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    File : 1274288461.jpg-(47 KB, 359x465, off.jpg)
    47 KB End of school pranks Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:01:01 No.229352XXX  
    right /b/ need help, end of school is next wed for me and we need some big ideas to goout with a bang.

    let loose /b/.....
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:01:57 No.229352XXX
    gtfo kiddie, come back in 15-20 years.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:02:03 No.229352XXX
    clear gelatin in every toilet on friday, by monday every single toilet will be clogged.

    wait for someone to poo, lulz ensue
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:02:46 No.229353XXX
    put cum in soap dispensers
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:03:02 No.229353XXX
    Turn all lights of, bust open gas main. Run.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:03:32 No.229353XXX
    put tacks on toilet seat
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:03:56 No.229353XXX
    Pass all your classes with A's
    >> OP 05/19/10(Wed)13:04:17 No.229353XXX
    lick a teacher
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:04:54 No.229353XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:05:03 No.229353XXX
    kiddie? we are all 18.....

    yeh dont think the cum will work, not enough people woudl deliver, we have planned golden syrup in the soap and hand sanatisers
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:06:03 No.229353XXX
    become an hero
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:06:46 No.229353XXX
    vasiline on all the hand rails and door knobs in sight

    only make it thin and not visable
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:07:06 No.229354XXX
    Throw a bag of shit in the teachers lounge. We did it at my school. True story, no troll
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:07:30 No.229354XXX
    Put coins in keyholes= cant open doors

    put weedkiller in spray can and use it to write shit on the grass
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:07:31 No.229354XXX
    Super glue all over hand rails as you walk past. Super glue in a syringe, inject into locks.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:07:57 No.229354XXX
    hold cock fights in the principal's office
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:08:09 No.229354XXX
    do everything backwards
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:08:13 No.229354XXX
    run about naked and lunge at the younger children with your pen0r
    >> LOL owned !!oerrG/pJ7Fg 05/19/10(Wed)13:08:23 No.229354XXX
    Do a columbine
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:08:52 No.229354XXX
    we dont have grass...otherwise the weed killer would be slick, have crappy astro!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:09:16 No.229354XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:09:49 No.229354XXX
    grease a pig and let him loose
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:10:26 No.229354XXX
    our prank will either be locking everyone into school
    or doing nothing at all
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:11:13 No.229354XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:11:31 No.229354XXX
    paint + water + waterbaloons = win.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:11:31 No.229354XXX
    Worship anyone whose initials are MQ?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:11:42 No.229355XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:11:53 No.229355XXX
    take 3 chickens.
    write 1 on one of them, 2 on another and 4 on the last one, that would do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:12:21 No.229355XXX
    1. step in dogshit barefooted
    2. wipe it on peoples pant leg as they walk by
    4. theres your prank
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:12:21 No.229355XXX
    Get 4 chickens.
    Spray paint 1,2,3 and 5 on them.
    Put them in obvious places in the school.
    They'll tear the school apart looking for #4.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:12:28 No.229355XXX
    Cups of water upside down everywhere
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:12:56 No.229355XXX
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    wt was that MQ????? :P
    >> ▂▅▇█▓▒░(◕)‿‿◕░▒▓█▇▅▂ !Anon9uBO1U 05/19/10(Wed)13:13:00 No.229355XXX
    Lube all surfaces, door handles, tables, chairs, floors, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:13:06 No.229355XXX
    or this + >>229353105
    >> Jokester Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:13:12 No.229355XXX
    Best pranks of all time...

    * Gallon freezer bags of crickets in your locker. Pop them as you go into last period.

    * Put the principals house for sale in the newspaper for a low low price.

    * (Our senior prank) - Get 3 pot belly pigs and number them 1, 2 & 4 and let them loose. Watch the chaos ensue as people look for 3
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:13:17 No.229355XXX
    mix flour and water into a paste, add some food colouring. Proceed to fill balloons, throw, laugh. That shit dries rock hard.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:13:33 No.229355XXX
    Just walk out knowing you never have to walk back in again.
    Don't be a faggot about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:13:42 No.229355XXX
    sacrifice the valedictorian to the Aztec gods
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:14:34 No.229355XXX
    Paint school in with glow in the dark paint, especially classrooms so they glow during powerpoint presentations
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:14:43 No.229355XXX
    Dead fish in the roof, that shit will stink!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:15:46 No.229355XXX
    then just use regular spray cans
    >> noko Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:16:13 No.229356XXX
    1.Throw someone's pencil case of the floor when they're not looking.
    2.When they bend down to pick it up, inject them with aids.
    3. ?????
    4. Profit
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:16:23 No.229356XXX
    Grease toilet floors. Then lol at people falling over in theri own (and other people's) piss.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:16:32 No.229356XXX
    mount a stripper pole in the hall
    convince the sluts to hold a competition
    >> LOL owned !!oerrG/pJ7Fg 05/19/10(Wed)13:16:52 No.229356XXX
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    Fly this into school

