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    File : 1270208981.gif-(40 KB, 445x301, mesh.gif)
    40 KB Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)07:49:41 No.212632XXX  
    Abroad USAfag here. UK /b/rothers, I must ask. Do you actually like fish and chips? I've tried it a few times at various types of places... franchises, mom-n-pop, even road side vendor (was my adventurous undertaking for the month) and quite honestly I couldn't call it good by a long shot. It tastes like they never change the oil they fry it in.

    Also, USfags back home, feel free to ask and i'll try to answer.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)07:50:33 No.212632XXX
    fish and chips is awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)07:51:37 No.212632XXX
    Chips are good.
    Fish not so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)07:53:22 No.212632XXX
    Cod doesn't taste of anything, and it's one heavy ass piece of shit to digest with all that grease.

    But I like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)07:53:54 No.212632XXX
    Ausfag here. Fish and Chips are very much apart of Australian life (thanks to being a former British colony obviously) but everyone I have talked to that has visited England has said the Fish n Chips over there is disgusting. The general opinion seems to be that the chips taste like old oil and the fish is bland and tasteless. It is no wonder they drown everything in vinegar over there.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)07:54:33 No.212632XXX
    I must respectfully disagree. IMO you guys should change your national dish to shepherd's pie. Now that is delicious and there is almost no wrong way to make it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)07:56:22 No.212633XXX
    We miss you, come back home :[

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)07:58:44 No.212633XXX
    Uncle Sam is the one subjecting me to three+ years of fish and chips.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)07:59:55 No.212633XXX
    I agree with the other Ausfag, i lived in ireland and the UK for 3 years, and there fish and chips is horrible, where as in Australia, its fucking delicious.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:01:57 No.212633XXX
    You are obviously eating in the wrong area, also add mushy peas, curry sauce or gravy >
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:02:10 No.212633XXX
    There are naff places to get fish and chips but the shops selling great British takeaway are always great

    Sheperds pie is awesome, any USfags had it?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:05:39 No.212634XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:05:55 No.212634XXX
    Yeah, that was my (OP) reply. First time I had shepherd's pie it was like an orgasm in my mouth, hands down best food i've had in country thus far. Also, its cheap to make.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:06:55 No.212634XXX
    fuck off home
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:07:03 No.212634XXX
    Of course they don't change the oil, it gives it that addictive rancid flavour.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:13:35 No.212635XXX
    Also, slowly getting over being offended at being called a yank. Back home calling someone a yank would get your ass kicked. A lot of southerners identify yank with being a northerner and thus the negative connotation from historical issues; which I never really cared about, just one of those things you don't call people cause they might take offense.

    Also try to not call yall brits cause apparently some take offense to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:22:48 No.212636XXX
    I have no problem being called limey, it refers to our powerful armys using lemons limes to stay healthy far from home for battle,

    didn't know you found yank offensive, and how do they find Brit offensive?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:26:33 No.212637XXX
    I'm not quite sure why, something along the lines of disrespectful to shorten Briton and something about being compared to americans.

    Also, why do yall get offended by a peace/victory sign? You know how hard that makes it to order two of something in a loud pub?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:34:39 No.212638XXX
    If you're going to complain about our food, do it in private. I'm sure most Brits would tell you to fuck off back home if you don't like it.

    Fuck off back home if you don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:35:11 No.212638XXX
    I don't get offended by the peace sign...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:35:56 No.212638XXX
    Yeah, the british vary from very chipper polite people, to the most bitter violent cunts in the world. There's no shade of grey.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:37:13 No.212638XXX
    Brit in the States here

    Dammit, now I need some proper fish and chips.

    Zero options here.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:38:25 No.212638XXX
    Tbh, fish and chips varies, even from one place its rarely ever the same one week to the next.
    Some places do tend to be a bit more consistant and all the tastier for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:38:27 No.212638XXX

    i used to live In wales, In NZ now and i struck me as odd that people could have varying degrees of emotions.

    A very true statement sir.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:39:25 No.212638XXX

    do you americans have chavs over there?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:39:38 No.212638XXX

    The Codfather in Cardiff. Now there's a chip shop for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:41:02 No.212639XXX
    I'll bear that in mind next I'm in Cardiff
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:42:29 No.212639XXX
    Britfag here, Fish and chips is fucking horrible
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:42:33 No.212639XXX
    Britfag here

    Most chippys have been taken over by chinese guys..

