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  • File : 1272987761.jpg-(27 KB, 450x290, super-troopers1.jpg)
    27 KB ITT Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:42:41 No.223893XXX  
    Ask a South Carolina Highway Patrol anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:44:00 No.223893XXX
    why are cops such dicks?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:44:33 No.223893XXX
    are you gay?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:44:49 No.223893XXX
    Because civs are generally assholes to us.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:45:21 No.223893XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:45:41 No.223894XXX
    Why do you inbreed in the south
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:45:45 No.223894XXX
    Do you think its as funny when a cop gets murdered as civilians do?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:45:52 No.223894XXX
    are you all as fucking stupid as the TV shows always manage to make out?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:46:26 No.223894XXX
    fuck you i was not going 5 over
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:46:47 No.223894XXX
    will an FOP sticker on my car get me out of tickets
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:47:19 No.223894XXX
    We don't.
    No. Why do civilians think that's funny?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:48:13 No.223894XXX
    not op, but no. the thin blue line sticker however...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:48:26 No.223894XXX
    I personally don't care if you have a sticker - if you're speeding you're speeding and you will be pulled over.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:49:19 No.223894XXX

    How long have you been a faggot?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:50:07 No.223894XXX
    Why do people never ask me these things when I pull them over?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:50:22 No.223894XXX

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:50:24 No.223894XXX
    We think its funny when cops get killed because they are worthless assholes for the most part, and usually have really fucked up kids (especially the girls) and when they lose the father figure in their life, they lose it. Then we find the children of the cops, introduce them to drugs and alcohol and fuck the shit out of them for the lulz. This means that I am gonna fuck your kids faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:50:44 No.223895XXX
    what kind of car do u drive
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:51:14 No.223895XXX

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:51:30 No.223895XXX
    I have no children.
    a 2010 Charger
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:51:34 No.223895XXX

    Well you could set a good example and not retaliate when provoked, or you could just continue being a douchebag cop and give civies a reason to not like all cops.

    Your call asshole.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:51:49 No.223895XXX
    What's up with the hat?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:52:01 No.223895XXX
    Generally, how fast do people need to be going over the speed limit for you to pull them over? Excluding the end of the month when you're not up to quota on tickets.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:52:10 No.223895XXX
    What do you think about girls who think you're attractive as a cop?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:52:26 No.223895XXX
    say what
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:52:35 No.223895XXX
    Upstate SC here, all the troopers suck each others dicks. love how they drive like shit but pull us over.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:53:17 No.223895XXX

    not op

    rebelious kid eh?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:53:50 No.223895XXX

    Were you picked on at school and became a cop so you could push other people around?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:54:12 No.223895XXX
    I always try to be friendly to people, but they always tend to say something smart when they realize they're not getting out of a ticket.
    Don't question the hat.
    I'll usually give you 9mph.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:54:56 No.223895XXX
    What do you guys think of TV cop shows? Reno 911, The Wire and the Shield specifically, if you've seen any of them.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:55:17 No.223895XXX
    How many yankees and niggers have you assraped in the backseat of your patrol car?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:55:57 No.223896XXX
    why would the thin blue line sticker save me a ticket?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:56:06 No.223896XXX
    That they're just trying to kiss my ass to stay out of trouble.
    No - My father was a county officer and I always wanted to be some sort of LEO.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:56:26 No.223896XXX
    Kill yourself pig.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:56:32 No.223896XXX
    if I have a PBA card do I like flash it if I ever get pulled over? Or is it fucking worthless and should I not even pull it out?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:57:04 No.223896XXX
    Where are you stationed? I go to USC?

    Also bullshit. SC Cops are some of the nicest fuckers in the country.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:57:15 No.223896XXX
    do you have a mother? Ill fuck that little nigger bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:57:23 No.223896XXX

    Of course people get upset when they get a ticket. It's nothing personal and it's nothing new.

    If you react badly to that then you are just as bad as them. Have the balls to be the bigger man, you're the one with all the power after all.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:57:39 No.223896XXX
    OP, fellow LEO here. You really dont expect legit questions, right? If not, enjoy the ride. Stay safe.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:57:52 No.223896XXX
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    So yeah what part of 77 do you patrol?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:58:14 No.223896XXX
    I actually like cop shows, specifically funny ones. I'm not insulted by them if that's what you're asking.
    It wouldn't...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:59:07 No.223896XXX
    fuck University of Southern Carolina. the real USC is in Los Angeles. Yeah faggots.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:59:20 No.223896XXX
    Not at all, I just watch the shit out of them for hours, I was wondering how they stack up. Know the best detective story fix?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:59:37 No.223896XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)11:59:41 No.223896XXX
    why did you decide to be a pig? your lack of iq mixed with the lust for power? you are the horrible, vile, evil in this country. law enforcement used to watch over the people, now they watch the people, and exploit any opportunity they have. you are a fucking storm trooper.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:11 No.223896XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:17 No.223896XXX

    Este programa no puede mostrar la página web

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:19 No.223896XXX
         File1272988819.jpg-(139 KB, 640x856, 556.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:22 No.223896XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:24 No.223896XXX
    if the speed limit is 65 what is the lowest number of that you would pull someone over?

