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  • File : 1286845888.jpg-(632 KB, 741x1200, 1286385882576.jpg)
    632 KB Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:11:28 No.278842XXX  
    Ask a celebrity who browses /b/ in their free time anything, with the exception of my identity.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:12:44 No.278843XXX
    what are you famous for faggot?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:14:27 No.278843XXX

    I'm a host on one of the major news networks. Primetime, actually.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:14:39 No.278843XXX
    Are you from tv, movies, Internet, music, art, business, or porn?

    Am I missing an categories?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:15:02 No.278843XXX
    Male or female?

    United states citizen? If not, what country?

    What are you famous for?

    Are you considered "A", "B", or "C" list celebrity?

    more to come

    also ur a troll and the game
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:15:33 No.278843XXX
    What are the chances that I've seen you on TV?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:15:49 No.278843XXX
    Brian Williams you cheaky bastard.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:16:02 No.278843XXX
    Are you a bullshit troll?

    Why /b/?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:16:19 No.278844XXX
    I'm guessing that's 0% then. BECAUSE YOU LIE.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:16:34 No.278844XXX
    When did Count Dooku start teaching?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:17:29 No.278844XXX
    Why wouldn't you use a tripcode for a thread like this?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:18:29 No.278844XXX

    lolno. He's a nice guy, though. An elitist faggot, but nice.


    It depends on whether or not you watch cable news programs?


    It's my humor; Most of the jokes I want to let loose I can't because, well, I'll get fired quicker than Sanchez. It's my outlet.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:18:37 No.278844XXX


    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:18:41 No.278844XXX

    if you've been here long enough, you should know that this place isnt as bad as you guys make it out to be.

    do you let your colleagues know that this place is essentially the secret thoughts of everyone that comes here and not some evil super hacker network??
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:22:32 No.278845XXX

    Not on a holiday, faggot.


    It's a lot of things, but no. I can't help but think it'd ruin my reputation.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:24:41 No.278846XXX

    Yes a lot of things but not some super hacker those days are gone
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:26:09 No.278846XXX

    Most of my colleagues are closeminded fucks who don't even know how to use a computer other than posting on twitter. It'll always be a hacking website to them.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:27:05 No.278846XXX
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:30:50 No.278847XXX
    Is it going on a limb to say that you don't work for Faux News?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:31:36 No.278848XXX
    Barack Obama?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:31:42 No.278848XXX
    do you smoke marijuana and have you ever experimented with any other psychedelics?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:31:56 No.278848XXX
    Primetime Major News Network, let's break it down.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:32:30 No.278848XXX
    Your dave chapelle
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:32:52 No.278848XXX
    So, CNN I'm guessing?

    Are we talking to Anderson Cooper?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:33:21 No.278848XXX
    "secret thoughts of everyone"

    That's a great way to explain /b/. Bravo.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:34:17 No.278848XXX
    carson daily
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:34:20 No.278848XXX

    Pretty much everything except meth. Nothing habitual, though.

    Getting sick of reporting about him, tbh.


    lolno. They offered me a job in the past, but they have such a bad reputation among the networks that I rejected it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:34:47 No.278848XXX

    10 bucks says it's cnn and is probably anderson cooper..

    ... if so ... (or not) he's a faggot isn't he?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:35:53 No.278849XXX
    Chris Hansen
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:36:29 No.278849XXX
    Spitzer? he seems like a 4channer

    also eery that my captcha has "journal" for 1 word
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:36:38 No.278849XXX

    Nah, Cooper would shit bricks if he read any of the anti-gay/racist shit here.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:37:30 No.278849XXX
    Do you ever go out to get whores with Spitzer?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:37:49 No.278849XXX
    So, Anderson,

    I quite respect you for spenidng your free time on /b/.

    Care to drop a few hints on your show every now and again that your a /b/ro?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:38:14 No.278849XXX

    >Nah, Cooper would shit bricks if he read any of the anti-gay/racist shit here.

    see, cnn

    but you didn't answer the question... cmon.. everyone knows..
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:38:17 No.278849XXX
    how does it feel to be contributing to the misinforming of america?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:38:40 No.278849XXX
    OP is Wolf Blitzer
    >> Nigger 10/11/10(Mon)21:39:51 No.278850XXX
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:39:59 No.278850XXX
    Glenn beck?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:40:03 No.278850XXX
    Meh, I guess you're right - one of my gay friends doesn't go here because of the 'faggot' use. He just steals pictures from reddit and stumbleupon. Pisses me off.