    Theres one round the corner from me and it used to be delicious but it got taken over by a chinese family and it just doesn't taste half as nice anymore.

    I don't really like fish and chips to be fair really, all about the currys now a days!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:42:39 No.212639XXX
    wiggers = chavs
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:42:43 No.212639XXX
    Sounds like the lady that wanted to cut me off in a multi-lane roundabout. Apparently she decided she was just gonna fly all the way from the right lane to her exit. Got pissed and laid on the horn cause I was *GASP* going straight in the left lane like it says. Wanted to yell out my window at her "Bitch, you're the retard in the far right lane. Didn't know you expected everyone to yield to you."
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:42:51 No.212639XXX
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    Limes, surely?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:43:02 No.212639XXX
    true, have any of you Brits ever had fresh hand pan fried fish and chips by the docks, with fish fresh off the boat? I haven't but I've seen it done and I want to try it
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:43:05 No.212639XXX
    Best meal I ever had was fish and chips in Australia while watching monty python on DVD with my family.

    (Amerifag here, inb4shitstorm)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:43:59 No.212639XXX
    victory sign the wrong way - with the palm towards you - is the same as the middle finger in the uk. comes from fighting the french in the 100 years war.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:45:12 No.212639XXX
    Actually, no; that's a myth. Stephen Fry said so on QI and Stepehn Fry's word IS LAW.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:45:14 No.212639XXX
    yeah limes, lemons and limes

    also that shirt kicks ass, seen it before
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:45:39 No.212639XXX
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    Come to Scotland, Get a pizza super down you. Only fucking £2.30!!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:45:42 No.212639XXX
    at least it's better than the fillet'o fish and fries at macdonald's
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:45:57 No.212639XXX

    I thought it came from bowman not having their fingers chopped off, or something to that effect?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:46:13 No.212639XXX
    how do you sign for 2 then?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:46:33 No.212639XXX

    >>BowMEN rather.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:46:50 No.212640XXX
    yeah thats what I understood as well
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:47:05 No.212640XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:47:10 No.212640XXX
    I'm aware of this now... sucked for the first week or two, learning what was okay and what would get my ass kicked. Went out to a pub followed by a club the first night I was in country and the other guy I was with was new in country too and ended up doing something that got a bunch of chavs pissed at him. Lucky I had already started making friends and the chavs got tossed.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:47:16 No.212640XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:47:20 No.212640XXX
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    I don't like fish and chips, or chips in general... but a chip sandwich is one of the greatest things of all time.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:47:26 No.212640XXX
    Fish and chips are fucking awesome with mushy peas and some scraps, makes a fucking epic tea
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:47:27 No.212640XXX
    palm facing away isn't offensive
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:47:37 No.212640XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:47:49 No.212640XXX
    fish and chips is ok, not great it is one of those things you crave every so often
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:47:56 No.212640XXX

    has anyone ever actually seen someone order or eat a Filet o fish, really? Because i swear i haven't.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:48:13 No.212640XXX
    It will probably suck at most places. I only eat it from places where they actually fish. Particularly Tynemouth and Whitby. From places like that it's just out of this world.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:48:43 No.212640XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:48:46 No.212640XXX
    So how're you liking it in England then Amerifag and where are about you at?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:49:01 No.212640XXX
    >Cod doesn't taste of anything

    Correction, shitty cod doesn't taste of anything. Good cod tastes great.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:49:13 No.212640XXX
    I'm not British, i'm English, fuck Wales, fuck Scotland and fuck N.Ireland
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:49:22 No.212640XXX
    no one will find the term "brits" offensive
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:49:28 No.212640XXX
    if you get near cornwall get a cornish pasty, also eat lot's of curry apparently you don't get it so much in the US
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:49:45 No.212640XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:50:04 No.212640XXX
    its ok but id rather have a burger or steak or something american

    but sometimes i rly want fish and chips
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:50:23 No.212640XXX

    You're so polite Reginald
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:50:23 No.212640XXX
         File1270212623.jpg-(127 KB, 1000x750, deep-fried-mars-bar-10-1000.jpg)
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    Hell yeah!

