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    File : 1270269800.png-(90 KB, 280x280, 280.png)
    90 KB Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)00:43:20 No.212852XXX  
    Round 2
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)00:45:01 No.212852XXX
         File1270269901.jpg-(36 KB, 520x600, 1231380649493.jpg)
    36 KB
    There we go...
    >> Lambdadelta !D/VpblX5nQ 04/03/10(Sat)00:45:12 No.212852XXX
         File1270269912.jpg-(3 KB, 111x126, 1270022114561s.jpg)
    3 KB
    Ohh yes
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)00:45:18 No.212852XXX
         File1270269918.jpg-(391 KB, 780x900, Suiseiseki 1241.jpg)
    391 KB
    round 2
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:45:35 No.212852XXX
         File1270269935.jpg-(44 KB, 284x269, understand.jpg)
    44 KB
    You're not really mad at me are you? It wasn't my fault after all...
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:45:47 No.212852XXX
    If you guys are tired of hitting f5 to wade through shitty threads or just
    need a break from imageboards in general come check out what we've got playing over at LWTV!
    We've got a pretty vast and growing collection of all sorts of programming like
    Penn and Teller's Bullshit!, Harvey Birdman, Metalocalypse, and much more!

    Just head over to wutchan_org (change _ to . ) and check us out on the left under "Video"

    >> Lambdadelta !D/VpblX5nQ 04/03/10(Sat)00:46:04 No.212852XXX
         File1270269964.jpg-(3 KB, 92x127, 1270022330123s.jpg)
    3 KB

    Wow I just got a boner !!
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)00:46:36 No.212853XXX
         File1270269996.png-(18 KB, 100x100, chiehaha.png)
    18 KB
    Of course it was your fault.
    It certainly wasn't my fault.
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)00:46:42 No.212853XXX
         File1270270002.jpg-(50 KB, 366x365, 16490012_1201800323_12693506_1(...).jpg)
    50 KB
    You know what? I dont care, the both of you do whatever you like...I'm not your owner...
    >> KonaChan !PBThKzT.FI 04/03/10(Sat)00:46:49 No.212853XXX
         File1270270009.jpg-(9 KB, 251x189, pleased.jpg)
    9 KB
    "And yeah, you're welcome. I swear I wanted to keep you there ontop of me for hours and hours..." She said with a grin. "And I would've if given the chance."
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)00:46:52 No.212853XXX
         File1270270012.jpg-(150 KB, 500x645, suiseiseki123.jpg)
    150 KB
    That means a lot to me

    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:46:54 No.212853XXX
         File1270270014.jpg-(26 KB, 177x240, drunk.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:47:05 No.212853XXX
    itachi uchiha is a really cool ninja who doesn't afraid of anything
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:47:30 No.212853XXX
         File1270270050.jpg-(34 KB, 500x283, 2767678878_71327b4201.jpg)
    34 KB
    you guys miss me?
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)00:47:56 No.212853XXX
         File1270270076.jpg-(5 KB, 100x100, personagirls-3.jpg)
    5 KB
    Are you...
    Are you mad at me?
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)00:48:01 No.212853XXX
         File1270270081.jpg-(26 KB, 350x326, 163902-itachi_super.jpg)
    26 KB
    >My hat is off to you sir.
    >> KonaChan !PBThKzT.FI 04/03/10(Sat)00:48:02 No.212853XXX
    > You're doing it wrong. Faggot.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:48:55 No.212853XXX
         File1270270135.jpg-(50 KB, 287x316, uh.jpg)
    50 KB
    Apparently I can't, unless I say good night, bring flowers and chocolate and survive a coma...
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:48:58 No.212853XXX
         File1270270138.jpg-(14 KB, 485x365, 1007133pm.jpg)
    14 KB

    the fuck man? how about some love for Hidan its not like IM FUCKING IMMORTAL!
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:49:05 No.212853XXX
    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. on the new page hit refresh, then click the /z/

    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:49:05 No.212853XXX
    How to get a 4chan Gold Account:

    1. Go to‮ten.dlognahc4
    2. Click a few links.
    3. ?????
    4. Hit F5, and click register on the new page.

    Stop being a newfag and get it.

