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  • File : 1273358211.jpg-(94 KB, 442x480, seinfeld-question-So-whats-the-deal-with(...).jpg)
    94 KB Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:36:51 No.225432XXX  
    This shit has been going on for a while. Care to explain it?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:37:14 No.225432XXX
    Ask them
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:37:19 No.225432XXX
    Shameless self-bump.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:37:25 No.225432XXX

    Attempt to force a meme, fail.
    >>       05/08/10(Sat)18:37:36 No.225432XXX
    curious too... looks like retarded samefag spam...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:37:54 No.225432XXX
    The fuck? I'm just curious, that's all.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:38:06 No.225432XXX
    >> saged Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:38:37 No.225432XXX
         File1273358317.png-(297 KB, 380x414, youmad.png)
    297 KB

    You mad?

    >> sage sage 05/08/10(Sat)18:38:49 No.225432XXX
    It's a bunch of losers trying to force a meme with no real origin.

    And that's "losers" by 4chan standards so....pretty bad

    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:39:11 No.225432XXX
    I wouldn't mind knowing. And I don't see this as a forced meme or a meme at all, just a way of expressing curiousity of fendippitous eggmen through pictures.
    >>       05/08/10(Sat)18:39:12 No.225432XXX
    sage fail?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:39:46 No.225432XXX
    This thread sucks, call me and ill tell you why.

    881 330 8004
    Hit mike jones up on the low
    Cuz mike jones about to blow
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:39:49 No.225432XXX
    >> Anomynous 05/08/10(Sat)18:40:18 No.225432XXX
         File1273358418.png-(14 KB, 97x56, BRONKEY.png)
    14 KB
    If someone's trying to force a meme, let him/her do it.

    Just don't copy it or refer to it in any way and it will probably die.

    Otherwise, it's genuine.

    By the way, what's your favorite Powermon? Mine's Bronkey.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:40:39 No.225433XXX
    Good someone actually understood what I meant.
    I believe every meme has it's origin. Even if it's forced and unfunny.
    >>       05/08/10(Sat)18:41:04 No.225433XXX
    this thread is now about powermons
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:41:39 No.225433XXX
         File1273358499.jpg-(40 KB, 750x600, candlejack.jpg)
    40 KB
    and candlejack
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:42:17 No.225433XXX
    >>       05/08/10(Sat)18:42:58 No.225433XXX
    candlejack looks pretty much like fendippitous eggman to me though...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:43:13 No.225433XXX
    its a forced meme which some faggots use to make other faggots think they are missing something, it actually doesn't seem to have any real meaning
    >> sage sage 05/08/10(Sat)18:43:14 No.225433XXX
    forced meme, don't post this shit. it isn't funny and they don't deserve the attention.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:43:19 No.225433XXX
    /b/ Moot needs to fix this spam shit.
    Until then we'll mass spam 4chan.

    Download Mass 4chan Spammer Here:


    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:43:43 No.225433XXX
    I'm on 3 Vicodin

    Feels good man
    >>       05/08/10(Sat)18:43:44 No.225433XXX
    samefag detected...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:43:51 No.225433XXX
    Ok, here's the deal with Fendippitous Eggmen. They're a se
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:43:57 No.225433XXX
    It's just as forced as eggmen are. Still, It's easy to track its origin.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:44:31 No.225434XXX
    no, the fendippitous eggmen look li
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:44:47 No.225434XXX

    Wow, shut the fuck up pussy
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:45:13 No.225434XXX
    Seems as it is a mystery.
    Inb4 ED faggot, just googled it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:46:23 No.225434XXX
    Actually, the guy seems to be right.
    >> newfag who has been on /b/ less than 1yr guaranteed Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:47:01 No.225434XXX
    >> STOP TRYING TO CULTIVATE THIS MEME YOU FAGGOTS Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:47:25 No.225434XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:47:57 No.225435XXX
    Guise, I think I tracked the source of this crap. Some faggots are copying this:
    Whole blog is about that shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:48:02 No.225435XXX
    fendippitous eggman was the original name of Sonics nemesis in Sonic the hedgehog. He later became known as Doctor Robotnik
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:48:48 No.225435XXX

    Samefag is same

    Also u mad.
    >> sage sage 05/08/10(Sat)18:49:06 No.225435XXX
    sagebomb this cancer
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:49:12 No.225435XXX
    As if it is possible to unwillingly force a meme in just one thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:49:40 No.225435XXX

    Oooh I'm sorry but that is incorrect.
    I cannot accept that answer.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:49:57 No.225435XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:49:57 No.225435XXX

    ... that was my only post in this thread.

    sigh @ newfags trying toldfag themselves
    >> u mad Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:51:22 No.225436XXX
    >> sage sage 05/08/10(Sat)18:52:37 No.225436XXX
    Some fag blogger trying to market his boring blog on /b/

    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:52:42 No.225436XXX
    OP here.
    I ain't forcing this, at least not willingly. Just keep this crap only here and it won't spread.
    I'm can't help it, I'm just curious about all of that.
    I wonder why the fuck someone would waste his time to just post that shit on various threads anyways...
    >> sage 05/08/10(Sat)18:53:33 No.225436XXX

    See this
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:53:36 No.225436XXX
    >> sage sage 05/08/10(Sat)18:54:11 No.225436XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:54:12 No.225436XXX
    Is there any way to make thread on /b/ that won't derail in first 5 posts? Unless it's CP.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:54:16 No.225436XXX

    Don't worry about it. The samefag is the sager/shittalker. We feel ya mon.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:54:18 No.225436XXX

    saying 'u mad' after failing to spot a samefag

    does not change the fact that you are a newfag faggot trying to oldfag himsef
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:55:53 No.225437XXX
    I'm satisfied with that knowledge. Let the thread die then.
    Also, nice doubles.
    >> Fendippitous Eggman №218 05/08/10(Sat)18:56:57 No.225437XXX
    I dont know.. why not just ask a eggman himself
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:57:13 No.225437XXX
    Fascinating...I did not realize that until now.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)18:57:56 No.225437XXX
    It's spam you fucking retards.

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