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  • Ultimatum from a spammer: *click*
    Oh hey, the shit has e-mailed me in the past. Will post those in a few.
    Here they are. Who knows this guy? He brags about friends coming to him and complaining—"Chris Beer" from New Zealand.
    (Googling "" has a few interesting hits.)

    File : 1270999277.png-(391 KB, 595x366, grave.png)
    391 KB About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:21:17 No.215744XXX  
    Ask a man who will die within a month anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:21:52 No.215744XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:22:04 No.215744XXX
    haha suck to be you
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:22:18 No.215744XXX
    why are you dying?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:22:25 No.215744XXX
    What's wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:22:42 No.215744XXX
    You, sir, are cancer
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:22:53 No.215744XXX
    can i have your stuff?
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:23:01 No.215744XXX
    To realize how i feel
    It sucks to be me too!
    Aids. =/
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:23:02 No.215744XXX
    That's unfortunate........ For you, suck it up princess
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:23:16 No.215744XXX
    why haven't you sold all your possessions and gone on a coke fueled living binge
    >> Fat Nigger !!keaFwHC7S02 04/11/10(Sun)11:23:27 No.215744XXX
    Do you plan on accomplishing something great?
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:23:39 No.215745XXX
    No because I don't know you!
    You're mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:24:03 No.215745XXX
    Also You're a troll i knows it
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:24:04 No.215745XXX
    Did u spend all your money?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:24:09 No.215745XXX
    What are your plans for this month pal?
    And be cool bro.
    >> Đέςự~ !!i/WqWuz0iYo 04/11/10(Sun)11:24:27 No.215745XXX
    That is what you get for fucking niggers with no condom asshat desu~
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:24:36 No.215745XXX
    OP would u let a dog fuck you?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:24:39 No.215745XXX
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    this ones on me dude. this ones on me
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:25:03 No.215745XXX

    Impossibile visualizzare la pagina Web in questo programma

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    Le cause del problema possono essere diverse, ad esempio:
    La connessione a Internet è stata interrotta.
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:25:15 No.215745XXX
    Did you get it through an accidental or unintentional cut, or did you actually get it through sex?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:25:31 No.215745XXX
    Can you show some proof that you're indeed dying in a month? Doctor's note or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:25:35 No.215745XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:25:50 No.215745XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:26:25 No.215745XXX
    Can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:26:26 No.215745XXX

    I second this motion. And third it at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:26:33 No.215745XXX
    are you scared?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:26:34 No.215745XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:26:40 No.215745XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:26:42 No.215745XXX
         File1270999602.jpg-(23 KB, 298x438, papa_smurf_costume.jpg)
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    Papa troll can i cross your bridge, No pay me gold bitch
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:27:05 No.215745XXX
    No I am not.
    Not yet.
    Vacation. This is my last day on the internet
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:27:15 No.215745XXX
    what did you have for breakfast?
    >> Enjoy your last month! anon 04/11/10(Sun)11:27:28 No.215745XXX
    By the way, can you lend me $1,000. I 'll pay you back in 5 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:27:41 No.215745XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:27:47 No.215745XXX
    go and live a dream of you instead of writing on /b/

    for example sell everything, and go with a harley davidson to route 66
    (would be my choice)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:27:50 No.215745XXX
    Play CS, OP. Know the chance of respawn in 3..2..1..

    Oh wait, it's just a game..
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:27:53 No.215745XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:28:24 No.215745XXX
    Don't sleep for a month, make the most of it.

    //single tear.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:28:43 No.215746XXX
    Pure win right there XD
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:28:45 No.215746XXX
    Enjoy the rest of your life :)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:28:48 No.215746XXX
         File1270999728.jpg-(34 KB, 500x500, Cool Story, Bro3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:29:06 No.215746XXX
    are you a fag?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:29:12 No.215746XXX
    How do you troll, troll?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:29:19 No.215746XXX
    Does that mean that in a month I wont have to put up with these copy pasta threads anymore?

