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  • File : 1293616302.jpg-(63 KB, 1024x768, android-wallpaper5_1024x768[1].jpg)
    63 KB Your Imaginary Friend !fd9gIiJYl. 12/29/10(Wed)04:51:42 No.298388XXX  
    what apps should i downroad for android?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:53:03 No.298388XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:53:12 No.298388XXX
    Angry birds
    Gba emulator
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:55:01 No.298388XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:55:16 No.298389XXX
    haha, good one op.

    Android has no apps.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:55:50 No.298389XXX
    psx emu>ff7>re-live childhood greatness
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:56:10 No.298389XXX
    submissive homosexual mac user detected
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:56:35 No.298389XXX
    Rageface. /thread......thank me later
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:59:06 No.298389XXX

    let android apps as a function of time be labeled as follows: a(t).

    Android apps are as follows:

    a(t) = +
    a'(t) = +
    a''(t) = +

    I was shocked when I found this out, it tells an interesting tale of the mobile market. Although it was expected, considering the fact that Google is modeling their strategy of mobile market software after Microsofts'
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:59:09 No.298389XXX
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    Trollin on my Droid X u jelly?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)04:59:44 No.298389XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:00:06 No.298389XXX
    fucking chandroud. total time waster, flawless platform for all your /b/rowsing, and the best $.99 i've ever spent. only app i've paid for, am using it right now.
    also, colornote, twidroyd (if you twitter), blink (led customizer), zeam launcher (desktop/workspace customizer, changes the entire appearance of yr droid workspace, cleans it up) and messaging widgets.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:00:26 No.298389XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:00:30 No.298389XXX
    Mega jump, nesoid, nova, spiderman total mayham, music junk, sound hound, pandora, angry birds, speed test, tune in radio, pda net, last fm,nin jump, tango
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:07:02 No.298390XXX
    me too bro, me too. fucking love chandroid.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:09:37 No.298390XXX

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:13:45 No.298390XXX

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:16:00 No.298390XXX
    taskmanager pro; appmonster; couragewolf & insanity wolf; alchemy; astro (file manager); astrid (google tasks synced task manager); catch notes (was 3 bananna) Go SMS; epic fails; password card; nike boom; winamp; crack to villain rom; plants Vs Zombies - its not offical one but plays like it
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:16:08 No.298390XXX
    you're obviously the basement dwelling coder for chandroid. it's a fucking horrible app and is slow as fuck, works like a down syndrome abortion survivor, and has a shitty interface.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:18:08 No.298391XXX
         File1293617888.jpg-(27 KB, 385x599, itroll.jpg)
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    faggot op needs to buy an iPhone.

    android has no gaem, or apps, your a faggot if you own an android phone.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:21:35 No.298391XXX
    Zombie run...
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:22:52 No.298391XXX
    android phones are like iPhone, but for people who can't afford one, or any other apple device for that matter.

    also, posting this from my 64GB iPad 3G.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:27:39 No.298391XXX
    ITT: android users who regret not buying iPhone instead
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:28:56 No.298391XXX

    FAGGOT. Nobody cares about your fucking ipad. Fucking pretentious cocksucker.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:30:10 No.298392XXX
    I had an iPhone, installed Android on it, then sold the iPhone and got a cheaper phone with Android. Me gusta.

    iPhone is shit and constricting.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:30:26 No.298392XXX

    Enjoy your closed source bullshit "Apple knows what's best for me" faggotry. I'll stick with my Android gladly.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:30:45 No.298392XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:32:10 No.298392XXX
    chandroid works awesome on my wildfire. dunno whatchu mean.

    i have an apple computer but the iphone 4 is total bullshit. not even worth half as much as it costs.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:32:29 No.298392XXX
    Oh, and overpriced for the experience.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:34:00 No.298392XXX

