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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272394911.jpg-(1.18 MB, 1248x1467, Arizona%20Map.jpg)
    1.18 MB Arizona-is-Fucking-Racist !XsMCukLyog 04/27/10(Tue)15:01:51 No.221442XXX  
    Arizona is the Alabama of the new century and Maricopa County is the new Selma. America and the world should boycott GOP Governor Jan Brewer's red state.

    While Arizona struggles with budget deficits its' legislature has decided to legalize racial profiling in a effort to arrest and deport undocumented families. While Arizona has been a hotspot in the immigration debate for some time the lightning rod has been Joe Arpaio, the publicity starved Sheriff who is under federal investigation for civil rights violations. This week the Arizona state legislature has trumped Arpaio by giving local police a statewide mandate to pull people over based on the color of their skin or their facial features.
    >> Arizona-is-Fucking-Racist !XsMCukLyog 04/27/10(Tue)15:02:27 No.221442XXX
    While we hear Glenn Beck and his cult members rhetorically worry about fascism and socialism coming to America via the White House it appears as if the Arizona State House has actually hit a real police state milestone. Even leading law enforcement figures in the state are openly rejecting the provision that will allow police officers to pull over anyone suspected of being undocumented. When Arizona residents or tourists are pulled over, they must present their "papers" or be arrested. Arizona residents and tourists now have something in common with occupied France of the 1940's.

    Arizona GOP Governor Jan Brewer is ready to sign the bill passed by Republican legislative majorities. The unwelcome mat is out for anyone brown in hue. American must reject this and the world must join in.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:03:06 No.221442XXX
    hai, gtfo out of /b/ you obviously know nothing about it
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:03:12 No.221442XXX
    Who gives a shit about Arizona?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:03:17 No.221442XXX
    Americans are fucking idiots.

    So are you.

    Im cereal.
    >> Arizona-is-Fucking-Racist !XsMCukLyog 04/27/10(Tue)15:03:42 No.221442XXX
    The only way we can pressure the Arizona legislature to its senses is to embark on a boycott of the "Grand Canyon State."

    The world can also join the boycott effort and be quite effective. Arizona is wildly dependent on producing world exports. Ironically its largest world customer is Mexico and its second is that hot bed of socialized medicine -- Canada. Both of those countries should join Americans from every state in the union and boycott Arizona.

    The battle is on. Americans can ignore the menace in our midst or we can join hands and push back with moral authority and economic resistance. People often wonder and are asked what they would have done during the times in history when people were scapegoated through the force of law based on their race or ethnicity. Americans have an opportunity to answer that question either again or for the first time. Once again the whole world is watching.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:03:53 No.221442XXX
    >> RAID? ⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠ 04/27/10(Tue)15:04:07 No.221442XXX
    we are not your personal army
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:04:22 No.221442XXX
    OP, I get the feeling you come from a family of illegals.

    OR that you're just a college hipster punk who voted for Obama and thinks he knows shit about politics.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:05:06 No.221443XXX
    god damn smelly beaners
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:05:46 No.221443XXX
    i think they should send the illegals to a camp to help them concentrate
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:06:10 No.221443XXX

    Everyone needs to write the US Attny for Arizona and express concern. You need to get La Raza fired up and you need to get Hispanics in the white house to intervene. Further, and this is the most important part, crazy I know, you have to get athletes to talk about it. Basketball and football aren't hispanic driven sports but baseball is. You have to start getting Hispanic players, and black players talking about the issue. You have to contact the NAACP and get them to issue a statement, you have to get progressive groups involved. This isn't an accident that this bill is happening right during an election year. In order to stop it you have to mobilize the forces that forced AZ to acknowledge MLK Day. Someone has to call the commissioners office and ask, how, on Jackie Robinson day Baseball can remain silent when the wives and children of players are going to be subject to stop and show orders in Arizona. There is one cardinal sin in sport, violating it can end your career. Race. Everything else is a conversation. Racial stuff gets a 5 alarm reaction.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:06:12 No.221443XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:06:19 No.221443XXX
    We have archived every single timestampd pic of cumdumpsters that have ever posted their tits on 4chan! If you are interested:

    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. hit F5 on new page
    5. cumdumpsters!!!!

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:06:22 No.221443XXX
    Seriously, can we stop getting up in arms about this stupid shit and get to work on something worthwhile like legalizing heroin? Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:06:29 No.221443XXX
    Since when are nazis considered bad in /b/?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:06:33 No.221443XXX

    Are you trying to imply you know shit about fuck?

    This is blatant racial profiling. This is coming from a law student. Eat a dick.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:06:48 No.221443XXX
    Please contact the local chapters of the NAACP as well. This is not a brown issue this is a civil rights issue and every group concerned with civil rights, women, blacks, Asians, LGBT, Progressives, all of those groups need to react strongly to this.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:07:29 No.221443XXX
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    I think you confused some other forum with 4chan pal.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:07:45 No.221443XXX
    you guys need to go to Hitler's summer camp
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:07:52 No.221443XXX
    perhaps op is a fucking retarded faggot illegal, but it still confuses how how you did not notice that the internet is much more rascist than that, and that the law is completely Constitutional.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:07:53 No.221443XXX
    Want to see all the best tits the interwebs has to offer?
    Want all the best secret videos of changirls, camwhores, sluts, and ex-girlfriends, that weren't supposed to be released?
    Follow these steps!

    1. Go to:‮ofni.sterceSnahC4
    2. Click a few links
    3. Hit F5, click the four leaf clover.
    4. ????
    5. You're In! (Commence Fapping Gentlemen.)

    Added this week: Epic Win Girl Delivery Video!

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:07:56 No.221443XXX
    We have archived every single timestampd pic of cumdumpsters that have ever posted their tits on 4chan! If you are interested:

    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. hit F5 on new page
    5. cumdumpsters!!!!

