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    File : 1290009828.jpg-(164 KB, 414x644, 1289946089203.jpg)
    164 KB Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:03:48 No.287910XXX  
    C'mon /b/. It's 4chumblr time.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:06:44 No.287910XXX
         File1290010004.png-(164 KB, 500x500, 1289946475855.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:06:48 No.287910XXX
    my new OTP
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:12:09 No.287911XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:12:57 No.287911XXX
         File1290010377.png-(143 KB, 462x582, Screen shot 2010-11-16 at 10.4(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:14:10 No.287911XXX
         File1290010450.png-(171 KB, 502x317, Screen shot 2010-11-16 at 12.2(...).png)
    171 KB
    tum/b/lr love time :3
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:15:06 No.287911XXX
    What the fuck is this shit? You're in love with a fucking blog site?

    Fucking niggers
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:15:36 No.287911XXX
         File1290010536.png-(212 KB, 472x561, Screen shot 2010-11-16 at 10.4(...).png)
    212 KB
    moar love for tum/b/1r~
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:16:27 No.287911XXX
         File1290010587.png-(232 KB, 477x450, Screen shot 2010-11-16 at 10.3(...).png)
    232 KB
    even more!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:18:12 No.287912XXX
         File1290010692.png-(78 KB, 385x206, Screen shot 2010-11-15 at 7.42(...).png)
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    okies, more art for /b/ x3
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:18:24 No.287912XXX
    I Love this!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:18:27 No.287912XXX
         File1290010707.png-(127 KB, 227x235, 1285691008739.png)
    127 KB
    ITT: People from tum samefagging.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:19:01 No.287912XXX
         File1290010741.png-(109 KB, 452x601, Screen shot 2010-11-15 at 8.06(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:19:34 No.287912XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:20:30 No.287912XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:20:38 No.287912XXX
         File1290010838.png-(80 KB, 500x400, 1289964408126.png)
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    Shit's gay.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:21:09 No.287912XXX
         File1290010869.png-(131 KB, 424x572, Screen shot 2010-11-15 at 8.09(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:22:00 No.287912XXX
         File1290010920.jpg-(479 KB, 600x600, 1289939387461.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:23:00 No.287912XXX

    friend or enemy??
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:23:17 No.287912XXX
         File1290010997.png-(101 KB, 425x601, Screen shot 2010-11-15 at 8.10(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:23:21 No.287912XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:23:48 No.287912XXX
    this btw , who are the ppl who switched sides anybody got links to their blogs ?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:24:00 No.287912XXX
         File1290011040.png-(80 KB, 418x623, Screen shot 2010-11-15 at 8.10(...).png)
    80 KB
    6/6 :3
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:24:04 No.287912XXX
    The's overwhelming my system...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:24:58 No.287912XXX
         File1290011098.png-(81 KB, 486x309, Screen shot 2010-11-16 at 10.4(...).png)
    81 KB
    you know you love it :3
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:25:30 No.287912XXX
         File1290011130.jpg-(61 KB, 407x405, girls.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:26:03 No.287913XXX
         File1290011163.png-(258 KB, 440x559, Screen shot 2010-11-16 at 10.1(...).png)
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    tumb1rx4chan :D
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:26:10 No.287913XXX
    thanks bro
    thanks /b/ro or frienemy
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:26:13 No.287913XXX

    It's nice to see Anon getting out of the house and meeting girls

    Lets /b/ happy for /b/!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:26:18 No.287913XXX
    both. we ARE at war with them still, but our plan backfired... we didnt predict that we would end up wanting to fuck them and follow all the girls for topless tuesday. still we are at war with them, as soon as all the /b/ros get bored of these girls we will finish them off.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:27:55 No.287913XXX
    good stuff /b/ro : )
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:28:27 No.287913XXX
         File1290011307.png-(196 KB, 460x556, Screen shot 2010-11-17 at 9.28(...).png)
    196 KB
    tum/b/1r loves it so <3
    but there are so many more topless tuesdays to come!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:28:34 No.287913XXX
         File1290011314.jpg-(164 KB, 500x639, 1289934483160.jpg)
    164 KB
    or maybe most of these /b/ros are putting down a trap?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:29:37 No.287913XXX
    that strip.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:30:05 No.287913XXX
    wat is tumb1r? and why can't i post the comment if i write it with an "l"
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:30:39 No.287913XXX

