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  • File : 1272894592.jpg-(199 KB, 377x397, revised-eastern-europe-map.jpg)
    199 KB Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:49:52 No.223509XXX  
    Canadafag here. I have a question for people living in Western European countries. What are your thoughts on Eastern Europe?? That place just seems weird to me. All these strange countries I've never heard of. You never hear anything good about that place either. Just seems like a very depressing place.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:53:54 No.223509XXX
    Poland - great women, nice people, good food
    Czech Republic - legal drugs, great women and beer
    Hungary - great women, food, wine
    and Croatia - superb beaches, wine, woof and women
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:55:15 No.223510XXX
    Magyarország!!! (Y)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:56:42 No.223510XXX

    What about Estonia, Albania, Romania?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:57:46 No.223510XXX
    I don't like it at all!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:58:52 No.223510XXX
    Romania : gypsy country
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:59:04 No.223510XXX
    magyarország :D
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)09:59:57 No.223511XXX
    They fix my toilet, that's all i need to know about them.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:00:02 No.223511XXX
    slavic coutries and hungary are also great places for siteseeing, with lots of interesting architecture, rural enviorment and untouched wild places

    and great women of course, sexy bitches
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:00:24 No.223511XXX

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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:00:37 No.223511XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:00:59 No.223511XXX
    Turkey is more like western europe
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:01:14 No.223511XXX

    you're a piece of shit, and i have no respect for you sir.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:01:17 No.223511XXX
    bazdmeeeeeeeg :D
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:01:42 No.223511XXX
    Polfag here, sadly i disagree about greatness of our cuisine. Women and people in general can be quite good :D
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:01:52 No.223511XXX
    mindig találok honfitársat...
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:02:15 No.223511XXX
    i'm from lithuania, learn some history before making a thread like this.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:02:23 No.223511XXX
    Is it Hungarian? Fuckin' weirdiest language in Europe. But like one of ur names: László :D
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:02:27 No.223511XXX
    gtfo sandnigger
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:03:05 No.223511XXX
    request for Poland ball comix to cure historyfaggs butthurt
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:03:05 No.223511XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:03:39 No.223511XXX
    western europe doesn't like eastern europe cause it's to close to russia, politics are just like high school
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:03:52 No.223511XXX
    CanadaFag married to a PolFag.

    PolFags are just about the most educated people I've ever met. Even those who just finished High School are far better thinkers than us NorthAmerifags.

    And she's hotter than all get out as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:04:07 No.223511XXX
    Poland - The Best Women On The World, very nice people, great food and even better vodka
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:04:09 No.223511XXX
    Ukraine...we have Varenyky
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:04:34 No.223511XXX
    It might be depressing to you, cos you might be brainwashed by the PC and globalized media.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:04:48 No.223511XXX
    and bad grammar
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:05:05 No.223511XXX
    We don't really like them: we don't know that most of them exist until they move here claiming to be part of the EU
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:05:30 No.223511XXX
    It's PIERRRRROGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:05:37 No.223511XXX
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    >> anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:05:43 No.223511XXX
    Estfag here... It depends on where you are and what you do. Can be depressing but also awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:05:45 No.223511XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:06:02 No.223512XXX
    u kidding man!
    the soups, great soups that tingle my foreign tongue with tastiness
    wild animals meat prepared with love, so tender and juicy
    the pierogis, kopytkas, kluskas and other great potato dumpling melting in my mouth each time i have the oportunity to eat em
    and all this cooked with love and affection of your great polish women, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts all beautifull and kind
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:06:03 No.223512XXX
    i'm from poland i don't spek english well
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:06:22 No.223512XXX
    Polish women are win, beer is great, food is tasty.

