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  • File : 1272162520.jpg-(158 KB, 800x600, cybermen.jpg)
    158 KB Daleks inferior to Cybermen Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:28:40 No.220471XXX  
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:29:20 No.220471XXX
    Kind of... god this is bad...but kind of agree...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:29:26 No.220471XXX
    why are there so many fendippitous eggmen...??
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:29:42 No.220471XXX
    "We will defeat you with ONE DALEK!"
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:29:52 No.220471XXX
    Daleks gonna Dalek.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:30:32 No.220471XXX
    Fuck off, Cybermen just need a good laser to the face. Daleks, on the other hand, can take what ever you throw at them, THEY FOUGHT TIME ITSELF, nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:30:40 No.220471XXX
    To be fair, Daleks exterminate, Cybermen DELETE, DELETE, DELETE.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:31:11 No.220471XXX
    Well, yea, now that they decided to make the Daleks multi-colored and gay. They're like the fucking power rangers.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:31:17 No.220471XXX
    This isn't war, this is pest control!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:33:09 No.220472XXX
    IRL, i'd probably be more scared of one of these fuckers coming at me. They're the sci-fi Zombies, only with Trigger as their controller! Whats more scary than Trig as a controller of a cybernetic death force!?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:33:27 No.220472XXX
         File1272162807.jpg-(65 KB, 800x600, Doctor Who epic.jpg)
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    I seem to remember shit tons of Cybermen getting their asses kicked by only 4 Daleks
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:34:28 No.220472XXX
    You would take on the cybermen with four daleks?
    We would defeat the cybermen with one dalek!

    Daleks have shields and enough knowledge to have a tough war against the goddamn TIMELORDS!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:34:50 No.220473XXX
         File1272162890.jpg-(37 KB, 400x378, Dalek_stairs.jpg)
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    I'm afraid the OP is right. Cybermen can walk on stairs, Daleks can't.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:34:59 No.220473XXX
    Want to see all the best tits the interwebs has to offer?
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    Added this week: Epic Win Girl Delivery Video!

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:35:23 No.220473XXX
    The cybermen are only superior to the daleks in one thing, that is to die.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:36:12 No.220473XXX
         File1272162972.jpg-(7 KB, 350x193, FlyingDaleks.jpg)
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    Bitches, we can fly now!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:36:16 No.220473XXX
    You can say the same thing vice versa.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:36:28 No.220473XXX
    they can fly
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:37:08 No.220473XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:37:35 No.220473XXX
    The daleks said that, not me
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:37:51 No.220473XXX
         File1272163071.jpg-(23 KB, 431x300, the-master.jpg)
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    aren't you guys forgetting about someone?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:39:03 No.220474XXX
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    OP here, surely the Cybermen are winning this one, firstly from just being that classic sci-fi concept of metal men, secondly for being the better Borg than Borg, thirdly, they have two laser guns per unit and they actually have hands, instead of one plunger and one laser. That, and well, their only weakness is gold dust, and WE'RE IN A FUCKING RECESSION!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:40:00 No.220474XXX
         File1272163200.jpg-(27 KB, 297x400, master1.jpg)
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    tut tut, John Simm needed a beard...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:41:05 No.220474XXX
    So what's a Dalek's weakness?
    Also cybermen die to lasers
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:41:13 No.220474XXX
         File1272163273.jpg-(37 KB, 500x400, TheMaster.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:41:42 No.220475XXX
    Here come the drums!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:42:57 No.220475XXX
    I wonder how they are enjoying the void
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:43:30 No.220475XXX
    There's currently about 10 of them.
    Plus their reliance on logic and machinery is also a strategic weakness which they recognise. Many a time have they fallen prey to assuming other worlds will have enough energy to draw upon for their metal harness.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:45:24 No.220476XXX
    I don't know if it was bad writing or just overly-hammy acting, but I never bought him as a villain.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:46:36 No.220476XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:48:47 No.220477XXX
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    OP again; Wasn't that literally the most cringeworthy moment in Who History, when they started playing rogue traders? FUCK ME. Still, great pay off with Tim Dalton taking the role of Rathalon to reprogram the masters mind to bring have a buring desire to bring the Time Lords out of the bubble.
    Also, Master wins to be fair, who thinks of bombing a planet WITH ANOTHER FUCKING PLANET!?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:49:03 No.220477XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:49:23 No.220477XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:49:50 No.220477XXX
    I wonder What a Dalek/Cyberman hybrid would be like?
    What do you think would have happened if the Daleks Decided to form an alliance with them in Doomsday?

