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    File : 1289999729.jpg-(927 KB, 1920x1200, call_of_duty_black_ops.jpg)
    927 KB Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:15:29 No.287891XXX  
    Just bought Black Ops today, finished Campaign in about 6 hours, and working my way through multiplayer.

    So far so good, I would say it is definitely better than MW2 except for worse graphics, but they are still OK. Killstreaks are fairer, guns are more realistic in terms of recoil and power, and customisation is very good.

    Wat think?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:16:35 No.287891XXX

    >Wat think?

    That it's shit. Complete and utter shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:16:38 No.287891XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:16:46 No.287891XXX
    I wish I could get my $60 back..
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:16:53 No.287891XXX
    Didn't even have to use my A K I gotta say it was a good day.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:16:53 No.287891XXX
    Shut up and die.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:16:59 No.287891XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:18:31 No.287891XXX
    >Implying that you can't get a refund

    Poor troll
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:18:57 No.287891XXX
    if it is popular it is hated on /b/
    /b/ is quickly turning into hipsters wannabes. Like hipsters in all ways but too ugly/fat/retarded/awkward to fit in.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:20:00 No.287891XXX
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    mines is better
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:20:25 No.287891XXX
    >worse graphics

    You have the console version? I have PC and the graphics are sex
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:21:05 No.287891XXX

    its meant to say CARL ON DUTY. fail you faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:22:03 No.287891XXX

    wal-mart won't give me a refund because it's opened...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:22:06 No.287891XXX
    The poorer graphics are an imposed limitation - they had to lower the quality of the graphics to fit all the awesomeness in.
    >> AnonSancho 11/17/10(Wed)08:23:11 No.287892XXX
    its a good game, nothing spectacular, more of the same, some good levels to play through, the multiplayer was lagging before on pc
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:23:26 No.287892XXX
    Call of Duty in general is a garbage game. Yeah it's fun but it's so simple and easy to play. There's no skill or tactics involved, just camp somewhere with a silenced weapon, plant claymores, and get killstreaks. no wonder it's so popular

    I mean really, last year a girl who lives above me who had never played video games before started playing MW2 on my xbox and she got good at it in about a week and a half. I tried getting her to play Halo 3 but she hated it because it was too hard and she couldn't just sit there and do nothing the entire time.

    Absolute shit game series. Genius business idea though
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:24:35 No.287892XXX

    This. The only way to be "good" at Call of Duty is to end up behind the other guy or camp.
    >> AnonSancho 11/17/10(Wed)08:24:43 No.287892XXX
    your a homo
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:25:57 No.287892XXX
    I think it's pretty good, I love the massive amount of customisation, and maps like Nuketown and Firing Range. I don't really care for campaign though.

    The only problem I have with COD is that it's not the most skilful game, so it gets a bit boring after a while.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:26:36 No.287892XXX
    are you black OP?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:27:11 No.287892XXX
    also, newfaggoty.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:27:56 No.287892XXX
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    If people can't get around campers than you suck at the game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:27:58 No.287892XXX
    Since it's a steam game and you've activated the CD key with your account on Steam they can't take it back, because the CD key can't be returned.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:28:26 No.287892XXX
    If everybody could be good at it, then who wins? the best good at it guy?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:28:55 No.287892XXX

    it's the 360 version
    >> AnonSancho 11/17/10(Wed)08:29:15 No.287892XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:29:19 No.287892XXX
    The sound of the guns is way worse then previous game. Every gun wid silencer sounds really similiar too each other.

    + For dedicated servers, more balanced classes/weapons

    I enjoy the mw2 gameplay more, even if iwnet sux. (except when playing with friends, makes it easier)

    Only prestiged once, so got much left to experience. But I don't think it never will beat CoD 4 epicness...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:29:28 No.287892XXX

    this poster is a noob.

    run around with a knife and fuck people up.

    don't stop moving.

    try ridiculous shit when attacking people for the lols

    don't take shit seriously.

