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    File : 1269463811.jpg-(44 KB, 400x400, punk.jpg)
    44 KB Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:50:11 No.209701XXX  
    I pose this question /b/;
    What is punk to you?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:50:56 No.209701XXX
    dead. just like this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:51:14 No.209701XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:51:17 No.209701XXX
    its delicious
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:51:22 No.209701XXX
    >> punkfag 03/24/10(Wed)16:51:37 No.209701XXX
    Anything more constructive
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:52:00 No.209701XXX
    Its not stupid faggots with mohawks and shitty clothes.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:52:13 No.209701XXX
    this. /thread
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:52:28 No.209701XXX
    not the fucking casualties that's for sure
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:52:35 No.209701XXX
    c w ajlk jleioiinxp lw ikaka fpmniredgr mf allhh plak
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:52:59 No.209701XXX
    the music is ok.. the style is pathetic
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:53:01 No.209701XXX

    what is punk to me....try black flag
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:53:06 No.209701XXX
    Want to spam 4chan like me? Get the tool here!


    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:53:46 No.209701XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:54:06 No.209702XXX
    punk is a dead belief, any "punk" now has either sold out or isn't actual punk, fuck good charllete and greenday that's not punk you faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:54:15 No.209702XXX
    the musical genre punk rock and the movements surrounding it
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:54:31 No.209702XXX
    tastes like fish
    >> o.0 03/24/10(Wed)16:54:37 No.209702XXX
    punk is dooing what the fuck you want.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:54:37 No.209702XXX
    blink-182 & simple plan
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:54:40 No.209702XXX
    Steps to unlocking a 4chan Gold Account with unlimited posting, no flood warnings, no wordfilters,
    post reserving, editing your posts, and access to the secret raid board!
    Oh and a little something extra just for b! ;]

    1. Go to:‮ten.dloGnahC4
    2. Click a few links
    3. ???????
    4. PROFIT

    Get your gold account today,
    and get 5 one-day bans to hammer out a day!
    That's right, your own personal BANHAMMER! Go get them!

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:54:45 No.209702XXX
    agreement. Also, not stupid faggots listening to bad music wearing shitty clothes.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:55:15 No.209702XXX
    my boyfriend
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:55:41 No.209702XXX
    a dirty fag trying to be different who listens to a bunch of people whining over the microphone.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:55:44 No.209702XXX
    its stupid faggots listening to shitty music and wearing dirty clothes
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:55:45 No.209702XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:55:48 No.209702XXX
         File1269464148.jpg-(110 KB, 544x408, blink dkd.jpg)
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    they are emos
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:55:50 No.209702XXX
    Steps to unlocking a 4chan Gold Account with unlimited posting, no flood warnings, no wordfilters,
    post reserving, editing your posts, and access to the secret raid board!
    Oh and a little something extra just for b! ;]

    1. Go to:‮ten.dloGnahC4
    2. Click a few links
    3. ???????
    4. PROFIT

    Get your gold account today,
    and get 5 one-day bans to hammer out a day!
    That's right, your own personal BANHAMMER! Go get them!

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:55:56 No.209702XXX
    It was an emotion, a feeling, a movement.

    But it's deader than Heath Ledger, yo.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:56:26 No.209702XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:56:36 No.209702XXX
    Anything greenday related it's def. punk, everything else is fucking poser
    >> Dr.Android !zYUKa3XbqM 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:02 No.209702XXX
    Black Flag.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:07 No.209702XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:13 No.209702XXX
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    black fucking flag
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:18 No.209702XXX
    Tim Armstrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:19 No.209702XXX
    A medium for the free expression of ideas, thoughts, opinions, attitudes, experiences, and actions.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:23 No.209702XXX
    A guy walks up to me and asks 'What's Punk?' So I kick over a garbage can and say 'That's punk!' So he kicks over a garbage can and says 'That's Punk?', and I say 'No that's trendy!'
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:32 No.209702XXX
    Punk was once a voice against authority/control for the last 5 years its nothing more than emo kids screaming that they had parents who didn't have enough time for them or that their gf's left them. Punk is dead and has been for a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:33 No.209702XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:37 No.209702XXX
    Punk is:

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:51 No.209702XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:57:51 No.209702XXX
    Want to spam 4chan like me? Get the tool here!