    lulz ensue
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:17:10 No.229356XXX
    wire tie all the outside doors shut so nobody can get inside the school
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:17:42 No.229356XXX
    fuck it we just burned the school
    shit was SO cash
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:17:47 No.229356XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:18:06 No.229356XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:18:23 No.229356XXX
    €  €€€ ▲
    €  ▲▲
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:18:45 No.229356XXX
    this is actually a good idea
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:18:59 No.229356XXX
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    OP is a faggot, but the golden syrup idea is pure genius. Whoever came up with it must be some kind of demi-god ;)
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:18:59 No.229356XXX
    Sure smells underage here.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:19:04 No.229356XXX
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:19:06 No.229356XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:19:35 No.229356XXX
    1.dump as many back packs out as you can
    2.flip said back packs inside out all back pack contents back inside all back packs shut
    5. zip tie all back packs shut
    6. zip tie all back packs to door jams
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:19:47 No.229356XXX
    Beat the V tech high score.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:19:51 No.229356XXX
    jizz on door
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:19:57 No.229356XXX
    delete System32
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:20:23 No.229356XXX
    Skip school on last day, act like badass
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:21:21 No.229357XXX
    Step 1: get yourself some pigs, more then 3 if possible
    Step 2: Number the pigs, BUT skip a number somewhere in the middle i.e. Pig 1, Pig 2, Pig 4
    Step 3: Grease them bitches up
    Step 4: Let them loose in the school

    Shit happened at my High School in my Junior year, everyone was looking for Pig 3 all day.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:21:45 No.229357XXX
    Piss in the soap. Also, if any of you have a girlfriend, make her pretend to have been raped by one of the popular kids or by a teacher.
    >> Benign Seraphim 05/19/10(Wed)13:21:52 No.229357XXX
    Release four pigs or midgets or deranged badgers into the school and number them 1, 2, 3 and 5 in some clever manner.

    Watch as the impossible hunt for 4 ensues.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:22:25 No.229357XXX
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    Get a van, some balaklavas, duct tape and zip ties. Burst into classroom with a group and kidnap an important or popular teacher. Make a video which shows him gagged and tied in a secret location. Make people track him down based on clues you give them in the video.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:22:30 No.229357XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:22:46 No.229357XXX
    Liar. That story is as old as the internet
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:22:50 No.229357XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:22:56 No.229357XXX
    Shoot up the place with a gun. FUCK YEAHH AMERICA!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:23:04 No.229357XXX
    Get three pigs, and lable them on their sides with paint "1", "2", and "4". Watch them try to find 3.
    >> LOL owned !!oerrG/pJ7Fg 05/19/10(Wed)13:23:26 No.229357XXX
    you should delete system 32 on all school comps, or crash them with a virus.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:23:39 No.229357XXX

    no it fucking didnt, there is always some retard saying that happened at their school. shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:24:07 No.229357XXX

    I like this anons Idea.
    >> hipster !!lMtL5L54u5c 05/19/10(Wed)13:24:12 No.229357XXX
    just poop in your locker.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:24:19 No.229357XXX
    Obviously averyone knows about the #1, #2 and #4 prank. Be original.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:24:27 No.229357XXX
    sell text books/ burn them
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:24:39 No.229357XXX
    We usually just started to egg the teachers. Teachers actually came with an extra pair of shirts to change in lol. Especially this spanish teacher, she was such a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:24:50 No.229357XXX
    school system gives no access to files like that you shit wit
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:24:53 No.229357XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:25:00 No.229358XXX
    Never said it was original, just saying it was fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:25:05 No.229358XXX
    Get 4 pigs right
    And label them 1, 2, 4
    Then this topic sucks and it's all copypasta
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:25:06 No.229358XXX
    That fucking happened at my school too!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:25:11 No.229358XXX
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    Steall school appliances/stationary/supplies for teh lulz.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:26:18 No.229358XXX
    LOL OP.





    HEY OP.


