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  • File : 1291043553.jpg-(163 KB, 936x631, JUVENILE_JUSTICE_RESIZED-2.jpg)
    163 KB Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:12:33 No.290864XXX  
    High Scool Dropouts Report In.

    Walked out at 15 here.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:13:29 No.290864XXX
    op is a dumb nigger
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:13:48 No.290864XXX
    enjoy prison
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:14:15 No.290864XXX
    enjoy your McDonald's
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:14:23 No.290864XXX
    left at 16, got my g.e.d at 17.

    was done a year before my classmates. feels good man
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:14:41 No.290864XXX
    Left half way through the year of my 5th (yes, 5th) year of high school.

    I still plan on at least getting my GED.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:14:49 No.290864XXX
    high school is hard :(
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:15:49 No.290864XXX
    left at 17 joined army now a sgt and gettin paid good

    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:16:13 No.290864XXX
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    Dropped out at sixteen, now I'm one semester away from finishing up my four year degree. High school isn't always the most important part of your education.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:16:15 No.290864XXX

    nice troll. enjoy your secondary school.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:18:14 No.290864XXX
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    Left on my 16th birthday in the 9th grade. Have since been in the Army, worked as a prison guard and got a bachelor's degree. Dropping out is not the life ending mistake they said it would be.

    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:18:24 No.290864XXX
    it isn't hard. it wasn't challenging enough for me, i was bored and i hated everyone i went to school with.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:18:31 No.290864XXX
    GEDget here. Trying to work up the ball to go to the recruiting office today and enlist
    >> !boxxy968vE 11/29/10(Mon)10:18:33 No.290865XXX
    lol at the dumbfags
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:18:47 No.290865XXX
    18 here. Gots my GED and went to tech college and transfered to a 4 year.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:20:00 No.290865XXX
    ITT: pathetic losers
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:20:42 No.290865XXX
    we are likely all better off than you.
    >> feels good man Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:21:45 No.290865XXX
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    dropped out at 17, started working at Walmart. years later im at Canadian Tire as Warehouse Manager. engaged (no kids, none planned) living in my almost payed off house.30 some thou to like 2-3 years left also 3 of the 6 staff that work for me have college degrees and are making no more then 11/h. and they are going no where !!! MUAAAAHAHAHAHAH
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:22:06 No.290865XXX

    I earn between 1500-2500 a week. McDonalds isn't really an option


    This might be though.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:22:12 No.290865XXX
    dropped out at 17 and got my g.e.d. now workin normal job
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:22:28 No.290865XXX
    >boxxy in tripcode
    >worships a camwhore who wont even show tits and only returned for his money.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:23:15 No.290865XXX
    a cop walked me out at 14

    i stayed out of school until i was 17, that lasted for less than a year and i walked out again.

    fuck people, fuck school, fuck being successful, fuck having goals and fuck caring about human life. get money/fuck bitches
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:24:05 No.290865XXX
    Reporting in.

    Leaving now bye.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:24:48 No.290865XXX
    Dropped out at 14 here.

    Signed a record contract at 19. Had one hit.

    Bought a house, fucked a few models.

    Now bumming around wasting my cash, and letting the McDonalnds I purchased a share in pick up the tab.

    Feels good.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:26:00 No.290865XXX
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    Same here.
    I was flunking out of high school with horrible grades but I got a perfect score on my GED and now I'm drowning in tuition money.
    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:28:02 No.290866XXX
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    I've only finished grade 9. Most of my time spent so far has been spent fucking off. Now I'm 18, working as an electrician and making decent money.

