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  • File : 1269878800.jpg-(24 KB, 400x400, sod2.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:06:40 No.211318XXX  
    Are there any other Jews on /b/? I feel like I'm the only one. I'm tired of all the anti-Semitic shit on here. I say we do something about it. Who's with me?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:07:48 No.211318XXX
         File1269878868.jpg-(323 KB, 499x690, gief_moniez_plox.jpg)
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    how much you paying?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:07:57 No.211318XXX
    Chag sameach, mothafucka.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:08:54 No.211318XXX
    Heeb here.

    You know what? After six thousand years of strife, I doubt very much that /b/ is going to change much.

    Roll with it, it will make life less miserable.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:09:47 No.211319XXX
         File1269878987.jpg-(133 KB, 497x497, vampire-jew-on-bed1.jpg)
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    or you could stop being a jew
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:10:25 No.211319XXX
    כמובן שיש!

    יאללה... לכבוד החג בואו נכבוש את /ב/

    וכמובן, חג שמח
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:10:36 No.211319XXX
         File1269879036.jpg-(44 KB, 500x410, holocaust_stacked_bodies.jpg)
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    enjoy looking at these?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:10:44 No.211319XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:10:50 No.211319XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:00 No.211319XXX
    Obama's Murder vid:

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:13 No.211319XXX
    4Chan Video:
    Obama's Murder Video:

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:14 No.211319XXX
    Heeb here again,

    Anti-israel discourse is not anti-semitic.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:15 No.211319XXX
         File1269879075.jpg-(33 KB, 375x500, []_253222_27575_orig(...).jpg)
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    yes, were you looking for me?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:27 No.211319XXX
    Just ignore them, fellow jew. We still have all the world's money, so what do we care?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:44 No.211319XXX
         File1269879104.png-(852 B, 200x280, 200px-Peter%27s_Cross_svg.png)
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    i'm a jew too

    who cares.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:54 No.211319XXX
    i'm a fellow heeb, so happy pesach. i am still eating bread all week anyway!
    and reddit has become all antisemetic, /b/ is anti everything noob
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:58 No.211319XXX
    My screen name for everything on the internet is "JewDriller!"

    Gets me tons of lulz.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:58 No.211319XXX
    Im a jew I hate money my noes is actually too small. I don't care about the holocuast and Im not jewish.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:12:07 No.211319XXX
    I am jewish and i do not mind the anti semitism on this board due to that fact that if they belive it then they are of very low IQ and are stupid idiots it makes me laugh to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:12:17 No.211319XXX
    Jewfag here, not with you, If you can't laugh at yourself, you should kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:12:24 No.211319XXX
    A página não pode ser exibida
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:12:50 No.211319XXX
         File1269879170.gif-(10 KB, 246x250, kikes_are_sandniggers.gif)
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    kikes = sandniggers

    no fucking difference
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:12:58 No.211319XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:13:15 No.211319XXX
    by the way, guys, just as a side-note, the holocaust never actually happened...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:13:39 No.211319XXX
    I actually don't really give 8 fucks about the anti-semitic shit on /b/, it's fucking /b/

    it's to be expected
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:13:39 No.211319XXX
    Happy Pesach my Jewish /b/rothers !!!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:13:48 No.211320XXX
    Jewfag here, and I love it. I also LOVE playing the Jew card. If someone tries to kick me out, (which happens all the time) I say it's cause I'm Jewish, and I get to stay.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:14:20 No.211320XXX
         File1269879260.gif-(1.01 MB, 250x250, War.gif)
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    Ah ben oui, les juifs sont exterminées et exploiter par les Nazis
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:14:33 No.211320XXX

    ur kike parents have been somewhat successful in teaching you not to care what others think. Problem is, you're still a jew so you can never truly be accepted by the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:14:45 No.211320XXX

    Im not OP i am the previous poster i do agree with your point but what makes me laugh more are people who actully belief in that shit its fucking funny they must be complete dumb ass's hahaha
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:14:52 No.211320XXX
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    filthy kikes
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:15:30 No.211320XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:15:52 No.211320XXX
    my grandfather died in the holcaust,

    he fell from his guard tower
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:16:34 No.211320XXX

    You to and im about go out for a service soon :P
    >> chag sameag Dubi 03/29/10(Mon)12:16:42 No.211320XXX
    Who is going to do the seider today? I'm on exchange in Sweden and I dont know anyone here.. So no seider for me tonight:(
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:17:25 No.211320XXX
    I am going very soon within the next 20mins ukfag here and im masorti
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:17:26 No.211320XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:17:33 No.211320XXX
    nigga, you can still honor it by yourself
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:19:00 No.211321XXX
    ▼     ▼
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    >> !xi8/JKFwzo 03/29/10(Mon)12:19:31 No.211321XXX
    kill it with black fire!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:20:24 No.211321XXX
    i lol'd at the terrible troll attempts
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:21:52 No.211321XXX
    my family are worst jews ever, we are having our seder on saturday..
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:22:19 No.211321XXX
    lol wut

    kick your family's ass
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:22:48 No.211321XXX

    hope you have a happy passover and goodbye i gota go to a service now
    >> Dubi 03/29/10(Mon)12:23:01 No.211322XXX
    Chag Sameag!!!