    Also deep fried Mars bar + ice cream = INSTANT ORGASIM
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:50:36 No.212640XXX
    Who let the yankee in the chip shop?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:50:42 No.212640XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:51:14 No.212640XXX
    god damn scots deep frying everything
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:51:17 No.212640XXX
    Fish and Chips from scotland is superior. Haddock is awesome! but I will agree from a shitty place it is shit but if you can find one, and they are out there an epic chip shop will blow your mind!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:51:49 No.212640XXX
    Fuck. I want good fish and chips now. I'm on a diet too.

    It's a 45min fucking journey to the coast as well.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:51:54 No.212640XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:51:58 No.212640XXX
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    who who wgho who who who who let dog out !
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:52:13 No.212640XXX
    >> 212640654
    they only eat that shit in scotland, looks fucking disgusting
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:52:18 No.212640XXX
    If Yankee/Yank is offensive why do you have a baseball team called the New York Yankees?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:52:21 No.212640XXX
    USfag here, I'm at RAF Alconbury. Guess you'd say its around North Hampton/Cambridge.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:52:25 No.212640XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:53:02 No.212641XXX

    Bollocks to superior.

    You have epic shellfish up there though.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:53:12 No.212641XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:53:59 No.212641XXX
    Everyone likes them except USAfags, sorry to break it to you. Canadafag here.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:54:13 No.212641XXX
    you are probably best of with pub food then, should be able to get a damn good sausage and mash round there
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:54:35 No.212641XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:54:42 No.212641XXX
    So does lots of food. Try it, without a doubt you'll love it. Wouldn't eat more than two a year; or you might die. But their worth a try.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:54:43 No.212641XXX
    Such a shame you're in the south bro, they're all fags.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:54:51 No.212641XXX
    Fuck all you britfags and amerifags you are both warmongering scum!!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:55:02 No.212641XXX
    it is. end of.

    wales comes second.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:55:41 No.212641XXX

    Britfag here, I find mash bland and tasteless, not bad with sausage though.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:55:43 No.212641XXX
    not that the times is the best source for such things but hey it gets the job done...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:55:46 No.212641XXX

    Is that slang for gay sex?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:55:48 No.212641XXX
    hello r u french
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:56:40 No.212641XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:56:45 No.212641XXX
    Oh yeah, the pub food around here is great. steak-n-ale pie, shepherd's pie, roast duck. Some fancier stuff too but I like to stick with home made type food.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:57:43 No.212641XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:58:09 No.212641XXX
    Yes I am French actualy and we have the best food and we do not attack evary other country in the world for oil so fuck you all
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:58:10 No.212641XXX
    I've actually been to the No 1 on that list. It was good, but I've had better. In Scotland fish n' chips is serious business.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:58:27 No.212641XXX

    Steak and ale pie with well made chips is Gods gift to men.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:58:50 No.212641XXX
    I'm Swedish, but I've been to the UK on a few occasions.
    I have got to say I love Fish 'n' Chips. Some places it tastes like crap but most places it's lovely!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:58:52 No.212641XXX
    funny thing , when i go to a fish n chips i never get fish or chips ... i get a burger , ba-zinga.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:59:10 No.212642XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:59:26 No.212642XXX

    I hope you've nobbed a proper nice English girl, not a slag/slut/sket.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:59:32 No.212642XXX
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    Legend. Tynemouth fish n chips = win. Also, Geordies are rock fucking solid.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:59:38 No.212642XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:59:46 No.212642XXX
    You are a fucking homo.
    Fish and chips taste like ass anywhere outside of New Zealand. You fucking aussie cunts, trying to steal our things.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)08:59:51 No.212642XXX
    Arbroath does not feature on that list there fore it is fail Also one of the best is a wee chippy in Dunfermline called armandos... crazy italian cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:00:20 No.212642XXX
    Hey /b/ I'm a gurl from Germany and I got raped in U.K 5 years before when I went there.... >.< So I hate Britain now, sorry. I never tried Fish / Chips either btw.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:00:26 No.212642XXX
    Wait... what? Seriously? USfag/OP here... first time I took the train over to france the food was horrible. Pretty sure I threw up within an hour. Or is that just your country's only form of self defense?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:01:05 No.212642XXX

    Chips are good. Perhaps the best invention foodwise ever.
    What OP must realise is that while chips taste wonderful on their own, their true power is only unlocked once you use them as a "vehicle" for your favourite sauces and condiments.
    For example, I myself am most partial to either mayonnaise or caesar salad dressing on my chip. They taste out of this world, my American friend. Out of this world.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:01:29 No.212642XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:01:34 No.212642XXX

    Lawl you struggle to win a war against yourselves, stfu.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:01:59 No.212642XXX
    Chippie brown sauce is ambrosia on chips...