    Enjoy your constant studying and stupid meaningless things that are consuming time you'll never get back, successfulfags.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:28:34 No.290866XXX
    stay home, fap all day, stay up all night, word up
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:30:08 No.290866XXX
    yeah because i hear bitches love guys who dropped out of high school and have a shitty job
    imagine this, youre a girl at a bar, do you go for the fag who dropped out of high school and got his GED or the well dressed man who graduated from a respectable university and is working his way up the corporate ladder?
    enjoy your fail
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:30:51 No.290866XXX
    #1 Finished School at 16;
    #2 Started a web hosting business at 17;
    #3 Finished college at 18 (3 months ago)
    #4 Now earn 49k a year. I out-fuck all your lazy fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:31:45 No.290866XXX
    My dick is bigger then your's, your argument, invalid.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:32:00 No.290866XXX
    Yes because we all know that everybody wears their Diploma like a name tag.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:32:33 No.290866XXX

    above are people who, moire then likely would have stayed in highschool if their classes were at most, 40 people, and they were in a school [k-12] of only 1000 people

    Big schools are just bad...

    You guy's are no doubt achieving, but the fact that you left highschool, a thing that lasts 4 years, and that you can only really leave after 3 of them [depending on your age, and you not being a social reject as in "Lul pot and knives are cool, uh oh you found them /expelled" ] really only shows me that you're a bunch of quitters.

    I don't really care if you went and got you GED after the fact. If you couldn't stick through the 4 crap years of shit schooling that the [as far as I know] majority of us go through, it's just showing to me that deep down, when something becomes truly difficult you're going to petter out because 'it's boring' or 'i wasn't feeling challenged', or simply because you are, and will forever be, a person unable to work with a group of people, on an activity they do not and never will like.

    Most of you joined the military which sickens me as you probably did it out of the fact that you had no choice. You're disgusting. That's probably one of the most crucial decisions in your life and you made it without even thinking when you 'dropped out'.

    But you know whatever.

    tl;dr highschool dropouts are fags and quitters no matter what they say or think.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:32:57 No.290866XXX
    Finished School at 19
    Went to college
    making ten times as much as you at 30 and still working my way up the corporate ladder, you on the other hand are stuck
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:33:56 No.290867XXX
    stoped going mid 7th grade and went straight to community college, studied art and music for 4 years then dropped out of that just short of a degree. spent the next couple of years working my dream job until i lost my long time gf and said dream job.. now im married and spending christmas in prague thanks to your tax dollars... Feels great man
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:34:16 No.290867XXX

    >imagine this, youre a girl at a bar, do you go for the fag who dropped out of high school and got his GED or the well dressed man who graduated from a respectable university and is working his way up the corporate ladder?

    Oh holy fuck. You are in for a world of dissapointment.

    I can't wait to see your face when you realise the dumpy ethnic girl whose looking for a responsible man to settle down with at the age of 22 is the only girl you can land, while the lazy drug dealing high school drop out with home made tattoos on his neck is fucking all the attractive women under 30 who won't look twice at you.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:34:37 No.290867XXX
    well its not like any of us could go back.
    what we did felt right to us.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:35:32 No.290867XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:36:39 No.290867XXX

    You just described 99.9 per cent of Defence Force and Law Enforcement.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:37:15 No.290867XXX
    held back much?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:37:27 No.290867XXX

    I'm 18 you fuck-wod. My target profit for next year is around 100k...

    By my mathematical skills; I should be on 1m+ a year or more by the time I'm 30.

    Enjoy your life..
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:37:34 No.290867XXX
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    Unless you're ugly.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:37:40 No.290867XXX

    Well i'm not too mad, people are stupid. You really should've thought it out more.

    Highschool is a gateway to better things. People who stick it out all the way and work hard at it can get a free ride to college, and then they make a million dollars more then you ever will.

    You were 15-19 when you decided to leave, and the fact that you thought you were smart enough to make such a life altering choice at that age shakes me to my core, as we know [I do anyway] that if you're younger then 23, you're pretty much retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:37:46 No.290867XXX
    ITT future homeless crack heads who blame society.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:37:57 No.290867XXX

    Wow. That's among the dumbest rationalization's I've ever read.

    You should stick to doing something pointless, worthless and and damaging, because to not would be quitting?

