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    File : 1290084951.jpg-(32 KB, 161x401, overview-hero.jpg)
    32 KB Mac is the future. Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:55:51 No.288135XXX  
    Haha seriously, you pc faggots are too naïve. Did you know that the new mac is upgradable? It is because it is better than pc you stupid shits. You don't even have a good computer, obviously because you can't afford it (lol) I chose a mac cuz it never breaks and it never crashes and I never get viruses.

    YOu guys like get them all the time. So how does it feel pc fags? To like always have to buy a new computer n shit every 6 months when i've had my mac for like 10 years. I can do movies and I can even animate with my beautiful mac. And you guys, when was the last time you lost your precious work due to a crash? 5 minutes ago perhaps? Seriously, do you actually think PC will live on? Macintosh and apple will take over the market because its the future guys! You have to understand. This is for your own good, get a mac be4 its too late
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:56:49 No.288135XXX
    fail troll 0/10
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:57:16 No.288135XXX
         File1290085036.png-(34 KB, 345x369, 1283877019376.png)
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    inb4 shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:57:57 No.288135XXX
    haha i knew you pc fags were speechless. its ok, i will live on with the future and you stay with the stonehenge
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:58:36 No.288135XXX
    I quite like stonehenge, amazing architecture.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:58:37 No.288135XXX

    okay bro
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:58:50 No.288135XXX
    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:59:30 No.288135XXX
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    mac users will never expirience houseburnings caused by ultra graphics cards.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:59:34 No.288135XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)07:59:44 No.288135XXX
    all im gonna say it when you upgrade it your going to use pc parts to do it so pc wins again
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:00:37 No.288136XXX
    yeah only faulty laptop power supplies
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:00:38 No.288136XXX
         File1290085238.jpg-(591 KB, 1280x960, Stonehenge.jpg)
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    This is now a stonehenge thread
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:00:45 No.288136XXX
    Macs only don't get viruses because no one fucking bothers infecting your overpriced shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:00:48 No.288136XXX
    I realize that you are a troll, but I just have to say that after going to college and getting me some edu-mah-cation that there is a shitton of things you can do for other people and to other people only using a PC simply because the Operating System is more complex. Linux is the real God OS but that shits extremely complicated if you want to get the most out of your equipment.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:00:59 No.288136XXX
    are you stupid or something? the new macs have the newest ATI graphics. With 2 harddrives that are like 1 TB each (1 tb = 1 billion bytes.) With i7 and 16 gb ram. You really think I'm jealous of your virus? Hah, think again.
    >>   11/18/10(Thu)08:01:09 No.288136XXX
    Oh, sweet Ubuntu, I just love you!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:01:12 No.288136XXX
    typos on your precious mac?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:01:14 No.288136XXX
    Mac Sux
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:02:33 No.288136XXX
    atleast I can type something without getting viruses, lol
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:02:36 No.288136XXX
    I love those stones
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:02:45 No.288136XXX
    if you're stupid enough to not save your work frequently while working on it or not backing it up, you deserve to lose it in the event of a crash
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:03:00 No.288136XXX
    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:03:27 No.288136XXX
    come on, don't try and blind yourself saying NT kernel is better than UNIX
    >> OkSnail !GreenAuYSk 11/18/10(Thu)08:03:57 No.288136XXX