    Gold Account Post Reference #:3891487
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)00:49:05 No.212853XXX
         File1270270145.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1269815422433.jpg)
    3 KB
    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)00:49:16 No.212853XXX
         File1270270156.jpg-(35 KB, 181x258, Souji.jpg)
    35 KB
    This will be interesting.
    >> Lambdadelta !D/VpblX5nQ 04/03/10(Sat)00:49:17 No.212853XXX
         File1270270157.jpg-(3 KB, 92x127, 1270031871452s.jpg)
    3 KB
    I'll be back later I'm going to go play Boarderlands~

    I'll be back to molest the slutty little nun Kihihihihi
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:49:45 No.212853XXX
    enjoy spending forever underground mr. immortal
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:49:50 No.212853XXX
         File1270270190.jpg-(54 KB, 478x269, sock.jpg)
    54 KB
    Still upset over the break-up?
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)00:50:23 No.212854XXX
         File1270270223.jpg-(54 KB, 595x595, e427be7a9fde1b82233ce0126a88fc(...).jpg)
    54 KB
    Shut up. >>;
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)00:50:55 No.212854XXX
         File1270270255.jpg-(95 KB, 336x639, Itachi (57).jpg)
    95 KB
    I'm not, perhaps im not what your looking for. Feel free to do whatever and whomever you like.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:50:57 No.212854XXX
         File1270270257.png-(284 KB, 540x396, hidan.png)
    284 KB

    its not so bad, i got a lot of friends down here.....they are mostly worms...i miss sex :'(
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)00:51:32 No.212854XXX
    Hidan welcome. Where's Kakazu?
    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)00:52:02 No.212854XXX
         File1270270322.jpg-(17 KB, 225x190, 33762.jpg)
    17 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:52:14 No.212854XXX
         File1270270334.jpg-(29 KB, 300x400, Hidan_eats_Kakuzu_by_Animelove(...).jpg)
    29 KB

    oh he's around.....
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)00:52:20 No.212854XXX
         File1270270340.jpg-(59 KB, 484x379, pissed.jpg)
    59 KB

    what makes you think that?! stupid chibi human

    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:52:51 No.212854XXX
    well if your happens to line up right next to your obliterated dick you can always...
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:53:07 No.212854XXX
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    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)00:53:19 No.212854XXX

    He is short isn't he?
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)00:53:24 No.212854XXX
         File1270270404.jpg-(12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    12 KB
    Alright then, I'd go dig you out but, I'm dead.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:53:36 No.212854XXX
         File1270270416.jpg-(99 KB, 592x322, teehee.jpg)
    99 KB
    Well...maybe a bit sad you missed out on last nights fun then? If it's okay with Konata, I'd be willing to have a 'round 2' if you wanna join in...
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)00:53:38 No.212854XXX
         File1270270418.jpg-(20 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-ep41-armscrosseds.jpg)
    20 KB
    Hey guys. What's up?
    >> KonaChan !PBThKzT.FI 04/03/10(Sat)00:53:58 No.212854XXX
         File1270270438.png-(299 KB, 350x446, ilovetodraw.png)
    299 KB
    She shook her head, leaning over a piece of paper and beginning to draw. "Ah, look here, sir. It wasn't either of their fault, in fact, it was mine. Nay, do not punish her for my misgivings. Nor punish the fool of a man Ryuji." She spoke in a somewhat annoyed voice. "This unusual hidden rivalry between you and Ryuji is nonsense. Even if it's one way. It shouldn't have the girl involved."
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:54:25 No.212855XXX
         File1270270465.jpg-(35 KB, 160x274, sure.jpg)
    35 KB
    I stick my penis in a girls ass and I'm getting punished for it.
    >> Miles "Tails" Prower 04/03/10(Sat)00:54:33 No.212855XXX
         File1270270473.jpg-(16 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    16 KB
    HEY GUYS! Why didn't anybody tell me this thread was happening again?!
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)00:54:34 No.212855XXX
    Welcome little girl, are you lost?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:54:50 No.212855XXX

