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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next week
    update: first upgrade complete. next ones come ~tues/wed next week.

    File : 1279498556.jpg-(640 KB, 1600x1200, SC64.jpg)
    640 KB Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:15:56 No.254068XXX  
    How many copies where made of this game on the N64?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:16:21 No.254068XXX
    too many.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:17:10 No.254068XXX
    I read very few were made.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:17:34 No.254069XXX
    I'm fortunate enough to have one.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:17:45 No.254069XXX
    over 9000
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:17:48 No.254069XXX

    Exactly, too many.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:17:59 No.254069XXX
    I do too. That is why i'm asking.
    Pic related, that's mine.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:18:35 No.254069XXX
    anyone know any good rom sites for this?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:18:36 No.254069XXX
    ITT: lies, it never came out on n64, douchefags
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:18:46 No.254069XXX
    I believe it was a great game...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:19:01 No.254069XXX
    the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:19:16 No.254069XXX
    CoolRoms. But starcraft 64 roms don't really work....
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:19:17 No.254069XXX
    Newfag trollers ain't got shit on /b/
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:19:28 No.254069XXX
    that thing was a piece of shit
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:19:35 No.254069XXX
    game sucked. wtf.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:19:42 No.254069XXX
    shut up faggot go enjoy your aids,also there was a Command on conquer on n64
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:19:45 No.254069XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:19:48 No.254069XXX
    Damn, that was entirely too hard to play on the N64 controller.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:20:18 No.254070XXX
    Iunno, I've got one though.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:20:22 No.254070XXX
    was out in europe
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:20:22 No.254070XXX
    At least AI weren't shit. Now back to original question. How many made?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:20:37 No.254070XXX
    I still have my copy. Is it worth anything?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:20:39 No.254070XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:20:50 No.254070XXX
    worth like 20 bucks.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:20:57 No.254070XXX
    Like $40 I read....But not sure...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:21:13 No.254070XXX
    this was good but not the best strategy on n64

    check out ogre battle 64
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:21:13 No.254070XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:21:21 No.254070XXX
    i have a copy of sc64 and command and conquer
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:21:29 No.254070XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:22:01 No.254070XXX
    How many copies where made of this game?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:22:06 No.254070XXX
    The AI was upgraded in later patches of the PC version

    FYI I still beat 7 randomcomps with all three races.
    I'm fucking awesome at broodwar
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:22:15 No.254070XXX
         File1279498935.jpg-(226 KB, 600x474, 1279137599090.jpg)
    226 KB
    hopefully none that game sucked op is fag probably
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:22:37 No.254070XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:23:12 No.254070XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:23:17 No.254071XXX
    Didn't have number of copies made.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:23:35 No.254071XXX
    i own this. stole it from blockbuster. feels good man
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:24:02 No.254071XXX
    enough copies... its not seldom or *rare* ...
    it includes the Expansion BroodWar and has one extra mission per race
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:24:12 No.254071XXX
    Bet it does. I got mine from looking in my closet
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:24:49 No.254071XXX
    I know that but i have read many times on sites about it that not many copies where sold. It caught the tail end of the n64 era.
    I want to know the near number made.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:24:54 No.254071XXX

    Sup /b/ro
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:24:58 No.254071XXX
    My copy of doom 64 still has the local video store sticker on it. The store closed down over 10 years ago. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:27:12 No.254072XXX
    Couldn't find number anywhere
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:29:08 No.254072XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:30:19 No.254073XXX
    Mine was stolen. I raged and then got the PC version and all was good.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:31:10 No.254073XXX
    Doesn't help my cause of trying to figure out the number of copies made
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:31:14 No.254073XXX
    Are they bringing starcraft 2 to the N64 as well? That would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:32:01 No.254073XXX
    Send it to the PS3 and it would be amazing.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:32:58 No.254074XXX
    probably a shitload. I have one too.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:33:54 No.254074XXX
    Not helpful.

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