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  • File : 1271284902.jpg-(277 KB, 1680x1050, 1270482571250.jpg)
    277 KB Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:41:42 No.216828XXX  
    Ok, so one day one you wake up and pokemans exist.

    What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:42:40 No.216828XXX
    My heart gives out from excitement :)
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:43:16 No.216828XXX
    I start using my link cable to clone pokémans
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:43:18 No.216828XXX
    Start up a pokedaycare and make millions
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:43:47 No.216829XXX
    Catch them all.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:43:49 No.216829XXX
    fuck them all
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:43:49 No.216829XXX
    Take my pit bull for a walk.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:43:53 No.216829XXX

    catch a ditto, make it transform into wimmenz, and fuck it
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:43:55 No.216829XXX
    attack overpopulated developing countries with ho-oh
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:44:17 No.216829XXX
    Catch them all, force them to fight each other for my amusement. Get arrested.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:44:19 No.216829XXX
    Wake up, can't remember.... I a BOY or a GIRL?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:44:21 No.216829XXX
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    Go find a jynx to rape.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:44:32 No.216829XXX
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    Find a Hypno so I can deliberately get hypnotized and have my dream eaten.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:44:36 No.216829XXX
    I'd get CHARMANDER, because the rest of the SUCK DICK.


    oh, you shoot water? I SHOOT FIRE.
    oh, you shoot leaves? I SHOOT FIRE.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:44:44 No.216829XXX
    Are you trying to tell me pokemon don't... exist? =(
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:45:13 No.216829XXX
    don't take my eyes off michael vick
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:45:41 No.216829XXX

    i would grab a blender to see if they blend my good sir.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:45:41 No.216829XXX
    I would build a pokemon gym with the help from a bunch of machamp and machoke.
    Then i would be the very best, like no one ever was.
    To catch them would be my real test, and to train them would be my cause.

    I would travel across the land, searching far and wide.
    i would teach my pokemon to understand, the power thats inside.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:45:53 No.216829XXX
    you know what they say... gotta catch 'em all! :D
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:46:17 No.216829XXX
    Fire FTW
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:46:22 No.216829XXX
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    ill catch me a pidgeoto
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:46:39 No.216830XXX
    I fullfill my dream of becoming a pokemon master
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:47:01 No.216830XXX
    Put all my money as 6th item in my bag and find a fucking missingno.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:47:07 No.216830XXX
    catch abra, hide pokeball in ass, kill people, get in prison, teleport outside, pokeball in ass, kill people, teleport out, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:47:13 No.216830XXX
    eat them
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:47:44 No.216830XXX
    i'd be the best, that no one ever was
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:47:55 No.216830XXX
    Catch all the bestest trolliest most pokiemonest pokiemons and have fun! :D
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:48:03 No.216830XXX
    Torchic tastes like Chicken.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:48:42 No.216830XXX
    Well obviously, I'd catch 'em all
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:48:45 No.216830XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:48:50 No.216830XXX
    I already have one. Srsly, my dad is a Snorlax.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:48:52 No.216830XXX
    Invent the pokeball
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:48:56 No.216830XXX
    i get the OP's pic its funny cuz the pokemon in the picture are super effective to the color element they are in
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:49:21 No.216831XXX
    Sell everything that I own.
    Then i would need to buy the following:

    1. Pit helmet
    2. Brown "safari" Vest
    3. Pants
    4. A Lever action Winchester

    Lets now assume at this point I am out of money.
    And rember I am not wearing a shirt under that vest, nor shoes.

    I would stalk other Trainers, who seem to just stand around and do nothing no matter what happens right next to them.

    I would challenge them to duels and shoot the first Pokemon they sent out and them, with the money i would gain for "defeating" the trainer i would soon have enough to buy a lodge for like minded hunters.

    Oh and every pokemon i shot would go on the wall.

