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    File : 1269720111.jpg-(29 KB, 557x800, 1261911435.jpg)
    29 KB Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:01:51 No.210693XXX  
    this is bruce lee. he does the same martial art i do. it's called wing chun and it's the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, it's bruce lee doing the siu nim tao.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:02:34 No.210693XXX
    You're a faggot, I could kick your ass, I'm 6'2", check my profile.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:02:37 No.210693XXX
    the only difference is he was a master and you learned everything from free youtube videos you fucking loser
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:03:26 No.210694XXX
    no no no it's called wang chung. and everybody is doing it tonight.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:03:29 No.210694XXX
    OP here i'm learning from a grand master, which is higher than bruce lee was.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:03:57 No.210694XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:04:08 No.210694XXX
    wrong again, jeet kun do, l2martial arts forms
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:04:10 No.210694XXX
    OP here disregard that i suck cocks and practice my moves on my dog
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:05:11 No.210694XXX
    all your training wont mean shit when the zombies eat your face!!!!
    bullets are the deadliest martial art ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:05:29 No.210694XXX
    OP here once a week my grand master, who is longer and thicker than bruce lee was, ties me up and rams nunckaku deep in my asshole, this is all part of my training.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:05:44 No.210694XXX

    no u r wrong, its wing chun, look at the stance. it's narrow so you could hold a goat between the legs, and it generates punching power.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:06:30 No.210694XXX
         File1269720390.jpg-(338 KB, 1920x1080, donatello.jpg)
    338 KB
    this is donatello. he does the same martial art i do. its called bojutsu and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, its donatello doing some sweet bung sao moves
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:06:35 No.210694XXX
    wing chung is for pussies
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:06:38 No.210694XXX
    i hate u, i would like to se ur so called master up against a top mma fighter, and then we'll se who is the deadliest.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:08:36 No.210695XXX
         File1269720516.jpg-(36 KB, 300x321, tpain.jpg)
    36 KB
    this is tpain. he does the same martial art i do. its called ebonics and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, its tpain droppin some autotune on his opponent
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:08:41 No.210695XXX

    mma fighters r pussies, my master could kill them with a touch. it's called dim mak, and they only teach it to the blackest of the black belts.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:09:25 No.210695XXX
         File1269720565.jpg-(79 KB, 400x300, doug.jpg)
    79 KB
    this is doug. he does the same martial art i do. its called painting and its the deadliest martial art out there. pic related its doug painting
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:09:58 No.210695XXX

    >the blackest of black belts
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:10:00 No.210695XXX
         File1269720600.jpg-(21 KB, 480x464, tn2_jet_li_2.jpg)
    21 KB
    This is this is Jet Li. he does the same martial art i do. its called Kung Fu and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, its Jet Li doing some sweet Kung Fu moves
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:10:29 No.210695XXX
         File1269720629.jpg-(77 KB, 349x460, 1262580873432.jpg)
    77 KB
    this is cheech and chong. they do the same martial art i do. its called smoking reefer and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, its cheech & chong ripping some bong saos.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:11:42 No.210695XXX
         File1269720702.jpg-(100 KB, 400x400, 1269401422735.jpg)
    100 KB
    this is courage wolf. he does the same martial arts i do. its called rape and its the deadliest martial arts out there. pic related, its courage wolf doing some sweet rape moves
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:11:44 No.210695XXX
         File1269720704.jpg-(1.03 MB, 1920x1200, blackhole.jpg)
    1.03 MB
    how black can it get!?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:11:45 No.210695XXX
         File1269720705.gif-(1.99 MB, 327x190, 1259984257877.gif)
    1.99 MB
    look at me
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:12:00 No.210695XXX

    you sir, are an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:12:02 No.210695XXX
         File1269720722.jpg-(15 KB, 300x300, bill-nye.jpg)
    15 KB
    This is Bull Nye. he does the same martial art i do. its called Science and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, its Bill Nye colliding some sweet hadrons ending the universe on yo ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:13:20 No.210696XXX
         File1269720800.png-(155 KB, 372x311, kanye.png)
    155 KB
    this is kanye west. he does the same martial art i do. its called being a dirty nigger and its the DEADLIEST martial art out there.

