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  • File : 1269902015.jpg-(111 KB, 1296x972, 1269842512605.jpg)
    111 KB Based on a True Story OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:33:35 No.211416XXX  
    [Flashback to circa July 2009]

    My name's Matt and I live in Houston; I've recently graduated from high school at the age of 19. Here in Texas, I earn $8.50 an hour at a shop in the Houston Galleria mall. I have a decent amount of friends, on which will be traveling out of state to other universities. Some decided to stay, and a considerable amount are going to Rice University, including my ex-girlfriend. She cheated on me by giving a blowjob to some kid at a party last year.

    But my parents have convinced me not to stay in my hometown for school. My father is an engineer for a large company, and my mother is a company lawyer. Combined, they make a decent sum of money. My parents suggest I study at John Hopkins in Maryland. They promised to pay for all tuition fees and housing, but told me that if I stayed in Texas, they would not offer to pay for my tuition.

    In the coming weeks, they talked to one of my aunts that live in Maryland and arranged for me to visit them for a month. It was Aunt Lindsay and her daughter, Courtney. Aunt Lindsay was that certain relative everyone had that everyone forgot to mention in conversation at family gatherings, or even visit. She was only 36 years old, but she looked as if she was in her twenties. She is widowed and refuses to get married because of what happened to my uncle, Joe. In 1998, he was traveling in a blizzard when his small car collided into a semi-truck head-on. He was put on life support for three weeks before the hospital concluded there was nothing they could do.
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:34:56 No.211416XXX
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    As I was packing all my clothing into my luggages, my mom came into my room and handed me a postcard of Aunt Lindsay and her daughter from last Christmas. I have never seen them, but their beautiful faces were wired onto my brain for days. Except for a minor height difference, they looked identical, both sharing luxuriant golden-blonde hair with beautiful skin tones and curves. Later as I met them, they both dressed promiscuous around me. They were both stunning. Her daughter, and my cousin, Courtney, 16, sometimes wearing only white short-shorts and a tank-top showing off her exquisitely round C-cups.

    My brain would never stop fighting amongst itself. The left half told me it was taboo, and that if anyone found out I would be disowned by my family. But the right half kept telling me that there was nothing wrong with thinking about them that way because my Aunt was my mother's sister-in-law, and she wasn't exactly blood-related. But, every night, I had dreams about getting caught thinking of them in such a way and them sending me home in disgust, immediately telling my parents.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:35:11 No.211416XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:36:06 No.211417XXX
    What shop in the Galleria? I go to Tilt there every week
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:36:21 No.211417XXX
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    Fast-forward to next week, and after my plane flight I arrived at Baltimore International in Maryland. I began to walk towards the pickup terminal looking for my two exquisite blondes. It was a distant and confusing walk to the find them, and after the longest 15 minutes of my life of wading through airport traffic, I could immediately recognize 'that' certain face. My mind jumped through a billion thoughts a second, looking for 'that' face until it projected every detail of that postcard I saw into my mind. My heart sank, I took a misstep, and I was thrown out of my walking rhythm as I saw Courtney holding up a sign with a light pink shade, reading “MATT,” and a heart drawn only a teenager like her could. As I paced towards them both, I was carefully thinking of who to greet first, until I saw Courtney scream out my name and point at my to Aunt.
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:37:17 No.211417XXX
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    “Matt!” Courtney yelped in excitement as she rushed to give me a big hug. I was still grasping onto my luggage while she hugged me. I had never had such a desire to pause stop in my entire life before. I wished for all molecules in the universe to just stop moving, so I can enjoy this moment of her in my arms for life. She was wearing a tight, gray Hollister shirt with short-shorts. As she hugged me, I could feel her breasts press against my chest. I could smell the scent of her shampoo as her blonde hair fluttered over my face. Over her shoulder, I could see my Aunt Lindsay wearing a white t-shirt and ripped jeans with sandals, showing off her red-painted toenails. As my mind began to catch it's breath, Aunt and I mutually approached each other, and I planted a kiss on her cheek. As I cooled down, I caught a good look of both of them. Aunt Lindsay had blonde hair and blue eyes, and my cousin Courtney had blonde hair and light brown eyes from her dad. Both of them had a less than ample amount of freckles on their cheeks and arms, barely visible to a commoner, as a result of the repetitive tanning.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:37:38 No.211417XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:38:04 No.211417XXX
    Does this end in wincest? Or rape?
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:38:10 No.211417XXX
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    Courtney's breasts were still growing, but they were extremely perky and substantially large for her size, barely reaching 5'6''. If she was to turn out like her mother she could pull into a D-cup. Courtney then offered to help me with my luggage. My hands were already placed firmly on the cold, leather handle. For a brief second, I could feel something warm hovering over my fingers. Her warm hands briskly touched mine's. As we recovered more luggage from the baggage claim, we entered the airport parking lot and I saw the car that Aunt drove. I completely forgot my parents telling me that she was extremely wealthy, as she drove a black Range-Rover Sport. When my uncle passed away, Lindsay inherited almost 4 million from his will. There was enough money to support the two women for life.
    >> six !!i7ya2vXleUZ 03/29/10(Mon)18:38:10 No.211417XXX
    stool bory, cro
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:38:56 No.211417XXX
    they probably dont even know who Zappa, The Stones, or The Eagles are...
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:39:10 No.211418XXX
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    The more I hanged out with this broken family, the more I became fond of them. As I placed the final piece of luggage into the truck of the car, Courtney, alongside with me, unexpectedly hugged me. Again, I could feel her firm, perky breasts crush against my body and I could hear a small moan of happiness. My cousin Courtney and her mom were fatherless for more than half of her life, and as she went to an all-girls school in Baltimore, she never really had experience with men. Halfway through the car ride conversation, Aunt Lindsay said, “This may sound strange to you, but me and Courtney missed having a man in our house...” I could see her eyes in the car mirror's and she could see mine, and this made me smile. Aunt Lindsay and Courtney were the most perfect women I have ever laid my eyes on.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:39:24 No.211418XXX
    hooooteeeeel californiaaaa
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:40:07 No.211418XXX
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    I told Aunt Lindsay that I felt really welcomed by them, and Aunt invited me to dinner later tonight to converse. It was a great idea, and I could feel my cousin's excitement about it, too. As we approached Aunt Lindsay's neighborhood, it resided in the sea of mansions in upper-class Baltimore. The gated community was called 'Lakeview Shores' and was extremely exclusive. Every house sat on at least four acres of land and each had an abundant amount of trees and landscaping. We approached the house, with numbering of sparkling gold reading out, '676'. Just their driveway was bigger than my house's lot in Texas.