    inb4 Daleks want everything non-Dalek dead
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:50:56 No.220477XXX
    Maybe he fell short during his debut, but The End Of Time 1 & 2 was fucking brilliant, no?
    "Newsflash, I'm everyone!"
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:52:09 No.220478XXX
    I was cringing at his acting all the way through the first of the two episodes. Can't remember the second. GREEN ALIEN CHICK WAS HOT THOUGH AMIRITE?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:52:20 No.220478XXX
         File1272163940.jpg-(28 KB, 400x300, 009_Raston_Robot.jpg)
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    Raston Warrior Robot
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:52:40 No.220478XXX
    The human race has always been your favorite, Doctor. But now, they are no more. There is only the Master Race!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:53:44 No.220478XXX
    I watched the new Doctor Who once, I was flicking through some tv and Catherine fucking Tate's face appeared kissing the doc..
    Truly the lowest form of..ahem 'television' ever. Once you recruit Catherine Tate, you're officially a bunch of fuckos.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:54:13 No.220478XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:54:32 No.220478XXX
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    Methinks noncompatible; their so technologically driven that they've followed their own route to the exclusion of all others and can't relate to anything else. Thats the beauty of them both though, they have become cold though their use of technology and cannot interface with anything but themselves anymore.

    Also, I've snogged the girl in this picture 1 year ago, whoever that is...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:54:48 No.220479XXX
    she was a bug
    it would be like fucking a cockroach, granted she was a little cute by the way she acted so if she was human or some non-insectoid alien maybe, but roaches are fucking gross
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:55:17 No.220479XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:56:04 No.220479XXX
    Yeah, a HUMANOID bug. So I'm guessing/hoping (lol like I'll ever get to fuck her) that she has a humanoid vaginer and breastcicles.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:56:13 No.220479XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:56:54 No.220479XXX
    Ice Warrior is the race, they're coming back; please see The Waters Of Mars for my claims to be confirmed. OldschoolWhofag stating that, I see all the references.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:57:44 No.220479XXX
    This thread is seriously fail.
    Are you bunch of fully grown men that watch Doctor Who? Or just a bunch of 12 year olds? Cause you seem like 'men' to men...jesus /b/ fails WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DOCTOR FUCKING WHO
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:58:39 No.220480XXX
    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:58:46 No.220480XXX
    Rose Tyler was the best companion the new Doctor had, I'd fuck her for the purpose of wanting her babies. Martha Jones was good too, kinda felt bad for her. I could not stand Donna though, except for the Doctor Donna part when she was part time lord, glad she can never come back or else she'd die, imo the girl from the space Titanic should have lived and gone with him instead of Donna.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:59:14 No.220480XXX
    Because it's awesome. It's the longest running sci-fi show in existence, not to mention one of the most popular. Of course people like it.

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:59:15 No.220480XXX
    You know what, it'd probably like fucking a hot actress in green make up. probably that. Cunny.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:59:23 No.220480XXX
    Have you seen the FENDIPPITOUS EGGMEN? They are after me?!?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:59:44 No.220480XXX
    gogo dalek rangers!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:01:09 No.220480XXX
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    you got trolled
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:01:58 No.220481XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:02:40 No.220481XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:03:32 No.220481XXX
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    have you guys forgotten about the best soldiers in the Universe
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:03:47 No.220481XXX
         File1272164627.jpg-(13 KB, 185x185, alternate costume.jpg)
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    Which is best? OP here, change me opinion from Cybermen, because you give a shit enough to actually try.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:04:30 No.220481XXX
    Since when did they look like that?! :O
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:04:34 No.220481XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:04:57 No.220481XXX
    ever seen genesis of the daleks?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:05:08 No.220482XXX
    Vicki and Zoe were the hottest companions. Some of the best looks-like-jailbait.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:05:49 No.220482XXX
    Don't spoil it for me, that's the next ep I'm watching.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:06:33 No.220482XXX
    Don't forget Leela and Sarah-Jane
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:07:04 No.220482XXX
    I appreciate the irony that whoever created this deliberately spelt 'phallacies' wrong, and spelled it with an F. That shows a deep awareness of almost Richard Herring-like deconstructiv- wait, what? Its just a spelling mistake? FUCK, there was me taking it at some kind of level above someone in primary school!
    >> Goodbye Cybermen Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:07:07 No.220482XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:07:56 No.220482XXX
         File1272164876.jpg-(260 KB, 1000x1414, doctors_daughter.jpg)
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    The Doctor's Daughter is Fucking hot, they need to bring her back
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:08:59 No.220483XXX
    High five for even knowing who Richard Herring is. Remember TMWRNJ?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:11:42 No.220483XXX
         File1272165102.jpg-(20 KB, 308x173, Doctor_Who_2010_title.jpg)
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    Aye lad, thats the bloody definitive story of the Daleks, I know my Who bloody well, and I appreciate appealing to my more discerning side, but I counter with Have you ever seen The Tenth Planet?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:11:56 No.220484XXX
    Daleks would win cause they keep coming back constantly, it takes the cybermen a while to show up again but the Daleks are always there at least twice each season
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:13:02 No.220484XXX
    Weeping Angels
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:13:10 No.220484XXX
    Have you seen the FENDIPPITOUS EGGMEN? They are after me...?!?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)23:13:40 No.220484XXX
         File1272165220.jpg-(352 KB, 1024x768, Doctor__s_Girls_Wallpaper_by_m(...).jpg)
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    I'm sure they will, Moffet still likes connecting the Davies episodes with his own run

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