    There is no war and you are a dumb fucking faggot. Learn both of these facts.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:31:14 No.287913XXX
    what is this tumb1r shit ?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:31:32 No.287913XXX
         File1290011492.png-(289 KB, 470x382, Screen shot 2010-11-16 at 10.4(...).png)
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    the mods here banned it to slow raids on the website. tum/b/1r is the pairing of the /b/ board and the website tumb1r (with on l) SHIPITSHIPIT
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:31:57 No.287913XXX
    I think the idea of 4Chan and Tumbly as raid-buddies is pretty fuckin' sweet, considering our last raid failed epically.

    Plus, it adds a new flavour. Some people are immune to raids where just gore and shit is pasted, but those people would be annoyed by teen hipster chicks cuting stuff up with smileys and hearts.

    It's the yin and yan of trolling.

    Together, we'd be unstoppable. And it'd really add weight behind any future DoS attacks.

    Anyone agree?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:33:11 No.287913XXX
         File1290011591.png-(137 KB, 434x700, stumbltan.png)
    137 KB
    but you guys love stumbletan too right?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:33:29 No.287913XXX
    I agree. We need more people, and we need new material. And tum/b/lr can delivar
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:33:47 No.287913XXX
         File1290011627.png-(201 KB, 474x563, Screen shot 2010-11-17 at 9.33(...).png)
    201 KB
    i'd be willing to raid with ya~ never been on one :O
    i know its a repost, but it fits SO WELL
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:33:54 No.287913XXX
    >It's the yin and yan of trolling.

    As much as I'd like to agree (and I do! But..) - I simply have to say you're a massive and utter faggot. I am Anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:33:59 No.287913XXX
         File1290011639.jpg-(31 KB, 396x304, -,-.jpg)
    31 KB
    this must be it!
    I can accept a queen for /b...and a mootle but a beloved "partner-site"? Let's rape that bitch, dude
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:34:13 No.287914XXX
    Thats not even a real website.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:34:20 No.287914XXX
    oh. ok thanks.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:34:46 No.287914XXX
         File1290011686.png-(153 KB, 728x728, 1289966684843.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:34:59 No.287914XXX
         File1290011699.png-(211 KB, 442x430, Screen shot 2010-11-17 at 9.34(...).png)
    211 KB
    you make meh so excited :D hahahahahaha
    so happy :3
    >> tumblin around 11/17/10(Wed)11:35:12 No.287914XXX

    you mean ship, anon. we ship.

    so someone tell me why the fuck the dashboard is down. are you /b/ehind this?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:35:41 No.287914XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:35:50 No.287914XXX
    /b/ and tu/\/\ b1r are opposites in almost every way. they are mostly girls, we are mostly guys. they mostly dont post porn and gore (topless tuesday is the exception) they prefer cute and funny shit. we are all about the chaos, death, porn, and illegal activity. i support this guy, some of the /b/ros are just getting enough trust to get a shitload of people to follow them then perform the raid... but the other /b/ros are traitors. if we team up with tu/\/\b1r our communities would mix. they would balance us out, everything would be a complete mess. coordinating raids and illegal activity would be extremely difficult (its difficult already with the newfags around)
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:36:19 No.287914XXX
    FUCK YOU, 4chumblr will kill /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:36:26 No.287914XXX
         File1290011786.png-(221 KB, 451x596, Screen shot 2010-11-17 at 9.35(...).png)
    221 KB
    ;D you know what to do~
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:36:36 No.287914XXX
         File1290011796.jpg-(343 KB, 1024x768, 1283555113505.jpg)
    343 KB
    u mad
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:37:00 No.287914XXX

