!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:39:41 No.303299417
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:39:48 No.303299439

    Foreginers can't become presidents in USA.

    Sweden dont have nukes.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:40:09 No.303299490
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    (also, pic for you)
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:40:23 No.303299524
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    >Go to college. Finish with high marks
    >Run for president

    And you say OP is the retard? Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:40:30 No.303299535
    Read a book called Ishmael and then see if you hate humans still. You said you have nothing left to lose, so at least do this first.
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 01/19/11(Wed)13:40:35 No.303299547

    I'm a faggot regardless of what I just said.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:40:37 No.303299557
    OP you are such a faggot, just an hero now and get it over with. Your attitude reminds me of how I was when I was 13 years old. Yes people can be pieces of shit but don't kid yourself and say you hate them for destroying the earth or whatever bullshit reason you gave. Look at yourself and just realize that you're a lonely doucher that is mad at the world because you don't fit in. QQ more fag. Humans are capable of great things as well as terrible ones you know.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:41:36 No.303299708
    >Implying muslims are people
    Blow up the cube
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:42:02 No.303299781
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:42:32 No.303299876
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    OP sounds like an aspie.

    Aspies cannot into self esteem
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:42:37 No.303299891
    Obvious troll is obvious...
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:42:41 No.303299900
    Yes, your life is just SO terrible, sitting at home posting on 4chan while your dorito encrusted fingers slowly massage your testicles. Fuck you retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:43:05 No.303299978
    post tinycam link please
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:44:10 No.303300176
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:44:43 No.303300260
    Dont worry Op, just wait until the global economy drives itself into the ground next thing you know anyone left will be playing Fallout:real life!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:44:45 No.303300266
    they can.
    you just have to become an american first.
    (or go to Belgium, in kleinebrogel they have a shitload of nukes. the basse is garded with soldiers with blank ammo, Some hipster friends om my protested theire once)
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:45:38 No.303300424
    Apparently a US plane carrying 4 nukes crashed in greenland (missle defence bases up there and shit), and rumour has it they only recovered 3 bombs. Need I say more?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:45:40 No.303300428
    I once saw a picture of an overgrown airport with trees and shit, it was so beautiful, it was as if the world had finally healed while we were gone. I dream of a world without human.

    You mean the pic from here?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:45:49 No.303300465

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:46:02 No.303300506
    an hero, it means the Earth is better off by 1, if you want to take others out then I suggest Alex Jones and all the other wackjobs that preach over population but continue to breed like rabbits.
    >>   01/19/11(Wed)13:46:16 No.303300566
    if you're gonne do it. i beg you to do what is in your picture
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:46:28 No.303300596
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    1. become a doctor
    2. invent cure for cancer
    3. give to everyone
    4. ?????
    5. PROFIT!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:46:58 No.303300693
    Do what the picture says, but claim to be a jew. Hehehehe....
    >> re 1234567890 01/19/11(Wed)13:48:07 No.303300899
    go for it
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:48:12 No.303300913
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    anonymous delivars
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:48:43 No.303301014
    Tell north korea that the US thinks it got a bigger dick then them.
    Then tell the US that north korea things it got a bigger dick then them.
    Then tell russia that north korea and the US have a conspirasy against them and china and that they will start nuking russian cities soon.

    Congratulations, you are now vitnessing the first nuklear war of human kind.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:48:59 No.303301057
    Just... go die OP.

    Stupid moron who has succomed to the fraudulent claims of overpopulation.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:49:09 No.303301104
    How about coming up with a new sickness? kinda like aids but worse, all you gotta do is just to bone any animal you can find and then go get some prostitutes.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:50:03 No.303301260
    it's effectively not effectivley
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:50:29 No.303301349
    Yes, we are destroying this planet. Yes I agree with you, but not on that level. I'm convinced the only problem is too many people. So, kill Asia & Africa and the rest is safe.
    How? A fucking virus dude, it's the answer.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:51:55 No.303301567
    HOLY SHIT, this is what I've always thought. I always thought if I ever get suicidal I'd just hop on a random train to a random city and just rob a bank or something and then go from there. Why not at this point?
    >> Noko 01/19/11(Wed)13:51:56 No.303301570
    The world is currently nom nom'ing 1.6 earths every year, that means, 60% more of what the planet can produce, and this is rapidly growing.

