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  • File : 1270052203.png-(118 KB, 397x298, 1270004517695.png)
    118 KB Trippy thread ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:16:43 No.212023XXX  
    so tell me anon... why don't most of you trip?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:17:02 No.212023XXX
    go ahead
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:18:48 No.212023XXX
    Outta shrooms.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:18:51 No.212023XXX
    because i don't do drugs
    >> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:19:20 No.212023XXX
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    I mean, it's alot more fun being a tripfag.

    we're somewhat known, our win/fail is open to the public. and everyone loves us.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:19:58 No.212023XXX
    becaus I want a custom trip but cant seem to make one :( any advice Op?
    >> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:20:19 No.212024XXX
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    Did you know that moot uses a tripcode?
    >> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:21:47 No.212024XXX
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    well tripfag used to come around once a week (in jan)

    then he showed up in late febuary, and gave out trips using his tripcode explorer.

    haven't seen him in a long time.

    if you want a custom trip, I suggest asking a tripfag if they have that explorer thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:22:27 No.212024XXX
         File1270052547.jpg-(60 KB, 458x347, SNACKS.jpg)
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    Oh my god Tetra, get a fucking life. Go Outside.

    Nobody likes you. You can ass kiss to moot all you want, and everyone else

    We are anonymous. Get a fucking life, and quit brown nosing


    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:22:42 No.212024XXX
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    >everyone loves us.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:22:47 No.212024XXX
    >> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:23:05 No.212024XXX
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    If you have a tripcode, your likely to get noticed for what you reply to, how you act to others, and things of the sort.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:23:09 No.212024XXX
    I've been looking for you for a while. Do you have the moot thread from a few days ago on /b/ ? Or at least a screencap?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:23:11 No.212024XXX
    Because we have social lifes outside 4chan while you sit your obese fat ass wasting your time on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:23:15 No.212024XXX

    that's cause moot is an admin faggot and you're not
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:23:22 No.212024XXX

    ive tried tripcode explorer cant seem to understand it :(
    I might try again. looking for Cellar5 in the trip
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:23:44 No.212024XXX
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    You're a faggot.
    >> !!9Hig/jizLnt 03/31/10(Wed)12:23:51 No.212024XXX
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    Because i usually lurk
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:23:58 No.212024XXX
    Got busted and now have to do drog tests to keep my driving licens.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:23:58 No.212024XXX
    op is a faggot, sucks mod dick, etc.
    >> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:24:08 No.212024XXX
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    and trolling is so much more fun when your a tripfag
    (not to mention easy)

    >> VTR 03/31/10(Wed)12:24:09 No.212024XXX
    i would but i dont know/havent bothered to figure out how to make one
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:24:12 No.212024XXX
    i trip all the god damn time,
    much love for san pedro,
    much love for ayahuasca,
    much love for 2c*,
    much love for LSD,
    much love for shrooms,
    much love for 5-meo-dipt
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:24:25 No.212024XXX
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    >He trips because he wants to get noticed on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:24:26 No.212024XXX
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    Again, Tetra, I am calling you a fag. Fag.
    >> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:25:01 No.212024XXX
    see >>212024580
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:25:03 No.212024XXX
    You're not trolling anyone Tetra. You're asking a legitimate question and getting shit on for it, so you're saying you're trolling to avoid looking like a moron. Shut the fuck up, you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:25:28 No.212025XXX
    Do you have the entire thread where moot appeared?
    >> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:25:54 No.212025XXX
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    serious bushiness....

    Tripcodes are for pros anon..