    I didn't stop awing and cooing at the mansion they lived in. Why would such a small family have such a large home? It was a little over 4pm, and Aunt entered her silver house key into the keyhole and opened the large door so I could see inside. You were greeted with miles of prestigious white marble, leading into two grand staircases made of even more marble. And as I arrived and settled in, Aunt Lindsay told me that the planned guest room was turned into a reading library and the only room that had furniture was her's and Courtney's.“You're going to have to sleep in with Courtney, don't worry, there's plenty of space in her room,” Aunt said.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:40:13 No.211418XXX
    OP do a spell check.
    hanged out does not make sense, arahgah.
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:40:52 No.211418XXX
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    As I walked up the stairs and followed Courtney into her room. There was a bathroom right across her door, and as I entered her room I was greeted by purple and pink-toned walls. It was cleaned up well, as there was no dirty clothing visible in sight. A portion of the bedsheets were uncovered so you could see the Temper-Pedic mattress. Across from her bed there was a 50-inch flat screen television set on the MTV channel. She had an iMac in the corner with it's screensaver running in the background. There was a door in her room, which seemed to lead to a balcony. But, it was more than a balcony, though, it was a swimming pool extending off the second floor.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:41:44 No.211418XXX
    clearly a spoiled bratty cunt
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:41:53 No.211418XXX
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    It was now 8pm and it's been at least half an hour since we arrived home from dinner. Aunt Lindsay and I were the only ones downstairs in the kitchen as she was baking brownies for desert. It was 40 degrees outside, but the heater was set to 80 degrees inside. I was wearing 3 layers of clothing, and I began to feel sweat run down my body. “Hey Aunt, I'm going to go change into night wear,” I said. She jokingly told me that if I got lost on my way to phone the cops. I walked up the stairs and after about 3 hallway entrances, I walked into Courtney's already-open room. Her camera was thrown on the bed and she left some drawers half open.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:42:03 No.211418XXX
    shut the fuck up grammar nazi, we're trying to fap!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:42:04 No.211418XXX
    This has a bizarre amount of detail.