    This is much better than a lot of games spite the clearly broken shit that is present in SP and MP

    whinge more. game developer's dont care when they make soo much money.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:29:47 No.287892XXX
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    > Cool maps
    > Nuketown
    > Implying Nuketown isn't shit
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:30:13 No.287892XXX
    that's public matches for you, if you've ever played CoD competitively you'd know that it takes a fair amount of skill.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:30:25 No.287892XXX
    for god sakes, threes counter measures for campers anyway, and whenever i get killed by a camper, my next respawn will kill him.
    ITT: /b/tards that bawww because they can't use a creative mind to pass any obstacles in life (such as a simple video game) so they get fat and complain on an internet site where they are completely anonymous.
    coz it's good for them that way.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:31:32 No.287893XXX
    CoD takes no skill.
    you are wrong
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:32:16 No.287893XXX

    If it's shit, why does it get voted for more than any other map?

    The people who hate it, are the players who suck, and get spawn killed.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:32:44 No.287893XXX
    Go play CoD4 promod on Search and Destroy, then come back to cry about how you got raped
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:32:48 No.287893XXX
    i can confidently say that this game one ups modern warfare 2. but nothing is better than Undead Nightmare for RDR
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:33:40 No.287893XXX
    bullshit, go play a Gamebattles match and I guarantee you get destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:34:24 No.287893XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:34:54 No.287893XXX
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    Let's all play a real FPS game for once!
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:36:41 No.287893XXX

    Haha, speaking of which..
    At least two people who have seen me play Black Ops have compared the graphics to Goldeneye 007.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:37:16 No.287893XXX
    stop posting that shit game. sigh.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:38:05 No.287893XXX
    all you haters are just little butthurt bitches who cant handle not having stopping power or qscoping(which is still in the game - as i do it) and have no skills when coming up against a bullet spammer/camper. i pity you if youre all going to bitch this much about how its too easy to get kills. learn how to not die and it would be ok.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:38:56 No.287893XXX
    ITT: People who hate things because they're popular, also know as hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:41:51 No.287894XXX

    Yeah that's pretty true, but in general I don't think that hipsters even like gaming, because it's popular, amirite?

    It's retarded, because hipsters smoke weed and get drunk, and those are popular activities, fucking faggots.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:42:39 No.287894XXX
    I don't hate things because of how popular something is.

    I hate this game because of how absolutely shitty it is. With graphics dating back to the N64 days, a dumbed down multiplayer with shit weapons except for the M14, not even correct date on the weapons either. AUG did not fucking exist during 'Nam. PSG1 did not exist during 'Nam.

    Overall it's fucking ridiculously bad. MW2 was miles better and I even hated that game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:44:53 No.287894XXX
    >AUG did not fucking exist during 'Nam. PSG1 did not exist during 'Nam.

    what the fuck does "'Nam" have to do with anything?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:47:07 No.287894XXX
    GB is the only fun thing about most games. because all the stupid shit like noob tubes and shit is removed. but if im gonna play GB, im gonna play it in MW2. its an all around better game, it just gets exploited by douche bags who oma and shit
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:48:07 No.287894XXX

    Hipster alert, it's obvious that you know and care a lot about weapon history, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:48:14 No.287894XXX
    the game takes place during Nam maybe? i feel like that would make that statement relevant. just a suggestion.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:49:09 No.287894XXX
    warbased fps'
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:50:16 No.287895XXX
    The game took place before and up to 'Nam. Fucking 'tard.

    So I'm a hipster for knowing weapon history?
    Nigger you just went full retard.