    Learn to man up and stop samefagging.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:26:06 No.212025XXX
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    What an attentionfag. Stop bumping your own threads; no one wants to hear your shit. This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:26:12 No.212025XXX
         File1270052772.png-(87 KB, 755x1255, LOL-I-TROLL-YOU.png)
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    pic related go to bed faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:26:13 No.212025XXX
    Hey bro. I think I see a bunch of dick sucking to moot in there, nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:26:39 No.212025XXX
    OP.. troll or a retard?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:26:56 No.212025XXX
    >> sage Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:26:59 No.212025XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:27:01 No.212025XXX
    Forgot mah sagay
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:27:26 No.212025XXX
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    >> sage sage 03/31/10(Wed)12:27:37 No.212025XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:27:48 No.212025XXX
    >He trips for attention
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:27:58 No.212025XXX
    >everyone loves us.

    implying everyone loves trip fags
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:28:00 No.212025XXX
    see what i mean.
    Tripcode = trolling made easy.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:28:09 No.212025XXX
    because SAGE
    >> sage sage 03/31/10(Wed)12:28:28 No.212025XXX
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    >> GYAAAAA!! △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:28:45 No.212025XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:28:56 No.212025XXX

    go to

    >> sage sage 03/31/10(Wed)12:28:59 No.212025XXX

    Nahbro. You're not trolling. You're just retarded and got shit on.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:29:02 No.212025XXX

    Se canceló la navegación a la página web.

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    Actualice la página.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:29:10 No.212025XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:29:26 No.212025XXX
    You said trip codes are for pro anon, but if you have a trip you are no longer anonymous. I think you need to fuck off, and get off of /b/. I haven't seen you troll yet and I've seen most of your shitty threads.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:30:03 No.212025XXX
    i havent tripped in about a year, and i miss it
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:30:08 No.212025XXX
    A navegação para a página da Web foi cancelada

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    >> XD grammer!!! △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:30:08 No.212025XXX
    doing it wrong<^

    anon is a mindlest fool
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:30:19 No.212026XXX
    Este programa não pode exibir a página da Web

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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:30:23 No.212026XXX
    MMM I know there's a mod around here who loves banning camwhores and attentionfags. Hope he gets off work soon.
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:31:37 No.212026XXX
    mods love me! i won't get B&.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:32:07 No.212026XXX
    because tripfags are gay
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:32:55 No.212026XXX
    Do you have the entire thread where moot appeared on /b/ at 3/30/2010 ?

    I've only seen a screenshot of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:32:56 No.212026XXX
    Like really? You're honestly either a little 12 year old moron or a fucking retard. No one loves you by the way.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:34:31 No.212026XXX

    someone didn't get enough love from daddy beside his throbbing cock in their anus
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:34:49 No.212026XXX
    Bump, still waiting...
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:34:58 No.212026XXX
         File1270053298.jpg-(33 KB, 350x321, 1262887587323.jpg)
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    Another one of Tetra's shitty threads to get attention from the mods?
    Suck a dick.

    inb4 Gagafag and CyegodDESU - Its a fagfest in hurrrr.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:35:31 No.212026XXX
    Hello Black man, do you like Battletoads?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:36:37 No.212027XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:36:41 No.212027XXX
    >> deleted 03/31/10(Wed)12:36:47 No.212027XXX
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)12:36:53 No.212027XXX
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    hello there again Tetra :3
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:36:58 No.212027XXX
    Hi there!

    You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

    Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:37:30 No.212027XXX
    Anon # # member might have the whole thread.
    This thread was for anon<

    Also THE GAEM.
    >> △□◎☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆wai ! 03/31/10(Wed)12:38:12 No.212027XXX
    hai wuts goin on?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:38:12 No.212027XXX
    Who is he?
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)12:38:45 No.212027XXX
         File1270053525.jpg-(46 KB, 299x288, my face hurts.jpg)
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    there is no game, its just an illusion
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:39:14 No.212027XXX
    Seriously which person are you talking about?
    >> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tootera✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the COCKS|▓ČĤ░ 03/31/10(Wed)12:39:56 No.212027XXX