    66,68 etc
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:32 No.223896XXX
    Hot Horny Girls Free!! wet cam girls waitin for you no download require'd just instant FUN!!

    Site Link:

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:42 No.223896XXX
         File1272988842.jpg-(52 KB, 550x425, 159640-fallout3vatsdog_super.jpg)
    52 KB
    fuck you guys, I go about 85 on 20, everyday while I smoke weed.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:43 No.223896XXX
    Hot Horny Girls Free!! wet cam girls waitin for you no download require'd just instant FUN!!

    Site Link:

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:54 No.223896XXX
    Hot Horny Girls Free!! wet cam girls waitin for you no download require'd just instant FUN!!

    Site Link:

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:00:54 No.223896XXX
    whats that place you like with all that shit on the walls?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:01:02 No.223897XXX
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    Fuck your shit hippie.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:01:25 No.223897XXX
    fuck the police
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:01:26 No.223897XXX

    University of South Carolina dumbfuck.

    And WE'RE the real USC. Founded like 75 years before Southern Cal.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:01:46 No.223897XXX
    I live in Nc, im 18 and going to community college for an Associates in Criminal Justice with hopes of becoming a State you have any suggestions about what I need to do to make sure I make it into/through trooper school?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:01:48 No.223897XXX
    yall pulled me over yesterday bitch fuck you
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:01:54 No.223897XXX
    > ask a
    how many South Caroline Highway Patrols are there?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:02:02 No.223897XXX
    And now I'm out to go eat at Beezers.

    Best god damn sub place on the planet.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:02:04 No.223897XXX

    stupid fucking niggger spic
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:02:19 No.223897XXX
    not op, but it depends on where you're from and how you were trained and by who. Old timers are very into professional courtesy.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:02:33 No.223897XXX

    Not OP, but also a police officer. Allow me to handle this troll.
    It is often more difficult to become a police officer in any department than it would be to get into an ivy league college. Not based on IQ or intelligence, but because you, as a PERSON and youre entire life are in question. Verified through extensive background and polygraph testing. The life you live is so conservative that even your facebook passwords are often handed over to the department for random checking. Youre entire life is under scrutiny. Besides, the psych eval DOES find any imperfections, like depression. You have to be....perfect, as a person.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:02:42 No.223897XXX
    are you racially profiling hispanics with your new law now?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:03:12 No.223897XXX
    you mean shenanigans? Are you talking about Shenanigans??
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:03:21 No.223897XXX
    Police officers can leave you off with a warning.
    Why do you guys though always press maximum charges you can?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:03:45 No.223897XXX
         File1272989025.jpg-(84 KB, 500x374, 1258487688770.jpg)
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    0/10 troll detected.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:04:14 No.223897XXX
    Well said.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:04:36 No.223897XXX
    Just keep it behind your license, or maybe lay it in your lap when looking for your info.. if it's in plain sight he'll see it, and if it's going to do you any good then it will. Best of luck.
    I'm in the upstate.
    As I said, I don't make it a point to be an asshole to people. I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated if I were in their position.
    No, not really, I'm just out of work this week because I'm sick. You stay safe too.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:04:40 No.223897XXX
    the real USC???? LAWL

    its not about how long you've been around it is about what you have done and how opoular you are.
    Do you think the "real" WWF was the world wildlife fund?? nope..sorry butthurt shit college is small and butthurt
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:05:03 No.223897XXX
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    This is what dumbfuck cops actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:05:43 No.223897XXX
    USC South Carolina is actually older, so no. Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:05:45 No.223897XXX
    >Ask a South Carolina Highway Patrol anything.

    Is that a tan colored Breathalyzer, or is your zipper open?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:05:49 No.223897XXX
    is it a requirement for you guys to grow a mustache after the age of 35?

    y'all look like a gigantic village people convention
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:06:14 No.223898XXX
         File1272989174.jpg-(72 KB, 485x380, 1268530852241.jpg)
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    ROCK HILL ROCK HILL ROCK HILL?! Oh take me on a ride one day.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:06:20 No.223898XXX
    How much over the speed limit is likely safe for me to get away with?

