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  • File : 1274451203.jpg-(133 KB, 1296x810, below10000ppt.jpg)
    133 KB Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:13:23 No.230076XXX  

    the dow went below 10000 and after doing that dropped
    over a hundred points before having a huge 200 point rally

    smells like the PPT was involved

    also, levels went below the flash crash bottom point... which is the bottom support line on the graph

    maybe it will bounce to a huge rally??

    we shall see
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:14:42 No.230076XXX
         File1274451282.jpg-(148 KB, 1440x900, ECONOMIC FORECAST.jpg)
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    heres my economic forecast
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:15:30 No.230076XXX
    ^^^^^ on that fraph... you can see a pattern repeatong from before 2008 crash

    <<<<< this graph is where we are ''cupposedly'' currently at
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:16:09 No.230076XXX
         File1274451369.jpg-(106 KB, 1296x810, ourzone.jpg)
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    <<<<<<<<<<<< THIS GRAPH EVEN
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:17:13 No.230076XXX
    Powered by 110MB Hosting

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:17:40 No.230076XXX
         File1274451460.gif-(976 KB, 160x120, huge rally crash.gif)
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    i huge rally crash will happen indeed, the gif is my forecast of what will happen
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:17:48 No.230077XXX
    Powered by 110MB Hosting

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:19:02 No.230077XXX
         File1274451542.jpg-(119 KB, 1296x810, 1min1.jpg)
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    here the 1 min tick

    showing an aparrent crash imminent... but a huge rally take its place

    top support is 10000 points level

    bottom is the bottom level of the flash crash
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:20:07 No.230077XXX

    nice 1 bud... thats what i think will happen too

    but dow being lower than 10000 worries me.... as this is a really significant level
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:20:15 No.230077XXX
    bump for info
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:21:09 No.230077XXX

    we are now creating life.... we are now GODS

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:22:21 No.230077XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:22:52 No.230078XXX
    oh god... fingers crossed for a second flash crash
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:24:31 No.230078XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:25:01 No.230078XXX
         File1274451901.jpg-(124 KB, 1296x810, 5mingraph.jpg)
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    heres a 5 min tick
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:28:03 No.230079XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:28:14 No.230079XXX
    fucking euro going up

    how do they work?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:29:13 No.230079XXX


    well if it goes below 10000 again, im sure there will prob b a flash crash down to below 9000
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:30:50 No.230079XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:31:39 No.230079XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:31:43 No.230079XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:33:59 No.230080XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:34:51 No.230080XXX
    is this happening now?
    someone explain please??
    should I seel my gold or bury it?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:35:52 No.230080XXX
    Personally I think brokers are using the media to their advantage,to make loads of money,before they go on summer vacation. They make money if you lose or make money.

    This same thing happened a little bit before spring break.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:35:59 No.230080XXX
         File1274452559.jpg-(125 KB, 1296x810, gold2hour.jpg)
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    dont buy gold... and this is now yes

    gold isnt doing well either my friend

    this market is experiencing a huge sell off
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:37:55 No.230081XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:38:31 No.230081XXX
    forex fags: anyone shorting the 1H head and shoulders on the EUR/USD ?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:39:26 No.230081XXX

    1 sec ill take a look
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:39:40 No.230081XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:40:06 No.230081XXX
    Ever since the Greek economic crisis, now the euro is worth less than my dollar. Invest in Singapore anyone?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:40:10 No.230081XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:40:57 No.230081XXX

    um no... dollar is still worth less
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:41:38 No.230081XXX
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    But seriously. I did see that this morning. Fucking nuts. Seem the market is bouncing back though... my small cap stocks are rebounding well.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:41:51 No.230081XXX
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    how high is the dow as we speak?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:42:01 No.230081XXX

    post a cap
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:43:08 No.230082XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:43:47 No.230082XXX

    its currently at 10069

    but it went as low as 9900 today
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:43:51 No.230082XXX
    my two cents is that this is a god time to short euro and gbp dollar crosses both are at resistance. i see a bearish Greece fuelled continuation after the dow incident
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:44:22 No.230082XXX
         File1274453062.jpg-(50 KB, 550x775, 1274386400377.jpg)
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    DOW 10,074.73 +6.72 (0.07%)
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:45:29 No.230082XXX
    CNBC (lol wut)