    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)12:40:29 No.212027XXX
         File1270053629.jpg-(46 KB, 299x288, wut.jpg)
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    oh shit dawg two of these mother fuckers

    what the dicks
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:40:41 No.212027XXX
    no thanks I don't wanna be anon, I like being unique like yotsuba.
    this site was made so one <could be> anonymous. not to force people to be anon...
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:40:49 No.212027XXX
         File1270053649.jpg-(248 KB, 1110x638, epicart37.jpg)
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    I trip. I trip balls.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:40:50 No.212027XXX
    You don't have permission to access /4spam/4spam.txt on this server.
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:41:02 No.212028XXX
    >> deleted 03/31/10(Wed)12:41:03 No.212028XXX
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:42:32 No.212028XXX
    I lol'd!!!!!
    >> Anusnipple 03/31/10(Wed)12:43:19 No.212028XXX
    i trip once i while
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:43:37 No.212028XXX
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    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:43:55 No.212028XXX
    Mods are spamming???
    ROUGE MOD!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:44:00 No.212028XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:44:00 No.212028XXX
    there is an easier way of becoming a mod beside begging like a fag on /b/ all day
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:44:12 No.212028XXX
    A navegação para a página da Web foi cancelada

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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:44:24 No.212028XXX
    cos we value life
    >> sage sage 03/31/10(Wed)12:44:44 No.212028XXX
    goes in all fields
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:44:48 No.212028XXX
    I don't do drugs. Never tried em
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:45:19 No.212028XXX

    do tell....
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:45:50 No.212028XXX
    tripcodes are for jerks, moot taught us that
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:46:07 No.212029XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:46:16 No.212029XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:46:58 No.212029XXX

    do tell? fuck you having fags like you patrolling /b/ wouldn't be anymore helpful in the slightest.
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)12:47:02 No.212029XXX
         File1270054022.jpg-(274 KB, 584x797, c92b817510195ecae54f9efd3725ed(...).jpg)
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    secure tripcodes are sir
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:47:20 No.212029XXX
    >Secure tripcodes
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:47:41 No.212029XXX
    Lanced Jack.
    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:48:24 No.212029XXX
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:48:47 No.212029XXX
    >implying Patroling /b/ isn't a good thing for anon knowing i post all day.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:48:54 No.212029XXX
    Because it's stupid and it completely goes against the point of an ANONYMOUS image board.
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:49:51 No.212029XXX
    Lace jack /v/ trip ban!

    i have oldfag friends sie. heard the shit was epic.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:50:21 No.212029XXX

    Knowing you post all day is the problem faggot. Just dont post and that would just do the job of the moderator by cutting all the attention whoring
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:50:37 No.212029XXX
    because i couldn't care less about being recognized on this stump of /b/ this board is now.
    thats almost as bad as one of these annoying camwhores, there should be a special assrape section in hell reserved only for these kinds.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:51:14 No.212030XXX
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    Tetra, you're an idiot. You post like a retard and you're delusional. The mods don't give a shit. m00t doesn't give a shit. You think that people actually like attention whores around here, provided they aren't a source of fap material? Nigga please.

    If I could punch you in the face through the internet, I would.
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:51:18 No.212030XXX
    The mods love me, I'm their little chubby buddy.
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)12:51:51 No.212030XXX
         File1270054311.jpg-(46 KB, 299x288, 3.jpg)
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    you dont have to only visit /b/ you know
    >> ▲♦Anonymous♦▲ !RAdoNAucf6 03/31/10(Wed)12:52:26 No.212030XXX
    Look another tripper.

    Why arn't we aLL TRIPPERS??! AAHH PLEASE TRIP QQ!!!

    There i trip, happy now?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:52:35 No.212030XXX

    >The mods love me, I'm their little chubby prison bitch.

    fix'd that for you
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:52:43 No.212030XXX
    monster hunter fuck yea
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:53:06 No.212030XXX
    /v/ has a tetra already..I might vist more when my bud gets back online.
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)12:54:17 No.212030XXX
    I miss yotsuba...
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)12:54:25 No.212030XXX
         File1270054465.jpg-(57 KB, 299x288, 8532998436212c0ad5042fd5048b8e(...).jpg)
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    lol in a /v/ thread about it now
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:56:05 No.212031XXX
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    >The mods love me.