    How the fuck do they make it that delicious...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:02:13 No.212642XXX
    Shut your fucking face! Fish n' Chips are from the UK. No one gives a shit about New Zedland. Most people couldn't even find it on a map. What have they ever done for the world?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:02:25 No.212642XXX
    Not yet honestly... only thing i've met so far is slags. Still looking for a proper english girl. :D
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:02:26 No.212642XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:02:49 No.212642XXX

    You were probably raped by a muslim. Not our fault, bitch.
    Go make me a sammich.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:02:59 No.212642XXX
    yeah sorry about that, I thought nein was german for fuck me harder
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:03:32 No.212642XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:03:40 No.212642XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:04:27 No.212642XXX

    There are plenty of English ladies in Wales, for some odd reason.
    Come over to my house, anon. I'll take you out to the clubs with better pickings to your likings later.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:04:32 No.212642XXX
    o.o yhelothar.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:04:58 No.212642XXX
    britfag here we havnt all had our tastebuds dulled by cooking oil that is older than time itself, some of us do still appreciate fine food and a good fillet of fish is awesome, they shit you get in a "fish and chips" is usually months old and hardly ever the fish they actually advertise
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:04:59 No.212642XXX

    That's a shame. You'll find one.

    And yeah watch out for the chavs. Least you're in a nice area though (I think?), shouldn't be too many out n' about.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:05:04 No.212642XXX
    posting your picture on /b/ makes you automatically a slag, have a nice day.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:05:26 No.212643XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:05:28 No.212643XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:05:40 No.212643XXX
    go to south west, and into the countryside, there you will find a "proper english girl" and will promptly wish you never met one of those stuck up cunts
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:06:02 No.212643XXX
    amerifag here
    I went to england and had this fish and chips in this little fish&chip shop in Dover.
    Was delicious,and I'm not even a huge fish fan.
    I guess its just a taste thing lulz
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:06:19 No.212643XXX

    Reggae Reggae sauce aswel, my fav concoction with chips is Tommy K, mayo and brown sauce mixed together
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:06:21 No.212643XXX
    Depends on the place you get your fish from. If it's a craphole then the fish is bound to be week old, but if you go near the coast then fresh fish is what you'll (tend) to get depending on how much you pay for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:06:37 No.212643XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:06:38 No.212643XXX
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    Fish and chips is so good in NZ, we put a bit of vinegar on everything and use the best fish. If you don't like F&C, you haven't had good F&C.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:06:50 No.212643XXX
    Are you over the age of 16
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:06:54 No.212643XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:07:26 No.212643XXX
    Yeah, there aren't a ton of chavs around here. A couple rows of government housing on the far side of Huntingdon but for the most part this place is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:07:34 No.212643XXX
    because during the civil war the union army were nicknamed yankees. it's not like nigger, it's just a north vs. south thing. an old joke goes like,

    "I was 6 before i learned damned yankees was 2 words."
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:08:52 No.212643XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:09:06 No.212643XXX
    Well, before i say anything, fuck you, and your queen you sack of shit, i'll jizz on her forehead.
    Who said we wanted people to find us on the map? I like it that way. And atleast my country isnt overun by niggers with pome accents.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:09:11 No.212643XXX
    Feels good man. No, seriously. Properly done fish and chips are fully delicious to us natives. Stereotypes are most often correct, just look at niggers.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:09:51 No.212643XXX
    lol, that bad you say? So which is it /b/rothers? Do I find a slag or a proper english girl?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:09:53 No.212643XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:09:58 No.212643XXX

    Yup. It's a shame. You used to be able to get perfectly decent fish and chips pretty much everywhere but in the past 10-15 years most have shut down or been re-made as kebab shops and therefore fucking suck.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:10:27 No.212643XXX
    >> !TdMVtZF7b2 04/02/10(Fri)09:10:56 No.212643XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:11:48 No.212643XXX
    Its really not as popular as amerifags seem to think it is, thats probably down to movies. But as said above most decent fish and chip shops have gone.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:11:57 No.212643XXX
    I spent a year living in Newcastle. Great nightlilfe there.

    BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, make sure you have at least 1 bottle of BUCKFAST before you come home.

