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  • File : 1292459344.jpg-(95 KB, 647x540, 75153_114607875271143_100001657933298_12(...).jpg)
    95 KB ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:29:04 No.295130XXX  
    Ask a soldier stationed in Korea anything
    >> AIRFORCEFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:29:36 No.295130XXX
    Why are you such a troll?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:30:16 No.295130XXX
    Nice trip.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:31:18 No.295130XXX
    Do you know Ben Nevins? he works in Network Operations.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:31:22 No.295130XXX
    2ID FTW!!!
    >> Pvt. Anon 12/15/10(Wed)19:31:28 No.295130XXX
    Why are you in Korea? Im scheduled for Army BCT this coming March and I want to know my odds of going to Afghanistan or somewhere else. My MOS is 13 Bravo so I figure i'll be going to a combat zone.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:32:08 No.295130XXX
    Nah dude. I don't get to be around smart fellers like them.
    2ID sucks dude. Send me back to 10th mtn.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:32:10 No.295130XXX
    is the BBQ as good as they say?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:32:16 No.295130XXX
    why does ACU suck so much balls
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:32:26 No.295130XXX
    Ausfag soldier here, how does it feel to have the worlds crappiest camo?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:32:43 No.295130XXX
    intentional samefag
    *bwavo cwappity cwap*
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:33:06 No.295131XXX
    Ask a korea stationed in a soldier anything.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:33:09 No.295131XXX
    Yes yes and yes.
    You'll go to a combat zone. But you won't be seeing combat. Also, pray to god you don't come here. Or ft. Bliss.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:33:20 No.295131XXX
    Why are you such a prolific attention whore? I mean really. You make at least 2 threads every fucking day without fail.

    Seriously, you're worthless. Gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:33:26 No.295131XXX
    how's the weather? Recent photo?
    Station where?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:33:26 No.295131XXX
    Have you gotten with a juicy girl yet?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:34:04 No.295131XXX
    Fucking gay as aids. Pisses me off.
    I hate this shit.
    The canadian forces camo is better than ours.
    >> MARINE 12/15/10(Wed)19:34:16 No.295131XXX
    Why are you both gay?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:35:14 No.295131XXX
    Cause I'm on quarters, and I'm bored as shit. I apologize to offend you my friend.
    It's cold as shit dude. Like, 3 degrees or some shit.
    >> Pvt. Anon 12/15/10(Wed)19:36:09 No.295131XXX
    I heard almost anyone a combat MOS will become an 11B the minute you go to Afghanistan? Do you know if there's any legitimacy to that?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:36:57 No.295131XXX

    fucking national guard faggots
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:37:40 No.295132XXX
    It comes close to it. I was just going to troll you. But yeah, you'll go out on patrols just like everyone else does.

    (artillery is not combat arms, no matter what your recruiter tells you, or what you believe)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:37:44 No.295132XXX
    Omfg are you from Korea?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:37:52 No.295132XXX
    which is the best Korea?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:38:03 No.295132XXX
    hi, soldier.
    how do you feel about traps ?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:38:41 No.295132XXX
    is that a FAMAS?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:38:51 No.295132XXX
    how pathetic a person are you to ask for a silly costume and gun just to be somebody.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:39:03 No.295132XXX
    Nasty as shit bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:39:28 No.295132XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:41:01 No.295132XXX

    are you kidding me, that's the whole reason they repealed don't ask don't tell...

    so half of you faggots could become traps and actually get laid
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:41:18 No.295132XXX
    LOL @ no magazine in gun.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:41:23 No.295132XXX

    and booby traps ?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:43:15 No.295133XXX
    Not in a combat environment.
    Ammunition is not necessary.
    Why put a blank magazine in my weapon?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:43:22 No.295133XXX
    now that is all cool be a fag in the army, how many other fags came out besides you?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:44:39 No.295133XXX
    do you get perverse when you pop wood at night
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:45:41 No.295134XXX
    how often do armyfags get caught sucking cawk on army time?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:47:17 No.295134XXX
    is it true that you gayfags shower together and *pretend* to drop the soap?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:47:33 No.295134XXX
    .. kyle neihoff?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:47:43 No.295134XXX
    a) How the balls do you get put in the Korean DMZ instead of some sandnigger country?
    b) What do you do day-to-day? Stare into NK and flip off the opposing guards?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:47:57 No.295134XXX
    Not even close dude.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:48:02 No.295134XXX
    when is the last time you had a shapee in the pooper?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:48:09 No.295134XXX
    Korean War never ended... so technically you are in a combat environment. Regardless, why carry around a gun at all then?