    Avadiem hajinu!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:23:11 No.211322XXX
    lmao, i already had a seder with my friends in my hillel
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:23:28 No.211322XXX
    I need a Jew girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:23:45 No.211322XXX
         File1269879825.jpg-(76 KB, 604x440, TrollManipulation.jpg)
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    We need more love here
    >> Dubi 03/29/10(Mon)12:24:06 No.211322XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:24:26 No.211322XXX
         File1269879866.jpg-(80 KB, 400x612, squinty.jpg)
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    Fuck the Jews.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:24:34 No.211322XXX
    4Chan Video:
    Obama's Murder Video:

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:24:40 No.211322XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:24:49 No.211322XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:24:50 No.211322XXX
    Este programa não pode exibir a página da Web

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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:24:55 No.211322XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:24:55 No.211322XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:25:08 No.211322XXX
    Obama's Murder vid:

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:25:13 No.211322XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:25:18 No.211322XXX
    Where do Jews get their money? You.
    What is the easiest way for them to do it? Make it law.

    Fucking kikes with their fucking curly hair, yamakas, synagogues, interest rates, mutilated dicks, and hook noses. They've been fucking the rest of the world for thousands of years. Ever read the Bible? Even God hates them; most of the Bible is God bitching at the Jews for being adulteress whores in fucking everyone that came close. Then God decides he wants to come down to help them out, and what do they do? They fucking kill him! He was a totally fucking nice guy and they torture and fucking kill him!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:25:30 No.211322XXX
    All the racism on /b/ is just dumbass 15 year olds trying to look tough and edgy. I bet less then 10% of the racist stuff is said with real malevolence.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:25:45 No.211322XXX
    4Chan Video:
    Obama's Murder Video:

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:25:56 No.211322XXX

    GTFO kike!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:26:01 No.211322XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:26:02 No.211322XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:26:46 No.211322XXX
    you must be new here
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:27:22 No.211322XXX
    This guys on to something!!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:27:43 No.211323XXX
    My grandfather went through hell in the concentration camps.

    5 years and still a private.

    Fuck you hitler
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:27:46 No.211323XXX
    Passover tonight.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:28:02 No.211323XXX
         File1269880082.jpg-(79 KB, 750x600, Jewsownmedia.jpg)
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    Fox News- CEO- Peter Chernin
    Dreamworks- Owners- Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen
    Walt Disney (which also owns Touchstone, Miramax films, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures)- president/CEO- Robert Igar
    Universal Pictures- CEO- Edgar Bronfman (also president of the Jewish world congress)
    NBC- CEO- Jeffrey Zucker
    Sony Pictures- CEO- Michael Lynton
    Warner Bros- CEO/Chairman- Barry M. Meyer
    Viacom- Chairman- Chairman/owner- Sumner Redstone
    Google- co-founder Sergey Brin
    Sirius XM - Mel Karmazin
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:28:35 No.211323XXX

    That's not fucking funny, my Grandfather died at Auschwitz.

    He fell out of the guardtower.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:29:23 No.211323XXX
    You're right but you're making a big deal.

    Anonymity + Audience = Retard

    That's how 4chan is and will stay that way.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:29:31 No.211323XXX
    jews are like the greedy white versions of niggers
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:29:48 No.211323XXX
         File1269880188.jpg-(62 KB, 800x610, BadCaseofkillingJews.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:30:08 No.211323XXX
         File1269880208.jpg-(38 KB, 200x220, jewjew.jpg)
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    Fuck off, jew.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:30:55 No.211323XXX
    ill play along

    my granndfather died when a guard fell out of a guardtower and landed on him
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:31:07 No.211323XXX
    Jew loving cunt GTFO
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:31:28 No.211323XXX
         File1269880288.jpg-(47 KB, 520x390, FEED ME JEWS.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:31:36 No.211323XXX
    I love your women
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:32:24 No.211324XXX
    I'm on your side you sexually-confused faggot.
    >> LilSis 03/29/10(Mon)12:32:30 No.211324XXX
         File1269880350.png-(408 KB, 440x429, 1269717604225.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:33:04 No.211324XXX

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    >> Secks Nonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:33:07 No.211324XXX
    Fuckin' jew
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:33:33 No.211324XXX
    people who think jews run everything are missing the point

    the world's tiny ruling class is comprised of greedy individuals of most denominations

    don't be blinded by your hate. fight the good fight
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:33:39 No.211324XXX
         File1269880419.jpg-(8 KB, 220x180, JewPush.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:34:25 No.211324XXX
    Fuck the jews, fiilthy monsters, go count your pennies you pile of crap
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:34:31 No.211324XXX
         File1269880471.jpg-(6 KB, 375x281, nazi_flag_3751.jpg)
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    i'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:34:49 No.211324XXX
    Jew: What are you doing outside of the office? I thought I told you to advise me financially, NOT religiously.


