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  • File : 1273173665.jpg-(22 KB, 310x305, pig-factory-farms.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:21:05 No.224685XXX  
    to all the meat eaters of /b/....

    why do you support such a barbaric industry?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:21:53 No.224685XXX
    mmmm bacon
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22:01 No.224685XXX
    because beef prevents heart attacks
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22:12 No.224685XXX
    if eating animals is wrong, then why are they made out of food?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22:38 No.224685XXX
    one word
    filet mignon
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22:41 No.224685XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22:41 No.224685XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22:48 No.224685XXX
    actually, eating red meat is bad for you.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:22:49 No.224685XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:23:08 No.224685XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:23:15 No.224685XXX
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    Stop being a puss and eat some animals!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:23:50 No.224685XXX
    argh lol'd
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:23:52 No.224685XXX
    The meat industry is absurdly inefficient.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:23:55 No.224685XXX
    I like chicken, I like liver. Meow Mix Meow Mix, please deliver.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:23:56 No.224685XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:24:17 No.224685XXX
    because they do what I don't want to do.
    Out of sight out of mind.
    Tastes good man
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:24:36 No.224685XXX
    Cause meat tastes soooo goood!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:24:37 No.224685XXX
    I dont hate the fact im a meat eater. All humans are.

    What i dislike is the fact that we've over run the planet to such a degree that such facilities are necessary.
    Just look at what is necessary for our existence on this planet.

    That, truly; is what humans are about at their core.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:24:46 No.224685XXX
    do you assholes realize how much it grain it takes to grow meat? or land, or energy?

    if everyone went veg there would be no world hunger.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25:05 No.224686XXX
    because steak is fucking delicious
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25:31 No.224686XXX
    because I like to eat meat, it tastes really good
    and it's not a barbaric industry
    Its probably just more efficient to keep em that way, and they should think of their HUMAN clients before their animals (humans want the meat cheap rather than get it done by gay hippie fags with care for animal feelings and gay shit like that)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25:31 No.224686XXX
    Because they taste to god damn good. We have teeth, sharp teeth. Yes they can chew plants but they are made for rending flesh. I use the tools I was given
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25:38 No.224686XXX
    because your mother is a whore
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25:41 No.224686XXX
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    shut up you stupid.
    pic related. it's meat
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:25:51 No.224686XXX

    basically, you eat meat for selfish reasons.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:26:02 No.224686XXX
    because animals are just mobile meat. putting them in cages makes it harder for the meat to run away!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:26:19 No.224686XXX
    cuz the food is tasty
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:26:20 No.224686XXX
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    Cause we're awsome
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:26:31 No.224686XXX
    Okay. Because meat tasts good, BUT there are many substitutes and companies that treat their animals in a humane way, THAT'S the way to go. I hate the extreme vegetarians that despise you for eating meat, it's your body. Although I do disagree with how industrialized factories treat their animals. Something should be done about it. And red meat is unhealthy in mass quanities, but isn't harmful if you eat it every now and then - it has some nutritious benefits.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:26:45 No.224686XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:26:52 No.224686XXX
    because Iam barbarian
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:26:53 No.224686XXX

    So the vegetable industry is less barbaric? Being left out in the hot sun, or trapped inside of greenhouses. Sprayed with nasty, disgusting chemicals. Fertilized with the waste of animals. Being ripped out by their roots when they are ready to be harvested, and finally, consumed by selfish, filthy humans and other animals.

    Plants have feelings too, you vegifag.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:26:56 No.224686XXX
    I have absolutely no moral issues with the way animals are treated

    I dont care about them

    I care about how they taste though

    and they have no rights, they are property
    so shut the fuck up its not your property and let us meat eaters do w/e the fuck we want

    suck my dick
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27:02 No.224686XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27:17 No.224686XXX
    because it tastes good and I have no pity for stupid animals or stupid people. If Niggers tasted good I'd eat them too.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27:20 No.224686XXX
    because meat tastes good, faggot!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27:26 No.224686XXX
    common mistake. lots of herbivorous animals have sharp incisors.

    but durrr human incisors are exclusively used for chewing up dead animals derp.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27:32 No.224686XXX
    cuz is delishuz
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27:42 No.224686XXX
    bacon butty
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:27:55 No.224686XXX

    Because humans are omnivores and meat is delicious

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28:03 No.224686XXX
    OP is a fucking treehugging fag. However I appreciate him for letting more meat for all of us
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28:05 No.224686XXX

    tldr: Humans are a parasitic virus?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28:05 No.224686XXX

    Because in five minutes my psyche will subconsciously shove the relevant and immanent barbarity to the dusty corners of my mind such that, so long as one isn't reminded, one can eat meat without feeling like participating in the barbarity.