    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:58:04 No.209703XXX
    im so punk i got invited to a punk band and got kicked put on the first reh because i was to "uncontrolable"
    no i dont have a mohwak nor no stupid punk cliche. i do use beaten to shit cloth, but its juts jeans and old black shirts. just cause im lazzy and dont gve a fuck about cloth.

    fuck i rule.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:58:16 No.209703XXX
         File1269464296.jpg-(33 KB, 400x378, green-day.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:58:20 No.209703XXX
    When you word it like that it sounds fucking gay you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:58:23 No.209703XXX
    zoe kimball=punk
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:58:27 No.209703XXX
    i think dressing all in black and dieing you hair black and being all moody all time is very punk
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:58:41 No.209703XXX
    Punk is Avril Lavgine

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:58:46 No.209703XXX
    Arschlecken und Rasur
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:58:51 No.209703XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:58:53 No.209703XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:59:03 No.209703XXX
         File1269464343.jpg-(22 KB, 284x400, l_6d32130db8bb44caa188f6c12ae6(...).jpg)
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    Total Abuse
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:59:23 No.209703XXX
    That's goth
    >> Anonamous 03/24/10(Wed)16:59:35 No.209703XXX
         File1269464375.jpg-(1.45 MB, 2560x1920, IMG00010.jpg)
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    my punk period
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)16:59:57 No.209703XXX
    a genre of music and subculture. like it's always been.
    that's the truthfull answer.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:00:02 No.209703XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:00:09 No.209703XXX
    punk died with jay reatard
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:00:15 No.209703XXX
    music that sounds like crap :D lol
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:00:17 No.209703XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:00:19 No.209703XXX
         File1269464419.jpg-(13 KB, 375x360, 1250732199910.jpg)
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    >Green day
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:00:25 No.209703XXX
    punk is the worst thing to happen to western culture.
    It creates a bunch of whiny misled youth who believe that just because some fag on a stage talks about fucking darfur, they are all enlightened and against the establishment that they live off of
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:00:34 No.209703XXX
    Anything and Everything.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:01:04 No.209703XXX
    Stupid shit regarding politics and philosophy, but an important influence on music. hardcore wouldn't have existed without it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:01:15 No.209703XXX
         File1269464475.jpg-(40 KB, 423x316, Black+Flag.jpg)
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    total abuse is pretty hardcore too. Moar black flag
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:01:17 No.209703XXX
    Punk is a marketing scheme, its like when Roald Dahl was telling you your parents don't know everything when you were little. Its got a good point, but in the end its just to sell some shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:01:21 No.209703XXX
    people in a rebellious stage that they'll grow out of eventually
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:01:26 No.209703XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:01:52 No.209703XXX
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    dirty savages that beg for money
    also burn cars
    fuck them
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:01:57 No.209704XXX
    this is what is punk to me

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:02:30 No.209704XXX
    to me, punk is lame
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:02:36 No.209704XXX
    Punk is awesome stuff like Hot Topic, Green Day, Avril Lavigne... u know, stuff that parents dont get.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:02:36 No.209704XXX
    Also people like this dumbshit are the reason punk is dead....hurr durr i'm so punk don't you wish you could be punk like me hurr durr.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:02:40 No.209704XXX
    black flag
    circle jerks
    agnostic front
    minor threat
    negative approach
    bad brains

    now gtfo
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:02:43 No.209704XXX
    a genre of music that is dead and i dont really care that much about.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:02:45 No.209704XXX
    A fucking lifestyle
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:03:11 No.209704XXX
    Shitty no talent fags who bang around on instruments and call it music
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:03:17 No.209704XXX
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    this is as punk as it gets
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:03:19 No.209704XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:03:32 No.209704XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:03:34 No.209704XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:03:37 No.209704XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:03:49 No.209704XXX
    GG Allin
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:03:51 No.209704XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:04:00 No.209704XXX
    not showering and if your a girl leting all your hair grow
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:04:07 No.209704XXX
    he asked what punk was.
    not hardcore.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:04:16 No.209704XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:04:17 No.209704XXX
    Black Flag
    Minor Threat
    Bad Brains
    Circle Jerks
    [old] AFI
    [old] Leftover Crack and Choking Victim
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:04:25 No.209704XXX
    i like you

