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05/28/10(Fri)02:11:10 No.232757XXX File1275027070.jpg-(53
KB, 500x256, eva.jpg)
![53 KB](232745992_files/1275027070285s.jpg) For mind f*ckery - few flicks
beat: Evangelion - Death and Rebirth
Series is okay, but at its
core, tends to go Voltron on ya (what's the Ro-beast gonna look like
this week?)
But the movie... By the gods. Just, awsome.
if you can, watch it again with the English Director Sound Track. They
have a Joseph Campbell'esque expert on religious symbolism trying to
explain sh*t while the hyper engish voice actress makes fun of him. It's
great. Get lines like: "You see? A hand full of baby batter! That's
just good schinima!" |