    Who wants to join?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:49:29 No.216831XXX
    Make a ditto into my sex slave. New person every day.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:49:53 No.216831XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:50:17 No.216831XXX
    have sex with pikachu
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:50:28 No.216831XXX
    Kill my best friend so I don't have to put up with his shit battles for the next 16 gyms
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:50:46 No.216831XXX
    I would feel like there's something worth my time other than working on my car
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:51:10 No.216831XXX
    Catch-em all
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:51:22 No.216831XXX
         File1271285482.jpg-(21 KB, 300x421, charizard.jpg)
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    find me a damn charizard
    or charmander and raise it :)
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:51:39 No.216831XXX

    fucking epic lol
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:51:43 No.216831XXX
    Have sex with swampert.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:51:49 No.216831XXX
    ... duh fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:51:55 No.216831XXX
    Get Umbreon And Get a Hypno Then a wailord. My one vers. One team is complete
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:52:12 No.216832XXX
    i would probably change my name to giovanni... and i'd go from there
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:52:14 No.216832XXX
    Catch a fuckin' Magnemite so I can find out how the fuck magnets work.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:52:32 No.216832XXX
    Realise my neighbor's name is Dicks.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:52:49 No.216832XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:52:59 No.216832XXX
    do they suddenly exist or do animals turn into them, coz then i'd already have a Granbull
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:53:07 No.216832XXX
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    guess ?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:53:36 No.216832XXX
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    Prepare a bunker with bottled water and unperishable food for when God comes
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:53:52 No.216832XXX
    I'd got for a shiny pidgeot
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:54:43 No.216832XXX
    start going michael vick style on some mudkips
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:55:33 No.216833XXX
    >implying that pokemon look like that
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:55:39 No.216833XXX
    Get a mother fucking squirtle, get a blastoise later on, cacth other awsome pokemon like like metagross and ho-oh ( and lugia) Pwn niggas...
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:56:05 No.216833XXX
    id like get a pokemon and travel the lands, beating gyms and proving my place in the world of pokemon. and one i was the top trainer id walk outside in the sunshine and whistle for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate would say fresh and it would have dice in the mirror, if anything i would say that this cab is rare, but id think nah forget it, yo homes to Bel-Air
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:57:31 No.216833XXX
    I'd walk around beating up random trainers with my pokemon and take their money to support my various habits like my hero ASH
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:58:17 No.216834XXX
         File1271285897.jpg-(288 KB, 1024x768, 1270947643309.jpg)
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    I think you know op I think you know...
    >> A 04/14/10(Wed)18:58:28 No.216834XXX
    Find a pikachu. Eat it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:58:37 No.216834XXX
    1. Buy Pokeballs
    2.Catch Pokemon
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:58:42 No.216834XXX
    Fucking samefag lol
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:59:32 No.216834XXX
    Stand in a forest with 3 shitty pokemon, forcing anyone who walks directly in front of me to battle my pokemans.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:59:36 No.216834XXX
    1. Go to
    2. Zip down your trousers/pants (Americunts).
    3. Prepare.
    5. ????
    6. Continue to browser like nothing happened...
    Powered by 110MB Hosting

    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)18:59:36 No.216834XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:00:10 No.216834XXX
    get in argument...
    fucking poke battle
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:00:10 No.216834XXX
    Buy a gun!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:00:25 No.216835XXX
    it would be mildly frightening, i'd buy a gun. for sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:01:07 No.216835XXX
    Walk into every house on my block and steal their shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:01:14 No.216835XXX
    Catch a load of ditto and pimp them out bitches,make me some greens
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:01:21 No.216835XXX
    charge people to rename them. good business.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:01:24 No.216835XXX
    kill off all types not in the original 150. no...the jhoto ones can stay
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:01:51 No.216835XXX
    Become the very best, like no one ever was.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:02:23 No.216835XXX

    Pikachoo, I choose yoo
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:02:43 No.216835XXX
    I would catch some and kill them.

    I'd grab a Charmander, sit on it with my knees to hold it down, and crush its head in with a hammer.