    And yes, Canadian Forces have better camo.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:48:11 No.295134XXX
    >yfw guy on far left has no left arm.

    captcha: Cloned neighbors
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:48:47 No.295134XXX
    wat was the biggest cawk you've seen in the army?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:49:22 No.295134XXX
    I go to Afghanistan in August lol.
    And not really. Alot of training.
    >> Pvt. Anon 12/15/10(Wed)19:49:29 No.295134XXX
    combat arms meaning?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:50:29 No.295135XXX
    I got a buddy going over there. Seems there is a buildup going on
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:50:45 No.295135XXX

    My mother's.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:50:54 No.295135XXX
    No, we are not. An armistice was signed. Therefore, it is not a war zone or combat zone.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:50:59 No.295135XXX

    why does the Korean dude on the left have his hand on the other dudes ass?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:51:01 No.295135XXX
    do you know Robert Watwood?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:51:29 No.295135XXX
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    13 Bravo reporting for duty. How's the tension over there? am i comin over anytime soon
    pic related: its me and my weapon
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:51:41 No.295135XXX
    do they construct additional pylons?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:52:16 No.295135XXX

    Because we like dicks.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:52:59 No.295135XXX

    so you think traps are nasty, because your mad at your mom (who's apparently a trap)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:53:05 No.295135XXX

    Try harder. Or are you trying to troll by being a gigantic failure?
    >> Pvt. Anon 12/15/10(Wed)19:53:39 No.295135XXX
    13 Bravo is Artillery (Cannon Crewmember)
    So...your picture is irrelevant
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:53:45 No.295135XXX

    I just got back from Korea. Yes, the war is STILL going on. It's called cease-fire.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:54:08 No.295136XXX
    Eh, we'll see what happens this weekend. But there isn't much going on here, and there never will be.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:54:30 No.295136XXX
    So why didn't you guys study and get a proper job?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:54:40 No.295136XXX

    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:55:25 No.295136XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:55:34 No.295136XXX

    do you feel more manly, having an average amercunt cawk surrounded by tiny Asian cawk?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:56:24 No.295136XXX
    It's actually called an armistice. Where the FIGHTING has stopped. Therefore, the war is still going. But it is not a combat environment. Which is what I was trying to say.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:56:32 No.295136XXX

    No. I suck all cocks equally.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:56:37 No.295136XXX
    What about the events of USS Pueblo?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:56:42 No.295136XXX
    So how are Koreans? Dicks or pretty cool guys?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:57:15 No.295136XXX
    This thread AGAIN?


    During AIT, 5 of 30 active soldiers in my platoon were alphabetically selected for Korea. I was one of them, despite volunteering for a deploying unit. You have absolutely no control over where you go. Your requests will be ignored and the branch manager will put you wherever he needs to put a soldier when he pulls up your file.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:57:24 No.295136XXX

    I met my boyfriend here in Korea. So I would say they're pretty cool guys.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:58:13 No.295137XXX

    and how's the penis situation?
    >> AIRFORCEFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:58:29 No.295137XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:58:48 No.295137XXX
    Have you tasted dog-meat? Would you?

    not trolling, just curious.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:58:59 No.295137XXX
    Does any real army unit have the designation 4077th?
    And if so, what kind of unit is it?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:59:09 No.295137XXX
    That was in the fucking 60's guy.
    Yes, this thread again. Quarters is a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:59:20 No.295137XXX

    isn't there something in the army motto about having to drink all the load?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)19:59:24 No.295137XXX
    killed any gooks yet, good sir?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)19:59:28 No.295137XXX

    Back home in Tennessee I tasted my German Shepherd's meat.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:00:13 No.295137XXX
    Any tips for basic training? Do you think there will be war in Korea any time soon?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:00:18 No.295137XXX
    No. And no, I don't think that I would ever try it man.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:00:32 No.295137XXX
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    Aviations here, soup /b/
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:00:58 No.295137XXX
    Do what your told.
    And no.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:00:58 No.295137XXX

