04/27/10(Tue)15:42:45 No. 221452XXX File1272397365.jpg -(892
KB, 2048x1003, who_owns_what_and_how.jpg ) Communism is like Christianity -
it doesn't work because no one's ever tried it. (Okay, save maybe one
guy we crucified, some fat guy in China, and diaper wearer in India...) There's
never been a Marxist government, anywhere. This is largely because the
phrase "Marxist Government" is an oxymoron. Marx wanted a dissolution of
government through a series of local, decentralized communes run by the
workers, hence the word "communism". What we *have* had, and
*call* communism, are oppressive, militaristic, totalitarian regimes.
Marx would be *spinning in his FUCKING grave* if he could hear
governments like Russia's, China's, or even Cuba's, called "Marxist". I'd
hate to tell you all this, but while Communism's never been tried -
oppressive, militaristic, totalitarian regimes have existed for
centuries, and some of those lasted for millennia (Egypt anyone?). No
pure free-market model society can claim that. Indeed, pure capitalism
is, by its very nature, so dog-eat-dog, that societies built on its
precepts rarely last more than a few decades. More often they become
oppressive, militaristic, totalitarian regimes, ruled by a few rich
nobles at the top, and thus stabilize. Thankfully that'll never
happen to us... Oh... wait... >_>