    I guess some Eurofags (especially the Britfags) are afraid that this will spell the demise of the Euro.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:45:42 No.230082XXX
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    There we go. great resistance at 4h too
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:45:45 No.230082XXX



    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:46:00 No.230082XXX
    I didnt go long this morning because im a fucking fool

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:46:56 No.230082XXX

    i love you.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:47:36 No.230082XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:47:59 No.230082XXX

    the fuck, i'm going on hols in the summer when do i buy me euros?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:48:09 No.230082XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:49:04 No.230083XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:49:05 No.230083XXX
    Oh, you're boned.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:49:29 No.230083XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:49:33 No.230083XXX
    no rsi?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:49:56 No.230083XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:50:27 No.230083XXX
    just turned profitable. nows the time to jump in
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:50:58 No.230083XXX
    stoch essentially = rsi right?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:51:54 No.230083XXX
    The last few days were the perfect time to hop in. Most of the major indexes are finally in the green
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:53:17 No.230083XXX

    too early to call... this happened a few days ago... stocks opened and rallied... then crashed
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:53:54 No.230083XXX
    trading tips on my /b/?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:54:17 No.230084XXX
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    Don't mind me, I'm just making money
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:54:54 No.230084XXX
    Dow is holding to dear life right now...

    Does anyone have an idea of how much yesterday's financial reform bill affected the market?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:56:13 No.230084XXX

    Shiiiiiit, I knew I should've invested a little in defense.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:56:15 No.230084XXX
    whats the likelihood dow continue down?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:57:27 No.230084XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:58:43 No.230084XXX
         File1274453923.jpg-(161 KB, 1403x296, Untitled.jpg)
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    Let us continue to observe... I think it'll hold steady for today
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:58:50 No.230084XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)10:59:05 No.230085XXX
    HUge shakeout coming from the US's fucked up commercial real estate, and some as yet unwound toxic debt.fuck yeah niggers
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:00:33 No.230085XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:01:07 No.230085XXX
    Technical analysis fags fail. Do some real research.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:01:49 No.230085XXX
    lol fundamental analysis cockwhore
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:02:13 No.230085XXX
    If you're expecting a huge rally, I have a lot of short stock to sell you.

    Seriously, smell the direction of the wind - it has changed. Expect 8000 on the Dow soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:02:45 No.230085XXX
    better off investing into commodities or precious metals than wasting your time looking at the dow.

    america is going down in value slowly for the next 2-3 years, but if our government keeps up with this pace than you will probably see the dollar crash, and it will be worth basically nothing.

    then you would have wished you invested in commodities or precious metals.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:02:54 No.230085XXX

    Yours truly, China
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:03:08 No.230085XXX
         File1274454188.jpg-(120 KB, 1296x810, 1min7.jpg)
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    could this be the start of the large rally that leads to the massive crash 8/
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:03:20 No.230085XXX
    get strangled with your Bollinger bands
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:04:19 No.230086XXX

    i think it will rally and then crash to below 9000
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:05:33 No.230086XXX
    o hai thur america

    enjoying your fake recobery

    enjoy jobless claims going up this month?

    enjoy ur ultimate doom....
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:05:43 No.230086XXX
    A short squeeze does not a rally make. This is all just because of the Goldman SEC settlement + option expiration.

    Only newfags buy into a short squeeze.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:05:53 No.230086XXX

    Yeah, I can see it coming already...
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:06:00 No.230086XXX
    I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:06:03 No.230086XXX
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    ive been following these threads for the last three days

    and it seems like none of you know wtf you're talking about

    you guys change your predictions every day!
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:06:22 No.230086XXX

    i think its funny the news is making such a big deal about europe. europe is in much better shape than america, they have and industry and at least 1 country is a major exporter and not only that their citizens have a pretty a good amount of money saved up

    america doesnt have any savings, no exports, and they spend 100 times the amount than europe does.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:06:43 No.230086XXX
    Welcome to the stock market. Enjoy your despair.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:07:01 No.230086XXX
    >>230086527 their citizens have a pretty a good amount of money saved up

    Only that money is now worth 10% less than it was last week.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:07:27 No.230086XXX

    ys... options expire soon... but there will be a rally first because the media are whores promoting the ''recovery''

    also lots of people will believe this is the bounce back... falling into the trap

    it will collapse 4th-11th june
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:07:27 No.230086XXX