    Nah they are too far apart, fucking sucks man
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)00:55:11 No.212855XXX
         File1270270511.jpg-(15 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-ep43-6s.jpg)
    15 KB

    It better not have been Yotsuba.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:55:40 No.212855XXX
         File1270270540.jpg-(131 KB, 399x563, poor.jpg)
    131 KB
    ...No, It wasn't.
    >> KonaChan !PBThKzT.FI 04/03/10(Sat)00:56:04 No.212855XXX
         File1270270564.gif-(269 KB, 159x144, hehehe.gif)
    269 KB
    It was me.
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)00:56:18 No.212855XXX
         File1270270578.jpg-(16 KB, 250x191, 12Mokuba-ep41-cockysobs.jpg)
    16 KB

    Why no Itachi. I was just on my way to my bar.

    Coming Ryūji?
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)00:56:43 No.212855XXX
         File1270270603.jpg-(113 KB, 500x599, suiseiseki vodka2.jpg)
    113 KB
    you're gonna have to get me pretty drunk first
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:56:53 No.212855XXX
         File1270270613.jpg-(56 KB, 550x400, 36607_1245758554411_full.jpg)
    56 KB

    bring a tender young girl with you, first thing i wanna do when i get outta here is kill something!
    >> Miles "Tails" Prower 04/03/10(Sat)00:57:11 No.212855XXX
         File1270270631.jpg-(84 KB, 640x479, 007tails.jpg)
    84 KB
    Can I come!?
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:57:11 No.212855XXX
         File1270270631.jpg-(39 KB, 542x389, ornot.jpg)
    39 KB
    Eh...I guess I might as well drink a little bit...
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)00:57:22 No.212855XXX
    Are you... breaking up with me?
    But I'm not looking for anyone else... -tackles, pins him down.- I'm not going anywhere. And neither are you.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:57:41 No.212855XXX
         File1270270661.jpg-(34 KB, 201x151, hehe.jpg)
    34 KB
    Come with us to the bar, then we'll see.
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)00:58:06 No.212856XXX
         File1270270686.jpg-(16 KB, 251x190, Mokuba1s.jpg)
    16 KB

    Sure. Why not. Let's go get hammered!
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)00:58:19 No.212856XXX
         File1270270699.jpg-(144 KB, 669x999, 13.jpg)
    144 KB

    More of
    <------- here:
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)00:59:14 No.212856XXX
         File1270270754.jpg-(72 KB, 640x480, suiseiseki rape.jpg)
    72 KB
    we'll see...
    >> Miles "Tails" Prower 04/03/10(Sat)00:59:25 No.212856XXX
         File1270270765.jpg-(90 KB, 429x361, Tails003.jpg)
    90 KB
    YAAAAAY!!! ^_^
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)00:59:51 No.212856XXX
         File1270270791.jpg-(20 KB, 200x183, q.jpg)
    20 KB
    Holy shit I think she's serious...Drinks. Now!
    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)00:59:55 No.212856XXX
         File1270270795.jpg-(18 KB, 225x257, 34099.jpg)
    18 KB

    Getting posessive again Chie?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:00:22 No.212856XXX

    sure...whatever its cool, not like hidan wanted a drink....its ok i guess ill just rent a movie *sigh*
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:00:47 No.212856XXX
         File1270270847.jpg-(1.07 MB, 1559x1169, ajua%20bar.jpg)
    1.07 MB

