This is by far the best chemo I've seen on /b/, ever.Thanks, moot.Also, this is now a moot thread
Yet I've been seeing more cancer than ever on /b/ And as previously stated by a fellow /b/rother, anyone who knows how to goto any other threads can easily find out how to remove the black and song on almost any web browser. It honestly took me 5 minutes to goto /r/ browse through and find a fix for my google chrome.
>>3031733475 minutes? lol>View->Stlye->No page styleHow does 5 seconds sound? Also, pic related.
>>303173032I'm on /b/ since several weeks, mostly lurking.I figured it out in no time.The cancer has spread.
How do i turn off the music? I disabled colors and CSS.. I'm pretty noob at this shit.
>>303173032I am a friend of moots older brother. Moot was always a quiet kid....he would just read manga all the time. No one bothered him and he stuck to himself. Well of course years later 4chan took off and I come here to have some fun.After the red and yellow /b/ I had to call moots bro and ask what was up.Turns out moot is bored of 4chan and wants to do other things. Hes constantly just thinking of pulling the plug because he doesnt want to sell;dr moot wants to get rid of 4chan
Puddi Puddi was super effective
>>303173821block "tiger.swf", I used abp for this but im sure you can do it with Greasemonkey or something.
>>303173821disable the .swf
>>303173511>How does 5 seconds sound? too long for >View->Stlye->No Page stylethat is, assuming you can even find the "Stlye" menu. fucking retarded shitstain
>>303173821download Adblock for Firefox. The block the .swf file.
>>303174036>>303174034I feel so stupid right nowThanks.Also, using web developer add on to disable stuff, greasemonkey is meh.
I liked it better with ALL the newfags, they aint bad. They're fun to troll.
For all I care they could leave /b/ like it is now, it would slow the newfriend invasion.And it's really easy to get /b/ back to yotsuba with one firefox add-on
>>303174034try noscriptI also have flashblock so I click flash things if I feel like hearing them, but even if I didn't have it noscript blocks anything I don't want
>>303173876I doubt that's true.