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  • File : 1282916840.png-(646 KB, 931x717, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 9.46.17 AM.png)
    646 KB Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:47:20 No.267290XXX  
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:48:08 No.267291XXX
    tits or gtfo
    >> sage 08/27/10(Fri)09:48:17 No.267291XXX
    clearly there are no tits here
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:48:27 No.267291XXX
    Wanna show your tits on cam?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:48:43 No.267291XXX
    tits or gtfo?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:49:14 No.267291XXX
    can you draw me a picture of megatron shooting wolverine claws out of his arm cannon into the face of Pamela Anderson?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:49:21 No.267291XXX
    Draw me Supergirl naked.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:49:27 No.267291XXX
    theres no inb4 tits or gtfo
    theres no inb4 if your the op
    inb4 drawing tits, real ones NOW
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:49:33 No.267291XXX
    Draw tits or GTFO!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:49:36 No.267291XXX
    did u use a rose colored prisma marker for that?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:49:51 No.267291XXX
    Heya! draw a picture of what you think I look like. I'm 20 from Leeds
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:49:55 No.267291XXX
    Here's a tip.

    Drawfag dudes are ok, because we want from them nothing more than their drawings.

    Why the fuck would we want pictures drawn by you when you have tits and sammich making power?
    >> Anon 08/27/10(Fri)09:50:47 No.267291XXX
         File1282917047.jpg-(19 KB, 300x200, AVGN BATMAN.jpg)
    19 KB
    Can we ask you to draw somthing?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:51:43 No.267291XXX
    you prolly cant draw for shit, so best if you show tits
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:52:13 No.267291XXX
    fuck you!

    tits or gtfo
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:52:53 No.267291XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:53:54 No.267291XXX
    No, I used a Cherry scented Mr. Sketch. I shit you not.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:53:59 No.267291XXX
    how many times have you fapped today?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:54:38 No.267291XXX
         File1282917278.png-(135 KB, 695x531, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 9.53(...).png)
    135 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:55:12 No.267291XXX
    Zero, did have a really hot girl-on-girl dream though,
    >> Samefag 08/27/10(Fri)09:55:36 No.267291XXX
    Female, AND possibly worst drawfag on 4chan.
    Coincidence? I tits not.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:55:58 No.267291XXX
    fucking win
    >> Samefag 08/27/10(Fri)09:56:15 No.267291XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:56:57 No.267292XXX
    draw a girl puking into another girls mouth please. pigtails would be a +
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:57:01 No.267292XXX
    Can you draw and timestamp a picture of your tits?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:58:16 No.267292XXX
    draw me!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:59:04 No.267292XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:59:25 No.267292XXX
         File1282917565.png-(792 KB, 607x787, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 9.58(...).png)
    792 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)09:59:48 No.267292XXX
    Can you draw me cuming on your tits?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:00:34 No.267292XXX
    if not this, then a kitty dressed like batman
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:00:39 No.267292XXX
    You're a slut. Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:00:44 No.267292XXX

    still shitty drawing skills tho
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:01:07 No.267292XXX
         File1282917667.jpg-(59 KB, 640x486, 1278848415618.jpg)
    59 KB
    Hey OP it's your dad.

    Anyway, yall, if she doesn't show pics she's prolly' an ugly fucker so...we're not missing much.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:01:23 No.267292XXX
    OP, I'm sitting here in the dark in my own filth dreaming up what you look like while jacking away madly to the thought of fucking you up the ass. Does this turn you on?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:01:29 No.267292XXX
    you call that aberration a drawing?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:02:24 No.267292XXX
    What's a femanon, you dumb cunt?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:02:54 No.267292XXX
    You do self portraits really well. If that's what you really look like, you are really pretty :)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:03:09 No.267292XXX
    You suck at drawing, better show tits, or just gtfo. But your tits are probably shitty.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:03:38 No.267292XXX
    How do you support yourself financially? Obviously it's not as an artist.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:04:05 No.267292XXX
         File1282917845.png-(81 KB, 2312x1248, 128919313414.png)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:04:25 No.267292XXX
    Silly question. She's a hoe, that's how.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:04:52 No.267293XXX
    OP, I have a legit question. This new girl started working with me yesterday, we talked for a bit and she turned out to be pretty cool, and she gave me all the hints that made it clear she was interested. The problem is I'm pretty broke so I can't really take her out to eat or to the movies. My question is, should I try to put some effort and think of a plan to like, go out on a walk, or do something cheap where we can hang out together? Or should I just not bother and spend the whole time masterbating to porn on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:04:52 No.267293XXX
    Draw tits.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:04:56 No.267293XXX
         File1282917896.jpg-(335 KB, 808x1000, Bean Celestial-Splendor.jpg)
    335 KB
    draw a picture of courtney love geting burned to death by her daughter Frances Bean Cobain

