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  • File : 1272157975.jpg-(213 KB, 639x583, 1272136988042.jpg)
    213 KB Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:12:55 No.220448XXX  
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:15:27 No.220449XXX
    No he is .jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:17:25 No.220449XXX
    No! He is Devo.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:18:14 No.220449XXX
    No. That is a horseshoe.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:18:43 No.220450XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:19:06 No.220450XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:19:13 No.220450XXX
    and the answer is no
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:19:16 No.220450XXX
    No. He is Dog.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:20:07 No.220450XXX
    No. Helmet is plastic.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:20:22 No.220450XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:20:25 No.220450XXX
    The magnet will be pulled towards the helmet with the same force as the helmet will be pulled towards the magnet

    So no
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:20:46 No.220450XXX
    No. His skates are pointing opposite directions.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:21:26 No.220450XXX
    his head will be sucked into the magnet. not his feet.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:21:51 No.220451XXX
    i dunno... magnets are unexplainable!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:22:02 No.220451XXX
    what if he locks his elbow?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:22:11 No.220451XXX
    No. He will be electrocuted from lightning bolts.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:22:14 No.220451XXX
    Im gonna be a nerdfag and say no.

    If that was a GOD MODE magnet yes but the friction between the wheels and road will be greater then the force generated by the magnet
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:22:14 No.220451XXX
    No. That would confirm the idea of perpetual motion. Go out and try it, it won't work.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:22:24 No.220451XXX
    the only way that would work is if the skates are magnetic as well, and you hold a magnet to the skates.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:22:44 No.220451XXX
    his helmet is the magnet, idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:22:49 No.220451XXX
    No. He is playing imaginary piano.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:22:49 No.220451XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:23:04 No.220451XXX
    he divide by zero and dies
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:23:23 No.220451XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:24:09 No.220451XXX
    No. He will be killed by oncoming traffic.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:24:21 No.220451XXX
    if his shoes were made of metal, yes

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:24:29 No.220451XXX
    No. How do magnets?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:24:33 No.220451XXX
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    THIS, is the correct answer... I guess there are some smart people on /b/ after all.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:26:05 No.220452XXX
    yes, the opposite reaction is the pull of his arm muscle against the magnetic attraction.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:26:31 No.220452XXX
    Either he's hand is too weak to hold on to the pole holding the magnet
    he is strong enough but his head will be attracted by the magnet and he'll hit his head after hitting the magnet
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:26:45 No.220452XXX
    his magent(however they work) will pull his arm toward his body., thus his legs will not move because you lost the game, however if his arm was stronger then the magnetizm then it might work.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:26:46 No.220452XXX
    No. Question mark is equally magnetic.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:26:51 No.220452XXX
    This is a cartoon. Yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:27:44 No.220452XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:28:15 No.220452XXX
    no his arm is absorbing all forces relative to his body mass
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:28:19 No.220452XXX
    fucking lol'd
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:28:27 No.220453XXX
    2nd law of thermodynamics... done
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:28:38 No.220453XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:28:45 No.220453XXX
    Anybody who says yes is a fucking idiot
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:29:03 No.220453XXX
    We have archived every single timestampd pic of cumdumpsters that have ever posted their tits on 4chan! If you are interested:

    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. hit F5 on new page
    5. cumdumpsters!!!!