    And haven't you got anything better to do than spend your last remaining days browsing /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:32:38 No.215746XXX
    why are you spending your last days on /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:33:44 No.215747XXX

    >implying this is copypasta
    >implying this is oc...?

    fail faggot.
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:33:53 No.215747XXX
    I didn't have breakfast
    I don't know you, how am I gonna give it to you?
    I don't have much to live so yeah.
    That's impossible.
    No, why would I?
    I got a tatoo and the tool for tatoos was infected probably, I always wear condoms and I have a wife for 4 years. And no she doesn't cheat on me :D
    Well not now but in 3 weeks I may be scared shitless.
    I'm not a troll but w/e, believe what you want to believe.
    Lol, how lame do you think doctors are? This stuff aren't said in notes, they are said face-to-face. I can post test results but that can't prove anything, so fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:34:56 No.215747XXX
    can you upload a shitload of cp? not like you'll deal with the consequences.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:35:15 No.215747XXX
         File1271000115.jpg-(61 KB, 571x570, COOL STORY, BRO.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:36:21 No.215747XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:36:36 No.215747XXX
    No I am a straight married ( to a woman ) man. But I like Ricky Martin.
    First of all, If you find me proof that this is a copypasta I will give 1000 dollars and just because I browse /b/ two hours a day ( although this is my last day on internet) doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying the rest of my life. I'm going on vacation soon, fyi.
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:37:12 No.215747XXX
    No because I don't have any.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:38:25 No.215748XXX
    How does it feel to know this anon will mourn the death of you when you log off the internet today?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:38:45 No.215748XXX

    A tattoo tool? Why the FUCK does this HAPPEN to people?

    If a guy rapes a girl and she happened to have AIDS, it's almost like he deserves it, especially if he doesn't regret it. But I know of people who've gotten AIDS from completely innocent things like accidental cuts while handling infected syringes. Fucking horrible and lame.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:40:45 No.215748XXX
    OP, before you leave this thread, give us your tripcode. I guess it doesn't mean much, but some of us can use it in the future or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:40:48 No.215748XXX
    when do you have your deadline?
    ..................oooooh right, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:41:53 No.215748XXX
    Do you have kids already or is that a no because you extracted HIV before you two decided to start a family (if you wanted to, that is)?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:42:45 No.215749XXX
    Can I have your stuff?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:44:10 No.215749XXX
    OP, i have a question...

    how long is respawn?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:44:13 No.215749XXX
    Did OP died?!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:44:57 No.215749XXX
    Why the fuck are you wasting your time here?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:44:59 No.215749XXX
    You guys I think OP just died.
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:45:43 No.215749XXX
    What do you want to do with it?
    It feels good.
    As I said before I'm married since 2006 and no I didn't rape any girl. The tool they use to make tatoo's was infected, the previous person who used it had probably AIDS and he passed it to me, since the tool was not cleaned after. So yeah, it's unfair but this happens in life too!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:45:46 No.215749XXX
    Then who was phone?!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:45:53 No.215749XXX
         File1271000753.png-(122 KB, 600x339, 1261549456488.png)
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    hows life?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:45:59 No.215749XXX
    op im almost bawwing for you.

    have a great vacation and i wish your family all the best in your passing

    rip /b/rother
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:46:21 No.215749XXX

    lol'd damn hard
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:46:23 No.215749XXX
    where are my key ?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:46:33 No.215749XXX

    Azione annullata
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    Internet Explorer
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:46:46 No.215749XXX
    No I said I have a month.
    For 2 years, /b/ has been some kind of entertainment for me and I wanted to say goodbye. I know that most won't give a shit but still...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:47:08 No.215750XXX
         File1271000828.jpg-(65 KB, 646x599, Spider-man.jpg)
    65 KB
    How do I shot web?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:47:13 No.215750XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:47:36 No.215750XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:47:42 No.215750XXX
    Any regrets?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:48:04 No.215750XXX

    With your tripcode? I would save it someplace and, if I were to ever want to use one, I would use yours. Maybe other anons would do the same.

    I guess it's just some measure of poetic-ness or something. I might just be lame, on the other hand.
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:48:12 No.215750XXX
    Thank you, if you're not joking.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:48:26 No.215750XXX

    Impossibile visualizzare la pagina Web in questo programma

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    Il DNS (Domain Name Server) non dispone di un elenco per il dominio del sito Web.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:48:27 No.215750XXX
    >> I hope you recover magically :/ anon !ewT.5OJtxQ 04/11/10(Sun)11:48:42 No.215750XXX
    Can I have 100$? You can send it through check in the mail.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:48:43 No.215750XXX

    Die Navigation zu der Webseite wurde abgebrochen.