    Applefags will pay anything. I tell people the official iPad case has an Apple logo on it, then they buy it because of that. Pure faggotry clockwork.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:37:11 No.298392XXX
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    Pretty glad I have an Android. My iphone 3gs crapped out on me pretty quick. As did my iPod on the macbook i bought for my Mum. All of it was overpriced, and when it broke I took it in to get it serviced, their response being, "Oh sorry we don't fix those, buy a new one." EPic faggotry on a level I cannot understand.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:38:06 No.298392XXX
         File1293619086.png-(63 KB, 352x360, ujelly.png)
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    only poor people who can't afford apple products say things like that,

    you are just jelly that you can't afford it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:38:57 No.298392XXX
         File1293619137.jpg-(65 KB, 407x407, chandroid_1293619119932.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:39:16 No.298392XXX
    >implying that you are not full of shit
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:40:09 No.298392XXX

    I paid $500 cold hard cash for my Vibrant. Suck my fucking dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:40:21 No.298392XXX
    >>implying you're not a butthurt applefag
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:41:16 No.298392XXX

    Pretty much true. similar situation before
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:41:55 No.298393XXX
    Guess what nugget, I bought an iPhone. It was shit. I sure as fuck can afford it. All the people I know with iPhones get their parents to pay for it because they are basement dwellers.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:42:34 No.298393XXX
         File1293619354.jpg-(40 KB, 361x358, flowingbutthurt.jpg)
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    I'm not butthurt, you are, because you made the wrong choice.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:43:41 No.298393XXX
    don't lie neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:44:04 No.298393XXX
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    Fascinating argument...

    Also I'm not paying money to a guy who needs to collect livers to survive the winter.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:44:20 No.298393XXX

    With the money I save on not buying Apple, I have enough money to support my wife and family... much more meaningful than your AirPort Extreme, virgin.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:47:43 No.298393XXX
    >implying that I am not a rich, successful property developer, well on his way to having a bank balance in the millions
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:48:20 No.298393XXX
    I was stuck between getting either but got android, because Apple charge for every little program on their market.

    Don't know what to recommend for OP, as most my downloads are games. Perfect Viewer is a good app for reading comics on and if you like, they have a very nice app.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:50:11 No.298393XXX
    everyone else on 4chan is richer than whoever is reading this and they can afford iphones, you can't

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:50:29 No.298393XXX
    soundhound, facebook for android (if you havefacebook), Solo lite (guitar program), Handcent SMS (sooo much better than the standard messaging system) HiMSN (msn messenger), Skyfire (browser), Laputa (book reader), Barcode Scanner, Google Goggles, and MixZing music player
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:50:30 No.298393XXX
    don't lie, neckbeard.

    Also, if you are a property developer, why the fuck does your opinion on the technical aspects of a phone matter. Technically speaking, the iPhone's components are inferior,, and certainly not worth the exorbitant cost. Go have a sulk in your basement.

    tl;dr iPhone is mediocre for price, get over it Android is better
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:50:41 No.298393XXX
    if you are not a faggot, and a gamer, go with iPhone.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:51:49 No.298393XXX
    Hello fellow android users. I have an iPhone 4 which is amazing but I have used iOS for 3 years to it's time for a change. So please answer few questions: can I take screenshots on android?(like pressing the 2 buttons at the same time on iOS) is it easy to make hidden passwordedfiles/apps whatever where I can easily save stuff and pics i don't want people to find? How do I save pics, so can I save some pics to somewhere else and some to the hidden place? And is that easy or do I need to use pc to move files and pics? Thanks for any answers.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:51:57 No.298393XXX
    >> C10H15N 12/29/10(Wed)05:51:59 No.298393XXX
    ROM Manager
    Set CPU
    Wireless Tether
    WiFi Analyzer
    Act 1 Video Player
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:53:11 No.298394XXX
    root your android, delete the shitty bloatware, overclock cpu, install barancle or wireless tether. Down the gingerbread youtube app hack, winamp for music, dolphin hd browser and droidcam

    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:53:12 No.298394XXX
    you can't do any of that on android.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:54:27 No.298394XXX
         File1293620067.png-(45 KB, 578x712, 1289092875157.png)
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    My only response.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:56:03 No.298394XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:56:37 No.298394XXX
    Nope, yep, you can move them in the phone like you would in Windows: Copy/paste. Some cam programs also let you pic where you save your images.