    long story short
    fuck punks, long live punk
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:04:37 No.209704XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:04:37 No.209704XXX
    Punk is faggotry
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:04:50 No.209704XXX
    Bad Religion
    Black Flag
    The Suicide Machines
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:04:50 No.209704XXX

    A way of decorating yourself; a style.

    It's also a deragotory term to loosely designate people who think they're badass, or wanna be a badass.

    That's it. That's all it means.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:00 No.209704XXX
    faggotry, all faggotry
    punk is not the music but the thought behind it
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:09 No.209704XXX
    the cat lady.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:20 No.209704XXX
    Jello Biafra or die in a fire
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:30 No.209705XXX
    a small bastard child
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:31 No.209705XXX
    i like this
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:31 No.209705XXX
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    this was. and will always be.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:32 No.209705XXX
    oh and GG Allin
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:35 No.209705XXX
    that's fucking adorable
    >> punk Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:38 No.209705XXX
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    More of a life style then anything, well today's punks mostly are just scene wannabes, but hardcore back in the day was crazy,
    Being a metalhead, i respect the punk hardcore of the 80's, minor threat, black flag, bad brains, but punks dont do it so much for the music like metalheads but more for the attitude and lifestyle
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:05:56 No.209705XXX
    a genre of music and nothing else
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:06:02 No.209705XXX
    I respect every punkster who hasn't made an identity out of it. If they act cool with everyone, my respect is skyhigh. Otherwise, nice remnants of old times, I love thrashers and punksters :)
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:06:04 No.209705XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:06:23 No.209705XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:06:29 No.209705XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:06:30 No.209705XXX
    oh great is the teenage punk fad starting again?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:06:46 No.209705XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:06:47 No.209705XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:06:51 No.209705XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:06:57 No.209705XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:07:01 No.209705XXX
    it's good music but punk's are disgusting people, true story
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:07:04 No.209705XXX
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    you mean
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:07:16 No.209705XXX
    Want to spam 4chan like me? Get the tool here!


    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:07:17 No.209705XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:07:37 No.209705XXX
    Seems to be the new emo mabye?

    Metal never grows old or goes into fashion.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:07:48 No.209705XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:08:05 No.209705XXX
    Punk just is.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:08:08 No.209705XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:08:09 No.209705XXX
    Punk is a Lifestyle like other youth groups.
    Bt Punk has ot a bit more.
    It got an attitude.
    But its stupid.
    You want to seperate yourself from thers, but all punks look the same.
    They do not seperate.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:08:36 No.209705XXX
    RIP Jay Reatard.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:08:43 No.209705XXX
    not that shit you see on MTV
    In Grind We Crust
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:09:08 No.209705XXX
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    It's a damn shame that all these newfag tards under the age of 20 will now assume that punk is by fags like Green Day and Sum 41. But then again, hopefully that will bring about its resurgence.

    Good band thats new and still adhere's to REAL punk is JuiceheaD. Look 'em up.

    Also, GG motherfuckin' Allin
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:09:16 No.209705XXX
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    I AM PUNK!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:09:18 No.209705XXX
    Punk is an attitude.