    [ picture is from Frances Bean Cobain's art show last month in hollywood ]
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:06:16 No.267293XXX
    Can you draw the answer as well?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:06:24 No.267293XXX
    Get out. Fuck your tits and just go.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:06:59 No.267293XXX
    that is one nice penis. except cutfag, gtfo
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:07:30 No.267293XXX
    Hey OP, I believe I saw you in another thread? >>267289169
    Get over here and slap these trolls.
    >> ­ 08/27/10(Fri)10:09:00 No.267293XXX
    Can't inb4..
    Tits or get the fuck out trick.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:10:32 No.267293XXX
    Wow, that's some fine work there.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:13:46 No.267294XXX
    You're so sad.
    >> anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:14:36 No.267294XXX
    mmmm fap fap fap attention give me Moar
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:20:21 No.267294XXX
    What happened to OP? I liked her drawings :(
    >> dave !!ZT300c+fk4k 08/27/10(Fri)10:26:16 No.267295XXX
         File1282919176.jpg-(49 KB, 221x588, 024.jpg)
    49 KB
    OP seems to have left the thread. Just when I was coming. But the purpose was to ask her anything, not enough people asked her good questions I think.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:29:12 No.267295XXX
    I'm here, just had to put some cupcakes away!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:29:46 No.267295XXX
    He's Right. I have a super honest question. How do artists make money in a recession? Unless you are famous, I don't see someone buying your paintings/pieces.
    >captcha: you're grockin
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:29:59 No.267295XXX
    Why thank you :D
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:30:22 No.267295XXX
    okay drawfag
    draw me the worst possible moment to be told you have cancer
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:30:59 No.267296XXX
    We work, just like the rest of you, although we do spend a lot of time "in studio" out of work- we have regular-ass pathetic day jobs too bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:31:26 No.267296XXX
    How do you deal with assholes like
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:31:30 No.267296XXX

    Op. Did you see that other thread about some other femanon who likes to have animals fuck her?

    TLDR; What the fuck is wrong with your sex? I demand you fight to the death with her, or never return to 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:32:16 No.267296XXX
    Draw a nigger with a melon on his head OP
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:33:01 No.267296XXX
    more of these :)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:33:33 No.267296XXX
    Wow, so your goal here is to just be a bitch to everyone? Just fucking leave dude, your tits aren't even welcome here.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:34:23 No.267296XXX
    I don't, thats the beauty of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:34:25 No.267296XXX
         File1282919665.jpg-(127 KB, 785x1014, rectal tumor.jpg)
    127 KB
    Kindly take your cancer elsewhere, OP.

    No tits, just GTFO. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:35:33 No.267296XXX
    technically there are tits>>267290925 here. Stop chasing away women, you do that enough not on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:39:48 No.267296XXX
    you're really hot if these are self portraits?

    you using a wacom for this?

    draw something with a panda and the word denis in it!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:42:01 No.267297XXX
         File1282920121.png-(733 KB, 793x605, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 10.4(...).png)
    733 KB
    Here kid
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:42:41 No.267297XXX
    Anon likes this.
    >> dave !!ZT300c+fk4k 08/27/10(Fri)10:44:12 No.267297XXX
         File1282920252.jpg-(60 KB, 274x568, 025.jpg)
    60 KB
    And I got some tits right here!

    Don't have so much time on my hands,, maybe in a while if this thread is still alive or in a new one.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:44:29 No.267297XXX
    OH MY GOD PLEASE MORE PICS OF YOU FAPPING. How is she a bad drawfag? She delivers, and she's...fucking hot.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:44:36 No.267297XXX
         File1282920276.jpg-(128 KB, 460x347, Inb4.jpg)
    128 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:46:35 No.267297XXX
    can't be that retarded, you rhymped
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:48:17 No.267297XXX
         File1282920497.png-(351 KB, 632x365, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 10.4(...).png)
    351 KB
    Here! My stepdad who passed a couple years ago was named Dennis, any Dennis (or denis) is cool in my book!