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:29:16 No.220453XXX
    No. If it were Donald, possibly yes. But for Goofy, no.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:29:24 No.220453XXX
    yes because he is alive
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:29:26 No.220453XXX
    i feel bad you don't understand 8th grade science
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:30:04 No.220453XXX
    No. He stays on page 1 with each post.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:30:40 No.220453XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:30:45 No.220453XXX
    Wheels roll you fucking idiot lol
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:30:57 No.220453XXX
    You guise are all stupid. Of course he would move, the magnet is external to his body, and so would pull him along. It would just have to be a strong magnet.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:31:26 No.220453XXX
    i feel bad you cant use logic think about chances are that the magnet is no where strong enought to propulse something that size any distance and if it was the strengh of the magnet would cause his arm to buckle so instead of moving he would get a bigassmagnet hit his head
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:31:36 No.220453XXX
    Actually, he will not move. you can run this test yourself. Take a strong magnet, and attack it to a stick just in front of a matchstick car. Put a washer on the front, and the car will not move. Since the forces are equal they will only move when acted upon by an outside force. This is grade school shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:31:48 No.220454XXX
    someone should submit this to mythbusters
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:32:28 No.220454XXX
    >>220448360 original magnet tread :D
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:32:35 No.220454XXX
    he will not move at all the magnet will just stick to the helmet
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:32:45 No.220454XXX
    goofy will move. goofy always moves. he'll probably say gawrsh as this experiment fails and he moves on to the next half-assed attempt to gain internet fame
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:33:00 No.220454XXX

    This is true and not a lie.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:33:15 No.220454XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:33:17 No.220454XXX

    what if you had 2 of the same kinds of magnets on the back side, but flipped around so they're repulsing instead of attracting.

    wouldnt that extra force move you then?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:33:36 No.220454XXX
    I refer you to >>220453954
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:33:57 No.220454XXX

    > trolololol.mpeg
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:33:57 No.220454XXX
    >use logic think about chances are

    7th grade?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:34:07 No.220454XXX
    mother fucking yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:34:09 No.220454XXX

    This man is correct.[1]
    ^[1]Because he is right.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:34:09 No.220454XXX
    no he wont.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:34:21 No.220454XXX
    his weight, the strength of his arm and the strength of the magnet are all factors.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:34:50 No.220454XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:35:03 No.220455XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:35:04 No.220455XXX
    How do they work?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:35:09 No.220455XXX
    No, as magnets do not work they way in correlation to projection.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:35:13 No.220455XXX
    why are the fendippitous eggmen after me!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:35:24 No.220455XXX
    So wait, what would happen if someone pushed him?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:35:40 No.220455XXX
    no, his helmet would move toward the magnet, shifting his centre of gravity, causing the wheels to move in the opposite direction, causing him to fall over.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:35:47 No.220455XXX
    if the magnet is that strong his arm wouldnt be able to stop it from just sticking to his helmet so no he would not move
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:35:51 No.220455XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:36:20 No.220455XXX

    He wouldn't move, of course.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:36:26 No.220455XXX
    perhaps you would like to show us where this experiment was successful in causing movement.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:36:28 No.220455XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:36:32 No.220455XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:36:58 No.220455XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:36:59 No.220455XXX
    the car cannot resist the magnet, an arm can. you are a fucking moron
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:36:59 No.220455XXX
    Yes. Disney believes in magic, which is how magnets work.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:37:27 No.220455XXX
    No. He is holding the magnet, so it is not an external force. No external force, no move. done.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:38:06 No.220456XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:38:17 No.220456XXX
    no... mass discrepancy...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:38:36 No.220456XXX

    it is an external force if he uses his strength to push the magnet away from the hat.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:38:36 No.220456XXX
    No. He is holding cane British style with pinky out.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:38:52 No.220456XXX
    This does not matter unless you find a magnet that he can handle with one hand which can pull at a force of 200lbs.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:39:15 No.220456XXX
    and you. fuck you. stfu and gtfo. dont care about your eggman. fuck. what is this. every goddamn thread today with eggtard over here.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:39:19 No.220456XXX
    he will move for as long as he can manage to keep his arm out-stretched
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:39:41 No.220456XXX
    We have archived every single timestampd pic of cumdumpsters that have ever posted their tits on 4chan! If you are interested:

    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. hit F5 on new page
    5. cumdumpsters!!!!

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:39:53 No.220456XXX
    ▲ ▲
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:40:07 No.220456XXX
    you underestimate goofy's strength.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:40:40 No.220456XXX
    by that logic he would move backwards.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:40:50 No.220456XXX
    your argument is weak and flawed. fortunately for me, u mad
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:41:49 No.220457XXX
    I only ask you show me one instance where I am wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:42:10 No.220457XXX
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    In another dimension perhaps.