    pic related, its kanye doing some niggerish things
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:13:21 No.210696XXX
         File1269720801.jpg-(36 KB, 432x506, Being Cereal.jpg)
    36 KB
    This is bruce lee. I somewhat impersonate the style he once practiced. I don't know anything about anything.
    >> timebomb 03/27/10(Sat)16:13:34 No.210696XXX
         File1269720814.jpg-(101 KB, 571x570, 1269710735477.jpg)
    101 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:14:44 No.210696XXX
         File1269720884.jpg-(82 KB, 350x400, solarbeam.jpg)
    82 KB
    this is venasaur. he does the same martial art i do. its called solarbeam and its the most super effective martial art out there.

    pic related, its venasaur takin in sunlight
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:15:31 No.210696XXX
         File1269720931.jpg-(46 KB, 300x450, billymays.jpg)
    46 KB
    this is billy mays. he does the same martial art i do. it's called pitching fucking fantastic products and it's the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, it's billy mays being awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:15:45 No.210696XXX
         File1269720945.jpg-(27 KB, 266x400, 1263187735.jpg)
    27 KB
    this is my wife. she does the same martial art bruce lee's wife did. it's called making sandwiches, and its the most delicious martial art out there.

    pic related, it's my wife making a sandwich.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:15:51 No.210696XXX
         File1269720951.gif-(1.99 MB, 304x231, 2fingers.gif)
    1.99 MB
    this is si xingsong. he does the same martial art i do. it's called breakdancing and it's the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related (and animooted), it's si xingsong doing the 2-finger flip
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:15:53 No.210696XXX
         File1269720953.jpg-(14 KB, 362x330, 1268857087295.jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:16:15 No.210696XXX
    This is Beretta M9. He does the same martial art i do. it's called gun and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, its Beretta M9 doing gun.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:16:23 No.210696XXX
         File1269720983.jpg-(929 KB, 1920x1200, hyperbeam.jpg)
    929 KB
    this is seaking, he does the same martial art i do. its called hyperbeam and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, its seaking about to recharge
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:16:30 No.210696XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:16:39 No.210696XXX

    wrong. OP here again. bruce lee did wing chun because its the most efficient and it lets smaller people beat up n bigger people because they use less energy.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:17:17 No.210697XXX
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    All artwork, content, and programming, with the exception of content uploaded by our members copyright © 2002, 2003 Ripside Interactive, L.L.C. All photos and electronic content uploaded or installed by our customers are copyright their respective owner. View our Terms of Service for usage restrictions or the Privacy Statement for information regarding your privacy.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:17:20 No.210697XXX
         File1269721040.jpg-(4 KB, 90x128, hmm.jpg)
    4 KB

    I see nothing wrong with this post
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:17:24 No.210697XXX
    i got that mag... glad to here they are back to tokin together
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:17:37 No.210697XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:17:44 No.210697XXX
         File1269721064.jpg-(44 KB, 800x600, horsehead.jpg)
    44 KB
    this is a man with a horsehead. he does the same martial art i do. its called drinking gasoline and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, its my master being a pro
    >> timebomb 03/27/10(Sat)16:17:51 No.210697XXX
    File deleted.
    pic very related
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:17:56 No.210697XXX
         File1269721076.jpg-(41 KB, 576x384, beretta.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:18:12 No.210697XXX
         File1269721092.jpg-(64 KB, 525x768, 1263186735.jpg)
    64 KB
    this is sabrina. she does the same martial art i do. it's called witchcraft and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, it's sabrina looking smarmy as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:18:56 No.210697XXX
         File1269721136.jpg-(33 KB, 450x330, dicksucking.jpg)
    33 KB

    This is ypur sister. She does the same martial art as you. It's calld cock su cking,
    pic related, it's her sucking some dick
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:18:59 No.210697XXX
    that martial art is for chicks... TITS OR GTFO
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:19:13 No.210697XXX
         File1269721153.jpg-(98 KB, 602x585, DOITSAGAT.jpg)
    98 KB
    WRONG. OP here. Jeet Kune Do. It's what bruce lee really practiced.
    Also, i'm a HUGE faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:19:22 No.210697XXX
         File1269721162.jpg-(36 KB, 604x453, 6822_103491896329150_100000050(...).jpg)
    36 KB
    this is me. and I do the same martial art i do. its called being a ninja and its the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, its me.
    >> timebomb 03/27/10(Sat)16:19:26 No.210697XXX
         File1269721166.jpg-(78 KB, 600x316, 300_movie_image_gerard_butler.jpg)
    78 KB
    This is sparta.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:19:35 No.210697XXX
    No lie, you just posted my current desktop.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:19:48 No.210697XXX

    implying that almost ALL martial arts developed and practiced by the japanese arent designed to fight larger opponents.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:19:59 No.210697XXX
    bruce lee discontinued wing chun and created jeet kune do for a reason
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:20:13 No.210697XXX
    >this is me. and I do the same martial art i do. its >called being a ninja and its the deadliest martial art >out there.