    And I just do this from memory, no webcam.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:49:20 No.267298XXX
    Draw me an eskimo fighting a t-rex with lawn shears. I request this a lot but no one ever draws it :(
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:50:01 No.267298XXX
    you have pc in kitchen? that's cool
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:50:22 No.267298XXX
    Can you Draw something with Mark in it? I'm the guy who posted >>267292805
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:51:53 No.267298XXX
    Wacom, it's a tablet to draw with a pen on the computer screen, much easier than a mouse or touchpad. ~~
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:52:17 No.267298XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:53:21 No.267298XXX
    Oh jesus christ, I knew that, I just read it too fast. Sorry, I looked like a faggot just then.

    No, I cannot afford such fancy gadgets, I wish. I do it the old fashioned way, pen paper scanner.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:53:33 No.267298XXX
    How am I a whiteknight? I'm not sayin CP is bad. I'm calling out trolls for chasing away a girl who is DELIVERING.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:54:12 No.267298XXX
    Elizabeth Ann Gibbs!
    Get the FUCK off mah /b/
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:54:22 No.267298XXX
    >tits are here
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:54:57 No.267298XXX
         File1282920897.png-(388 KB, 607x463, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 10.5(...).png)
    388 KB
    Not my best work, just wanted to deliver fast for you anon.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:55:37 No.267298XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:55:41 No.267298XXX
         File1282920941.jpg-(119 KB, 470x529, 1273366849332.jpg)
    119 KB
    Stfu, we do as we please
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:56:12 No.267298XXX
    Dunno who that is, but if I see her I'll tell her to go fuck herself.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:56:48 No.267299XXX
    Fuck yeah! I think "white knight" is troll for "Dude who isn't an asshole"
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:57:19 No.267299XXX
    fendippitus eggman?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:57:21 No.267299XXX
         File1282921041.jpg-(48 KB, 455x325, t1gb4klq3.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:57:46 No.267299XXX
         File1282921066.jpg-(50 KB, 600x338, fsaved.jpg)
    50 KB
    Omg, I love you! Thanks! :D
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:59:32 No.267299XXX
         File1282921172.png-(50 KB, 458x369, 68345.png)
    50 KB
    >>267298775 deserved it!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:59:51 No.267299XXX
         File1282921191.png-(295 KB, 490x413, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 10.5(...).png)
    295 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)10:59:57 No.267299XXX
         File1282921197.png-(202 KB, 637x477, 127563935231.png)
    202 KB
    Draw me a Boxxy, I fucking dare you OP
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:00:38 No.267299XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:04:26 No.267300XXX
    ahaha, you rock
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:04:29 No.267300XXX
         File1282921469.jpg-(3 KB, 116x126, Jeremy Clarkson.jpg)
    3 KB
    draw jeremy clarkson having sex with bawksy
    >> dave !!ZT300c+fk4k 08/27/10(Fri)11:04:42 No.267300XXX
         File1282921482.jpg-(114 KB, 874x697, 026.jpg)
    114 KB
    Now you got two
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:06:23 No.267300XXX
         File1282921583.png-(27 KB, 506x571, 1221.png)
    27 KB
    theere you go!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:06:26 No.267300XXX
         File1282921586.jpg-(87 KB, 866x771, 1280322289935.jpg)
    87 KB
    Ya'll made my day, srs. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:06:27 No.267300XXX
    and not this.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:09:11 No.267300XXX
         File1282921751.png-(304 KB, 424x396, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 11.0(...).png)
    304 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:09:14 No.267300XXX