    Rainforests gone soon.. Go die anon, noob.


    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:52:04 No.303301597
    Just give it a couple of years, we're doing a good job of eliminating ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:52:35 No.303301701
    lol op can't even spell let alone wipe out the human "specie"
    >> Noko Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:54:13 No.303301957

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:54:34 No.303302019
    also it's despise not despice
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:55:12 No.303302119
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:55:20 No.303302138
    MAKE IT TO WHERE WE ARE ALL ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:55:59 No.303302255
    My purpose is to find something I enjoy and keep doing it. Because I need money to do that, I work a full-time job. Because I need a roof over my head, I pay for the house I live in. Everything else in the meantime is just to fill in time. Your a jealous lil shit for expecting life to give you reasons. Kick life in the balls and make your own damn reasons instead of sitting there like a child expecting purpose to smack you in the face.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:56:24 No.303302325
    The best way to fuck with humanity is to break down the security net that people clasp on to during times of strife. Destroy the monitary system that humans "need". Take out the beliefs that our country was founded on, i.e. Religion. Make any follower of their so called god question his existance. Cause mass chaos with the help of others that share your hate. With some help, you can make the world fear every step they take. Slaughter those who stand in your way and threaten those who think to oppose you. Power in numbers and take out the foundation of this god forsaken and dying species. I will help you, I believe Anons every where will too, if given the motives and insperation.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)13:57:15 No.303302472

    Sorry dude, but half the population lives in Asia, plus the fact that China will be within no time the greatest polluter of the planet.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:01:33 No.303303228
    >Going to be funny when OP realizes that it is a crime to plan terrorist attacks (that is exactly what this is) and the Fbi pays him a nice visit and locks him up.

    I guess all Counter Strike terro players are fucked then.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:03:32 No.303303600
    There is NO evidence that the world is overpopulated.

    The belief that the world is overpopulated is a disease. Such a belief has existed for millennia. Back when the world population was just 100 million (a third of the current US population), there were writers claiming that the justification for wars was to lift the burden of people upon the earth, that there were too many people.

    The reality is that as science and technology has improved, the number of people that the earth can support has also improved. The current number of people that can live on the earth is near 1 trillion people, and is steadily approaching 20 trillion by the year 2100.

    The more people there are, the more people who can make scientific discovery. Those individuals such as the OP of this thread who dislike humanity for whatever reason, and claim that humans are a cancer upon the earth are blind and ignorant to the fact that the only thing that more people will do is improve the quality of their own lives, and that they should pursue to return the favor.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:04:06 No.303303714

    Space monkey reporting in, Mr. Durden

    And I completely agree with this post, willing to join the cause.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:05:11 No.303303901
    Whether you cause it or not our civilization will not last forever.

    Also If I was planning to perform one last act before I die I would want to be capable of doing it.
    You're a single human and probably don't have many friends, let alone devoted followers willing to help you destroy humanity.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:06:47 No.303304169
    Lets pretend you are right...

    Now there is the whole aspect of an increased population decreasing the quality of life. Increased pollution, traffic, etc.

    I personally feel life would be more pleasant with a good deal less people that we currently have.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:08:33 No.303304447
    You aren't really that dense are you? Stating you wish to kill people then making plans is entirely different than playing a video game.

    And yes you can go to jail for what the OP is doing. In fact there was already a kid a few years ago from 4chan that went to jail for talking about doing bombings.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:10:50 No.303304799
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:14:26 No.303305386
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    MF at this thread...
    so many ppl going to jail.
    LOL So hard at the guy that made the flight plan.... wow you are seriously fucked do you think the fbi/cia/Ect dont know about this place? enjoy gbay faggots

    captcha pyscho supplose
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:15:19 No.303305532
    there is plenty of good in the world, you need to learn to see that
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:18:30 No.303306122