    I suspect OP is autistic.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:42:23 No.211418XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:42:34 No.211418XXX
    Obama's Murder vid:

    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:42:55 No.211419XXX
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    I kneed down and tried to open my luggage but realized I forgot my passcode to open it. As I rushed through my phone's notes to find it, I could hear some noise coming from the bathroom. The bathroom door was slightly left open and I could see Courtney's hands motioning around. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a white shirt, and I began to walk towards the bathroom. Assuming Courtney was probably brushing her teeth or fixing her hair, I planned on scaring her. But, as I made my way towards the room, my plans immediately changed as I could see through the mirror something I would never forget. I don't know if she saw me or not, but I surely saw her. She was wearing nothing but sky-blue boy shorts as she looked at her body in the mirror. Her pajamas are fallen to her feet, and there was a white bra next to the sink. She was running through something on her Blackberry, not caring that her boobs were fully exposed. She had a light-brown birthmark on her body, right near the nipple on her left breast.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:43:03 No.211419XXX
    4Chan Video:
    Obama's Murder Video:

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:43:06 No.211419XXX
    LOL. yeah, I don't give about her small amount of freckles, give me tits.
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:43:47 No.211419XXX
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    I will never forget seeing the marvelous view of her beautiful, hour-glass figure. She had a fit stomach, but her underwear was so tight that some of her waist was escaping and overlapping off her candy-blue lingerie. As I walked away, my eyes were still fixed on her body, she turned to her side and I could see stature of her beautiful, round ass and her perky breasts and pink-colored nipples. Until...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:44:38 No.211419XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:45:37 No.211419XXX
    You whistled for a cab, great...

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:45:59 No.211420XXX
    son of a bitch
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:46:44 No.211420XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:46:57 No.211420XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:47:04 No.211420XXX

    >> The Electron is !d2valenceM 03/29/10(Mon)18:47:20 No.211420XXX
    Well played op, well played.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:47:20 No.211420XXX
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    here is where OP stops posting

    everyone got trolled
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:47:28 No.211420XXX
    You asshole
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:47:34 No.211420XXX
    Cliffhangar lol

    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:48:06 No.211420XXX
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    “Thud!” “CRASH!” As I was walking with my head still fixed on Courtney, I bumped straight into a desk with a vase balancing itself on it. The desk was knocked over and the vase fell onto the marble floor. It split into a million pieces, and I stood there motionless. My eyes still fixed on Courtney, her eyes lit up at me and I could hear the slam of the bathroom door. Aunt Lindsay came running up the stairs, repeating, “What happened? What happened?” She kept asking me how it happened, but no words came out of my mouth. I lied to her telling Aunt that I slipped on the floor. After the mess was cleaned, I hanged around in the kitchen for an hour, afraid of making any contact with Courtney after what happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:48:07 No.211420XXX
    don't leave me hangin, don't do it man
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:48:15 No.211420XXX
    GOD DAMMIT I was just about to finish
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:49:19 No.211421XXX
    MY BONER!!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:49:22 No.211421XXX
    Goddammit OP, type faster
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:49:27 No.211421XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:49:33 No.211421XXX
    inb4 she ate fish and was a bear
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:49:58 No.211421XXX
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    It was 11pm and I was sitting on the sofa in the kitchen room watching South Park on Comedy Central. I thought Aunt Lindsay was sleeping when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I pretended to ignore the footsteps and kept my eyes focused on the television, until I saw, through the television's reflection, Courtney. She was wearing a short, gray t-shirt and the same pajamas I caught her with.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:50:01 No.211421XXX
    >> The Electron is !d2valenceM 03/29/10(Mon)18:50:12 No.211421XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:50:18 No.211421XXX
    Fucking vases, always ruining a good spying
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:50:25 No.211421XXX
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:50:58 No.211421XXX
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    “I'm making hot cocoa, do want some?” I heard her, in her monotone, but still somehow sexy, voice.

    “Just a little,” I replied to my cousin. And as she began making hot cocoa and I could smell the odor throughout the kitchen.

    “That's like, one of my most favorite shows,” Courtney randomly spurted out.

    “Mine too,” I replied, “I've been watching it since forever.”

    The timer beeped and she walked towards me and handed me my cup. There was another sofa she could've sat if she was mad at me, but she decided to sit less than a foot next to me.

    “So you're normally up at this time?” Courtney curiously asked.

    “Yeah,” I said, “I usually sleep at around 2 or 3.”

    “I'm usually sleepy by this time but I'm awake, I decided to check up on you.” She told me. “Why haven't you come to my room? You left your luggage open, I like your pink-hearted boxers by the way.”

    The conversation was getting more awkward. I began to stare at her beautiful blonde hair with natural highlights of light and dark blonde. “So you looked through my clothes?” I joked.