    The entire fucking game is just MW2 with N64 graphics. Enjoy playing this shitty game because I know I won't.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:50:37 No.287895XXX
    it doesn't take place in Nam you fucking idiot..
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:50:46 No.287895XXX

    'Nam is a place, not a time period.
    A more suitable phrase would have been "AUG did not exist during the war in 'Nam".
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:51:13 No.287895XXX
    Game is bad. Spawning is broken, graphics are abysmally bad on console, maps are just mazes that encourage getting shot in the back contantly, the pace is entirely too fast, the guns aren't fun to use, and framerate issues (not lag) make it no fun to play. MW2 was far superior in terms of graphics, weapon variation, and I for one liked overpowered killstreaks.

    If I could return it opened and pre-order gran turismo 5, I would do it in a fucking heartbeat.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:52:37 No.287895XXX
    hey codfags, it doesnt change how this game shitbag is, even u like and play. so stop whining.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:53:14 No.287895XXX
    its worse than mw2 sucky Killstreaks,fucked up graphs, wierd spawns and not to well thoyghtof perks and camp should only take 4½
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:54:14 No.287895XXX
    cod 4 still better
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:54:44 No.287895XXX

    No, you're a hipster for caring so much about it.

    There's nothing wrong with knowing history, but only a liberal hipster douchebag gives a fuck about it when it comes to gaming
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:55:10 No.287895XXX
    The original Mordern Warfare was better. i really prefer Bad Company 2 over any CoD game though. Playing with 3 other friends in skype conference BC2 is just awesome. black Ops is alright, but brings nothing new to the table. Its for OCD teens really.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:55:27 No.287895XXX
    English, motherfucker: do you speak it?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:56:51 No.287895XXX
    How are guns more realistic in terms of power? I don't know if you've been living under a rock or just a fucking idiot, but last time I checked a shitty pistol can kill someone with one bullet.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:57:52 No.287895XXX
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    Modern Combat standing by.
    Loved this game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:58:06 No.287895XXX
    More realistic, not complete realism..
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:58:33 No.287895XXX
    'Nam is still an abbreviation for the war, and there's a timespan within that war.

    Even you should know this, so it's prefectly fine saying that a weapon didn't exist during 'Nam.

    So when playing a game based on reality, and wants to imitate reality, I shouldn't give a fuck if they're off by 10 years or so when it comes to certain events?

    Yeah, right.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:59:07 No.287896XXX
    you're all console fags shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)08:59:54 No.287896XXX

    Everyone does.

    But it's not really the same type of gameplay as COD. The maps are way different, plus you can actually use the sniper in bf, and rack up a decent amount of kills.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:00:14 No.287896XXX
    black ops is shit, fapping is not.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:01:46 No.287896XXX
    Awww why the hate? They should link the servers for cod on xbox ps3 and pc somehow...wonder how that would pan out...
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:02:22 No.287896XXX

    No one cares about reality. Most people play games to escape reality and have fun.

    You should really stop talking, every post is making you seem more and more hipsterlike to me. I could be wrong, but with the large amount of hipsters on /b/, I wouldn't be surprised.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:04:13 No.287896XXX
    True about the sniper, many kills were had with that.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:06:42 No.287896XXX
    How can someone escape reality when every game made to day is made to be as close to reality as possible?

    Just shut the fuck up and stop worshipping that retarded game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:06:50 No.287896XXX
    fapping is shit too. you're giving too much hope to sad little penises of yours.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:08:39 No.287897XXX
    Still not reality
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:09:10 No.287897XXX

    You obviously don't game much, are you saying games like Fable 3, Assasins Creed, Fallout, Halo, etc are like reality?

    I don't worship the game, to be honest I prefer Halo, I worship Halo, not COD.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:09:35 No.287897XXX
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    Im not a hipster.

    -- Sent from my Iphone
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:12:06 No.287897XXX

    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:12:26 No.287897XXX
    I also play Halo.

    But yes, everything is made to be real. Also, "real" in their eyes is shitty physics and graphics, and slap a gray/brown gradient on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:13:05 No.287897XXX
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    Im surprised the netizens of /b dont play Killing floor ...

    Well I hardly see it mentioned anyway ... fun game is fun.

    Better than TF2 .. pic related

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