    You can also hook it to your computer and make folders for the phone, because it acts like Windows, and works with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:56:57 No.298394XXX
    >implying that feces and computer hardware are the same thing newfag
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:57:28 No.298394XXX
    Actually its Linux, but yeah works the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:58:06 No.298394XXX
    I can't????! "Hurrr android so good and I can do anything with it except some basic things the iphone can"
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:58:30 No.298394XXX
    well, a user-friendly linux.

    I'll admit to being computer-derpish (not mac level, but I can't haxx), so a real Linux system would melt my brain
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:58:40 No.298394XXX
    implying that apple products are different than shit
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:58:44 No.298394XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:59:20 No.298394XXX
    the only thing you cant do out of the box is take screenshots, that other guy is an applefag.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)05:59:51 No.298394XXX
    screenshot by shaking phone via an app from market like 'shootme'
    astro or es file manager = copy pasta as well as share files/installers via bluetooth/email
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:00:26 No.298394XXX
         File1293620426.gif-(166 KB, 485x662, iwouldsay.gif)
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    LauncherPro+ (Free version is also pretty good)
    ROM Manager
    GBA Emulator
    Fruit Ninja
    Google Streetview

    also, you're a faggot if you haven't already downloaded and flashed CyanogenMod 6.1 or something based on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:01:09 No.298394XXX
         File1293620469.jpg-(684 KB, 747x1000, day531.jpg)
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    Inferior you say? Then why is that my 5mp camera can outperform your 8mp android phone with stills and video?

    must be those "shitty mechanics"
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:01:11 No.298394XXX
    Herp, yes it can. There are apps for fucking everything. I use Root Explorer for moving files around and there are apps for screencapping but fucked if I need one.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:03:03 No.298394XXX
         File1293620583.jpg-(30 KB, 327x344, control911.jpg)
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    >faggots arguing over which phone is better
    >apple fag says iPhone is better for epic lulz
    >browsing on iPhone app right now witnessing it all
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:03:04 No.298394XXX
    The day I buy a phone because the camera is good is the day the camera in said phone is better than my actual camera, which I make money from.

    Also no, 5mp do not out perform 8mp, you are a herp derp. But I don't even have 5mp on my phone, I have 3, because I was smart enough to not pay money for stuff I'll never fucking use.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:03:14 No.298394XXX
    exif says this picture was taken with a motorola...
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:03:17 No.298394XXX
    Get applanet. Never pay for an android app again.

    Also, I'd definitely recommend rooting that fucker. It's time-consuming, but totally worth it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:04:04 No.298394XXX
    ITT: poorfags who can't afford apple products
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:04:31 No.298394XXX
    LauncherPro + or ADWLauncher Ex. I have both, still trying to decide which to use...
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:04:32 No.298394XXX
    Yes, theres apps for taking screenshots. The default camera saves apps to SD-card. With LauncherPro you can easily hide apps. And moving files between your computer and phone is even easier than iTunes - simple drag n' drop in Explorer (Finder for Macfags) and no fuckin' driver installation for something as simple as moving files.
    >> C10H15N 12/29/10(Wed)06:05:36 No.298395XXX

    CyanogenMod-6-12162010-Nightly-Droid overclocked low-voltage kernel
    Android 2.2.1 Build FRG83D
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:05:40 No.298395XXX
    ITP: Dumbfag who is retarded enough to waste money on apple products.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:05:57 No.298395XXX
    >lrn2exif newfag
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:06:38 No.298395XXX
    LauncherPro is superior because it's faster. And it's more customizeable.
    But the app drawer in ADW is indeed prettier...
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:07:23 No.298395XXX
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    poorfag detected
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:07:45 No.298395XXX
    it goes up!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:09:02 No.298395XXX
    >Nightly build
    Dude, just go flash the new. You don't even need to wipe caches and all that. They have a new stable release, it's ALOT faster. If you have a HTC Hero, download Froydvillain 1.7.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:10:54 No.298395XXX
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    hey andriod users, how does it feel to have your virginity?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:12:25 No.298395XXX
    No fucking clue, can't remember back that far.
    >> C10H15N 12/29/10(Wed)06:13:14 No.298395XXX