    U SHOULD TAKE 3 PIGS/chickens/whatevs

    N LABEL EM 1 2 AND 4

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:27:04 No.229358XXX
    OMG! Srsly!?!?!?? i thought of that too!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:27:13 No.229358XXX
    printer ink + soap/hand sanitizer dispensers

    then set the school on fire after you've locked all the doors
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:27:18 No.229358XXX
    Administer Viagra to all males in senior class or whoever wants it. Where gym shorts to school. Have a boner for a day.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:27:24 No.229358XXX
    take screwdriver from workshop, go into every classroom, undo *every screw* in the rooms. take doorknobs off the inside of rooms. put *all* furniture (if you dont unscrew it) out in the halls/outside/gaffa taped upside down to ceiling. turn layout of room around (desks/teachers desk/tv etc) 90° or 180°. make a desk-pyramid in the main outside area/in the cafeteria. get road-cones and high-visibility jackets and redirect all traffic on the roads going past through the school carpark.

    basically, go nuts.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:27:29 No.229358XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:27:54 No.229358XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:28:15 No.229358XXX
    Get three pigs, and lable them on their sides with paint "2", "3", and "4". Watch them try to find 1 all day.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:28:49 No.229358XXX
         File1274290129.jpg-(64 KB, 473x425, 1273970902442.jpg)
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    >Steall school

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:29:08 No.229358XXX
    Tell everyone in the school you're going too pull a fake suicide hanging. Actually hang yourself and when everyon'e laughing, you'll be dead.
    >> hipster !!lMtL5L54u5c 05/19/10(Wed)13:29:38 No.229359XXX
    op... srsly. just start saving all your poop in a jar and by the last day of school you should have enough for a poop fight.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:29:58 No.229359XXX
    at graduation , dump gatorade on your principal
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:30:16 No.229359XXX
    Fucking this.

    And caps lock is cruise control for faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:30:44 No.229359XXX
    OK, this is awesome! Go into all the toilets especially the darker ones, lift the seats and pull cling film over it until there are no creases. In low light its near invisible.

    sit back and listen to curses as piss fires back and shit is smeared on arses.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:30:49 No.229359XXX
    we took an old beat up VW beetle and had it disassembled in the previous weeks. then, brought it into school piece by piece and assembled it in the library on the second floor. everything but the engine, shit was too heavy/complicated
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:30:56 No.229359XXX
    shout Leeroy Jenkins.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:31:03 No.229359XXX
    1. Get 3 pigs,
    2. paint the numbers 1, 2, and 4 on them.
    3. Let them loose in school
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:31:06 No.229359XXX
    that sounds like a meme caption
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:31:14 No.229359XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:31:15 No.229359XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:31:17 No.229359XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:32:02 No.229359XXX
    create a creepypaste treasure hunt, with clues all over the school. do loads. make the last clue point to the first one
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:32:09 No.229359XXX
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    Place mines in the school pitch.
    >> 859Troll 05/19/10(Wed)13:32:32 No.229359XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:32:35 No.229359XXX




    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:32:38 No.229359XXX
    I meant wear gym shorts.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:32:45 No.229359XXX
    >>229359446 beat you ( >>229359385 ) to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:33:10 No.229359XXX
    washing up liquid on all floors in hallways
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:33:14 No.229359XXX
    unplug all the mice/network cables. turn all the pc's off at the back. swap the monitor cables around, so that no pc is connected to the mouse/screen/keyboard it was before (and make them all connected to different pc's). if you want to cause damage, superglue in the network ports or on the network cable plug contacts. if u can get software access, put a batch file with a shutdown command in the startup folders.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:33:27 No.229359XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:33:28 No.229359XXX
    Pee in your coffee cup
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:33:38 No.229359XXX

    for idiots who don't get it, the faculty will be looking for "3" the entire day
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:33:45 No.229359XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:33:50 No.229360XXX

    LABEL THEM 1,2,3,4,5...998, 1000


    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:35:32 No.229360XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:36:14 No.229360XXX
    do not combine with system 32 deleting, t-rexes are good at tech support
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:37:55 No.229360XXX
    Throw hotdogs down the hallway while yelling, "Look everyone, I'm having sex with (insert popular girl's name)."
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:38:03 No.229361XXX

    Da fuck sort of pranks are these?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:38:13 No.229361XXX
    Go up on the roof of your school and paint a large penis on it. When google earth or a news chopper flys over profit!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:38:20 No.229361XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:39:11 No.229361XXX
    the resulting heat would kill any virus alive in the jar.

    you fail
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:39:13 No.229361XXX
    Eat out oldest teachers vagina
    did it rite
    >> niko Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:41:19 No.229361XXX
    All come in wearing burkas, during last period, take them off and get beaten by your angry husband.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:41:30 No.229361XXX
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    Things me and my friends did.. some that we wish we did.