    I've never been pulled over for nine miles over the speed limit... but that's on Florida highways, mostly I-10.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:06:40 No.223898XXX
    lol I killed Beezers when I lived on campus man
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:06:55 No.223898XXX
    why do cops like to be complete douchebags to younger people like 18-22?
    this one time i was walking around my own neighborhood just smoking a joint, minding my own business and trying to enjoy myself when a cop pulls up and starts harassing me. Of course i ditched the weed but hes still being a dickhead asking where i live and wtf im doing and just fucking insulting me.
    then i walk back home like 5 mins later and i see his car parked behind mine in my driveway (after i told him where i lived) and i see hes going through my car... i start flipping a shit and he pulls out 2 bottles of vodka i had hidden in my trunk and he confiscates them and drives off
    what the shit OP?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:07:00 No.223898XXX
    how much better do you think you are than other people?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:07:59 No.223898XXX
    why do you guys keep saying meow?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:08:05 No.223898XXX
    I literally spit out some of the cereal I was eating with laughter.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:08:14 No.223898XXX
    older yes

    richer in tradition, no

    nationwide recognition for academics and sports, no

    "usc" is socal sorry bud
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:08:27 No.223898XXX
    If you really wanted to make a positive difference to society you would become a fire fighter or paramedic.

    Those people actually save lives, cops destroy lives.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:09:05 No.223898XXX
         File1272989345.jpg-(85 KB, 283x480, Untitled-1.jpg)
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    Where do you keep your back up gun? Is it easier to snatch than your primary one?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:09:33 No.223898XXX

    Yeah, and in that time you have accomplished a lot less that Southern California. You lewz. We have a better business school, better football program, hotter bitches, better city....u have...uhnnn....I dont...a website and logo that looks strikingly a lot like ours?! lawl
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:09:52 No.223898XXX
    Bullshit, Miami will take you if you've had a drug conviction in the last 6 months
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:10:04 No.223898XXX
    thats a misunderstanding. we do NOT think we're better than people, but we see the people we work with on a daily basis at their worst. Noone calls us on a good day. It begins to take its toll on you, but anyone who wants to keep their sanity leaves work at work and home at home. If you police the community you live in, you see residents in a way others dont get to, or have to see. That is why we often come off as acting "better". When in reality, we do not think that at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:10:11 No.223898XXX
    Depends on who you run across... As I said earlier, on an interstate I'll usually let people by with 9 and under.
    All of us don't... but you're going to run across a dickhead from time to time.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:10:28 No.223898XXX

    lets not start sucking each other's dicks just yet. there is a profile that they are looking to weed out - breaking under stress, laziness, immorality, unethical behaviorism - but they are more than happy to work with other traits that would put up red flags in many other environments - egotism, megalomania, aggression, sociopathy. perfect? i think you might be overstating it...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:10:42 No.223898XXX

    Don't do stupid shit and cops wont bother you. Now put your weed away, close the CP folder, and go find a job you lazy bastard.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:10:44 No.223898XXX
    How many niggers have you beat up this week?

    Have you met your quota of nigger beatings?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:10:56 No.223898XXX
    What is the top speed of your car?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:11:14 No.223899XXX
    #1 International Business program in the United States, a great baseball team and a football team that competes in the SEC...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:11:28 No.223899XXX
    10/1/1983 - USC beat Southern California 38–14 to win its first game ever against the Trojans (the second and last meeting of these teams).

    Eat on that shit, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:11:47 No.223899XXX
         File1272989507.jpg-(70 KB, 301x450, 1271185509923.jpg)
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    Awwww shucks.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:11:48 No.223899XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:12:06 No.223899XXX
    You live in greenville, OP?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:12:17 No.223899XXX

    dude.... your city and your state are broke as fuck and overrun with illegals, ghettos, barrios, and gangs. don't think for a moment it is somehow better than anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:13:06 No.223899XXX
    Im training to become a paramedic for that exact reason

    cops are the fucking scumbags that are ruining this country, they have absolutely no skills that will actually help another human being besides the fact that they can carry a gun

    anyone can carry a gun, and therefore anyone can do a fucking cops job. it takes real balls and skills to be a firefighter or paramedic where you're actually helping out your community, instead of pissing every civilian off as a police officer
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:13:07 No.223899XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:13:07 No.223899XXX

    Lol. U suck. Since then we have won the national championships several times. And you have stayed in obscurity. 1983? Thats almost 30 years ago. If thats your best feat, well....congrats on not sucking more.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:13:10 No.223899XXX
    165 mph - not tested personally
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:13:44 No.223899XXX
    fuck pigs
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:14:19 No.223899XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:14:21 No.223899XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:14:50 No.223899XXX
    Live in Spartanburg.
    We have a job to do just as you do.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:15:00 No.223899XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:15:06 No.223899XXX
         File1272989706.jpg-(139 KB, 750x550, FB_usc.jpg)
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    FUCK Southern Carolina.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:15:17 No.223899XXX
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    Oh, alright.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:15:19 No.223899XXX

    can you even safely walk more than a mile from campus at night without getting a train run on your girlfriend and a shiv in your back?

    i hope you're fluent in spanish hombre
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:15:21 No.223899XXX

    I have never had a problem with the police and i have 2 young kids and run my own business.

    Typical fuckhead cop attitude thinks everyone is a criminal.