    And a 5 year old polish kid knows more than an amerifag after college.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:06:34 No.223512XXX
    yes it's hungarian
    mondjak még valamit?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:07:03 No.223512XXX
    No motherfucker its Varenyky
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:07:24 No.223512XXX
    Hahahha pierogis, kopytkas, kluskas hahahaha
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:07:26 No.223512XXX

    I like how OP is basically asking a question we've been asking about the balkans for centuries now: What the hell is up with it?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:07:35 No.223512XXX
    As much as I love Poland, the Czechs have the best beer.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:07:49 No.223512XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:07:52 No.223512XXX
    im from czech republic and what is this
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:07:56 No.223512XXX
    oo zemliakas 4chane
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:08:08 No.223512XXX
    ex commy fucks
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:08:18 No.223512XXX
    I hear the sun never shines in eastern Europe.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:08:56 No.223512XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:08:59 No.223512XXX
    chech republic also have great drugs policy!
    is LSD legal too?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:09:13 No.223512XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:09:21 No.223512XXX
    the only thing I acknowledge is that polish babes are hot. we have one here at my school (she's an immigrant) and she's definitely the prettier of all.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:09:27 No.223512XXX
    poor and depressing, but beautiful women
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:09:57 No.223512XXX
    I am from Lithuania and we eat horses. I can't use Internet for very long, because electricity supplys can be shut down after the lunch and the the cops might rush in and do a raid. You never know will you be the lucky one who will get raided and then probably killed. Oh and my grammar sucks, because my fammily can't afford to pay for schools, so i had to learn everything in my grandmothers basement with other poor kids. Our almight police and goverment don't like educated persons
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:10:04 No.223512XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:10:08 No.223512XXX
    Dutchfag here.
    Eastern European women are great, sexy and passionate.
    It's a shame so many immigrants are involved in criminal activities, they create a negative image. And of course they come here and work for almost nothing, doesn't make Eastern Europe very beloved.
    Eastern Europe can be a great place to go on holiday though; cheap beer (and everything), friendly locals, nature is beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:10:40 No.223512XXX
    Poland's first free parliamentary elections were held in 1991.

    I think that says it all right there. What a shitty place.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:10:46 No.223512XXX
    im from poland. if you dont want to visit, dont. we probably dont want you here anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:10:58 No.223512XXX
    Eve Wyrwal (Iga Wyrwał) she is polish woman :D
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:10:59 No.223512XXX
    4 tabs of ecstasy
    5tab of LSD
    15g mari
    1.5g hero
    1g coca
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:11:17 No.223512XXX
    gaidys tu
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:11:20 No.223512XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:11:36 No.223512XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:11:42 No.223512XXX
    East Europe is West Europe's Mexico.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:11:54 No.223513XXX

    Gypsis which came to Spain...
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:12:09 No.223513XXX
    the slavic countries which emerged from Yugoslavia are all shit.
    Baltic countries (estonia, latvia and lithuania) on the other hand are ok
    >> noko 05/03/10(Mon)10:12:18 No.223513XXX
    Danefag here... I've been to Poland and Czech Rep... and they weren't as depressing as I thought... But mostly we think of Eastern European countries as depressing former soviet shitholes with poor people... And that their citizens come here to steal and rape...

    Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are ok though... and Czech rep isn't that bad either.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:12:20 No.223513XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:12:21 No.223513XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:12:31 No.223513XXX
    As I am living in Poland I can say, this country is the biggest shithole in Europe.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:12:46 No.223513XXX

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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:13:02 No.223513XXX
    Apparently eastern Europeans are assholes as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:13:31 No.223513XXX
    michelle wild is also hungarian
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:13:32 No.223513XXX
    Estonian fag here...the depressing part of estern europe is bulgaria and poland belorus and ukraine
    Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia and Lietuva, are all OK and bretty western.
    Skype and kazaa are from estonia, we have wireless internet allover country,
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:13:45 No.223513XXX

    Poland created the first fucking constitution in europe, never had retarded civil wars over religion.

    if anything, its the least retarded country in europe.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:13:55 No.223513XXX
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    also we have Cossacks
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:14:02 No.223513XXX
    Estonia and Latvia r North L2geography
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:14:13 No.223513XXX
    Londonfag here. Eastern Europe has cool accents, beautiful women, drugs, beer and violence. I desire nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:14:17 No.223513XXX
    Wow this thread is just horrible, I will tell you why if you call me at 561-674-4256

    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:14:20 No.223513XXX
    getting assfucked in every war. pussies.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:14:38 No.223513XXX
    you must be one of the worst scums if you dare to say something like this about your own country.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:15:05 No.223513XXX
    BlaiR Is Successfull.

