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  • File : 1270095247.jpg-(28 KB, 368x321, man-sitting-clip-art-silhouette.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:14:07 No.212232XXX  
    /b/, you are full of trolls. You are why no one can have good things. You're all the cancer and AIDS of society today. Fuck you, /b/. Fuck you.

    - Anonymous
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:15:15 No.212232XXX
    OP here, disregard everything I said. I'm a huge faggot.

    - Anonymous
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:15:59 No.212232XXX
    OP here, disregard that I have dicks in my mouth.

    - Anonymous
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:16:08 No.212233XXX
    No, fuck you. You're the reason why this shithole is the way it is.

    - The real OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:16:55 No.212233XXX
    OP here, disregard that I have dicks in my mouth and is getting ass-fucked at the same time.

    - Anonymous
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:17:16 No.212233XXX
    what would be so great?

    leave if you don't like it here.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:17:29 No.212233XXX
    NO U.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:17:44 No.212233XXX
         File1270095464.jpg-(44 KB, 715x328, ActDouglasSpartacus.jpg)
    44 KB
    NO, I AM THE OP!

    - The real OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:17:45 No.212233XXX
    This place is called the asshole of the internet what the fuck do you expect?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:18:58 No.212234XXX


    - OP
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:19:16 No.212234XXX
    There are other imageboards on 4chan, why not visit one of them for a change.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:20:13 No.212234XXX
         File1270095613.jpg-(25 KB, 478x468, 1268622553665.jpg)
    25 KB
    Hey, sorry about what I said, /b/rothers.
    How about an apologetic /b/ro-fist?

    - The real OP (forreal)
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:20:13 No.212234XXX
         File1270095613.jpg-(17 KB, 368x321, 1270095247683.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:20:16 No.212234XXX
    Shove it!

    - OP
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:20:57 No.212234XXX

    NO U

    - OP
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:21:45 No.212235XXX
    I wonder how many of these are by the OP.

    - OP
    >> whome 04/01/10(Thu)00:21:52 No.212235XXX
    >>212232273 - first real freedom forum
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:22:20 No.212235XXX
    Do I look I care.

    - OP
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:23:01 No.212235XXX

    I do look care I.

    - OP
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:23:44 No.212235XXX
    God damnit, OP. Fuck off.

    - OP
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:23:48 No.212235XXX
    But do you?

    - OP
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:24:15 No.212235XXX

    Well, do you a faggot?

    - OP
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:24:34 No.212236XXX
    YOU fuck off, faggot.

    - OP

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