    Offer your superiors great blowjobs and you'll be okay.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:01:31 No.295137XXX
    I fucking envy you.
    >> Anonymous !ImSoAlone.dsRTy 12/15/10(Wed)20:02:05 No.295137XXX
    I respect you OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:02:15 No.295137XXX

    0/10 just quit it's embarassing
    >> AIRFORCEFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:02:48 No.295138XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:02:51 No.295138XXX
    op is a fag evidence is clear
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:02:54 No.295138XXX
    srs'ly tho'

    didn't all US forces ban the use of the chan's?

    which begs the question, where the fuck are you really?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:03:31 No.295138XXX

    That will not be your weapon, artyfag.

    Doesn't blend in with anything. Not authorized to ever roll up the sleeves. Traps heat VERY well. Made with knockoff velcro that wears out very quickly. Can't iron them for shit. It's barely possible to look professional in these pajamas.

    Only if you're terrible at your job or you can't be depended upon. They will find a use for you as a gate guard or roving guard ALL THE TIME.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:03:58 No.295138XXX
    You are aware that we can differentiate between you and him. Copy and pasting a trip doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:04:11 No.295138XXX
    how does it feel to not be an awesome army ranger?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:04:13 No.295138XXX
    Why are you so fucking short? And why do those Koreans look like they really didn't want to take a fucking picture.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:05:13 No.295138XXX
    If they banned 4chan I am unaware.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:05:41 No.295138XXX
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:05:50 No.295138XXX
    Rangers are fucking cunts who do nothing but talk about being a Ranger. I'd rather kick it with a fucking POG than a ranger.

    And I fucking hate POGs.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:06:09 No.295138XXX
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    do you ever get the urge to just go out to the DMZ and fire a few rounds north just for the fuck of it?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:06:13 No.295138XXX
    Are you worried that Saddam Hussein will attack again?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:06:29 No.295138XXX
    Feels ok. Most people say that rangers are pretentious. But I guarantee you that you will not find a more pretentious group of guys like the Scouts.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:06:48 No.295138XXX

    I prefer fake OP, much cooler guy
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:07:21 No.295139XXX
    What's your MOS anon?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:07:22 No.295139XXX
    What's it like being in the military?

    Should i join the army before i go to a university?

    Also, there is a huge need for pilots in my country, are there any advantages of trying to become an pilot in the army to doing it privatly?
    Like, is it cheaper?

    Costs $500.000 here.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:07:27 No.295139XXX
    heinous ass Army.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:07:48 No.295139XXX
    >>Not wearing CIB or CAB
    >>Talks about Afghanistan deployment
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:08:37 No.295139XXX
    why do we have a base there? what are you defending, hookers and kimchi?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:08:43 No.295139XXX
    Used to be 11b
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:09:11 No.295139XXX
    yeah, most the dudes around here are the same assholes who pushed me around in highschool. i made the cut through a mircale. also, sweet quads.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:09:17 No.295139XXX
    Do any of you realize the names? I tripfag for a fucking reason.
    I've never been deployed, nor will I say I have.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:10:11 No.295139XXX
    You ranger?
    Nice, how long you been out?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:11:17 No.295140XXX

    Also yes, yes you will. Rangers are fucking beauty queens. Seriously they fucking pluck their eyebrows, I had to live with some of these faggots for 2 months.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:12:42 No.295140XXX
    2 Years. Feels good and bad man. I miss shooting shit and riding around in Bradleys crushing the fuck out of everything. I do not miss getting up at 6am. Nor do I miss staff duty, unless it was on a thursday.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:12:42 No.295140XXX
    armyfag, you know john laird? he's over there, too...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:13:02 No.295140XXX
    yeah, just made it through the selection a little while ago. havent deployed yet, but been getting my ass kicked in training for half a year.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:13:19 No.295140XXX
    has your daily routines changed much since the shootings a few weeks back?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:14:16 No.295140XXX
    Is the north really going to start some shit, or where they just acting tough
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:15:58 No.295141XXX
    i remember you post here 3 weeks ago
    are u still on korea ?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:16:00 No.295141XXX

    On work computers, there's not a whole lot that isn't filtered. Of course you can get your own internet access in any barracks room.