    Perry T.Stroika

    286 - New MSN Adds.

    Well Done /b/

    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:15:06 No.223513XXX

    Czeck republic is a nice place, getting up to speed with western europe in terms of economy and freedom. I love traveling there, though prices have risen around 300% over the last 10 years as the saleries there have risen.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:15:08 No.223513XXX
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    Poland was never Eastern Europe. It had the bad luck of being grouped in with USSR as a satellite state.

    Historically. The area where Poland lies, was always considered Western or Central Europe.

    In the late 1700, when Polish lands were sold off to Austria, Prussia, and Germany, that land was considered Western Europe.

    It was during the cold war that anything East of East Germany began to be called Eastern Europe.

    And American propaganda doesn't help.

    Enjoy this hot Polish girl. Her name is Diana.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:15:11 No.223513XXX
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    Sooo Besides fuck and food there isn't any nice to Eastern Europe isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:15:12 No.223513XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:15:30 No.223513XXX

    Was not poland which once beated rusia? The all war losing fags are the french ones, also know as "gabachos" ;-)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:15:53 No.223513XXX
    Only Warsaw. That's what happens when you let the Soviets rebuild a city after it's demolished.
    Nowy Swiat is nice, as is Villanov? And that park with all the palaces in it is just about one of the nicest places I've ever been.

    But once you get away from Warsaw, Poland is absolutely spectacular.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:16:06 No.223513XXX
    Czech - great beer, nice people, legal weed
    Slovakia - nice beer
    Poland - nice people, beautiful women
    Belarus - meh, but pretty women
    Hungary - nice people, great language :D
    Romania - fucking gypsies
    South - meh
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:16:37 No.223513XXX
    don't even get started on the french. or italy. such fucking losers
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:16:39 No.223513XXX
    gaidys tu

    this is normal "hello" in Lithuania. Mostly used by the poor and non-educated people. It's a hard life here, I would like to live somewhere else, in Poland let's say..but one simply can't pass the border of Lithuania!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:16:57 No.223513XXX
    Hey OP, what's a Canada?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:17:01 No.223513XXX
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    croatia and serbia have most beutiful women in eastern europe. period.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:17:03 No.223513XXX
    Poland is Middle-European!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:17:05 No.223513XXX
    Swefag here!

    Eastern Europeans come here, rape our beautiful girls, steal car airbags and then turn back home. They're all dirty gipsies.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:17:10 No.223513XXX

    any by "every war" you mean ww2, because you don't know anything else, you uneducated idiot.

    poland is over a 1000 years old, think, faggot, think.
    >> Anonym 05/03/10(Mon)10:17:14 No.223513XXX
    Well, east europe is a shithole. Corruption, wars, poor ppl all over the fucking place, genocide. Not a place I want to go near as a Swedefag.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:17:23 No.223513XXX
    Hungary has the most beautiful womens ^^
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:17:34 No.223513XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:17:43 No.223514XXX
    I second that
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:17:46 No.223514XXX
    Czech Republic and Austria are not eastern, but central.

    Slovenia and Croatia are more developed than the rest of East Europe, it's generally full of white people who care about things that happened 600 years in the past

    tl;dr obsolete butthurt faggots who care more about history/national glory than personal welfare
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:18:13 No.223514XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:18:13 No.223514XXX

    HA HA HA HA!
    >> anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:18:18 No.223514XXX
    Not only are the women beautiful. We are actually educated too. For example in high school we had to learn all the states in the USA and all of the names of the countries in Africa, while some americafags still think Frace is the capital of Europe and is situated somewhere in Paris...

    And poor?? well this probably comes from a dude who lives in a trailer park and has seen a stupid 80's action movie "taking place" in Eastern Europe
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:18:44 No.223514XXX
    and you swefags kiss their and every sandniggers asses, pay them ass loads of money and then whine about it?
    well, I guess that's just how the swedes are
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:18:46 No.223514XXX
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    I don't know about the rest of Eastern Europe, but Poland is no different than the U.S., the U.K., Germany, etc. There's actually more fun in Poland than anywhere else. It's not like Belarus where you'll get your car stolen the minute you park it.