    Sure. Pick your poison.
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:00:53 No.212856XXX
         File1270270853.jpg-(78 KB, 600x630, 596500ee0a1e31b55266cb0a5ea741(...).jpg)
    78 KB
    Sh-shut up...
    Not like you care...
    >> KonaChan !PBThKzT.FI 04/03/10(Sat)01:00:55 No.212856XXX
         File1270270855.png-(247 KB, 395x395, thinking.png)
    247 KB
    Mnnn, count me out. You didn't even stay long enough to finish the job last time.
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)01:01:07 No.212856XXX
         File1270270867.jpg-(56 KB, 420x186, Itachi8a.jpg)
    56 KB
    *Looks at the piece of paper*
    I think she's better off doing what makes her happy. Than to have her deal with me all the time...perhaps it's for the best. And I'm not angry at her, I never was.
    *Pinned down*
    Is that so? What was yesterday then? Whenever I'm not around you'll just cheat on me? Besides, I have to go Dig Hidan out...
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:01:52 No.212856XXX
         File1270270912.jpg-(60 KB, 449x299, k.jpg)
    60 KB
    That's because...well...If you give me a second chance, you won't regret it.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:01:53 No.212856XXX
         File1270270913.jpg-(44 KB, 800x602, 1270006848958.jpg)
    44 KB
    I spilled my propane...
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:02:21 No.212857XXX
         File1270270941.gif-(31 KB, 100x100, Suiseiseki_by_Killer_suntan.gif)
    31 KB
    if shes out, I'm out too
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:02:31 No.212857XXX
         File1270270951.jpg-(36 KB, 200x150, =D.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)01:02:50 No.212857XXX
    Then go get some more.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:03:04 No.212857XXX
         File1270270984.jpg-(37 KB, 275x275, 67029m.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:03:05 No.212857XXX
         File1270270985.jpg-(36 KB, 300x234, shudder.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)01:03:06 No.212857XXX
         File1270270986.jpg-(13 KB, 225x168, 34325.jpg)
    13 KB

    Suit yourself. I'll help Itachi dig out that guy out of hell or where ever.
    >> KonaChan !PBThKzT.FI 04/03/10(Sat)01:03:07 No.212857XXX
         File1270270987.jpg-(43 KB, 450x312, konata-relax_thumb.jpg)
    43 KB
    She laughed, standing over Itachi for a moment. "Cheat on you?" She asked, shaking her head. "She was simply the young naive. Taken advantage of. She's the victim."
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:04:10 No.212857XXX
         File1270271050.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, Suiseiseki_swoon.jpg)
    45 KB
    maybe next time

    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:04:11 No.212857XXX
         File1270271051.jpg-(37 KB, 478x269, l.jpg)
    37 KB
    No she wasn't! She came on to me! God Damn It! And you certainly didn't help with it.
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:04:13 No.212857XXX
         File1270271053.jpg-(21 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-ep41-niiiisamaaas.jpg)
    21 KB
    Fine Ryūji, I'll help out.

    Hey everyone! It's happy hour! All the drinks are FREE! As much as you want!
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:04:20 No.212857XXX
    >> KonaChan !PBThKzT.FI 04/03/10(Sat)01:04:56 No.212857XXX
         File1270271096.png-(84 KB, 222x320, konata.png)
    84 KB
    Actually, I came onto you. And dragged her into it. Hence, taken advantage of. Both of you were. And... I liked it.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:05:03 No.212857XXX
         File1270271103.jpg-(27 KB, 212x199, maybe.jpg)
    27 KB
    Sadly that won't work...I think...
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:05:15 No.212857XXX
    That wasn't it...
    -lets him up.- I guess... there's no way I can argue with you on this one. This one was my fault. So, if you wanna go, just go.
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:05:43 No.212857XXX
         File1270271143.jpg-(113 KB, 500x599, suiseiseki vodka2.jpg)
    113 KB
    will there be Vodka, comrade?
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:05:45 No.212857XXX
         File1270271145.jpg-(49 KB, 705x388, huh.jpg)
    49 KB
    So...wait what?
    >> Miles "Tails" Prower 04/03/10(Sat)01:05:58 No.212858XXX
         File1270271158.jpg-(22 KB, 480x360, Tails4.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:06:32 No.212858XXX
         File1270271192.jpg-(16 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-Ep58-ehs.jpg)
    16 KB

