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  • File : 1273580241.gif-(85 KB, 480x600, son_i_am_disappoint.gif)
    85 KB So here it goes Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:17:21 No.226371XXX  
    Alright, so this is the story, and hopefully someone has the plan.

    For two months now I have been out of school and alive during the night, basically a nocturnal pattern. During these hours, i have done nothing productive, so /b/ I give you the question of WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?

    My guitar was my first thing on my head - but it's warped.. need to get it fixed up. Internet points for the winrar.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:18:11 No.226371XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:18:27 No.226371XXX
    an hero
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:18:45 No.226371XXX

    My friend suggested that. I do enough of that.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:19:21 No.226372XXX
    no scuicide
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:19:41 No.226372XXX
    Lurk moar.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:19:48 No.226372XXX
    u r failur
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:20:31 No.226372XXX
    >>226372122 i am so fail
    ya i stopped lurking time ago
    and whytf did they remove last 3 digits?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:20:34 No.226372XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:21:20 No.226372XXX
    World of Warcraft. Don't be a tight ass and pay for it or join a private server. Either way it is addicting as fucking. inb4 wowfag I had to quit 20 hours playing 4 hours sleeping.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:21:25 No.226372XXX
    Why you've been out of school?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:21:55 No.226372XXX
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    Get a job
    Get a girlfriend
    Get a hobby
    Become old enough to do stuff at that time of night
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:23:12 No.226372XXX
    nocturnal pattern, now im kicked out
    girlfriend? no need, i have my women.
    can't job - nocturnal, although i've considered the military.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:23:53 No.226372XXX
    1.Get a shitty job working overnight that pays well(nothing less then $15 an hour with benifits starting after 3 months)
    2.Acquire currency.Reject females/drugs/non-essential items.(Only food and living costs)
    3.Do this for 3 years.
    4.You will now have 66,000(after taking 33% for taxes)
    5.Dont work for 5 years.
    6.Live happy knowing you dont have to do shit and can still live a great lifestyle fucking bitches with no emotional ties
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:24:09 No.226372XXX
    Don't use nocturnal as a fucking excuse to get out of doing shit.

    Man up or you life is going to shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:24:55 No.226372XXX
    eh, army as i said.
    besides you don't need fucking school to get places
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:24:58 No.226372XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:25:02 No.226372XXX
    That is a good idea, if you can find a job.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:25:29 No.226372XXX
    uhh, can't say my age but 15$/h i doubt will be found, especially after midnight..
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:26:24 No.226373XXX
    /b/ Moot needs to fix this spam shit.
    Until then we'll mass spam 4chan.

    Download Mass 4chan Spammer Here:


    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:27:41 No.226373XXX
    iso good fucking answer.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:28:05 No.226373XXX
    I dropped out of school at 16 and got a nite job cleaning a resturant i was paid $18 and worked 8 hours shifts from 12-8am.Did this for 3 years.Saved all my money(no booze,drugs,whores) just food,gas,utilities and only spent about 5k each year saved the other money and now have a nice bank of 185k that i can live off of
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:28:08 No.226373XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:28:23 No.226373XXX
    thers no way you could survive 5 years on 66K in america nor any 1st world countries unless u lived on the street for alot of it
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:28:39 No.226373XXX

    couldn't do it. seriously :\
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:30:25 No.226373XXX
    uh dont be a pussy; and go in to the city.You will find bars,resturants,strip joints that stay open late or 24/7.Least you can get a "security" job for 10-13 an hour and start there(if your not a fat ass and can walk 5 miles in 8 hours)
    The jobs are there.Dont be a bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:30:56 No.226373XXX

    bro im not of age
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:31:23 No.226373XXX
    why not get a nightshift job. You could get into security. Or the opposite you could go around and break into shit at night for the fun of it. OR you could get a job as a mortition
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:31:38 No.226373XXX
    You're fucking stupid. 66k is quite middle-class. You can easily survive on a lot less. My dad only makes 35k a year and lives in an apartment. It's rather spartan, and he doesn't have tons of food around, but he makes do.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:32:01 No.226374XXX
    Account SuspendedThis Account Has Been Suspended

    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:32:16 No.226374XXX
    blast your face with piss
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:32:36 No.226374XXX
    chatroulette or yakkah?


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    [V][X]AnonymousSo here it goes