    It is a civilized nation.

    The worst that can happen to you is an occasional pick-pocketer at the Warsaw Airport.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:00 No.223514XXX
    wasn't Poland the only country in the world that captured Moscow?

    Napoleon failed, hitler failed, poles did it.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:01 No.223514XXX
    Cuisine is fine. Women are cute but expensive. People are whiny faggots though.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:13 No.223514XXX

    I bow to you, wise Anon! :)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:16 No.223514XXX
    Europes is only Britain, France, Holland and German
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:25 No.223514XXX
    Austria and the Czech Republic I've heard good things about. Vienna and Prague are supposed to be beautiful cities. If I ever travel in Europe I'd like to visit them both. I've met an albanian and a few bulgarians; all very nice people, but I don't know much about what their countries are like.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:35 No.223514XXX
    Polish bitches are manipulative as hell
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:38 No.223514XXX
    We look down on them as poor countries
    Less economically developed etc

    Probably shouldnt.
    They're a bit more restless with eachother than Western europe.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:52 No.223514XXX
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    a whole lot of us estfags here.
    good place..
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:52 No.223514XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:54 No.223514XXX
    Now? Where? WHATTHEFUCK?!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:19:57 No.223514XXX
    God Tier: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
    Top Tier: Czech Rep., Croatia
    Proper Tier: Hungary
    Meh Tier: Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria
    Fail Tier: Slovakia, Slovenia
    Shit Tier: Former Yugoslavia, Poland
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:20:06 No.223514XXX

    And stay off the Russian planes
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:20:32 No.223514XXX
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    Also Poland is the only country in the world which have an hero president
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:20:54 No.223514XXX
    macedonia and greece are cool.
    the rest is shit, gray, dull and depressing!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:20:59 No.223514XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:00 No.223514XXX
    moar of her!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:00 No.223514XXX
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    i second that sir.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:08 No.223514XXX

    butthurt over your country being useless and the size of my toilet?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:12 No.223514XXX
    I actually travelled through all of Europe about a month ago, the obvious things is it is cheaper in eastern, but western Europeans just think that’s because everything is shit there (I wouldn’t say “shit” for everything, but it’s not as good...). For safety, tbh I felt safe enough most places, I was an 18 year old skinny kid with a huge backpack on my own and as long as you don’t use the stupid and easily conned/stolen from tourist body language, you don’t get much shit. I met people who had had things stolen etc but I never had it. As far as country to country, well further north in eastern Europe it was sort of better, getting into Budapest wasn’t as nice, but despite their obvious difference from yourself, I felt perfectly safe (I arrived in the train station in the shit part of town), further down than that, well I stopped off in Sofia, Bulgaria... fucking shit hole, felt so unsafe I didn’t want to get off the train but had to buy ticket for the next train, I actually had no one piss me off but some other people I met who were on their way to Istanbul as well were conned, was actually funny story but it wouldn’t of been if it was my 300 euros.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:30 No.223514XXX
    well as an Estfag i can tell you all that it sucks in here people are retarded food sucks nothing of intrest anywhere bitches are fine though
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:38 No.223514XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:44 No.223514XXX
    eastern europe doesnt have the muslim scum invasion that liberal-fuckholes like the netherlands and france have. enjoy your muslim majority, pussyfags. lets see where you'll be running to in 20 years(hint: its not western europe)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:45 No.223514XXX
    Eastern Europe is like the Mexico of Northern America. I went to Estonia 4 years ago, the place was like a giant pile of rubble. Every other house (And this was in a big city) was a ruin.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:47 No.223514XXX
    Ukraine over Poland? Ever been there? Ukraine is like a fucking wild country. Even for me. I'm from fucking Poland
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:21:51 No.223514XXX
    ill just leave this here America's literacy rate 97.5 Poland's 99.4
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:22:03 No.223514XXX
    i say we steal all their resources then build a FUCKING DEATH STAR!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:22:19 No.223514XXX
    My most common reply when asked about a small eastern European country:
    "Wait, that's a country?"
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:22:20 No.223514XXX
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    czechfag here, pic very related - miss world 2006