    Mögliche Vorgehensweise:
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    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:48:48 No.215750XXX
    No thanks.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:48:59 No.215750XXX
    Will you say "hi!"" to Stalin from me?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:49:06 No.215750XXX
    I made a cure?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:49:35 No.215750XXX

    not joking = ]
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:49:58 No.215750XXX
    You know that asking a person about to die on the intrenet to give you money is lame, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:50:31 No.215750XXX
    And nothing of value will be lost.
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:50:36 No.215750XXX
    That wasn't funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:50:39 No.215750XXX
    where are you going for vacation?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:50:45 No.215750XXX
    hi OP

    I feel very sorry for you. Your story upset me.

    I Hope you will go through this and be cured.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:51:01 No.215750XXX
    can you buy me a new bass amp?

    100watts atleast with a 15 inch speaker, nothing fancy
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:51:02 No.215750XXX
    You have AIDS symptoms or only HIV?
    And since when you've got HIV?
    How did you found it out?
    If it's only HIV you can live much longer than just a month.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:51:17 No.215751XXX
    >> anon !ewT.5OJtxQ 04/11/10(Sun)11:51:21 No.215751XXX
    Yes, but I need it more than you do. You're dying, you don't have to worry about life or bills or taking care of people anymore. I would be happy, but I suppose that's just my attitude and not yours.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:51:23 No.215751XXX

    Aight, it wasn't really that fantastic of an idea. All the best in your vacation, and I hope you have far more than a month left around here.

    I also hope I haven't been trolled, but this is eye-opening even so :)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:51:37 No.215751XXX

    Se canceló la navegación a la página web.

    Puede intentar lo siguiente:
    Actualice la página.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:51:56 No.215751XXX
    So you know for sure that you are going to die? Like the doctor told you a date?
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:53:11 No.215751XXX
    Thank you but I don't think anyone ever survived from HIV.
    Yes but my wife (who is not dying) needs the money I'm going to live behind because even when I had a job we weren't rich, we're pretty poor actually.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:53:14 No.215751XXX
    OP, enjoy shit while it lasts for sure. What happened to the fucks who made your tattoo? I hope theyre paying dearly.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:53:40 No.215751XXX
    What's the one thing you want to do before you die?

    Why haven't you done it yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:53:49 No.215751XXX
    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:53:57 No.215751XXX
    ummmm, yeah actually. tons of people have gotten hiv and then lived their normal lifespan.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:54:18 No.215751XXX
    Okay, okay, I'm sorry....

    .. just give Mao Zedong a hug, ok?
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:54:20 No.215751XXX
    He told me that I have about 2 months or more 3 weeks ago, so I have about 1 month and a week? Yeah that must be it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:54:24 No.215751XXX
    So, is your wife hot?
    where do you live?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:54:31 No.215751XXX
    Do you know where to find all of your favorite ChanGirls, CamWhores, Femanons, and more?
    You want all the pictures, videos, chats, and information that you can't get anywhere else?

    1. Go to :‮ofni.stercesnahC4
    2. Click a link
    3. Hit F5, when the main page loads click the clover (It will appear under the search bar if you did it right)
    4. FAP

    Now with live chats with real femanons! ^_^

    A site made by Anon, for Anon.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:54:35 No.215751XXX
         File1271001275.jpg-(39 KB, 406x386, 475a7_a1dd31e8.jpg)
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    OP's dead gone, dead and gone... etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:55:08 No.215751XXX
    Who are you most excited about meeting in the afterlife?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:55:10 No.215751XXX
         File1271001310.jpg-(6 KB, 251x159, 1270736918508.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:55:20 No.215751XXX
    can you ship me any video game consoles you have?
    you wont need them anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:55:29 No.215751XXX
    Question: how do you bypass WINRAR archive passwords?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:55:31 No.215751XXX
    Please, allow your wife to live freely before you die.
    This would make her life much easier.
    >> anon !ewT.5OJtxQ 04/11/10(Sun)11:55:55 No.215752XXX
    Well then I apologize. Enjoy your lovely wake and burial.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:56:03 No.215752XXX
    Jokes and trolls and all the shit we do aside. If your being honest OP, go out and make the best of it. I'll raise a glass for you mate, godspeed.
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:56:18 No.215752XXX