    “Well, the pink stood out from everything else,” she quickly replied to save herself.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:51:17 No.211421XXX
    Ionno man, i think the slow typing adds suspense man.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:52:59 No.211422XXX
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    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:53:01 No.211422XXX
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    As she quickly finished her hot cocoa, she told me to come to her room when I was done with my cocoa. She stood up nd as she walked in front of me, I could picture her body just as I did when she was standing in front of the mirror. Her ass was still tight and visible in her colored and striped pajamas. As she headed off our eyes met and she smiled at me as she went back upstairs.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:53:34 No.211422XXX
    Houston is super sweet... in the ass
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:54:14 No.211422XXX
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    About 5 to 10 minutes later, I knocked on her room, although it was slightly half-open, and I heard some motioning on the bed for a second until she said, “Come in!”

    I walked into her room, and the first thing I noticed was that she changed her gray t-shirt into a more exposing gray tank-top.

    She patted her hand on the side of the bed, signaling me to sit there. I cautiously lay down next to her. She was watching a modeling show on her television, her computer logged onto Facebook.

    “So we're not going to talk 'the' incident?” She blurts out quietly.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:54:19 No.211422XXX
    See if this Bel-Air's, I swear to Christ....
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:54:42 No.211422XXX
    Fuck why can't this happen irl
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:54:49 No.211422XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:55:14 No.211422XXX
    Why when we want proxies, people dont have them and when people are doing combos abd ay shit like that, they have proxies.
    >> The Electron is !d2valenceM 03/29/10(Mon)18:55:16 No.211422XXX
    I do believe this is where Op gets some.
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)18:55:35 No.211422XXX
    "So we're not going to talk the incident"


    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:55:41 No.211422XXX
    If you'd get out of your god damn cave, this shit might happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:55:48 No.211422XXX
    inb4 OP's mom gets scared
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:55:56 No.211422XXX
    DUN DUN DUN!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:56:06 No.211422XXX
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    My heartbeat increase tenfold. I didn't know what if she was talking about the bathroom incident, nonetheless why did she emphasis on the word 'the'?

    “What incident?” I tried to calmly ask her, until my pitch slightly cracked.

    “Turn the bathroom light on and close it, then come back and lock our room,” she demanded.

    I get out of bed and followed her specific instructions. It turns out she was smarter than she looked, she didn't want Aunt to wake up and ask why we were alone in her locked room. As I silently paced back, I looked around and saw that the hallways were dead and silent. I lay back down on the bed, expecting another command.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:56:42 No.211423XXX
    Holy fucking shit, you need something else to do if you've written all that by yourself dude
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:57:08 No.211423XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:57:35 No.211423XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:57:41 No.211423XXX
    shhh people are fapping
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:57:50 No.211423XXX
    and my mom got scared and said youre moving with your aunty and uncle in bel-air
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:57:57 No.211423XXX
    there's a copy of the story where i don't have sex with her

    want me to post that one?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:58:06 No.211423XXX
    לא ניתן למצוא דף זה
    ייתכן שהדף שאתה מחפש הוסר, ששמו השתנה או שאין גישה אליו באופן זמני.
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    אם הקלדת את כתובת הדף בשורת הכתובת, ודא שהיא מאויתת נכון.

    פתח את דף הבית של , ולאחר מכן חפש קישורים למידע הדרוש לך.
    לחץ על לחצן הקודם כדי לנסות קישור אחר.
    לחץ על חיפוש כדי לחפש מידע באינטרנט.

    HTTP 404 - הקובץ לא נמצא
    Internet Explorer

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:58:06 No.211423XXX
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)18:58:07 No.211423XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:58:08 No.211423XXX
    Not Found
    The requested URL /4Spam/message.txt was not found on this server.
    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
    Apache/2 Server at Port 80

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:58:10 No.211423XXX
    No se encontró la página
    Puede que la página solicitada ya no exista haya cambiado de nombre o no esté disponible temporalmente.
    Pruebe lo siguiente:
    Si escribió la dirección de la página en la barra de direcciones, compruebe que esté escrita correctamente.

    Abra la página principal de teamwaffle.nety busque vínculos a la información que desea.
    Haga clic en el botón Atrás para intentar otro vínculo.
    Haga clic en Búsqueda para buscar información en Internet.