    gotta love ubuntu :)
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:04:16 No.288136XXX
    Fail troll
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:04:29 No.288136XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:04:36 No.288136XXX
    Yeah, thing is I can even logout of my mac without having to save my work, that's how confident I am over my mac! Now, not that you guys can afford it, but when you can, try to get a Mac, they are so much reliable and they are just simply beautiful. The OS The look of the mac, it's just stylish and clean.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:05:15 No.288136XXX
    so can a lot of people
    mainly people that use operating systems superior to those of Apple (ie every other OS in existence)
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:05:29 No.288136XXX
    how does steve jobs dick feel like?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:05:33 No.288136XXX
    Ok, im not a troll, im eastern europe fag, can someone really explain me what makes mac special? All components you can buy for a pc, at lower price, amirite? I dont like macs design, i dont like Macos, i dont like to buy music and a pirate...
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:05:55 No.288136XXX
    Name a few if you can then, lol. Saying is alot, but knowing is more. You don't know anything it seems.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:06:51 No.288136XXX
    doing that is a stupid thing to do and you will one day feel the consequences of putting faith in your white plastic
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:07:09 No.288136XXX
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    Its obvious where your sexuality lies OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:07:20 No.288136XXX
    It is the magic of using a mac, my friend :) It just feels faster it is faster and all the programs you like to pirate, you can pirate on mac aswell. There are torrent sites for mac! And Macs are alot better built than PC's thats why they are so much better and faster.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:08:37 No.288136XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:08:51 No.288136XXX
    >obviously because you can't afford it
    The most expensive Mac on their website is like 2,400 dollars Australian.
    Go to Alienware, you're looking at up to 5,000 dollars Australian.

    Weren't able to afford a good pc, were ya.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:08:56 No.288136XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:10:11 No.288136XXX

    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:10:26 No.288137XXX
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    ITT: trolls trolling trolls
    >> noko Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:10:28 No.288137XXX
    Obvious troll but I just finished a 3d modeling assignment for uni on a PC. Oh, i can animate on it too.

    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:10:40 No.288137XXX
    why would you spend extortionate amounts of money on something that has a few extra features that, with a bit of searching, would be just as available on a PC? a lot of good software however is not available on macs as it is on PCs
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:10:41 No.288137XXX
    the most expensive mac is 2400?
    I think you missed a zero there
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:11:53 No.288137XXX
         File1290085913.jpg-(34 KB, 416x405, steve_koolaid2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:12:04 No.288137XXX
    But its all for beautifully designed hardware and beautifully designed software wich Apple provides you guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:12:12 No.288137XXX
    Oh shit, your argument is invalid, i didn't mentioned speed, because its not true
    Unix kernel is better, but i dont wanna pay some bald yoga guy something that is free

    Real answer is - you are using Mac because you are:
    a) amerifag - to stupid to download, compile or pirate something
    b) gay
    c) gay hipster
    d) idiot
    f) mix of everything in the list
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:13:11 No.288137XXX
    > I can even animate with my beautiful mac

    Um, yeah, you can do that on PC too.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:13:13 No.288137XXX
    You fucking retard there is no way that mac could ever be superior to PC, it is only mac users with ineriority complex who think so!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:14:20 No.288137XXX
    > I can even animate with my beautiful mac
    wtf, so gay
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:15:00 No.288137XXX
    >ITT: implying macs are not PCs
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:15:13 No.288137XXX
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    I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:15:17 No.288137XXX

    I can animate SO MUCH BETTER in pc

    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:16:09 No.288137XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:16:13 No.288137XXX
    Yeah, then it crashes. Good luck with your pc faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:16:56 No.288137XXX
    you are a fucking faggot, shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:17:52 No.288137XXX
    Look me in the eye and swear on your balls that your fucking plastic shit has never crashed in all the time you've had it, presuming that's more than a few months.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:17:59 No.288137XXX

    I have been using Windows based PC's since I was 8.

    Not a single crash.

    Maybe your problem isn't in the computer, but the user.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:18:30 No.288137XXX

    >>Windows 7
    >>No more crashes

    We have a Right Mouse Button, it make the thing easyer, cry some moar.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:20:12 No.288137XXX
    And we've got a magical trackpad :) Wich is so much smoother and so much easier. It feels, even though this is corny, like you're working with magic. It does feel special! And it is alot more sophisticated.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:20:24 No.288137XXX


    I'm gay and I NEVER would buy a mac :D

    @ OP: WOW, you can upgrade your mac? Welcome to 1980!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:20:58 No.288138XXX
    got a mac for 2 years. never failed, still cold boots as good as the first day, never crashed, never fucked me over.

    in that time, a computer would have been formatted 2-3 times minimum, defragmented, grabbed a few virus along the way, and made me lose work at least 3 times, thanks to fucking memory leaks.

    mac is expensive, but fucking worth it. they are also pure sex.

    pc user arguments boil down to "so much more powerful", "many more games", "if you're good, you can use it as good as a mac, to never crash". let's algebra that shit..

    more powerful to run games + plenty of games + be a nerd to use = asperger syndrome meets nerd.