    And why should a non-Americunt care? The USA won't intervene when someone threatens to annihilate the Islami "capital".
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:21:42 No.303306727
    Ever heard of a little thing called Interpol? Most countries that have net access are members of it. And yes they will treat plans to do a terrorist attck against muslims the same as any other attack.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:21:50 No.303306754
    CIAfag here, I don't give a fuck, I just hope you aren't trolling, fuck the muslims, they never really did much but we need to sacrifice as many people as possible so if that means silly haji has to perish imokwiththis
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:22:20 No.303306859
    what is that place ? (in picture)
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:23:08 No.303306988
    Like Interpol has the power to do goddamn ANYTHING.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:23:55 No.303307136
    Its where people go to worship a downed Borg cube.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:24:13 No.303307198
    ATF here. I don't really care. We are laughing at this right now. Oh and yes we do lurk /k/ looking for improvised weapons and explosives to be posted in threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:24:16 No.303307206
    yeah guys he's totally from the CIA. like, i trust him totally.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:25:04 No.303307369

    That's Kaaba, the holiest of the holy for muslims. Located in Mecca.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:25:08 No.303307389
    They have the power of extradition amongst other things.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:25:33 No.303307463
    you mean international police that intercept terrorist communications and plots?
    you don't think the police just accidentally stumble upon a garage full of explosives do you?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:26:00 No.303307545
    Dear OP,

    I'm fucking her right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:26:19 No.303307615
    You're not fooling anyone. No, not even if you post as another agency.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:26:31 No.303307657
    For the entire human race to be completely vnquished you'd have to take the earth with it.Don't want to sound like a republicanfag but humans are the most evolved creature,and the world is ours.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:29:43 No.303308240
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:29:46 No.303308251
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    If all humans ceise to exist, who will be left to grief?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:30:12 No.303308334
    mfw this thread is proof its too late to kill r9k
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:30:34 No.303308389
    I work for the NSA and I can tell you guys with certainty that this actually IS a man that works for the CIA. Hey, Bill!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:31:11 No.303308503
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:31:25 No.303308539
    FBI here, prepare your anuses.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:31:34 No.303308572
    I had the same idea as your pictur plan but without blowing up myself.

    Go for it Op
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:31:40 No.303308590

    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:31:59 No.303308648
    By worshiping me.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:32:02 No.303308659

    With nobody to run them, our nuclear material storage facilities would blow and would render the whole planet severely toxic for hundreds of thousands of years.
    Good luck without us, Whales and Chipmunks!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:34:04 No.303309042
    if we die, the untended nuclear reactors all over the world will annhialate all life on Earth. fuckin' win
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:35:24 No.303309256
    Sorry but it doesn't just explode randomly. You have to detonate it as a bomb, or stack it for a nuclear reaction. Thats why nuclear energy places will blow because it is a sustained reaction.

    Also it wouldnt make things radioactive for hundreds of thousands of gets afe pretty quick. You realize there have been people living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki for decades right? They just opened Chernobyl up for tours.

    If ignorance truly is bliss then /b should be fuckin ecstatic.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:36:02 No.303309364
    Fuck You OP for not loving Cats. I hope you try to blow up an airplane by putting explosives in your underwear and blow your dick off and live.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:36:09 No.303309381
    Non-existance is better than existance.

    Try arguing against that.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:36:52 No.303309504
    OP ur in Sweden. Go be Lasermannen 3!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:36:56 No.303309509
    think about nuclear power plants, and how humans have to carefully monitor machines to remotely control them to keep the contents in a stable state. there are no machines to do this for them. if they die, everything else does
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:38:36 No.303309796
    follow this anons beautiful plan
    and dont be a faggot and puss out
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:38:42 No.303309812
    ITT: I was gonna commit suicide.
    But then i decided to just go on /b/ instead.
    No wonder you were considering suicide.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:39:13 No.303309898
    I replied to the guy that was talking about nuclear stockpiles, not reactors.

    Reactors would explode. But it wouldn't wipe humans out or any such. It would just make some areas unable to be lived in for a few decades and raise the cancer rate.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:39:20 No.303309908
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    why do people think nature is so great?

    technology is far more superior and amazing once you think about it.

    and if nature is lost in the pursuit of technology so be it

    pic related its hopefully our future
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:39:37 No.303309954
    return to /soc
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:39:41 No.303309964
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:40:39 No.303310131
    Go to local feed and seed. look for largest container of organophosphate pesticide. buy and aerosolize the pesticide. Voila, nerve gas.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:40:52 No.303310171
    enjoy trying to eat and breath without nature.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:41:48 No.303310327

    because nature doesnt need anything but itself.

    without humans, technology would be nothing
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:42:02 No.303310373

    thats bullshit, technology only recreates shit that already happens in nature.

    anything that doesn't happen in nature is just stupid shit to keep us occupied (waste of time, inefficient shit) like video games.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:42:24 No.303310421
    Live to benefit society and mold it into perfection.