    1 - trim all your pubes and litter them through out as many shared school textbooks / librarybooks as you can.

    2 - get some raw squid and hide tiny bits of it EVERYWHERE. Take off the rubber stoppers on those pipe doorstoppers and put some in there, put some in airducts etc.

    3 - go into an empty class with a ceiling fan, clean the dust off it and spray it with cooking oil so it's super slippery. Put a shit on top of it. (Easily done by taking a dump in a bag then dropping it out later.).

    4 - Take a shit in a zip lock bag, wear rubber gloves.. go to all the staff cars and spackle some shit under the driver side door handle of every car. Be SURE to make it so that you can't see it.. wedge it in nice and clean, and bring some paper towel to wipe up any excess mess. This is fucking GOLD - do THIS.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:41:37 No.229361XXX
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    Shotgun + Drama club = Bulltrue

    Picture Related
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:44:49 No.229362XXX
    start a fire in the pool
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:44:53 No.229362XXX
    btw - number 3 is fucking great, i'm an ausfag so the end of the year is very hot and fans are almost always on. Once enough speed is reached, slippery shits make their crash landing on some really unlucky kid : )
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:45:23 No.229362XXX
    A handful of cableties, all doors tied shut. Set off firealarm. Watch people shit themselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:45:45 No.229362XXX
    Bring enough soda and chips for everyone to enjoy and wish your teachers a safe and enjoyable summer.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:46:17 No.229362XXX
    how do you look a door with a cable tie?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:46:44 No.229363XXX
    ok, this is what we did; get 3 pigs, label them 1,2,3 and watch everyone look for 4 all day long, lulz ensue
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:47:25 No.229363XXX
    Maybe. They might smell a turd on the ceiling fan though.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:47:26 No.229363XXX
    if you have white soap, replace it with milk, also put milk in the chair legs, stinks like shit next year :D
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:47:30 No.229363XXX

    Double doors, the ones you see in corridors ususally have protruding handles.
    If you just have regular, one handle doors like classrooms have just cover them in oil.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:47:35 No.229363XXX
    you could use a wedge instead of zipties, since that would actually work
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:48:10 No.229363XXX
    a fail-proof plan. people might even keep looking for 5 and 6. lol lol lol.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:48:28 No.229363XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:48:50 No.229363XXX
    omg fire!... ewww the handle was all greasy, lol great prank
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:48:50 No.229363XXX
    Put a german shepard on the roof.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:49:06 No.229363XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:49:14 No.229363XXX
    release chickens and guinea hens during ceremony
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:49:59 No.229363XXX
    Steal several of your teachers' cell phones and have them all dial 911 at the same time. Police will think some dangerous shit is going down at the school.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:49:59 No.229363XXX
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    okay listen up fucktard here's what you gotta do. During your graduation I assume you have to shake that cocksucker principals hand right? So give every senior a penny at graduation. When you go up to shake, put the penny in his palm as you shake it. He either has to drop it on the floor, or put it in his goofy ass robe pockets. Multiply this by however many seniors you have and you get win. Tits for motivation
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:50:05 No.229363XXX
    lube/baby oil in the hallways
    skunk piss the doors
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:50:05 No.229363XXX
    Maybe spray the shit in more cooking oil to cover up the stink a little. A high decently ceiling will hopefully mean that the stink won't be noticeable.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:50:42 No.229364XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:50:42 No.229364XXX

    butthurt much?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:51:29 No.229364XXX
    Get some huge 80's sunglasses and a shotgun and shoot up your school, then tell everyone the glasses let you see their true form and they were really aliens that have secretly enslaved mankind.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:51:48 No.229364XXX
    Idiot you label them 1, 3, 4
    And every teacher in the world knew about this when they were your age, failfag
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:52:05 No.229364XXX
    1. eat a load of spicy Mexican food, or something to give you harsh diarrhea.

