11/18/10(Thu)09:42:34 No. 288146XXX >>288138028 >got a mac for 2 years. never failed, still cold boots as good as the first day, never crashed, never fucked me over. My pc probably boosts faster than yours considering I'm using an 140GB SSD, but yeah - never crashed, never fucked me over.>in
that time, a computer would have been formatted 2-3 times minimum,
defragmented, grabbed a few virus along the way, and made me lose work
at least 3 times, thanks to fucking memory leaks. Never
formatted, never de-fragmented, never got a virus, never lost any
information due to loss of data and I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure by
what you're suggesting with memory leaks.>mac is expensive, but fucking worth it. they are also pure sex. Most
modern Macs use an i7 Processor, so do I, overclocked to 4.03GHz - my
machine was probably still cheaper than your pathetic mac and it will
still sit it down.>pc user arguments
boil down to "so much more powerful", "many more games", "if you're
good, you can use it as good as a mac, to never crash". let's algebra
that shit.. more powerful to run games + plenty of games + be a nerd to use = asperger syndrome meets nerd. wat. Sorry bro, I didn't realise everyone who buys a game and plays one is a nerd. It's called options, we have them.>Enjoy
your sex devoid life faggots. It's like saying cooking is for faggots,
when a man cooking makes women cream their pants Are you suggesting you cream your pants over your Mac? I think you may be the sex devoid faggot here. u mad?