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  • File : 1274921633.jpg-(66 KB, 453x301, SadPuppy.jpg)
    66 KB sad Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)20:53:53 No.232272XXX  
    so im graduating high school tomorrow and i just heard my parents discussing how all i do is "play computer games, sleep, and eat up all the food"

    feeling pretty down
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)20:56:05 No.232273XXX
    lol emokid
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)20:57:33 No.232273XXX
    thats no fun
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)20:58:32 No.232273XXX

    ur parents may want u to get a job, but other than that fuck em, rip them for all the free rent,food u can get WHILE u can
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)20:59:49 No.232274XXX
    Heres what you do:

    You walk up to them, look them straight in the face an go: "Birth control, you cheap fucks".

    Then grab a load of shit from the frigde and go back to your room.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:03:57 No.232275XXX
    dont worry anon, my step dad used to beat me and brother. and my mom lied to the family to hide it. i left for college at 18 and havent talked to them since. i now live comfortably as a computer scientist. the point is you gotta realize that your family are just people nothing more or less. if there presence doesnt make you happy than move on and find somethin that does. also get the fuck over theres millions out there whos parents have done\said alot worse than your a fat gamer
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:04:49 No.232275XXX
    where are you going to college?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:07:08 No.232276XXX
    lol you care what others think why are you on /b/?
    your a faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:07:46 No.232276XXX
    im going to a state school on a scholarship
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:08:13 No.232277XXX
    Look on the bright side: they don't know you're a /b/tard.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:08:17 No.232277XXX
    Wait wait wait...You're graduating like, halfway through the year? WHAT
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:08:31 No.232277XXX
    Cheer the fuck up OP, at least your girlfriend didn't dump you and then go back to the one she cheated on, even though you're a nice guy.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:09:14 No.232277XXX
    Well, are they wrong?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:09:44 No.232277XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:10:07 No.232277XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:10:35 No.232277XXX
    that dog is so fucking adorable i just wanna strangle it with love
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:10:37 No.232277XXX
    Well, do you blame them? After all, you're 35 years old.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:11:03 No.232277XXX
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    this movie should cheer you up, op
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:11:54 No.232278XXX

    i bet you are the guy that goes straight to the cubicle at lunch
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:12:48 No.232278XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:13:59 No.232278XXX
    dude i just got one thing to say, don´t do what your family wants you to do , or you will be fucked for life! i used to play games and would like to do computer science school, now i did pharmacy course, and iam unemployed and they talk shit because i cant find a job,now i am so unhappy and it is all thanks to my parents,if your case is the same as mine , just do what you like at your will and fuck up the rest of the world, you cannot acomplish sucess in something you dont like
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:14:13 No.232278XXX

    7zip > winrar
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:14:19 No.232278XXX
    same here bro, except I'm a junior in college >_>
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:17:02 No.232279XXX
    What else are kids supposed to do? Nothing kids do will ever be productive anyways, I don't see why anyone judges kids. I am the same way, OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:18:30 No.232280XXX
    At least you have parents, asshole!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:18:45 No.232280XXX
    you're graduating high school. you're not supposed to be "somebody" yet. after you graduate, move out of their house and make something of yourself. then become a pretentious douche and rub your success in your parent's faces. Don't call. Don't email. Don't come to family gatherings. Well, maybe show up at one every 10 years so they can see how good you're doing with your new family. be sure to commit them to a home once they turn 65 or so. Then they'll finally appreciate the time when you were 18 and all theirs.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:19:28 No.232280XXX
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    here ya go man
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:20:35 No.232280XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:23:42 No.232281XXX
    this better not 404 i'm writing you something serious dude
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:26:30 No.232282XXX
    That sucks man, do you have plans after highschool?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:27:18 No.232283XXX
    Don't care what your parents or any other HUMAN person thinks or tells you.

    The only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself and the things around you.

    If I thought that you were a pathetic loser, and then you believed me, then your a pathetic loser. ONLY if you want to be a pathetic loser, you will be.

    If you think that all you do is "play computer games, sleep, eat" then fix it. Not really an issue.

    My best advice to you is find a GF. She'll make you feel good and you won't want to play your computer all the time.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:28:06 No.232283XXX
    I get this a lot, I just tell them I'm killing time... then I watch them try to figure out what I'm waiting for
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:28:50 No.232283XXX
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    smoke some good weed man
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:28:58 No.232283XXX
    Get a job
    Na na na na, na-na-na-na-na-na
    Get a job
    Na na na na, na-na-na-na-na-na
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:29:22 No.232283XXX

    Jesus chill.

    At the end of the say they are your parents. And guess what. They fucking LOVE YOU dude. Unconditional lovelike that I've come to see more and more for what its worth. ITS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS LIFE, NEVER SQUANDER IT. Sorry for shouting but its a more important lesson than most people learn in their whole lives.

    As you said yourself, you're graduating high school this summer. First off, congrats for getting through all that shit. But now you're done with school, and have a summer for YOU. So do something you want in it. There must be something you like, something you want to do that doesnt involve gaming. Go up to your parents, and tell THEM that you think you spend too much time gaming etc. And tell them now its summer you want to go and do/try whatever you came up with for the earlier question. Something completely fucking different, that you have no experience of. They will be so happy and impressed that they will do everything they can to help you do it, and get COMPLETELY off your back. So you get to do something brand new and esciting that you've always wanted to do, the parents are happy and get off your back, and you have some sweet experiences ahead for summer and good stories to take away. I'l not going to tell you what, but anything (eg I gamed like shit for years, finished school and started scuba diving and travelling. Things that seemed pretty crazy for my life beforehand. And those experiences changed me and grew me a good decade, and made me actually really like who and what I am.

    So please dude, for yourself. Give it a go and see what happens. You've got a golden oppotunity to do something fucking fun and interesting, just decide what it is and go do it!

    And remember your parents are doing everything out of love, they just dont have the first hand experience to know whats actually right for you. So let them know!

    (also I'm not a weird old guy, I'm 20)
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:29:38 No.232283XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:29:45 No.232283XXX
    dont worry loser, society will collapse soon and i'll be around to kill and eat you and your parents

    no worries
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:30:46 No.232284XXX
    Wait and your parents completely ignore the fact that you go to high school and study. What do they want you to do instead of playing computer games, sleep, and eat up all the food?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:30:56 No.232284XXX
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    this is now a courage wolf thread
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:31:14 No.232284XXX
    Join the army. That'll show them
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)21:33:07 No.232285XXX

    Good shout as well there, very good shout. Hopefully doing whatever your new thang will be you'll meet some girls who arent just shallow annoying bitches like 90% of high school. Instead you'll find someone really engaged with something that you are too (and getting her to 'introduce' you to the thing is def a nice starting place). If you can find something, do it, and meet a girl while there your summer and life will be changed and fixed hardcore, and you'll fucking love yourself

    (its the 20 y/o again)

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