    also we have a lot of brothels with hot babes, check

    the best country to live at
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:22:22 No.223514XXX
    Every respectable encyclopedia lists Poland as a country in Central Europe. Poland was NEVER Eastern Europe.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:22:25 No.223514XXX
    good countries of East-Europe: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuana, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary. There may be more but they don't fit the stereotype of a former communist countries "that much" anymore. Country definitely to avoid: Belarus. It's fucking totalitarian. Albania (if you don't like Muslims)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:22:56 No.223514XXX
    butthurt is so butthurt
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:22:57 No.223514XXX
    I didn't mean architecture in Poland, but people. Polish people are fucking retarded jerks who are doing everything to ruin this country.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:23:14 No.223515XXX
         File1272896594.jpg-(605 KB, 1774x1353, Karta_Makedoniia_po_programa_n(...).jpg)
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    their nationalism and hatred for each other is amusing. lots of them hate each other. greeks hate people from the former yugoslav republic of macedonia and so do bulgarians. everyone hates the turkish and albanians and bosnians. etc. etc. you can see it in hilarious, broken-english youtube comments on anything to do with their politics.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:24:17 No.223515XXX
    trollfail.... borders are open long time ago, european union, remember that?

    Must be a poor slav, probably a pole that is butthurt because of VILNIUS AND HELL YEAH - VILNIUS IS LITHUANIAN.

    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:24:19 No.223515XXX
    then you went to some wrong places
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:24:54 No.223515XXX

    and you base this assumption on what, exactly?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:25:03 No.223515XXX
    It's true unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:25:05 No.223515XXX
         File1272896705.jpg-(260 KB, 770x762, Macedonia_barbed_wire.jpg)
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    want to troll someone from greece or bulgaria? here you go.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:25:16 No.223515XXX
    OP here

    So I've gathered from this thread that the women in Eastern Europe are hot. Which is cool. But as for the economy, weather, infrastructure? When I think of Eastern Europe I think of poor, grey, wet, depressing shit hole.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:25:29 No.223515XXX
    Slovenia fag here. East sucks, well they do have beautiful women :D. But on the other hand Yugoslavs rule :D. And we have TITO so f***** u :D.
    >> fors☼☼th !x3aOzVIOro 05/03/10(Mon)10:26:08 No.223515XXX
         File1272896768.png-(3 KB, 450x300, Slovakia_flag_300.png)
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    slovakia fag reporting in... tbh i hate this country, i'd rather be a dolphin or something
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:26:12 No.223515XXX

    And gypsies
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:26:27 No.223515XXX
         File1272896787.jpg-(129 KB, 800x1191, shituanian.jpg)
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    God Tier: Czech Rep., Croatia, Poland, Hungary
    Proper Tier: Hungary, Slovenia
    Meh Tier: Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, 'Yugoslavia'
    Fail Tier: Slovakia, Macedonia
    Shit Tier: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:26:48 No.223515XXX
         File1272896808.jpg-(1.4 MB, 1943x2915, Joanna_Krupa_Benchwarmer_2008.jpg)
    1.4 MB
    Polish chicks rule.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:27:03 No.223515XXX
    You can thank the niggers for that.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:27:15 No.223515XXX
         File1272896835.jpg-(49 KB, 450x571, 1272844761883.jpg)
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    LOL, butthurt Polacks
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:27:29 No.223515XXX

    I second this
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:27:42 No.223515XXX

    I think of Canada as a one cold counntry which has just Hockey.It derives from my ignorace. Like yours. :)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:27:46 No.223515XXX

    What's so bad about eating meat from horses? many people in Germany like it. Singing birds in France or East-Asia meat is much worse.

