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  • File : 1272226024.jpg-(1.14 MB, 2208x1566, 1272077916387.jpg)
    1.14 MB Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)16:07:04 No.220727XXX  
    Anyone know the story behind this awesome picture?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)16:08:03 No.220727XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)16:08:29 No.220727XXX
         File1272226109.jpg-(171 KB, 887x1177, 1272168057471.jpg)
    171 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)16:10:08 No.220728XXX
    Interesting thanks
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)16:11:15 No.220728XXX
    A hoe slew of anons?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)16:12:10 No.220728XXX
    Wait so these guys live their whole lives wearing gas masks?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)16:12:16 No.220728XXX
    The German army used mustard gas against the British in 1917. Widespread panic caused most of the surrounding areas to take proactive steps to attempt to quell this threat
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)16:14:11 No.220729XXX
    are you my mummy?

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