    That was easy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28:22 No.224686XXX
    fucking idiot. there's obviously no hope of an intelligent debate with you.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28:42 No.224687XXX
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    Because if we don't eat those fuckers, they'll eat us.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28:43 No.224687XXX
    Hmmm. Meaty goodness.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28:47 No.224687XXX
    We need a module on this at uni.

    I can't think of one good reason why we should eat animals. Problem is I do it anyway coz they're so fucking tasty :/
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:28:54 No.224687XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:03 No.224687XXX
    I don't all the meat I eat I kill myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:12 No.224687XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:18 No.224687XXX
    this would be true by their logic

    they wouldn't admit that though
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:24 No.224687XXX
    I'm hungry.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:25 No.224687XXX
    Because it fucking tastes good dumbass.

    Strong eat the weak, it's the way of nature.

    I do see your point though, the corporations do horrific shit to the environment. I don't really give a fuck about the animals, but fucking up the planet is just stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:41 No.224687XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:41 No.224687XXX
    to all the vegetarians of /b/....

    why are you such faggots?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:47 No.224687XXX
    >Other anon makes a funny post
    >Feel upset because no one takes you seriously
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:52 No.224687XXX
    Because it tastes really good and provides protein.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:29:56 No.224687XXX
    cause its fun
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:01 No.224687XXX

    Because meat is murder, tasty, tasty, murder.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:07 No.224687XXX
    Rearing all the vegetables and then cutting them into tiny pieces or death by boiling isn't that nice either.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:10 No.224687XXX
    my dad was a butcher, nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:28 No.224687XXX
    Because I'm not a faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:31 No.224687XXX

    Veggiefag go NOM NOM NOM it's good
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:32 No.224687XXX
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    newfag detected
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:35 No.224687XXX
    they live a fucking tough life
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:36 No.224687XXX
    I like the fact that we kill living beings and I get to eat them

    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:41 No.224687XXX
    one word...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:47 No.224687XXX
    you're weak because you let your stomach compromise your morality.

    "herp derp there's nothing wrong with slaughtering millions of animals every day because it tastes guuud derp" fuck off, piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:30:59 No.224687XXX
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    I eat animals so they don't die for no reason.

    vegans let them die for no reason. What fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31:07 No.224687XXX
    It tastes good and I don't have to see any of the unpleasantness.

    I buy a neatly-packaged red slab that bears no resemblance to anything sentient. And it is always, always, always awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31:07 No.224687XXX
    Because meat is fucking tasty
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31:13 No.224687XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31:15 No.224687XXX
    I'm eating chicken right now, fuckin' awesome, is a noisy fucker though..
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31:29 No.224687XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31:30 No.224687XXX
    Predation is the way of all life

    industrial production on the otherhand....

    a c.a.f.o is not a farm
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31:30 No.224687XXX
    They really should rear rats and eat them. They breed so much faster and are pretty tasty I believe. Might have to grow a few generations to clean out the toxic substance 1st though,
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31:34 No.224687XXX
    If soybeans could scream, veganfags would starve to death.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:31:58 No.224687XXX

    >implying that eating meat has anything to do with morality

    Are lions wrong for eating gazelles? Are Snakes wrong for eating mice?

    Clearly they are.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:32:02 No.224687XXX
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    Why do vegetarians always bitch at humans for eating meat? We're not the only ones that do it. Tigers, lions, wolves, they all eat meat. Go ahead and try talking them out of giving up their only source of food.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:32:06 No.224687XXX
    cos im a not a pussy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:32:24 No.224687XXX
    cuz it tastes good
    saddly this is the only thing we can say to justify it
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:32:35 No.224688XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:32:42 No.224688XXX
    Because it tastes good. Christ.

    Fuck off OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:33:01 No.224688XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:33:14 No.224688XXX
    it is a personal decision NOT to eat meat

    it is an instinct TO eat meat

    I go with my instincts, just like fight or flight, reproduction, and survival.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:33:22 No.224688XXX
    Well because..

    tastes good man.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:33:31 No.224688XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:33:37 No.224688XXX
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    My ex-girlfriend was a vegetarian. She has pissed me off so much I don't think I can ever look at vegetables again. Meat is suddenly SO FUCKING APPEALING!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:33:50 No.224688XXX
    United States alone makes more food to feed the entire world.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:33:51 No.224688XXX
    no shit, moron.

    but as a human being you have logic and reason, something animals don't possess. it doesn't take a genius to understand that what goes on in factory farms is simply a holocaust, pure and simple.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:33:53 No.224688XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:34:07 No.224688XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:34:10 No.224688XXX


    cellulose bitches. we are not designed for eating plants
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:34:42 No.224688XXX

    >implying that the holocaust was a bad thing

    I would eat the jews if I got the chance.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:34:50 No.224688XXX
    'cause bacon tastes goood.
    Pork chops are gooood.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:34:51 No.224688XXX
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    Vegeta-rians FTW

    im with you OP
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:35:15 No.224688XXX
    "Eggplant tastes like eggplant. But meat tastes like murder, and murder tastes pretty goddamn good." - Denis Leary.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:35:51 No.224688XXX
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    because i like meat and by the way ive just invested $12000 in a korean restrant that serves cat
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:35:52 No.224688XXX
    Laughing my ass off at that bro...

