When the plight of the poor and disadvantaged is ignored by those with wealth and means then the whole world suffers. Every act of cruelty, callous disregard, and apathy for your fellow human beings is an atrocity. Just because it's on an individual scale instead of a national one doesn't make it right or any less significant. The only purpose of suffering and humiliation is to create more suffering and humiliation. These things can only survive in the dark and shadows of the human mind where they have infinite potential to fester and grow. The only way to prevent that from happening is to shine a light of compassion and understanding for your fellow man upon the situation. To do any less is to promote ignorance and cruelty. Just because you haven't witnessed it with your own eyes doesn't mean it hasn't effected you.
op is the ultimate faggot
OP has big strong arms...
tldr: op is on something really good.
i dont understand a single word.you are an enormous faggot.
tinychat,com/probstypw: hihia247b247c247
Irony at its' finest.
>>238493080>>238493503maybe, but at least i got a good thread going
Op, you're completely right, you've just chosen the worst possible place to be right. This is /b/, you cannot possibly expect anybody to give a shit here.
word, OP.For you faggots who don't understand it:It means you should be kind and not vicious.
tl;dr? LOVE AND UNDERSTAND EVERYBODY.I'm no hippie, but it sounds alright...
>>238492853Suffering and humiliation is also arrousing. Jog on.
>>238493801/b/'s kinder than you give it credit for.
>>238493213im rolling in laughter
This sounds like Ayn Rand
i'd hug you.you will realise how fucking hard it is to get trough life with thinking like this
>>238492853 Just because you haven't witnessed it with your own eyes doesn't mean it hasn't effected you.It's "affected," not "effected." Now back to my Xbox and Doritos.
Pretty much hit the nail on the head.
wat...? scuse me... but are you a faggot OP?
Grow a pair of balls...Life is conflict. Those who can't hack it are destined to fail, as they should.
>>238494678in every human conflict there are teams
>>238492853Two words OP: Social Darwinism.
>>238495516chances are, if it came down to it, and you where left to your own devices, you'd soon find yourself holding the short end of that stick.