    2. Shit all over the floor in a hallway while class is in session.

    3. Pull fire alarm.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:53:14 No.229364XXX
    Shove a rock up your ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:53:54 No.229364XXX
    holy fuck this is an amazing idea
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:54:07 No.229364XXX
    put 4 bombs and label them 1, 2, and 3. Lulz ensue when they realize there was a fourth!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:54:16 No.229364XXX
    I love the idea of turd falling from the ceiling in the middle of class.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:54:25 No.229364XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:54:44 No.229365XXX
    sauce of pic? moar?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:54:51 No.229365XXX
    pull a fire alarm at first period then at second period and so on... then just after lunch start a fire
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:54:55 No.229365XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:55:37 No.229365XXX
    Rape one of your female teachers,Tape it,Give it to the principal,Say she is fucking her students,Get her fired,Win epicly
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:55:57 No.229365XXX
    take a poo in the teacher's desk , and after shit like : yak what's smellin like this and ur like LOL
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:56:01 No.229365XXX
    1,2 and 4 is more fun
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:56:06 No.229365XXX
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    photo shop your principal or teachers head on a pic of hardcore porn...make copies in school library for free.. flood hallways.

    oddly enough my prinicipal left 2 years after we did that via a groping scandal

    we also put a dildo in our assnt principals mail box.
    >> ★Texas★ !6IjTmQNNAU 05/19/10(Wed)13:56:27 No.229365XXX
    Flush 5 to 10 pounds of dry ice down the crapper.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:56:57 No.229365XXX
    You said bang
    sulphuric acid + nitric acid + glycerin = nitroglycerin - > KABOOOM
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:57:04 No.229365XXX
    do you by any chance live in orlando florida OP?
    specifically orange county? and go to an OCPS school?

    if so, replicate what cypress did (decks on roofs of portables) with EVERY portable.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:57:07 No.229365XXX

    Yeah the police have every teacher's personal phone number on caller ID.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:57:49 No.229365XXX
    Yeh, this was one of the plans that we didn't get to follow through with. Left it too late and weren't able to pull it off. Would've been great.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:58:32 No.229365XXX
    laxatives/vomit inducers in the food/sauces
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:59:04 No.229366XXX
    What ever you do make sure it's bad enough to where you can get in trouble with the cops like getting put on probation do something wild. or something small like flooding the school or call in a bomb treat something that will get ever body out of school
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:59:18 No.229366XXX
    hide a bunch of cell phones in the ceiling tiles, and have one kid ditch class and call them all day, watch the teacher rage and eventually molest one of you looking for the phones
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)13:59:59 No.229366XXX
    Mustard gas : Ammonia + Bleach. Put a shitload in the vents (make sure you wear a gas mask and protective gear while installing.Then skip school.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:00:33 No.229366XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:00:52 No.229366XXX
    hurr cell phones have gps you fucktard
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:00:53 No.229366XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:01:17 No.229366XXX
    just get a couple of 5 gallon buckets and tip them over on each other in a hallway, then pull fire alarm
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:01:21 No.229366XXX
    What the fuck would that do? Gahd don't be such a new fag with crappy ideas!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:01:31 No.229366XXX

    >> , 05/19/10(Wed)14:02:41 No.229366XXX
    sacrifice a virgin female to satan in the principles office
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:02:52 No.229367XXX
    Take a shit in principles drawer
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:04:14 No.229367XXX
    Close the toilet door and put out of order on it,
    Get a cow and lead it up to the headmasters office, they can't be lead back down,
    Remove all the mirrors from the toilets,
    Put baby oil on all of the toilet seats,
    Fill the soap dispensers with pigs or another animals blood or something (can be acquired through a butcher),
    Grease up sets of stairs,
    Put prawns/fish behind the radiators.

    That's all I can think of atm.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:04:30 No.229367XXX
    get an ice pick and stab all of everyone's tires in the parking lot except one kid you really hate
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:04:33 No.229367XXX
    Pour orange soda on your dick in class.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:04:35 No.229367XXX

    The ugliest girl in the school, or the hottest?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:04:42 No.229367XXX
    1 hack the school computer system
    2 print 1000 copies completely black
    3 get banned from pc room
    4 PROFIT!

    srsly happened in my school :D
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:04:55 No.229367XXX
    Get a friend of yours and dress like ninjas... Walk through classrooms and have epic fights and walk out. RaNdOmNeSs?? Reactions.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:05:41 No.229367XXX
    Considering your school has a football field or whatever and it's easily accessible , then follow these steps

    recruit alot of friends
    chip in and buy plastic forks in bulk
    break in at night
    stick forks all over the field (about 1 meter apart so it doesnt take forever)
    >> ★Texas★ !6IjTmQNNAU 05/19/10(Wed)14:05:47 No.229367XXX
    Dry ice (Frozen Co2) EXPANDS by 100 fold as it thaws/evaporates.
    Dry ice 1cubic inch=100Cubic inches when thawed in gas form. It would ether burst the pipes (if they are lead) or the gas bubble would push every thing above, and below out of the wast water plumbing. IE toilets, floor drains, sink drains. So ether it would cause massive damage, or a really big ass mess.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:05:58 No.229367XXX
    Go to the Library.