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:08:01 No.221443XXX
    Racism is bad D:

    Lol @ newfags trying to push beliefs on /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:08:03 No.221443XXX
    "Illegal" is not a race.
    >> Groucho Marxist !hKkBfLfUhM 04/27/10(Tue)15:08:03 No.221443XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:08:22 No.221443XXX
    as a hispanic on the border, i'll say this. i approve the law and anyone who doesn't is a fag bitching about racism, like it'll hurt them. i'd personally round up all protesters and see how many are illegal, trolls, or straight up retards
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:08:36 No.221444XXX
    butthurt spic
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:09:22 No.221444XXX
    Unfortunately, the "normal" people of Arizona are voting these people into office. If there are no repercussions to these politicians for institutionalizing racism, what motive would they have to join the rest of civilized society? Denying tourism dollars to Arizona until they re-institutionalize democracy and reverse the move towards a police state seems a perfectly legitimate response.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:09:42 No.221444XXX
    There is no legalization of "racial profiling" going on. The only reason people are saying that is because they all know the dirty spics are the ones pouring over.

    It's illegal to be an illegal. Wow, isn't that a fucking concept.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:10:00 No.221444XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:10:08 No.221444XXX
    you are a complete idiot if you think the law is constitutional. There are so many constitutional contradictions in it. What Arizona has done is pathetic.
    It's a waste of time and tax payer money. It isn't going to help anything just take up time of cops and courts.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:11:12 No.221444XXX

    I think you mean illegal. And in that case, get the fuck out of my country.

    If you're here illegally, then you have no rights. Rights are reserved for sovereign citizens of a country, the USA should be no exception.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:11:22 No.221444XXX
    he's right. Arizona just labeled themselves as the dumbest state in the U.S.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:11:25 No.221444XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:11:37 No.221444XXX

    10th amendment. You stupid cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:11:44 No.221444XXX
    "Illegal" is not a race

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:11:50 No.221444XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:11:57 No.221444XXX
    Most illegal aliens in Arizona happen to be from one race: hispanic, and many racist republicans have a problem with that. Illegal aliens are criminals, but it is extremely unconstitutional to stop EVERYONE including US CITIZENS without probable cause.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:12:10 No.221444XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:12:36 No.221445XXX
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    i live in selma, and you sir know nothing of my city. so fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:12:40 No.221445XXX


    Shit man, you must be so much better than everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:12:44 No.221445XXX
    best law ever passed.
    fucking illegals are going back to their shit hole.
    keep the money in america fuck mexicans.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:12:51 No.221445XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:12:57 No.221445XXX

    They aren't. Just like when you get pulled over in California and are asked for: "License, registration and proof of insurance." no one complained that was discrimination against the poor and illegals who have no insurance.

    You're fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:13:03 No.221445XXX
    Only people living in Arizona may continue this debate.
    Everyone else, gtfo.

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:13:04 No.221445XXX
    I can see it now. Instead of a polite "license and registration please" the person pulled over will be sternly greeted with "Namen!!! Schnell!!" That should make all of Beckistan happy
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:13:16 No.221445XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:13:29 No.221445XXX
    As long as the police have a warrant, which this law enables them to get, it is completely fine. Also, since this only effects the illegals, it should be fine for everyone else, as this law targets all illegals, not just spics. However, spics are the primary problem since they are the only fucktarded race dumb enough to illegally enter America just to live here. GTFO newfag spic illegal, or get a green card.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:13:31 No.221445XXX

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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:13:50 No.221445XXX
    Typical response for a conservative faggot.


    Great rationale you half retarded cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:13:55 No.221445XXX
    Did anyone hear about the refried bean swastikas on the Arizona Capitol building?
    Fucking lol.

    Also, arizonafag here. Shit sucks. Have to finish college before I can move. ):<
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:14:01 No.221445XXX
    Once I graduate college I'm out of this fucking shithole of a state. I hate it here the more I live here. Let's cut education year after year, let's encourage racial profiling, let's let a dumb cunt be governor.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:14:11 No.221445XXX

    >Implying you aren't a stupid faggot. This topic rapes Godwin's law in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:14:18 No.221445XXX
    Do you actually live in Arizona? I live here and I have none of the worries that you mentioned. You really sound like someone on the outside who has watched too much television, and most likely the FOX station.

    I agree that illegal immigration is a problem which must be addressed, but not by intruding on the rights of U.S. citizens. Sure we have to have a license to drive a car, but would you like the police to be able to pull you over for no reason other than to check to see if you have a license? That's the problem. I don't think most people are worried about the rights of the "illegals", it's just the rights of the United States citizens that are being jeopardized. I can be arrested for not having my "paperwork", whatever that is. This is wrong!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:14:22 No.221445XXX
    No, fuck Mexicans.

    Who REALLY sucks though? The shit bags who hire them so that they can get cheap labor and mistreat workers, knowing they can't complain. Enforce hiring laws and this whole issue would go away.

    Therefore, increasing police powers to fight it is just like the 'drug war' - a way to well, increase police powers.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:14:22 No.221445XXX
    What the fuck is up with these spick loving fags using /b as personal army?
    >> deleted 04/27/10(Tue)15:15:12 No.221445XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:15:22 No.221445XXX
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    Illegal aliens = NO RIGHTS!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:15:28 No.221445XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:15:30 No.221445XXX
    This is what happens when the racist republicans are in charge. The republican party is an enemy of the state.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:15:31 No.221445XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:15:49 No.221445XXX

    >Implying that is going to happen.

    Slippery slope arguments are FUN!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:16:04 No.221445XXX
    Hang Joe Arpaio, and send all the wetbacks south of the border for good..
    >> /b is fucking racist 04/27/10(Tue)15:16:09 No.221445XXX
    Fuck burrito eating coke dealing beaners
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:16:16 No.221446XXX
    ITT: a drivers license counts as "papers." It's easy to not be illegal you spick lover.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:16:30 No.221446XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:16:43 No.221446XXX
    except this isn't happening unless they're trying to break into a place or something, but nice try on the fear mongering.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:16:59 No.221446XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:17:04 No.221446XXX
    I love Arizona for this more states should follow this kind of action. Fuck you OP and your filthy illegal wet back relatives.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:17:06 No.221446XXX
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    Poor unlawful immigrants, it's a shame the destitute of the whole world don't have a chance to consume tens of thousands of dollars of American social support, or have citizen children while not attempting to incorporate.

    Fuck them in the ass, all day, and hard.

    America was built by immigrants? That's damn right, and we're strong because of it, because different people came together, were told "learn english" then got to work, they didn't spread by cultural saturation seep across a border.