    I say make anon moot. And pose them like in Zone's animation.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:37:15 No.287914XXX
         File1290011835.jpg-(52 KB, 700x500, 1289852767077.jpg)
    52 KB
    are there any more like these? these are my all time favorites.
    >> dumblrfag 11/17/10(Wed)11:37:19 No.287914XXX
    same here
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:37:32 No.287914XXX
    don't think so
    but sure why not
    >> sage 11/17/10(Wed)11:38:15 No.287914XXX
    okay, this thread is infested with tum1r faggots pretending to be /b/tards and newfags falling for it. Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous !Ek3O3kRSs2 11/17/10(Wed)11:38:22 No.287914XXX
    This thread...amuses me.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:38:36 No.287914XXX
         File1290011916.png-(148 KB, 600x480, 1289936812172.png)
    148 KB
    hang the traitors along with the bitch. the war with dumblr continues, as soon as all the /b/ros get bored of the blue haired witch we can burn her at a stake.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:39:09 No.287914XXX
    bored. tumb1r is down.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:39:21 No.287914XXX

    >> Anonymous !Ek3O3kRSs2 11/17/10(Wed)11:39:22 No.287914XXX
         File1290011962.png-(41 KB, 175x173, 12571876882s.png)
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    >failed at saging
    >> dumblrfag 11/17/10(Wed)11:40:29 No.287914XXX
    learn2sage fag
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:40:37 No.287914XXX

    lmao, is this from Dan Kim from clonemanga? It seems like his style
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:40:44 No.287914XXX

    Stop samefagging, queer
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:41:08 No.287914XXX
         File1290012068.jpg-(6 KB, 219x251, 1287688475479.jpg)
    6 KB
    >mfw i realized you're right
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:41:43 No.287914XXX
    lrn2sagegoesinemailfield newfag
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:41:54 No.287914XXX
         File1290012114.png-(129 KB, 411x330, Screen shot 2010-11-17 at 9.41(...).png)
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    i haven't seen anymore yet D; but ill post them to /b/ if i do!
    i love them too :3 like a partners in crime kinda thing <3
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:42:06 No.287914XXX
         File1290012126.jpg-(238 KB, 806x782, 1286349457475.jpg)
    238 KB

    maybe 10% of 4chan raided, the other % never heard of failblur or didn't give a shit.
    Stop this faggotry, what exactly are you newfags doing here? Posting shitty pictures of some mascot hipster slut declaring her love for anonymous, while they have no idea what it stands for.
    Certainly not this love-hate relationship you are forcing on other newfags. /b/ doesn't give a shit about failblur and neither should you about /b/.
    These places serve different purposes. Choose one, leave your faggotry behind and act accordingly.
    You are breaking an important rule of the internet, LURK MOAR before you start posting in a place you don't know or GTFO

    GTFO back to your blog and leave us alone
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:42:40 No.287914XXX
    Stop samequeering, fag
    >> dumblrfag 11/17/10(Wed)11:43:01 No.287915XXX
    I'm the only dumblrfag who likes rule 34 tum/b/lr ;_;
    also, do you have writefags' works?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:43:06 No.287915XXX
    also, shouldnt tum/b/1er be sucking anons dick?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:43:15 No.287915XXX
         File1290012195.jpg-(24 KB, 530x367, 1289791534853.jpg)
    24 KB
    4chumblr isn't going anywhere. there is no war anymore, get the fuck over it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:43:50 No.287915XXX

    seriously though, if our communities mix it will be chaos. dumblr raids (what is air? on omegle. really? THATS what you call a raid?) are a joke. we are the endboss of the internet, if someone pisses us off we take them out (see

    these dumblr girls will only be a prick to our rep and power. until they successfully take out the US Copyright Office or destroy the life of a person that messed with them, i show no respect and continue to war.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:44:19 No.287915XXX
    It isn't just 7umblr fags that are enjoying this dude. For some reason this fucking website mascot shipping thing has legitimately captured the hearts of a great many fags across this board.