    I think you are just butthurt that i pointed out the harsh reality.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:15:22 No.223899XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:15:52 No.223900XXX
    You pull over a hot chick who wants to get out of her speeding ticket - what does she have to do to go free?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:16:00 No.223900XXX
    Missed this one.. I carry a backup on my ankle and on my lower back.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:16:03 No.223900XXX

    yah I do it every day u dumd racist fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:16:21 No.223900XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:16:40 No.223900XXX
    Hot Horny Girls Free!! wet cam girls waitin for you no download require'd just instant FUN!!

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:16:52 No.223900XXX
    OP, whats your outlook on weed?

    Looking for a cops opinion, not saying like when you pull someone over thats completely baked out of their mind, thats obviously retarded on their part. but what if you find weed on someone in their 20's thats just trying to enjoy themself from time to time?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:16:52 No.223900XXX
    University of south carolina is a fail university. It's in the middle of the shittiest excuse for a capital city (columbia) and the only people who go there are idiot business majors who couldn't get into Clemson.

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:17:00 No.223900XXX
    Hot Horny Girls Free!! wet cam girls waitin for you no download require'd just instant FUN!!

    Site Link:

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:17:04 No.223900XXX

    And you are suggesting that is better than winning national championship? yawn.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:17:22 No.223900XXX

    Yeah but your job involves beating and shooting people.

    Well done hero.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:17:31 No.223900XXX
    What's the best way to get out of driving tipsy. I didn't say drunk. I drive really well tipsy. I'm from Texas and when a DPS officer pulls you over, there isn't any getting out of a ticket. Does having a concealed handgun permit affect your decision making when it comes to how you treat a citizen? This is the most important question. Do you feel you work for the government or the people?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:17:50 No.223900XXX
    Nothing major, I have a soft spot for crying.. it sucks.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:17:54 No.223900XXX
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    First time offense for me. Cruise control set for 72 (in a 65 mph, going with traffic on a state highway). State trooper pulls me over and says I was going 86 mph downhill. Is it possible to have gained 14 mph simply by going down hill, or is this cop lying to me?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:18:12 No.223900XXX
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    >lacking in culture
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:18:30 No.223900XXX
    Hot Horny Girls Free!! wet cam girls waitin for you no download require'd just instant FUN!!

    Site Link:

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:18:36 No.223900XXX
    lol a lot of business majors I know at Clemson couldn't make it into USC's honors business program
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:18:46 No.223900XXX

    What if she's just very very very nice??? And smiles a lot - DO YOU HAS A SOFT SPOT FOR BEING NICE??
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:18:52 No.223900XXX
    I'm a future officer...I got pulled over for doing 85 in a 65...any advice on getting out of it?
    And will it hurt my chances of getting into a department?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:19:25 No.223900XXX
    why do you consider us civilians when you are as well?
    the police is a civilian law enforcement organization. you are not military.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:19:36 No.223900XXX
    how does it feel to put people in a cage for a living?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:19:42 No.223900XXX
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    Clemsonfag detected.

    Still butthurt over us beating you last November?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:19:42 No.223900XXX
    in all honesty though, your only job that you should be doing is responding to emergency calls

    all this pulling people over for going 5-10mph over is bullshit, they know what they're doing. theres no need for cops to ever be assholes to the people they claim to be 'protecting'
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:19:43 No.223900XXX
    what does that sticker represent, and what will leverage does it buy with a cop?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:19:44 No.223900XXX
    He's lying to you. If you have your cruise control set, ALWAYS tell him that. They always love to pump up the speed you were going.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:19:47 No.223900XXX
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    Thats the funniest shit Ive seen in a long time. A little rooster. lol. This is what we bring out. Its actually a real mascot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:19:52 No.223900XXX
    SCfags, in my /b/?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:20:26 No.223900XXX

    It's simple. Cops are all egotistical fuckwads who think they are better than everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:20:57 No.223901XXX
    don't tase me, bro
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:21:22 No.223901XXX

    >dumd racist fuck
    >dumd racist
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:21:24 No.223901XXX
    so you enjoy celebrating Grecian Man-boy love then huh?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:21:31 No.223901XXX
    I smoked before I became an officer, so I suppose I'm a bit lenient in that department if I suspect something on a traffic stop.
    The people we're beating or shooting could've just beaten and/or shot you.
    If I pull you over BECAUSE I suspect drunk driving, you're likely going to jail. If I pull you over for something else and smell alcohol - you better be able to pass a sobriety test.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:21:54 No.223901XXX
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    also we brng these out in half time
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:22:03 No.223901XXX
    I love Southern Boys.
    I want to have sex with a cop.

    You down?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:22:14 No.223901XXX

    Ugh, I did. He ticketed me anyway. $290. Fighting it when the summons comes in the mail though. Thanks. I knew I should have started crying.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:22:16 No.223901XXX
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    1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4
    C-L-E-M-S-O-N T-I-G-E-R-S
    Fight Tigers, Fight Tigers, Fight like hell, damnit, AND WIN!