    In this universe, if the magnet is enough powerful, he just broke his harm.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:42:30 No.220457XXX
    this instance.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:42:47 No.220457XXX
    i already did, but i guess it went wooooosh over your head
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:43:01 No.220457XXX
    ▲ ▲
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:43:22 No.220457XXX
    No. Science fags.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:43:31 No.220457XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:44:28 No.220458XXX
    Please take note of >>220457710

    I enjoy your ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:45:13 No.220458XXX
    not even if it was the strongest magnet ever. lrn2newton
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:45:15 No.220458XXX
    you are still missing the point, but i still feel sympathy for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:45:17 No.220458XXX
    No. There are not enough lightning bolts coming out of magnet.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:45:39 No.220458XXX
    it's not the same. if goofy can keep his arm oustretched then he will move.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:45:43 No.220458XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:46:10 No.220458XXX
    dipshit, they come out of the helmet.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:46:22 No.220458XXX
    itt: stupid physic fags ruined a potential lul
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:46:43 No.220458XXX

    The center of the force does not change. He will never move beyond the point of his arm being out stretched. It was even explained in detail so how are you still that stupid?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:46:48 No.220458XXX
    Hat on secure, arm nor magnet doesn't move, the furthest he will go would be to the magnet.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:46:52 No.220458XXX
    Let's suppose both Goofy's arm and the magnet are strong as fuck, enough so to disregard all the arguments involving inadequate strength of either factor. Also, the rollerskates are frictionless for you kids that wanna sound like you know anything about physics.

    If the magnet were attached to a telephone pole (a stationary object independent to Goofy) he would be pulled toward the magnet.

    Since the arm holding the magnet is attached to the rollerskates, he will not move.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:47:04 No.220458XXX
    No. The lightning bolts are backwards.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:47:27 No.220458XXX
    are you some kind of sciencist?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:47:35 No.220459XXX
    your example is not congruent with this situation, but you still try to use it to inform your ignorance
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:47:46 No.220459XXX
    Want to see all the best tits the interwebs has to offer?
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    Added this week: Epic Win Girl Delivery Video!

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:47:58 No.220459XXX
         File1272160078.jpg-(40 KB, 913x663, boat.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:48:03 No.220459XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:48:30 No.220459XXX
    It is fully so, but you ignore it since you have no ability to understand it. Know that you are wrong, and only prove your scientific ignorance with each post.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:48:37 No.220459XXX
    Whole thread is dildos.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:48:38 No.220459XXX
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    does anyone have the vid of this goofy cartoon so we can see if he will move or not?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:48:50 No.220459XXX
    No. Goofy isnt ICP.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:49:22 No.220459XXX
    a car cannot counteract the magnet, an arm can. I know that's hard for your little brain to understand, but ignorance IS bliss
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:49:24 No.220459XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:49:48 No.220459XXX
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    nothing moves
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:50:03 No.220459XXX
    Ignore all the physics responses to this post.

    The hat will come off his fucking head!

    You suck OP!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:50:06 No.220459XXX
    he's move and it'll be a fuckin miracle
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:50:12 No.220459XXX
    What are you, 13?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:50:14 No.220459XXX
    No. Magnets are red with white tips.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:50:19 No.220459XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:50:37 No.220459XXX
    no, the magnet will slip down that cane and fall onto the floor.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:50:51 No.220459XXX
    24, so i'm pretty sure my understanding of physics outshines yours, retard
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:50:56 No.220459XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:51:00 No.220460XXX
    No. He will be decapitated.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:51:18 No.220460XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:51:48 No.220460XXX
    No. He be trollin', not rollin'.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:52:23 No.220460XXX
    Why because you took Intro to Physics and you think you're fucking Stephen Hawking? Your arguments suggest a person who is trolling hard, because nobody can be that idiotic IRL.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:52:57 No.220460XXX
    it's the exact same reason he would move if he pulled on a metal bar in front of him, hurrr durrr