    No way - nightlies are on the bleeding fucking edge. I'm rocking shit that's too new for Gingerbread.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:13:22 No.298395XXX
    Lost my virginity it another android user, feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:14:45 No.298395XXX
    You're hand doesn't count
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:14:52 No.298395XXX
    >implying that you are not a virgin
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:17:23 No.298395XXX
    It's a 6.1 nightly ... Thats old. Check out the stable on their site.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:21:58 No.298396XXX
    I am sick of all this mac vs everyone else bullshit... Also im thinking about getting an android phone, which is the best?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:23:05 No.298396XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:23:46 No.298396XXX
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    iPhone is the best fyi

    picture related.
    >> C10H15N 12/29/10(Wed)06:23:58 No.298396XXX

    I'm there. The latest stable for my hardware (sholes) is 6.1.2 released on 12-15-2010

    I'm running the 12-17-2010 nightly.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:24:27 No.298396XXX
    Fuck, I was wrong. Sorry. I didn't see that your nightly were a 6.1.2. I'm running 6.1.1 myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:24:59 No.298396XXX
    >implying anything gaga likes is good
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:27:46 No.298396XXX
    "Where's my droid?" app
    helps you find your phone when it's lost or stolen
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:29:08 No.298396XXX
    >implying you would actually want to find you're droid phone
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:29:16 No.298396XXX
    >implying that she is not rich and famous unlike yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:29:33 No.298396XXX

    Posting from my Macbook Pro, which is charging my iPod touch.
    I use and Android phone. Much smoother than any iPhone I've ever handled. Also: AT&T? No thanks.

    Also, since it probably hasn't been mentioned enough: Alchemy. A very simple but intriguing game in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:29:49 No.298396XXX
    why would you bother looking for it?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:30:43 No.298396XXX
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    no mac user would have a android phone.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:30:54 No.298396XXX
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    you know what sold me on buying myself an evo for christmas?
    att doesn't have unlimited data plans anymore. neither does verizon.
    hello 4g evo on sprint with unlimited data for the same price i was paying at att without data.
    25$ a month for 2GB? eat a dick att.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:31:34 No.298397XXX
    She also likes penis... DOES THAT MEAN YOU LIKE PENIS TOO
    >> C10H15N 12/29/10(Wed)06:31:43 No.298397XXX

    No matter - Your running CM and it rocks.

    check this out:
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:33:25 No.298397XXX

    i do.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:34:12 No.298397XXX
         File1293622452.jpg-(592 KB, 747x1000, mother382.jpg)
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    It's the iPhone app I use. It changes the exif data and removes gps info

    Here's another. Delicious twinkie is delicious
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:34:50 No.298397XXX

    she has a penis, and so do I
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:35:46 No.298397XXX
    Dildroid Turns phone into dildo....Nuff said
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:36:32 No.298397XXX
    I just got a Galaxy S today and if you are a huge Mario fan i'd download the Mario live wallpaper bro its amazing
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:36:58 No.298397XXX
    yes she has a penis but she still also likes penis... :O another thing you have in common
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:37:36 No.298397XXX

    i pay 30 for unlimited data with verizon
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:38:40 No.298397XXX
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    ITT: Jelly Android Peasants
    >> fuck mac fags and their shitty phones Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:38:46 No.298397XXX
         File1293622726.jpg-(41 KB, 450x379, faggots.jpg)
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    Android - Full open source, amazing interface, far more customizable, can actually have a background, better apps, better camera, better processor, more memory, and lets not forget it doesn't look like a fucking ice cream sandwich.

    iPhone - For the mentally challenged faggots who would rather have something so fucking simple that even a kid with down syndrome could master in a 30 minute time period.

    Survey 2009 - 50% people want iPhone, 20% wanted Android
    Survey 2010 - 68% people want Android, 17% want iPhone.

    All you iPhone fags can suck a dick. Take your simple gay shit and gtfo. Buy real smartphone and get up on shit you ignorant cunts.