    Stand by for similar laws in the other states that actually have to deal with this problem.

    Unlike you nasty individuals hundreds or thousands of miles away, with no real stake in the issue except your own bleeding heart.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:17:32 No.221446XXX
    the spic loving fags are spics, and the personal army thing is probably going to backfire.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:17:37 No.221446XXX

    but what you fail to realize, even though i dont agree with the law that much either, that if they pull over a citizen for that reason and they're not illegal the department can be sued for racial profiling
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:17:52 No.221446XXX
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    >ITT: a drivers license counts as "papers." It's easy to not be illegal you spick lover.
    >counts as "papers." It's easy to not be illegal you spick lover.
    >It's easy to not be illegal you spick lover.
    >illegal you spick lover.
    >spick lover.

    But anyway. I agree with you, however, the drivers license is NOT legal proof of citizenship.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:17:57 No.221446XXX
    This racism is the dedicated work of State Sen. Russell Pearce.

    Pearce, a former sheriff's deputy was wounded by a gang member (connect the dot: he's said he thinks the Mexican gangs are really big). More tragically, his son, a sheriff's deputy, was severely wounded by an illegal immigrant (connect another dot). This man has hijacked the state legislative process the same as Sheriff Joe has self-interpreted state law for HIS county's enforcement (more precisely those laws (by Pearce) that will most likely perpetuate Joe's legendary status as the world's toughest sheriff on immigration)

    The intent of this law and all others by Pearce is purely mean-spirited, angry, & vengeful. Perhaps a boycott would work.

    Or, as an alternative it would make sense to challenge the fairness of any law that would provide for offically validating the "legitimacy" of only browned-skinned people. I think us lily-whites (especially the one's with the red-white & blue blood) are just as entitled to be treated this way, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:18:32 No.221446XXX
    it's bad enough we have a coon for president, you want a wetback too? wtf is wrong with you!?!?! that would make our country turn into an even bigger disaster, with wetbacks running everything, the government would go bankrupt with welfare cases skyrocketing due to all the wetbacks coming across the border in even bigger numbers
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:18:33 No.221446XXX
    Let's kick the illegals out starting alphabetically.

    Alabama: No
    Alaska: No
    Arizona: Okay

    God bless Arizona!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:18:49 No.221446XXX
    Hopefully many of the illegals will be sent back to spixaco.

    With our economy being what it is we don't need people willing to work $18 per hour jobs for $8 per hour coming here in mass.

    Send them back to Mexico and let them apply for citizenship like everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:18:58 No.221446XXX
    Nobody cares moralfag
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:18:58 No.221446XXX
    Shut the fuck up OP. Let the filthy spics rot in their shitty ass country. Nobody wants there dirty asses here and I sure as fuck don't want to pay for them with my tax dollars. They are called ILLEGALS for a reason ass pie. Fuck IMO we should shoot them in their taco eating faces as the cross the boarder
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:19:01 No.221446XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:19:12 No.221446XXX
    not OP but i have wetback relatives and i dont care what happens to them. i have my citizenship and i'm ok with this law.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:19:14 No.221446XXX
    Hey man, go to Japan and *try* to live there illegally. In Japan they can detain you for over a month with no lawyer, beat you, and force you to sign confessions. Are you going to boycott them?

    Or what about China which regularly detains suspected North Koreans and deports them to North Korea knowing full well they will be executed. Are you going to boycott China?

    And if you are from South America and try to live illegally in Mexico they won't deprot you they will probably torture and kill you. Are you going to boycott Mexico?!

    I bet not.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:19:23 No.221446XXX
    so why are we boycotting AZ im about to move there. why is it a problem that there cracking down on illegal imagrents?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:19:40 No.221446XXX
    This isn't about spics, this is about the abuse of power and the legalization of racial profiling.
    If you look even remotely hispanic or latino, it will be legal for a police officer to stop you. And if you aren't illegal and have a police record, you're going to jail. They can stop you and then arrest you for something unrelated to the reason they stopped you in the first place.
    >> ⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠ 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:01 No.221446XXX
    so there is no raid after all? :'(
    no lulz
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:02 No.221446XXX
    Are you really trying to justify racism by saying that other people are bad, too? Maybe we should focus on Arizona because we expect more from America than from China when it comes to human rights and democracy? After all it's difficult to confront other countries bad behavior if you're violating human rights as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:03 No.221446XXX

    >Implying having your family attacked by spic gangs isn't more than enough reason to suddenly decide to go on a crusade against illegal spics.

    Next time someone makes a "Chelsea's Law" or whatever stupid child rapist nonsense I'll call you up for idiotic arguments against it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:07 No.221446XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:10 No.221446XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:11 No.221446XXX
    My God!!! Why are the FENDIPPITOUS EGG MEN upon me now...!?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:15 No.221446XXX
    i get the feeling you are some nerd with republican parents, and you are only racist because it makes you feel different and badass like the rest of /b/.
    also LOL at how much fail america is.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:19 No.221447XXX
    i think it will be awsome... i will have to deal with less minorities
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:25 No.221447XXX
    Also, the fact that you believe most republicans are radical racists is mighty funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:44 No.221447XXX
    Thank god for honest men who care about the future of our country. "We" can only sustain so many free-loading mexicans before the whole system goes bust and the US ends up like Mexico.

    Deport the illegals and shoot their white sympathizers!!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:46 No.221447XXX
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    >If you look even remotely hispanic or latino, it will be legal for a police officer to stop you.