    Prove it.

    Get one mod to vouch for you in this thread, and I'll believe you. Go ahead.

    Pic unrelated.
    >> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:56:25 No.212031XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:57:31 No.212031XXX
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    me visiting the board is not the issue, the worrying amount of hurr durr tripfags without friends and humour is
    >> Needz moar oldfags in har. ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 03/31/10(Wed)12:58:06 No.212031XXX
    Experienced /v/ user thread

    ONLY post if you meet the following conditions

    1. You have been browsing /v/ almost daily for OVER 2 and a half years
    2. You can open multiple tabs using middlemouse while scrolling down a page with ease
    3. You regularly sage bad threads and know what sage does (Claiming that ignoring a thread is better than saging a thread makes you an IDIOT. sage sends a message to the OP and everyone else in the thread, if you dont understand this, you are not worthy of the experienced rank.)
    4. You dont use memes
    5. You can recognise trends in /v/ threads and can predict how a thread will turn out
    6. You can destroy a thread in one post because you know exactly what to say to piss people off about any game, genre, fanbase, character etc (And DONT need to use some shitty meme to do it)
    7. You know the personalities of all the active tripcode users and what they are likely to post and what they dont like etc (If you filter ANY part of /v/ you are missing out on something inside /v/, and thus LOSE THE EXPERIENCE someone else had when viewing the posts you filtered. And stop making excuses such as "I dont look at name fields", yes you fucking do, youre just too stupid to observe and remember)
    8. You can easily spot when the same person has posted twice in a thread and you DONT use the word "samefag", because it falls into the fucking shitty gay meme category of putting "fag" at the end of a phrase or word, you say something along the lines of "same person".
    9. You DO NOT replace "ing" with "an", this the the fucking gayest shit ever.
    10. You recognise /v/ as "/v/ - Video Games" and you NEVER say the word "Vidya". NEVER.

    Thats all I can think of now, but if I ever make this thread again ill try to make more conditions

    If you dont meet ALL of these conditions you are a WORTHLESS /v/ browser and should GO AWAY, RIGHT NOW

    Call troll and sage all you want but youre just proving you dont meet the conditions and arent worthy, you fuck.
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)12:58:58 No.212031XXX
    oh well then...that sucks
    i just ignore it, i have many friends, many anon friends, and some tripfriends like me

    all is well in the land of Minegerade
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)13:01:30 No.212032XXX
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    but this is /b/

    but i guess i meet those requirements
    >> noko 541 !!wyE1sJX89ak 03/31/10(Wed)13:01:47 No.212032XXX
    Trip attempt. inb4 youfailnewfag. Been here longer than most of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:02:39 No.212032XXX

    jesus fucking christ the newfags are rolling in today
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)13:03:12 No.212032XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:03:15 No.212032XXX
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    pic related.
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)13:04:29 No.212032XXX
    lol im the newfag?

    havent been called that since '07
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)13:04:35 No.212032XXX
    Oldfags would not "attempt"
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)13:06:23 No.212033XXX
    do, /tv/ /b/ /co/ /k/ and /a/ now.

    I might hang in /v/ more... once i fix /b/.
    >> 541 !!wyE1sJX89ak 03/31/10(Wed)13:06:47 No.212033XXX
    Even though I'm tripfagging, I'll probably stay Anon 90% of the time. It's the whole point of 4chan. But yeah. Thanks mods, its nice to have.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:06:58 No.212033XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:07:34 No.212033XXX

    bet your some teenage faggot about 14-17 most likely 14 that heard about 4chan through HURR DURR FAUX NEWS then found ED just read up on some shit by basement dwellers with to much time and then make up loads of shit about being here FOREVA and trying to act like a oldfag.