    See the documentary Punk:attitude.

    its not about what you wear or how you wear it, or what you listen to/how rock your music is.
    Elvis was punk. He pioneered something that shocked and intrigued people.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:09:20 No.209705XXX
    dont forget DK
    >> Anonycrass !em0o2SZdDk 03/24/10(Wed)17:09:19 No.209706XXX
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    punk is Unity
    punk is Friendship
    punk is a state of mind
    punk is a way of life
    punk is dead to the world
    punk is alive in the minds of us who fail to accept ignorance
    punk is love
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:09:30 No.209706XXX
    "What is punk to you?"

    idiotic haircuts , clothes from trashcan
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:09:44 No.209706XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:09:51 No.209706XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:09:56 No.209706XXX
    Punk is a musical genre
    >> Anonycrass !em0o2SZdDk 03/24/10(Wed)17:10:07 No.209706XXX
    Resistant Culture ftw
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:10:09 No.209706XXX
         File1269465009.jpg-(173 KB, 350x524, slc punk.jpg)
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    Everyone in this thread needs to go watch SLC Punk right now.

    Learn something.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:10:15 No.209706XXX
    Hey guiz.

    Punk is bad musiscians
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:10:25 No.209706XXX
    I wasn't there when the real punk stuff happend but i certainly do not think green day and sum 41 are punk. i think they're shit.
    fuck yeah gg allin
    and minor threat
    etc etc
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:10:25 No.209706XXX
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    sauce, good sir!!

    <--- 3728127
    That's what you wanted?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:10:35 No.209706XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:10:49 No.209706XXX
    oh yeah, ties are totally punk, good going good charolette, greenday, blink, and whoever else wears ties. thats stickin' it to the man. lets all wear ties!

    henry rollins is punk. no matter what
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:10:56 No.209706XXX
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    punk is life.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:01 No.209706XXX
    Punx is hippies.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:02 No.209706XXX
    SLC punk is a total fucking heap of shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:11 No.209706XXX
         File1269465071.jpg-(47 KB, 450x528, 11223.jpg)
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    GG Allin!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:18 No.209706XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:26 No.209706XXX
    Nawigacja do strony sieci Web została anulowana

    Możesz spróbować wykonać następujące czynności:
    Odśwież stronę.

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:28 No.209706XXX
    A style of music and clothing. A nearly dead philosophy. And a fad that young people go through.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:29 No.209706XXX
    punk is an attitude.

    Punk isn't the clothes you wear, it's not the music, its not the hair.

    The minute you start calling yourself a punk, without seeking the approval of others (because that's what preps do) you've made it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:30 No.209706XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:31 No.209706XXX
    Want to spam 4chan like me? Get the tool here!


    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:39 No.209706XXX
    Seen the movie, so I double that :D
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:40 No.209706XXX
    one of my favorite movies
    but i hate the ending.
    oh well sometimes that's really how it goes
    >> Anonycrass !em0o2SZdDk 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:41 No.209706XXX
    and Rudimentary Peni
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:11:51 No.209706XXX
    anarchy, angst, hate, fuck you
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:12:01 No.209706XXX
    maybe because you like NOFX.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:12:18 No.209706XXX
    and no actual punk would ever say other.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:12:32 No.209706XXX
    GISM sucks and I hope you die, crustie.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:12:42 No.209706XXX
    punk = destroy america
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:12:43 No.209706XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:12:55 No.209706XXX
    punks not dead, it just smells rotten
    >> Anonycrass !em0o2SZdDk 03/24/10(Wed)17:13:06 No.209707XXX
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    dude i saw Trash Talk with Leftover Crack
    TT blew them out of the fucking water
    oh and Battle! is good new school
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:13:19 No.209707XXX
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    get the fuck out of here posers
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:13:26 No.209707XXX
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    picture releated.
    this thread is fucking gay.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:13:39 No.209707XXX
    "society sucks" or something like that.
    the music genre is pretty cool sometimes
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:13:39 No.209707XXX
         File1269465219.jpg-(180 KB, 1280x1024, germs.jpg)
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    The fucking Germs.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:13:54 No.209707XXX
    Punk's not dead
    It just deserves to die
    When it becomes another stale cartoon
    A close-minded, self-centered social club
    Ideas don't matter, it's who you know
    If the music's gotten boring
    It's because of the people
    Who want everyone to sound the same
    Who drive bright people out
    Of our so-called scene
    'Til all that's left Is just a meaningless fad
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:13:58 No.209707XXX
    punk is an unformulated scream that you can interpret as you will
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:14:08 No.209707XXX

    >> Anonycrass !em0o2SZdDk 03/24/10(Wed)17:14:14 No.209707XXX

    Yes that's right, punk is dead,
    It's just another cheap product for the consumers head.
    Bubblegum rock on plastic transistors,
    Schoolboy sedition backed by big time promoters.
    CBS promote the Clash,
    But it ain't for revolution, it's just for cash.
    Punk became a fashion just like hippy used to be
    And it ain't got a thing to do with you or me.