    HTTP 404 - Archivo no encontrado
    Internet Explorer

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:58:11 No.211423XXX
    Chat Roulette Time?
    Use FakeWebcam [Gifs Included]
    Password Is 1805115
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:58:14 No.211423XXX
    Chat Roulette Time?
    Use FakeWebcam [Gifs Included]
    Password Is 5462664
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:58:30 No.211423XXX

    fuck yourself fake OP. gtfo newfag
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:58:43 No.211423XXX
    Nothing coming up on google, now I'll have to slap F5 for the next 30 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:58:43 No.211423XXX

    stupid faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:59:00 No.211423XXX
    continue el story mothafucka
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)18:59:02 No.211423XXX
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    “I saw you sneak through the bathroom, Matt,” she whispered, “now are you gonna keep acting stupid, or are you gonna tell me why you did it?”

    I was dead silent for a few seconds until I came up with an excuse. What if this is the end? Is she going to tell Aunt, are my parents going to find out, and disown me? I hesitantly old her, “I really didn't know you were naked, I thought you were just fixing your hair, cuz'.”

    In an muffled whisper, Courtney asked, “Did you like what you saw?”

    “What?” I replied with surprise and confusion.

    \ “Did you like, what you saw?” she repeated, in a semi-sarcastic tone.

    “I... I.. I don't... I can't...” I muttered, still disorientated from her last question.

    Her smile quickly retreated into a frown. She began to shed tears in front of me. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Matt,” she sobbed.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:59:40 No.211423XXX
    HELL NO.

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:59:41 No.211424XXX
    lick her tears
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:00:00 No.211424XXX
    Account SuspendedThis Account Has Been Suspended

    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:00:03 No.211424XXX
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    This brought even more confusion into my mind. Was she crying because I didn't compliment her? Was she crying tears of regret? I spoke my mind when I told her, “Courtney, you looked absolutely stunning in that mirror, you're an extremely beautiful girl, and no one should tell you otherwise.”

    “You.. you, really... really, mean that?” she said in a voice of both sadness and gladness.

    “Of course,” I assured her.

    “Matt, can you hold a secret for me?” she said with a still choked voice, “It's something no one else knows.”

    “Of course I can, Courtney,” I repeated to her.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:00:50 No.211424XXX
    this must be finished or i will die !!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:00:50 No.211424XXX

    im a lesbian
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:00:57 No.211424XXX
    girls crying = instant boner kill
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:01:01 No.211424XXX
    Oh for fucks sake this story is so bad. She's gonna start crying cuz she wants to be attractive then he assures her he is then STICKS HIS FUCKING COCK IN HER POOPER
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:01:01 No.211424XXX
    all this waiting is kiling my boner dude
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:01:14 No.211424XXX
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    “It may sound embarrassing but,” she said with uneasiness, “I've never been kissed before.”

    I couldn't believe it, I got my first kiss at 14, why hasn't such a beautiful angel like her been kissed yet? Her lips were so tempting to kiss. They were a foxy shade of pink and they were perfectly sized and smooth.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:01:15 No.211424XXX
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:01:40 No.211424XXX
    shes moving with her auntie and uncle to bel-air
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:01:59 No.211424XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:01:59 No.211424XXX


    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:02:06 No.211424XXX
    >> <wincest starts here> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:02:15 No.211424XXX
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    As she was laying down, I stood up and reached to kiss her. Without delay or second thought, she extended both her arms towards the back of my head and we both closed our eyes. The last image before I planted a kiss on her were her beautiful, light brown eyes and nose. A pop kiss turned into a seconds-long kiss, and soon turned into us laying on top of each other, making out.

    I interrupted and quickly asked her, “Are you sure you want to do this?” She completely ignored my question and with a silent yes she began to keep kissing me. I would never have noticed that she never kissed, because she was amazingly talented at it. I was sitting below her and she was directly on top of me, I could feel all of her body parts: legs, feet, hands, breasts, thighs, touch mine.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:02:40 No.211424XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:02:45 No.211424XXX
    the end
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:02:50 No.211424XXX
    Who cares, you're fapping like the rest of us.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:03:13 No.211425XXX
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    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:03:18 No.211425XXX
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    I didn't bring condoms because I did not want Aunt Lindsay or Courtney to think bad of my intentions. “Wait, I don't have any protection,” I raced to tell her as she grabbed off her shirt. She reached over to her bedside drawer and in a special box there was a pack of Lifestyle's condoms.

    “Don't worry about my mom,” she proclaimed, “she takes sleeping pills to knock herself out for good each night.”

    My cousin threw the condom at me, gesturing me to open them and put them on. As I brawled with the condom package, I was desperate to open them and have sex with Courtney. There was so much blood rushing towards my penis that I couldn't think straight, I was almost light-headed. My dick was rock hard, and my boner was extremely apparent through my cargo shorts. Courtney, still atop of me, began to finish taking off her shirt, showing off the same white bra I saw sitting on the sink.