    You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:56:21 No.215752XXX
    "See you in hell" just got a new meaning.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:56:22 No.215752XXX
    Sorry to hear about your troubles with the game man. Your about to loose it hard core. But you know what? I call dibs on your stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:56:51 No.215752XXX
    when you are on your deathbed, your wife is going to lean in closely and whisper in your ear "i have another mans cum inside me right now", and then you will die with that as your last thought.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:56:59 No.215752XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:57:24 No.215752XXX
    Say hi to Kurt Cobain for me when you get to the other side, yeah?

    Love you /b/rother. Rest in peace. :'(
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:57:24 No.215752XXX
    I call troll on this. OP, what is the actual illness the doctor said would definitely kill you.
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)11:57:57 No.215752XXX
    If that's the way i want to spend this day, what is your problem?
    Either way, since I head the news about me dying, I haven't been on /b/. This is my first time since then, and my last time forever, because I will go on vacation until I die.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:58:37 No.215752XXX
    where to?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:58:39 No.215752XXX

    God damn it, Anon! We should be making fun of this guy because he has AIDS and is going to die soon! It doesn't matter if he's one of us! Sucks to be him!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:58:45 No.215752XXX
         File1271001525.jpg-(7 KB, 250x115, anon.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:58:57 No.215752XXX
    Else your wife would never be able to love another man again. She would totally live in regret.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:59:01 No.215752XXX
    Yeah i have been jizzing his old lady up for a while now :)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:59:15 No.215752XXX
    Do you believe in God?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:59:22 No.215752XXX
    are you going to haunt us, OP?

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:59:29 No.215752XXX
    Do you believe in God?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:59:45 No.215752XXX

    No problem man, you do what you want.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:00:02 No.215752XXX
    I'm kind of proud that the majority of replies here have been kind. OP clearly isn't a troll, and I really do feel sad for him.
    wish you the best man. just think of it as escaping from all the struggle and pain that everyone else has to go through. i hope you don't get scared.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:00:09 No.215752XXX
    Dear Dying Man,
    I'm really sorry about all thats going to happen. Could I ask you a small favor though? Please put in a good word for us when you get up there, y'know? Thanks. My condolences are with you and your family.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:00:46 No.215753XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:01:12 No.215753XXX
    So you can't even fuck the wife one last time?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:01:25 No.215753XXX
    Murder tattoo artist, rape his/her relatives.

    Do not die from AIDS. Your death should be spectacular. Die in a firefight with federal agents after holding hostages in a bank heist or in a bloody splat after jumping from a building in a busy area.

    If you already know you are going to die you may as well act on any deviant thought you have ever had before you kick off.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:01:29 No.215753XXX
    dude, if i were going to die, i would do one last barrel roll, take a shot of whiskey and go slap rachel ray in the mouth so hard her teeth punch through her lips.

    but that's just me,
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:01:33 No.215753XXX
    <3 you OP stay strong man =\
    >> SB 04/11/10(Sun)12:01:45 No.215753XXX
    Hope that you you don't regret anything of your life...
    Say hi to my grandfather pl0x.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:01:55 No.215753XXX
    When you die, your wife will marry an other man and your genetic-heritage wiill be gone, effectively nullifying every victory your ancestors made.

    Suck to not be bathing in the genepool anymore, eh?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:03 No.215753XXX
    can i have your ipod
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:03 No.215753XXX
    i lolled so fucking much
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:27 No.215753XXX
    Don't be mean.
    Go on vacation with my wife, and I will do it from tomorrow. This is my last day on my house ans it's really sad for me.
    And how do you know that will happen? :S
    I don't even know what this means, so no.Unless you explain I might help you!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:31 No.215753XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:38 No.215753XXX

    i lawld
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:38 No.215753XXX
    OP I'm sorry to hear that someone's ignorant neglect will be the cause of an innocent man's death :\ best of luck to you and your family and I hope that you end up wherever your beliefs will take you after your passing :\ enjoy friend
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:41 No.215753XXX
    Do you know where to find all of your favorite ChanGirls, CamWhores, Femanons, and more?
    You want all the pictures, videos, chats, and information that you can't get anywhere else?