    Eating an animal is immoral right? Is it immoral when a lion eats a gazelle? You're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:35:57 No.224688XXX

    holocaust a verb now?


    get over it you jew
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:36:23 No.224689XXX
    eating meat is what seperates us from the monkeys. When our ancestors left the tree's and started walking they also began hunting other animals. Our brains grew in size around the same time, corelating with the introduction of meat into our diets. If we never ate meat we'd still be stupid niggers
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:36:31 No.224689XXX
    keep posting so that i have more reasons to hate carnivores. that bacon you ate was once part of a sentient animal that could feel emotions like pain, fear, and affection. you choose to ignore this.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:36:52 No.224689XXX
    comparing animals to humans.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:37:00 No.224689XXX

    Who cares? They're fucking animals. They don't know they are being raised to be slaughtered. Also none of these animals would fucking exist if it wasn't for the fact that we eat them. Do you really think the cow/pig/whatever population would be anywhere near as high if we didn't specifically breed them for food?

    If anything we are doing our part to ensure the survival of their species.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:37:18 No.224689XXX
    Because it tastes soooooooo goooooooooooood. In fact all this talk of food makes me hungry. Im gonna go microwave a burger or something mmmmmm
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:37:28 No.224689XXX
    Whiney ass vegetarians of /b/...

    Why do you feel the need to judge meat eaters?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:37:44 No.224689XXX

    The government should make it legal to eat vegetarians.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:37:57 No.224689XXX
    you think pigs and chickens don't know that they're being forced into tiny pens too small to turn around 180 degrees?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:37:58 No.224689XXX
    See, this is what I hate. Self-righteous fucks like you. ZOMG I DONT EAT MEAT I MUST BE BETTER DAN U. No. Fuck off. Eating meat has nothing to do with morality. Did I slaughter the cow? No. Don't like the smell of burning meat? Well then get the fuck off the planet.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:38:12 No.224689XXX
    Aren't we MANIMALS???
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:38:35 No.224689XXX

    That's exactly what I think, and I dare you to prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:38:54 No.224689XXX
    because you veg idiots have yet to develop, let alone propose, a viable method off feeding large numbers of people without meat
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:38:57 No.224689XXX
    well animals produce methane and co2. plants absorb co2 and turn it into oxygen. since we need air to breath, then im gonna eat the things that produce co2. you keep eating the things that take co2 and convert it into oxygen. im saving the world, you vegitarines are killing it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:39:10 No.224689XXX
    I see your filet mignon and raise you a veal.

    God damn that's some delicious stuffs.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:39:23 No.224689XXX

    I can buy a steak for a few bucks a pound.

    Alternate means of producing meat result in much higher costs.

    We all often select goods produced sub-optimally for reasons of convenience or cost. You do, too.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:39:25 No.224689XXX
    >Did I slaughter the cow? No.

    but you're giving the farmer the economic incentive to do it. you're part of the whole hideous circle, ignoramus.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:39:39 No.224689XXX
    Iam Barbaric so what?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:40:00 No.224690XXX
    Wow, you want to have it both ways in one fucking post.

    First humans are better than animals because they have logic and reason, but then it's a crime to slaughter animals just like it is to slaughter humans, implying equality.

    So which is it?

    Fuck off with your bullshit ideas about morality. I don't subscribe to your bullshit so I don't see a problem with eating a nice juicy steak.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:40:23 No.224690XXX
    because I'm a wizard
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:40:26 No.224690XXX

    FARMING and industrial meat production are 2 very different things
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:40:42 No.224690XXX

    because that is nature. animals eat each other, we are the best predator, period. do you think a cat should eat soja just because it could? hell no. cats are carnivores, humans are omnivores, and meat is part of a balanced diet that can be replaced only with big effort.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:40:46 No.224690XXX
    Because we don't need to validate our existence as top dogs or tough guys. The ability for humans to eat meat is just an adaptation that allowed for flexibility during the species' more primative years; if there were no plants at the moment, one could turn to meat and vice versa. Now that we have technology, and moral rectitude, eliminating meat from our diets seems only right.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:41:16 No.224690XXX

    Meat is tasty.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:41:37 No.224690XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:41:43 No.224690XXX

    i see your veal, call that shit with some venison, then raise you with some veal venison <3
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:41:45 No.224690XXX

    We just need to perfect cloning so we can grow meat.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:41:47 No.224690XXX
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    tasty meat
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:41:52 No.224690XXX
    I'm eating a baby vegetarian
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:01 No.224690XXX

    Why should I care that you think it's barbaric to eat meat?