    Movements are systems and systems kill.
    Movements are expressions of the public will.
    Punk became a movement cos we all felt lost,
    But the leaders sold out and now we all pay the cost.
    Punk narcissism was social napalm,
    Steve Jones started doing real harm.
    Preaching revolution, anarchy and change
    As he sucked from the system that had given him his name.

    Well I'm tired of staring through shit stained glass,
    Tired of staring up a superstars arse,
    I've got an arse and crap and a name,
    I'm just waiting for my fifteen minutes fame.
    Steve Jones you're napalm,
    If you're so pretty (vacant) why do you swarm?
    Patti Smith you're napalm,
    You write with your hand but it's Rimbaud's arm.

    And me, yes I, do I want to burn?
    Is there something I can learn?
    Do I need a business man to promote my angle?
    Can I resist the carrots that fame and fortune dangle?
    I see the velvet zippies in their bondage gear,
    The social elite with safety-pins in their ear,
    I watch and understand that it don't mean a thing,
    The scorpions might attack, but the systems stole the sting.

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:14:35 No.209707XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:14:51 No.209707XXX
    dk <3
    >> punk! Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:14:54 No.209707XXX
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    Punk is doing what you want when you want and not giving a fuck! it's not how many fucking casualties patches you where or how tight your pants are or how many studs are on your jacket! and if you think otherwise GTFO! i'll beat the snot out of any poser punk that thinks he's badass cause he goes drinking on the weekends and shops at hot topic. everyone above the age of 15 drinks on the weekends already fuckasses!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:14:56 No.209707XXX
    the values that tied punk rock to the non conformity group has been long gone, Ask any "punker" if they are a non conformist I guarantee you that all of them will say yes. Now to be a non conformist by dictionary standards is " One who does not conform to, or refuses to be bound by, accepted beliefs, customs, or practices" now look at punks, they all look the same and have the exact same mind set in a sense, so by being a non conformist they actually are conformist
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:15:49 No.209707XXX
    Who cares what it is to us?
    Punk is what you see it as.

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:16:01 No.209707XXX
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    Kinda depends, but basically its a subculture built on the thought of Provoking.
    and therefor the simple act of being provocative, makes you punk.
    one way of being provocative is by dressing radically and/or dying/cutting your hair in a extreme fashion. or beating the living hell out of random people, or vandalizing random shit
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:16:02 No.209707XXX
    fuck SLC. what you should really watch is Suburbia by Penelope Spheeris. Thats the real punk movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:16:13 No.209707XXX
    So I went to and clicked some random link on the site. Now I have a little sidebar on the page that shows all my previous post with their own id #. like the 10 digit one below. i can also put 1 day bans on 5 people a day...

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:16:15 No.209707XXX
    im punk for posting this with my psp go.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:16:27 No.209707XXX
    punk is good HC is better
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:16:35 No.209707XXX
    well, i hate this discussion.. but the punk in modern day life is the kid i always see at local shows.. yeah he has tatoo's.. i asked for his myspace once.. he said the internet was for fags..