    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:08:42 No.230086XXX
    someone has to buy my shorts, dammit. shhhhhh
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:08:50 No.230087XXX
    yes but at least they have savings, 85% of american citizens have less than $10,000 saved. small businesses come from entrepreneurs who save their money to create a business that makes jobs for the country.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:09:10 No.230087XXX

    thanks thur... and yes... that is my prediction that it will now rally

    problem is... i didnt think it would go this low.... so thats why i was having second thoughts
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:09:13 No.230087XXX

    "US Stocks Rise as Market Gains Clarity on Regulation, Europe
    BusinessWeek - 41 minutes ago
    By Whitney Kisling May 21 (Bloomberg) -- US stocks rose for the first time in four days after the Senate approved financial-regulatory overhaul and Germany took steps toward approving its share of a bailout measure for indebted European nations."
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:10:26 No.230087XXX
    Fucking oil bullish bullshit!
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:11:23 No.230087XXX
         File1274454683.jpg-(124 KB, 1296x810, 1min8.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:11:48 No.230087XXX
    i blame 9/11
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:11:58 No.230087XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:12:28 No.230087XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:12:56 No.230087XXX

    The reason the Euro gains on the dollar, is because when the euro banks are closed, all the exchanges have to be calculated, since the US exchanges have not finished yet, you have an end result.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:13:28 No.230087XXX

    economic cooling across the globe, plus cheating by OPEC countries. Of course it will drop. Sucks to be you if your were long. Expect $40/bbl soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:14:39 No.230088XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:16:28 No.230088XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:17:08 No.230088XXX

    I bought gold at $570 quite a few years ago. Feel free to add up what 227 kg of gold is worth today. I'm holding it till it's over $2k/oz
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:17:11 No.230088XXX
         File1274455031.jpg-(113 KB, 1296x810, euro 1 min.jpg)
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    actually a lot of banks bought into the euro, making it have large jumps in the past 2 days
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:18:02 No.230088XXX
    The euro has been seriously over valued. A devaluation of the Euro would be good seeing how it will become more attractive to other markets. Should keep the currency on par with the dollar honestly. Nothing is gained really from having a over valuated currency.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:18:48 No.230088XXX
         File1274455128.gif-(8 KB, 450x275, silver.gif)
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    smart man, gold is going no where but up. especially with a no "strong dollar" policy in the white house right now.

    personally i am getting into silver because i dont make enough for gold :P
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:18:59 No.230088XXX
         File1274455139.jpg-(121 KB, 1296x810, euro the fuck.jpg)
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    euro maipulation
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:20:14 No.230089XXX
    They have also had major sell offs, more so than influx. Investors are flocking back to the dollar or other markets to weather out Europe debt issues. buying euros is a risky gamble, right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:21:39 No.230089XXX

    also fear in the market has caused people to fully exit... meaning people (on the back of the banks makin euro rise) cashing in their shorts, which bump up the euro
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:23:10 No.230089XXX
    me again, of course banks are also buy some euros still, a lot of american banks have financial holdings in europe, they can't sell them off so quickly, so they are trying to stabalize, but the withdrawl is still too much for europe to handle, going to see a serious devaluation in currency.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:24:51 No.230090XXX
    There's a lot of discussion right now about whether the US should assist in this Euro bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:25:10 No.230090XXX

    europe is a risky gamble so they goto america?

    america has much more poor returns than commodities and precious metals for the most part, and not only that dollars are going no where but down in value and america isnt even that much of an economically stable country. take away their world reserve status and the dollar is shit
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:25:33 No.230090XXX
         File1274455533.jpg-(121 KB, 1296x810, 1min9.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:25:43 No.230090XXX
    The US already has, where do you think the IMF gets msot of its money? The United States.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:26:25 No.230090XXX

    The US has no choice but to assist in the Euro. A collapse of the Euro would send the whole world into a depression. Europe is certainly "too big to fail".
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:26:48 No.230090XXX
    True story. Hmm. Shitcocks.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:27:37 No.230090XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:27:40 No.230090XXX
    So Much fail in 1 post.


    The US gov't bonds are the most stable investment out there. You are just stupid if you think otherwise, the dollar is purposely set low to be competitive in exporting it's goods. Countries grow with a lower currency dumb shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:27:56 No.230090XXX
    220 billion is nothing.