    "herp derp im dum and can't understand science so u must be trollin derp derp"
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:53:48 No.220460XXX
    I'm a 21 year old chemistry major and I know for a fact I'm much smarter than you when it comes to physics. Age means nothing.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:54:15 No.220461XXX
    I will try this one more time for you. There is a maximum distance the arm can move, and the center point cannot change. In the center point (as described in the link) is where the force will be equal. All the objects in this field are attached this sharing the same center. Since he is starting at full stretch the object at rest will stay at rest. They only forward movement he would get from running the arm back and forth is from the weight shift involved. I know you don't understand this because you just aren't smart enough, but I tried. You don't understand how physics work, and you think that you do.
    >> ▂▅▇█▓▒░◕‿‿◕░▒▓█▇▅▂ 04/24/10(Sat)21:54:19 No.220461XXX

    The real question is whether or not that care behind him will hit him.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:55:00 No.220461XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:55:17 No.220461XXX
    He'd move left. The magnet is pulling on the hat.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:55:43 No.220461XXX
    Except the metal bar is stationary and the magnet is attached to the bar independent of Goofy's arm, unlike the magnet in the pic which is part of Goofy.

    Troll confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:55:43 No.220461XXX
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    fucking magnets how do they work?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:55:59 No.220461XXX
    No. He has to update his Facebook status.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:56:02 No.220461XXX
    its a cartoon, of course he will move.
    >> ­ 04/24/10(Sat)21:56:08 No.220461XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:56:17 No.220461XXX
    you retards can copy and paste anything, but you're still missing the point that he will flex his arm muscle to counter-act the magnetic pull, thus moving him forward because he is on wheels.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:56:48 No.220461XXX
    learn conservation of momentum faggots
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:56:55 No.220461XXX
    You don't understand strong and weak forces because you are a moron.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:57:00 No.220461XXX
    No. Goofy has no arm muscles.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:57:33 No.220461XXX
    no. he is skate
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:57:40 No.220462XXX
    No. The black arrow will trip him.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:57:45 No.220462XXX
    >strong and weak forces
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:58:23 No.220462XXX
    No. He is not one of the 493 pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:59:10 No.220462XXX
    Ok, since you obviously aren't getting it from the perspective we've been construing to you, answer a DIFFERENT question:

    From where does the energy come that Goofy would use to move forward in your scenario???
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:59:19 No.220462XXX
    pulling shit out of arse
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:59:29 No.220462XXX
    No. He is on an uphill.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:00:23 No.220462XXX
    His arm is attached to his body, there's nothing going on that will move him relative to the ground.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:00:23 No.220462XXX
    Not understanding how objects interact in physics, and why this matters.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:00:31 No.220462XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:00:45 No.220462XXX
    some hardcore trolling going on in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:00:51 No.220463XXX
    magnetism retard. That would be from the magnet he is holding on a stick.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:00:54 No.220463XXX
    his arm is pulling him backwards with a force equal to the force that is pulling him forward (helmet)
    no acceleration
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:01:02 No.220463XXX
    It will if Jesus descends from heaven to perform a miracle.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:01:34 No.220463XXX

    That explains it. You're British. No wonder you're such a retard.
    >>     04/24/10(Sat)22:01:35 No.220463XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:01:49 No.220463XXX
    But since everyone knows Goofy worships Satan, this is not likely.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:02:04 No.220463XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:02:09 No.220463XXX
    No. I've tried to make lols on this thread, but 2 underloved science fags keep bickering amongst each other on here because they lack any confidence to argue outside of the internet. Congrats, you both know science and can quote articles you've read, you're still virgins.

