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  • File : 1270830414.jpg-(53 KB, 848x463, lolban.jpg)
    53 KB Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:26:54 No.215071XXX  
    So I just got banned from 4chan for spamming, which I didn't do, and I'm pretty sure I don't have a virus which does spam since I'm not a complete dipshit.

    How do I make sure I don't have said virus, even though Im pretty sure I don't have it and mods are just complete faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:27:39 No.215071XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:28:09 No.215071XXX
    avast, asquared, and malwarebytes, all good
    >> sage ­­­­­­sage 04/09/10(Fri)12:29:00 No.215071XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:29:04 No.215071XXX
    I got that exact message a minute ago OP...I wasn't spamming.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:29:07 No.215071XXX
    I got the same thing, then I was unbanned minutes later.
    You don't have a virus, 4chan is just being fucky.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:29:24 No.215071XXX
         File1270830564.jpg-(60 KB, 1001x727, 1267823818794.jpg)
    60 KB
    me too
    fuck it
    we're unb&
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:30:11 No.215072XXX
    i got that too and i scanned my computer and its free of viruses. i think its something to do with 4chan because it said i was banned for 2 days and then i was able to go on 4chan like 20 minutes later.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:31:50 No.215072XXX
    >mods are just complete faggots.

    enjoy your b& faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:33:40 No.215072XXX
    Everyone got that I think, mods just pissing about I expect.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)12:38:21 No.215073XXX
    me too, OP
    mods you mad?

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