    I've had about three or four sexual relationships with other people, but nothing would compare to this horny 16 year-old jailbait sitting atop of me. She took off her pajamas and began to give me a strip show. As I tried to juggle the task of opening the condom wrappers and taking off my clothing, my eyes were still focused on her.

    “I've been dying to fuck you so hard ever since I saw you last week,” she whispered with honesty.

    “I don't think we're related, we don't even look alike, just fuck me now,” her voice ascending louder.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:03:30 No.211425XXX
    Shes gonna get a boner
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:03:32 No.211425XXX
    god dammit hurry up
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:03:57 No.211425XXX
    lol this is so bad. unless he ties her down and starts slapping her around to make this interesting this is failcest.

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:04:34 No.211425XXX
    לא ניתן למצוא דף זה
    ייתכן שהדף שאתה מחפש הוסר, ששמו השתנה או שאין גישה אליו באופן זמני.
    נא נסה את הצעדים הבאים:
    אם הקלדת את כתובת הדף בשורת הכתובת, ודא שהיא מאויתת נכון.

    פתח את דף הבית של , ולאחר מכן חפש קישורים למידע הדרוש לך.
    לחץ על לחצן הקודם כדי לנסות קישור אחר.
    לחץ על חיפוש כדי לחפש מידע באינטרנט.

    HTTP 404 - הקובץ לא נמצא
    Internet Explorer

    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:04:37 No.211425XXX

    actually i fapped half an hour ago and im just here because im bored
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:04:42 No.211425XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:04:43 No.211425XXX
    cool pics though
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:04:52 No.211425XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:05:36 No.211425XXX
    Hard to fap with such small posts
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:05:38 No.211425XXX
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    I literally ripped the shirt off my back and somehow, with the help of Courtney, unbuckled and undressed my shorts. My dick was literally peeking out of my boxers. Usually I hate when this happens unexpectedly but Courtney's mouth drooled with so much craving. My dick, looking larger and more veinier than ever, was also drooling for her.

    Courtney insisted on giving me a blowjob without the condom, and her watery mouth was giving me so much pleasure that every nerve ending on my dick was transmitting so much information to my struggling, bloodless brain I was about to pass out. A few minutes later, I quickly hopped off the bed to grab a few towels and place them on the bed, so nothing would be stained.

    As I was about to walk up on the bed, there was Courtney. She was looking more horny than ever, she was beginning to show signs of anger because I wasn't back on the bed. I quickly put on the condom, and completely naked, I jumped onto the toweled bed and began to give her oral pleasure.

    She kept it shaved, and her vagina was the tightest looking in the entire world. None of the porn stars in the world would have such a tight and beautiful looking vagina. I went down on her and placed my mouth straight between her vaginal lips. She was extremely wet and I was licking everything I could, stimulating her clitoris at the same time. They say you shouldn't stare at a girl's face while giving oral, but I couldn't help it, little Courtney's face was red in pleasure and she couldn't drown her orgasmic screams one bit. But then...
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:07:06 No.211426XXX
    He literally ripped the shirt off his back instead of figuratively ripping the shirt off his back.

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:07:20 No.211426XXX
    this story doesn't add up, sorry :) better luck next time
    >> you guys are going to want to kill me OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:07:20 No.211426XXX
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    “Shh!” Courtney immediately orders me to stop, as her ears go on full alert.

    The quietness made me recall how loud we must have been, and maybe Aunt might of woke up. But, this was a once-in-a-lifetime situation. I would probably never visit Courtney again. I took my chances and as Courtney was still worried with her eyes glancing towards the door, I placed my throbbing cock into her tight and wet pussy. And then it happened...

    “Oooh-hhh-oh!” she screamed out in total fixation. Her voice was louder than if a commercial airplane were to take off in her room.

    But I didn't care, my horniness and her horniness took over the situation. I slit my cock right back in the tight hole, and as we were in missionary position, I wrapped my arms around her shaking legs and began to take faster rhythms. She kept screaming at every penetration. I could imagine Aunt Lindsay standing right in front of our door listening, but I just didn't care anymore.

