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  • File : 1273575344.jpg-(28 KB, 400x280, large+pure-dmt-crystals.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:55:44 No.226359XXX  
    Ask a DMT addict anything!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:56:22 No.226359XXX
    how the fuck do you get addicted to dmt
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:57:25 No.226359XXX
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    I don't know I just started to abuse it alot and got addicted and just can't seem to quit now.

    Its to the point where I sit in a room for a day and smoke DMT every 15-20 minutes for hours at a time and just can't quit.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:57:29 No.226359XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:57:38 No.226359XXX
    We have archived every single timestampd pic of cumdumpsters that have ever posted their tits on 4chan! If you are interested:

    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. hit F5 on new page
    5. cumdumpsters!!!!

    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:57:59 No.226359XXX
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    DMT addiction isn't funny.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:58:06 No.226359XXX
    where the fuck do you get dmt
    and its naturally occurring in your brain
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:58:24 No.226359XXX
    What is the high like ? what happens ?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:58:28 No.226359XXX
    Tell those fucking machine elves that they owe me six bucks.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:58:30 No.226359XXX
    you is trowlin
    >> lol anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:58:35 No.226359XXX
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    addict too
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:58:38 No.226359XXX
    what the fuck is DMT?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:58:46 No.226360XXX
    What does it feel like?
    I hear right before you die, your body releases crazy amounts of DMT and shit gets too real so you experience extreme feelings of despair and doom. Is that what you feel or wat?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:58:48 No.226360XXX
    where do you buy it from? which vendor?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:59:01 No.226360XXX
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    From my dealer whom is Mexican.

    I hear Cocaine is naturally occurring too.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:59:01 No.226360XXX
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    whats DMT?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:59:09 No.226360XXX
    What the hell is DMT. I am not googling it because you are the junkie asking me to ask you anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:59:40 No.226360XXX
    they sell DMT under the counter at a chain of stores in Australia. How fucked up is that! I got onto some, not really knowing what i was getting into (im just a simple pot and pills kinda guy), and it blew my fucking mind. Scary shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)06:59:56 No.226360XXX
    if you dont actually know what DMT is,

    dont bother noko'in this thread
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:00:05 No.226360XXX
    im addicted to skooma
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:00:06 No.226360XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:00:09 No.226360XXX
    Its the most powerful Hallucinogen in existence... Its also very addictive and causes millions of people throughout the world to be addicts to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:00:25 No.226360XXX
    Account SuspendedThis Account Has Been Suspended

    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:00:46 No.226360XXX
    absolute bullshit.. so many trolls on tonight
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:00:58 No.226360XXX
    We have archived every single timestampd pic of cumdumpsters that have ever posted their tits on 4chan! If you are interested:

    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. hit F5 on new page
    5. cumdumpsters!!!!

    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:01:04 No.226360XXX
    Do you have your own lab? (For extracting) Where do you get it?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:01:16 No.226360XXX
    jenkem blows that hippie shit away
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:01:44 No.226360XXX
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    You guys just don't seem to understand how bad it is to be addicted to DMT.

    I had to pawn all the furniture and the TV... Hell I've even blown a guy for money to buy DMT...

    I've sold my entire life to be a soulless DMT addict that just keeps waiting for the next fix.

    Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:01:45 No.226360XXX
    Legit question, answer faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:01:53 No.226360XXX
    What combinations do you like the most?
    N2O? Ketamine?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:02:23 No.226360XXX
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    Bullshit? Sir I'm the DMT addict here... I think I know what I'm talking about.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:02:26 No.226360XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:02:39 No.226360XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:02:57 No.226360XXX
    ausfag here ! where do i get ?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:03:23 No.226360XXX
    lol what store?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:03:29 No.226360XXX
    It feels like sex for a first time... I'm thrown into a world of magical elves... Slowly being worm holed through the universe.

    And yes that is real.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:03:54 No.226360XXX
    lawl bitches dont know shit bout mah yopo.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:04:04 No.226360XXX
    Actually, the brain releases endorphins, so your conscience can be subdued by complete and absolute pleasure (not unlike Heaven?) while it is terminated. Those that resist have "near-death experiences"

    DMT is what makes us dream.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:04:11 No.226360XXX
    yet, you have a computer and internet access, fucking troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:04:46 No.226361XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:05:19 No.226361XXX
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    I just got a new computer from this guy down the street... I'm thinking of pawning it off for I can get more DMT though.