    Apps - SetCPU
    ADWLauncher or LauncherPro+
    Droid X Bootstrapper (Or for your model of Phone
    DX/D2 Bootlogo Changer
    Titanium Backup
    Fancy Widgets Pro
    Root Explorer
    3G Mobile Hotspo + TBH Patch
    Droid Overclock
    BattStatt Pro
    ROM Manager (Pointless if your not on a OG Droid
    Angry Birds
    RoboDefense Full
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:40:35 No.298397XXX
    yeah? add that to your phone bill.
    i was comparing my old bill at att which was 129.99 with no data.
    same price with verizon with no data.
    price with unlimited data text and 1500 minutes with sprint? 124.99.
    two phones on the plans btw.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:41:02 No.298397XXX
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    Not just the camera. I guess the ability to produce graphics on par with early ps3/360 games is also the result of poor innards
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:42:09 No.298397XXX
    android users buy android phones to be different, and mac users buy macs to also be different.

    how does it feel to become what you hate so much androidfags?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:42:33 No.298397XXX
    Thanks for the reminder, though. Flashing the nightly for Hero ... I should've never purchased that phone. Laggy as fuck. But CM (and FroydVillain) saved it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:43:21 No.298398XXX
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    inb4 not gameplay grafix derp

    Took these screenshots as I was getting cut in half
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:45:47 No.298398XXX

    android users are just hipster faggots trying to be different, and are nothing but puddi, and they all need to an hero.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:46:21 No.298398XXX
    No we buy Android phones to be able to everything we CANT with the iPhone.

    if the iphone is OH SO FUCKING GREAT, wheres Flash10? DivX? HDMI out? Oh wait, Steve Jobs hasn't got around to that yet because his piece of shit phone can't handle it i guess.

    Mac's blow dick too, the ONLY reason they can compete now is because they put INTEL chipsets and mobo's in them.
    >> Obama Bin Ladel 12/29/10(Wed)06:48:51 No.298398XXX
    honestly what pisses me off is i love the android's customizability but apple is soooo much easier to steal apps from with a jailbreak and installous. its really annoying android doesnt have a good pirate support while apple is so inept its just soooo easy to get high quality expensive apps for free
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:50:01 No.298398XXX

    >implying android can even do flash properly, as advised
    >implying that you don't get HD quailty video out through the 30 pin dock connector, wich is supported
    >implying that a jailbroken iPhone can't do what android can, and then some
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:50:03 No.298398XXX
         File1293623403.jpg-(468 KB, 426x1000, smooth840.jpg)
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    With the exception of customization, NOTHING you just said was true you goddamn dumbass
    >> Obama Bin Ladel 12/29/10(Wed)06:50:40 No.298398XXX
    cool jaggies bro? i fail to see what you are trying to brag about. there is some bump mapping going down (actually alot of bumpmapping) and some jaggies all over the place. im assuming this is an ipad or something due to the crap gfx
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:51:21 No.298398XXX
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    dem innards
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:52:02 No.298398XXX
    Lol, dude there are SO many sites where you can download apps. Just root your phone and download, install via CWM or Root Explorer or Astro.

    There are MANY ways to obtain them for free, but unlike apple, id rather pay for the apps and support the devs because Android is completely dominating in apple in every aspect in the phone scene hands down. And, I love seeing people with iphones envy me, because they CANT do it and they CANT compete.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:52:02 No.298398XXX
    Are you kidding me? With Android it's simpy google "Whatever-you-want apk", download, put on SDcard and just install. You don't even need to have your phone rooted or use any 3rd part apps to do that.
    >> Obama Bin Ladel 12/29/10(Wed)06:53:03 No.298398XXX

    no but seriously get a life rooting droids is so fucking pointless and OH WOW YOU CAN CHANGE THE BOOT LOGO WHO THE FUCK CARES
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:54:51 No.298399XXX
    >implying that iPhone is not the worlds best selling smartphone, EVER as reported my many tech magazines and websites
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:56:58 No.298399XXX
    Change our bootlogos, overclock our CPUs, change our BACKGROUND, tether for free, theme out our phone complete, custom launchers, custom docks, and last time I checked, ROOTING required a lot more work then that gay 1-click bullshit that was released for iphone.

    keep getting mad and raging plox. i'll keep posting my statements.