    1. Go to :‮ofni.stercesnahC4
    2. Click a link
    3. Hit F5, when the main page loads click the clover (It will appear under the search bar if you did it right)
    4. FAP

    Now with live chats with real femanons! ^_^

    A site made by Anon, for Anon.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:46 No.215753XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:48 No.215753XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:02:49 No.215753XXX
    you know op if i was going to die in a month i would be asking /b of epic ways to take my self out of this world. if your gonna die anyway Anhero your self in the most epic fashion ever
    >> deleted 04/11/10(Sun)12:03:00 No.215753XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:03:03 No.215753XXX
    I'm dying from AIDS and not cancer :p
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:03:07 No.215753XXX
    no, you will just lose it.........mitchell.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:03:25 No.215753XXX
    When you reincarnate, be born a cat and live with me.

    I'll name you Simon.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:03:36 No.215753XXX
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    >> w00t !!3fPS0yLWy96 04/11/10(Sun)12:03:39 No.215753XXX
    OP i feel very sorry for you, i hope you make these days the best you've ever had - if you would go on vacation in germany i would shake your hands and wish you well

    where are you going on vacation anyway?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:04:02 No.215753XXX
    please kill obama before u die
    >> SB 04/11/10(Sun)12:04:11 No.215754XXX
    Can we at least know your real name...?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:04:16 No.215754XXX
    call it a hunch.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:04:47 No.215754XXX
    may I have your money?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:04:58 No.215754XXX
    So do you think there is an afterlife?

    If so, did facing your own mortality make you think one way or the other?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:05:03 No.215754XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:05:21 No.215754XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:05:29 No.215754XXX
    No I lost it :(
    I don't have a reason to do it and I don't want to spend my last days left in remorse.
    Hawaii, the best place to die
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:05:30 No.215754XXX
    You don't die from AIDS, you die from an illness or cancer that takes advantage of your weak immune system.

    The OP has not said what he is really dying from because he's actually a troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:06:05 No.215754XXX

    have sex with your wife over and over and over
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:06:08 No.215754XXX
    Hey, one more thing. Could you please listen to this album before you die? Thanks, i'm so sorry man, you've got me in tears. :(
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:06:09 No.215754XXX
    You are also going to die anyway, it's just a difference of the time between. Why not go an hero? Oh right, cause you have some life to live. So does trolling OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:06:33 No.215754XXX
    i don't know if you are a troll or not, so i will continue alternating really mean posts with really nice posts, just to be sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:06:44 No.215754XXX
    oops forgot link. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:06:48 No.215754XXX
    Why do people who never were religious become so when they are dying? Sounds weak to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:07:05 No.215754XXX
    how old are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:07:26 No.215754XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:07:32 No.215754XXX
    OP, you have to start cooking meth NOW so that your family will have money to support them when you are gone and then you'll find out that you have much longer to live and your wife will turn into a huge bitch and cheat on you with some asshole from work just to spite you.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:08:26 No.215755XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:08:26 No.215755XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:08:54 No.215755XXX
    I never believed in any religion and I still don't
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:09:21 No.215755XXX
    Hey, did u eer thought of an life after death OP?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:09:30 No.215755XXX
    seems like this thread already hit autosage
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:09:34 No.215755XXX
    Want to do coke and kill hookers with me?
    >> deleted 04/11/10(Sun)12:10:31 No.215755XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:10:43 No.215755XXX
    dont give up hope brother. try to last as long as you can. at least then people will think you were fucking courageous cuz u tried to live.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:10:52 No.215755XXX

    dude i wont die in the next few months i guess but i would be totally in
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:10:53 No.215755XXX
    The lifespan with aids drugs is more than 20 years. This means the OP contracted HIV while getting a tattoo at age 7.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:10:58 No.215755XXX
    if your a troll -> gtfo fag

    if you just got 1 month left -> wtf are you doin on 4chan? spend your time better than on this fkng dumpsterwebsite^^
    >> SB 04/11/10(Sun)12:11:26 No.215755XXX
    Good bye kind sir...
    Rest in peace
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:11:42 No.215755XXX
    Everyone will die eventually, the ugly part is that you know when.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:11:47 No.215755XXX

    Die Navigation zu der Webseite wurde abgebrochen.

