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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next later this week

    File : 1279793106.jpg-(36 KB, 334x445, Adam-Sandler.jpg)
    36 KB Bob !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:05:06 No.255742XXX  
    Today /b/ officially died.
    Post on this if your a long time user of /b/ and 4chan.
    And if the case is this is permanent, you will never come back to 4chan again.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:05:48 No.255742XXX
    its a ruse for good morning america. keep up to date.
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:05:53 No.255742XXX
    You're clearly not a "long term user."

    "Post on this" for one thing. Also,

    >implying that things like this haven't been done before
    >> Republican !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:05:55 No.255742XXX
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:06:22 No.255743XXX
    I've been a long term user of /b/. It has made me so much nicer!
    >> Mohammed !ikVszLq6SU 07/22/10(Thu)06:06:29 No.255743XXX

    Silly you op!
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:06:30 No.255743XXX
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    Everything is fine.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:06:40 No.255743XXX
    well... trolling GMA is really worth fucking up /b/?
    >> Get rite, Get left !cancerhl5I 07/22/10(Thu)06:06:40 No.255743XXX
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:06:40 No.255743XXX
    david, please assimilate david
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:06:51 No.255743XXX
    You obviously haven't been here that long.
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:06:54 No.255743XXX
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    Everything is going to plan.
    >> David 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:10 No.255743XXX
    Hey OP i lost the tripcode from earlier tonight. Forgot to paste it into notepad, repost it please?
    >> David D !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:23 No.255743XXX
    I love this place - it has made me a better person
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:30 No.255743XXX
    its becaues of jessie slaughter. we need to make it look like we are a kind and gentle website
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:36 No.255743XXX
    also OP is a newfag
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:40 No.255743XXX
    >> Bob !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:46 No.255744XXX
    what makes you all think this is just for gma.
    what if this permanent. i mean 4chan cops alot of crap. maybe its a change for good?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:51 No.255744XXX
    oh bob, never change, you silly manchild you!
    >> 데이비드 !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:53 No.255744XXX
    OP is a new friend....
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:56 No.255744XXX
    They're right /b/ is s master of disguise
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:07:57 No.255744XXX
    2004 here.

    I miss the old days...
    >> racing4epic !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:08:12 No.255744XXX

    You silly sausage. /b/ wont STAY like this. its a temp measure for trollollolls
    >> !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:08:17 No.255744XXX
    obviously just till the day is done
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:08:18 No.255744XXX
    It's like you don't even know what's going on.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:08:18 No.255744XXX
    Don't use offensive language you hecking newfriends!
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:08:20 No.255744XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:08:26 No.255744XXX
    >> lulz !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:08:43 No.255744XXX
    no one can stop the lulz
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:02 No.255744XXX
    I actually like /b/ the way it is now. ^^
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:14 No.255745XXX
    Guess who is going to 420chan now?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:17 No.255745XXX
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    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:29 No.255745XXX
    Step 1: on day it airs have pony/rainbow/cute threads to get them to realize the parents of jessie are retarded

    Step 2: the next day post, porn, everything nasty as possible to drive out the remaining newfags

    The housewives and most others will just look at the website once.

    Copypasta this into any idiot GMA thread or someone who has a "plan" and everythread with true /b/reathren (using my name mostly)
    >> Snafu !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:29 No.255745XXX
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    were not dead, were just like the criminal thats wearing his best clothes when he goes before a judge
    >> racing4epic !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:39 No.255745XXX

    Its 'newfriends now' you naughty bear.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:39 No.255745XXX
    Gotta agree with this one funny for all of a hour but well.. also Adam Sandler make good movies again.
    >> David Davidson 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:43 No.255745XXX
    Somebody please post the code for this> !4changtcqk
    I was in the thread that we decided on the tripcode, davids, and using the double period. Not sure if people know about the double period tho
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:45 No.255745XXX
    im just leaving again because of all the summerfags
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:09:48 No.255745XXX
    If you are a long term user, you know this is not permanent.
    >> David !mDAVID4ygY 07/22/10(Thu)06:10:06 No.255745XXX
    What a silly OP, he must not frequent /b/ as much as he would have us believe, or he would have seen the other times /b/ completely changed on a temporary basis.
    The Twilight fiasco for example.
    Not that I subscribe to that sort of literature, it's filth that corrupts our young girls to whores and Satanists.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:10:06 No.255745XXX
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    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:10:10 No.255745XXX
    Are you kidding? /b/ has never been better. I never come to /b/ but it suddenly got good.
    >> Damien !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:10:11 No.255745XXX
    OP you're obviously very VERY new here.
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:10:12 No.255745XXX
    Something just occurred to me. Any swearing wordfilters?