    No it will not.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:47 No.221447XXX
    ITT, minorities getting butthurt
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:20:56 No.221447XXX
    We would but everyone in the world would be all butthurt calling America a world police.
    Oh wait, you already do that.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:21:31 No.221447XXX
    Yes it will.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:21:35 No.221447XXX
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    WHO CARES!!!! just kill the spics, they don't have rights anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:21:53 No.221447XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:21:59 No.221447XXX
    please sages this bullshit, i come here to be thoroughly disgusted by the internet, not disappointed by the real world.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:22:09 No.221447XXX

    How's the fear mongering business. Treating you well I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:22:25 No.221447XXX
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    i live in arizona and i love this new bill

    this state is the worst off with illegals and we are only doing this to make sure only people who are ALLOWED here are here, we're not racist, it's the same thing that florida wanted done years ago about the cubans but they never got the bill passed, so is flordia suddenly racist too? no, they just dont want people who dont belong not to be here, i am a WHITE AMERICAN BORN man and i've been stopped while walking down the street by cops who put up new toll style booths that require you to show ID on the sidewalk and from your car, it's not racism, they are doing it for everyone
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:22:41 No.221447XXX
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    >legalize racial profiling

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:22:49 No.221447XXX
    Pretty much, /b/ is full of Internet tough guy pussies who talk a lot of shit and doesn't afraid of anything. Who didn't know this?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:22:52 No.221447XXX

    Move to the South so we can send Sherman through again. Civil war? I'm down to shoot ignorant hick fucks all day.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:22:53 No.221447XXX
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    You're not making any sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:22:54 No.221447XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:23:14 No.221447XXX
    Dear OP. you make a good point, but you are talking to /b/

    a largely conservative imageboard of people who like being racists (only on the internet though) like pictures of mutilated cats, children and women, like watching videos of women being raped, and of course like CP.

    /b/ is too dumb to have a proper opinion on this so its mostly just going to be those conservatives trying to act like hardasses on the internet. Though your cause is just, take it elsewhere, nobody here is smart enough to do anything about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:23:14 No.221447XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:23:21 No.221447XXX

    That actually is illegal, though. "Stop and identify" laws were declared unconstitutional.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:23:23 No.221447XXX
    fuckin spics
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:23:24 No.221447XXX
    I think this law should pass. If you have papers to show to the police then you have nothing to worry about. And don't argue about racial profiling because this shit has been going on way before this arizona bill. Fucking illegal wetbacks! Get the fuck out of the country!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:23:32 No.221447XXX
    "THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
    THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
    THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
    THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics,
    and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
    THEN THEY CAME for me
    and by that time no one was left to speak up."
    - Martin Niemoller

    So...AZ has started with Latinos.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:23:32 No.221447XXX
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    Hell niggers cause most of the crime in this country. Why not detain any nigger that the police sees and ask them for their police record?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:23:52 No.221447XXX
    like the average /b/ tard has the balls to say anything to a black dude or a mexican
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:24:16 No.221447XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:24:21 No.221448XXX

    We should kill all the communists, anarchists, libertarians, drug users, off shoring companies, lazy people, and sell outs.

    I firmly believe this.

    America is failing....and it's failing because Americans have become failures and refuse to look in the mirror. We need to go hard and TRUE right....and that has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat or race.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:24:23 No.221448XXX
    >Illegals and naive college douches getting butthurt.
    fixed that for ya.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:24:30 No.221448XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:24:59 No.221448XXX
    Illegals are ILLEGAL. Fucking retards. THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE.

    Most illegals are hispanic. That is not the fault of the law, and it doesn't make enforcing the law a somehow racist act.

    Good work, Arizona.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:25:07 No.221448XXX
    nigger mexicans
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:25:09 No.221448XXX
    How about if you misplaced your papers or their computer system malfunctions and you get labeled an Illegal? Is this the kind of America you want to live in?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:25:36 No.221448XXX

    Implying ignorant fucks only live in the South.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:25:40 No.221448XXX
    Make them carry identification at all times. Isn't that what the Nazi's made the Jews do

    Wait a minute :))))
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:25:49 No.221448XXX

    Not going to happen, cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:26:17 No.221448XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:26:31 No.221448XXX
    Really? you trust the Government that much?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:26:31 No.221448XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:26:37 No.221448XXX

    You already have to carry photo ID on you. Nothing new about that. This just enforces what the spineless federal government is ignoring.

    Fucking spic caucus.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:26:46 No.221448XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:26:50 No.221448XXX

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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:27:08 No.221448XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:27:09 No.221448XXX
    A law student that should maybe read the law.....
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:27:12 No.221448XXX

    GTFO with that shit. It's know different than having your license on you at all times, or car insurance. So how is it that one more thing gets left behind?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:27:16 No.221448XXX
    Wow making something illegal illegal what a novel idea fucking douchbag liberal
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:27:31 No.221448XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:27:48 No.221448XXX
    go to dmv, get a id card or dl, and you're golden. send the leeches back to mexico
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:27:51 No.221448XXX
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    They didn't come for anyone who was not already illegal from the get go.

    So...AZ has started, and will end, with the Illegals.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:03 No.221448XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:14 No.221449XXX
    In 100% agreement. Born and raised in an Arizonan bordertown and my family is still there. In fact, they've been there for generations on both sides of the border going back and forth freely since before the Gadsen Purchase divided us in half.

    My Mexican immigrant parents have been citizens for a long time and now they live in a militarized zone, with electronic monitoring balloons right outside their home. My sister married a Mexican and now has tremendous difficulties crossing. To leave town northward on the U.S. side, there are border patrol roadblocks, and now with this law, when they get past those, they now expect to be pulled over constantly due to their color and accent. I was considering moving back to Arizona, but no more.

    The situation is horrible there. It is so easy for a white monolingual native born citizen to be self righteous, but believe me, if you're genuinely concerned about growing fascism in America, you'd be protesting in the streets against this. It's the height of hypocrisy to complain about growing government imposition and then support this. It makes one wonder about true motives.

    What Arizona is effectively doing is a form of legalized ethnic cleansing. Make it so bad and unbearable for non-whites that they have no choice but to leave an area they've been in for centuries. I fully expect that the state will be sued soon for this violation of Equal Protection. It's a matter of time...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:16 No.221449XXX
    >WHO CARES!!!! just kill the spics, they don't have rights anyway

    They DO have rights.
    But being here illegally isn't one of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:23 No.221449XXX

    I did and it invites the fabrication of probable cause. Something conservatard police already have a problem with enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:28 No.221449XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:35 No.221449XXX
    And if you lose your driver's license you're not allowed to drive OH THE HORROR... Wait we already have that, and you can just get a new one.