    I need to get my fix of DMT soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:05:31 No.226361XXX
    don't even joke about jenkem. my brother died that way.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:05:35 No.226361XXX
    Happy High Herbs. They claim to sell legal highs, but you can get salia and DMT and shit if you ask for it
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:05:46 No.226361XXX
    DMT is amazing. here in idaho it was $10 for one hit =[
    but that one hit........HOLY SHIT
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:05:45 No.226361XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:06:20 No.226361XXX
    i doubt that
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:06:23 No.226361XXX
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    I had a friend that died from the abuse of Jenkem. His heart literally exploded from it.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:07:54 No.226361XXX
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    Its true... It kills more people than Tobacco and Alcohol kills in a year.

    Also it makes the user helplessly addicted and forces them into this shitty life of being a junkie to the DMT.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:08:39 No.226361XXX
    i would too, but i've gotten it on more than one occassion. But yeah, on the internet it understandably sounds like bullshit. Probably better people dont know anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:10:14 No.226361XXX

    It's speculation... People once thought that the "Runner's High" is related to endorphins.
    TRhe substance released with near-death experiences or out-of-body experiences sound more like NMDA antagonists, don't you think?
    Or does DMT mimic NMDA antagonism?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:10:46 No.226362XXX
    ohh havnt heard much about that, i have done speed, acid tabs, extacy and weed, whats it like in comparison to these? also how much does it cost. drugs are fucking expensive where i live sadly. like $30 for 1 extacy pill.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:11:17 No.226362XXX
    I heard they had crazy shit...but in all honesty majority of the stuff is pretty toxic
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:12:16 No.226362XXX
    I have also heard of the under-the-counter thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:12:37 No.226362XXX
    it takes acid and combines ALL of the high into about 30 minutes then multiplies by100 and divides by 0
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:13:10 No.226362XXX
    what state you in?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:13:16 No.226362XXX
    yeah most of it is just crap, probably give you an energy boost at most. Then shitty stuff like mugwart that dont do shit. But philosophers stone and the DMT mix (they call it 'Dreamtime blend' and mix it with passiflora, the pure DMT is rarer for them to stock) is awesome
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:14:02 No.226362XXX
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    Sup McKenna


    And what DMT is it? NN? And do you even take big enough hits to see fractals/etc... you know complete disconnect/ego death.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:14:06 No.226362XXX
    :o!!!! must try!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:15:37 No.226362XXX
    yeah but that 30 mins feels like DAYS
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:15:43 No.226362XXX
    i have done it ONCE. the most INSANE high of my live. extreme out of body experience ever.....the walls will not only move but breathe, crumble and fall. and you WILL fly. not the sensation
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:15:47 No.226362XXX
    look out for the dreamtime blend?
    have they still got the ban on pills by them?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:16:32 No.226362XXX
    o FUCK YES. definitely will try again....VERY hard to find tho =[
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:19:32 No.226363XXX
    is $30 for 1 acid tab too much?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:21:27 No.226363XXX
    sounds about right depending on what state
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:23:06 No.226363XXX
    qld, i spend way too much moneys on drugs :\
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:25:15 No.226364XXX
    might be a bit much.
    make sure you're getting the real deal though
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:25:28 No.226364XXX
    fine for QLD bro
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:26:14 No.226364XXX
    yeah i never seen pills there. I think they only get away with the DMT because most people dont know what the fuck it is
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:27:47 No.226364XXX
    i tried dmt many times. you can't do it every 15 to 20 minutes because your body builds up an immediate tolerance to it.

    the most you'd get is the afterglow / tryptamine high rather than the breakthrough visuals
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:29:26 No.226364XXX
    haha only tried once but o....m....g....
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:29:31 No.226364XXX
    I'm kinda new to drugs, how do i tell if its good quality or not?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:29:40 No.226364XXX
    Exactly which Australian stores..?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:30:18 No.226364XXX
    yeah they got busted selling illegal shit in the pills.
    on the online website i can't see anything of the dreamtime blend
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:30:35 No.226365XXX
    You eat it and if you flip out good, then it's good.
    Also, I've paid between $25-$35 for acid in QLD so that's about normal.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:30:36 No.226365XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:30:48 No.226365XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:31:06 No.226365XXX
    honestly the weirdest thing that i enjoy about dmt is the post-trip where your sense of size and scale is messed up. like your fingers are stubby, arms are skinnier, and the toilet seat looks farther away than it normally is. this spatial fuck up is rather unique. never had it on any other psychedelic
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:31:20 No.226365XXX
    happy high herbs, there party high's kinda work. pretty expensive tho.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:31:37 No.226365XXX
    >>226364853 and go to the australian section
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:33:01 No.226365XXX
    Fuck yeah, I've had the party pills before, but not DMT.
    What is it labeled as?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:35:56 No.226365XXX
    go back to school faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:36:46 No.226365XXX
    Dreamtime blend. You will have to ask at the counter. And for fucks sake, dont go telling everyone, its my only supply and i dont want it to get busted!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:37:36 No.226366XXX
    reckon states other than QLD would have it?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:38:08 No.226366XXX
    /b/ Moot needs to fix this spam shit.
    Until then we'll mass spam 4chan.