    Restaurants that serve Gaegogi (dog) are suprisingly hard to find; never found one. I never went looking for one but I always had Korean friends or my Korean girlfriend with me to read the menus and tell me what I was eating. I know this will be asked, so yes, my gf has eaten dog once. She was tricked into it by her mother when she was a child.

    The only time you will use a communal shower in the Army is basic training. Males are VERY protective of personal space in BCT showers, but females will share shower heads to save time.

    We have 30,000 US Army soldiers in Korea, and 549,000 active US Army soldiers total according to Wikipedia. Almost all junior enlisted soldiers and 2nd Lieutenants in Korea are at their first duty station.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:16:15 No.295141XXX
    sigh...hey, rangers take a lot of pride in looks?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:19:18 No.295141XXX
    Yes I am. I'm here until July.
    Nice, I'm assuming your 11 series?
    Brad gunner here lol
    Who knows man.
    >> PVT Jones 12/15/10(Wed)20:19:46 No.295142XXX
    I'll be leaving for BCT my MOS is 12R (interior electrician) will I see any combat? My Srgt said I wont but i'll be with the combat engineer.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:20:40 No.295142XXX
    Do intelligence officers ever see combat? I know the military can be gay about making you do shit you didn't sign up for, but I wanna go for OCS after college.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:21:10 No.295142XXX
    Then you get fucking trips? Are you the king of 8?

    I was a brad gunner too. Loved every second of it. You guys get out and walk around, I'm gonna take a fucking nap and turn the comms all the way up so I hear when they call me on the net.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:21:29 No.295142XXX
    Absolutely not. Don't take offense to this but you will be the definition of a POG.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:21:43 No.295142XXX
    have u scored any asian ladyboys?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:22:19 No.295142XXX
    Haha, it's starting to look that way.

    Where were you stationed?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:23:19 No.295142XXX
    answer my question nigger:
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:23:32 No.295142XXX
    I was an engineer. We were never assigned with anyone who wasn't combat. Typically if we weren't alone patrolling adamiyah (or however the fuck you spell it) we were with 11b or 19d when we did batt wide missions.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:23:34 No.295142XXX
    dude, trips? yeah, imma bravo. just a little ranger private. like i said, never deployed, but based on their attitudes around here, i can certainly imagine pretenious. im just really excited, training cycle just finished, and you know what that means...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:24:28 No.295143XXX
    Are you ready to be nuked?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:25:00 No.295143XXX
    Ahhh shit son get ready for it lol
    I'm not certain about commissioning to be honest with you. I don't know how it works.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:25:05 No.295143XXX
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    hai op
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:25:10 No.295143XXX
    You still have an 8 Jesus Christ...

    I was with the 3rd ID @ Stewart and then I played OPFOR at Irwin for a bit. Opfor is a sweet fucking gig. Stewart is shit, but I don't know of a better division (hence them leading the country into Iraq). I was attached to 3/7 cav during the initial invasion. Best time of my life.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:25:24 No.295143XXX
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    >> PVT Jones 12/15/10(Wed)20:26:07 No.295143XXX
    Whats a POG?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:26:25 No.295143XXX
    Ah, I know the commissioning process. I just wanted to know if, in your experience, officers ever end up having to do shit that isn't part of their MOS (e.g. armor officers being in an infantry unit or some shit)
    >> AIRFORCEFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:27:50 No.295143XXX
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    Nothing wrong with looking high speed man.

    I'm no ranger though.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:28:47 No.295144XXX
    How does it feel everyday to wake up and realize that you should have joined the Air Force?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:28:57 No.295144XXX
    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:29:11 No.295144XXX
    pussy on guard
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:29:21 No.295144XXX
    besides the m4 (does not induce the M4A1) the, M16A4, SAW, M9, AT4 and M240 what guns have you shot
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:29:21 No.295144XXX
    why does the hat crook down like that on the side?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:29:50 No.295144XXX
    Personnel other than Grunt. Basically the same as REMF (Rear Echelon Mother Fucker)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:30:03 No.295144XXX
    Do you really feel that you are doing right when you go to Afghanistan or do you realize that you are just sort of a puppet for bigger interests..
    I mean nobody rly believes that you are fighting terrorism, bcs you had to be in sudan, somalia and tons of other places if it would be rly a fight against terror

    sec question are you in the army because of the money?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:31:04 No.295144XXX
    How has the military life been compared to your expectations of it?
    >> AIRFORCEFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:31:24 No.295144XXX