    Protip. Any "Oldfags" that were here are long gone. Stop trying so hard to act like one
    >> !Lp69yZSuKU 03/31/10(Wed)13:08:07 No.212033XXX
    Rawr newfag.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:08:31 No.212033XXX

    You're a faggot

    Every thought you carelessly fumble in your posts should be made knowing that no one here will respect you. No one here will ever like you. This isn't one of the other boards where they have list of which tripfags they currently adore. /b/ operates a little differently. You will never be popular here.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:08:56 No.212033XXX
    So who are you?
    tl;dr, who was phone
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:09:21 No.212033XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:09:28 No.212033XXX
    >> 541 !!wyE1sJX89ak 03/31/10(Wed)13:10:07 No.212033XXX
    True story is anyone in here, just now thinking of tripping is a newfag. Myself included. Even though I was here during 6M get and EFG.
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)13:10:31 No.212033XXX
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    >not that is actually when i started coming here
    plus that always makes me laugh
    protip: only every one after about 06 uses fag after everything
    plus im 19 atm and never even been to the ED

    like i care if anyone respects me, i rarely come to /b/ anyway
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:10:34 No.212033XXX
    Tripfagging is only useful when it matters who is who. Which is ~5% of the time on /b/, if even that.

    There's nothing to clean up besides cancer. And by constantly tripfagging with no need, you're part of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:11:38 No.212034XXX

    Anonymous. I don't want fucking titles and then pretend to live up to them like you people do. I'm not a oldfag i'm pretty sure anyone who talks about themselves like that is a newfag pretending hard. I'm just here for the minuscule amount of lulz left and force of habit from browsing this place to much
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:12:59 No.212034XXX

    >tripfagging for attention
    >doesn't care what people think

    come on, dude
    >> noko 541 !!wyE1sJX89ak 03/31/10(Wed)13:14:00 No.212034XXX

    speex thaa truff. Later tripfaggotry club. See you guys when it NOT being Anon is important.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:14:02 No.212034XXX
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    >He expects me to believe his shit
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:14:59 No.212034XXX
    I wish /b/ was forced anon
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:15:45 No.212035XXX

    it was when shii was here but he left or some shit and moot went back to being a massive faggot and bring back trips
    >> Yian !/kUtKu/huo 03/31/10(Wed)13:16:24 No.212035XXX
    you act like i dont take off the trips every now and then
    plus the only reason i had it on was to say hey to tetra

    and cause mayhem like it did the last two times?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:18:41 No.212035XXX

    >You act like you take it off when you really don't and keep whoring for attention

    >Implying mayhem isn't preferable to tripfagging
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:18:58 No.212035XXX
    WELL it was good being an asshole for once, back to raring things for the anons.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:18:59 No.212035XXX
    Whats a trip? :/
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:20:01 No.212036XXX
    make some jenkem and find out.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:20:02 No.212036XXX

    Just Gtfo really
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:21:54 No.212036XXX
    i don't get this... why? :S
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:22:18 No.212036XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:23:49 No.212036XXX
    >> =IS TEH LEET OLDFAG= 03/31/10(Wed)13:24:02 No.212036XXX
    >> △□◎☆TETRA☆◎□△Koiwai !OJKmD.s5CM!!4sK+xX78Nci 03/31/10(Wed)13:24:22 No.212037XXX
    still alive????
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:24:46 No.212037XXX
    >> ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 03/31/10(Wed)13:25:25 No.212037XXX
    Gaga is probably the greatest artist to ever walk the earth. Discuss.
    >> ▓▓READ▓THIS▓POST▓▓ 03/31/10(Wed)13:26:12 No.212037XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:26:54 No.212037XXX
    lol tetra they love me so much, they couldnt help theirselves

    >> >> Old fag ☆☆☆☆☆ 03/31/10(Wed)13:27:05 No.212037XXX
    Looking for awesome name... how's this?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:30:09 No.212038XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:30:51 No.212038XXX
    I have good balance

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