    China is who bailed out the Euro currently, with massive buy orders at 1.21. Those orders from Chinese sovereign wealth funds stopped the plunge, and then they started buying the dips.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:28:16 No.230090XXX



    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:28:46 No.230090XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:28:57 No.230090XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:29:45 No.230091XXX
    And europe wants to block hedge funds hehehehe. Dumbfucks don't realize its private investors who buy their countries securities.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:30:09 No.230091XXX

    Sector summary
    Basic Materials +3.09%
    Capital Goods +2.11%
    Conglomerates +1.16%
    Cons. Cyclical +1.92%
    Cons. Non-Cyclical +0.21%
    Energy +1.57%
    Financial +1.99%
    Healthcare -0.04%
    Services +0.96%
    Technology +1.12%
    Transportation +1.26%
    Utilities -0.04%
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:30:25 No.230091XXX
    I retract that, most stable gov't bond purchases.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:31:38 No.230091XXX

    politicians are only good at fucking things up. Hurr durr I will run deficits forever and nothing will happen because economies grow forever, especially when taxed
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:32:53 No.230091XXX

    could be the start

    i expected it about 200 points higher on the dow... as it has gone much ,lover than i expected

    but yes, i think this will be ... THE FINAL RALLY

    i predicted it to peak at 11250

    but due to this large drop... fuck knows now

    it might even peak within 10000
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:32:58 No.230091XXX

    To qoute the great Maggie thatcher

    "The problem with socialism is, sooner or later, you run out of other people's money":
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:33:24 No.230091XXX

    Only for the time being.

    The crash is predicted to be pretty soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:33:52 No.230091XXX
    it's speculation like this that prompt crashes.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:35:04 No.230092XXX
    Fucking shit.

    Should I hold on or get out while I can?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:35:20 No.230092XXX
    lol a 1% increase on the S&P with no volume, and people see a rally. Truly optimism isn't dead and buried. So no, no rally. But we'll talk next week when we hit 9000 on the dow.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:36:17 No.230092XXX
    If you can't take that decision for yourself you shouldn't be in the market in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:36:20 No.230092XXX
    Wait till the Dow hits low, 9.7k if it gets there, buy something and take the ride up to 10.2k-5k. Sell and you will make a nice clear.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:36:42 No.230092XXX

    Hold on. It'll probably be best to observe the climate a bit more and then make a judgment yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:36:50 No.230092XXX

    no... the shitty fake state of the market and massive overborrowing of debt on debt prompt crashes

    shitty media whoring saying there is a ''recovery'' just makes the climb higher before the crash

    we SHOULD have had this over and done with in 2008... but we BORROWED more money on top of our debt to falsify the crash and stopped us recovering healthily

    we are experiencing the bailout bubble... which is about to burst as the fake money runs out
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:37:49 No.230092XXX

    america has little to no exporting power. why do you think all most things in america are made in china? tthey took american industry because america has way higher taxes and it costs more to emply people because of the debasing of our currency and in general inflation.

    U.S economy is trash when the government has to borrow money from asia to spend it in their own country. the only reason why you say U.S bonds are stable is because we are the world reserve. once that is gone what are we?

    a poor ass country with no capital.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:38:18 No.230092XXX

    I'm just glad it's going to happen on Obama's watch. I can't wait to hear the nigger try to explain himself out of THAT one. He'll probably make a law that says stock prices can only go up.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:38:18 No.230092XXX

    your decision... but i say make some cash while you can

    hold it until the 10500 level... then do what u think is best



    and this is where we are surrently at > >>230076649
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:38:39 No.230092XXX
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    how the hell am I supposed to fap to all these stoopit graphs?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:39:36 No.230093XXX
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    probably too early to call

    but i call this rally
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:40:22 No.230093XXX
    Are you kidding me? The US exports services, financial services account for 40% of GDP income, as well as massive food exports to China and Africa.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:41:02 No.230093XXX

    also your saying that our economy grows when the value of our money goes down? so a country becomes more well off when their citizens get more poor and it costs more for them to buy things?

    with that kinda mentality why now make another bailout for 2 trillion, that would REALLY help out the economy wouldnt it?