    I like Pokemon, it'd be awesome if they were real, and I normally find animal cruelty horrific and anyone who takes part in it a horrible monster. I really have no explanation for this impulse. But that's what I'd do.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:03:03 No.216835XXX

    Fuck me a Gardevoir.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:03:06 No.216835XXX
    Start a daycare, film pokesex and sell it, making millions.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:03:08 No.216835XXX
         File1271286188.jpg-(42 KB, 230x230, 25934_4376585645355677.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:03:26 No.216836XXX
    To catch them would be my real test, to train them would be my cause.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:04:07 No.216836XXX
    >> LOLOLOL 04/14/10(Wed)19:04:41 No.216836XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:04:44 No.216836XXX
         File1271286284.png-(36 KB, 400x400, 0337bb_400px-718smiley.png)
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    Gotta love this guy!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:04:55 No.216836XXX
    get ultra balls, catch hiv.....wait, wut
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:05:21 No.216836XXX
    laugh at christians
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:05:41 No.216836XXX
    would teach the pokemon to understand the power thats inside.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:05:41 No.216836XXX

    to catch them would be my test; to train them, my cause
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:05:46 No.216836XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:06:39 No.216837XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:06:57 No.216837XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:08:53 No.216838XXX
    i would stand at the door of the gym and tell everyone what kind of pokemon the gym leader has and what it's weak against.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:09:11 No.216838XXX
    Wait for a Ralts Swarm on Route 34, catch a female, train it to a Gardevoir

    and we will become best friends and bestiality is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:10:08 No.216838XXX
    No se puede mostrar la página
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:10:11 No.216838XXX
    stare aimlessly at items in the pokemart.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:10:22 No.216838XXX

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    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:10:23 No.216838XXX
    Get Darkrai to give everyone nightmares.
    Fuck ditto.
    Find out how pokeballs can compress living matter and reduce it's weight.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:11:55 No.216838XXX
    I wake up and cry, asking why evolution didn't create pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:11:58 No.216839XXX
    put peoples number in my pokegear and call em telling em about the awesome weedle i just caught.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:13:52 No.216839XXX
    I would:

    Catch gardevoir to fuck it
    catch pikachu for free electricity
    catch a abra to teleport to places
    catch a meowht for money
    catch a charizard just to show off and pwn
    catch a squirtle for free water and to water my lawn
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:14:38 No.216839XXX
    1. I'd find me an eevee and ditto.
    2. Let the breeding commence until I have many Eevee's commence first 7 eeveelutions. Discover other eeveelutions.
    3. Report findings.
    5. Profit!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:15:06 No.216839XXX
    i would catch a nidoran male, double kick brock's geodude and onyx. eveolve into nidorino then moonstone evolve to nidoking. learn megapuch from the black belt and mega punch/ trash everyone at the nugget bridge. sell nugget.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:15:41 No.216840XXX
    Go have some Gardevoir.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:16:08 No.216840XXX
    Use my old rod to catch 4 magikarp and battle everyone who disturbs me while fishing.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:16:34 No.216840XXX
    build a pokemon healthcare company
    charge at pokecenters
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:17:21 No.216840XXX
    I'd hurry the fuck up and catch some awesome ones before the fascist bureaucrats came up with a bunch of laws and regulations and make it boring.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:17:51 No.216840XXX
    i'd learn how to spell pokemon
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:17:54 No.216840XXX
    Fly around on a pidgey.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:17:55 No.216840XXX
    Write other trainers names in my death note and steal their pokemans.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:18:50 No.216841XXX
    catch the ghost of cubones mother
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:19:39 No.216841XXX
    Best answer yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:21:33 No.216842XXX
    Loudly proclaim my love of shorts to any passer-by.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:24:53 No.216843XXX
    1: Find soft, loamy soil.
    2: Plant berry
    3: ???????
    4: Profit!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:25:08 No.216843XXX
    drop out of school to pursue my life long dream as pokemaster
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:28:37 No.216844XXX
    Catch Lugia and kill niggers.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:30:06 No.216844XXX
    I would just live my life normally, probably coming across typical average pokemon like the occasional Sparrow or Pidgeoto, Rattata, etc. One day I'll be walking along the coastline however and come across a creature that defies the laws of reality in general.

    Later I'll go home and find out I have hundreds of everything I love.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:31:24 No.216845XXX
    find/catch legendary dogs
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:33:23 No.216845XXX
    hope digimon come to existance next
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:34:35 No.216846XXX
    I would create a revolutionary pokemon storage system, not tell anyone but academic types my name, and then become a hermit outside a waterside town.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)19:37:08 No.216846XXX
    Oh .... dont make me think of that.. Ill just say.
    Find the first bird pokemon i can find. train it to evold into a bigger bird, And FLY EVERYWHERE!

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