I ever tell you about the time me and Keith made a homemade bumper car ride with ridin' mowers in his backyard? Mower blade wounds over 90% of his body. I didn't run him over either, he somehow managed to fall under his own.
is this really teh time, sweetie?
This one time, I had a buddy of mine drown in the tunnel of love.The water's only three feet, but that's what gets ya, man!
Ellis , is not the best time
Ya'll know what "suck the heads" means? 'Cause I came down here with Keith once, and he didn't know, and--I mean, it ain't nothin' bad. It's about eatin....
I ever tell you bout the time i got in a fight? My mom got scared and said "You're moving in with your auntie and uncle in bel-air."
grabbin heroin...uhhh i mean adrenaline! :3
>>243787211You sir get +1 internets