    But anways - a little hint to the network?

    Wolf Blitzer?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:40:30 No.278850XXX
    what are your favorite stories to report over? how do you feel about school shootings? Do you ever have the urge to be all like "And Cho's high score was almost beaten today..."
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:41:15 No.278850XXX
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:41:29 No.278850XXX

    Not Cooper, but I've dropped subtle hints.


    Not CNN, but I guess I just sort of revealed my network. Hur Hur.


    I try my hardest not to, man. The thing is, most people only hear the shit they want to and disregard the rest - and that's where most of the media is going.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:42:43 No.278851XXX
    NBC? Are you Chris Hansen? I fucking knew it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:42:44 No.278851XXX
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    have you ever reported on a chan?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:43:40 No.278851XXX

    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:44:06 No.278851XXX
    are we talking to msnbc, then?

    Keith Olbermann?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:44:36 No.278851XXX
    OP is Keith Olbermann
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:44:41 No.278851XXX

    Not Chris Hansen, but I suspect he'd be the type to actually look at 4chan. I wouldn't be surprised, he has a pretty dark sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:44:43 No.278851XXX
    not an american..

    but if it's not fox or cnn than it must be msnbc

    which no one really a gives a shit about anyway... im not gonna continue contribooting to this faggots "investigative" journalism on cyber bullying or whatever the fuck he's onto now.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:45:01 No.278851XXX
    Olbermann is the best option
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:45:05 No.278851XXX
    Hey man, go ahead and tell us, if you're trolling then you've got nothing to worry about. If you're not trolling, just deny everything when this shit gets mentioned.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:45:08 No.278851XXX

    >> Boo 10/11/10(Mon)21:45:18 No.278851XXX
    why are u such a attension whore
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:45:41 No.278851XXX
    I am first poster to suggest Wolf Blitzer.
    Here is my reasoning:

    After Hurricane Katrina, Wolf Blitzer showed a throng of Katrina survivors, and he said to the camera, "look at all these people. So poor, so black..."

    That's totally what a robot would say
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:45:43 No.278851XXX
    lame, op isn't who he said he is.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:45:52 No.278851XXX
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:45:53 No.278851XXX
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:46:06 No.278851XXX

    Wait maybe he'll see how nice we actually are and will actually comprehend our humor!

    ...or, y'know, we can start dumping CP.
    >> noko 10/11/10(Mon)21:46:13 No.278852XXX
    Ever eat a cock meat sandwich?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:46:35 No.278852XXX
    Keith Olbermann is too busy hiding under his bed to get online.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:46:48 No.278852XXX
    No you aren't, faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:47:17 No.278852XXX
    I'd bet $100 that Daniel Tosh is a /b/tard
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:47:34 No.278852XXX
    Rachel Maddow is the most manly person on MSNBC, so...
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:47:41 No.278852XXX
    Oh, schnapps!
    I know who you are OP.
    We've been barking up the wrong tree.
    OP is a Rachel Maddow
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:47:49 No.278852XXX

    To be honest, I actually lol'd pretty hard at the kid who offed himself for being a faggot. Then I had to report on him. It was hard, to say the least.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:47:55 No.278852XXX
    Why are you here, Mr. DeVito?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:48:19 No.278852XXX
    I'd bet $100 that he isn't but I'd bet a fucking million the people on his staff are.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:48:24 No.278852XXX
    probably he is very unfunny
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:48:37 No.278852XXX

    Rachel Maddow is my favorite reverse-trap on TV
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:48:38 No.278852XXX

    No shit sherlock.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:49:03 No.278852XXX
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    i went ahead and backtraced OP everyone, and he's not lying - he's former teen sensation David Cassidy
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:49:52 No.278853XXX
    You dun goofed
    >> Red Mage !!g++vMC8OKBe 10/11/10(Mon)21:49:52 No.278853XXX

    He just spoon-feeds whatever is popular to his viewers, most of whom clearly aren't /b/tards. He's a fairly funny comedian overall, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:50:06 No.278853XXX

    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:51:40 No.278853XXX
    Rick Sanchez was my offensive line coach.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:51:52 No.278853XXX

    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:52:01 No.278853XXX
    OP, male or female?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:53:01 No.278853XXX