    Find a copy of Catcher in the Rye.

    Shit in it.

    Put it back on the shelf.
    >> , 05/19/10(Wed)14:06:07 No.229367XXX
    hottest, satan dont want any nasty bitches
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:06:47 No.229367XXX
    get a thousand little baggies like the ones u put drugs in and fill them with rock salt so it looks like meth, and hide them on people
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:06:48 No.229367XXX
    fish sauce into airconditioner intake
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:06:55 No.229367XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:07:00 No.229368XXX
    Buy a gun and go on a killing spree.
    >> , 05/19/10(Wed)14:08:31 No.229368XXX
    make hash brownies for teachers and put them in teacher lounge
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:09:00 No.229368XXX
    buy a gun with one of those little flags in it that says "bang" but looks real, give a speech to make u sound legit then point it at someone and click, watch them shit themselves
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:09:11 No.229368XXX
    dump 2 gallons of liquid aspic in the toilets
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:09:13 No.229368XXX

    Or with flour so it looks like coke, or with dried out grass so it looks slightly like weed. xD
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:09:24 No.229368XXX
    Throw petrol over every thing and then set it on fire with a pipe bomb, if you want to know how to make one, make a illegal information thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:10:20 No.229368XXX
    put laxative (lots lots lots) in the ketchup/mustard/bbq sauce dispensers at lunch unless your school is retarded and buys them individually packaged. then lock every bathroom door from the inside
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:11:05 No.229369XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:11:22 No.229369XXX
    Wear a mask and find a teacher alone somewhere with nobody around. Fuck him up.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:12:30 No.229369XXX
    Wow. I'm glad the only people who actually eat lunch inside my school are faggots.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:12:59 No.229369XXX

    don't know if serious.
    >> , 05/19/10(Wed)14:13:06 No.229369XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:13:08 No.229369XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:14:06 No.229369XXX
    i want dis 1
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:15:31 No.229370XXX
    Do this one, and you will go down in history.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:15:58 No.229370XXX
    I released squirrels for my senior prank. Caught about 30 of them and about five friends and I released them in various bathrooms and opened the doors so they could escape into the rest of the school.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:16:33 No.229370XXX
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    here is on classic i used to do when i was in 10th grade take a food film like this and put it over the toilet seat so next time some one will take a shit the shit will stick to his ass i saw that happen a coble of times
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:17:14 No.229370XXX
    Get a hold of a school district walky talky/radio. Start trolling. Whatever you can say to get the military involved.
    >> Aonmoyuos 05/19/10(Wed)14:17:48 No.229370XXX
    our senior prank we had one of our friends (mom was a teacher) get the keys to classrooms and pulled all the desks into the hallways and ziptie them together. then write shit all over the whiteboards.

    also we have a gazebo in the middle of the courtyard. we tied a large tarp to all 4 corners and filled it with water from the local river. rednecks filled it wit largemouth bass

    got a huge pack of string and tied everything in the courtyard together. looks like spiderman came through. lulz ensue as everyone tried to duck under/step over them to get to class in the morn
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:18:15 No.229370XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:18:34 No.229370XXX
    yo fukin hop the fuk off every1 ur a gay bitch and u didnt even show up to the courts 2day to fight me like just fukin stop tlking to me ur a fag BROSKI

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:18:49 No.229370XXX
    put dead fish in air vents, above the ceiling tiles, hell anywhere you can think of. bonus points if theyll never find it
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:18:50 No.229370XXX
    i'm think of something to do as well anons i can access all of the school's printers throughout the school system would that be lulzy?
    >> Aonmoyuos 05/19/10(Wed)14:18:59 No.229370XXX

    I am a voly. fire fighter and I found out my local school districts radio freq. using ( i used my fire depts transciever to fuck with them. i called principal to football field for no fucking reason, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:19:34 No.229371XXX
    Start gluing dollars and shit on the floor with superglue.

    Watch people go crazy trying to pull that shit off.