    Mögliche Vorgehensweise:
    Aktualisieren Sie die Seite.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:12:05 No.215755XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:12:07 No.215755XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:12:15 No.215755XXX
    Read previous comments, I'm tired of saying it again and again.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:12:20 No.215755XXX
    what is your gravestone gonna say?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:12:57 No.215756XXX
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    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

    RIP /b/rother.
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:13:14 No.215756XXX
    What the shit?
    Who told you that?
    Who gets AIDS and dies 20 years later?
    >> !.IoPIsAFag 04/11/10(Sun)12:13:17 No.215756XXX
    If you were a month away of dying from aids I doubt lots you'd still be able to use a computer.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:13:27 No.215756XXX
    Medical fag here.

    Obvious troll is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:13:51 No.215756XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:13:58 No.215756XXX
    you should start cooking meth
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:13:59 No.215756XXX
    My name and the date I die, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:14:17 No.215756XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:14:30 No.215756XXX
    Explain why am I a troll please?:)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:15:03 No.215756XXX
    OP, you are 27. Even if you contracted HIV at age 16 (which I doubt), drug cocktails were already available that would have extended your life way past 2010.

    You are trolling your ass off.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:15:10 No.215756XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:15:26 No.215756XXX
    /b/ forever
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:15:27 No.215756XXX

    OP is going to go to hell because he doesn't believe in Jesus. What a fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:15:34 No.215756XXX
    Do you know where to find all of your favorite ChanGirls, CamWhores, Femanons, and more?
    You want all the pictures, videos, chats, and information that you can't get anywhere else?

    1. Go to :‮ofni.stercesnahC4
    2. Click a link
    3. Hit F5, when the main page loads click the clover (It will appear under the search bar if you did it right)
    4. FAP

    Now with live chats with real femanons! ^_^

    A site made by Anon, for Anon.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:16:23 No.215756XXX
    Hey OP,

    Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:16:28 No.215756XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:16:29 No.215756XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:17:03 No.215757XXX
    There is no hell after dying, hell is what i am living right now :)
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:17:38 No.215757XXX
    I don't know
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:17:49 No.215757XXX
    OP, the only thing you are dying of is boredom. Like me.

    Quit trolling.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:18:21 No.215757XXX
    medic fag here too, AIDS can kill people in less than 20 y. even w/ treatment, it's rare, but it exists.

    In the other hands in the 80's fags survived 'til today without treatment. We all responds to disease in different ways.

    Just STFU, troll or not you're obviously NOT a doctor.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:18:40 No.215757XXX
    OP, just sayin', you might not be religious, but hell, just goin' to a church, and gettin' saved, takes like ten minutes, man.

    So if them christfags are right, at least you can go to heaven, if not, at least you tried, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:18:48 No.215757XXX

    Before there was tx for HIV, most became ill within 10 years then died 1-2 years after T cell depletion. With modern treatment, those whom die from HIV at early stages die from acute injuries like heart attacks (From the Tx) or other nonsense. They don't get told "You have a month to live".

    Average lifespan for someone suffering from AIDS is 22 years;
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:18:55 No.215757XXX
    It's not too late to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior OP, jusy sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:18:58 No.215757XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:19:40 No.215757XXX
    Do you believe in god?

    Why or why not?
    What was your job in life?
    Any kids?

    Where do you want your last moments on vacation to be?

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:19:49 No.215757XXX
    Love the surgeon or die /b/:
    . . †
    : 39/654
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:19:57 No.215757XXX
    Yes, I'm not saying that people were infected with aids and they passed away 20 years later, but that's just one case. The fact that it happens doesn't mean it's the same for everyone. Aids can kill you in a month, and don't be rude.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:20:27 No.215757XXX
    What's your favourite colour?