    Humans are not a curse.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:42:26 No.303310429
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:42:32 No.303310450
    at the rate technology is evolving, by the time we inevitably eliminate all that is nature we"ll no longer have any need for it
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:42:37 No.303310466
    that looks like enslaved
    you should play that game if you think thats good
    based of an old show called monkey magic too
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:42:41 No.303310475
    Meh. Tech is interesting but so...sterile. I love the randomness of nature.

    I would like to see a blend of the 2. Some very large high tech cities....but with the majority of the planet left to nature.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:42:43 No.303310488
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    op is dr Manhattan?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:43:10 No.303310556
    How could you say that you hate humans so much for their violence in one sentence, and then seek suggestions for you to cause violence in the next - as if it were merely some sport.

    You are part of the problem you despise so much, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:43:28 No.303310603
    i will thanks anon
    And nice dubs
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:44:06 No.303310696

    Have kids.
    If you want to fuck up humanity, reproduce.
    Your kids will be as fucking stupid as you,
    their kids will be as fucking stupid as them,
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:44:09 No.303310699
    OP has been watching too much
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:45:14 No.303310875
    >Implying OP can get laid
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:45:42 No.303310960

    inb4 blue penis
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:45:47 No.303310973
    Piss on Ka'ab with a American soldiers uniform & trollface on
    Text: "you mad, sandniggers"
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:45:58 No.303311002
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    third pic on google
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:46:22 No.303311068
    I like humans so just kill yourself you pseudo-intellectual emo faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:46:46 No.303311129
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    >hack the launch controls for russia's nukes
    >launch nukes
    >america launches their nukes
    >everyone launches nukes
    >the world is fucked

    >mfw when humanity still survives in vaults underground, and the world's ecosystems are destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:46:46 No.303311131

    Every man can get laid, it's just whether they are willing to fuck that fat whale with a vagina that looks like a turkey bacon steak sandwhich.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:46:57 No.303311151
    Yeh I just checked it out
    I watched the E3 trailer on youtube looks sweet as fuck.
    Gonna download
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:47:15 No.303311205
    this op, and we"ll spread it far and wide
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:47:23 No.303311225
    read the Bible
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:47:26 No.303311234
    destroy all records of debt and ownership in America, chaos will ensue
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:47:47 No.303311295
    Damn you OP, you just made me remember the Ace Combat 5 mission where Chopper crashes his plane into the stadium ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:48:55 No.303311477
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    >mfw my bottlecap collection is worth something
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:49:17 No.303311534
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    Safeway has a nice selection of yosters.
    >> Revoluticus 01/19/11(Wed)14:49:24 No.303311559
    op, take it at face value... but i agree, although i am not suicidal. Find a way to start our extinction event and ill be forever in your debt.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:49:30 No.303311567
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    lol i really love how fast you three responded really made my day.

    for one thing if nature can create oxygeon so can technology given time it can probably do it better. it is kind of that anything you can do i can do better deal.

    who fucking cares if nature doesnt need humans. and some people think that technology wont need humans either.

    yeah technology just recreates what nature does. like rocket flight.. wait nevermind nothing in nature can travel out of the atmosphere and into space hmm. well transmit data across the world? nope thats just technology too.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:49:33 No.303311577
    I've played it and finished it
    And it is like assasins creed in fallout 3
    but with more trees
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:50:14 No.303311679
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    I think you know what to do
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:50:43 No.303311754
    hahahaha xD thats an old friend of mine that i went to school with in Trondheim Norway xDxDxD
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:50:44 No.303311755
    OP is a faggot who just saw Avatar
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:50:47 No.303311765
    I wake up at 6:30AM everyday.

    I spend 1 hour washing myself, picking a good socially acceptable outfit, fixing my hair and trying to make myself look good for everyone.