    Though I suppose if an illegal spic loses his fake papers they're not so easy to replace, so I kinda understand your point, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:41 No.221449XXX
    send the fuckers back where they came from. They cost too much for Americans to support. And taking jobs Americans WOULD take in these rough times. Fuck 'em. If they want to raise Mexican flags above American ones, not bother to learn English, and believe in Mexican supremacy "la raza"... they should be shot at. Send them fuckin' back to the hell hole they came from.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:41 No.221449XXX
    how about you just take it one tiny step further, and kill all of america for the betterment of man kind. thats pretty much what you would already be doing.

    good thing wack jobs like you are never taken seriously LOL.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:45 No.221449XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:52 No.221449XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:54 No.221449XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:55 No.221449XXX
    ITT: op is a butthurt mexican faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:28:56 No.221449XXX
         File1272396536.jpg-(12 KB, 128x128, 1272330796455.jpg)
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    Pnåååååårp, nåarp, nåarp, nåarp!!!!!!!

    Pnåaåaåaåaåaåaåaåarp nååååårp nååååårp nååååårp nååååårp!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:29:01 No.221449XXX

    Navigation to the webpage was canceled

    What you can try:
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:29:14 No.221449XXX
    Instead of deporting them they should just kill the dirty beaners
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:29:16 No.221449XXX
    So I'm with you on how bad this proposed legislation is and the damage the Sheriff Arpaio and AZ Republicans are doing to the state. You lose me at this boycott thing. Sure, I might be biased, I am an Arizonan, but hear me out.

    First, how do you even boycott a state outside of travel or hoping the Phoenix Coyotes lose in the NHL playoffs? Your call to action doesn't make sense. If you are looking at bringing negative attention to Arpaio and the Republicans, that doesn't seem to work either; they eat it up.

    Second, even if you could boycott the state, you wouldn't really be hurting anybody but those people who you are outraged for by proxy. It is the people working low paying jobs that are getting harassed by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office that would feel any effect.

    What Arizona needs is a Democratic Governor to veto this kind of legislation, and luckily we have a great candidate in Attorney General Terry Goddard.

    We aren't going to change anything by just talking about it, or by coming up with some fantasy-land boycott idea. Then again, this comment is from Arizona, so it's probably already boycotted.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:29:33 No.221449XXX
    What gives these ILLEGAL immigrants the RIGHTS to say here. They're here ILLEGALLY!!! They have no rights under the constitution. They're a drain on the economy. Hell yeah Arizona! Fight the good fight!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:29:41 No.221449XXX

    Illegal non-citizens don't have "equal protection" of any sort. That is only afforded to citizens of the U.S.

    Your argument is invalid, please, MOVE THE FUCK OUT of this great country. Stupid spic.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:29:43 No.221449XXX
    I wonder if OP has ever been out o f the U.S because i have and everywhere Ive been they check passports and papers at all hotels and if a cop sees you on the street. It is time for your pussies to grow up you want to be so much like the EU then here is a good start. Learn to travel more.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:29:57 No.221449XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:29:59 No.221449XXX
    Illegals aren't that big of a problem n America.
    They're the fucking backbone of the American economy.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:30:18 No.221449XXX
    This law gives no extra powers to police. They can only ask about immigration status during a "lawful encounter" ie they cant stop you cause you look mexican, chinese, korean, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:30:25 No.221449XXX
    Asking illegals if they are illegal, what a concept.

    We should all pay more taxes to support illegals on welfare, healthcare, etc
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:30:32 No.221449XXX
    doesnt know how to use ITT

    get the fuck out newguy
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:30:32 No.221449XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:30:34 No.221449XXX
    wrong, a licence is all you need, and if you do get arrested for driving without a licence, which would happen reguardless of weather or not this bill passed because keeping licence with you while you drive is a law, they would look your info up and see your legal through birth cirtificate etc
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:30:41 No.221449XXX

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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:30:55 No.221449XXX
    you are right. but it doesnt matter because you are on /b/ and you are about to get a landslide of shitty propaganda. i hope you're ready.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:30:58 No.221449XXX
    So, if its that hard on people, like illegals, why don't they do something about it? Like try to become an american citizen in some way other than popping out a baby on american soil?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:01 No.221449XXX
    LMAO you are a fuckin idot
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:04 No.221449XXX
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    fuck your dick shittery OP we should be doing anything we can do to make other countries and their people miserable. gtfo /b/ with your moralfaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:06 No.221449XXX
    Well I don't care I'm white
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:12 No.221449XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:18 No.221449XXX
    Mexicans can kiss my white Puerto Rican ass. I don't support the illegals. Tell them to come back knowing and loving the Constitution. Tell them to come back knowing English and being documented and screened.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:18 No.221449XXX
    this law is legit and if anyone has a problem GO FUCK YOURSELFS
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:29 No.221449XXX
    Arizona is looking like a nice place this time of year, I think I'll take a vacation there and stimulate the economy.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:37 No.221449XXX
    You mean under cutting union workers and land scaping? YEAH BACK BONE OF THE ECONOMY!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:40 No.221449XXX
    I'm from arizona, I am a mexican American, And I approve of this law. Illegals not only hurt the state, but they make us Legal American/mexican citizens look bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:40 No.221449XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:40 No.221449XXX
    If you are an a illegal immigrant you are breaking the law. I have no sympathy.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:44 No.221449XXX
    Yes, let's make Arizona the official racist state. All the racists can move there and hate to their heart's content.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:31:54 No.221450XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:32:00 No.221450XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:32:10 No.221450XXX
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    I'm an idot?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:32:10 No.221450XXX
    This law is a waste of police manpower. We already have agencies in place for this, up their budgets and employ more people if you want to crack down, or better yet, don't create NAFTA that puts 1.5 million of them out of work so they FUCKING COME HERE.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:32:16 No.221450XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:32:35 No.221450XXX
    I have lived in Arizona for 23 years and it keeps getting worse.I really dislike living here, but moving is not that simple. We can't sell our houses because our economy is SO bad. I would leave if I could, believe me. It's too bad that so many conservative Republicans moved into the state.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:32:56 No.221450XXX
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    I fucking love AZ. Fuck all illegal wet backs. Shit licking turn holes. Fuck you, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:33:11 No.221450XXX
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    I salute Arizona fuck the wetbacks
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:33:34 No.221450XXX
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    OP, if you'd just knock off all of your bullshit and start being White none of this would be necessary.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:33:40 No.221450XXX
    The issue here is not illegal immigration. The issue is that police officers and Joe's boys are being encouraged to stop brown people and demand their papers. Have you ever left your house without your wallet? I have, but luckily I'm not hispanic, and even better, I don't have an accent.