    Enjoy your sex devoid life faggots. It's like saying cooking is for faggots, when a man cooking makes women cream their pants

    u jelly?

    captcha; ofcourse (see
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:21:27 No.288138XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:21:48 No.288138XXX

    Wich is so much smoother and so much easier and gay.

    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:22:06 No.288138XXX
    I really don't understand why I am discussing this with idiots. You guys are too primitive for this =p But it's okay, enjoy your crappy pc's, I'll just enjoy the future :)
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:24:07 No.288138XXX

    Lets see, MAC=

    Gay user + nice multimedia + gay OS + Looooooooooooooooooooots of money = Gay shit for rich gays users.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:24:21 No.288138XXX
    trackpad is so smooth, it makes me cum when i touch it
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:24:29 No.288138XXX

    >I really don't understand why I am discussing this with awesome guys. You guys are too cool for this =p But it's okay, enjoy your awesome pc's, I'll just enjoy Steve Job's dick :)

    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:24:40 No.288138XXX
    you do that.
    I'm gonna enjoy dates with my gf, which I actually can pay.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:24:50 No.288138XXX
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    Faggot trolling motherfucker!

    The truth - SUCK IT!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:24:52 No.288138XXX
    and made me lose work at least 3 times


    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:24:59 No.288138XXX
    It is okay to be jealous of the superior ones. You could never afford this shit lol, so why should I care about you qq'ing?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:25:20 No.288138XXX
    >implying hipster fags get sex
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:26:54 No.288138XXX
    I've got a 12 year old laptop that I upgraded to Windows XP SP 3 last month, dual booted with Ubuntu. It's never crashed, never had viruses and only had one reinstall (from 98 to XP).

    If you actually know what you're doing, its possible to have a Windows PC and not crash and have viruses. But then again, like you've just proven, if you don't have the.necessary knowledge then Apple is the answer.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:27:42 No.288138XXX
    1. Earn money for Mac
    2. Buy a PC
    3. Spend rest of the money on beer, weed and hookers
    5. Profit?

    U jelly?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:27:51 No.288138XXX
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    Anything you can do
    I can do better . . .. .
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:28:42 No.288138XXX

    I prefer to be a poor straight guy then a gay rich fag :)

    And waste my money with other things.

    Anyway, keep beeing a faggot with your mac, while im working whith my pc.

    The only thing i what from Apple its the Ipod (cause Iphone sucks)
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:28:48 No.288138XXX
         File1290086928.png-(105 KB, 472x255, kernel_panic-1p0f.png)
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    They DON'T crash right?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:28:52 No.288138XXX
    At least Bill Gates is trying to have his own OS kernel
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:29:41 No.288138XXX
    >Enjoy your sex devoid life faggots

    hot girl: fuck me!
    you: do you use Mac or Windows?
    hot girl: Windows ofc!
    you: omg no I only fuck macfags. now leave me alone and let me go back to my super awesome, super thin keyboard that could be snapped by a fetus
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:30:55 No.288138XXX
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    feeding the troll
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:32:50 No.288139XXX

    oh but i do. but when i open 70-100-256 photoshop files to mass work with them, and have it crash mid way, can't afford the time wasted to redo everything


    far from a jobless hipster actually. working for advertising industry, which thanks for the Mad Men series, a behind-the-scenes industry got elevated to superstar status.

    Then they see the mac, and their all "oh my god, so artistic", and are already half way naked.

    it works bro
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:33:02 No.288139XXX
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    seriously guys. what does it matter.
    a computer is a computer. only reason mac wont get viruses is because its not the number one sold computer. if it became the top seller then there would be as many viruses for mac as there is for windows. and if a person is smart they wont get any viruses on a windows. sure macs interface and look is quite good once you get used to it. but that doesnt mean it is the best. Sure they dont crash... note picture. Anyways be is mac, or windows, or linux, who gives a shit. my old highschool ran linux as the computers. my roomate uses a mac and ocasionally i use it too. and i have a windows. i dont really give two shits about which one is better.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:34:12 No.288139XXX
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    Macs are fucking shit. How are the games on there anyway?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:34:26 No.288139XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:34:30 No.288139XXX
    >oh but i do. but when i open 70-100-256 photoshop files to mass work with them, and have it crash mid way, can't afford the time wasted to redo everything

    save frequently *rolls eyes*
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:36:49 No.288139XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:37:05 No.288139XXX
    mac users are too stupid for that.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:38:44 No.288139XXX
    That's an old G3, nice try.