    Fucking awesome <3
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:10:09 No.267300XXX
    Ugghh, I'm sorry it sucks so hard I work a lot better in pencil
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:10:56 No.267300XXX
    OP? What is your first name?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:11:10 No.267300XXX
    Welp, yours definitely owns mine lol! I'm not too good with t-rexes.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:11:34 No.267300XXX
    Huh, that's nice o.o Thank you
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:11:52 No.267301XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:12:38 No.267301XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:13:06 No.267301XXX
    Not even close! Hahaha. Where are you from?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:13:15 No.267301XXX
    >> dave !!ZT300c+fk4k 08/27/10(Fri)11:13:33 No.267301XXX
    Meh, spent more time in mine though, ctrl Z is my friend.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:13:35 No.267301XXX
         File1282922015.jpg-(28 KB, 528x384, spideycancer.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:13:57 No.267301XXX
    ITT:Another femanon newfag finds out the hard way how things work on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:14:07 No.267301XXX
    This post made me gay
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:14:23 No.267301XXX
    There is no ctrl+z for pen and paper :( I wish.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:16:24 No.267301XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:17:02 No.267301XXX
    Silly anon, whiteout is for huffing.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:17:48 No.267301XXX
    I snort it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:19:17 No.267302XXX
    Yeah that was me.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:20:36 No.267302XXX
         File1282922436.png-(27 KB, 500x500, boxxy.png)
    27 KB
    felt like goofin in paint
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:21:19 No.267302XXX
    draw me a heart
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:21:33 No.267302XXX
    i like this one
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:27:02 No.267303XXX
         File1282922822.png-(27 KB, 500x500, heart.png)
    27 KB

    too much?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:32:11 No.267303XXX
         File1282923131.png-(293 KB, 500x362, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 11.3(...).png)
    293 KB

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:35:35 No.267304XXX
         File1282923335.png-(19 KB, 500x500, bored.png)
    19 KB

    didn't mean to steeeaaaal! i can leave to appease the femanon
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:36:10 No.267304XXX
    Hahahah I'm just messin its okayyy
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:37:08 No.267304XXX
    draw me something awesomely EPIC
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:37:38 No.267304XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:38:20 No.267304XXX
    Nice heart, i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:46:52 No.267306XXX
    bump. U gone OP?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:47:18 No.267306XXX
         File1282924038.png-(826 KB, 583x772, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 11.4(...).png)
    826 KB
    I think this is pretty epic, if not a bit old. I did it based on a song I was listening to at the time. His Girl by the Budos Band. Epic fucking song thats for sure
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:47:29 No.267306XXX
    might be drawing this anon's picture
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:48:01 No.267306XXX
    I'm ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:48:52 No.267306XXX
    Did he guess right?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:49:48 No.267306XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:50:09 No.267306XXX
         File1282924209.png-(695 KB, 584x790, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 11.4(...).png)
    695 KB
    I have another one for Sexy Sadie but its a lot more linear
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:50:43 No.267306XXX
    how much do you weigh?
    hahaha nah im just kidding i know you're a fat cunt. tits? NO GTFO
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:51:07 No.267306XXX
    No, he didn't. My name is a tough one to guess, not a lot of people have it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:51:53 No.267306XXX
    I love this thread. OP is hot and certainly not a faggot
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:52:23 No.267307XXX
    Don't you have to be a good at drawing to be considered a drawfag?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:53:45 No.267307XXX
    Don't you have to fag to be considered faggy at fag?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:54:21 No.267307XXX
    Sigh, Why does /b/ have to be mean to women? They are an accepted equally useful part of society as men.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:56:34 No.267307XXX
         File1282924594.png-(659 KB, 560x789, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 11.5(...).png)
    659 KB
    Yep. I'm a big fatty fat fatty. Huge ol whale. Don't you wanna camp out in my giant flabby vagina?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:56:57 No.267307XXX
    >implying the last two posts are not really good works
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:58:19 No.267307XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:59:03 No.267307XXX
         File1282924743.png-(767 KB, 883x896, FEMTROLL.png)
    767 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:59:09 No.267308XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:59:57 No.267308XXX
    It ends with an A, does that help you?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)11:59:58 No.267308XXX
    Your gf left you for a bad guy XD
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:00:04 No.267308XXX
    1. Nice trips
    2. Why would I be mad, I just agreed with poster above
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:00:46 No.267308XXX
         File1282924846.jpg-(18 KB, 386x384, 1275136484368.jpg)
    18 KB
    draw me this or you are non existant
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:00:53 No.267308XXX
    My apologies, thought you were agreeing to implying as such.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:02:32 No.267308XXX
    I <3 you op
    ? any of these right?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:03:50 No.267308XXX
    Nah, I'm mark. I'm the White Knight guy :D
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:06:03 No.267309XXX
         File1282925163.png-(282 KB, 483x427, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 12.0(...).png)
    282 KB
    Here bitch!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:07:09 No.267309XXX
    Nope! Starts with an M.