    Also can your prove this isn't a troll, photo/scan of something with a 'you got aids fool' stamp on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:20:27 No.215757XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:20:37 No.215757XXX

    Given your grammar, I can only assume your "Medical knowledge" consists of wiping asses as a CNA in the local retirement home.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:20:53 No.215757XXX

    I think OP is oblivious to the people that are defending him.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:21:06 No.215757XXX
    This article says 24 years at this point.
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:21:47 No.215758XXX
    I don't know. I think God is an excuse.
    I don't have kids
    My job was as a mechanic.
    And I don't want to think about the day I'll die, please don't remind me.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:21:51 No.215758XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:22:17 No.215758XXX
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    well observed, internet detective
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:22:20 No.215758XXX
    unsucessful troll blew up in hizzown face. Cancer or aids, troll, time to decide.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:22:39 No.215758XXX
    Have you ever considered building a flamethrower and going on a rampage?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:24:07 No.215758XXX
    that is actually true, but it absolutely depends on what diseases you contract with your screwed immune system.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:24:08 No.215758XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:24:22 No.215758XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:24:39 No.215758XXX
    really thought this wasn't a troll, fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:25:40 No.215759XXX
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:25:43 No.215759XXX
    lol i trol u
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:25:45 No.215759XXX
    I bawwed.I am more then 20 000 kilometers from you and i dont even know you.I hope for a miracle, i ll pray for you if needed.Thats what /b/rothers are for.I do belive in miracles.I am sure you ll live.Thats not your last day on the internet.Love you /b/rother.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:25:56 No.215759XXX
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    Fuck. You. OP
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:26:09 No.215759XXX
    Love the surgeon or die /b/:
    . . †
    : 35/637
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:26:18 No.215759XXX
    He has a fake tripcode
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:27:00 No.215759XXX
    lololol, what the fuck is this christfag shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:28:04 No.215759XXX
    godspeed /b/rother

    enjoy life, and cherish every moment.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:28:08 No.215759XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:28:14 No.215759XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:28:17 No.215759XXX

    how big is your cock?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:28:18 No.215759XXX
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    fuck you - i baaawwwwed for you you sick fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:28:28 No.215759XXX
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    Btw, I wouldn't sleep tonight, maybe I will appear in front of your bed and slaughter you with an axe.
    Good day, sir.
    >> SAGE SAGE 04/11/10(Sun)12:28:36 No.215759XXX
    god how do u newfags get "trolled" by this shit

    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:29:46 No.215760XXX
    sage or not this thread has more than 200 posts.
    epic newfags are epic.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:29:54 No.215760XXX
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    weak man
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:30:02 No.215760XXX

    Not christfag shit.I just belive in miracles.Its not about religion its about beliving in something.I belive that you ll live.Cheers.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:30:20 No.215760XXX
    NO U
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:31:24 No.215760XXX
    At least 160 are from you. Congratulations, 10 years old kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:32:20 No.215760XXX
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    Hurr derp derp derp They cannnnnt huuuur see derrrrrrpppp HIS TROLLER FACE.

    Epic trulllz .
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:32:22 No.215760XXX
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    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:32:31 No.215760XXX
    i trol u
    i had to post because those fucktards like you thought i was gonna die, stfu and gtfo nao.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:33:42 No.215760XXX
    AIDS, you say?
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:34:04 No.215760XXX
    And for the faggot who asked for my tripcode
    its "zombiemonster"
    have fun /b/, i'm outta here.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:34:29 No.215761XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:34:34 No.215761XXX
    Nah you "had to post" to keep your thread alive.
    Btw, I didn't even believe your shit for a single second.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:36:17 No.215761XXX
    Obvious troll was always obvious
    Now stfu and deliver tits
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:38:35 No.215762XXX
    RIP, /b/rother.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:38:56 No.215762XXX
    I'm very sorry to hear it man, but I'm happy that you're staying so calm about it. You've got a pretty good viewpoint and you're not wasting your time by freaking out.

    Have a hell of a vacation man, hope you get everything you want out of it.

    and if you believe in it, see you on the other side.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:40:24 No.215762XXX
    Want someone to talk to?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:40:30 No.215762XXX
    he is trolling, look above motherfuckers
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)12:45:36 No.215763XXX
    What if God was one of us?
    >> #zombiemonster About to die 04/11/10(Sun)12:47:51 No.215764XXX
    I love the cock
    >> About to die !tYPBRxFksE 04/11/10(Sun)12:48:29 No.215764XXX
    please rape my face

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