    18.5% abv, more caffeine than coffee. Tastes like shit but one bottle will have you dancing till 4am, two will have you blacked out until lunch.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:12:00 No.212643XXX
    Now that one I know is true, I've found a few places that were significantly older and could tell their fish-n-chips was different from the rest.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:12:07 No.212644XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:12:33 No.212644XXX
    This fucks me off also, people calling people yanks. As someone who is intent on attempting to live in America in 3 or 4 years time, that kind of anti-lulz way of addressing people really gets to me. People arent even trying to offend you, they arent even being derogatory (and yes im as overtly racist as everyone else here for trolling purposes, this is why i take issue here), its just really really annoying. Good luck OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:13:10 No.212644XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:13:22 No.212644XXX
    I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it. Sounds like that energy drink back in the States called Cocaine.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:13:25 No.212644XXX

    Ahh, that's all good then. Tbh, if anyone started out you'd probably get backed up. Then again, being a milfag I guess you wouldn't need it.

    And I say conquest for both.

    Try to find a good rave to go to as well, a proper underground event, not club organised.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:13:46 No.212644XXX
    if you want a decent girl in the UK my best advice is go out during the daytime, the women are more open to being approached and tend not to be the trash you find in clubs
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:14:13 No.212644XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:14:14 No.212644XXX
    you have to make sure you go to a fish and chips place that is run by brits if you want it to be good. americans are great at frying pretty much everything other than white fish, for that you need an english man to do the job.
    down town manhattan has a little place called a salt and battery, owner and everybody who works there is british and they are all cool guys. they also have other things you would have trouble finding in the states like mushy peas, steak and kidney pie, dandelion and burdock and some beer you wouldnt be able to find in any stores.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:14:28 No.212644XXX
    come back to the USA, OP.
    we miss you here.
    everything is so crazy without you

    you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:14:33 No.212644XXX
    i dont eat fish but the chips are AMAZING!
    better than 'fries'
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:15:19 No.212644XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:15:22 No.212644XXX

    No you Maoris and Samonas. Two failed races if ever i saw them. Your accents are exactly like those in the UK but lazy and monotone as fuck. And the Queen is on your money.

    Go fail harder.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:15:58 No.212644XXX
    fuck yeah man
    i go to the best fish n chip shop in hawkes bay
    shit is so cash
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:15:59 No.212644XXX
    Amerifag here. OP is an obvious fag. OP acts as if there are no Fish and Chips in the United States.

    Fish and Chips in the States run the gamut from shit fried dirty "Long John Silvers" fast food chains to the really good shit that you can get at mom and pop shops run by Asian immigrants, at Ye Olde English pubs, at microbreweries and at just about any fucking "American-style" restaurant.

    Some places make it out of cod, others halibut, others some other shit.

    I am apologize for OP's faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:16:23 No.212644XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:17:19 No.212644XXX
    See thats unfortunately a little bit of a problem. I work shifts so either i'm at work during the day from before the sun comes up til after it goes down.... or i'm at home sleeping cause I gotta work nights. At least on night shift I get to stop by the local town while shops are open.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:17:38 No.212644XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:17:48 No.212644XXX

    Also, like some other posters, I think my only real regret is not attending a real underground rave while I was there
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:18:57 No.212644XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:19:24 No.212645XXX

    Its 2.18. Why are you posting on /b/ and not in town or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:19:34 No.212645XXX
    Back in the kitchen
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:19:59 No.212645XXX
    you are fuckin cute.
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:20:17 No.212645XXX
    Woah woah woah... I'm from the south, we don't have chip shops. LongJohnSilvers and Captain Ds are as far from a real chip shop as you can get and still be called seafood. As far as the mom-n-pop places back in the states, I didn't live near the ocean... so no such thing.

    So appologize for your own faggotry assuming bastard.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:21:06 No.212645XXX

    Payback for rapping Poland i suppose.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:21:23 No.212645XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:21:25 No.212645XXX
    I just woke up not long ago. :3
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:22:10 No.212645XXX
    my local chippy is great, depends what yours is like
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:22:11 No.212645XXX
    depends where you get it.
    I personally don't like fish so i usually get a thing called fritter and chips.
    A fritter is like a big ass chip and it's fucking orgasmic.
    Im a scotfag so idk if you have them down in england but they're definitely worth trying.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:22:30 No.212645XXX