    Also, do you live in a region that bad or is it a common problem? Detroit wouldn't be so nice compared to Lithuania.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:27:49 No.223515XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:28:32 No.223515XXX
    Romania had some wierd shit- ordering and getting breakfast at the hotel is wierd every day- and the workers are okay, but underequipped (welding stinger made from rebar!) and horse drawn carts and shacks in the middle of decent stuff and OMFG hot women. One of whom made me very happy, even though the plumbing in her place was shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:28:41 No.223515XXX
    "Eastern" Europe is a place where everyone will be migrating in some 50 years, when your homelands are finally overrun by Arabs. It's either that, or, as 'unbelievers', you will have no access to education, healthcare and social funds.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:28:45 No.223515XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:29:30 No.223516XXX
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    >>223515640 If that aint Aryan I don't know what is. Hitler was wrong for attactking Poland
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:29:43 No.223516XXX

    Se canceló la navegación a la página web.

    Puede intentar lo siguiente:
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:29:46 No.223516XXX
    Bullshit. Soon as they get to much there will either break out a war or the government stops it.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:29:51 No.223516XXX
    I can tell you one thing - stay away from slav countries. The best thing you will find there is a free drunk fuck. Everything else is fked up as in other slav countries.

    slav countries - poland, ukraine and belarus.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:29:53 No.223516XXX
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    >> GREATER HUNGARY Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:29:59 No.223516XXX
         File1272896999.jpg-(769 KB, 2048x1536, Greater_Hungary_transfer_pictu(...).jpg)
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    more irredentist troll material here
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:30:00 No.223516XXX
    eastern europe? Niggers of europe, of course!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:30:02 No.223516XXX
    Hey, Czech is the meth state. Poland is speed.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:30:04 No.223516XXX
    sounds about right, altho if u go in summer it is nice hot shit holes. if u go to the nice places like prague, then it looks nice and is not grey, but its not that great, ive been there, vienna, also is alright because of the architecture, and people are just like us being germanic. if you want nice, then go to countries on the coast, then go to the coast, walk into the sea and drown.. lol no, but it is beautiful in like croatia etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:30:07 No.223516XXX
    Vilnius nasha :] kavianski niuxit xui!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:30:28 No.223516XXX
    The countries in eastern europe is the leftovers of the old Soviet Union, needless to say, they are shitty.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:30:50 No.223516XXX
    So true
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:31:08 No.223516XXX
    I am a hungarian fag.
    So the economy is not to fantastic. The lcd tv, swimming pool are luxus:)
    We have 4 seasons, and often sunny the weather. There is not earthquake, tornado, tsunami :D
    The infrastructure is modern. For example: Drinkable water, not as in Romania and etc.
    High speed, cheap net and so on...
    What else? :)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:31:21 No.223516XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:31:26 No.223516XXX

    also the federal yugoslav republic of monkeydonia who steal bulgarian language and greek history are slavs who arrived in the area a millenium after alexander the great
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:31:29 No.223516XXX
    BlaiR Is Successfull.

    Perry T.Stroika

    286 - New MSN Adds.

    Well Done /b/

    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:31:30 No.223516XXX
    We don't really pay attention to them.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:32:05 No.223516XXX
         File1272897125.jpg-(160 KB, 640x961, 66.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:32:17 No.223516XXX
    Thats why poland is better. NO NIGGERS.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:32:29 No.223516XXX
         File1272897149.jpg-(85 KB, 640x512, 1269962138455.jpg)
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    Poland is the best country out of Eastern Europe, the rest are just shitty Soviet Union rejects.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:32:38 No.223516XXX
    spainfag here. moldova, belarus, lithuania, latvia 'n estonia are little rusia, ukraine is sevchenkoland, romania is the home of dracula and all the others are simply faggots
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:32:52 No.223516XXX

    Yep. you keep telling yourself that. Things have gone too far now to be stopped. No Arabs in the West - no tax money = no national budget. No money to spend = no point in having a government.
    I'd like to see someone try to pass legislation on kicking the Arabs back to where they belong.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:32:54 No.223516XXX

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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:33:01 No.223516XXX
    Austria is a beautiful place stunning scenery, crotia is very nice to. the rest of them i wouldnt visit if you paid me. :D
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:34:04 No.223516XXX