    Captcha - Lottio touching
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:57:58 No.298399XXX
    iphone users are just lazy cunts.

    nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:58:51 No.298399XXX
    It's a screenshot. Actual game looks even better. Lol show me one just fucking ONE game that even comes close to these games on an android phone
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)06:59:25 No.298399XXX
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    you're the one that is raging, having to constantly try to prove that the flawed, beta stage os that is android is better?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:00:00 No.298399XXX
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    What do you think of the WildFire HTC? Welcome feedback from current/ex owners. I'm very keen
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:00:02 No.298399XXX
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    Another iPhone game
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:00:38 No.298399XXX
    this, android has no gaem, yet another nail in android's coffin.

    they need to hurry up and put a gun at the robot's head.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:05:32 No.298399XXX
    Last time I rooted, I used the Universal Androot. Thats like 3 clicks and a reboot. I'm not even kidding. Google removed it from the marked, but you can easily find the apk on Google.
    >> Obama Bin Ladel 12/29/10(Wed)07:05:48 No.298399XXX
    oh yum look at all those hot jagged edges caused by a poor gfx processor.
    you know honestly i wouldn't be arguing for either side IF androids snes emulator didn't kick the shit out of ipiss's peice of shit laggy ass krap. i can play earthbound with no lag ever on my droid. lag so bad on an iphone it's not even worth trying
    so get fucked you cant even play earthbound bitch
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:07:03 No.298400XXX
    I am on AOSP Gingerbread I rolled for my self on my N1 :-P
    >> Obama Bin Ladel 12/29/10(Wed)07:07:29 No.298400XXX
    and btw i'm not a fucking stupid sheep like you i know what the games look like I HAVE BOTH PHONES BITCH. you're still wrong and also a dick sucking faggot. who the fuck uses their phone to play video games anyway
    >> !!I24q1fqdK72 12/29/10(Wed)07:07:51 No.298400XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:08:28 No.298400XXX
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    Less words moar pics. Show me a screenshot of one of these "better" games
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:09:01 No.298400XXX
    Not a Android hater here, but the Wildfire sucks. It's slow and has a shitty screen. If you want a cheap phone, get a HTC Hero. But Hero is a bit laggy, but it's not like it's unusable. Get a high end Android, they are the only Androids that are worth something.
    But THEY are REALLY worth the money.
    >> :stopsound: 12/29/10(Wed)07:09:21 No.298400XXX
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    I hope you all get cancer.

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:09:46 No.298400XXX
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    umad puddifag?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:10:21 No.298400XXX
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    iPhone: 1
    Android: 0
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:11:06 No.298400XXX
    One other thing the EVO 4G has is the maxTouch chip from Atmel. Beats Apple in every way with infinite touch capability. I thought you faggots were tech savvy. All of the HTC Android phones use the Atmel chip along with Samsung.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:11:08 No.298400XXX
    PAW Server
    WebSharing File/Media Sync
    Chrome to Phone
    Documents To Go
    SMS Backup +
    Root Explorer
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:11:09 No.298400XXX
    >iPhone- over9000
    >android- 0
    >> :stopsound: 12/29/10(Wed)07:12:10 No.298400XXX
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    You buy apple products because of the name, not because they're worth it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:12:43 No.298400XXX
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    gaiez gaiez cmon..Android haz no gaems
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:13:22 No.298400XXX
    Android Overtakes iPhone:

    Fuck the iPhone users. They are on the loosing side just as all Apple products should be.

    Go ahead: RAAAAAGGGGEEE through the butthurt Apple fags.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:13:34 No.298400XXX
    >you don't buy them because you're poor
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:14:36 No.298400XXX
    neckbeard spotted!

    -Sent from mah iPhone 4
    >> Obama Bin Ladel 12/29/10(Wed)07:14:47 No.298400XXX
    except earthbound and chrono trigger.
    and ff7
    but those arent worth playing on a handheld right?
    not saying either one is better
    im saying gaming on phones aside from emulators is fucking stupid
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:15:54 No.298400XXX
    that is not a fair argument, iOS is exclusive to iPhone, and android is whored out by google on many a phone, and yet it still fails.