    There are a lot of completely legal people in this state who had better make certain to NEVER leave their house without their ID.

    Save the "let them in/don't let them" in debate for another time. THIS is only about the method, and this method is disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:33:42 No.221450XXX
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    I'm from Buenos Aries, and I say, KILL EM ALL!!

    The illegals, that is, not Arizona.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:33:54 No.221450XXX
    Look at that white trash.
    These pieces of shit probably live in a trailer park and live on your taxes.
    At least Mexicans have the balls to work for a few bucks a day.
    >> # 2 04/27/10(Tue)15:34:03 No.221450XXX
    I fucking love AZ. Fuck all illegal wet backs. Shit licking turn holes. Fuck you, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:34:05 No.221450XXX
    > It's too bad that so many conservative Republicans moved into the state.

    What a fukken moron! clueless
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:34:06 No.221450XXX
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    good, i hope they profile the shit out of these fuckers. STOP DRAINING OUR RESOURCES!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:34:14 No.221450XXX
    This IS racial profiling. Do you think cops are going to stop and say "Hmmm we better go and talk to that guy, I think he may be an illegal Canadian"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:34:31 No.221450XXX
    I wish I could move too. Fucking wetbacks with their Tejano music and pansy gangs. I used to love ignoring them when I worked at subway because they spoke spanish to me.
    >> # 3 04/27/10(Tue)15:34:48 No.221450XXX
    I fucking love AZ. Fuck all illegal wet backs. Shit licking turn hole. Fuck you, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:35:01 No.221450XXX
    Being a wage slave employed to undercut the unemployed American citizen and drive wages down is not a good thing.

    Try again ILLEGAL / corrupt business owner.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:35:27 No.221450XXX
    nobody gives a shit about arizona to begin with. now you've just filtered the intelligent people and retards OP.


    intelligent people: fuck arizona.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:35:37 No.221451XXX
    My cousin is a maricopa cop
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:35:41 No.221451XXX
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    No, because canadians don't steal shit and smuggle drugs, so who cares if there's illegal canadians.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:35:51 No.221451XXX

    In Michigan if they could manage to push this law through with all the fucking liberal faggotry there, yeah they would.

    You are also a stupid cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:35:52 No.221451XXX

    Here's a site to follow the boycott:



    Boycott everything!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:35:55 No.221451XXX
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    Ihre papiere, bitte
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:35:56 No.221451XXX
    On behalf of Europe I'd like to say that we are all laughing out loud at you crazy Americunts and your strange federal republic system.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:36:01 No.221451XXX
    Congrats. Want me to suck you off for betraying your spic brothers?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:36:05 No.221451XXX
    All wetbacks should boycot Arizona by moving back to Mexico, thus making the rest of the country much safer and happier.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:36:06 No.221451XXX
    Arizona sucks but it's about damn time someone did something about the spics they're worse then the niggers and there's way more of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:36:20 No.221451XXX
    ITT: more proof of how stupid americans are.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:36:29 No.221451XXX
    Agreed. Don't buy anything from a company or individual in Arizona. Don't travel to Arizona. If you're a consultant like me, don't work in Arizona. Don't attend a conference or meeting in Arizona. Don't watch any kind of sports featuring an Arizona team.
    Shut the state down!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:36:33 No.221451XXX
    It is not a matter of racial profiling. If someone is pulled over or stopped for a suspicious reason and does not have identification then they proceed to find out if you are undocumented or not. This law is now changing what used to happen in Arizona. Most illegal immigrants would be put in jail then released back into Arizona without any punishment. How about trying to live in a state were illegals are coming across the border and committing crimes and then are immune to our legal system because they have come across illegally. I live in Arizona. I support this new law, and furthermore I have no problem with legal immigration.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:36:46 No.221451XXX
    LOL at the idea that illegals are draining our resources.
    Whites make up a large majority of those on welfare.

    Illegals can't even get welfare, they're not even citizens.
    They can't legally own a vehicle, they can't have insurance. They fucking ride buses and bicycles. What resources are they wasting exactly?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:36:53 No.221451XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:37:11 No.221451XXX
    The problem is that everyone's rights will be violated, and this affects more than just the "illegals". I can be arrested if they pull me over and I don't have my "paperwork", whatever that is, and I'm a U.S. citizen. They also need no probable cause. On top of this we have an overzealous sheriff who likes to grandstand and make a name for himself. He happens to be under investigation right now for his behavior in arresting illegals. I'm caucasion and I'm afraid of him and the sheriffs who roam my neighborhood looking for people to arrest. I've seen many Mexican workers lined up on hot sideswalks with their hands tied behind their backs. I'm sure they were employed as day laborers for many of the builders in my neighborhood. The employers are the people they should go after! I think it's terrible to treat U.S. citizens this way. I cannot wait to get out of this state!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:37:15 No.221451XXX
    ITT:white people on unemployment complaining about others draining resources.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:37:28 No.221451XXX
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    Seriously, every hispanic nation is total shit. Every section of the USA that is majority hispanic is total shit. You do the math......

    America has enough nonwhites as is, do we REALLY want to become a racial minority in our own nation?? Why?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:37:32 No.221451XXX
    hey now don't get rid of the illegals then i will have to murder regular people and i will prolly get caught
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:37:42 No.221451XXX
    but do you newfags know who that spooijwanker is....?!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:37:42 No.221451XXX
    I am an Arizona cop and I have already stopped two illegal Germans and one illegal Canadian.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:37:45 No.221451XXX
    It's not about the ILLEGALs rights -- it's about the CITIZENs rights. AZ has just implemented a 21st century Gestapo.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:37:51 No.221451XXX

    Their anchor babies do. Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:38:23 No.221451XXX
    You dont understand the law. they cant stop people for being any race or looking a certain way. it has to be "lawful contact". ie speeding ticket, drunk in public, or some other police action.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:38:25 No.221451XXX
    I worked for the Diamondbacks and know most of the crowd is Latino, I hope they stop coming. I had a store in Jerome and moved to Oregon never to return
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:38:29 No.221451XXX
    Fantastic and no one here gives a shit about you or where you're from .
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:38:32 No.221451XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:38:34 No.221451XXX

    Shame the law isn't into effect yet, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:38:35 No.221451XXX
    Nothing is new, the bill signed simply enforces a law that already existed.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:38:53 No.221451XXX

    You really believe that illegals don't get welfare?