    there is no logic in your statement
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:41:28 No.230093XXX
         File1274456488.jpg-(107 KB, 800x583, doingitwrong.jpg)
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    You're looking at the wrong graph. Pic very related.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:41:49 No.230093XXX

    also... this is why the crash will hit america the hardest

    it is a FINANCIAL economy... it has little trade to offer the world
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:42:03 No.230093XXX

    Also, /b/, you are my new financial advisers. You guys rock.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:43:26 No.230093XXX
    no, listen. When a currency gets devaluated, imports become more expensive, and foreign spending is more expensive, the price adjustment is fine the US. There is no inflation domestic prices, right now. They keep the dollar devalued, not to such a low level that it ensures poverty, but enough so that the US economy is more competative than the EU for example, but less attractive than the Chinese.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:43:47 No.230093XXX
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    you mean this graph?????

    i know that is what it looks like... but i assure you this isnt the crash yet
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:43:47 No.230093XXX
    70% of our GDP is consumption spending so i dont know where your getting that from and also, if we do export "services" overseas, they are services, service jobs dont make money, they subtract money from the economy.

    we serve africa and china food at what price? what do we get back in return? i am interested to know.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:45:35 No.230094XXX
    10,187.49 +119.48 (1.19%)
    S&P 500
    1,088.87 +17.28 (1.61%)
    2,240.93 +36.92 (1.68%)
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:46:05 No.230094XXX
    China its roughly about $4 imported to $1 dollar of export.

    I am not talking about what comes out of the GDP, I am talking about what comprises it.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:46:13 No.230094XXX
    i see your point however i do not agree that it is the correct way to run the economy.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:46:31 No.230094XXX
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    dno bout you guys... but this smells like a rally bounce from the 200 DMA
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:46:51 No.230094XXX

    Services are too fluid and can be outsourced to other countries.


    He's right.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:47:41 No.230094XXX
    >>230093863 There is no inflation domestic prices, right now.

    Because we magically count inflation in such a manner as to, well, not create inflation. Because energy is excluded (of course), and the fact that houses are still 3 times more expensive than 10 years ago, no, that's not inflation at ALL.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:48:17 No.230094XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:48:42 No.230094XXX

    Fuck yeah! Rally time!
    Be sure to check out and not let the door hit you on the way out ;)
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:49:02 No.230094XXX

    food prices are also going up... i call that inflation

    and the money from the bailouts have yet to filter into the economy adding trillions of dollars worth of inflation
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:51:01 No.230095XXX
    I dont know what houses you are looking at, but last time i checked especially in Florida the banks are practically giving houses away for free.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:52:31 No.230095XXX
    "I'll boil it down to its core: The euro is the foundation for growth and prosperity, along with the common market -- also for Germany. The euro is in danger," said Merkel.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:53:07 No.230095XXX

    no but there's no inflation. The recovery is working. There's still 10% unemployment (even after we massage the numbers as much as possible), but the recovery is working. BELIEVE!

    Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of over-turning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:53:10 No.230095XXX
    GDP is kinda a poor indicator of our economy. the GDP ssystem was made during WW2 to keep a ruff track of how much goods it was producing mainly. we were the industrial might of the world at the time so this was a good way to measure that. now it is allmost the opposite, most of the GDP is consumer spending, and that spending money mainly came from the government who borrowed it from asia. so if you look at GDP going up yet our national debt is going up and the dollar is going down. id say its a poor way to measure economic stability.

    remember that we became a super power from production. not a welfare state and a service based economy with all its retail workers and wal street people with government workers.

    look at china and germany. they play a huge roll in the markets, they are the 2 biggest producers in the world, they are economically stable, they have industry. americas power is in its world reserve status, strip it away and the whole thing collapses. america needs more production, lower taxes, lower regulation, and we need to cut government jobs/agencies/benefits.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:53:15 No.230095XXX
    Dow's up 124. Dead cat bounce
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:53:42 No.230095XXX

    ok this is my forecast that i present to you... do with it what you will

    consulting this chart >>230076376

    i determine we have started the bounce from this part of this graph >>230076649

    despite this... this drop was a LOT larger than i expected... which may effect my prediction and the timing

    this aside... referring to the top graph i now predict a LARGE rally over 2+ weeks (may vary by a few days each way due to the low drops we have experienced

    i first predicted the peak of this rally to be 11250 (DOW) ... but because of this drop it could be a few hundred points lower... even as low as 10800

    i oersonally would now invest in the DOW and ride it up to 10600 and after that, be wary for the start of the collapse