    I leave the house at 8AM, with the cold wind blowing in my face, watching the sad faces of everyone else mindlessly drifting towards a days work for the thousandth time.

    I get to college, same timetable everyday - ICT first - I hate ICT - I have to do it though - it's what employee's want these days. Then sociology - I chose that because it's easy.

    The day whittles on, I get barely a glimps despite my efforts this morning - everyones to damn busy with their own lives I guess. I shoot shit with my friends - talking about how wasted we were at the weekend...again. I smoke a fag and drift on back to home, watching the tired and robotic faces of our races - we know these streets - we've walked them for years.

    I get inside - fix myself a quick sandwhich and hop online till late.

    I switch off the laptop, take a piss and brush my teeth - then roll into bed.
    I beg for a dream, a place where It's always different.
    It never comes.

    I stir in my sleep - restless I turn around and peep at the alarm clock

    Welcome to the age of ritualism.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:51:13 No.303311847
    Hopefully not as repetitive as assassins creed.
    Also nice dubs again
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:51:32 No.303311901

    >> JASTINBIVAR 01/19/11(Wed)14:51:50 No.303311955
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:52:11 No.303312025

    probably and i cant wait for avatar 2 when the come back and bombard there hippy asses from orbit or poison the hell out of the area
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:52:12 No.303312027
    op is an enormously cowardly faggot who will follow through
    he's just gonna close thread, drink a cup of mommy's coco, then have a quick fap to furry's before heading off to bed
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:52:27 No.303312071
    Go travelling you boring fuck
    Theres a world out there.
    Im 18 and made it to canada from the UK under my own steam
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:52:33 No.303312097
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    baaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!why do you feel the need to share then? nobody cares and you know that, so why bother
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:52:57 No.303312164

    fuck Chopper i fucking hated him everytime he spoke

    also BAWWWWWWWW ;_;
    >> B& !!Iv+8eNpquOq 01/19/11(Wed)14:53:18 No.303312235
    non-existence is boring.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:54:36 No.303312463
    Actually there is a species of spider that floats of web parachutes and leaves the atmosphere before falling back to Earth and thawing.

    (no I'm not kidding)

    I agree that in the future tech can live without humans. And I find that fact slightly terrifying. Will AI look upon humans the same way you are looking on nature? "fuck them...why do we need humans, kill em all to make room for more tech"
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:54:41 No.303312477
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    Spanishfag here who thought USA would do that, and felt very disappointed because they didn't have the balls.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:55:05 No.303312538
    wtf is with water cumming out the engine?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:56:05 No.303312713
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:56:41 No.303312818
    I thought exactly the same thing
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:57:10 No.303312888
    OP is a pussy who thinks he knows something about life and human race.
    Take a fucking bag and go traveling, you'll see humanity isn't what you watch on TV.

    Tired of this fucking teenagers unable to grow balls and make their own opinion.

    If there weren't humans on Earth another specie would have done exactly the same thing. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:57:43 No.303312988
    as a muslim i find this offensive to the extreme
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:57:49 No.303313005
    That looks boring. Why not go do something exciting?

    I got bored with my life a few years back so decided to change it. Dropped out of college, started my own business, moved to Asia, etc.

    I now spend my days semi retired in my early 30's lounging on tropical beaches, snorkeling, palying video games, rock climbing, etc etc.

    Life can be sweet if you make an effort to make it so.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:58:00 No.303313027

    Faggot! This is not the "age" it was always like this, ALWAYS! Think 10 years ago, or 100 or 1000..
    But now its better, you dontve to work the whole day. you have enough freetime and you can spend your money on things you want
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:58:14 No.303313068
    I hate the human race. Stalin and Hitler did good, especially Hitler's attempt to get rid of the Jews. We just have to wait until some type of zombie disease, asteroid, or alien attack happens. There is no way that we would be able to wipe out every human on earth.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:58:33 No.303313120

    Lol? There's sunflares that rocket out of the greatest nuclear fusion reactor in millions of miles around us.

    You're acting as if technology will ever be able to create something as powerful and full of energy as a star, but sorry its not going to happen no matter how many sci fi shows you watch nerd boy.