    Are you one of those faggots who doesn't take medication when he gets sick, because it's for pussies?
    >> Ambassador Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:39:31 No.290867XXX
    British i take it?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:39:35 No.290867XXX
    dropping out hasn't really affected my life at all. the biggest problem i have is people like you who think i'm dumb for doing it. =\
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:39:50 No.290867XXX
    School kills creativity.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:39:58 No.290867XXX
    At first I was going to rage at the massive amount of retards who are proud of their 40-50K a year jobs in low management positions, but then I read this

    >well its not like any of us could go back
    >what we did felt right to us

    And I realized that having this unwarrented self-importance is important to your well-being when you really have not too much going for you. So I guess good for you guys, way to go
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:41:01 No.290868XXX
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    >Highschool is a gateway to better things. People who stick it out all the way and work hard at it can get a free ride to college, and then they make a million dollars more then you ever will.

    >mfw when pathetic losers need to keep telling themselves this to make it through their education because they lack the ability, intelligence and balls to make a livng on their own accord.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:41:12 No.290868XXX
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    I got my grade 10 when all friends were getting grade 12 because drugfag. Stopped them, but fucked up now with mental shit. Don't want to earn 50k a year, don't need some banging hot chick..... but I will eventually do work with helping people even for shit pay. Still young though.

    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:41:20 No.290868XXX
    the only important person to me is myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:42:19 No.290868XXX
    16 here, 21 and still dont have a job or car

    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:42:45 No.290868XXX

    No, I start off by NOT doing something ointless, worthless and and damaging.

    You were probobly too busy trying to be cool, or being to awkward or scared to go ask your teacher for assistance if you had difficulty getting work done.

    Highschool is the gate to a better life, it's the doorbell you ring for good college, and you slammed that gate shut and shit all over it when you left. Now if you want in you have to clean the hell outta that gate and ask really polietly.

    You can still earn as much money as someone else, but in all likelihood you won't because you probably don't wanna make the effort.

    :P And I take medicine, because I love the modern miracle of advanced health care!

    But complaining is for pussies. I won't go "OOOH IM SO SICK." I take the pills and then go on, because everyone gets sick, and some people in the world don't even have Legs. [and at least one of those people is far more successful then me]
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:42:57 No.290868XXX

    You can pull in 100k a year without even finishing 9th grade.

    Making money isn't a difficult proposition. Occupying your time with something worthwhile is.

    I've got friends who've finished university, only to find themselves in a shit job because they have no real direction. It's the reason they stayed in school in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:43:19 No.290868XXX
    George Carlin dropped out of highschool, you gonna call him stupid too?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:45:27 No.290868XXX
    einstein didn't enjoy school either
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:45:51 No.290868XXX

    I don't insult the dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:46:11 No.290868XXX

    >You were probobly too busy trying to be cool, or being to awkward or scared to go ask your teacher for assistance if you had difficulty getting work done.

    No. I was bored senseless and there was literally no incentive or reason for me to continue studying at high school.

    >Highschool is the gate to a better life, it's the doorbell you ring for good college, and you slammed that gate shut and shit all over it when you left.

    And yet College doesn't provide a better life. So your reasoning is massively flawed.

    >You can still earn as much money as someone else, but in all likelihood you won't because you probably don't wanna make the effort.

    ...Yeah, because I want to work 50 hours a week so that I can watch my money accumulate interest. That sounds like a really good trade off.

    You sound like your a fat, insecure permavirgin whose clinging to the dream that studying hard will eventually pay off.

    If only life were that easy.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:47:25 No.290868XXX

    The "MUST FINISH HIGHSCHOOL OR YOU WILL BE A CRACKHEAD" bullshit was sunk so, so long ago.

    I'm more interested in individual btards reasons as to their departure.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:48:56 No.290869XXX
         File1291045736.jpg-(87 KB, 750x600, mc donalds application.jpg)
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    The world needs people who are too dumb to do anything else but simple menial labour.

    PS: Friend of mine worked in a Mc Donalds to earn for his studies, he was on his way to his diploma when a colleague, who made his doctorate at that time, got harassed by a stupid ass redneck neckbeard, dressed like you wouldn't dress at night - if he had learned something, he wouldn't have to work at Mc D. My friend fell over laughing hard, the poor guy couldn't respond but say "I'm sorry. So sorry."