    Meat is delicious and you're never going to stop the world from eating it. You are one person out of several billion.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:03 No.224690XXX
    I love the flesh of a dead animal that's been brutally killed
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:12 No.224690XXX
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    vegan reporting in
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:12 No.224690XXX
    because I'm on top of the motherfucking food chain bitch!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:25 No.224690XXX
    >that bacon you ate was once part of a sentient animal that could feel emotions like pain, fear, and affection
    >sentient bacon

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:44 No.224690XXX
    Because it tastes good.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:45 No.224690XXX


    4. A human considered with respect to his or her physical, as opposed to spiritual, nature.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:50 No.224690XXX
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    This is what should be done to all vegetarians.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:52 No.224690XXX
    pretty much the biggest reason you eat meat is "it tastes good". read this out loud and realize how stupid you are.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:42:54 No.224690XXX
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    vegan here, meat is tasty but it takes lives.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:43:08 No.224690XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:43:10 No.224690XXX
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    Okay, if we didn't eat meat, lots of people would go out of business. Meat has things in it our bodies need. There are substitutes, but some people may not have access to such things. Besides, have you ever swatted at a fly or misquote? I don't see much difference between that and eating animals. I agree that the food industry can sometimes be cruel to animals, but people are treated like this in other countries! GO PROTEST THEM!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:43:37 No.224691XXX
    Read this out loud and realize how retarded vegetarians are.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:43:38 No.224691XXX
    I only buy organic meat from range fed animals. Sure it costs more, but I can eat my juicy medium rare steak without feeling guilty.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:43:41 No.224691XXX
    Because niggers.
    >> Anom 05/06/10(Thu)15:43:49 No.224691XXX
    Becaause it's fun eating people
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:43:49 No.224691XXX
    we have but faggots like op think its immoral
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:43:56 No.224691XXX
    MORALS are opinions.

    there is not absolute RIGHT or WRONG.

    Also, all primates are OMNIVORES, would you demand that monkeys and chimps go veg too?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:43:58 No.224691XXX
    Hey, you should eat people too. You know, so they don't die in vain. In fact, I think that should be your priority, since human life is more valuable than animal life.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:44:01 No.224691XXX
    enjoy your heart attacks and strokes you fucking disgusting meat eaters.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:44:19 No.224691XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:44:25 No.224691XXX
    Meat may be murder but murder is delicious!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:44:34 No.224691XXX

    If it was legal and socially acceptable I would eat humans.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:44:46 No.224691XXX
    im muslim. all animals die in the name of allah to sustain the lives of his chosen people
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:45:01 No.224691XXX
    I would insist that they do not know any better.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:45:04 No.224691XXX
    iit: self righteous veggies
    itt: offended meat eaters,

    you're all retarded go find something else to talk about, I can't help it you don't do shit in your life.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:45:05 No.224691XXX
    "But pork chops taste good! Bacon tastes good!"
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:45:16 No.224691XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:45:35 No.224691XXX


    meat is good for you, your flesh demands flesh.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:45:49 No.224691XXX
    Nice get.

    Meat is murder! Tasty, tasty murder.

    I could go for a nice BLT right about now.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46:06 No.224691XXX
    i agree

    whats your address?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46:12 No.224691XXX
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    How is this any different OP?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46:16 No.224691XXX
    mmmm living sausages
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46:20 No.224691XXX
    i like meat
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46:22 No.224691XXX

    So then should humans of decreased mental capacity who are not necessarily able to tell the difference between your perceived opinions of "right and wrong" be allowed to eat meat?

    People with severe mental disabilities perhaps? They don't know any different, they don't know that it's "wrong".
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46:38 No.224691XXX
    we eat meat because we are omnivores
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46:44 No.224691XXX
    MMM tasty bacon.

    Also, Those pigs are waiting to be slaughtered. That is not how they live.