    Download Mass 4chan Spammer Here:


    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:38:14 No.226366XXX
    no idea sorry. this was is Brisbane if it helps. Even if they have dreamtime blend, try your luck and ask if they have the straight DMT, its infinitely better.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:39:55 No.226366XXX
    yeah but i'd rather not ask for something iillegal straight up and just claim ignorance about the dreamtime blend's ingredients
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:40:43 No.226366XXX
    you guys do know it's incredibly simple to extract dmt and that some of the plant material that can be used for extraction is native to australia?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:41:11 No.226366XXX
    probably a good call. But if he says he has the dreamtime blend, technically hes doing something illegal too, so you have nothing to lose
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:42:02 No.226366XXX
    get addicted to a real drug like meth or crack you fucking pussy
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:42:14 No.226366XXX
    well when your extraction operation visits my neighborhood, i will invest in your operation and possibly give you a hi-5. Until then, its not as easy as it seems.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:44:09 No.226366XXX
    i extracted 3 times already. straight to base.

    all you need is lye and mimosa hostilis and some naptha.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:45:19 No.226367XXX
    the hardest part is probably finding the plants tbh.
    there's plenty of info on the net on what to do and nothing you need to buy would rouse suspicion.

    on that note, where can one get a san pedro?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:45:35 No.226367XXX
    We have archived every single timestampd pic of cumdumpsters that have ever posted their tits on 4chan! If you are interested:

    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. hit F5 on new page
    5. cumdumpsters!!!!

    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:46:23 No.226367XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:49:03 No.226367XXX
    comparable to special K?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:50:17 No.226367XXX
    i got my mimosa hostilis off ebay. good extraction results.

    bouncing bear botanicals is a good north american retailer. pretty sure you can get san pedro and other plants off them
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:50:52 No.226367XXX
    yeah, im all for rolling the dice with field mushrooms you find, but i wouldnt trust myself not to kill myself. But i imagine a DMT dealer would make a killing, because there is such a little market for it
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:51:13 No.226367XXX
    nice thread. I just ordered 15kg of mhrb from the ebay. It will be the first time I do the straight to base lazyman method. I have always done the longer defat first acid to base. I read that the base then extract gives good yields just looks like a yellow not as clean product.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:51:53 No.226368XXX
    Protip: you are not physically addicted its just a psychological dependency.

    Has OP had much experience with acid or mushrooms, and how do they compare. TBH: I'd be rather more inclined towards acid or mushrooms, much longer trips ftw.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:53:55 No.226368XXX
    bouncing bear got raided and I think is still shut down. Kansas raided them for k2 before it was even illegal. fags. Funny thing is they found 22 bufo toads.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:54:19 No.226368XXX
    15kg. shit's about to get real. wth are you going to with all that.
    you can do white crystals if you don't let the plants and lye sit together for too long (go shorter than the recommended time and you can be guaranteed whites)

    mine usually come out yellow. nothing wrong with it. it's just the plant oils that are extracted along with the dmt.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:54:34 No.226368XXX
    they used to at happy high herbs (at least the one in nimbin LOL) but they got pinged by the feds and now they don't even sell salvia and coca leaves. i wanted to make my own coca cola :(
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:55:24 No.226368XXX
    apparently in australia you don't even need mimosa hostilis. there's something called acacia you can use?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:55:28 No.226368XXX
    and is that illegal for aus?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:57:04 No.226368XXX
    fuck yea I have not had any in years so its fucking time. I plan on going to some festivals. I have full access passes to bonnaroo because my friends band is playing so we got an rv spot and shit. funny thing is most of those people I will be with are straight edge.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)07:59:14 No.226369XXX
    i'm under the impression its not too hard to come by
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:00:25 No.226369XXX
    I think with 15 kg I hope to end up with 3 O's very pure maybe more like 6 if its dirty. I will distill the dirty if my vacuum pump still works. It has been years since I busted out the glass.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:01:05 No.226369XXX
    I am not sure about this, but I'm about 98% sure you can extract DMT from either the roots or the branches of wattle trees.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:01:26 No.226369XXX
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    I'm so glad i quit the drug/drink scene when i turned 30 and matured.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:02:47 No.226369XXX
    DMT started world war one when a duke in sarajevo took four hits instead of three, told everyone he was dead and the entirity of europe believed him.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:03:46 No.226369XXX