    Also, the cane is made of wax and will break.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:02:30 No.220463XXX
    equilibrium. and not the movie you high school fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:02:39 No.220463XXX

    Fuck yea, magnets
    >>   04/24/10(Sat)22:02:53 No.220463XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:02:54 No.220463XXX
    And did the fucking energy fairy appear and inject an infinite amount of potential energy into the magnet?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:03:30 No.220463XXX
    this thread has been the easiest to troll in a long time
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:03:37 No.220463XXX
    No u.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:04:04 No.220463XXX
    needs a foothold
    necesita un punto de apoyo
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:04:13 No.220463XXX
    Why are there so many Fendippitous Eggmen!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:04:37 No.220464XXX
    no, he is goofy
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:04:47 No.220464XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:04:50 No.220464XXX
         File1272161090.jpg-(13 KB, 320x243, AngrySpider.jpg)
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    You 2 science fags are fucking retarded.

    The magnet WILL NOT make him move if his arm is fixed, but if his arm moves it will cause him to move, but it will not be as a direct result of the magnet.

    Now FUCK OFF.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:04:59 No.220464XXX
    Of course he would move! Fuckin' miracles! They're just there in the air.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:05:32 No.220464XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:05:39 No.220464XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:06:18 No.220464XXX
    here's a test. are you sitting in a chair that swivels? stick your arm out and move it. do you move in your chair? DERP DERP
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:07:16 No.220464XXX
    Now, hold a magnet in your arm, perfectly still.

    Do you move?

    NO, now fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:07:29 No.220464XXX
    As an imagineer with lots of experience in cartoon universes, I would say yes. This was proven by Dr M. Mouse's Theory of Magnetic Motion from Acme Institute of Technology.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:07:32 No.220464XXX
    yes..., if he is downhill...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:08:02 No.220465XXX
    The metal bar is an oooouuutttsssiiidddeee fffooorrrccceee. Of course he would move. This however is not the same as pulling on the magnet. Pretend the magnet is a fucking sandwich. You flex your arm and you pull the sandwich toward yourself.

    Now attach the sandwich to a metal bar and pull. You'll roll toward the bar.

    WTF? Who taught this nigger to use the computers at the public library?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:08:12 No.220465XXX
    All three of you need to are lrn2/physics/. His arm/the cane/the magnet is not in any way pulling him away from the ground, therefore he's gonna just sit there like a fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:08:34 No.220465XXX
    Of course he would move.
    Dont be such a faggot OP
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:08:44 No.220465XXX
    no because im not wearing a metal helmet, MORON
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:09:25 No.220465XXX
    Negative. He likes southern Florida.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:09:32 No.220465XXX
    The difference is that the metal bar is attached to the road.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:09:56 No.220465XXX
         File1272161396.jpg-(579 KB, 728x847, goofy troll catches a fish 40.jpg)
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    Wow this picture has never been more relevant.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:10:28 No.220465XXX
    this saddens me. of course he won't fucking move you underage dumbsses and niggers. God I hope all of the people in here that thinks he will move are trolling.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:10:31 No.220465XXX
    That was my point you dipshit. Lrn2readingcomprehension.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:11:19 No.220466XXX
    Yes I fucking know that, but if his arm moves and then stops he will move as the momentum from his arm will be transferred to his body, then the board and wheels so he will move, but NOT BECAUSE OF THE MAGNET.

    PS caps to highlight, not cruise control
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:11:26 No.220466XXX
         File1272161486.jpg-(40 KB, 353x450, 1264802694670.jpg)
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    Trollin Trollin Trollin, Trollin Trollin Trollin, Troll hide.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:12:24 No.220466XXX
    So according to your explanation:

    If the magnet was strong enough, and so was Goofy's arm, he could hold the magnet not infront but ABOVE himself and FLY AWAY?

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:13:04 No.220466XXX
    no, but he would move forward. LOLOLOL
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:13:58 No.220466XXX
    So you're saying that he can move by pumping his arm?

    Jesus christ that's not even the issue here.
    >> ▂▅▇█▓▒░◕‿‿◕░▒▓█▇▅▂ 04/24/10(Sat)22:13:59 No.220466XXX
    He's on a slope.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:14:37 No.220466XXX
    I have no words.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:15:42 No.220467XXX
    >I am unable to grasp even basic science

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:15:56 No.220467XXX
    If Goofy would move in the OP pic, that means he could hold a magnet over his head and fly away as well.