    Also, They would not be alive if we were not going to eat them. Is it not better to have existed than to have never been ??
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46:50 No.224691XXX
    >Okay, if we didn't eat meat, lots of people would go out of business

    if the nazis stopped building gas chambers, lots of gas chamber contractors would go out of business. basically your argument.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:46:59 No.224692XXX
    that form of farming bin banned for like 8 years, fail troll
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:47:01 No.224692XXX
    The tastiest part is the animal's pain and suffering
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:47:27 No.224692XXX
    >Because we don't need to validate our existence as top dogs or tough guys. The ability for humans to eat meat is just an adaptation that allowed for flexibility during the species' more primative years; if there were no plants at the moment, one could turn to meat and vice versa. Now that we have technology, and moral rectitude, eliminating meat from our diets seems only right.

    We could also be floating around in hot air baloons instead of cars to save gas and cut down on green house gases. We could live out in the open under trees so we wouldnt have to use building materials and cut down forests. We could stop the textile industry and use the billions and billions of pieces of clothing that already exist.

    Your thought process is flawed. I can sound just as insane as you by giving bad options for perfectly viable ones we already have. You wanna eat tofurky for thanksgiving then go nuts. Also while youre at it, yell at your mom for giving you breast milk when you were a baby.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:47:37 No.224692XXX
    i will thank you
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:47:39 No.224692XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:47:50 No.224692XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:48:07 No.224692XXX
    >your flesh demands flesh.

    wrong, you can get all of the nutrients and amino acids you need from plant sources. do your own research.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:48:13 No.224692XXX
    Cause they're delicious. I'm going to have a hot dog right now as a matter of fact.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:48:29 No.224692XXX
    If animals weren't meant to be eaten why are thy made out of meat?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:48:33 No.224692XXX
    Vegetarians are some of the most responsible and morally correct people you will ever meat
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:48:50 No.224692XXX

    I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:49:21 No.224692XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:49:29 No.224692XXX

    Your mom is made out of meat.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:49:43 No.224692XXX

    You're absolutely correct.

    We do know better.

    We have the ability to know what the food we're ingesting will do to our body.

    We have the OPTION of choosing other sources of food.... such as vegetables, if we do not wish to ingest animal flesh.

    Who the fuck are you to deny me the option of what I wish to ingest? Its funny, because most vegans I know are fucking potheads... they demand the right to do whatever they want to their body -> drugs, but demand the right to force me to eat what they wish.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:49:58 No.224692XXX

    I would eat your mom
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:50:08 No.224692XXX
    we have winrar
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:50:12 No.224692XXX
    Not entirely true. Some people have physiological limitations. I, for example, could never be a vegan or vegetarian because I am extremely anemic and allergic to soy. I enjoy eating meat, but I don't do so very often.
    There are alternatives to industrial farming. Pay an extra $2.00 for free-range and grass-fed. Taste better too.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:50:24 No.224692XXX
    Shut the fuck up you vegetarian asswipe. We meat eaters aren't going around preaching to you guys asking you why don't you eat meat. We accept your choice. So why the hell do you have to go around telling us how eating meat is such a horrible thing. So seriously shut the fuck up an let us make our own damn decisions.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:51:21 No.224693XXX
    I doubt anyone would say they eat candy other than cause it tastes good
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:51:44 No.224693XXX

    ... no... you are wrong.

    Doesn't matter what you can get from plants. We are by instinct Omnivorous. We can control and deny our instincts, but we cannot change them.

    our flesh DEMANDS flesh.

    vegetarians consciously deny their body what it wants.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:51:49 No.224693XXX
    hey vegan fags

    enjoy your GM

    we'll have our selectively bred abominations
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:52:16 No.224693XXX
    >Who the fuck are you to deny me the option of what I wish to ingest?

    you simply can't get it through your thick skull that every piece of meat you eat is associated with cruelty and death.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:52:25 No.224693XXX

    So what you're saying is the only reason you ingest anything is to keep yourself alive?

    You never eat anything just because it tastes good?

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:52:59 No.224693XXX
    Sounds alot like religion
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:52:59 No.224693XXX



    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:53:17 No.224693XXX
    Tastes good man
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:53:30 No.224693XXX
    vegetarians are fags plain and simple.
    hitler: couldve won the war if he hadnt fucked up by invading russia.
    ghandi: diaper wearing hippy that thought pakis were as good as white people. plus he drank his own piss
    def leppard: crap music, got nothing on led zeppelin
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:53:34 No.224693XXX
    its the food chain bitch get used to it, we eat animals because they're slower and stupider and they taste fucking delicious
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:53:36 No.224693XXX
    >You never eat anything just because it tastes good?

    I never said that. but i draw the line when my tastes demand slaughter.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:54:01 No.224693XXX
    because it's tasty.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:54:02 No.224693XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:54:45 No.224694XXX

    So you've never killed anything in your life?

    Ever killed a spider? A mosquito? A fly?

    Surely they have feelings too.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:54:56 No.224694XXX

    Same could be said of the vegetables you eat.