    Meh. Raves are shit. It's all just a bunch of ugly sweaty chavs on E and self absorbed middle class cunts on coke and I always fucking got hit on by creepy middle aged divorced women having a mid life crisis. Bunch of arse.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:22:58 No.212645XXX

    Worked the graveyard shift huh?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:23:32 No.212645XXX
    I saw those on the menu at the pub... kinda looked like a baked potato, only fried instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:23:35 No.212645XXX
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    >> lurkatme 04/02/10(Fri)09:23:46 No.212645XXX
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    USfag living in NZ

    fush and chups shop up the road from me. eat that shit at least once a week. fish is crap if you just get the standard shark. got to get the blue cod. they put lemon pepper on the chips. i'll buy just the chips if i'm grilling a steak.

    my Americunt whine (whinge) to my NZ /b/rothers:
    it's not a goddamn barbecue... its a grill.
    when you're cooking meat over a gas flame with no hood it's grilling.
    and just putting sauce on doesn't make it bbq either.

    a proper bbq is slowly smoked meats cook at about 170F for several hours.

    (southernfag here if you can't figure it out)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:23:58 No.212645XXX
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    Its Samoans*
    And first of all, our accents are IN NO WAY near UK accents, are you fucking retarded? Your just mad you inbreed with too much pakis and now theres little dizzee rascals running around.
    And i dont care is she is on our money, i'll still jizz on her forehead.

    Good day to you sir.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:24:15 No.212645XXX
    USfag here and I love the fish & chips in the UK. Fuck it, I love British chicks, and pretty much the entire UK cos those niggas know how to party!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:24:16 No.212645XXX

    how about you do some drugs and enjoy the music you winey cunt
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:24:17 No.212645XXX
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    see what u fuckin did there
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:24:38 No.212645XXX

    Yup we have them and they're gross.

    Hello sir, what'll it be? Why, I'll have a big bag of chips and two fucking huge chips the size of my head please.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:24:41 No.212645XXX

    And this why at 21 i no longer go to town or raves. I hate that fucking shit. I'm going to make a cup of goddamn fucking tea.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:24:45 No.212645XXX
    Britfag here.
    Yes, if the shop is run by asians, the chips will be cooked crisp un ten year old oil.
    If the shop is run by brits, the chips will be nice and soggy with fairly fresh oil. and those are the best chips.

    Also, if you're ever in Southampton, find your way to Bitterne Park, at the top of the hill is an absolutely epic fish and chip shop.

    And yes, Shepherds pie is the best food ever. close second is Toad in the Hole.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:25:26 No.212645XXX
    Yeah on nights right now. Oddly enough I prefer that shift cause I actually get to go out and see yall's country while everyone is awake and stuff is open. Felt very restrictive when I first got here and found out pretty much everything aside from Tesco is 8am-5pm.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:25:43 No.212646XXX
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    Hungary, USA and Poland, brothers forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:26:06 No.212646XXX
    you sure you know what raped means, you little nazi slut?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:26:08 No.212646XXX
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    come to dublin, Burdocks fish and chips, you havnt had fish n chips till youve been to dublin, also it depends where you go in britain, i had fish n chips in Dover, and it was fucking nice
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:26:16 No.212646XXX

    My friend, you've gone to the wrong sorta raves.

    Also, if any mancfags are in here, a rave is being organised in that huge D&W factory in Littleborough.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:26:22 No.212646XXX

    Yup, Britfag here, can't say i don't enjoy Fish and chips from my local, but i have been to Australia twice in my life, and i'm not joking right now, i had "Shark" and chips and it was too good for words.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:26:29 No.212646XXX
    Fuck, I miss Tesco!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:27:05 No.212646XXX

    I did. I was one the the self absorbed cunts on coke.

    They're still shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:28:07 No.212646XXX

    Yup I've had shark and chips in England before, I was really impressed.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:28:24 No.212646XXX
    Morons eat fried food.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:28:24 No.212646XXX
    Toad In The Hole... okay yeah, the name is so interesting i'm gonna have to order that at the pub if they have it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:28:59 No.212646XXX
    >I'm from the south

    Oh, sorry that you're from the south.

    >So appologize for your own faggotry assuming bastard.

    I already apologized. I'm from Northern California and sometimes forget that the rest of the country does not enjoy nature's bounty the way that we do.

    But, for what it's worth, even the most remote of shit places in the states have access to flash frozen cod. Heck, you guys in the south can just batter up some catfish in something other than that cornmeal shit you put on it and you can have yourself some fish and Chips.