    also black flag tat on neck.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:16:42 No.209707XXX
    whole lot of no true scottsman fallacy up in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:16:57 No.209707XXX
    punk = destroy america kill your mates punk = destroy america kill your mates punk = destroy america kill your mates punk = destroy america kill your mates punk = destroy america kill yourpunk = destroy america kill your mates punk = destroy america kill your mates mates punk = destroy america kill your mates
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:17:09 No.209708XXX
    gg allin
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:17:27 No.209708XXX
    fucking THIS.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:18:10 No.209708XXX
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    marinus van der lubbe, who burned down the reichstag
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:18:20 No.209708XXX
    punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing punk = hate america do the good thing
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:18:24 No.209708XXX
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    Punk really isn't punk anymore
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:18:27 No.209708XXX
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    youre a fucking faggot. fuck the sex pistols.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:18:33 No.209708XXX
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    you are only a Punk if you are straightedge
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:18:36 No.209708XXX
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    The creation and destruction of harmonic and 'statistical' tensions is essential to the maintenance of compositional drama. Any composition (or improvisation) which remains consistent and 'regular' throughout is, for me, equivalent to watching a movie with only 'good guys' in it, or eating cottage cheese.

    this argument is over zappa has arrived.

    Post your FZ quotes
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:18:44 No.209708XXX
    im infected with aids... and i fuck everyday..
    yess soo much GG Allin apreesh...

    anyone here listen to crust punk,,
    >> Anonycrass !em0o2SZdDk 03/24/10(Wed)17:18:51 No.209708XXX
    i'm out
    peace kids
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:19:43 No.209708XXX
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    this is punk.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:19:58 No.209708XXX
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    TT are easily the best band associated with hardcore right now.
    I'm listening to BBC Radio One just to here a new song from "Eyes & Nines".

    And Leftover Crack are gay as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:20:12 No.209708XXX
    DO you know the most bearable part of this thread is.

    The spam is, thats how much kanker there is
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:23:24 No.209709XXX
    I was there in the late 70's and early 80's when punk first hit the U.S. It was an attitude. It was the realization that all the ideas people kept trying to sell you were shackles. Buy 'em, wear 'em, and get controlled.

    Punk was a big "fuck off" to the world at large.

    Three years later it degenerated into nothing more than an excuse for the ugly kids at my school to get laid too. It's been stone cold dead since 1985, and all that's left is a shit-stained attempt to capitalize on something that today's generation will never understand.

    You can't listen to punk rock on an iPod, kids. That's like replacing the seat of a Harley with a big, red, silk and goose-down cushion. Punk was born in poverty, thrived on violence and unfocused rage, and spread like wildfire among the disenfranchised and abused youth. It was the antithesis of materialism.

    So of course, its inevitable success killed it.

    Don't pretend you can bring it back. Just enjoy the things it inspired.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:24:35 No.209710XXX
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    fuck off if you're not down with trash talk, magrudergrind, pissed jeans and failures.
    the current hardcore scene is unstopable.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:25:09 No.209710XXX
    Punk is a now defunct and cliche form of musical "activism" -if, that is, you want to stretch the term-.

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:25:54 No.209710XXX
    Punk is gay
    Especially hardcore
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:26:05 No.209710XXX
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    punk is to do what you want. this is nothing for american kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:26:44 No.209710XXX
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    Hopefully hardcore and nigger music will destroy eachother and metal, classic rock, jazz and folk will rieng in a happy world. Free from faggotry. PIc related the corries.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:27:08 No.209710XXX
    You're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:27:22 No.209710XXX
    well lets be frank. punk is just music. if your ideology is "punk" then you're a fucking idiot. where the music spawned from wasn't "punk" it was something that has existed much longer than punk has ever been around. it's rebellious youth that stray from what is considered the social norm because they don't fit in, aren't accepted, or just don't give a fuck. before punk it was rockabilly. before rockabilly it was jazz and all that shit. before there was music to express yourself i'm sure there different ways in culture that youth began to express their angst. but maybe not because the shits of today have this bullshit sense of entitlement.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:27:23 No.209710XXX
    Punk? Nah rudeboy is where its at now.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:28:30 No.209711XXX
    punk is what ever the fuck you want it to be.if you're trying though, your failing. trashtalk ftw
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:29:44 No.209711XXX
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    punk is porn
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:29:53 No.209711XXX
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    Yes. I don't wear the punk costume and I don't own anything with studs on it and the words of Crass are emblazoned across my being. Punk is now about how you look, it used to be about what you think. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:30:46 No.209711XXX
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    punk, that's my former roommate
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:30:55 No.209711XXX
    how many punk kids does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    2, one to screw it in. one to say how punk rock it was
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:31:51 No.209711XXX
    That is so fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:31:57 No.209711XXX
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    shut the fuck up and listen to the locust or fuck off.

    fucking arseholes just don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:32:19 No.209712XXX
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    The Ultimate Rule ought to be: 'If it sounds GOOD to you, it's bitchin'; if it sounds BAD to YOU, it's shitty. The more your musical experience, the easier it is to define for yourself what you like and what you don't like. American radio listeners, raised on a diet of _____ (fill in the blank), have experienced a musical universe so small they cannot begin to know what they like.