    If there is one teacher you hate in particular you can put broken glass at two of his tires, make sure to cover them up with stuff like ducktape, just leave an edge open, the car's pressure will slide right into that.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:20:43 No.229371XXX
    this is what your post looks like:

    selhsrdte ghdrg hsrd ghsg rh dgh srgdhg hurrimailletaratebitch gfghj
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:20:47 No.229371XXX
    thin chocolate pudding with water, fill enema bags and run down the hall squirting everything and everybody with them... Sort of a columbine without all the death...
    >> Aonmoyuos 05/19/10(Wed)14:21:09 No.229371XXX

    >the car's pressure will slide right into that.
    >the car's pressure will slide
    >the car's pressure

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:21:18 No.229371XXX
    anyone know how to get into the intercom systems at school?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:21:35 No.229371XXX

    Shoop the Principal into some CP pictures, Profit?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:22:24 No.229371XXX
    woman principal though
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:22:47 No.229371XXX

    Meant the weight of the car will slide into the glass especially if you have it ductaped upwards. For extra damage, do this on both sides of the wheels.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:23:00 No.229371XXX
    I don't know how they did it, but we had kids make homemade smoke bombs out of saltpeter and suger (i think), and set them off. you oughta be able to find the recipie online somewhere. they made a HUGE volume of smoke...
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:24:29 No.229372XXX
    get bunch of guys together and lift up the back end of you principals car and roll a log under it so the tires dont touch the ground and leave it
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:24:32 No.229372XXX

    Try and get a picture, then shoop it so she looks like she's sleeping with you after a good fuck?

    Who cares if she looks fugly or whatever. It'll be lulzy.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:25:02 No.229372XXX

    I did the same thing, but at some ones house party.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:25:29 No.229372XXX
    is suger anything like sugar?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:29:30 No.229373XXX

    One of these!
    >> Esteam !qkGcTZ/uKs 05/19/10(Wed)14:30:25 No.229374XXX
    >Get 3 chickens
    >Mark first chicken with the number 1
    >Mark second chicken with the number 2
    >Mark third chicken with the number 4

    They'll spend all day looking for chicken number 3
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:31:13 No.229374XXX
    4 parts sugar
    6 parts potassium nitrate (saltpeter)
    mix it
    heat it over a low flame, stirring
    pour into container, put in some matches as fuse
    incredible amounts of thick, white smoke.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:31:45 No.229374XXX
    where the fuck do u get salt peter?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:32:08 No.229374XXX
    not even in the same neighborhood
    what's the matter with you?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:33:28 No.229374XXX
    buy it, you idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:33:36 No.229375XXX
    Эта программа не может отобразить эту веб-страницу

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    Проверьте подключение к Интернету. Попробуйте посетить другой веб-узел, чтобы убедиться в наличии подключения.

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    На DNS-сервере не найден адрес для домена этого веб-узла.

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:33:37 No.229375XXX
    at the google search engine
    what's the matter with you?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:34:47 No.229375XXX
    Bump salt peter is what, and where do i get it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:34:58 No.229375XXX
    This fag is from chancellors school!!!!
    We are the only school breaking up on that day.
    Who is this?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:35:35 No.229375XXX
    if you do not know what it is, stay the fuck away from it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:35:48 No.229375XXX
    wth how does music make sugar smoke
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:35:49 No.229375XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:37:23 No.229375XXX



    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:37:59 No.229376XXX
    It's potassium nitrate, I've known that for years, i just don't know were to get it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:39:00 No.229376XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:39:08 No.229376XXX
    because I just told you.
    is it KNO3 or KNO2?
    if you know which, maybe I'll tell you.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:39:52 No.229376XXX
    Paintball gun fight in the quad.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:40:01 No.229376XXX
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    fill blowup dolls with helium, then release them in your schools gymnasium!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:40:14 No.229376XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:40:25 No.229376XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:41:00 No.229376XXX
    KNO3 I've made a smoke bomb before, but my friend got me the supply's.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:42:00 No.229377XXX
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    break into the ict suete and make the delete system 32 .bat.

    enable all the computers to run them if they dont run them anyway.

    distrubute them to all computers in the school and place them into the start up shell. do this on the last lesson, everyone who is on already wont be affected. the next time someone logs on it will run that .bat and delete the system 32 for that computer. it has to do it for them all atr some point. thousands of pounds worth of damage for such little work.

    pic related, it will be the ict technitians faces
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:42:46 No.229377XXX
    in hawaii they beat the shit out of all the white kids, it's called "kill haole day"
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:43:43 No.229377XXX