    Seriously. ESPN voted South Carolina the third worst college football team of all time.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:22:56 No.223901XXX
    >Ask a South Carolina Highway Patrol anything.
    >Don't question the hat.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:23:03 No.223901XXX
    Well, the tigers do fucking suck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:23:07 No.223901XXX

    It's their fucked up cop logic that tells them they are protecting people but at the same time assume anyone is a potential criminal.

    Huurr durr i save the public from themselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:23:10 No.223901XXX
    I would never take a sobriety test. I think they are designed to make you fail. Your thoughts on this? Can you really recite the alphabet backwards on command?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:23:13 No.223901XXX

    Yeah because typos have a lot to do with intelligence. As opposed to far out stereotypes and bigotry. You sir, are an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:23:14 No.223901XXX
    Why do so many cops tend to develop an "Us against Them" mentality against civilians?

    Related: When a cop breaks the law (say -- roughs up a suspect - And not just a case of being a little rough on arrest -- a real beatdown) Why do you close ranks to protect him? Why not purge the cancer from your ranks?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:23:26 No.223901XXX
    How much in grant money was spent on plastic surgery?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:23:28 No.223901XXX
    This is a function not only of the personalities of the officers, but the motivation their superiors, lawmakers, and the rest of the government provides.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:23:54 No.223901XXX
    Hot Horny Girls Free!! wet cam girls waitin for you no download require'd just instant FUN!!

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:24:13 No.223901XXX
    do you eat donuts while you troll?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:24:26 No.223901XXX
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    internet brofist

    In addition, south carolina recruits criminals who cant even read onto their football team. And wearing a t-shirt with "COCKS" makes you look like a homofag.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:24:29 No.223901XXX
    I have several PBA cards from local cops which are my friends. I also have a card from my friend who is a Maryland trooper. Would I get out of a basic speeding ticket in SC? I'm from NJ.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:24:31 No.223901XXX

    obvious samefag is obvious
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:24:42 No.223901XXX
    >The people we're beating or shooting could've just beaten and/or shot you.

    I see, working on the 2 wrongs make a right theory?

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:25:06 No.223901XXX
    It would've had to have been a very steep hill.. radar mishaps do happen.
    Heh, depends how cute probably. I am a man after all.
    Anything on your driving record will have an effect.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:25:16 No.223901XXX

    sorry ur wrong buddy.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:25:26 No.223902XXX
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    >so how did it feel loosing to them this past November?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:25:29 No.223902XXX

    welcome to /b/, you must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:25:45 No.223902XXX
    Give every civilian a firearm to carry

    This allows any civilian to take over the duty of a police officer them self without asking for help

    Your job is now useless and there's no more crime
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:25:47 No.223902XXX
    Yes, because Clemson is not traditionally better than South Carolina in everything (except for Basketball in the past). You have a good business program, that's it. You have a top ten program in one major and all of your other majors are 100 or less. Have fun with that.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:25:50 No.223902XXX



    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:27:10 No.223902XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:27:15 No.223902XXX
    The law school's 93 fag
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:27:24 No.223902XXX
    Don't listen to these pricks OP. It all sounds like the same douchebag anyway.

    Honestly, cops can be dicks because you're doing something wrong and got caught. You can either be a man about it and accept responsibility for your actions or you can cry like a little bitch like most of you are now, and rip on the law enforcement.

    Without cops, my stolen car would've never been found, and the gangs around here would run rampant and rape your mother.

    So please, /b/, stfu and stop being a little bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:27:38 No.223902XXX
    One time I got pulled over and the guy told me he gave me a warning because I'm the first person that smiled at him all day.

    What an emo faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:28:05 No.223902XXX
    How come I can go 90 down 26 without a seatbelt on almost everyday and you guys haven't stopped me yet?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:28:11 No.223902XXX

    Do you still want to be a traffic cop after seeing this?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:29:06 No.223902XXX
    You're not obligated to, you can always just let us take you in - most people who are even close to sober do this.
    There's no need to generalize. I don't treat everyone as a criminal like some cops do.
    Depends who stops you, and what for. Some of us may show a little discretion if we see the card.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:29:12 No.223902XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:29:16 No.223902XXX
    werent they vermont highway
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:29:30 No.223902XXX

    whiteknight faggot get off my /b/
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:30:03 No.223902XXX
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    Do you think it's unethical to give tickets solely to raise money, when their actual purpose is supposed to be to help enforce laws that protect public safety?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:30:05 No.223903XXX
    Carry a gun yourself faggot, take your own damn matters into your own hands without crying to the police

    It was your own dumbass fault your car got stolen, why waste the polices time for not locking your own doors faggot?