    P.S. Punk is The Clash.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:32:33 No.209712XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:32:46 No.209712XXX
    youre all naming the worst punk bands imaginable to represent punk rock ITT.
    black flag?
    minor threat?
    Have you ever heard any other bands?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:33:10 No.209712XXX
    punk is a state of mind, not a fashion choice.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:33:25 No.209712XXX
    SLC Punk has nothing to do with the genre of music or the culture or the style. Oh, it was also a very bad movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:33:45 No.209712XXX
    Those guys look like faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:34:00 No.209712XXX
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    Weezy is punk as hell
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:34:33 No.209712XXX
    Punk is good music, and a bunch of angsty faggots who dress up like douchebags.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:34:34 No.209712XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:34:52 No.209712XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:35:17 No.209712XXX
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    Agreed, Punk is just music, but the basis of Punk and one's ideology could be based off the same thing. Maybe people are all about DIY ethics, and fighting authority, and shit like that. The best punk however exists with The Sex Pistols, Green River, Black Flag, early Soundgarden and early Nirvana, and Rapeman.

    Psychobilly is pretty fucking cool, too.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:35:22 No.209712XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:35:23 No.209712XXX
    Want to spam 4chan like me? Get the tool here!


    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:35:26 No.209712XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:35:46 No.209712XXX
    You can't be punk if your under 50
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:35:52 No.209712XXX
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    you wouldn't know hardcore if it pissed on you
    >> pukeycrustpunk 03/24/10(Wed)17:36:13 No.209713XXX
    crust,anarcho,ska punk
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:36:37 No.209713XXX
    working class subculture
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:37:06 No.209713XXX
    Punk = Fag Metal

    Upgrade to metal, you faggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:37:30 No.209713XXX
    As far as I can tell, punk is a movement that involves bad musicians who make terrible music, and their fans, who are for the most part obnoxious suburban teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:37:54 No.209713XXX

    agreed. i think if someone can tell what you are by how you look, then your just following a trend.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:38:31 No.209713XXX
    I'm not good at telling music genre by urine.
    However, hardcore is gay.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:38:45 No.209713XXX
    Punk is the shock factor. Making straightedge's go "what the fuck?"

    Waste of time any more, since nothing is shocking and everythings been done
    >> pukeycrustpunk 03/24/10(Wed)17:39:40 No.209713XXX
    i agree with all dem

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:40:18 No.209714XXX

    and trolling is a art
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:40:46 No.209714XXX
    Early punk=Cool
    Not early punk...not so cool
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:40:52 No.209714XXX
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    I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:40:56 No.209714XXX
    Joy Division
    >> pukeycrustpunk 03/24/10(Wed)17:41:05 No.209714XXX

    he understands it -_-
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:41:57 No.209714XXX
    Here is the new 4Chan spammer everyone is talking about.

    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:42:08 No.209714XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:42:14 No.209714XXX
    >> pukeycrustpunk 03/24/10(Wed)17:42:27 No.209714XXX

    that would be a downgrade good sir.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:42:42 No.209714XXX

    The quote i was looking for good job anon. Anon delivrars
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:43:54 No.209715XXX
    >> pukeycrustpunk 03/24/10(Wed)17:44:11 No.209715XXX
    HURRY PUNX!!!!!!!!!! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    turn the casualties off and listen to some fucking crack steady sit.
    then you can upgrade to crust!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:45:24 No.209715XXX