    We're so bored and lonely that some of us are actually enjoying this. What's worse is the divisiveness these threads have brought! DAMN YOU CHUMBLR


    (not that /b/ has ever been united)
    >> sage sage 11/17/10(Wed)11:44:20 No.287915XXX
    Sage goes in all fields
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:44:25 No.287915XXX
         File1290012265.jpg-(39 KB, 443x381, antirocketshipping.jpg)
    39 KB
    this thread is now about rocketshippers
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:44:32 No.287915XXX
    1. go to tumplr site
    2. create account
    3. follow people
    4. watch mass of OC being potential for /b/
    5. ???
    6. PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:45:10 No.287915XXX
    >implying /b/ is an /i/nvasion thread
    this is a RANDOM FUCKING PICTURES BOARD. grow up legionslut, or go circle jerk on onionIB
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:45:11 No.287915XXX

    Jesus. I've /b/een for a long time, and I have a Tumbr, but do we really need to come in threads and say "Tumbl's down. Bored."? And dashboards going down isn't a new thing. It happens. That doesn't mean /b/ is behind it, it just means that it's another day. For fuck's sake.

    Related: I'd rather we just come in threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:46:07 No.287915XXX
    your mom cums in all fields
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:46:53 No.287915XXX
         File1290012413.jpg-(36 KB, 443x381, gayjames.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:48:06 No.287915XXX
    more than 1 thread?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:48:19 No.287915XXX
    /b/ has taken down a shitload of sites we dislike. we are full of warring anons, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:48:29 No.287915XXX
    Goddamit why did I laugh?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:49:35 No.287915XXX
         File1290012575.png-(314 KB, 457x603, Screen shot 2010-11-17 at 9.49(...).png)
    314 KB
    here ya go
    took awhile to find it xD
    >> DE SU 11/17/10(Wed)11:49:40 No.287915XXX
         File1290012580.jpg-(138 KB, 640x480, DESU.jpg)
    138 KB
    These threads piss off my /b/rothers so I will gladly support them.
    >> sage 11/17/10(Wed)11:50:10 No.287915XXX
    Underage b&
    Gtfo my /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:51:23 No.287916XXX
    fucking dumblr fag. we are at war with dumblr. and if your gonna be a raiding fag do it right, its tum/b/lr. the rest of 4chan isnt even involved in this war, those pussies just keep to their business.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:52:24 No.287916XXX
    We raided them. It kinda turned them on. They came here. We said TITS OR GTFO... they went with tits. How the fuck do you raid that?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:53:14 No.287916XXX

    this. this is why tum/b/lr
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:53:37 No.287916XXX
    I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
    I approve of all of this, no matter what others say, hipster girls are fine as hell!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:53:44 No.287916XXX
    TUmb1r must be full of faggots since they dont mind being represented as a blue haired girl getting fucked.

    Great, more gays in 4chan, just what we needed
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:56:07 No.287916XXX
         File1290012967.jpg-(42 KB, 328x385, 1289986252093.jpg)
    42 KB

    These 7umblrdumpsters have been delivering tits all over the place since this bullshit started. Hipster chicks, even BEFORE this 7umblr shit, were delivering an inordinate amount of the tits on this site. Now I hate these bitches but I love tits.

    Pic related, this 7umblr girl was delivering these tits with timestamp all throughout last night.

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:56:35 No.287916XXX

    You dont, you milk it for all the teen breasts you can possibly get.

    And that milk pun was FULLY MOTHERFUCKING INTENDED
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:57:08 No.287916XXX
    You're so right. Having sex with women is gay.

    On account of the cooties.

    BTW, have your balls managed to drop yet?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:57:12 No.287916XXX
    everyone, fuck dumblr. leave them for later, enjoy tits for now. we are still at war with the anti-piracy sites, and anyone else that tries to limit the free flow of information through the internet. i say we focus on kicking their asses, and dumblr will have their chance to earn our respect by fighting along side us.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:57:46 No.287916XXX
    wrong Sir

    /b/ = full of male virgins
    tumplr = full of female virgins

    their only way to have sex = tum/b/lr
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:57:50 No.287916XXX
    Fake timestamp you cunt

    7umblr is just traps and fags
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:58:24 No.287916XXX
    Lol no, ahahaha you guys are cunts

    Its traps and gays there lol
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:58:31 No.287916XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:59:32 No.287916XXX
         File1290013172.png-(300 KB, 570x381, 1289985765559.png)
    300 KB
    These little girls have never fucking mattered. And as for stealing our memes or some shit, WHO THE FUCK CARES!? If 7umblr somehow takes attention away from 4chan I'm all for that. The main thing is the amount of tits being delivered as a result of this war.