    Still, the quality of life in moscow is 1000 times higher than your average Arkansas or Appalachian redneckville. I would say many common steoreotypes of rednecks fit well into Eastern Europe.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:34:07 No.223516XXX
    Eastern Europe = Mafia, criminals, hackers and everyone over there is rude.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:35:18 No.223517XXX
         File1272897318.jpg-(42 KB, 377x397, guide to eastern europe.jpg)
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    if it wasn't for their faggy slavic language, i'd say the czech republic is currently the best country in eastern hungary, becouse of the chicks and their culture of getting drunk and drugged.
    and i'm not even a czechfag.
    pic related, it shows how far east is it worth to go.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:35:23 No.223517XXX
    basically everyone southwest of slovenia's ancestors have been fucked by mongol turks and now getting fucked by albanians and gypsies to the point that they are no longer european.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:35:25 No.223517XXX

    Yeah, and CHina has a growth 10 times higher. Most of it is still a shitty place.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:35:31 No.223517XXX
         File1272897331.jpg-(29 KB, 600x451, eesti.jpg)
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    estfag here
    we have modern lifestyle
    80% of peopole has computers
    95% of peopole has mobilephones
    only 12% belong to some religion (WIN)
    we have beutful women
    Wery nice countrysides
    lots of camping places
    lots of clubs
    tallinn has most original oldtown in europe
    only roads and highways sucks:(

    and carmen kass is from estonia and kerli kõiv also
    and skype and limewire

    pic related, estonian flag colors, photo made in winter
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:35:47 No.223517XXX
    Austria is not in eastern europe
    hungary is a cool place
    Slovakia, czech republik and poland are ok
    Russia is fine too

    Don't care too much for the other countries, but i don't hate them
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:35:54 No.223517XXX
    Latvianfag here!

    we got fucking englishmasta lol
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:35:57 No.223517XXX
    Want to see all the best tits the interwebs has to offer?
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    4. You're In! (Commence Fapping Gentlemen.)

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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:36:07 No.223517XXX
    Eastern Europe - Good Alcohol,Cheap Drugs,Hot Whores,Cheap Internet,Ocassional Wars xD
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:36:19 No.223517XXX
    You should all come to Romania and suck our Romanian dicks...also the game
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:36:47 No.223517XXX
         File1272897407.png-(339 KB, 626x403, 1272844761886.png)
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    Polacks are the only ones who like Poland. Face it fags, your country is the shithole of Europe. Even Bosnia is better nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:37:08 No.223517XXX
    West and East Europe distinctions are getting outdated. I mean, a lot of "east European" countries have accumulated good standard of living and they are growing fast. Just take a look at the newest EU members, all of them are emerging economies.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:37:20 No.223517XXX

    romania is part russian, part gypsy, part hungarian. get over it your piece of shit country is a carcass
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:37:25 No.223517XXX
    Polfag here, living in the UK.

    What I like about the UK:
    - friendly, understanding people
    - a steady pace of life
    - reasonable work ethic

    What I don't like about the UK:
    - poor standard of education
    - equality & diversity
    - people who are unwilling to discuss topics such as politics, religion, race as they are afraid they will be labeled as intolerant, stupid or racist
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:37:25 No.223517XXX
         File1272897445.jpg-(61 KB, 409x393, 1234704969569xh5.jpg)
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    Spanish fagg here.

    Yes, east europe sound weird, but just because the influence of URSS, and the low money for years.

    But now, I can assure you two things:
    1) their chick are HOT
    2) Funny places for hollydays and trips
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:38:18 No.223517XXX
    whoever thinks austria is easterneurope is a freaking redneck....
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:38:44 No.223517XXX
    At least i got your mother<3
    oh yes Sati fut Dumnezei in gura de nespalat labagiuxD
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:38:45 No.223517XXX
    I gotta call bullshit on this one.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:39:12 No.223517XXX
    Polfag here, living in the UK.