    Or are you going to deny that plants have feelings or feel pain?

    Animals die cruelly and painfully whether we do it or not.

    "oh its ok if an animal kills and eats another animal.. that's just nature and circle of life!"

    Oh wait, man is an animal... you lose, go rape some more corn.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:55:25 No.224694XXX
    morality is a human invention
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:55:29 No.224694XXX

    This anon is correct
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:55:30 No.224694XXX
    id go out and shoot my own food quick and clean but faggots like you dont want people to have guns so i carnt
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:55:31 No.224694XXX
    vegifag here, i don't give a shit if you eat meat, what bothers me is that you lock it up in tiny cages and absolute squalor before you do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:55:34 No.224694XXX
    you know alot of sweets, e.g marshmallows include ingredients obtained from animals, so do you complain at children for eating sweets? same difference, just that meat is more obvious
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:55:49 No.224694XXX
    the thing is not about cruelty to animals,
    it's about cruelty to humans.

    by eating meat, you are hurting our species.
    there are too many of us, and if we'd all just
    be satisfied with vegetables and fish and some eggs, we could feed everyone.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:56:33 No.224694XXX


    even farmers dont want to do this

    Multinationals cause this.


    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:56:33 No.224694XXX
    i know meat is associated with cruelty and death
    i just dont care. it is natural and proper to eat animals, other animals know this.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:56:39 No.224694XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57:10 No.224694XXX
    you ever had bacon? how can you NOT support it!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57:10 No.224694XXX
    Enjoy your lack of energy and bouts of depression, celeryhead.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57:16 No.224694XXX
    meat is delicious
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57:17 No.224694XXX
    Incisors motha fuckers do you use them?!?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57:19 No.224694XXX
    >> No Soup For You ­ !!BnRkJ4/eu0p 05/06/10(Thu)15:57:30 No.224694XXX
    The reason we support the meat industry is quite simple. The answer is that MEAT IS DAMN GOOD.

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57:31 No.224694XXX
    or let all the africans starve killing 2 birds with one stone
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:57:52 No.224695XXX
    why do you eat poor defenceless plants, cut down in their prime?

    fucking idiot, we eat meat because that is part of the human food chain, enjoy your bullshit lifestyle that focuses more on ego and misinformation than anything else.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:58:00 No.224695XXX
    i'd rather deal with that (if it were true) than have a fucking stroke.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:58:08 No.224695XXX
    And I should give a shit why?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:58:10 No.224695XXX
    meat is delicious dude... come on
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:58:34 No.224695XXX
    actually fuck-ass, i hunt... So you can get fucked, op
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:58:37 No.224695XXX
    and by purchasing it from them, YOU are paying them to do that
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:58:53 No.224695XXX
    Think about what you're saying. You would rather a persons family, that includes children, wife, ect, suffer in poverty, just because you think eating meat is wrong. There is nothing immoral about eating meat. We've done it for thousands of years. You can go eat all the tofu you want and hate every one who doesn't think like you, be my guest. I'm just saying they're isn't anything wrong with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:59:28 No.224695XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:59:32 No.224695XXX
    I'm more-so looking at it from a technological/economic standpoint, not a case-by-case morality check. Produce is more efficient and less harmful to our species (madcow anyone?) than livestock. Humans know this. We should take steps to reduce/eliminate the livestock industry.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:59:34 No.224695XXX
    meat tastes good would happily kill the animals myself, I would eat humans if they tasted better.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)15:59:48 No.224695XXX
    The meat industry is an analogy for the 4th dimensional aliens who keep humans in a constant state of fear/duress. They feed on our negative emotions just like we feed on cattle. We are cattle to them, and the less we know the better.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00:02 No.224695XXX
    Why? Because meat tastes good as a mofo. If our creator had intended us to eat vegetables we'd have been made with flat teeth, not incisors and molars.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00:04 No.224695XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00:26 No.224695XXX
    You know what would cause millions of meat-eaters to lessen their meat intake? A comparably tasty and enjoyable alternative.


    So vegetarians opt for the guilt argument. Fucking make something tasty, and I'll put down my third hamburger.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00:37 No.224695XXX
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    I still don't understand this idea that fish don't count as animals.

    And chicken eggs are in a sense the same as a woman's egg.