    If any gang threatens you, shoot them all, claim it was self defense (even if you initiated it)

    Stop being such a pussy
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:30:49 No.223903XXX
    >There's no need to generalize.

    Why not? You are.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:31:01 No.223903XXX
    Are you a cute girl?
    I strongly support CWP holders.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:31:11 No.223903XXX
    >far out stereotypes and bigotry

    wait, so california isn't going broke, los angeles isn't going broke, it doesn't have the largest population of gangs, welfare recipients, illegal immigrants, number of neighborhoods with more than half of the residents living below the poverty line, etc etc etc etc etc
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:31:28 No.223903XXX
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    Great cause 93 is so great. That's how you barely made the top 100 colleges this past year, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:32:00 No.223903XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:32:01 No.223903XXX
    The fuck is this PBA card, and if it can get out of tickets, WHERE GET??
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:32:06 No.223903XXX
    how is he generalizing? he just said he didnt treat everyone as a criminal
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:32:09 No.223903XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:32:13 No.223903XXX

    Just ignore this post hey?

    Funny how cops are never wrong.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:32:40 No.223903XXX
    I already have two guns, (this is Texas, after all) my car doors were locked, and I don't have time or resources to go on a "manhunt" in a giant metropolis.

    Try again, fag.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:32:53 No.223903XXX
    well, the 100 number is what was brought up so I suppose that has to mean something.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:33:19 No.223903XXX
    OP can you green text the replies? much less hassle

    Oh and question what is the fastest someone has been going that you pulled over?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:33:38 No.223903XXX
    chatroulette or yakkah?

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:33:40 No.223903XXX
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    WELP I would like to think so.

    I has nice hair.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:33:44 No.223903XXX

    Numerous posts in this thread that i can't be bothered quoting, starting with this one...

    >Because civs are generally assholes to us.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:33:50 No.223903XXX
    Even with cruse control set, your speedometer works just fine. If he was going 84 it would have said 84. The cop was lying so he could give a bigger ticket.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:35:20 No.223904XXX
    Missed it.

    No, I was speaking in a hypothetical sense.

    Criminal robs store, store clerk calls police, police find criminal, criminal resists, we detain criminal.

    Criminal robs store, criminal realizes there are no police and he can do what he wants so he murders you because you're a douche.

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:35:38 No.223904XXX
    Play freebird?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:36:53 No.223904XXX
    >I already have two guns
    >this is Texas, after all

    The fuck are you such a fucking pussy for, someone steals your car, fucking murder their entire family
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:37:13 No.223904XXX

    No actually you missed the bit where you beat and shoot people for a living in that post.

    Try again if you like. You can't justify using violence to prevent violence douche.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:37:29 No.223904XXX

    good lord, get the fuck over yourself. yes, we understand you're desperate for attention. yes, we get that you're a female. i don't think one cop saying you're attractive is somehow going to get you out of another cop's ticket. stop being such a goddamn attentionwhore.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:38:13 No.223904XXX
    I'd really like to see OP answer this one.

    Nice trips too.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:38:28 No.223904XXX
    A kid passed me in a Trans Am doing 125 two weeks ago. He stopped with no trouble when I turned on my lights behind him.

    My car is unmarked.

    Nice hair. Nice face?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:38:41 No.223904XXX
    OP, assuming you aren't bullshitting us, you sound like you aren't a typical "Im going to get away with harassment because I'm a cop" cop.

    So would you acknowledge that many cops are fucking morons with nothing more than a high school education and a chip on their shoulder?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:38:54 No.223904XXX
    Tits, or GET OUTTTT
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:39:27 No.223905XXX
    One of the worst football teams of all time, and pretty much all sports. You have 1 national championship and that is in one event in women's track and field. You have not come close to winning a national championship in anything else. If it were not for your International Business program, your university would not be relevant in any academic program. Your school sucks. If you have no family or did not attend the university yourself, why would you be a fan? They have the second longest losing streak in Football. They have never made it beyond the sweet 16 in basketball.

    Q: What does USC stand for?
    A: The University of Second Choice.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:40:26 No.223905XXX

    >You can't justify using violence to prevent violence

    I disagree. Don't you think just about every single war has been fought with the mindset that if I kill more of them, they won't be able to kill more of us?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:40:28 No.223905XXX
    It is, when you look at it like that.. but hey, I'm just trying to make a living?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:40:37 No.223905XXX
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    Too bad I only asked if qt's got out of tickets by being nice. :3
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:41:09 No.223905XXX

    Haha they won't reveal where the kid lives :P
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:41:21 No.223905XXX
    i heard cops are all wannabe soldiers that are scared to go to war
    no question though
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:42:10 No.223905XXX
    Most are, honestly. Some of us actually have educations though, and all of us aren't dickheads.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:42:17 No.223905XXX

    Show me your tits and I'll decide from there.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:42:31 No.223905XXX

    Rest in peace, brother. My thoughts and prayers for Deputy Dinkheller's family.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:42:58 No.223905XXX
    I'm in the reserve, could be called at any time.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:43:13 No.223905XXX

    lol yeah I love it when south carolinafags try to pass off their university as having a great business program when their "top ranked" international business program is like 200 people.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:43:59 No.223906XXX
    Cops are too busy busting harmless stoners instead of wasting all that time going after violent criminals.
    >>   05/04/10(Tue)12:44:03 No.223906XXX
    I do 155.34 mph every day... and its legal!

