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05/28/10(Fri)01:47:26 No.232749XXX>>232745739 U.S.:
Number ONE country in health care cost. Number SEVENTEEN in quality.
of the top 10 countries internationally for health care quality have
National Health Care plans. ALL of them. The U.S. that you look back
fondly on: the 50's and 60's, when we actually were first in some thing,
was characterized by a liberal agenda, an 80% tax bracket for the
richest, enormous social and infrastructure spending (Interstate system,
NASA...), and other things that you think will cause the world to end
now. When we stopped doing these things, your income class went from
affording two cars, a house, and 5 children on one income to NOT being
able to afford one car, rent, and 2 children on TWO incomes. During this
time, the richest 10% of Americans became SIX TIMES AS WEALTHY. Are you
so afraid of learning the truth that you can ignore these things? You
are being trolled by Wall Street and you are sucking rich dick and
asking for more.
Rupert Murdoch owns BOTH the Wall Street Journal
(and Barron's), and Fox 'News'. He is famous for controlling editorial
comment down to the word and for firing employees who don't toe his
message line, even if it means intentional lies (see the Fox
counter-suit in Florida courts where they demanded the right to fire an
employee for refusing to cast a news story that had been rewritten into
lies). Google him. He got his start by breaking the Australian news
print union, buying Australia's two largest papers, and turning the
whole country into a brainwashing mill. (cont....) |