    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:49:05 No.290869XXX
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    Not considered a drop-out by the state. I left my high school at 17 to take part in a program called ALOP which was basically a GED test prep program (lol not even necessary, I took harder tests in 8th fucking grade), got my GED a couple months later, graduated a year before all of my classmates, still have the ability to go to the college I want to. Feels good, man.
    >> Ambassador Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:49:17 No.290869XXX
    neither did Hitler.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:49:20 No.290869XXX
    Dropped out @ 18 Senior year immediately got my GED went to community college. Currently have a 3.4GPA and majoring in nursing.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:49:39 No.290869XXX
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    got kicked out at the beginning of my senior year. came onto 4chan and never looked back.....its been three years now...
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:49:51 No.290869XXX

    This is a position I can agree with. I'm also in university and 90% of the people who are there don't really have any idea what they want to do, but feel great about themselves for being in university. Everyone worries too much about how much they are going to make/how they will be perceived when they get older. If half of these posts were "I dropped out because it was my dream to ______" I wouldn't mind so much, but I feel like most of the time they did it because there was an accessible job nearby and school was boring
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:49:56 No.290869XXX

    I hope to god you didn't graduate a High School in an English speaking country.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:50:12 No.290869XXX
    and look at all the great things he did
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:51:03 No.290869XXX
    droped at 20, was wandering around for quite some time then joined the army. I was studying philosophy at college
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:51:36 No.290869XXX
    failed senior year, now studying at one of country's top universities. funny that.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:51:45 No.290869XXX
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    i have a friend who didnt finish highschool, he was in the same grade as me, i graduated hes sitting at home living with his mom with no job, you do you that being a unemployed neckbearded fatass is not a prerequisite for surfing /b/ right?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:52:41 No.290869XXX

    >but I feel like most of the time they did it because there was an accessible job nearby and school was boring

    Yeah. That's me. My dad had me targeted to get an MBA.

    I just couldn't stand going to school everyday and being around boring cunts and learning the same dull shit over and over.

    Went and took a job roofing. Was worth it.
    >> !hQlCLSe9DM 11/29/10(Mon)10:53:21 No.290869XXX
    15,too cool for that shit son
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:53:32 No.290869XXX
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    Rob Dyrdeck here. I also dropped out of highschool. And look at me, I'm making money off my shitty MTV show and my skateboarding career. Here I am, making millions. But I guess I should have finished high school so I can work for hours and having a boss on my ass all the time rather than doing something I love to do.

    Have fun with your hours of work, I'll be out enjoying life and living free.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:53:57 No.290869XXX

    I got a friend who finished university, and when he's not at work at his barely above minimum wage job, he's at home surfing /b/ and feeding his huge gut and stroking his luxurious neck beard.

    Some people are born losers.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:55:23 No.290870XXX
    Dropped out at 15, still do not have GED. Still smarter than majority of people who I would have graduated with. Make more than most people.

    Just because someone didn't finish school doesn't mean they can't study what they want to do outside of it.

    >> Ambassador Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:55:28 No.290870XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:55:31 No.290870XXX
    graduated all schools with honors, went to both college and university, I make 24 dollars an hour doing something I love. have fun at your shit job at canadian tire
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:55:36 No.290870XXX
    Reporting in:
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:57:20 No.290870XXX

    >I make 24 dollars an hour

    >years and years of studying

    Jesus christ, if you aren't a porn star, I fucking pity you.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:57:35 No.290870XXX
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    Dropped out when 16 due to clinical depression and bipolar scitzophenic disorder.

    18 now may try going back to school, i dunno.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:58:52 No.290870XXX
    I saw one of my friends that dropped out of HS recently. He was begging for money @ a street light. It was fucking surreal. Here is a guy that I shared hung around and laughs with from freshman to sophomore year till he disappeared. I waved him over from my car and handed him a 100 dollar bill. He thanked me but didn't recognize me.

    Stay in school kids.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:58:55 No.290870XXX
    I went to Uni for 5 years, and now 10 years later I make 800k per annum. That's 800k AUD which is even more in USD at the moment.