    Not a crash, someone punched the screen, or fucked with it.

    Again, not a crash, a software malfunction, and that was probably caused by a one-off idiot user.

    Keep trying, though, you'll get there!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:39:29 No.288139XXX
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    Couldnt care less about the machine,

    i just hate the company.

    Fuck Apple and their persuasion and brainwashing.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:39:31 No.288139XXX

    you see, this is where i know you have no fucking clue to what i'm talking about

    know what? do your own experiment. Go to a folder with 200 8mb jpegs. Select it all, open with photoshop. Now, do an action to "opened files", and batch save them. See how long it takes faggot.

    Now repeat that for every 5-10 minutes (is that frequent enough for you?), so you can be safe that you wont lose work.

    A 1 hour work now takes 2-3 hours.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:39:43 No.288139XXX
    clearly, seeing as the only argument OP seems able to come up with is how windows users lose their work, but PC users usually have enough common sense to use an external hard drive and press ctrl-s every five minutes.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:41:08 No.288139XXX
    The games are fine, run fast and high rate f/s
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:42:30 No.288140XXX
    seeing as your so uppity about losing work, surely that'd be worth it?
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:42:32 No.288140XXX
         File1290087752.jpg-(20 KB, 500x761, mac.jpg)
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    This is no trolling...
    REAL english survey has shown that more than 40 % of mac users are gay (I think it was 47%)

    I hope you don't believe me so I will make the effort to search for the link hahahahaha...

    Also macs are overpriced, I will dump more pics because OP is not a troll and serious about his faggot mac. hahahahahaha
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:42:47 No.288140XXX
    apple knows macs suck compared to pc's. it's the dumbfucks in overpaid jobs that they rely on to buy the thing so they can then flaunt it and look fashionable.

    its what makes apple money still after all these years.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:42:56 No.288140XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:43:23 No.288140XXX
    anyway macs get viruses. you just dont use any virus software so u dont know about that.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:43:46 No.288140XXX
    upgradable means to bring it in for a battery replacement
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:43:48 No.288140XXX
    my mac crashed while reading this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:43:58 No.288140XXX
    PC's are upgradable already - 2bad
    >> CancerNurse !!Odk0ssRAUT/ 11/18/10(Thu)08:44:19 No.288140XXX

    intelligence in macfags like you takes several cranes to get it out.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:44:23 No.288140XXX
    Oh shit, good point, they would never know.
    >> Anon 11/18/10(Thu)08:44:54 No.288140XXX
    At least we can right click on a PC
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:46:43 No.288140XXX
    saving a photoshop file containing 200 jpegs isn't really something one does everyday, is it
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:47:36 No.288140XXX
    a mac is a pc.
    a PC is just a personal computer, macs are just ready made ones with a label and brand name.

    its like saying fords are better than cars
    counter strike is better than video games
    arrested development is better than tv

    you get it yet guys?
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:47:39 No.288140XXX
    This is not the article I was talking about but it is related:

    In a surprise, researchers at the Delaware Institute of Agriculture and Technology (DIAT) have found a correlation between the desire to own a Mac and the likelihood that one might be homosexual.

    The study was performed by a small group of sociologists, physicians, and psychologists. Among this group was Emil Baker, PhD, a world-renowned expert on human sexuality and gender formation and chair of the sociology department at DIAT. He described the study, which was published in the esteemed peer-review journal Gender and Sex, as "an endeavor to finally prove what many of us have known intuitively all along - people who like Macs are gay." He went on to give some detail about the actual study, "We started by examining the behavior of 1257 self-admitted gay men. We found that an alarming 97.87% of them chose Macs when given the opportunity to pick either a Mac or a PC."