    When we start creating elements and traversing the far reaches of the universe, we'll still be mere specks of dust in the face of nature.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:58:33 No.303313122
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    wow did not know that, that is some cool shit though

    and i do think that eventualy technology wont need us and we will be obsolete. im not really terrified by it though im excited by it, it is just the next step in the evolution of humanity. in a way its the natural order we replace our parents our or creators and eventualy wont our creations replace us?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)14:59:12 No.303313218
    What right do you have to judge others?

    If you truly hate religion, than you must despise the judgements those who practice it (religion) force on you.

    How can you not see what you yourself have become?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:00:33 No.303313450

    Lol, settle in then.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:00:48 No.303313486
    There isnt guard doing bodysearch around the fagcube right? Take a plane down there, get some KGs of C4 and glue it to your body, look for a weak spot at the cube thingy and blow yourself the fuck up right next to it, I'll be at home cheering as they broadcast that muslims is going crazy cuz their precious cube was attempted destroyed with their own muslim tactic. You'll be remembered mate, I promise
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:00:48 No.303313487
    Just for the record we have already created elements...
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:01:37 No.303313621
    They have not been created, just proved to be possible
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:01:49 No.303313648
    Oh, and on subject: of course there is. It's called chemical warfare.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:01:56 No.303313671

    Aren't we the result of nature, and therefore what we create is a part of nature? Like a beaver building a dam? Yes, we're in an awkward phase where we're inefficient and wasteful. That is what we're working on right at this moment.

    We are nature, and our products are part of that nature. As evolution has given way to intelligence, now our intelligence is our form of evolution. Inventions and tools are how we better ourselves, except now we do it consciously. We're getting smarter about it too!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:02:00 No.303313680
    Have fun in Gitmo, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:02:29 No.303313778
    How can you get bored if you don't exist?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:03:32 No.303313979
    No, actually created.

    The problem is they only exist for a very brief time before becoming unstable.

    Also we can convert one element into another (I know thats not creating). For example they are now able to make gold. So why don't we just make a bunch of gold? Because it is crazy a expensive process at this point.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:03:45 No.303314028
    troll? like for reals this time? a big ugly roaring one?
    good jobs getting those emotions out though,
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:03:57 No.303314063
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    It hurts me you've lost your path.

    Have no fear, for every human you bring down, I'll raise a hundred. We will become the ones to spread the beauty of our planet to other worlds, without us it will only go extinct once our son dies. Enjoy your campaign /b/rother, I will fight you till the end.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:05:09 No.303314278

    A valid reflection. Also: consciousness is just an evolved form of instincts. It is not something special.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:05:24 No.303314338

    Oh fuck, that Image! I fucking never lold sooo hard
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:05:37 No.303314380

    i was really talking about earths nature and not the power of the cosmos

    i dont really count the sun as nature, sure it is natural, but it is greater i count that as universe or something like that

    but i like to think eventualy we could harvest the power of a star, there is nothing contradicting it. and cant we already create elements? all you reall need to do is break down a heavier element and you can get the lighter ones right? sorry chemistry and physics arent really my thing
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:05:53 No.303314434
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    I just dont get it! You hate the world and would do something about it...........but you havnt got the funding?
    Jesus for an "im gonna end the world" fag you are week!

    pic is......i dunno :D
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:06:01 No.303314454

    Whatever, everything that exists in this solar system already came from the Sun.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:06:35 No.303314568
    Merely a collection of neuttrons, protons and electrons.
    Any element can be made
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:06:39 No.303314608
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    >>303295041 timestamp or it didn't happen
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:06:57 No.303314652
    Yes we can create elements. Several on the periodic chart are man-made.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:07:45 No.303314804

    We aren't working towards solving the problem, we're actively working towards making it worse.

    I wouldn't count a beavers dam as nature, cause its not fuckin natural and neither is a house.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:08:50 No.303315036
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:08:54 No.303315049
    Fuck you
    Humans rule.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:09:09 No.303315085
    A beaver dam is not natural?

    How do you define natural? It has to grow to be natural?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/11(Wed)15:09:33 No.303315163
    Yes, there is one nuke in all of frozen-ass Greenland. Just go and get it. It's not that lost. It's not that heavy

    Lets say AIDs

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