    People can rage all they want about making more than kids who have arts degrees and stuff, but if you are smart with what you study and make sure it's actually going somewhere, it makes education a lot more worthwhile. A well placed MBA can make a big difference ;)
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:59:37 No.290870XXX
    inb4 the handful of people that didnt finish high school and are successful
    i cant even believe people are trying to argue that college is detrimental
    god you are fucking stupid
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:59:48 No.290870XXX
    >Typical PSA.jpg

    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:01:33 No.290870XXX
    You're a robot.

    Go find a member of the opposite sex and have sex with her.

    Oh wait, you got to go steal her from that "homeless highschool drop out" at the bar first right?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:01:35 No.290870XXX
    >dropped out of school because i was a faggot with no friends (cant even spell the disorder that i made up)
    >going to try to go back to school, but will likely not succeed because i am a quitting weak minded faggot
    try killing yourself
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:02:00 No.290870XXX

    I'm 18, and I make more than twice as much an hour at my weekend job as a cleaner.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:03:51 No.290871XXX
    High School Dropouts

    H.G. Wells

    Jimmy Clarke (billionaire founder of Netscape)

    Jimmy Dean (millionaire songwriter and businessman)

    Andrew Jackson...uh, POTUA

    Walter L Smith (former president of Florida A&M University)

    W Clement Stone (billionaire businessman, dropped out of ELEMENTARY school)

    Daniel Gilbert (Harvard University Psychology Professor)

    Patrick Henry

    Peter Jennings

    Philip Emeagwali (helped invent the internet)

    Kemmons Wilson (millionaire busniessman, started Holiday Inn franchise)

    Kjell Inge Rokke (norwegian billionaire)
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:04:25 No.290871XXX
    i dont know what you were trying to accomplish from that post but it didnt make any sense
    oh well i guess us "robots" (the millions that graduated college) just dont understand...
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:04:55 No.290871XXX

    I'd rather have my dick chopped off than work in any career path that requires an MBA.

    No offence.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:05:52 No.290871XXX

    >Implying that everyone else (especially /b/ tards) who drops out of high school will put time and effort into things that will change the world (things that require multiple times the time and effort that high school does. ESPECIALLY without High School/College/University education)
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:06:14 No.290871XXX
    Dropped out of High School when I was 16. Now I am a multi-millionaire. Enjoy your education faggots.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:06:14 No.290871XXX
    for every dropout you name there are a hundred who did go to high school and are just as successful. take a trip through the wealthiest cities in america, you think those people dropped out of high school?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:06:21 No.290871XXX
    Got my GED.

    Still not sure if it was the right decision, although I know that I would've been better off doing well in HS. Considering how poorly I was doing, it was basically the only decision, right or wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:06:29 No.290871XXX
    Aren't you a little badass? :3

    How about YOU kill yourself, scum.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:07:04 No.290871XXX

    Why? I enjoy my job - I'm the head of the Public Relations department for a huge mining company in West Australia. Basically involves me firing and hiring employees and making sure the company stays intact internally with no critical relationship breakdowns. I'm one of the few people with the power to fire the CEO. And I get paid a shit load.

    MBAs aren't all just accounting and boring stuff, they can go down many paths.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:07:06 No.290871XXX
    If you're a current HS fag contemplating dropping out fine, brush it off and do it already. You could google your ass off and read a ton of "dropout success stories". Fact of the matter is you're only limiting yourself on your opportunities.

    If you are already a dropout you of all people should already know the importance of HS. Stop being such a bitter faggot and give these guys a chance.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:07:26 No.290871XXX
    I was testing you, and you failed. Go spend 20 more years in college then you'll understand.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:07:43 No.290871XXX

    Samefag underageb& that uses gay furry emoticons. Go mow some lawns, kid.


    Also, not samefag here.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:07:57 No.290871XXX

    All depends how you define successful, really.