    The study got a bit more interesting with other groups. Men who would not answer whether or not they were gay on the questionnaire also overwhelming chose Macs. Baker's co-researcher, Andria Dombloski, PsyD, assistant professor of psychology at DIAT, reported that 97.56% of the 112 men who would not answer the sexual-orientation question chose Macs. She believes this is because, "What straight man wouldn't admit that he was straight? We believe that gay men are more likely to be shameful of their orientation, thus making them more likely to resist answering the question." She added, "However, it must be noted that one man refused to answer the question due to his inability to read. He, too, chose a Mac."
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:47:53 No.288140XXX
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    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:48:31 No.288140XXX
    The last group, men who claimed to be heterosexual, were less likely to choose the Mac and were more likely to pick the PC. The statistics were a little less impressive (72.89% of 5784 heterosexual males) but an overwhelming majority of straight men thought more highly of the PC. When asked why it seemed that straight men preferred the PC to the Mac, Sunnie Kim, M.D., physician at St. Bernice's Hospital in Farmington, Delaware, admitted that she did not know. "However," she said, "it may have had something to do with the design of the two computers." Kim is convinced from this study that straight men are less likely to be lured by the pretty design of the Mac. "It seems that people like computers that are a reflection of their ideal selves. Thus, the majority of straight men chose the PC, perhaps because of it no-nonsense design, while the majority of gay men chose the Mac, perhaps because of its feminine curves."
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:49:26 No.288140XXX

    Im screen capping this.

    Smartest post in the whole thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:49:41 No.288140XXX

    yes, im uppity about losing it. This is for work with actual fucked up "do it for yesterday" deadlines.

    Time is of the essence, and security also.

    I'm not the OP troll. There is a reason why design, photographic and advertising agencies use macs, because while its expensive, the time lost crashing and tip toeing around the files is more expensive.

    Plenty of douche bags who buy macs because they want to be fashionable, and they are wasting money on macs. But plenty of people who know their shit, and buy it for reliability and better work flow.

    But hey, generalize mac users (LOLFAG), I'll generalize pc users. LOLNOSEXNERD. It's /b/ after all.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:50:45 No.288140XXX
    Obvious trolls are obvious BUT ANYWAY, in the world of pro-audio, pc is just a bad joke, its not even a joke, if you tell people you're editing audio on a pc, they will think you're trolling and besides OS X is way superior to windows.

    Sincerely, macfag/pcfag, also, multiplatform console gamingfag
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:51:38 No.288140XXX

    Where is OP???

    He MAD

    And he ashamed crying his lubrication in the corner...
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:52:32 No.288141XXX
    Mac differ a lot from the rest of PC. We all know that Mac is a PC. We use PC vs Mac for conversation's sake.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:57:14 No.288141XXX
    word, month ago i was repairing macbook shit, hard drive was dead. just bought new one 2.5" hard drive for regular laptop, put it in macbook, and formated it from slax live distro. thats why mac sux
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:58:21 No.288141XXX
    I find my Windows computer rather reliable when it comes to saving things. I've also never lost any work, because while my PC does have minor crashes from time to time, my hard drive is never damaged, and if it were damaged, it wouldn't matter because I have half a brain and know how to back up my work.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:59:11 No.288141XXX
    Also, macs hardware is optimized with the software, thats why it just works, with a pc you have so many different choises for hardware that the perfect optimization that macs have is completely impossible.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)08:59:15 No.288141XXX
    you can lose your work on any OS if you are stupid, invalid argument
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:00:15 No.288141XXX
    Its a fucking corporation. It only wants you to think it's the "future"
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:00:23 No.288141XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:03:20 No.288142XXX
    Cmon, people, lets get a fucking shitstorm here
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:04:05 No.288142XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:05:39 No.288142XXX
    are you ppl forgetting that mac is purely designed for retarded ones? that's the reason why they don't crash - coz you cant do anything on them...
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:05:49 No.288142XXX
    I've thought about this for a while, I think some of the programs in Mac computers might be worth the price difference (I myself wouldn't use any of those programs) I did my own research comparing the iMac to prices for it's parts I found on the internet and it equalled about $1000 difference.
    I used to use Macs all the time at my highschool and I didn't feel as if I was using anything special, it was kinda shiny though, I also have a Normal PC at home that I use for work/games, I've recently been given a job at the building site of a power plant in Queensland, Australia so I need to save a lot of files and documents and I have never had a problem with my PC's (over my entire PC using life) crashing.