    Germany > USA
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:44:07 No.223906XXX
    OP here... I went to Florida and both Clemson and the USC's suck. GTFO my thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:44:14 No.223906XXX
    …a living? What, do you get a cut?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:44:39 No.223906XXX

    Pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:45:04 No.223906XXX
    I get a paycheck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:45:28 No.223906XXX
    Despite what they want you to believe, police officer isn't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the US.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:45:36 No.223906XXX
    stoners are violent criminals
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:45:38 No.223906XXX
    Why do the cops in my hometown sit in parking lots talking to eachother with their windows rolled down?

    Why did a cop give me a thumbs up instead of pulling us over when we drove by and myself and other were hanging out of the windows waving at people?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:45:40 No.223906XXX

    stop being such an attentionwhore, seriously. posting your pictures just shows how desperate and pathetic you are. of course you can get out of a ticket because of the way you look. i've gotten out of plenty because of that. doesn't mean that i have to go posting some silly half-hair covered face emo crap where there's actually a reasonable conversation going on in here for once.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:45:54 No.223906XXX
    I forget, how many sports does FSU have a winning record against Clemson in in the past decade?

    Oh, and to answer the questions about mad about USC beating Clemson last year:
    Q: How do you keep a USC football player from fapping?
    A: Paint his dick orange and call it Clemson, then he can only beat it 3 times in a decade.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:46:22 No.223906XXX
    Every cop that's pulled me over has been generally cool, because I was cool about it. Out of the six or seven times I have been I've only received one ticket.

    I'm not sure what /b/ is crying about.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:46:28 No.223906XXX
    I got to become friends with some cops who do security where I work. These fuckers are the biggest drunk troublemakers I have ever met. It's like a license to do whatever you want. Feels good man...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:46:53 No.223906XXX

    AAS, criminal justice
    7 years US Army service (Sergeant), with overseas service
    Currently working on a BA degree
    Not a dick, I hang on /b/ for the lulz just like you do and in excellent physical condition.

    And Im a cop. Most of the officers in my department share similiar resumes, not high school diplomas with chips on their shoulders.

    No, we arent the stereotypes.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:47:19 No.223906XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:47:34 No.223906XXX
    And are cops at war with the populace?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:47:39 No.223906XXX has premium teen stars avaiable to download in high quality

    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:47:40 No.223906XXX

    So you have no problem being a part of everything that's wrong with our judicial system? I guess morals go out the window when a little bit of money and power is involved.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:47:55 No.223906XXX
    harvard law has about 200 in a class. does that mean it sucks?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:47:58 No.223906XXX
    Yes, you get a paycheck. Does it change whether you give someone a ticket or let them off with a warning?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:48:01 No.223906XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:48:15 No.223906XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:48:22 No.223907XXX
    Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. Your normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side when he sees the big red light behind him... and then we will start apologizing, begging for mercy.

    This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop-heart. The thing to do -- when you're running along about a hundred or so and you suddenly find a red-flashing CHP-tracker on your trail-- what you want to do then is accelerate. Never pull over and with the first siren howl. Mash it down and make the bastard chase you at speeds up to 120 all the way to the next exit. He will follow. But he won't know what to make of your blinker-signal that says you're about to turn right.

    This is to let him know you're looking for a proper place to pull off and talk... keep signaling and hope for an off-ramp, one of those uphill side-loops with a sign saying "Max Speed 25" ... and the trick, at this point is to suddenly leave the freeway and take him into the chute at no less than a hundred miles an hour.

    He will lock his brakes about the same time you lock yours, but it will take him a moment to realize that hes about to make a 180 degree turn at this speed... but you will be ready for it, braced for the Gs and the fast heel-toe work, and with any luck at all you will have come to a complete stop off the road at the top of the turn and be standing beside your automobile by the time he catches up.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:48:39 No.223907XXX
    Why are you guys such assholes?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:48:59 No.223907XXX
    Yes because those 200 people continue to fuck up this country year after year.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:49:20 No.223907XXX
    Hella jealous.

    I've been pulled over 7 times and have gotten 4 tickets.

    The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:50:10 No.223907XXX
    Florida... Not Florida State.. and we have more national championships in the past 5 years than you have.. ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:50:18 No.223907XXX
    Hi OP i'm not being a troll or anything when i say this but i honestly believe that a very small % of cops act like assholes and give all police a bad reputation.