    He's one of those guys who can get misinformed very quickly. I actually feel pretty bad about him - he's a pretty nice guy in real life. He's very generous.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:54:42 No.278854XXX
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    do you know Geraldo Rivera?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:55:54 No.278854XXX
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    i have a feeling OP is female

    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:56:20 No.278854XXX

    He's an annoying cockmongler. In all honesty, I would lol hard if he died.
    >> SanchezFag 10/11/10(Mon)21:56:55 No.278855XXX
    How would you know? Ive been to his house multiple times. Though I agree he's a very nice man, and can be very generous with his children's friends (myself), he can be quite blunt.
    (named myself for identity purposes)
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:57:25 No.278855XXX
    I would love to see Rachel's delicious reverse-trap tiddies.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:57:39 No.278855XXX
    lmao i hope you are real
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:57:39 No.278855XXX
    Its almost definately Maddow. I have a great deal of respect for you Miss. Keep up the good work.
    >> Red Mage !!g++vMC8OKBe 10/11/10(Mon)21:59:10 No.278855XXX

    I didn't believe you until now, OP. But anyone who has worked close to Geraldo Rivera, and, for that matter, anyone who hasn't, understands vividly how much of a pompous cunt he is.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:59:47 No.278855XXX
    its definitely Will Smith. sneaky bastard
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:59:51 No.278855XXX
    which newswhores have you mounted?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:00:13 No.278855XXX
    Answer my question bitch!

    Have you ever had a COCK meat sandwich?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:00:26 No.278855XXX
    I hope so much that OP is either Olbermann or Maddow.

    God damn, I love them both of them so much.

    It's probably just another /b/troll, but damn, I can dream.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:00:31 No.278855XXX
    I'll bet Ron Goldman likes Geraldo. They look kind of the same and they're both self-promoting azzes
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:00:45 No.278855XXX
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    Any thoughts on this guy?
    >> SanchezFag 10/11/10(Mon)22:02:19 No.278856XXX
    Rick told me he's an ass in person.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:02:20 No.278856XXX
    I can't say that I watch your show, Rachel, but the couple of times I saw it, I thought it was decent.
    I hope you get the chance to cockpunch Glenn Beck.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:02:42 No.278856XXX


    He is the worst fucking interviewer in the history of the profession.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:02:57 No.278856XXX

    He's a true douchebag among douchebags.
    >> Red Mage !!g++vMC8OKBe 10/11/10(Mon)22:03:18 No.278856XXX

    You don't have to be a member of the media to realize that Bill O'Reilly is a piece of shit who won't even other interviewing someone he doesn't think he can bully and tell to shut up.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:03:43 No.278856XXX
    Were you ever on Sportscenter?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:04:39 No.278856XXX
    Why is Glenn Beck so damn good at getting a massive amount of followers? Sure the people are dumb, but he targets their fears perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:04:41 No.278856XXX
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:07:10 No.278857XXX

    OP is full of shit, talking about Geraldo and not even hinting at his massive drinking problem? Sorry OP but this game ends here.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:07:31 No.278857XXX

    Yeah, he pretty much acts exactly like he does on his program. I hope I never have to meet him again.


    People like conspiracy theories. He also responds to 90% of his mail - which is surprising, so he keeps his viewers. I can see where his frustration comes from, but he's incredibly misguided, a drunk, and probably a rapist. The few times I've met him he's actually been surprisingly nice, however. I could almost swear he was Jay Karnes brother.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:08:04 No.278857XXX

    Ron Goldman? Wasn't he murdered? Don't you mean his father Fred Goldman?

    I'm sure Fred loves Geraldo, since Geraldo spent every day for a year telling everybody that OJ did the crime.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:08:53 No.278857XXX
    ok OP does the name Susan Mikula mean anything to you?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:09:08 No.278858XXX

    I would go to venture about 75% of the hosts who run primetime cable are pretty heavy drinkers, so this is irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:11:02 No.278858XXX

    No I'm pretty sure everyone who knows Geraldo all mention how he's a complete drunkard and obnoxious womanizer. But go on OP, you're in the spotlight, half these fuckers are dumb enough to eat up your shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:11:31 No.278858XXX
    I know most of the people in OP's pic, some of them very well. I'm not sure if I remember correctly the fat guys' name.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:12:32 No.278858XXX

    Hence "cockmongler".