    It's up to goddamn personal preference in the end, I hate how you hear the standard Macfag "You can't afford it so you suck" Which translates in my head to "I got this Mac because I want to further my social standing by fitting in with the other mindless sheep". Or the standard PC Fag acting like the new 12GB RAM they put in their computer is a substitute for a 12' cock...

    Honestly, there are good points and bad points to both.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:06:05 No.288142XXX
    i have a macbook pro, runs windows and OSX, can also run unix programs under OSX.

    just installed a seagate momentus XT, the fastest 2.5" drive.

    shit is so cash.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:08:02 No.288142XXX
    only valid argument for mac is unix kernel. but, you can use linux, thats based on same kernel, you can compile it, customize it, and its free
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:10:03 No.288142XXX
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    I made some OC for OP also...

    Tell me macfaggots... why would a (-----> PC ( <----- ) ever be worth twenty fucking thousand dollar???


    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:12:48 No.288143XXX

    newfag got trolled hard and even went to the effort of doing that lol
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:15:59 No.288143XXX
    0/10 for being a weak ass copy pasta troll. The only thought in my head when I saw this was 'Jesus fuck, what a goddamn retarded fucking faggot OP must be, to post this stale shit again; I wonder how many other retarded faggots will fall for it?'.
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:16:37 No.288143XXX

    haha, you must have a mac...

    OP wasn't trolling newfag...
    You just see everything as trolling because you read encyclopedia dramatica...

    2 years ago newfags called eachother newfags...

    If you still use the word newfag I have bad news for you...


    hahahha eat that, you are new... I know it 100% sure..

    aahhahahhahahaahahahahahhahahahahaaaaaa what a shame is your existence... go to /b/ to feel special and oldfag... aahhahahahahahaha
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:17:55 No.288143XXX

    And by the way dumb faggot... I'm gonna use that OC to bash macfaggots even more...

    Now go cry in shame and find shelter in your corner while I laugh and moan in your ear HAHAHAHAHAHa
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:19:26 No.288143XXX
    Hi I'm a newfag who likes gaybuttsecks HAHAHAHHAHAHA MAUHAHAHAHAH.
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:21:09 No.288144XXX


    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:21:22 No.288144XXX
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    its simple ..

    Macs are more style over substance ..

    you buy one because you dont know anything about what all the letters and numbers mean, we all know people who say stupid shit like this ..

    "Ive got 320Gb of memory and 2.6Ghz or RAM .. Ill have to take my hard drive into the Apple shop"

    Basically if you cant computer you go for a Mac and then pretend you are too cool or busy editing edgy parkour videos to learn anything about it. IF you did know anything about puters, you would know that all you are doing is paying for a shiny case.

    Yes I have used a Mac and even been tinkering with Ipads for a few hipster MD's I do the IT for ... and Ill just say that you cant print from an Ipad... fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:21:52 No.288144XXX
    ^ epic samefagging
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:23:58 No.288144XXX
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    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:24:44 No.288144XXX
    o jeez im so scared.
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:25:23 No.288144XXX
    learn to spell you newfag
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:27:13 No.288144XXX

    Thar be some epic samefagging.
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER 11/18/10(Thu)09:27:17 No.288144XXX
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:28:37 No.288144XXX
    >> MacAspirant 11/18/10(Thu)09:28:46 No.288144XXX