    People probably never have much experience with good cops because most of them are out doing their job properly and not hassling anyone who doesn't deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:50:29 No.223907XXX
    Do you have a problem knowing that our government imports illegal drugs, making your job much harder? Ecstacy from Israel, Poppy from Afghanistan, cocaine from columbia, various pills from Mexico...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:50:34 No.223907XXX

    He will not be reasonable at first... but no matter. Let him calm down. He will want the first word. Let him have it. His brain will be in a turmoil: he may begin jabbering, or even pull his gun. Let him unwind; keep smiling. The idea is to show him that you were always in total control of yourself and your vehicle -- while he lost control of everything.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:50:39 No.223907XXX
    i agree. i've been pulled over 4 times. first two times it was city cops and they let me go. next time by and ohio statie and he was direct, i was going 13 over, and was fine with the ticket. then i got another at 15 over in new jersey where the limit drops. didn't realize it did, but again, he was direct, and it was my error, so you suck it up and act like a reasonable human being.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:50:58 No.223907XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:50:59 No.223907XXX

    Being a correctional officer nowadays helps. Only in certain parts though. I know DPS hates us with a passion in one city.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:52:08 No.223907XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:52:13 No.223907XXX
    Important question. I take I.D.s everyday for the job I do. Why don't niggers carry their I.D.s?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:52:37 No.223907XXX

    Favorite & least favorite part of your job?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:52:48 No.223907XXX

    I have had a few friends as cops and they have all told me without a doubt they have a quota to meet.

    This is in ausfailia but i am sure it would be the same in the US.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:52:51 No.223907XXX
    Hot Horny Girls Free!! wet cam girls waitin for you no download require'd just instant FUN!!

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:53:04 No.223907XXX
    is it painful to take it in the ass?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:53:07 No.223907XXX
    If someone deserves a ticket they're going to get a ticket.

    You seem like one of those cocksuckers who shows up at his court date with a lawyer trying to explain why he was doing 85 in a 55.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:53:08 No.223907XXX
    Since I've turned 21, I fuck with police all the time making them think Im underaged with alcohol in the car and shit like that (I look 17/18)

    I love the look on their face after they flip a shit and think they're gunna put me in their car when I tell them Im 21. They just put their head down in shame and drive off every time as I harass them instead. Paybacks a bitch, eh?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:53:19 No.223908XXX

    I would not write a CO a ticket. Id extend the professional courtesy that I would to another LEO.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:54:04 No.223908XXX
    And how long has Florida been relevant in college football? Clemson has been relevant for 100 years. I forget, when was it that all the Florida schools started being relevant? Wasn't it within the last 30 years or so?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:54:15 No.223908XXX

    whether you like it or not, they're higher up on the totem pole than you are. get used to the view.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:54:19 No.223908XXX

    uhhh, a cock is your mascot? lolol, dumb faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:55:15 No.223908XXX

    Not OP, but the other LEO in the thread. Hope he answers this as well. I'd like to;

    The department BBQs, the social aspect of it all.

    Court, and no approved overtime.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:56:39 No.223908XXX
    We could always find a reason.
    Doesn't matter if it's been 30 years or 3 years.. Still have more rings than Clemson
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:57:07 No.223908XXX
    I smell bacon. Can you smell bacon?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:57:33 No.223908XXX

    I've been pulled over once in uniform, and we ended up exchanging stories about inmates and people control. Working in a state pen. has really boosted my respect for law enforcement because I have to see day in and day out what cops have to deal with on the streets.

    I may have to deal with them all in one building, sure, but they give me respect in there only because it's a different world. Also, cops have to deal with stupid fucks like most of everyone in this thread.

    So when I pass a cop while I'm in uniform, I will give the professional nod to them. Maybe even buy them lunch or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:57:54 No.223909XXX
    >Clemson has been relevant for 100 years
    puhleeease. don't make me go ohio state on you.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:58:03 No.223909XXX
    Seriously. Why don't niggers carry their i.d.s?
    >> aa !YOuLoSth6. 05/04/10(Tue)12:58:19 No.223909XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:58:54 No.223909XXX

    I agree people only remember bad experiences.

    You never hear anyone say, "Oh I had a little trouble with the law today which was entirely my fault and the police officer handled the situation in a professional and courteous manner."

    But that doesn't mean it never happens.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:59:00 No.223909XXX
    What is your favourite flavour of donuts?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)12:59:11 No.223909XXX
    Hi I live in Ohio annnnd they suck.
    You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)13:00:31 No.223909XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)13:00:56 No.223909XXX
    BBQ's are great, truth. One other perk of the job around here is getting into sporting and social events for free.

    I dislike how a lot of people are intimidated by me, like they're afraid to speak to me or walk too close to me when I'm in uniform.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)13:00:58 No.223909XXX
    Seriously? Cops on my /b/?
    What is the world coming to?

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