    Why thank you marky mark1
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:07:26 No.267309XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:07:58 No.267309XXX
    OP u legend
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:07:59 No.267309XXX
    You silly fucking cunt, there is no such thing as a femanon, there are only cumdumpsters.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:09:24 No.267309XXX
    U MAD?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:09:25 No.267309XXX
    Can you draw me a birthday card for my brother Greg?

    He's 24

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:10:09 No.267309XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:10:51 No.267309XXX
    SO close.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:10:59 No.267309XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:11:11 No.267309XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:12:18 No.267309XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:12:20 No.267309XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:12:50 No.267309XXX
    Mariana. Yerp da derp.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:12:58 No.267310XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:13:11 No.267310XXX
    she can't draw for shit and she got so many replies. She did not even post tits.

    btw sage goes in the email field for those who want to reply but not to bump this shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:13:21 No.267310XXX
    haha i dunno why I joined this name guessing game but looks like I'm the only one that got close.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:13:21 No.267310XXX
    Thanks :)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:13:31 No.267310XXX
    Pretty name
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:14:10 No.267310XXX
    lol why u mad tho?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:14:20 No.267310XXX
    oh i got it? Nice.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:14:48 No.267310XXX
         File1282925688.jpg-(77 KB, 560x369, 1271081889147.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:15:41 No.267310XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:15:48 No.267310XXX
         File1282925748.png-(84 KB, 930x881, fiyah.png)
    84 KB

    i couldn't think of anything awesome and epic, so i drew this instead.
    >> dave !!ZT300c+fk4k 08/27/10(Fri)12:15:50 No.267310XXX
         File1282925750.jpg-(68 KB, 292x653, 027.jpg)
    68 KB
    What do you guys think of me? Teehee ^-^
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:16:02 No.267310XXX
    Jess gtfo
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:17:08 No.267310XXX
    Yes ya did!

    Thank you
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:17:27 No.267310XXX
    Learn you title on /b/ it's cum dumpster not "femanon"
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:17:42 No.267310XXX
    OP drew me a frogwat :D
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:18:09 No.267310XXX

    because other people who can actually draw don't get this much attention (i'm not a drawfag)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:18:10 No.267310XXX
    Anytime boo.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:18:20 No.267310XXX
    think you misclicked :P
    >captcha: get credit
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:19:05 No.267310XXX
    Awwww, maybe you should write about their strife in your diary.

    Fucking butthurt faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:19:14 No.267310XXX
    pretty please I can't draw for shit and I cba going to shop :(
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:19:30 No.267310XXX
    This is my favorite thread in a long time, Good drawings OP
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:19:44 No.267311XXX
    Question: why would you draw a double chin on your own picture. Fail
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:20:11 No.267311XXX
    Yeah I did. Fuck me. Sorry haha.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:20:16 No.267311XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:21:04 No.267311XXX
    >Fuck me.
    When and where.
    >>   08/27/10(Fri)12:21:11 No.267311XXX
    draw your boobs, or grfo ;D
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:21:18 No.267311XXX
    you cant inb4 tits or gtfo on the original post you cumdumpster newfag piece of shit.
    also, tits or gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:22:00 No.267311XXX
    see >>267290925
    Fighting the trolls! Away!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:22:20 No.267311XXX
         File1282926140.jpg-(25 KB, 600x450, beard time.jpg)
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    hey op lady

    can you draw a pic of me. perhaps riding a motorcycle?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:23:16 No.267311XXX

    samefag trying to troll

    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:23:58 No.267311XXX
    samefag samefagging his samefaggotry
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:24:22 No.267311XXX
         File1282926262.png-(767 KB, 600x778, Screen shot 2010-08-27 at 12.2(...).png)
    767 KB

    You're right, here, I fixed it!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:24:52 No.267311XXX

    good idea
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:24:54 No.267311XXX
    Actually I wrote this one
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:26:38 No.267312XXX
    Is it bad that I can tell your unattractive even through the pictures you draw
    >> Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)12:26:57 No.267312XXX
    Well thank you, it's been my pleasure.
    >> Hagger !!A5tpYGKXpp9 08/27/10(Fri)12:27:03 No.267312XXX
         File1282926423.jpg-(17 KB, 285x316, Rubeus Hagrid.jpg)
    17 KB
    Draw Hagger
    >> Anon 08/27/10(Fri)12:27:13 No.267312XXX
         File1282926433.jpg-(187 KB, 1240x1754, hi.jpg)
    187 KB

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