    Alton Brown from Good Eats is from Georgia and motherfucker knows how to fish and chip, so don't give me no grief.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:29:02 No.212646XXX

    No actually i live in Christchurch and i have a Kiwi wife and son. You DO have lazy English accents. The queen IS on your money. And the Maori and Samoans are still failed races.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:29:12 No.212646XXX
    its a sausage in soggy pastry

    dont order it
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:29:50 No.212646XXX
    wooo burdocks! im partial to a beschoffs on oconnell street too.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:30:05 No.212646XXX
    i lived in the uk for 2 years, it was the worst experience of my life
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:30:34 No.212646XXX
    i am from naples, italy, the hometown of pizza
    this is a travesty
    you outta be ashamed
    also, op, fish and chips and shepherds pie are likely the only two things of british cuisine that i do rather enjoy
    also, you must admit, british sweets and confectionary are superior to american ones
    otherwise, if you only consider locally-based cuisine and not foreign influence, the isles are all wretched options for eating
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:31:36 No.212646XXX

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:31:42 No.212646XXX
    Pics or Attention Whore.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:31:52 No.212646XXX
    I fully plan on making a trip to Dublin at some point but I won't be doing what one of my buddies did... now engaged to be married cause he let the alcohol get the better of him and got some slag pregnant.

    The other day I bought some premade houmous and cheesy baps. I figured they'd last me a week... took one bite and they were gone in less than 20 minutes. I don't know why it was so delicious.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:32:05 No.212646XXX
    good friday /b/ro fish aplenty tonight
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:32:26 No.212646XXX
    we should put a burdocks in a diferent city (why its only in dublin i dunno) we could make a fucking fortune
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:32:30 No.212646XXX

    Gotta agree with the confectionery argument.
    Had a tootsiepop once, What the fuck was that shit!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:32:41 No.212647XXX

    Bollocks toad in the hole is godly. You can't make a pizza, piss all over it then complain that all pizza tastes like piss. lrn2cook
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:34:27 No.212647XXX
    get ur fat mom to learn to cook she fk cooked it for me. bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:34:43 No.212647XXX
    USfag here who's never been out of the country unless you count Southern California as fucking Mexico, but I digest, I love a good order of fish & chips, especially if the place by default drops off a bottle of malt vinegar instead of tartar sauce.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:35:03 No.212647XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:36:07 No.212647XXX
    Ah thank you for letting me know you're a NorCal bastard. "Hey dude, just so you know fresh water catfish and salt water catfish are HELLA different." See I too am a Georgia boy and quite frankly you still have no clue what you're talking about. Fried catfish is not the same or even close to fried cod.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:36:44 No.212647XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:37:57 No.212647XXX
    >soggy pastry
    What? It's batter you fuck, and it isn't soggy.
    You have had shit Toad in the Hole.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:38:39 No.212647XXX

    Well there you go then, she can't cook for shit.
    >> His Royal Thickness !b2ysEKU8s. 04/02/10(Fri)09:39:03 No.212647XXX
    It's fuckin battered to death. Steak & kidney pie is better.

    Op, have you a football club yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:39:11 No.212647XXX
    Actually, I haven't had a chance to try any british sweets yet. Though I do look forward to this given how everyone seems to agree.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:39:24 No.212648XXX

    He just had a sausage roll and it blew his mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:39:37 No.212648XXX
    The Chips&Gravy are better.
    Try that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:40:38 No.212648XXX
    Nah, I haven't taken a side yet but friends are starting to push me towards picking one. Only teams I know are Leeds, ManU, Liverpool, & Arsenal.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:40:49 No.212648XXX
    Pakis and arabs are failed races too, but thats irrelevant isn't it?
    I'm pakeha, if you were a true NZer you would know what that means, so pls, gtfo back to your hole of a country if you think our accents are the same, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:41:33 No.212648XXX
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    Today I have learnt that nice fish & chips are nice and that shitty fish & chips are shitty.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:42:36 No.212648XXX
    lol I see what you did there.
    One flaw though, i'm USAF not Army. :)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:42:40 No.212648XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:45:33 No.212648XXX

    So why do we have you lot stationed over here?