    Your vegifag ideals are warped and unjustified...JUST LIKE US. So I will eat my dead animal flesh with PRIDE
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00:45 No.224695XXX

    yeah, and all the butchers can go find other jobs. sure, tough shit for them, but what about a pig that lives its short, miserable life under the roof of a factory farm?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:00:52 No.224695XXX
    dont wanna support. but other meat is too expensive
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:01:02 No.224696XXX
    humans do taste better, lets eat the vegetarians
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:01:11 No.224696XXX
    Because pigs are intelligent vicious creatures that would eat ME if given half a chance. By eating them I absorb their strength and cunning.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:01:11 No.224696XXX
    tastes gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood man
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:01:31 No.224696XXX
    thank you.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:01:39 No.224696XXX
    cos it's fucking delicious
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:01:48 No.224696XXX
    if the meat industry kills animals so cruely how about we go out and do it natures way grab a rabbit and snap its neck or chase down a dear and rip its throte out with your teeth and let it bleed to death slowly or even clamp off its air supply like lions do
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:02:03 No.224696XXX
    I had forty strokes this morning, and it wasn't so bad as people make out.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:02:15 No.224696XXX
    Actually I don't I own a decent sized farm and raise all these wonderful meat snacks myself. Then I cut there throat and bathe in there blood. After that I eat there innards and muscles over a spit fire, sometimes just the oven. I lerv meat, I hate animal cruelty. So as a hard working farmer, I get the best of both worlds.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:02:23 No.224696XXX
    I eat dik amidoinriht
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:02:30 No.224696XXX
    im not against eating meat but the way we raise our animals in those little cages were they cant move for years is fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:02:30 No.224696XXX
    Good. More meat for me
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:02:38 No.224696XXX
    I'd say an hero, but not even that would stop you. You are immortal
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:02:49 No.224696XXX
    ok vegefags and veganfags jsut stfu adn keep your shit to yourself no one cares wtf you eat as long as you dont bother other people about what they eat. it sux that these animals go under harsh conditions but w/e they're food and thats how i see them only as food.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:03:12 No.224696XXX
    Well... It may be disgusting, but have you ever seen a field with qrowing barley? That's far worse!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:03:30 No.224696XXX
    I dont look at this from a moral standpoint
    I eat chicken and fish, but rarely red meats, because they arent as good for you. I still eat them, but on a weekly basis rather than a daily basis.
    Why cant everyone else just be reasonable?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:03:32 No.224696XXX
    Eating meat is not wrong, but the way we've trapped cows, chickens and other animals into this cycle of birth, pathetic caged existence, then brutal death, is wrong. We have broken the sacred trust between predator and prey; the ritual of hunter and hunted is gone, replaced by this disgusting mechanism called the meat industry. There will be karmic backlash for tormenting the animal spirit like this.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:03:41 No.224696XXX
    Probably, but "because we eat meat isn't the only reason. Do you know our government pays farmers not to produce corn, because if all of them did, the price of corn would go so low that it would harm our economy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:03:58 No.224696XXX
    Non meat eaters are idiots. Humanity only developed sentience because the apes we evolved from starting eating more meat in their diet, this increased protein allowed their brains to develop further, they used this extra brain power to create tools to get more meat, so their brains developed further still, this carried on untill modern humans evolved.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:04:34 No.224696XXX
    because you fucktards eat so much more meat than you should that the only way to satisfy your ravenous appetite for dead animal carcasses is to grow them in factory farms.

    if you think that going outside and hunting for your meat is a commercial alternative you are DEAD wrong.

    the only sane alternative is to shun the meat industry entirely and focus on growing produce.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:04:37 No.224697XXX
    you do know that the conditions have skyrocketed since they've been put on the radar, right? It's one of the contributing factors for the rising prices. The bleeding hearts for animals cost the production of meat a good portion of money.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:04:42 No.224697XXX
    if there were an industry dedicated to killing you, and thousands of people would base their jobs of said killing of you, would you say i can't let these people out of the job, or would you say tough shit for them, but what about me, a thinking feeling human
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:04:44 No.224697XXX
    I eat meat, particularly veal because the thought of a lesser beast (i.e. tortured baby cattle) is delicious to me. I had a veal sandwich yesterday and I thought I could taste the calf tears. It was like I was eating the hopes, dreams, and innocence of an infant and I loved it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:04:47 No.224697XXX
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    Fucking yum!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:05:01 No.224697XXX

    The new troll-thread: Vegetarians vs. Carnivores
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:06:35 No.224697XXX
    An interesting take on the situation. I hadn't ever considered that there may be a spiritual side to all this. If indeed animals have souls, then we may have seriously fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:06:47 No.224697XXX
    >me, a thinking feeling human
    thinking, feeling humans on my /b/? wtf?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:06:58 No.224697XXX
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    I'm fuckin' outta here...this is pointless
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:07:16 No.224697XXX
    humanizing animals is the downfall of humanity. If you respect the animals so much, please go out and live with them. You insult them further by living your life as a human and fighting for an animal's place.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:07:19 No.224697XXX
    Look, I don't like to consider myself a hippie-dippie prick, which is why I don't feel like your examples are of technological regression (except for the clothing example) are on the same level as replacing one foodstuff with a more feasible foodstuff. I do have a bias, in that I was raised a vegetarian all my life. I have no desire to eat meat, mostly out of habit.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:07:47 No.224697XXX
    Because its tasty and makes vegetarians and hippys cry about it
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:07:53 No.224697XXX
    cause bacon is fucking nice.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:08:04 No.224697XXX
    >I'm fuckin' outta here...this is pointless

    Be clear about scope.