    fuck shit cunt fag
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:10:25 No.255745XXX
    It's good as always
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:10:26 No.255745XXX
    /b/ is done for ever =[
    new target?
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:10:45 No.255746XXX
    This requires immediate fixing.
    >> racing4epic !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:11:09 No.255746XXX

    refrain from profanity please. and untie that poor animal before I call PETA.
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:11:24 No.255746XXX
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    Nothing is wrong, David. Why don't you go watch the game or eat a wholesome snack. Everything is fine.
    >> Bob !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:11:31 No.255746XXX
    dont y'all try and 404 my post.
    ive been posting for the past hour and copping 404ing
    i want this to stay on the first page.
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:11:38 No.255746XXX
    If you can't see the bigger picture of all of this, you are obviously a new/summer friend.
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:11:40 No.255746XXX
    i agree, if this last longer then 1 day im outa here. chances are nothing is going to happen anyway so this is all fucking pointless
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:11:47 No.255746XXX
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    im not abbandoning myself on thi board
    nor do i abandon me hound
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:11:53 No.255746XXX
    i won't come back even if this isn't permanent. the shit hasnt even aired yet and slaughter has defeated /b/
    >> K-Mac !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:11:55 No.255746XXX
    Posting *sigh*.....
    >> John"' !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:12:05 No.255746XXX
    better then ever IMHO

    stop being so glum, theres a whole world out there for you to explore! choose between these 3 pokemon and set off on ur adventure!
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:12:27 No.255747XXX
    Hey there newfriend, you best be joking or you're incredible stupid.
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:12:28 No.255747XXX
    I lost the code for the trip. Trying to just copy and paste it, let the test commence! IF the test fails somebody please post the code for this

    >> Damien !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:12:40 No.255747XXX

    AGREED! Why has moot not installed a great many word filters? It would cut out so much work for us good fellow users........ Seriously!
    >> David D. Davis !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:12:43 No.255747XXX
    don't be a newfriend who thinks this is permanent.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:13:11 No.255747XXX
    dead? we are finally alive!
    >> Damien !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:13:18 No.255747XXX

    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:13:39 No.255747XXX
    WIkipedia has very false information about 4chan and /b/
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:13:56 No.255748XXX
    Yeah i see the picture and i see the sarcasim (ie."GMA theme" and bogus rules.) but, we laugh now. I think /b/'s done for.
    >> Bob !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:14:00 No.255748XXX
    if this is permanent.
    then the joke is on all you so called "oldfags"
    stop for a second and think WHAT if this was permanent as much as you all think oh its been done before and you must be stupid if you think it is. really.
    >> Damien !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:14:01 No.255748XXX

    so SOOOOOO true! /b/ has never been this cohesive.
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:15:02 No.255748XXX
    i see what you did thar!!!
    >> Damien !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:15:14 No.255748XXX

    It's NOT permanent! It's because Good Morning America will be here soon and we are going to look clean cut and respectable. DO IT and stop whinging. We are trolling them!!!!
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:15:16 No.255748XXX
    April 2006 here

    Been here for over 4 years and I know moot's trolling us lol
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:15:19 No.255749XXX
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    >> David Davidson !!7PeUPZ3FKJp 07/22/10(Thu)06:15:20 No.255749XXX
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    David Sandler.... You little You...
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:15:39 No.255749XXX
    Welcome to our lovely site. I love it when new people come here.
    >> 데이비드 !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:16:06 No.255749XXX
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    I'm walking on Sunshine
    >> 07/22/10(Thu)06:16:07 No.255749XXX
    OP, I was here when you got here. I'll be here when you leave. And you're really REALLY not smart enough to be here. You can leave any time. Missing you already in fact. GET A CLUE.
    >> Rob !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)06:16:20 No.255749XXX
    /b/ shall never die
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)06:16:21 No.255749XXX
    What? OP, you would abandon your /b/rothers?

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