    I could care less about the drinking - one step closer to liver disease. ;)
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:12:39 No.278858XXX

    Damn, that sounds like something that Olbermann would say.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:14:22 No.278859XXX

    pic with timestamp or gtfo
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:15:01 No.278859XXX
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:15:12 No.278859XXX

    answer this please
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:16:12 No.278859XXX

    OP's full of shit, don't expect any straight answers.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:17:17 No.278860XXX

    Not when it comes to pinpointing who I am!
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:17:36 No.278860XXX

    Maddow's scissor partner?

    Did you expect that to be the big revealing question?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:17:48 No.278860XXX
    OP here, it's been fun /b/, but I gotta get to bed. G'night newfags. ;)
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:18:12 No.278860XXX
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:19:11 No.278860XXX
    I am so sure that this is Rachel Maddow.

    Rachel, I don't care if you're a lez, I would totally have sex with you.

    But you'd have to wear those chill glasses.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:19:34 No.278860XXX

    Nice try, faggot. More like ten minutes before I get bored and browse Cracked.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:19:42 No.278860XXX
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    ya'll niggas postin in a troll thread
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:19:58 No.278860XXX
    refusal to answer susan mikula question proves you are rachel maddow, you are clearly avoiding the question because you know susan is your gay lover. if you didnt know susan, you wouldnt be afraid to just say you dont know who she is. like you said, you dont want to answer questions that will pinpoint who you are, so you have indirectly proven who you are by refusing to answer the question. so, either you are a troll pretending to be rachel maddow, or you are rachel maddow.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:20:23 No.278861XXX

    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:20:41 No.278861XXX
    lol colbert, you dumb mf
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:20:52 No.278861XXX
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:20:54 No.278861XXX

    That logic is pretty terrible.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:21:43 No.278861XXX

    Or C; You're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:22:22 No.278861XXX
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    it's totally wil wheaton
    >> Red Mage !!g++vMC8OKBe 10/11/10(Mon)22:22:25 No.278861XXX



    Who was it you were calling dumb, shit-for-brains?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:22:38 No.278861XXX

    Wow, I lol'd. That's the kind of logic that would come from Beck! Look up catch-22, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:23:43 No.278862XXX
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:24:04 No.278862XXX
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    Most hateful cunt on TV?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:24:19 No.278862XXX

    Please, if you're Rachel just post a pic of you with sharpie in pooper. It would be the coolest thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:24:31 No.278862XXX
    Or its Olberman and since Mikula is not a secret or anything it makes sense not to rule out maddow when its probably one of the two. Fucking idiot.

    I originally thought maddow, but Ill have to say Olberman now because I can't see maddow being all like "faggot faggot faggot". But that of course, could be a clever ruse.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:24:36 No.278862XXX

    That was me, not OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:24:49 No.278862XXX

    no way bro, she couldn't handle this shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:25:08 No.278862XXX

    she gives me nightmares when i sleep...
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:25:33 No.278862XXX
    Michele Malkin.
    Or some other dumb cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:25:34 No.278862XXX

    Such good logic coming from a retard posting in a troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:25:39 No.278862XXX
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:26:24 No.278862XXX
    I have a question. Do you ever talk politics/news outside of your job or do you just hate hearing about it and when a lot of people you run into inevitabley try to bring it up?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:26:46 No.278862XXX

    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:26:58 No.278862XXX

    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:27:02 No.278862XXX

    Oh God, that was fantastic. You've extended me by five minutes - that was good.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:27:52 No.278863XXX
    I been trolling /b/ since 10/11/10 yo!
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:28:56 No.278863XXX

    I like talking about it to other people to an extent, but I can't stand the close minded people who won't listen to a word of logic you say. Nonetheless, I'll have a conversation with it about anyone who's level headed. I do have my weeks where I couldn't give a fuck, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:29:07 No.278863XXX
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:29:52 No.278863XXX
    Keith Trollberman, rip conservative fucktards to shreds. When you FUCKING WASTED Pat Robertson on his Haiti remarks, it was like sweet God Damned poetry to my ears.

    Also, Dylan Ratigan has Cenk Uygur for his rants, and that guy is a pretty down to earth news/opinion guy. Go fucking get him a segment, even if I'm wrong on who you are.
    >> hamwitch 10/11/10(Mon)22:29:55 No.278863XXX
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    lol op give name or your a troll that simple
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:30:16 No.278863XXX

    Cool story OP, lemmie know when you graduate from high school.

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