    Honestly, I wake up everyday and wish I had stayed in the Army...
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:32:08 No.295144XXX
    Javelin, mk19, .50 cal, 25MM, 240d, 240c.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:32:15 No.295144XXX
    YO I'm a 74-Delta, Um Im Switching from National guard to active...I know alot of Active 74-Delta Soldiers who got stationed in Korea....WHAT THE FUCK IS IT LIKE?

    I have a kid also so my money will be looking hella's your living arrangements and shit?

    Ad how cheap is shit there like a T.V and shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:32:18 No.295144XXX
    Let me introduce you to the M231, the fucking god of M style weapons.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:32:33 No.295144XXX

    Hey OP, how's the Starcraft 2 scene in Korea? Is it catching on or is BroodWar still owning?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:32:47 No.295145XXX
    It's shown me exactly that this is the life that I wanted to lead. I love this life.
    >> AIRFORCEFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:33:02 No.295145XXX

    It's a beret. How it looks is all how you form it. They look thick, bulky, poofy, and stupid when you don't form them right. Mine took about 3 weeks to mold down like that. It's a form fitted look.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:33:24 No.295145XXX
    let me rephrase what i said
    besides the M4, (does not induce the M4A1) M16A4, SAW, M9, AT4, MK 19 and M240 what guns have you shot
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:34:01 No.295145XXX
    How easy is it to be promoted?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:34:25 No.295145XXX
    Is our wife and kid coming with you? I'm not to certain on what the 74 series does out here. Tv are cheap as shit lol
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:34:35 No.295145XXX
    OP what is your MOS?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:34:54 No.295145XXX
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    so op.......

    have u?
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:36:08 No.295145XXX
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:36:33 No.295145XXX
    hi anon here

    we used to go on base to eat american pizza and steal porno mags and buy baseball cards saturday mornings

    most of your px workers sell to the black market
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:36:40 No.295145XXX
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    this thread needs moar traps
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:36:41 No.295145XXX
    you have no idea what youre talking about. shut the fuck up. those people are a fucking cancer killing the earth, go read "kite runner". (iraq, but its the same damn place) also, the money aint bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:36:43 No.295145XXX
    What the general plan for n. Korea
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:36:44 No.295145XXX
    LOL no my baby momma is staying her slutty ass in South Carolina, with her new Boyfriend whos a total pussy boy, But I am putting my child on my Active papers because the Baby momma is National Guard in the unit im leaving =)

    and what do u live in a open bay barracks or like a apartment room thing?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:36:53 No.295145XXX

    ooohh.. now i know..
    what branch is this?

    >> AIRFORCEFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:37:06 No.295145XXX

    It's not. If you don't sign a 6 year contract you will get your first stripe at the 6 month mark. You will make your second stripe around the 10 month-year mark depending upon your job and command.

    Senior Airman is your third stripe, that one is also given to you at like the 2.5 year mark after making A1C(2 stripes).

    After that it's NCO ranks, you have to test and have excellent EPR's.(like reviews)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:38:03 No.295146XXX
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    dumping traps
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:38:07 No.295146XXX
    what is the confidence chamber like? what is the victory or confidence tower like? i am going to basic next august and i am scared
    >> AIRFORCEFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:38:27 No.295146XXX

    You are a troll. However, I am in the Air Force.
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:38:47 No.295146XXX
    If you get stationed anywhere else other than fucking Camp hovey, you'll have a private room.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:38:55 No.295146XXX
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    go go go
    >> ARMYFAG !recon1FJiA 12/15/10(Wed)20:39:31 No.295146XXX
    Gas chamber sucks.
    Everything else is fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:39:40 No.295146XXX
    shitloads of soldiers have gotten through it fine, don't be a pussy. it's called a confidence course for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/10(Wed)20:39:56 No.295146XXX
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