    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:59:36 No.287917XXX
    traps and gays > your motherfucking left hand /b/ro
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)11:59:43 No.287917XXX
    >Its traps and gays there lol

    You uhh.. haven't been on /b/ long, have you?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:00:12 No.287917XXX
    apparently you never seen it with your own eyes
    keep your head in the sand faggot and enjoy your virginity & forever alone
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:00:12 No.287917XXX
         File1290013212.gif-(11 KB, 256x248, ACTA_Logo.gif)
    11 KB

    Fuck the ACTA!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:00:48 No.287917XXX
    this. conversation over. its not war or friends, just a ceasefire for now.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:01:04 No.287917XXX
    actually, FBI is investigating that...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:01:09 No.287917XXX
    Lololol guiz weeze gonna get pussy nao and loose or vigihnities!!!!


    tits or not, they bring fucking cancer with them and newfags like you screaming ''OHAMAI GAWD 7UMBLR GURL BE MAH GF PLZZZ''
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:01:42 No.287917XXX
    the profit is tits yes but now we can blame 7umblr for our antics
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:02:42 No.287917XXX
    wrong, newfags and cancer are the ones not accepting the tits and the beauty of OC
    like you faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:02:43 No.287917XXX
    ITT: haters and virginfags who think theyre automaticly getting laid now.

    Fucking lulz

    *sits back and watches the lulz*

    I honestly dont know whos more pathetic
    >> THIS ­ 11/17/10(Wed)12:03:10 No.287917XXX
    please post more dumblr titttis!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:03:33 No.287917XXX
    If they are all Lonley Hipster internet newfags
    And we all are annon Basement fags.
    Along with topless tuesday's. we all get internet girl Friends Isnt that what you allway's wanted /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:03:39 No.287917XXX
    finally something that makes perfect sense! not war, not friends. give those tVmb1r girls a chance to prove themselves useful before we mix.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:03:49 No.287917XXX
    Awwww sweat, a troll thread
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:03:53 No.287917XXX

    Exactly, OC is the life-blood of /b/, but newfags DONT REALIZE THAT
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:04:02 No.287917XXX
    Is meme-stealing still why everyone's all butthurt about fumblr? "Stealing memes" is an oxymoron. Memes are for sharing. Look up the fucking word. Yeesh.

    Also, tits.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:04:03 No.287917XXX
    however, I do support more OC though, that's where crumplr can help us, and yes, it'll bring also newfags, but they won't last long
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:04:06 No.287917XXX
         File1290013446.jpg-(13 KB, 262x193, tits..jpg)
    13 KB
    <--- war profiteer.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:04:23 No.287917XXX

    lol, look /b/ro, this place was ALREADY full of cancer and hipsters, it has been for a while. I bet a number of them were already on 7umblr. All this shit, it's already happened anyway. The fags who are going to come over here are already here.

    So you can either rage about it like these other guys or just try to look at the bright side: extra tits. And sad neckbeards will say shit like that whether the tits are coming from 7umblr or not. It's one of their few pleasures, give it to them!
    >> :( ­ 11/17/10(Wed)12:04:38 No.287917XXX
    Part of your comment isn't allowed to be posted :(

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:05:07 No.287917XXX
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    finally! someone who realizes this!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:05:44 No.287917XXX
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    Delivering /b/ro. COURTESY... of fucking 7umblr.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:06:02 No.287917XXX
    this, but only because we are failing in this dumblr war.. and fucking blue hair witch put half of us in a love trance. with all the wars going on we dont need /b/ to get into a civil war.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:06:11 No.287917XXX
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    Yeah dude, were gonna roll in the pussy