    Yes. Obscene amounts.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:06:58 No.212858XXX

    NEED /BL/ackup
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:07:15 No.212858XXX
    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. on the new page hit refresh, then click the /z/

    >> KonaChan !PBThKzT.FI 04/03/10(Sat)01:07:21 No.212858XXX
         File1270271241.png-(410 KB, 1680x1050, Konata_FingerChew.png)
    410 KB
    She stepped up to Ryuji, placing the tips of her fingers on his cheek. "I was in a mood. I needed... Release." She said in a whisper. "I found Chie to be... Rather delicious looking? Well, I decided to use you as a shortcut to get to her. Like a slingshot."
    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)01:08:00 No.212858XXX
         File1270271280.png-(24 KB, 100x100, 21241384.png)
    24 KB

    Ha! Yosuke will want to know how you did that. He could never get Chie dragged into something like that no matter how hard he tried!
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:08:35 No.212858XXX
         File1270271315.gif-(45 KB, 100x100, suiseiseki.gif)
    45 KB

    but promise me that you won't take advantage of me when I'm drunk
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:08:42 No.212858XXX
         File1270271322.jpg-(26 KB, 177x240, =3.jpg)
    26 KB
    .......That's...perfectly perverted...and kinda whorish...I LIKE IT!
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:09:17 No.212858XXX
         File1270271357.jpg-(46 KB, 514x609, 8f2ee9dc7d8ab1dfa84a4736789c53(...).jpg)
    46 KB
    That's because Yosuke tries too hard.
    Because he's YOSUKE.
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:09:19 No.212858XXX
         File1270271359.jpg-(14 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-ep43-7s.jpg)
    14 KB

    Don't worry about me. I'm gay.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:09:35 No.212858XXX
         File1270271375.jpg-(33 KB, 203x153, rape.jpg)
    33 KB
    I might.
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)01:09:40 No.212858XXX
         File1270271380.jpg-(51 KB, 337x787, AT__Sasuke_and_Itachi_by_Mikut(...).jpg)
    51 KB
    ........ >>212857262
    Thank you, we'll get to that as soon as possible. >>212857764
    Two different stories...I dont know what to believe, perhaps it's best we just went our ways....
    *Gets up*
    ......I wish you the best...Chie.
    *Walked away to go dig Hidan out*
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:10:24 No.212859XXX
         File1270271424.gif-(20 KB, 100x100, Suiseiseki_wut.gif)
    20 KB

    >> Miles "Tails" Prower 04/03/10(Sat)01:11:15 No.212859XXX
         File1270271475.jpg-(81 KB, 640x479, 082tails.jpg)
    81 KB
    um i kinda ordered a drink...
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:11:50 No.212859XXX
         File1270271510.jpg-(16 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-ep43-2s.jpg)
    16 KB

    Yeah? And? Oh by the way here's a bottle of vodka.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:11:56 No.212859XXX
         File1270271516.jpg-(39 KB, 249x337, eh.jpg)
    39 KB
    It's happy hour, take what you want.
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:11:57 No.212859XXX
    ... I knew it.
    I should kill Ryuji for this... but... I don't feel like it... -sighing, she heads to the bar.-
    What will get me blacked out the fastest?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:12:05 No.212859XXX
    1. go to
    2. click a link
    3. on the new page hit refresh, then click the /z/

    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)01:12:09 No.212859XXX
         File1270271529.jpg-(19 KB, 600x450, Seta Souji.jpg)
    19 KB

    True, he IS Yosuke after all. Speaking of Yosuke trying to hard... that fiasco of a culture festival... why did you sign ME up?