    Courtney's body looked so beautiful from this angle. She was in so much pleasure, and I loved giving her pleasure, I always wanted to make her happy like this. She began to cry in pleasure, her makeup fading off. Every time I stuck my cock inside her, I could feel the linings of her vagina. I could see and hear the jiggling of her beautifully sized breasts, the birthmark appearing to dance around her boob. I could see the jiggling of her beautiful tan thighs and the slapping of petite feet against my back. It was until I went deeper into her that I felt a small pop. I saw small amounts of blood rush out of her vagina and onto the towels.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:07:22 No.211426XXX
    I'm missing aots for this.

    this better be epic
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:07:49 No.211426XXX
    her mom came in and got scared, and said "you're moving in with your auntie in bel air"
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:08:48 No.211426XXX
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    But I didn't care, I didn't tell her that her hymen was bleeding. I was caught up in so much pleasure I decided to finish off by ripping off the blood-stained condom and shooting my load all over her face. As I was about to cum, she reached over to finish me off with her mouth until my semen blasted at 60 miles an hour towards her face. Such an orgasm knocked me off my knees and I fell back, with semen still rushing out, I shot it all over her face, breasts, stomach, thighs, and some near her vagina.

    “What are you doing? I'm not done yet!” Courtney cried for more.

    I put back another condom and kept penetrating her, my dick completely red. And soon enough, she looked as if she had a seizure and she screamed and moaned in pleasure. I quickly began to give her oral pleasure and she squirted all over my face, a surprise, since none of my previous partners squirted before.

    We both lay motionless for tens of minutes, not bothering to cleanup the mess. I was extremely exhausted and just lay next to her. It was a little past midnight and we fell asleep. It wasn't until 2am when we heard...
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:09:26 No.211427XXX

    look at subject

    are we going to want to kill you for bel-air or skeletons?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:09:27 No.211427XXX
    fresh prince
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:10:20 No.211427XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:10:23 No.211427XXX
    aunty comes in for sloppy seconds
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:10:29 No.211427XXX
    You heard your auntie and uncle from bel air coming to pick you up.
    >> anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:10:38 No.211427XXX
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:10:39 No.211427XXX
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    “R-r-r-ring! R-r-r-ing!” My phone began to ring as both of us woke up in dried liquids. Usually, I would ignore such a call, but I wanted to find out; who was calling me at 2am? I crawled towards the phone, desperate to answer it before it went to voicemail, and the phone display read 'Unknown number'. I picked up the phone:

    “Hello?” I asked.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:10:40 No.211427XXX
    i call bel-air
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:10:57 No.211427XXX
    actually, that could be quite hot
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:11:14 No.211427XXX
    inb4 who was phone
    >> !uHZExMpHcU 03/29/10(Mon)19:11:21 No.211427XXX
    in4 aunt calls cell phone acting worried and needs to speak to you. then you go downstairs in her room where its dark and she grabs you from behind and boom-trolled.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:11:21 No.211427XXX
    lady gaga telephone
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:11:22 No.211427XXX
    ib4 who was phone
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:11:24 No.211427XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:11:29 No.211427XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:11:32 No.211427XXX
    inb4 who was phone bel air ect
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:12:28 No.211427XXX
    inb4 i raff i ruse
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:12:32 No.211427XXX
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    if this shit bel-air's i'm gonna laugh my dick off
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:13:18 No.211428XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:13:26 No.211428XXX
    ib4 OP leaves us and doesnt finish the story
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:13:42 No.211428XXX
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    It was Courtney's father whose been dead for 12 years.

    but seriously.. “Matt. It's Aunt. Are you awake?” Lindsay asked nervously.

    “Kind of, why?” I curiously told her.

    “Can you come to my room,” she said, “I really need some help.”

    “Okay,” I told her before she could hang up.

    What could she possibly need help with? Did she find out what was going on between me and her daughter? I had to take a quick rinse before I could enter her room.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:14:08 No.211428XXX
    ah i just came so i dont care what happens now
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:14:32 No.211428XXX

    But srsly, its reeses puffs. she is about to give a blowjob to him when it happens.
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:14:38 No.211428XXX
    He's gonna fuck the aunt too

    that's just fucking WRONG
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:14:39 No.211428XXX
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    I slowly walked down the hallway towards her room. I remembered what Courtney told me about her sleeping pills. Why isn't she knocked out? How did she wake up?

    I knocked twice until I heard a muffled, “Come in.”