    I guess we can't defend ourselves huh? :P

    But seriously, I'm not complaining or anything - just interested, why?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:45:44 No.212648XXX

    Tell ME!!!! i've got a mate that went to manchester uni, i go and visit him a bit cos i'm on a gap year at the mo, but whenever we go we jsut head to clubs like sankeys and 5th av (which are awesome) but since i come from a twon with only like 2 maninstream clubs never expericend a proper underground rave, had a few messy house parties though.

    Also food: if fish and chips are done properly they are fucking amazing, but yeah we had a shit load of Bangladeshis come over in the 70s and literally ALL of them set up shit like curry houses. UK is not what it used to be. We were stupid enough to elect a woman prime minister. WTF.
    >> lurkatme 04/02/10(Fri)09:45:45 No.212648XXX

    pakeha is maori for white meat.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:47:48 No.212649XXX
    Oh... and wierd thing here.
    I try to avoid eating at McDonalds cause I don't want to enforce the whole stereotype of Amerifags eat sleep and breath McDonalds. I feel like if I go there everyone will just watch me eat like the Dave Chapell skit about black people and fried chicken. "Look at him.... he loves it."
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:47:58 No.212649XXX

    I'm not British, I'm Scottish.

    Fuck England.

    In all seriousness, we'd all be better off apart.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:48:30 No.212649XXX

    Pakeha huh?

    Confirmed for being a dirty wanna be nigger Maori. Because no self respecting white person would call themselves that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:48:36 No.212649XXX
    Welcome to the country anyway old boy.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:48:41 No.212649XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:50:06 No.212649XXX
    i scrolled up to top of page to reply but i forgot what ur post was

    fuck off anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:51:14 No.212649XXX
    Honestly, I wouldn't know why we're actually here. I'm personally here for telcom stuff but as far as most of us being over here its mostly in a support role and intel work. We have almost no interaction with the RAF or British army. Aside from there are a few of them around cause they still own the actual base.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:54:58 No.212650XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:58:02 No.212650XXX
    But back to a good topic. Need to find a British chick...
    Any types to avoid aside from the gold digging slags that near instantly approach military guys? Its like... why don't they understand most of us are in the military for a reason, we aint rich.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:58:39 No.212650XXX

    Your mate should find out the details soon seeing as he's as he is at man uni. If he doesn't find out anything, just tell him to ask around about D&W.

    Not much has said about it at the moment. All I know is that there is a new security firm who are looking after the Littleborough industrial estate, and the head securtity guy like is one of the ones who is organising it, so access won't be a problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)09:59:30 No.212650XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:01:05 No.212651XXX
    Have been pretty unimpressed by English food generally whenever I've been there.


    Only fucking country that takes it's pies semi-seriously. Britfags your pies are awesome.

    Also, your sweets are top tier, your mutton is superior. Brit beef is fucking terrible though, why the fuck is that anyway? You guys seem to be incapable of preparing beefsteak, I don't understand it - the Aussies and Saffers manage it just fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:01:43 No.212651XXX

    cheers he's at home atm cos the semester has just finished, i'll tell him
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:02:11 No.212651XXX
    I'm British. I don't like fish and chips. MIND FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:02:48 No.212651XXX
    white person*

    parangi is maori for white pig.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:04:48 No.212651XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:05:06 No.212651XXX
    naplesfag again
    i do also like what comes from british bakeries
    our baked goods here in italy are mostly rubbish in comparison
    shortbread is perhaps the very best thing i've ever had
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:08:00 No.212652XXX

    Should really good. The D&W factory is supposed to pretty good as well.

    Doubt it will be as epic as the one in Bedfordshire. There was like 500 that turned up, was fucking epic.

    Was all over the news as well, search for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:08:28 No.212652XXX
    LOL at scotland thinking they'd be better off without us
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:09:39 No.212652XXX
    Also, I must admit, yall are better at beer (in quality not quantity) than us back in the states but by the same token, yall are clueless when it comes to liquor. I kinda laughed when I found out yall don't do mixed drinks over here. Made me take a step back and go "wait, then what do women and fags drink?!"
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:11:21 No.212652XXX
    i support this post, but i do believe that the majority of pies prepared by people of celtic or germanic descent are wonderful
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:11:52 No.212653XXX

    Because most of us just take 'em straight lad!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:12:03 No.212653XXX
    you haven't discovered cocktails yet? or the revered alcopop?
    >> lurkatme 04/02/10(Fri)10:12:19 No.212653XXX

    it was a joke.
    they use to eat people.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)10:12:19 No.212653XXX


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