    Are you RETARDED???
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:38:59 No.221451XXX
    The most effective Boycott of Arizona should come from MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL. Most MLB teams have a very high percentage players of Latin descent. I can't wait for some ill-advised law enforcement officer to pull over a team bus and ask for "papers". MLB teams should immediately refuse to play home games against the Arizona Diamondbacks in Arizona. Players of Latin heritage should refuse to take the field in Arizona. Their teammates should support them and likewise refuse to play in Arizona to show their solidarity. The players union should go public with a statement that Arizona is a non-friendly environment for MLB. Teams should immediately notify Arizona of their intent to disband the Cactus League Spring Training Camps and relocate to another state without onerous racist laws that profile players of Latin descent.
    Economics is the only way to get the attention of politicians. A MLB Boycott will hit the pocketbooks of Arizona politicians and perhaps awaken the citizenry of the stupidity of their elected leaders. It will also tie America's passtime to a critical American Policy debate thereby elevating the profile of the issue.
    Nothing is MORE American than baseball, and guess who the BEST baseball players are...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:39:03 No.221451XXX
    you mother fucking trader... why are you stopipng white people you fucking pig
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:39:22 No.221452XXX
    Would've been easier to just make a law where everyone could shoot them on site. Bullets are cheap.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:39:32 No.221452XXX
    >They also need no probable cause
    You clearly are ill informed.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:39:33 No.221452XXX

    >Look at that white trash.
    >These pieces of shit probably live in a trailer park and live on your taxes.
    >At least Mexicans have the balls to work for a few bucks a day.

    And that changes "ILLEGAL" how?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:39:56 No.221452XXX
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    Fuck no. Let's make another thread and organize a massive counter-boycott just to troll those faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:39:57 No.221452XXX
    Oh horse shit! You don't even know what the fuck you are talking about.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:40:00 No.221452XXX
    Agreed; we must not become what we despise… what we have is an illegal employer problem and a corporate greed problem. Since the early eighties I’ve seen the invasion of American corporation polluting our lands, streams and wildlife. I have seen first hand how farmers struggle to make a living and head north when things get desperate.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:40:00 No.221452XXX
    Cop - for or against prohibition?!
    >> sage 04/27/10(Tue)15:40:37 No.221452XXX
    lol, OP gets his news from Huffpo
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:40:39 No.221452XXX
    Throw the stupid niggers back over the fence!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:40:44 No.221452XXX
    not samefag, but ive never heard of illegals getting welfare.
    you are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:40:52 No.221452XXX
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    This thread has proven that /b/ is full of sheep and allow the government to pass any law until eventually the only people left are powerless, spineless worms like yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:40:53 No.221452XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:41:13 No.221452XXX
    So what you're saying is, we're finally doing what we should've been all along...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:41:23 No.221452XXX
    ITT: spics bawwww about laws in a country they illegally invaded.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:41:30 No.221452XXX

    Hilarity ensues when the people in California realize that the DWP and SoCal Ed get their power from over the boarder since it's cheaper to buy their coal energy then actually make some of our own.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:41:36 No.221452XXX
    It's impossible for them to get welfare.
    You need to be a citizen in the first place.
    Explain that one, smart-ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:41:52 No.221452XXX
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    Because you don't live in a border state derp derp
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:00 No.221452XXX

    I wasn't very clear. Over the boarder meaning Arizona. x.x...
    >> Boycott Arizona Now! Boycott-Arizona-Now! !XsMCukLyog 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:05 No.221452XXX
    List of Arizona companies includes notable companies that are, or once were, headquartered in Arizona.
    ▪Air Evac (airline)
    ▪Allied Waste Industries
    ▪Amkor Technology
    ▪Apollo Group
    ▪Arizona Public Service
    ▪Arizona Republic
    ▪Banner Health Systems
    ▪Bashas' Supermarkets
    ▪Best Western
    ▪CSK Auto
    ▪Cold Stone Creamery
    ▪CyraCom International
    ▪Cactus Candy Company
    ▪Database Systems Corp.
    ▪ Dial Corporation
    ▪Discount Tire Company
    ▪eFunds Corporation
    ▪Elixir Interactive
    ▪Fender Musical Instruments
    ▪First Solar
    ▪Freeport-McMoRan(Phelps Dodge)
    ▪Fry's Food and Drug, a division of Kroger
    ▪Fulton Homes
    ▪Food City
    ▪Giant Industries
    ▪Go Daddy
    ▪Grand Canyon Airlines
    ▪Harkins Theatres
    ▪Honeywell Aerospace
    ▪Insight Enterprises
    ▪JDA Software Group
    ▪Knight Transportation
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:11 No.221452XXX


    And they do get welfare.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:32 No.221452XXX
    lol, u mad?
    >> ⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠ 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:32 No.221452XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:34 No.221452XXX

    Again I say, spic lover. Anchor babies are citizens and can receive social security and welfare.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:39 No.221452XXX
    >> Boycott Arizona Now! Boycott-Arizona-Now! !XsMCukLyog 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:44 No.221452XXX

    ▪Main Street Restaurant Group
    ▪Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
    ▪Meritage Homes
    ▪Mesa Airlines
    ▪Microchip Technology
    ▪Mobile Mini
    ▪Motorsports Authentics
    ▪ON Semiconductor
    ▪Peter Piper Pizza
    ▪Ping Golf / Karsten Manufacturing
    ▪Pinnacle West Capital Corporation
    ▪P.F. Chang's China Bistro
    ▪Poore Brothers
    ▪Republic Services
    ▪RSC Equipment Rental
    ▪RotorWay International
    ▪Salt River Project
    ▪Sierra Pacific Airlines
    ▪Shamrock Foods
    ▪Sunstate Equipment Co.
    ▪SuperShuttle International Inc.
    ▪Swift Air
    ▪Swift Transportation
    ▪Taco Time
    ▪TASER International
    ▪Tilted Kilt
    ▪Troon Golf
    ▪US Airways
    ▪USF Bestway
    ▪U.S. Machineries LC
    ▪Unisource Energy
    ▪Viad Corporation
    ▪Voiance Language Services
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:46 No.221452XXX
    Being a Democrat in this state is like living in a house full of only retards
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:48 No.221452XXX

