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  • File : 1277416987.jpg-(54 KB, 800x550, vuvuzela.jpg)
    54 KB Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:03:07 No.243786XXX  
    vuvuzelas,why oh why must someone invent such an annoying thing? Hey /b/ out of curiosity who invented the vuvuzelas?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:04:03 No.243787XXX
    the god of vuvuzelas
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:05:00 No.243787XXX
    niggers :)
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:05:29 No.243787XXX
         File1277417129.jpg-(120 KB, 340x543, haters_gonna_hate_my_vuvuzela_(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Red Kamel !O53kPKDjKA 06/24/10(Thu)18:05:34 No.243787XXX
    in after niggers
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:06:27 No.243787XXX
    a plastics company in joberg, in 2002, so all that crap about the horns being part of S.African culture is bollocks
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:08:01 No.243788XXX
    The only thing invented by a black man
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:08:13 No.243788XXX
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:08:16 No.243788XXX
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:08:19 No.243788XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:08:47 No.243788XXX
    i dont get why everyone hates vuvuzelas, sure theyre annoying as shit, but i really dont like how everyone just hates on it. if you insult the vuvuzela, youre insulting south africa, which means youre being racist. ok i know /b/ doesnt care about niggers or w/e. but im talking about youtube(yes youtube added a button that plays vuvuzela) and other people who insult it like it's not part of south africa's culture.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:08:55 No.243788XXX
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:09:07 No.243788XXX
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    The.surgeon is back
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:09:22 No.243788XXX
    Não é possível localizar a página da Web
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    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:09:23 No.243788XXX
    i think the surgeon invented it
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:09:31 No.243788XXX

    then click the soccer ball the vuvuzelas are there lol!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:10:23 No.243789XXX
    i lol'd when I vuvu'd Steve Jobs on Youtube..

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