    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:53:55 No.230095XXX

    compared to 1997? You're just too young to remember.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:55:20 No.230096XXX

    It's a thing called Reaganomics. Read up on it and rage.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:55:46 No.230096XXX


    just think WHO is saying the recovery is working.... the top bankers (who stand to lose the most if the ''recovery ends''

    and the media... (paid by the companies)

    they are hardly going to come out and say... this is all a farce... as the economy would crumble overnight

    but despite this... the media cant deny it anymore and HAVE admitted that bailouts only put debt on top of debt
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:55:59 No.230096XXX
    there is a special place reserved in hell for chartists I hear. God does not think too highly of this technical analysis.bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:56:05 No.230096XXX

    yeah whatever - that's exactly how you lose money in a crash - by calling the bottom. Have fun on the way down. May 6th was a game changer. It took less than 2 weeks to end up back at that bottom - which was just a target. The real bear market starts soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:56:46 No.230096XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:57:11 No.230096XXX
    what is making it worse is with all this inflation, smart people are going to commodities and precious metals * cough china * making the prices of that go up even more so because the dollar is going down the ssame time commodities are going up. not only that americans have to spend more to be able to survive which destroys their earnings even more.

    inflation is not good anyway you look at it. also nixon took us off the gold standard in the 70's because the government wanted to keep spending money for the war and all the new government agencies at the time. they cant print gold so they got rid of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:57:32 No.230096XXX
    woooo-hooo wait wait I can hear CNBC now - "TRIPLE DIGIT RALLY"
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:57:58 No.230096XXX

    im not calling the bottom..... just stating the obvious that a rally has now started from this bounce and is reaching the point of no return... i dont know how far it will fall
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:58:11 No.230096XXX

    Suck it.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:58:41 No.230096XXX

    er actually commodity prices are dropping. As are the Australian and Canadian dollars. The only thing going up is precious metals.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:59:32 No.230096XXX

    they are mainly dropping due to fear in the market... and from now on they will face speculation
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)11:59:36 No.230096XXX
    not interested in saving money for the government. government should even be allowed to handle an entire countries money in the first place. because obviously they prove to be to irresponsible with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:00:20 No.230097XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:00:45 No.230097XXX

    learn to interpret what you read. They're talking about "real" price as measured in grams of gold. Er yeah, ok, gold is at record highs. Call me when it's at the REAL real price, not this overanalyzed bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:00:57 No.230097XXX
    short term yes maybe they go down and up but thats the market for you, they go down and up. but over time commodities and precious metals are the better way to preserve your wealth.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:01:45 No.230097XXX
    HOLY SHIT OP....I started reading your post EXACTLY as the same time the CNN fag was reporting this story almost verbatim

    mind=blown....sometimes when you least expekt it
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:02:13 No.230097XXX
    hey where did the rally go? lol
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:02:36 No.230097XXX

    THIS is how it works

    REAL GOLD always holds its price and has a real value of $2000 dollars+

    the reason it is dropping is on the IMAGINARY paper gold market... people arre pulling out

    keep in mind that on the stock market... gold stocks are basically 1% of what is traded

    meaning the real price is much higher
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:02:59 No.230097XXX
    Didn't realize there were so many TA fags on here.

    In case anyone is curious, the euro will be shitting the bed soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:03:43 No.230097XXX

    I expect 1.18 on fiber next week. The germans gave the market a target.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:04:14 No.230097XXX

    it wont be a perfect rally lol.... when all the people who are worried regain their lost profit... they will sell and exit which is what is curently happening

    the main body will notice the rally and take up these sells... and it will keep going up

    or at least i think so.... over the past week... FUCK KNOWS
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:05:15 No.230098XXX
    >>230097826 they will sell and exit which is what is curently happening

    You sure that's not people short selling the tops? Food for thought.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:05:20 No.230098XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:05:57 No.230098XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:06:13 No.230098XXX

    if that were happening there would ba a large drop.... these little blips on the rally are single traders exiting.. (i think anyway)
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:06:28 No.230098XXX

    I can't give time frames, but I can say that I did have a support area drawn at that price. Figuring price will at least mosey down to there for a bit.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:06:49 No.230098XXX
    Whatever. I'm about to short USD/JPY
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:08:09 No.230098XXX