    Fuckers stole my idea.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:44:19 No.229377XXX
    btw, saltpeter/KNO3 can be bought in any major gardening shop.
    Just make sure you buy something else along with the junk else they'll suspect bombz.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:44:46 No.229377XXX
    op here, thank you, have sum gd ideas now!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:46:27 No.229378XXX
    can you buy it pure?
    or is there stuff added to it?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:46:28 No.229378XXX
    On the U.S. mainland everyday is slaughter the hawaiian nigger day.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:47:47 No.229378XXX

    implying life is csi: miami
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:48:31 No.229378XXX
    LOLOLOLOL highschool.
    you kids are fags
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:49:26 No.229379XXX
    Stefan, jag vet att det är du
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:50:07 No.229379XXX
    Place broken shards of glass on the sticky side of a piece of duct tape. Stick to the top of principal's wheels (the parts that are least visible to a passer by). As he pulls out of his spot, the glass goes in and his wheels are fucked. Try experimenting with different sharp objects and do it to more than one wheel.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:50:38 No.229379XXX
    Masturbate in the middle of school and blame it on the alcohol.
    >> Chicken Lover !NIGGERa0Eo 05/19/10(Wed)14:51:18 No.229379XXX
    Read the whole thing before judging.

    Get FOUR pigs, label them on their sides, with 1, 2, 3, 4.

    Let 1, 2, and 4 run wild through the hallways. Bludgeon #3 to death with a knife, and leave the bloody corpse in the locker room shower.

    The faculty will find 1, 2, and 4, and they will know NOT to look for another pig. Because of this, someone will get quite a surprise when they go to take a shower after gym class!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:51:29 No.229379XXX
    Ok here is wat you do. You get 5 cows
    Spray paint 1,2,3,4 and 6 on them.
    Put them in obvious places in the school.
    They'll tear the school apart looking for #7.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:51:57 No.229379XXX

    Wear gloves. This might be overkill, but it won't hurt as tape holds evidence very well. Just think worst-case scenario (or best) the guy gets into an accident.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:52:18 No.229379XXX
    what are you, a retard?
    you know nothing about the 911 system?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:52:36 No.229380XXX

    If 99.5% is pure enough for you, then yes!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:52:56 No.229380XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:53:05 No.229380XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:53:39 No.229380XXX
    OP do you go to NHS?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:54:06 No.229380XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:58:03 No.229381XXX
    it is, but i thought there might be additives.
    god. fucking. yes.
    or H2O2 in a spray bottle
    spray it on random girls' hair.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:58:50 No.229381XXX
    Thank you good sir!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:59:08 No.229381XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:59:47 No.229382XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)14:59:52 No.229382XXX
    Sharpie in pooper right on school quad
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:00:07 No.229382XXX
    In my school there's pictures of all athlete's faces hung up on the walls in the cafeteria. My friend and I are going to put trollfaces over each of them.
    >> Chicken Lover !NIGGERa0Eo 05/19/10(Wed)15:00:44 No.229382XXX
    Get 3 T-Rex's

    Number them 1, 2, 4

    Let them run wild in school!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:01:04 No.229382XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:01:28 No.229382XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:03:46 No.229383XXX
    hey u underage fag, GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:05:21 No.229383XXX
    this faggot basically trimmed his pubes and shit in a bag. Never got it to school and only wished for the rest. GTFO all you underage faggots.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:07:22 No.229384XXX
    Rickroll the school over morning announcements/intercom.

    Fork the football field. If you don't know what that is, basically throw a LOT of plastic silverware on the football field.

    Find a midget willing to do anything for some money. Pay him to dress up like a leprechaun and run around school yelling "out of me way, they're after me lucky charms!"
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:10:02 No.229384XXX
    jello crystals in the school pool
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:10:47 No.229385XXX
    your low brow humor made me lul.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:15:20 No.229386XXX
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    ITT illegal information thread.

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:16:31 No.229386XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:16:59 No.229386XXX



    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:17:41 No.229386XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:18:19 No.229387XXX
    >> Craig 05/19/10(Wed)15:19:20 No.229387XXX
    Let live chickens loose, put fish behind the radiators, put maggots in the vending machines, put condoms EVERYWHERE, put lube on banisters and door handles XD
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:19:20 No.229387XXX
    This wouldnt work... AIDs dies when it hits oxygen let alone the heat from the explosion.
    >> Checkers !!pbjhA46evSt 05/19/10(Wed)15:21:51 No.229388XXX
    >Bludgeon with a knife
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:26:24 No.229389XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)15:26:39 No.229389XXX
    6 piece chicken combo...put frozen chickens in the duct work deep in the ducting just pop small holes in the bags and throw in and put vent back on....stink will linger for as long as the chickens are ther or until totally dried out/mummyfied

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