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So, according to the rules of /b/, you're supposed to take brony threads to /mlp/. Yet, brony-hating threads go on /b/ anyways.


Now this post is on /b/? It's unreportable, because it's been *stickied*. What mod in the ever loving hell would *invite* Brony defenses when it's against the rules? It's an obvious hatred on MLP fans (have your opinions, fine) and it's hypocrisy to the rules of the board.

Wasn't the intent to keep MLP related content OFF of /b/? Albeit this is rather counter-intuitive to the term "random", whatever, we can draw the line a little further back, right? Well, when we find that kind of content, we report it, right?

Not if it's stickied. Let's not create a mess from within. Just take it down.
>Related videos link to pony episodes
>/b/ just advertised MLP:FiM with a huge fucking sticky

Yeah, fans of the show are so butthurt right now it's unreal. Get your shit together.
Maybe that one mod will get rid of this sticky,

But then again, there's a 97% chance he got murdered recently
>>279239 (OP)
>crying about stickies

I'm glad some things never change.
So much for keeping pony related stuff on /mlp/
Based Mods
I can't believe how much you people sperg out over this shit.
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So was this supposed to annoy/offend /mlp/ ponyfags or something? Because literally none of us care.

>What mod in the ever loving hell would *invite* Brony defenses when it's against the rules?

/b/ mods.
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its a love message from the mods to us
I guess the mods are having fun once again and it just so happens to be ponies so it just pisses off both sides more

No-one ever learns
Eh, mods are having fun, let them. We also laugh at people like this on /mlp/ so it doesn't boother me
If it starts leading to an undue amount of shit on /mlp/ then Ill get annoyed, but its not really doing anything thus far
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If you didn't care you wouldn't say anything at all.
>>279239 (OP)
OP, your image is a pony image. You are breaking rule 15. Please delete your thread.
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mods are continuing the good fight

>>279239 (OP)
>aww he is still trying how cute

Get over your buttdevastation, horsefucker.
>Any criticism should be constructive and related to 4chan. Do not attack other users. Spamming of any kind is not allowed, nor is trolling.\
>rules are too hard and i hate people too much
This is kind of a dumb thing to do. Everyone is going to end up paying for it in the process. Just sit back and watch the results cuz it's not really enough to get worked up about.
Are you ready for the backlash of narcissistic rage?
The only thing I can really say about that sticky is that it breaks global 15, that is all. I bet the mod that did it ends up getting it in the neck from moot though, and it might cause some sunny shit in the meantime
Nothing will happen, it will be taken down tomorrow if not tonight and everyone will go about their business.

And you people call me autistic.
I bet you moot posted it himself.
the good fight? if anything its going to get more people to actually watch the show, which would add to the already existing fanbase at 8-12 million people
Deal with it nerds, /mlp/ is literally the only board still on topic, even /b/ just spews the same shit every 5 minutes.
The overreactions are priceless
>Then again, its /b/
>>279239 (OP)
holy crap, you officially became crybabies...
truly mlp is the magic

this is true.

ponies rule.

Meh, more fags = mo' pussy for me. It's really a win/win situation.
no they don't

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