    Bitches love /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:07:00 No.287917XXX
    Stop posting fatties
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:07:11 No.287917XXX
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    >> sage 11/17/10(Wed)12:07:27 No.287917XXX
    inb4 internet shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:08:12 No.287918XXX
    Smoke Trees, Get Internets, Fuck Bitches.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:08:20 No.287918XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:08:32 No.287918XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:08:55 No.287918XXX
    this shitstorm between /b/tards reminds me of bawsky

    clearly /b/ doesn't learn from its past

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:09:02 No.287918XXX
    I r no no how use tum/b/ler. It is to hipster for mah /b/rain
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:09:40 No.287918XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:10:04 No.287918XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:10:12 No.287918XXX

    go to bed, Tim
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:11:01 No.287918XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:11:55 No.287918XXX
    Urgh, i'm so over this dumb shit.
    7umblr idiots started the whole 'what is air' thing as a basic rip off of the kind of stupid jokes people have on /b/. Threads such as go on omegle and say *insert dumb question* have been around on /b/ for a very long time, and never EPIC!?!!1/1./11 but the same thing happens on 7umblr and its the funniest thing to ever happen on7 umblr omg!!!
    Thing is, I do use 7umblr myself, as well as /b/, and just think all the people who use 7umblr and are involved in this 'war' are idiots, as every '7umblr meme' is from 4chan?
    7umbl-fags started the whole thing to try to look cool to /b/ but really made us hate them more so now they're all F U 2 4CHAN. but now they want to be friends again.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:11:58 No.287918XXX
    GTFO of /b/ duncefag
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:12:09 No.287918XXX
         File1290013929.jpg-(19 KB, 579x503, 4342321332.jpg)
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    LOL, NEW MEME NEW MEME!!!!#!"!"#¤!"#¤¤#"!#"¤"#!#"
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:12:19 No.287918XXX
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    You're really callin' this girl fat?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:13:13 No.287918XXX
    Well whit like this has always happened since chanology lots of newfags come in from hearing about some epic raid or some other shit and then the oldfags troll them then they troll back and the oldfags troll back then all of the newfags latch onto some dumb concept that to the les new fags who think there oldfags runes /b/ and a shitstorm happens ie boxy and it settles down until the next batch of newfags come in
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:13:19 No.287918XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:13:33 No.287918XXX
    i think this is a pretty cool guy.
    eh gives us a more reasonable option that solves the problem without civil war and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:14:04 No.287918XXX
    fat and thats a shitty shooped timestamp
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:14:17 No.287918XXX
    Honestly it's not about the tits per se. Tits or GTFO was always something that was meant to drive women away on account of them being inferior. TumbIr not only accepted that fact, they fucking ran with it and overwhelmed us with tits. This is less about the tits and more about the fact that they were cool enough to take tits or gtfo and shove it right back at us. That alone, to my mind, means we outta at least give em a chance.

    It's like beating the shit out of someone and having them get up, dust off, and say "Hey, you're pretty cool. Wanna hang out?" Which either means that we cling to an inherently flawed concept of DDoSing them, or just say, "Sure. Just don't fag the place up too much. That's our job."
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:14:23 No.287918XXX
    Uhm, I post naked girls all the time lol alot of us do actually, especially suicide girls and gods girls
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:15:23 No.287918XXX
    Sup cancer, wanna grab a cup of coffe while you suck my cock?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:16:12 No.287918XXX
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    >youuuuu guizzeee lets all be friends ^.^
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:16:33 No.287919XXX
    >implying you want burning coffee on your dick
    >> sage sage 11/17/10(Wed)12:16:44 No.287919XXX
    this is beyond pathetic
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:17:19 No.287919XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:17:54 No.287919XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:18:07 No.287919XXX
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    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:18:17 No.287919XXX
    Gore doesnt effect us all butthurt newfags to the corner please.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:18:32 No.287919XXX
    Your face when you realize that Boxy split us into two sides, and now a blog website is doing the same.
    Great fucking job guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:18:42 No.287919XXX
    i dont want war with 7umblr but i dont want peace with these bitches either

    no to letting them fight along side us, yes to save them for later tits for now. we can take care of these bitches after killing off some anti-piracy.
    we do not forgive.
    we do not forget.
    expect us, 7umblr bitches. we'll be back.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)12:18:48 No.287919XXX
    Enjoy the tits you cunt but dont acknowledge them or befriend you fucking newfag

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