    Maybe not welfare but they have the right to medical care the same as everyone else if they go to an emergency room. Nobody checks citizenship and when you leave without paying you're talking billions upon billions of dollars and a massive strain on our already fucked health insurance system.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:50 No.221452XXX
    Aah...... What do the "FENDIPPITOUS" EGGMEN want from us...?!?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:42:51 No.221452XXX

    I need a list of businesses I can frequent as a reward for operating in a state that passed such a widely popular law and I mean NOW!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:43:08 No.221453XXX
    I don't understand what's so racist about keeping illegal immigrants out of the country.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:43:09 No.221453XXX
    I will buy stock in all of those companies just to screw all you stupid spics.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:43:14 No.221453XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:43:18 No.221453XXX
    Here in Massachusetts (You know, the liberal "Mecca") you can be stopped at any time, anywhere, for any reason, or for no reason, and asked to show ID.

    How is this really different in Arizona?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:43:27 No.221453XXX
    AZ is a shit hole
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:43:38 No.221453XXX

    I can't believe I am talking to someone as stupid as you.

    The system is flawed and imperfect you retard. It obviously isn't impossible because it happens all the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:43:56 No.221453XXX
    Stolen ss numbers jackass.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:05 No.221453XXX
    But they don't.
    White Americans are the majority in those who receive welfare checks.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:16 No.221453XXX
    All I have to say is that is....

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:19 No.221453XXX
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    Haha, I am sitting in the Mesa Community College Cafe right now. I agree though, this entire place is a shit hole. I thought I was moving to an uninhabitable desert, not a fucking pig sty.
    >> Hey OP Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:25 No.221453XXX
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    I live in Arizona... I've been looking for a job for over 2 years, and believe me when I tell you... YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED!!! There are way to many illegals here taking jobs from citizens because they work for $2.00 an hour and the GOVERNMENT wont allow Citizens to work for less then $7.25 unless you are getting tips. So take your "Arizona is Racist" then think about it, warm climate, old people, lots of old war veterans, meaning lots of Racism then realize... You, sir, should shut the fuck up
    >> Tri-5 Chevy !o4.uogBN/s 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:33 No.221453XXX
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    Hell Yes, I'm sorry but i love AZ and plan on moving there within the year! and I couldnt be happier about the new laws! Its not that I hate mexicans ( I do but its not what this is about) I just cant stand Illegal's of ANY race or religion... Even me, I'm irish and I know that hundreds of thousands of irish every year come here illegally and that buts me.

    So any state that passes illegal immigration laws I am all for!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:34 No.221453XXX

    1) Those companies had nothing to do with this...most of them probably employ illegal wetbacks

    2) You are a fucking faggot, bro
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:37 No.221453XXX
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    In liberal border states, they do this thing called "sanctuary", where they basically provide welfare, drivers licenses, and protection from deportation to any retarded beaner who can make it past the mean old border patrol. Thank GOD we just got a new mayor who removed our fucking city's sanctuary status. Arizona actually has the balls to do what is necessary, anyone that has a problem with it is a tremendous moralfag and also just stupider than fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:41 No.221453XXX
    >Most illegal immigrants would be put in jail then released back into Arizona without any punishment they wouldn't. they get sent to deportation centers you idiot.
    If you knew anything about this law is it allows(actually forces) cops to go outside and check any "suspicious people" beyond previous law infraction.
    Before you could only check a status if someone was pulled over or a crime was commited. Now a cop can simply walk up to anyone and demand to see papers.
    And the people are able to see the government if they think an individual cop didn't investigate someone they should have. This will target only mexicans and belive it or not they are not the only illegals. There are illegal immigrants from all over the world. No cop is going to look at a white person and say "They look suspicious, I wonder if they are canadian illegals"
    whites/blacks/brown...doesn't matter illegals are illegals. This will only target ONE race. It is unconstitutional
    >> bobo 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:42 No.221453XXX
    They pick up the welfare check for their american born beaners, go to the bodega, cash it and buy beans and beer.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:45 No.221453XXX
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    >Illegals can't get welfare
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:44:51 No.221453XXX
    >>Mexicans deserve special treatment. We don't need to follow the law like everyone else.

    Hispanic nationalism is on the rise. and the level of ignorance follows it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:02 No.221453XXX

    Good, we needed the Supreme Court to squabble over even more bullshit that should be common sense.

    Well done America.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:07 No.221453XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:08 No.221453XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:09 No.221453XXX
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    I think I want to buy a few hundred thousand acres in AZ just to piss off the beaners.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:23 No.221453XXX
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    No. Back that up with reputable sources. Oh that's right. You can't.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:31 No.221453XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:32 No.221453XXX
    good thing i don't GIVE A SHIT about any of those companies
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:38 No.221453XXX
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    You people are fucking dumb if you think the police are going to be raiding home depot. The law was passed to cut the red tape when some one was arrested, and the fucking police had to wait for la migra. If you got get caught doing stupid shit, the police now can see if your a citizen, big fucking deal. Its a fucking double standard, in mexico they practically torture illegal aliens from Gautemala and they wanna bitch that we send their ass back to mexico when they get caught here.

    reference cited:
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:43 No.221453XXX
    i can see that as a valid argument.welfare though, thats a little off.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:50 No.221453XXX

    Biggest. Retard. On. The. Planet.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:45:53 No.221453XXX
    hey. fuck your shit OP.
    i live in Maricopa county and i STRONGLY support the new bill.
    go suck a fat bag of infested donkey dicks.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:46:07 No.221453XXX
    stop being a moralfag op!!! fuck beaners
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)15:46:07 No.221453XXX
    After this bill was signed, people realized their illegal relatives and friends might hafta go back. I know illegal people and I can honestly say they are only hurting the state/country. One guy owns a shop out in marana, where he sells drugs and smuggles people, I don't know how many time's I've called border patrol on him.

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