    What I like about the UK:
    - a lot of toilets ( so i can clean them and get more money)
    What I don't like about the UK:
    - their food ( their food makes shit hard to clean)

    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:39:27 No.223517XXX
         File1272897567.jpg-(84 KB, 640x479, 1152.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:39:34 No.223517XXX
    America = niggers
    Western Europe = muslims
    Eastern Europe = socialism, corruption

    go to Australia!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:39:48 No.223517XXX
    That's europe for ya
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:40:16 No.223518XXX
    Romanian here, come visit Transylvania sometimes
    Thank you magyars for it :D
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮ suomynonA‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 05/03/10(Mon)10:40:22 No.223518XXX
    I've actually been in Czech Republic not too long ago, it's pretty awesome there.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:40:23 No.223518XXX

    You forgot the ostrich herd in the 14th(?) century. Lulz.
    By the way, Mongols reached to Austria and Poland, the Turks almost conquered vienna.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:40:49 No.223518XXX
    and Bulgaria and Hungary
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:41:23 No.223518XXX

    Another uneducated fool. I don't mind your food at all.Obviously, it's full of cancer but it's ok once in a while.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:41:36 No.223518XXX
         File1272897696.jpg-(44 KB, 704x635, massive_spider.jpg)
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    A common living room in Fagsralia
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:42:02 No.223518XXX

    i think you are confused, YOUR mother got fucked by soviets after your grandmother got fucked by nazis and your sister is fucking a gypsy now. your country is shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:42:40 No.223518XXX
    How the #### is the Czech Republic a country in Hungary?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:42:45 No.223518XXX
    lil skanky bro
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:43:09 No.223518XXX
    Only good about east is KaZantip
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:43:14 No.223518XXX
         File1272897794.jpg-(40 KB, 393x500, Címer 2.preview.jpg)
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    csak a magyarok, a többi mind fotosopp
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:43:21 No.223518XXX
    Macedoniafag here,

    Eastern Europe sucks shit - politics, people, history just destroyed the whole place - so .. war destroyed it.

    Exceptional work, anon. very correct.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:43:22 No.223518XXX
    Want to see all the best tits the interwebs has to offer?
    Want all the best secret videos of changirls, camwhores, sluts, and ex-girlfriends, that weren't supposed to be released?
    Follow these steps!

    1. Go to: FemaņonCĥ
    2. Click one of the quick surveys (What blah blah character are you?)
    4. You're In! (Commence Fapping Gentlemen.)

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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:43:38 No.223518XXX
    You will die in the hungarian storm:)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:43:45 No.223518XXX

    greekfag reporting, that's true
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:43:47 No.223518XXX
    Australia = racists
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:44:18 No.223518XXX
    What's really funny: We West-Germans see East-Germans still as East-Europe. They are the fucking south states of Germany. The Mexico of Germany.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:44:31 No.223518XXX
    Completely indifferent, I don't really know that much about them. I like Russia though.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:44:35 No.223518XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:44:59 No.223518XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:45:10 No.223518XXX

    fuck your mother we defended our country for decades, unlike other shitholes like Hungary who lend Transylvania to us, thank you fuckers!
    btw gypsies come from india but you sad fucks from Europe are you retarded and uneducated to know that
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:45:17 No.223518XXX
         File1272897917.jpg-(96 KB, 600x525, 2-para-afghanistan.jpg)
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    Britfag here,
    Czech republic = cheap beep
    Bulgaria = Shit
    Bosnia = Nothing could make me go back to that shit hole.
    Everywhere else = No
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:45:20 No.223518XXX
         File1272897920.jpg-(71 KB, 440x973, 60f7d89c99.jpg)
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    Most people, who live here (in my case Germany) don't know much about those countries, either, well maybe except poland and the czech republic.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:45:31 No.223519XXX
         File1272897931.jpg-(141 KB, 542x800, squat Toilet 2.jpg)
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    this image sums romanians and bulgarians and other primitive mongol turk albo gypsy countries who squat to shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:45:34 No.223519XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:45:43 No.223519XXX
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    az op egy faszfej: ez a lánc mostantól a csöcsökről szól

    (kapcsolatos fotó)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)10:45:47 No.223519XXX
    * BEER

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