    Then we shall dig!
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:12:45 No.212859XXX
         File1270271565.jpg-(42 KB, 400x400, 1269831868072.jpg)
    42 KB
    im not drinking anywhere near this guy...
    and where's space ghost? i want some of his coffee
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:13:01 No.212859XXX
         File1270271581.jpg-(11 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-ep43-behindcounters.jpg)
    11 KB

    Calm down. If I take to long feel free to get it yourself.

    Here's your... milk and vodka. Eww.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:13:15 No.212859XXX
         File1270271595.jpg-(40 KB, 350x196, sigh.jpg)
    40 KB
    ...knew I should have told Konata not to say anything...
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:13:25 No.212859XXX
    god mode
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:14:03 No.212860XXX
         File1270271643.jpg-(28 KB, 300x379, chie_satonaka_20081125205405.jpg)
    28 KB
    Well, we signed everyone up. We even signed Kanji up.
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)01:14:10 No.212860XXX
         File1270271650.jpg-(24 KB, 202x359, Itachi (71).jpg)
    24 KB
    .....I have no Idea where to even begin..whatever he was using to communicate with me here is gone...
    >> KonaChan !PBThKzT.FI 04/03/10(Sat)01:14:35 No.212860XXX
         File1270271675.jpg-(15 KB, 300x305, 866278-konata_avatar_large.jpg)
    15 KB
    Quickly follows her, adjusting her clothing on the way. As she came up behind Chie she placed a red rose in front of her. "I'm sorry for the mess I've cause. And for doing what I did to you. That flower, think of it an invitation. And invitation to think of me." She said with a nod, before leaning in and kissing Chie's cheek. "Try the scotch..."
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:14:57 No.212860XXX
         File1270271697.jpg-(19 KB, 250x190, Mokuba-ep44-lookingpensicvew.jpg)
    19 KB
    Hey guys, where's the Chief?

    Usually she's here by now.
    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)01:15:03 No.212860XXX

    But I didn't do anything!
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:15:44 No.212860XXX
         File1270271744.jpg-(28 KB, 300x171,
    28 KB
    Hey, if you ever need another 'slingshot', so to speak, I'm up for it...
    >> link 04/03/10(Sat)01:16:26 No.212860XXX
         File1270271786.jpg-(15 KB, 500x338, 1265474185666.jpg)
    15 KB
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:16:42 No.212860XXX
    Chie smiled, a little sadly. "Hey, it's not your fault. People have to make their own bad decisions... you know? Gotta pay for them, too... this is just my bad decision... not that I didn't enjoy myself at the time... doesn't make it right..." She blushed at the kiss, accepting the flower. "Okay... scotch it is. Good luck with the desu girl." She smiled again.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:17:04 No.212860XXX
         File1270271824.png-(94 KB, 266x267, 1269578679748.png)
    94 KB
    u douchebags ruined itachis relationship....
    >> Miles "Tails" Prower 04/03/10(Sat)01:17:05 No.212860XXX
         File1270271825.jpg-(49 KB, 640x479, 089tails.jpg)
    49 KB
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:18:09 No.212861XXX
         File1270271889.jpg-(79 KB, 550x750, 8e4f8856cc85999e233f8c783ee7cf(...).jpg)
    79 KB
    Well, really, Yosuke was the only one who did anything to deserve it...
    but fair's fair.
    Besides, you all looked really cute!
    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)01:18:26 No.212861XXX
         File1270271906.jpg-(18 KB, 225x250, 39015.jpg)
    18 KB

    Can't dig till we know where to start.
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:18:33 No.212861XXX
         File1270271913.jpg-(50 KB, 469x396, ha.jpg)
    50 KB
    either dead or getting fucked by Kyon
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)01:19:24 No.212861XXX
         File1270271964.jpg-(32 KB, 600x480, 738.jpg)
    32 KB
    whats going on here guise?
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:19:38 No.212861XXX
         File1270271978.jpg-(18 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-ep41-gasps.jpg)
    18 KB

