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  • File : 1271368684.jpg-(24 KB, 460x288, brown-cam-clegg[1].jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)17:58:04 No.217172XXX  
    So after watching The Election Debate on ITV, Nick Clegg looks like he may have a good chance at winning. Your thoughts /b/ritfags.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)17:59:15 No.217172XXX
    Nick Clegg is a giant faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)17:59:34 No.217172XXX
    i was going to vote labour, i like nick clegg but the chances of the lib dems winning are slim, if they go up in the polls i will probably vote lib dem
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)17:59:45 No.217172XXX
    OP Knows nothing about politics
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:00:10 No.217172XXX
    Not going to vote for the fag, but definitely won himself some votes. Clegg won the debate hands down.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:00:30 No.217173XXX
    You guys should keep voting for the people who balloon your GDP/Debt ratio past 80%.

    Fucking britfag morons.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:00:45 No.217173XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:01:00 No.217173XXX
    Being Popular =/= Going to get elected

    Plus he is a gignatic faggot that says what people want to hear without having any knowledge or skill to bakc it up.

    Shits gonna get conservative. Perhaps a Conservative Lib dem hung.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:01:14 No.217173XXX
    Your only going to vote if they become popular and not based on their policies?
    Please tell me why.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:01:21 No.217173XXX
    is there a torrent for this?

    I'm in america so I can't watch any of these.

    and fuck cameron
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:01:57 No.217173XXX
    Nick Clegg all the way
    The other 2 have unclear manifesto's, and are not saying how they will change shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:02:28 No.217173XXX
    Clegg FTW
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:02:34 No.217173XXX
    And the Dems clealy have no clue. Funny that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:02:54 No.217173XXX

    This, only if Clegg holds up in the next two elections. Otherwise it'll be a Conservative victory.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:03:07 No.217173XXX
    A torrent? It happened like one second ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:03:21 No.217173XXX
    Clegg fucking rocked Brown was not great, Cam was fukken laughable
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:03:53 No.217174XXX

    Oh no arguement here, the lib dems have some horrible economic policies. But in terms of "who won the debate" it's Clegg. Fucking genius used his non-existent party as a staging ground for attacking the other two.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:04:08 No.217174XXX
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    Britfag here. Who the fuck is Nick Clegg?
    Why is anyone in the uk bothering to vote? We basically have a two party system and there isn't much difference between them.
    On the day of the general election I plan on supporting my country by having a lie in and a wank.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:04:30 No.217174XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:04:48 No.217174XXX
    it frightens me how people are so taken in by the lib dems despite thier terrible terrible policies in everythign eccept welfare and the digital economy.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:04:49 No.217174XXX
    BNP don't want to let the Gurkhas stay

    The UK public are quite fond of the Gurkhas

    This along with multiple other footnukes have ensured that the BNP wont be taken seriously on the political stage for quite sometime
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:05:02 No.217174XXX

    Fag didn't watch the motherfucking debate. Some serious shit went down. That being said, nobody knows who nick clegg is. He still won though.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:05:04 No.217174XXX
    no, i like their policies but there is no point in voting for someone who has no chance of winning.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:05:20 No.217174XXX
    lolo So true
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:05:42 No.217174XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:06:40 No.217174XXX
    clegg wants to scrap the trident renewal
    cameron wants to delay the trident renewel
    brown wants to go ahead asap

    the subs are built in my town, so lots of jobs (~10000) will be lost if brown doesnt win :(
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:06:52 No.217174XXX
    next debate Clegg is going to get a bashing about his manifesto, i don't see how Cameron scored so highly in the polls he was shitting himself through alot of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:07:23 No.217175XXX
    Ending the war immediately
    Heavy regulations of immigration which is killing the country
    Creating more jobs in the UK by stopping the outsourcing of labour to China and India
    Saying fuck you to the climate change scam

    All of BNP's policies sound exactly like what I want in the country today.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:07:31 No.217175XXX
    Yell bounce back. Getting rid of trident will save a hueg amount of money that could be invested in further job ops.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:08:58 No.217175XXX

    Nationalising all businesses to assure they are "Doing the best for Britain"

    Removal of all foreign specialists from all national services. Say goodbye to every single foreign nurse, soldier, teacher and worker.

    Oh yeah, you've thought out your vote.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:10:32 No.217175XXX

    Seeing as 1/2 lib dem supporters think like you they are obviously not gonna win. I dont see why anyone would vote for someone who they personally think would do a less satisfactory job. If you think hes best then vote for him. At least raising the Lib Dem % of the votes would draw attention to the party and have people take them more seriously. They have some good policies, and Nick Clegg proved he can hold his own, so stop doubting.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:11:02 No.217176XXX
    Clegg just kept repeating the same points and making statements he couldn't back up about a government who hasn't been in Lib Dem power for over 60 years for a reason.
    Pretty much anything Brown said was irrelevant since he's had 13 years to solve the problems and is only now coming up with some solutions the thr problems his own government created. Plus Clegg rejecting to gang up on the consevatives with him was laughable.
    Cameron was the only one who made clear valid points he could back up, and tried to address the real issues instead of spending the whole debate slagging the other two parties off. Conservative will win by far.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:12:17 No.217176XXX