    This thread?
    The internet?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:08:08 No.224698XXX
    justin bieber murder video:

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:08:08 No.224698XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:08:16 No.224698XXX

    Humans are animals idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:09:34 No.224698XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:10:24 No.224698XXX
    meat industry: #1 source of environmental destruction.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:11:02 No.224698XXX
    His point was completely clear. You're intentionally misinterpreting because you have no point of your own to make.

    Also, nobody should eat Cheerios. I've never tried them myself, but nobody should eat them.
    >> Vespidae 05/06/10(Thu)16:11:18 No.224698XXX
    A field of oats is bad enough! The seed have souls too!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:11:23 No.224698XXX
    ITT: Hippies and retards
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:11:47 No.224699XXX

    The volcano and flash flood industries beg to differ.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:11:52 No.224699XXX
    I JUST FUCKING LOVE when veges try to get off saying fish or shellfish is ok to eat. Those are still animals my friend. They aren't plants. You're still slaughtering an animal when you cut the fish's head off. That screaming you hear when you drop a crab in water. That is it's dying screams. But now I'm in the mood for some crab cakes anyone over in MD right now eating crab?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:12:09 No.224699XXX
    then why are you against humans, which are animals, preying on other animals? Meat factories? Do you know WHY we are the most powerful animal on the planet? Because we have INTELLIGENCE. We LEARN how to make things more effective. We can TEACH our fellow humans and make them equal in our cognitive ability. We make COMPLEX TOOLS to which we gain sustenance and ultimately grow stronger.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:12:15 No.224699XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:13:04 No.224699XXX
    ps. that's why i support the meat industry
    meat's fucking delicious
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:13:41 No.224699XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:13:43 No.224699XXX
    murder on a plate.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:13:53 No.224699XXX
    Account SuspendedThis Account Has Been Suspended

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:14:00 No.224699XXX
    Because I didn't evolve to the top of the fucking food chain over millions of years, just to turn around and eat grass.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:14:06 No.224699XXX

    >implying that gas chambers have been operated worldwide for decades.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:14:17 No.224699XXX
    Humans should have less recreational sex. That time could be better spent producing food for the malnourished peoples of the world.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:14:38 No.224699XXX
    It's fucking delicious. I will eat anything if it tastes good.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:14:44 No.224699XXX
    you clearly haven't read ANYTHING from this thread.

    >> Vespidae 05/06/10(Thu)16:14:46 No.224699XXX
    But it's a good murder on a plate!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:15:06 No.224700XXX
    it tastes brilliant
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:15:12 No.224700XXX
    Free porn passwords at Brazzers/Naughty America/Bang Bros/Watch my gf/Reality kings all FREE!!!

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:15:33 No.224700XXX
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    Meat has protein so mah muscles grow big, provides a good meal, is tasty and I'm a man.

    Enjoy your veggies, fgts.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:15:52 No.224700XXX
    where are my fellow vegans?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:15:55 No.224700XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:16:03 No.224700XXX
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    feels good to be the top of the food chain
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:16:06 No.224700XXX
    lol... random spam!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:16:16 No.224700XXX
    It puts them out of misery. Could you imagine being a fucking cow? That would suck.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:16:18 No.224700XXX
    I'm disappointed when I sit down to enjoy a nice steak that I lack something to drink which is also made from meat.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:17:29 No.224700XXX
    Meat based protein is basis for most brain developement...... and it tastes like AWSOME IN A CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:17:40 No.224700XXX
    I'm so craving a meat shake right now!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:18:19 No.224701XXX
    T.W. Adorno: "Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals."

    I do eat animals btw.

    hopefully one day we'll be able to grow animal tissues as food...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:19:15 No.224701XXX
    Cows are way cute. They have huge, pretty eyes, and they bang against the side of my truck when they see their own reflection in it.

    That said, I enjoy steak.

    Chickens are fucking horrible smelly creatures and sheep seem almost intentionally stupid.

    I eat them when I need a break from steak.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/10(Thu)16:19:59 No.224701XXX
    I eat meat because that's the way humans are meant to eat. If you think otherwise try sticking your finger in your mouth and feel your teeth. Notice the sharp ones? They're called canines and are meant for eating meat.

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