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:15:59 No.220467XXX

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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:16:15 No.220467XXX
    I know it is but there are some people in here which seem to think its the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:17:40 No.220467XXX
    The magnet means only to connect with the helmet. Goofy would ONLY move if the metal object were an object no connected to Goofy, and had a weight heavy enough to prevent moving toward Goofy, rather than Vice-Versa.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:18:05 No.220468XXX
    That makes him a saaaaaad panda
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:19:55 No.220468XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:20:53 No.220468XXX
         File1272162053.jpg-(48 KB, 895x396, lol.jpg)
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    This is what you're saying:

    Pic Related
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:22:02 No.220469XXX
    the helmet would rip his head off
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:22:03 No.220469XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:23:04 No.220469XXX
    Everyone in here talking about the strength of the magnet / the strength of his arm is TOTALLY missing the fucking point.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:23:35 No.220469XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:24:12 No.220469XXX
         File1272162252.jpg-(183 KB, 639x583, fucking magnets.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:24:29 No.220469XXX
    Well-put anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:25:22 No.220470XXX

    Navigation to the webpage was canceled

    What you can try:
    Refresh the page.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:25:31 No.220470XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:26:05 No.220470XXX
    Of course he is. He just needs to drop the fucking magnet and take off those dumb shoes.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:26:50 No.220470XXX
    Put a desk on wheels. Bolt an iron slab to the desk, and bolt a magnet a few inches away from it.

    Does the desk move, assuming the magnet is strong enough?

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:27:04 No.220470XXX

    the only person in here who's not a fucking idiot
    go back to introductory mechanics you morons
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:27:40 No.220470XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:28:07 No.220471XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:29:04 No.220471XXX
    if you sit on something and pull upwards will you float? no because physics don't work like that
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:29:55 No.220471XXX
    If you disregard the friction between the wheels and the street, and assume his arm/the cane/the magnet are all strong enough, then yes he would move.

    Source: Physics major working on my MBA.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:32:13 No.220472XXX
    I was hoping you'd realize that the rigidity of the desk would simulate immovably-strong arms, but you're a retard.

    If you're talking about what I think you are, you're even more retarded because even if you were sitting on top the desk holding the magnet and you/the magnet were strong as fuck you wouldn't move.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:32:43 No.220472XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:33:10 No.220472XXX
         File1272162790.jpg-(81 KB, 639x583, Basic physics, btards.jpg)
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    Newton's third law, fucktards. Also, conservation of momentum.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:34:33 No.220472XXX
         File1272162873.jpg-(51 KB, 450x450, 1271966096337.jpg)
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    mo he wont move its a jpg...not a gif.....
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:35:05 No.220473XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:36:22 No.220473XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:37:47 No.220473XXX
    u mad
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:38:30 No.220474XXX
    Cruise control is the "panic button" when argument loss is imminent.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:39:53 No.220474XXX
    So the object that will be moving needs something to pull itself towards the magnet? What is holding the magnet in place? The air????? You make no fucking sense at all you teenage piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:40:27 No.220474XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:41:09 No.220474XXX
    internal forces vs external forces, theyll move relative to each other, but that's about it
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:41:17 No.220474XXX
    FFS are you serious?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:42:11 No.220475XXX
    this thread makes me lose faith in humanity
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:43:28 No.220475XXX
    Yes. Anyone saying otherwise is a moran.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:43:43 No.220475XXX
    the 3rd law force pairs between the arm and the cane and between the helmet and the magnet are internal to the goofy-magnet-cane-rollerblades system.

    since there are no external forces acting on this system, the center of mass of the system will not accelerate.

    all of you idiots arguing that he will move are saying that perpetual motion machines exist. GTFO and go back to introductory physics for high schoolers
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:44:26 No.220475XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:44:36 No.220475XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:45:20 No.220476XXX
    He will move because the magnet is always in front of him.
    >> !ZYzUqtURoI 04/24/10(Sat)22:45:47 No.220476XXX
    no fgt

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