    Learn to use a computer you retarded mac homosexual... Hahhahahahaha

    "we don't need a right click because we are different from the masses"
    "homosexuality is like evolution"
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:29:58 No.288145XXX
    OP what do you mean by:
    >This is for your own good, get a mac be4 its too late

    too late for what?
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:29:58 No.288145XXX
    They see me trolling..
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER 11/18/10(Thu)09:30:05 No.288145XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:32:03 No.288145XXX
    >The new mac is upgradable
    >new mac upgradable
    >PC's been upgradable for years
    >PC's more viruses because its more used
    Just proves that not many people use MAC, and most people STILL buy PCs knowing they have viruses.
    1. Either idiocy or
    2. Fully aware of the virus, but have established that PCs probably just have more games/compatible programs/ etc.
    Good day to you sir
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:33:32 No.288145XXX
    people dont hack macs cause the people using macs are fucking retards and have nothing useful to take away.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:35:53 No.288145XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:36:22 No.288145XXX
    Like let's say your PC breaks and you can't sell it, then it's too late to get a working PC such as a mac.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:38:02 No.288145XXX
    if u r a mac user, why u put kodegen pc case on ur picture?
    >> █WA█>█RNING ◘◘◘◘^^75^453^^84!!! INTERRUPT ///CARRIER Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:38:43 No.288145XXX
    I cant' afford a Mac, I use Windows 95 and I'm 1337.

    Boo Hoo
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:38:58 No.288145XXX
    >I'll generalize pc users. LOLNOSEXNERD

    I don't think cumming in your pants every time you see an Apple product counts as sex for you.

    Unless of course your cock is small enough to get into a FireWire port, which wouldn't surprise me.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:41:16 No.288146XXX
    the only good thing about a mac is that its based on a linux. otherwise its a heap of shit that costs too much and crashes just as often as a windows machine. Oh and to fix your mac you have to contact mac people. With windows you can usually fix it yourself if you take the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:41:20 No.288146XXX
    So the wave of the future is lagging in video games? Kind of like how the industry forced us all into using LCD so we could have crisp HD images that blur if you move your mouse in an FPS game, or if scenery is moving in general. Games look better on LCD only when they aren't moving.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:42:34 No.288146XXX

    >got a mac for 2 years. never failed, still cold boots as good as the first day, never crashed, never fucked me over.

    My pc probably boosts faster than yours considering I'm using an 140GB SSD, but yeah - never crashed, never fucked me over.

    >in that time, a computer would have been formatted 2-3 times minimum, defragmented, grabbed a few virus along the way, and made me lose work at least 3 times, thanks to fucking memory leaks.

    Never formatted, never de-fragmented, never got a virus, never lost any information due to loss of data and I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure by what you're suggesting with memory leaks.

    >mac is expensive, but fucking worth it. they are also pure sex.

    Most modern Macs use an i7 Processor, so do I, overclocked to 4.03GHz - my machine was probably still cheaper than your pathetic mac and it will still sit it down.

    >pc user arguments boil down to "so much more powerful", "many more games", "if you're good, you can use it as good as a mac, to never crash". let's algebra that shit..
    more powerful to run games + plenty of games + be a nerd to use = asperger syndrome meets nerd.

    wat. Sorry bro, I didn't realise everyone who buys a game and plays one is a nerd. It's called options, we have them.

    >Enjoy your sex devoid life faggots. It's like saying cooking is for faggots, when a man cooking makes women cream their pants

    Are you suggesting you cream your pants over your Mac? I think you may be the sex devoid faggot here.

    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:42:43 No.288146XXX
    lol typical macfag
    >> sage sage 11/18/10(Thu)09:42:55 No.288146XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:43:19 No.288146XXX
    Herp derp macdonalds
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:43:42 No.288146XXX
    Seriously, this is the
    >worst troll ever
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:45:00 No.288146XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:45:14 No.288146XXX
    >to fix your mac you have to contact mac people

    That's cause Macs are made for halfwits who can't diagnose shit, that's why they crash less often than PCs, because Windows makes its computers for those who aren't stupid enough to delete system32, however Windows users still have the option to customise their machines and change parts.

    tl;dr Macs are made for idiots
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:46:30 No.288146XXX

    As usual, people dont respond to proper arguments, just the ones they can counter, I think I win...
    >> Anonymous 11/18/10(Thu)09:46:49 No.288146XXX
    ITT: people who can't afford a mac.

    how does it feel to live in poverty?

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