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03/31/10(Wed)22:21:55 No.212193XXX  File1270088515.jpg-(59
KB, 450x604, 4chan intenet.jpg)
there comes the time
when you need to take action, for many reasons, war, injustice and of
cource... for teh lulz This is one of those times.
You cannot
sit back and let these lulz pass us by, because we have not tasted true
lulz for a while. Succesfully trolling the world (on april 1st) is
probably the best tasting lulz that could stumble our way.
farseeing anon broufght forward his vision of teh lulz upon the idea of
spreading this falce banana symbol of the trolls
he was not
wrong. If everyone uses this shymbol and uses the same fasts (not same
copied story), teh lulz will ensue
now go /b/.. contact all your
media outlets telling them the concern of cyberbullying and the
recognition of this symbol will bring light to the subject.
do it
for teh lulz |