    ITT: Everyone else managing to make impartial observations regardless of their blatant political affiliations for Labour and Conservatives.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:13:38 No.217176XXX
    THey are split down themiddle. In terms of Welfare and social aid they are excellent. As is thier record in civil rights. THey are utterly terrible at Buisness, International politics and the economy - Imean seriously bad, break the country bad. As such I woul dlike to see a conservative govermetn with dems close second to help push through reform on the digital economy bill and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:13:58 No.217176XXX
    anyone who votes BNP. gtfo.
    its all so backward and false.
    voting labour btw, just to make sure that fucking slimy tory cunt don't get in.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:14:33 No.217177XXX
    Lib Dems ideas of social justice being punish the rich are so out of whack it is not even funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:14:39 No.217177XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:15:23 No.217177XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:15:33 No.217177XXX
    BNPfag here
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:15:35 No.217177XXX
    You're all such hip faggots, just because Nick Clegg actually did the best you're all saying he's shit now. It was obvious he out classed the other too, with style and substance.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:15:57 No.217177XXX

    >BNP don't want the Gurkhas here.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:16:19 No.217177XXX
    you now all realise that nick clegg cannot win as he doesn't have enough seats.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:16:38 No.217177XXX
    Read the policies fucktard. Even if he debates stylishly he is a retard at policy making and has NO experience. Not even as formal opposition.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:16:46 No.217177XXX

    Why must we gtfo? I was under the impression I could vote for whoever I wanted.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:17:34 No.217178XXX

    First 10,000 untaxed suits myself just fine, thats why I shall go lib dem
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:18:44 No.217178XXX
    Indeed, my ancestors didn't die in the English civil war for nothing.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:20:11 No.217178XXX
    God you are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:20:48 No.217179XXX
    British politics. It's like being raped in the nostril.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:21:17 No.217179XXX
    >Nick Clegg looks like he may have a good chance at winning


    oh yaeh, the Lib Dem guy

    What does he look like again?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:21:49 No.217179XXX

    I thought his name was Rob Kennedy?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:22:18 No.217179XXX
    Clegg finally got a chance to talk. Most people probably didn't know who he was before the debate, but he came out the best of the 3.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:22:58 No.217179XXX

    Who? There was a 3rd person?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:23:04 No.217179XXX
    Thanks Captain Obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:25:37 No.217180XXX
    David Cameron FTW
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:25:50 No.217180XXX

    Better the inexperienced new guy than the elitist prick and the incompetent fool.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:25:59 No.217180XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:26:08 No.217180XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:27:53 No.217181XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:28:04 No.217181XXX
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    >>217172386 long as THIS doesn't happen again.....
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:28:21 No.217181XXX
    I love how you choose based on class hatred. You are bad as you say they are. Which they are not.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:29:02 No.217181XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:29:22 No.217181XXX
    At the present time I believe that the best we can hope for is for the country to break roughly even. Until the global economy recovers to a sufficient degree, none of the First World countries are going to be able to do much to stop it. Thus, in the mean time, I'd prefer it if we voted in a party that wouldn't erase our civil liberties in the name of the economy (because the first people blamed when money gets tight are the immigrants and those of foreign descent. Never mind that their great grandparents were the ones who moved over here and they haven't moved outside of London since).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:30:01 No.217182XXX
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    I voted Saxon, he can tick my box any time.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:30:08 No.217182XXX
    lib dems > anti digital economy bill
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:30:35 No.217182XXX

    I'm a Left Libertarian by ideology (that's a variation of Marxism) so it's not too surprising that I'd dislike the people who pander to the upper classes.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:32:15 No.217182XXX
    there are two kinds of people in britland : lab-fags and con-fags ,just aswell there is only two or we would need a democracy or something
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:33:15 No.217183XXX

    I admit it, I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:34:00 No.217183XXX

    If I were to rape sixteen children on national television and then set them on fire. If I were to then use their ashes to smother my body and write the message "I'm coming for your babies next" and then I gave everyone cancer.

    If I did all this and took the hate generated and turned it into fire, I would only have but a frigid ladies vagoo during a blizzard compared to the heat of the hate I feel for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:34:24 No.217183XXX
    The debate was on ITV - half of the viewer only watched it because they are too fat too reach the remote and put ITV 3 on to watch Cronation Street repeats. They will change their mind before the election and will go with whoever the Sun newspaper tells them to vote for - looks like were getting David Cameron then.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:35:49 No.217184XXX
    well goodbye to cheap products that you fuckwits take for granted.

    and ending the war? britain's too far in to pull out now. it wasn't our war to start with but now that the damages done the decent thing would be to end it. if we pull out USA will hate us for not supporting and cause a massive fall out.

    Britain ain't good enough/resourceful/have a good enough system to be self sufficient.
    in fact, no country have/are.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:35:55 No.217184XXX

    >They will change their mind before the election and will go with whoever the Sun newspaper tells them to vote for

    so true
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:36:37 No.217184XXX
    People who don't vote for who they actually want because they think other people won't vote for who they want are fucking morons. It's self defeating.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:37:22 No.217184XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:37:25 No.217184XXX


    Fuck You.

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