    Every tax payer in the world
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:35:06 No.211324XXX
         File1269880506.jpg-(42 KB, 434x308, 12215_1213577553669_434_308.jpg)
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    jewfag here and I completely agree
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:35:16 No.211324XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:35:25 No.211324XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:35:28 No.211324XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:35:33 No.211324XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:35:41 No.211324XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:35:55 No.211324XXX
    Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:36:04 No.211324XXX
    adolf, kill those fucking jews!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:36:12 No.211324XXX
    GTFO subhuman
    >> nomnomnom 03/29/10(Mon)12:36:28 No.211325XXX
    Stupid jews, 4chan for racists
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:36:41 No.211325XXX
    Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:36:50 No.211325XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:36:57 No.211325XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:36:59 No.211325XXX
    No se encontró la página
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:37:01 No.211325XXX
    Isn't it great.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:37:07 No.211325XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:38:08 No.211325XXX
    anyone got pics of naked jew girls?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:38:44 No.211325XXX
    Another Jewfag here. Why would you be offended of anything that is on the internet? Much less 4chan. If it offends you you shouldnt be here. To all my other fellow jews, Chag Sameach.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:39:19 No.211325XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:39:38 No.211325XXX
    There's a reason the whole world hates them, and it's not for their skin color like nigs/spics/etc., it's because of their actions and control of banks/government/media. Jews are worse then any other race, they are a fucking cancer.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:40:30 No.211325XXX
    Because we don't force our women to serve in the military, dumb fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:41:14 No.211326XXX

    Conscription wouldn't work in the USA, unless the Air Force wants a blimp battallion.
    >> Deadwaffles 03/29/10(Mon)12:44:08 No.211326XXX
    it's the same thing and you know it faggot
    no reason to hate Israel

    inb4 Palestine
    where was there faggoty ass. Free Palestine armbands when the ottomans ruled
    hasn't been a country in like 1500 years
    I'll tell you happened
    yassar Arafat formed the PA Hamas and fatwah
    then got filthy rich making them fight for some lost silly cause and selling them arms
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:45:46 No.211327XXX
         File1269881146.jpg-(10 KB, 251x242, 1269705895307s.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:48:03 No.211327XXX
    Judaism isnt a race shithead. Its a religion. Considering we Jews make up less than ONE PERCENT of this entire planet, yet we control so much just goes to show that we are harder working and much smarter than the rest of you dumbfucks. We have been persecuted since the beggining of recorded history yet we still prevail. If not for the Jewish people this world would be nowhere near as advanced as it is today. Thanks to morons like the catholic church who persecuted intelligent men, we are actually several thousand years behind in progress.
    Learn your facts and your history before you come and start talking shit about people who have only made this world a better place.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:48:10 No.211327XXX
    Chat Roulette Time?
    Use FakeWebcam [Gifs Included]
    Password Is 6700656
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:48:27 No.211327XXX
    Actually, you are incorrect, you dumb bastard.
    >> Deadwaffles 03/29/10(Mon)12:49:02 No.211327XXX

    now give the CEOs and vice preses major share holders etc in those companies who are not Jewish
    bet Jews are the minority information twisting nigger

    oh look you and al gore have something in common
    go butt sex now fag
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:49:43 No.211328XXX
    Impossibile visualizzare la pagina Web in questo programma

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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:50:03 No.211328XXX

    Judaism is classified as a race in several nations due to the policies practiced by some wherein a Jew can only be such if his or her parents are Jewish.

    Also, you're a global cancer please die.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:50:50 No.211328XXX
    Happy Pesach mofos

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:52:13 No.211328XXX
    אני דווקא אוהב את כל הטרולים האלה חחח
    זזתי לעשות סדר
    חג שמח חח
    >> Deadwaffles 03/29/10(Mon)12:52:57 No.211328XXX
    persecution dates back to the roman era

    what's that wall called? The crying wall?

    Also it's both I was told by my Jewish friend
    he said it's a race and a religion
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:53:35 No.211328XXX
         File1269881615.jpg-(71 KB, 500x555, jews.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:54:31 No.211329XXX
    No se encontró la página
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    Haga clic en el botón Atrás para intentar otro vínculo.
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    HTTP 404 - Archivo no encontrado
    Internet Explorer

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:54:37 No.211329XXX
    4Chan Video:
    Obama's Murder Video:

    >> deleted 03/29/10(Mon)12:54:40 No.211329XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:54:43 No.211329XXX

    Não é possível localizar a página da Web
    HTTP 404
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    Este erro (HTTP 404 - Não Encontrado) indica que o programa pôde se conectar ao site, mas a página desejada não foi encontrada. Talvez a página da Web esteja temporariamente indisponível, ou pode ser que o site tenha alterado ou removido a página da Web.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:54:45 No.211329XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:54:53 No.211329XXX
    Doing all prank call requests


    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:55:35 No.211329XXX
         File1269881735.gif-(11 KB, 501x585, jew-bwa-ha-ha.gif)
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    Stereotype jew <-----
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:56:54 No.211329XXX
         File1269881814.jpg-(32 KB, 500x341, 1266537040095.jpg)
    32 KB
    did someone say 50 cents?

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