    1 min charts are just noise
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:09:04 No.230098XXX

    tonight i will take an updated version of this graph


    and i will break it down and outline how i come to my calculations.... will post this explained graph when the asian markets open 1am GMT ((8eastern) i think
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:10:13 No.230098XXX

    you have just got here i think

    in these threads i post the 1min charts to monitor how it is doing and post here

    every now and then i will step back to the 10min 40min hour and 4 hour chart
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:10:35 No.230099XXX
    "So, how does the US debt position compare to that of other countries? A useful measure of a country's debt position is by comparing gross external debt to GDP."

    as i said here


    GDP is not a good indicator of economic stability for america because it is 75% consumption spending, give or take some

    also you are wrong. america owes way more than 11 trillion. with interest and social security we are in the 50trillion+ we have to pay interest on that debt and not only that we borrow 5 billion A DAY from china to keep our economy going.

    this is all distractions from the principal protagonist which is america .
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:11:13 No.230099XXX

    is we elliot waves?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:11:47 No.230099XXX
    The stock market is 100% manipulated.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:12:05 No.230099XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:12:31 No.230099XXX

    yeah it's fun to watch price move in 1m charts. my bad
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:12:53 No.230099XXX


    but i dont think that is the main aspect dictating what is going on

    the graphs are too perfectly matched
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:13:12 No.230099XXX

    Er, you realize that Asian markets don't open on saturday, right newfag?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:13:28 No.230099XXX

    Deficits as a percentage of the national GDP isn't a measure of how strong a country's economy is, cunt.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:13:37 No.230099XXX
    This ia perhaps the most interesting series of threads on 4chan i have ever read. probably because of all the doom and gloom.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:14:07 No.230099XXX
    That graph doesn't show public debt. This is what is what it owes in debt, of course its public debt is massive, but that is not factored into that slideshow.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:14:28 No.230099XXX

    oh fuck yeah


    its friday lol

    ok then... i will post on monday
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:14:47 No.230099XXX
    I think he is just trying to troll you guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:15:47 No.230100XXX
    but i stand behind my prediction... at the very least... next week will see a rally (maybe up to 10700)
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:15:56 No.230100XXX
    i am not
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:17:01 No.230100XXX
    OP here... want anymore graphs???

    im waiting till the 1min chart surpasses the last blip to post
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:18:24 No.230100XXX

    how many of my threads have u been in??
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:18:37 No.230100XXX
    enjoy your double-top
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:19:31 No.230100XXX

    i promised to post my food storage if dow went below 10000

    which it did.....

    after i post the updated 1 min... ill go take a pic an post
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:20:30 No.230100XXX

    i still think this week overall will be a rally

    if it isnt... all my predictions are out of the window
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:21:27 No.230101XXX
    >>230100984 all my predictions are out of the window

    you would hardly be the first. In fact, I think it's much more likely that your predictions be out the window than you actually predicting the market.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:23:56 No.230101XXX

    i think my predictions are more likely to come true

    if my predictions are wrong... we will have a premature crash
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:25:13 No.230101XXX

    either way I'm now making money on my USD/JPY short.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:26:02 No.230101XXX


    will have my food image up shortly
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:29:15 No.230102XXX
    and cover, for a fast $250 bucks
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:29:27 No.230102XXX
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    theres only a weeks worth here

    but im going to a supplier storage (where it goes before being sent to the supermarket) to but 2 months worth
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:30:01 No.230102XXX

    also... all my cupboards are full lol
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:31:17 No.230102XXX
    between you and me, the dow looks like it has topped. This is a bear pattern imo - expect lower this afternoon as liquidity dries up (it is Friday, after all).
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:31:41 No.230102XXX
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    dillydallying atm
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:32:21 No.230103XXX
    there's no "oomph" for a rally. The buyers have gone home.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:32:32 No.230103XXX

    good point... but i think throuought the week we will have at least a 500 point rally up to 10600
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:32:47 No.230103XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:33:26 No.230103XXX
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    my bad, left caps on.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:33:32 No.230103XXX

    all i know is that a rally is overdue

    and if the markets drop today... we could have the crash 2 weeks early
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:34:57 No.230103XXX
    The crash is 2 years late, IMO. Not enough blood last time around.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:35:53 No.230103XXX

