Whatever happened to 4chumblr?
I miss the invasion already
I'm still waiting for the hot sex that 4chan promised us.
I'm waiting for the hot sex 7umblr implied I'd get, the fuck?
>>2877080754chan and dumblr are still at war, not in an intimate relationship.
they got board, what do you expect ? To get laid via the Internet or something ? An hero nao.
lol, new forced meme, but what isn't
>>287708075here to delivar. silentspring222.tumb.lr.com
>>287707611What in the name of fuck IS 4chumblr?
>>287708434>>287708432Make love, not war. My heart's all a flutter.
>>2877089864chan x tumblooryespeople ship internet websites.
>>287709176yumm, do want
>>287709176marry me.
>>287708918haha that cute, some nasty whore hoping to get more viewer for her shifty blog.
comrades, pay attention
>>287709469fuck you /b/ro, I've been here longer than you have. and lrn2gender
here we go~
their plan worked, now /b/ is invading itself
>>287709841virgins want to get laid, can you blame them...Can you?
moar tumblaar on /b/ art?
>>287710287It's called "rule 34", mate.
Whatever happened to 4chon?
>>287710406god damn, this is why I love this. shit's so kawaii.
I still don't get it. What exactly is 7umblr, and how does it get me laid? Pic related
>>287709176atleast we got some tits... ssrsly guys wtf,, tits?WE NEED MOAR FUCK TITS OR GTFOFULL NUDE OR GTFO. WHO NEED FUCKING TITS
>>2877108227umblr = 4chan for chicks
>>287710627weeaboo detected.
>>287711394weeaboo that will nail your daughter, your wife, and your sister in the same massive sex session
>>287711566>implying that a weeaboo will nail anything in live.
>>287711837>implying that a weeaboo will nail anything in live.>will nail anything in live.>anything in live.>in live.An hero, it's the only way