    if iOS was the same, android would be dead and buried.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:16:52 No.298400XXX
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    >> Obama Bin Ladel 12/29/10(Wed)07:18:13 No.298400XXX
    yeah i played prey on the iphone. it was kinda fun
    i love going back and forth between the same 4 rooms over and over again because we've never heard of story or non circular level design. you guys suck. oh and that halo rip off? nova or wtvr? that shit is fucking PATHETIC. controls are complete garbage, plot is pointless, gfx suck, multiplayer is meh. elimination was kinda fun, but the whole leveling system is just annoying because ITS NOT FUCKIGN COD black ops IM NOT GONNA PLAY FOR 4 HOURS STRAIGHT JUST TO GET A DECENT GUN FUCKERS
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:18:16 No.298400XXX
    you are kidding me, aren't you? I don't know about Evo, but multitouch on Hero and Wildfire is shit. even with only two fingers it works like shit. Pinch and zoom is fine, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:24:47 No.298401XXX
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    So where's the screenies of these superior games?

    That aside, my original point was the fact that iPhone uses a dedicated operating system designed specifically for the hardware creates a much more efficient device.

    Look at android, it's a universal operating system mass installed on hundreds of different phones with varying processors, ram, and screen size. Not to mention the different brands of hardware each phone uses.

    iPhone uses ONE iOS for ONE device. That and the quality parts is what gives us a better camera, camcorder, much more fluid apps (web browsing, gaming etc) and smoother transitions. Games are just an example of the raw processing power and potential the iPhone carries.

    Tl;dr: games show the iPhones processing power and graphic abilities
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:33:06 No.298402XXX
    Bullshit. If the iOS were licensed to third parties it would not have done half as well, but that is beside the point. Apple would never do that.

    I will admit that the iPhone was the most successful single phone device in the mobile marketplace, but it is shit, and a bunch of stupid people do not a triumph make.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:34:56 No.298402XXX
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    why so butthurt? you know its true.
    >> Obama Bin Ladel 12/29/10(Wed)07:38:13 No.298402XXX
    lol wow you are very adept at missing the point. never said superior. i guess im jumping the gun and assuming you're not retarded and know what an SNES is and what an EMULATOR is but maybe that IS too much for little macfag brains to handle. SUPER NINTENDO. EMULATOR LETS YOU PRETEND YOUR PHONE IS A SUPER NINTENDO AND PLAY THE SUPER NINTENDO GAMES ON THE LITTLE SCREEN. god damn its like talking to a geriatric or something. and idunno i know there are 3d games for the android i just really dont care enough to go look for screenies cuz i don't play em on either system. idid play them on the iphone, but quickly got bored because they all suck. im glad you think your phone is the best that must really make you happy so great for you. doesn't change the fact that you are an ignoramous who lives in ignorant expensive bliss.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:41:13 No.298402XXX
    why are you so mad androidfag?

    when will android users submit and accept the fact that iPhone is better in every way?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:43:35 No.298402XXX
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    spaghetti and marshmallows!
    Cubed "3"
    Cache Cleaner
    Chrome to Phone
    New Google Music
    Gingerbread Keyboard
    MX Moto
    Miren Browser
    Quick Boot
    RDC Casino's
    Rom Manager
    Root Explorer
    Titanium Backup Pro
    Tunee Music
    Wireless Teather
    XDA App
    USB Teather
    Among others....
    >> Obama Bin Ladel 12/29/10(Wed)07:44:43 No.298403XXX
    lol when i can play earthbound (a game from the fucking early 90's) without it skipping every .5 seconds and making the sound annoying as shit. you guys can make a super shiny new final fantasy but you can't even start to TRY and play ff7. fuck you cant even try and play ff3 for the nes you're system is so shitty
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:45:59 No.298403XXX
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    he sooo mad
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:47:02 No.298403XXX
    I know what emulators are, the iPhone has SNES and Playstation emulators. If that was your only point, then you're pathetic HERPITY my fonez better cuz it plays emulated gaemz DERP.

    My VALID point was the iPhone more responsive, produces better graphics and takes better pictures. Basically outperforms any other android device.

    But enjoy your SNES games. Maybe after I'm bored with games made after I hit puberty, I'll download an app and enjoy them too
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:47:22 No.298403XXX
    but why are you so mad?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/10(Wed)07:50:42 No.298403XXX
    and the winner is...

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