    A navegação para a página da Web foi cancelada

    Você pode tentar:
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:45:29 No.209715XXX

    This NOFX rules
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:46:23 No.209715XXX
         File1269467183.jpg-(31 KB, 500x333, LAST+LIGHTS+RIP+DOMINIC.jpg)
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    To shun hardcore and all it's associated with (grindcore, sludge, noisecore, thrashcore, post-hardcore, etc. etc.) because you think it's "gay" is fucking ridiculous.
    Clearly you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:47:10 No.209715XXX
    Fuck faggots thinking that just because it's more 'hardcore' that it's more 'punk'.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:47:49 No.209716XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:48:03 No.209716XXX
    The Damned. The Cramps. Richard Hell and the Voidoids. Johnny Thunders. The Buzzcocks. The Dirty Angels. The Radiators. The Vibrators. Rubella Ballet. Patty Smith. The Rubinoos. The Ramones.

    ITT: newfags
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:48:11 No.209716XXX

    I love this photo
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:48:13 No.209716XXX
    Three Power Chords and a $500 Hot Topic Gift Card.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:48:32 No.209716XXX
    It's dead. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:49:06 No.209716XXX

    lulz from a massive punk music fan.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:50:28 No.209716XXX
    Can't say I've ever heard of any of those sub-sub-sub-sub-genres but they all sound pretty unattractive.
    >> pukeycrustpunk 03/24/10(Wed)17:51:20 No.209717XXX
    im just gonna keep bumping this post with some input for our little punx out there. lol

    UNITY. not just within punks but needs to be with everyone. if not were just dividing ourselves. division isnt what we want. so stop being snotty and mean to everyone, shae your mohawk off, start educating yourself, and THEN you might be able to graduate to ANARCHO PUNK! exciting!

    then you get to listen to good music that isnt about being drunk and ignorant.

    i advise much pot smoking with the begining of anarcho for yourself. i also would like you to listen to crack steady beat obsessively, and then confuse the shit out of yourself even farther by studdying crust. do it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:51:24 No.209717XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:51:48 No.209717XXX
    >> pukeycrustpunk 03/24/10(Wed)17:53:05 No.209717XXX
    and then convert to crust and gutter punk like culture.
    >> Naemfag 03/24/10(Wed)17:53:27 No.209717XXX
    Fucking opened this thread, and Maxwell Murder started playing. I loled
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:54:12 No.209717XXX
    the best way to live
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:54:48 No.209717XXX
    punk rock is dead, and im punk rock, nah all joking aside to me punk is two things. theres the perception of punk and theres the reality of punk, people think punk and thing of the sex pictols image of spky hair mad clothes in your face attitude. but punk was originally just meant to mean differant im a punk and i have a red mohawk ypu thats me but i also wear suits as my casual wear. because i can. the essence of punk is just being whatever you choose to be. if you dont fit into a group you will always fit into punk because punk is this all encompassing genre u dont need to like the music, u dont need to look or act "punk" as some people see it. you just need to be differant.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:55:19 No.209718XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:55:46 No.209718XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:55:55 No.209718XXX
    to me punk is a bunch of whiny faggots craving attention because they didn't get enough at home or they were picked on as kids and we're too big of pussies to deal with it.

    TLDR punks are faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:56:05 No.209718XXX
         File1269467765.jpg-(187 KB, 500x500, theshapeofpunktocome.jpg)
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    Dropping the aggressive tone, I honestly recommend you listen to Kylesa, Fugazi and Throats for examples of slude metal, post-hardcore and grindcore, respectively, to make an informed decision.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:56:48 No.209718XXX
    Morbid curiosity got the better of me... is this really supposed to be music or is it a satire?
    I started laughing really hard
    >> pukeycrustpunk 03/24/10(Wed)17:57:04 No.209718XXX

    i almost though you had a slight idea in what your talking about.

    get on my leve kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:57:36 No.209718XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:58:03 No.209718XXX
    Want to spam 4chan like me? Get the tool here!


    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)17:58:39 No.209719XXX
         File1269467919.jpg-(134 KB, 640x425, 703.jpg)
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