    >fucking trollED
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:13:06 No.226371XXX

    go to nimbin, 15 there. worth the travel money.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:16:51 No.226371XXX
    DMT = class 9 psychedelic...

    in other words...

    its not physically addictive..

    troll harder you fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:18:33 No.226371XXX
    acacia is our second most common tree. shit is literally EVERYWHERE
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:20:17 No.226372XXX
    DMT is the shit that makes your brain secrete the shit that you're supposed to save until you die right?

    have a fun painful death OP
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:20:59 No.226372XXX
    acacia is a genus. it is very common yes. the species with useful amount of nndmt and not other contaminants are rarer. therefore i suggest buying/growing your own trees rather than endangering the rare wild population. even if you think liking trees is for fags, if you hurt them then there will be no more dmt....
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:21:08 No.226372XXX
    Fucking elves always busy with machine!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:21:36 No.226372XXX

    Might not be physically addictive, but OP may have an addictive personality meaning he's a DMT addict.

    hurrdurr drugsssss
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:22:58 No.226372XXX
    you are dumb.

    interesting side note to ausfags: because dmt is in the same class as heroin etc (most illegal class, i forget the aus class system) it is actually just as illegal to carry any part of a wattle plant as it is to carry heroin etc. good luck getting busted for it though, even if you try.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:23:40 No.226372XXX
    So funny, blowing someone from DMT. It's incredibly easy to make and you can get the plants for it anywhere. 10% of people have the phalaris plant out at ornamental grass in front of their homes.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:27:27 No.226373XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:33:35 No.226374XXX

    any melbfags know if you can get the dreamtime at st k or smith st?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:34:43 No.226374XXX
    LOL HEY /b/,
    Heard you n00bz like PORN!?
    4Chan now has it's own PORN STREAM LOLZ.

    Epic win.
    Over and out.
    Powered by 110MB Hosting

    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:34:57 No.226374XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:36:10 No.226374XXX
    how do you get DMT? extract yourself?

    btw.. newfags on psychedelics - read this:
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:39:11 No.226375XXX

    trolls. if not they deserved to from huffing literal shit and piss.. dumbs faggots
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:39:47 No.226375XXX
    where where where?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:41:40 No.226375XXX
    There's a whole bunch of entities waiting on the other side, saying "How wonderful that you're here! You come so rarely! We're so delighted to see you!"
    They're like jewelled self-dribbling basketballs and there are many of them and they come pounding toward you and they will stop in front of you and vibrate, but then they do a very disconcerting thing, which is they jump into your body and then they jump back out again and the whole thing is going on in a high-speed mode where you're being presented with thousands of details per second and you can't get a hold on [them ...] and these things are saying "Don't give in to astonishment", which is exactly what you want to do. You want to go nuts with how crazy this is, and they say "Don't do that. Pay attention to what we're doing".
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:42:12 No.226375XXX

    Seriously, learn to google. Look up Phalaris Arundinacea. A mild acid and some lye and a non-polar solvent and you have it.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:42:21 No.226375XXX
    What they're doing is making objects with their voices, singing structures into existence. They offer things to you, saying "Look at this! Look at this!" and as your attention goes towards these objects you realise that what you're being shown is impossible. It's not simply intricate, beautiful and hard to manufacture, it's impossible to make these things. The nearest analogy would be the Fabergé eggs, but these things are like the toys that are scattered around the nursery inside a U.F.O., celestial toys, and the toys themselves appear to be somehow alive and can sing other objects into existence, so what's happening is this proliferation of elf gifts, which are moving around singing, and they are saying "Do what we are doing" and they are very insistent, and they say "Do it! Do it! Do it!" and you feel like a bubble inside your body beginning to move up toward your mouth, and when it comes out it isn't sound, it's vision. You discover that you can pump "stuff" out of your mouth by singing, and they're urging you to do this. They say "That's it! That's it! Keep doing it!".
    We're now at minute 4.5 and you speak in a kind of glossolalia. There is a spontaneous outpouring of syntax unaccompanied by what is normally called "meaning". After a minute or so of this the whole thing begins to collapse in on itself and they begin to physically move away from you. Usually their final shot is that they wave goodbye and say "Deja vu! Deja vu!".
    >> ­ 05/11/10(Tue)08:43:13 No.226375XXX
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    >> Psyc0bob !!r7QnRwHUxug 05/11/10(Tue)08:44:54 No.226376XXX
    idaho fag here too
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:44:57 No.226376XXX
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    [V][X]AnonymousSo here it goes