    I thought he was saving himself for marriage. Or something stupid like that.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:19:48 No.212861XXX
         File1270271988.jpg-(202 KB, 847x479, curse.jpg)
    202 KB
    And now we wait for an impersonator...I'm guessing Haruhi won't show until the Facebook thing is gone.
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)01:20:06 No.212861XXX
         File1270272006.jpg-(116 KB, 383x430, Itachi (32).jpg)
    116 KB
    I suppose your right, let's head back until Hidan manages to communicate again. I could use a drink.
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:20:43 No.212861XXX
         File1270272043.png-(19 KB, 100x100, chiehahaha.png)
    19 KB
    >getting fucked by Kyon
    >fucked by Kyon
    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)01:20:44 No.212861XXX

    There was nothing fair about that! Cute my ass.
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:21:20 No.212862XXX
    >I'm guessing Haruhi won't show until the Facebook thing is gone.

    and why is that?
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:21:33 No.212862XXX
    It was cute!
    Especially Teddie! He was adorable as Alice. Kanji looked pretty good as Monroe, too...
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:21:35 No.212862XXX
         File1270272095.jpg-(16 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-ep43-4s.jpg)
    16 KB

    That sucks.


    Not until you can get my gender right.
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)01:22:49 No.212862XXX
         File1270272169.jpg-(50 KB, 363x365, 16490012_1201800323_12693506_1(...).jpg)
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    A shot of whiskey, leave the bottle.
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)01:23:22 No.212862XXX
    You're a Boy.
    >> Ryūji Takasu !PufZOT4jcc 04/03/10(Sat)01:23:26 No.212862XXX
         File1270272206.jpg-(41 KB, 283x268, hng.jpg)
    41 KB
    Just a guess.
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:23:54 No.212862XXX
         File1270272234.jpg-(15 KB, 250x191, Mokuba-ep43-8s.jpg)
    15 KB

    You can have all the alchohol you want when you get my gender right.
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:24:00 No.212862XXX
         File1270272240.jpg-(50 KB, 469x396, hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah(...).jpg)
    50 KB

    >fucked by Kyon

    funny isn't it?
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)01:24:35 No.212862XXX
    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:24:38 No.212862XXX
         File1270272278.jpg-(77 KB, 526x550, p4-02-04-1.jpg)
    77 KB
    Well, I guess I'll just get it myself!
    -hops over the counter, grabs the scotch and a glass, and tosses some ice in it. Hops back over the counter, pours, and drinks.-
    >> Mokuba !QDsqcgReck 04/03/10(Sat)01:24:54 No.212862XXX
         File1270272294.jpg-(67 KB, 500x501, Alcohol-Brandy.jpg)
    67 KB

    Good man. Here's some good stuff.
    >> Souji Seta 04/03/10(Sat)01:24:59 No.212862XXX
         File1270272299.jpg-(14 KB, 225x258, 39016.jpg)
    14 KB

    Sounds good. He sounded like he was doing okay anyway so no rush.


    There is nothing cute about cross dressing! Kanji was the worst one of the group!

    Though yes, Teddie actually managed to pull it off.
    >> Itachi Uchiha !lhxUtBdTUw 04/03/10(Sat)01:27:18 No.212863XXX
         File1270272438.jpg-(71 KB, 517x633, itachi_by_amidamaruchan.jpg)
    71 KB
    *Nods, and pours himself a shot. Drinks and pours himself another and drinks*
    *Pours himself another and stares at the shot glass in his hand*
    >> Suiseiseki 04/03/10(Sat)01:27:29 No.212863XXX
    Come on guys we're never going to reach round 20 at this pace!


    >> Chie Satonaka 04/03/10(Sat)01:27:46 No.212863XXX
         File1270272466.jpg-(225 KB, 500x653, chie3.jpg)
    225 KB
    What? No way! Kanji looked great in lipstick! He went the whole nine yards.
    >He probably liked, I'm still not sure about him...
    I think you're just mad because everyone liked it. No one thinks you're gay, don't worry.

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