    The room was dark, no lights were illuminating the room. I could sense the breathing of another human, until I felt something grab me from behind.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:14:45 No.211428XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:14:53 No.211428XXX
    inb4 garden gnomes captured the prime minister of india and OP was called upon by Gandhi himself to rescue the prime minister or face global annihilation at the hands of a love scorned desert tortoise
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:14:56 No.211428XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:15:31 No.211428XXX
    >he assures her he is then

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:15:43 No.211428XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:15:50 No.211428XXX
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:15:51 No.211428XXX
    I think it's gonna be his dad... BACK FROM THE DEAD to rape him.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:16:11 No.211428XXX
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    Soooo... We're Not Going to talk? The Incident.
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:16:28 No.211428XXX

    I meant, "He assures her SHE is, then blah blah..."
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:17:04 No.211429XXX
    Rest of obvious story is really really fucken obvious
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:17:05 No.211429XXX
    Then Matt's cousin Carlton entered the room, wearing (as he always did) Cream Slacks and a cardigan, festooned with a blue bow-tie, like the little white upper class on a big dark chocolate cake
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:17:57 No.211429XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:18:19 No.211429XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:18:31 No.211429XXX
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:18:35 No.211429XXX
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    “Matt Swagger, we need you to help track down an assassin who plans on shooting the president from a great distance with a high powered rifle.” said a man in black.

    The lights were turned on and I could see a swarm of FBI agents in the room, all with their guns drawn at me. I quickly jumped out of the window. There was an uncommon snow storm happening in the city and I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, “Nah, forget it. Yo, holmes to Bel-Air!” The driver looked back in confusion and stared deep into my soul. In the distance I could see a semi-truck coming towards the cab. I tried to free myself but the seatbelt wouldn't unclick, the doors were permanently locked. I could see the black cab driver laughing and mocking me. As the truck collided straight into the cab, I yelled, “YOU FUCKING NIGGER!”

    It turns out, I was Courtney's dad. Please ignore the rest of the story:

    As she was laying down, I stood up and reached to kiss her. Without delay or second thought, she extended both her arms towards the back of my head and we both closed our eyes. The last image before I planted a kiss on her were her beautiful, light brown eyes and nose. A pop kiss turned into a seconds-long kiss, and soon turned into us laying on top of each other, making out.

    I interrupted and quickly asked her, “Are you sure you want to do this?” She completely ignored my question and with a silent yes she began to keep kissing me. I would never have noticed that she never kissed, because she was amazingly talented at it. I was sitting below her and she was directly on top of me, I could feel all of her body parts: legs, feet, hands, breasts, thighs, touch mine.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:18:39 No.211429XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:18:49 No.211429XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:18:55 No.211429XXX
    you mean F5?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:19:53 No.211429XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:19:56 No.211429XXX
    you fucking nigger
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:20:04 No.211429XXX
    Fail troll fails
    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:20:16 No.211429XXX


    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:20:19 No.211429XXX
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    OP on the left
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:20:28 No.211430XXX
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    worst fucking ending of a potentially awesome thread? yes.

    fuck you, /b/
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:20:32 No.211430XXX
    Fucking OP best not be trolling...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:20:35 No.211430XXX
    troll failed, i came in anticipation of the aunt-nephew sex
    >> !MUdKIPkT2s 03/29/10(Mon)19:20:37 No.211430XXX
    i dont understand
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:20:53 No.211430XXX
    jesus fucking christ...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:20:53 No.211430XXX
    לא ניתן למצוא דף זה
    ייתכן שהדף שאתה מחפש הוסר, ששמו השתנה או שאין גישה אליו באופן זמני.
    נא נסה את הצעדים הבאים:
    אם הקלדת את כתובת הדף בשורת הכתובת, ודא שהיא מאויתת נכון.

    פתח את דף הבית של , ולאחר מכן חפש קישורים למידע הדרוש לך.
    לחץ על לחצן הקודם כדי לנסות קישור אחר.
    לחץ על חיפוש כדי לחפש מידע באינטרנט.

    HTTP 404 - הקובץ לא נמצא
    Internet Explorer

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:20:58 No.211430XXX
    OK, you lost me. I'm going to go fap to something else.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:21:25 No.211430XXX
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    >>     03/29/10(Mon)19:21:26 No.211430XXX
    stupid fucking troll is stupid
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)19:21:31 No.211430XXX
    So was it supposed to be a who was phone or was it supposed to be a bel-air
    >> OP !!eYq1CWJsBpD 03/29/10(Mon)19:21:39 No.211430XXX
    “What?” I replied with surprise and confusion.

    \ “Did you like, what you saw?” she repeated, in a semi-sarcastic tone.

    “I... I.. I don't... I can't...” I muttered, still disorientated from her last question.

    Her smile quickly retreated into a frown. She began to shed tears in front of me. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Matt,” she sobbed.

    This brought even more confusion into my mind. Was she crying because I didn't compliment her? Was she crying tears of regret? I spoke my mind when I told her, “Courtney, you looked absolutely stunning in that mirror, you're an extremely beautiful girl, and no one should tell you otherwise.”

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