    pic related, its me.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:20:30 No.210697XXX

    wrong. OP here. its was taught to a chick by a nun because it's best for smaller people, and chicks are smaller and weaker, but in a man's hands it can be deadly.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:20:30 No.210697XXX
    fucking lmao
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:20:32 No.210697XXX
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:21:13 No.210697XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:21:20 No.210697XXX
         File1269721280.jpg-(105 KB, 513x339, success.jpg)
    105 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:22:25 No.210698XXX
    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:22:37 No.210698XXX
    bumping because this is an epic thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:22:43 No.210698XXX
         File1269721363.jpg-(6 KB, 294x199, 1263183355.jpg)
    6 KB
    this is jesus. he does the same martial art i do. it's called jew-do and it's the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, it's jesus jewing it up.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:23:34 No.210698XXX
    lulz funniest shit ever!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:24:24 No.210698XXX
         File1269721464.jpg-(396 KB, 1616x1074, hawt.jpg)
    396 KB
    these are two hot chicks. they are doing the same martial art i do. it's called stare at me long enough and you'll pop a boner.

    pic related, it's two girls giving you a boner
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:24:27 No.210698XXX
         File1269721467.jpg-(26 KB, 500x494, Wang_Chung_Mosaic_CD_cover.jpg)
    26 KB
    Me too!!

    I like how they.... 80's music!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:24:42 No.210698XXX
         File1269721482.png-(6 KB, 389x306, 1266383635450.png)
    6 KB
    someone archive this shit!!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:24:45 No.210698XXX
    jkd is not actually a martial art , its just a concept that takes all the best from all the martial arts around the world, simplyfies the technics and makes them work for everybody

    anyway i stll prefer learning wing chun, which is the main basis of jeet ku doo
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:25:54 No.210698XXX
         File1269721554.jpg-(112 KB, 480x652, 12645998552655.jpg)
    112 KB
    this is obama. he does the same martial art i do. it's called redistributing the wealth and it's the deadliest martial art out there.

    pic related, it's obama wondering what to do with all of your money.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:26:20 No.210698XXX
    Bruce Lee combined all the most powerful and efficient moves from several different styles and threw out the rest. That is how he came up with Jeet Kun Do, which is what he used and taught. Read a fucking book, faggot and stop telling us about your 3rd grade karate class. No one cares. Die
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:26:43 No.210698XXX

    wrong. OP here. lol u mad.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:26:58 No.210699XXX
         File1269721618.gif-(12 KB, 200x200, 3157369881_c5510221f5_o.gif)
    12 KB
    Systema fag here

    actually systema is the deadliest martial art....i think u meant that wing chun is the deadliest asian martial art
    >> ARCHIVE THIS SHIT   03/27/10(Sat)16:28:02 No.210699XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:29:45 No.210699XXX
    You fags are ignorant. The only reason he was as good as he was is the fact that his father taught him tai chi chuan. Once you have the root of internal kung fu, you can throw pretty much anything on top of it and call it whatever you want. Without the internal power, which he developed practicing tai chi, he would be just as useless as anyone else who practices an external style. Look it up. Learn something useful, like bagua, hsingi, tai chi or some chi kung. At the very least, learn something from the north. Southern style has lost almost all its roots to the way.
    >>   03/27/10(Sat)16:30:15 No.210699XXX

    click (on left side of screen) "request interface"

    Figure it out from there.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:30:31 No.210699XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:30:50 No.210699XXX
         File1269721850.jpg-(4 KB, 251x251, 1265235756577s.jpg)
    4 KB
    This is a friendly bear, he does the same martial art I do, it's called Wai tu jung, just how I like them.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:30:50 No.210699XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)16:31:19 No.210700XXX
         File1269721879.jpg-(106 KB, 600x800, hottiesbootyshorts (30).jpg)
    106 KB
    fuck your whore mother, op. It's now teen tiem.

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