    If someone dropped out of High School (and they weren't retarded) they obviously have different parameters
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:08:12 No.290871XXX
    i studied animation in college (2D to be precise)

    total waste of time. then again doing anything creative is a waste at university.

    i think its quiet inspirational seeing people who dropped out and have made it big :) then again im not a typical uni going pretentious cunt

    also, butthurt with shit wage. ukfag here. sucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:08:58 No.290871XXX
    Dropped out at 16.
    And I'm in a band you've probably heard of.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:09:09 No.290871XXX

    Your post makes no rational sense.

    If being able to endure X amount of years of formal education was the only demonstration of ability, than all the people who DIDN'T wouldn't have succeeded.

    I can't believe they let people as dim as you graduate, let alone attend.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:09:34 No.290872XXX

    You stupid faggots make me feel better about myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:10:25 No.290872XXX

    Considering the fact that a good 99% of people who drop out of school drop out because they are fucking stupid rebellious little shits who think that they can dick around now and turn their life around later, who later find out that they can't and are stuck in some shitty job (If they even get one) for the rest of their lives.

    Hey, dropoutfags, how's that working out for you?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:10:29 No.290872XXX

    Some dropped out, some didn't attend. Some got lucky, some were born to wealth. Some followed a very orderly education and career path to wealth, some didn't.

    If you didn't get a medical degree or an MBA, you aren't guaranteed much in the way of financial success, unless you make it happend for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:10:33 No.290872XXX
    >Samefag underageb& that uses gay furry emoticons. Go mow some lawns, kid.

    OMG YOU FIGURED OUT that I am the same as >>290870356
    because I replied to your aspie post?!?

    Awsome detective work, rainman. :3
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:11:15 No.290872XXX
    Good, go to college. Waist more of your life.
    >> Ambassador Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:11:25 No.290872XXX
    I did high school,some college but never went to university.

    Studied business at home and i made a online business for advertising and government sponsorship.

    I make £51k a year at 19. I have friends going into Uni now who will come out in £25-35k debt and can't get a job due to lack of work and experience. I've seen students with 2:1 degress and 6 A levels working at Mcdonalds.

    I pity them sometimes. Most of the time i don't give a fuck because they followed the crowd and drank themselves into submission with no ambition or drive.

    In the new year i'm expanding into various other niches which need filling, i've also got plans to open an online travel firm as my GF has good links with bosses at branches where i can get deals for customers.

    My cousins are also starting a PMC. After serving in the Para's for the last 8 years. I'll be linking them to the MoD.

    Mya dvice is follow your dreams not the crowd.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:11:37 No.290872XXX
    how about you stop speaking in riddles you pseudo intellectual faggot? "I was testing you, and you failed" do you think you're some kind of genius super-villain from a saturday morning cartoon? you sound ignorant when you make statements about spending 20 years in college, ill be spending 7 at the most
    its called a time investment, plus college is fun as shit, you wouldnt know though would you?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:12:10 No.290872XXX
    yeah and what makes you think you'll be as good as them, you got this thing where you think that just cause a handful of alright people didnt graduate, some of them being in a time where dropping out didnt mean much, your using it as a excuse to be a lazy good for nothing fuckhead, bet your mothers real proud.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:12:57 No.290872XXX
    Dropped out at 16.
    Fuck. 1 year later, I'm trying homeschooling.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:13:31 No.290872XXX

    >MBAs aren't all just accounting and boring stuff

    And yet everything you listed there is headache inducingly boring.


    >Western Austraila

    Again, I'd rather have my dick chopped off.

    >Public Relations
    >Mining Company

    See above.

    >Basically involves me firing and hiring employees and making sure the company stays intact internally with no critical relationship breakdowns.

    If this is something you enjoy, I understand. Personally that sounds like absolute hell to spend more than 30 hours a week going through.

    And to top it off, you are earning 800k a year, but live in a backward shit hole with no way of putting the money to enjoyable use.

    Or at least what I would find enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:13:35 No.290872XXX
    dropped out at 15 to do what I love, cooking.

    i still do it, worked with the some of the best chefs of the country, now working in a 3-diamonds kitchen..serving $70 plates and doin 81k a year, 94k next year if everything goes right.

    im 19, fuck hs. not planning on returning.

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