    well don't mind me I just make thousands a week reading these charts
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:36:23 No.230103XXX

    well... its everyones speculation on what could happen

    look to previous events.... katrina for example

    also... the great depression.... millions of people will be thrown out of jobs and it is even worse now because people own mortgages and have debt

    houses will be lost overnight.... companies will collapse

    the supermarkets arent gonna stock food if they collapse..... also your money could be worth nothing overnight (due to consumer confidence collapsing)

    many things could happen.... who knows

    all i know is it will be really bad and will be at least 2x worse than 08
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:37:06 No.230104XXX
    I'm about to short the USD/JPY again. "But wait" I hear you say "Isn't it going up?".

    Yes, I reply. Short.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:37:55 No.230104XXX


    08 SHOULD HAVE BEEN the crash... but it was stopped (put on stasis) before it even got bad by bailing out the banks

    now we have even more debt to answer for
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:38:04 No.230104XXX
    well damn, im already technically homeless, i live with an ex gf because i have no family to live with.. i do own land though. nothing on it.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:38:48 No.230104XXX

    up to you... friday is usually a liquidation day

    but next week will most likely see a large rally
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:39:16 No.230104XXX

    and banks (and other large corporations thinking they're like AIG/GM) who think there are no consequences to their actions because the government will just bail them out if they whine loudly enough.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:39:40 No.230104XXX

    land is good.... although no 1 will have money to buy it from you, and house/land value will collapse... you can grow food... which would be like gold then
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:40:54 No.230104XXX

    also here is something not many people think of

    if the market is collapsing people will make bank runs to take out their money

    the banks will not let this happen though and will not allow you to withdraw money, otherwise they cannot dictate the financial system
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:41:19 No.230104XXX

    I shorted at 89.98 USD/JPY.

    Hmmm? No, I expect a short squeeze next week, followed by a continued decline. Too many people are still long in currency markets. They have to be taken out.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:42:27 No.230105XXX

    we will see who is right... i will be here on monday
    at all 3 opens

    if you hag around and spot my thread report in
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:43:38 No.230105XXX
    i keep most of my money in my closet so that wont be a problem. the money being worthless, thats different..
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:43:50 No.230105XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:44:54 No.230105XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:45:11 No.230105XXX
    once again making money on the yen
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:45:14 No.230105XXX
    >smells like the PPT was involved

    I fucking hate powerpoint
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:45:55 No.230105XXX
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    that is better than having it in a bank anyway

    the best thing you can do with your money (because afterall all it is is paper and its value is backed by nothing apart from how much people BELIEVE in it)

    you should invest it in something that retains value
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:46:19 No.230105XXX
    out 89.87 USD/JPY another 10 pips in the bank, another $200
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:46:26 No.230105XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:47:11 No.230106XXX
    i have no idea what to invest in. i always wanted to invest but then this economy shit happened and i said fuck it. what do?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:47:15 No.230106XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:47:35 No.230106XXX
    hey OP does today's rally still look like a rally? Or does today's chart look like it's turning to mush? Heheheh. Anyway I'm done for the day.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:48:34 No.230106XXX

    If you need advice from others about what to invest in, you deserve to be taken for a ride.

    Do your own fucking homework, there is no free lunch.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:48:50 No.230106XXX

    who knows... we will have to wait till the end of the day

    anyway the real rally (if it happens) will start next week

    friday is always a b ad day for the markets
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:49:48 No.230106XXX

    ok, you watch the chart all day. I am going to make lunch for my girlfriend, and then go swimming.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:50:31 No.230106XXX
    stop doing technical analysis. its not profitable. if there were some magic rules you could follow and make money it would be arbitraged away
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:50:31 No.230106XXX

    well... think of what people ALWAYS need

    any investment in the market nowadays is a gamble... as anything could happen

    i would buy something physical... and maybe not even metals

    who freaking knows where to put ur money nowadays
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:51:29 No.230106XXX

    ok =)
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:52:11 No.230107XXX
    Powered by 110MB Hosting

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:53:25 No.230107XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:56:19 No.230107XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:58:20 No.230108XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)12:59:27 No.230108XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)13:04:50 No.230109XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)13:06:13 No.230110XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)13:07:18 No.230110XXX
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    Made this just for you guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)13:09:44 No.230110XXX

    nice 1 lol

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