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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269229539.jpg-(26 KB, 335x450, Barack-Obama.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:45:39 No.208763XXX  
    Probably the greatest president of all time now...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:45:53 No.208763XXX
    Lawl just found a great source of Jailbait and epicness! Oh and a secret suprise for you b :]

    1. Go To http://bit(dot)ly/97r0wg
    2. Remove Penis From Pants
    3. FAP FAP FAP
    5. ??????
    6. PROFIT!

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:02 No.208763XXX
    Bitch got shit done.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:03 No.208763XXX
    ...for me to poop on.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:11 No.208763XXX
    Lawl just found a great source of Jailbait and epicness! Oh and a secret suprise for you b :]

    1. Go To http://bit(dot)ly/97r0wg
    2. Remove Penis From Pants
    3. FAP FAP FAP
    5. ??????
    6. PROFIT!

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:15 No.208763XXX
    yes he is the greatest. Respect.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:25 No.208763XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:31 No.208763XXX
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    Time to take a feather out of someones bonnet...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:40 No.208763XXX
    Kicked the shit out of Bush's 8 years in 1.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:48 No.208763XXX
    It took a black man to get shit done. Superior race.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:48 No.208763XXX
         File1269229608.jpg-(17 KB, 432x550, 1262065815738.jpg)
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    True statement.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:49 No.208763XXX
    1. promise change
    2. get elected
    3. win noble prize
    4. healthcare reform
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:53 No.208763XXX
    So can I get narcotics 4 free now?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46:59 No.208763XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:10 No.208763XXX

    Yeah, bitch got something done alright. Made it a crime not to have insurance = giant gift to the fucking insurance companies.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:15 No.208763XXX
    Nigga knew what to do
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:24 No.208763XXX
    Lawl just found a great source of Jailbait and epicness! Oh and a secret suprise for you b :]

    1. Go To http://bit(dot)ly/97r0wg
    2. Remove Penis From Pants
    3. FAP FAP FAP
    5. ??????
    6. PROFIT!

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:28 No.208763XXX
    fook yeah
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:32 No.208763XXX

    U MAD
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:36 No.208763XXX
         File1269229656.jpg-(11 KB, 200x197, 200px-Hans_Landa_IB_2009.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:40 No.208763XXX
    Best president of this millennium
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:50 No.208764XXX
    its fuckin awesome paying more income taxes to support illegal immigrants and niggers
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:55 No.208764XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:57 No.208764XXX
    he's doing pretty good so far!...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:47:58 No.208764XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:00 No.208764XXX
    he did work son
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:03 No.208764XXX

    He's not black. He's half white and half black faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:12 No.208764XXX
    We are still torturing and holding prisoners without charge.

    He isn't even close.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:25 No.208764XXX

    go go go
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:26 No.208764XXX

    You people overreact. Universal healthcare is brilliant. All for one and one for all.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:26 No.208764XXX

    SAVAGE, it's cooler than your mother
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:27 No.208764XXX
    Eye do nawt understand the pros and cons of this new plan. Edjumacate me prawks.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:29 No.208764XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:38 No.208764XXX
    Troll line starts above and below this post.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:38 No.208764XXX

    They were giving themselves gifts by denying anyone and everyone who had even a minor condition. Now, with this, that's no longer legal.

    Also: Haters gon hate.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:41 No.208764XXX
    Soon, you guys will learn the pains of socialized health care. Congrats America.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:42 No.208764XXX
    Can't drop anyone's coverage = they're not too happy

    Nonetheless, fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:44 No.208764XXX
         File1269229724.jpg-(33 KB, 576x432, Borat_Great_Success.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:44 No.208764XXX

    >> snoɯʎuouɐ !wf5JJ352J. 03/21/10(Sun)23:48:49 No.208764XXX
         File1269229729.jpg-(107 KB, 715x527, 1252635205345.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:00 No.208764XXX
    Best President since Benjamin Franklin.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:03 No.208764XXX
    Clinton was better, but Obama is up there. Top 10 at least.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:04 No.208764XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:04 No.208764XXX
    1.promise reform
    2.pass health care
    3. bankrupt country
    6 profitz
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:17 No.208764XXX
    well... fuck us right... now we have to pay for moooooooooooooooore insurance. like house and home wasnt enough hu guys... great
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:21 No.208764XXX
    Here's a thought: Work hard. DO good in school. DO good in college. DO get a job. Make money, buy insurance... problem solved, newfags
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:22 No.208764XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:30 No.208764XXX
    HA! so he IS at least half a faggot!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:34 No.208764XXX
    Only because after we go bankrupt we won't be able to afford to make any more textbooks so they won't cover the whole bankruptcy thing caused by... you know this joke was poorly thought out and way too long. I'm sorry I just shouldn't have attempted this.

    fat nigger fat nigger fat nigger fat nigger
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:34 No.208764XXX
    >Probably the greatest president of all time now...

    But still a nigger
    >> SaGE 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:36 No.208764XXX
    fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:48 No.208764XXX
    op must be trolln

    obvious samefags.....

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:52 No.208764XXX
    Is that why his approval rating is so low?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:49:59 No.208764XXX
    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:01 No.208764XXX
    Obama, you are the most respectable president of our epoch and you alone have done more than anyone to increase our bottom line with this legislation.

    The Insurance Companies
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:03 No.208764XXX
    it's actually not a gift to the insurance companies

    Yes, their "pie" will get bigger, but it will have less room for profit and need more employees

    he delivered
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:03 No.208764XXX
    braindead nigger is braindead, Troll is an obvious libfag
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:06 No.208764XXX
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    YO Obama, Im really happy for you but, Abraham Lincoln was the greatest president of all time!
    And you know why
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:22 No.208764XXX
    Europe uses this system and they are doing very well you fucking honkey
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:28 No.208764XXX

    YOu expect someone on 4chan, and in /b/ no less to care about ANYTHING but themselves. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:29 No.208764XXX
    u mad?
    >> OP HERE Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:35 No.208764XXX
         File1269229835.jpg-(277 KB, 940x1194, 1265330704817.jpg)
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    4chan swapped out pics again. It does that sometimes.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:39 No.208764XXX
    Obama 4 teh Winz!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:47 No.208765XXX
    unless of course, you get injured while you're working hard, then you'll be in medical debt until the day you die
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:50:50 No.208765XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:51:01 No.208765XXX
    europe doesn't share a border with mexico...

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:51:03 No.208765XXX
    but he did all that...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:51:28 No.208765XXX
    Hyperdictionary definition

    SOCIALISM is a 9 letter word that starts with S.

    Synonyms: socialist economy

    Antonyms: capitalism, capitalist economy

    See Also: communism, Fabianism, guild socialism, ideology, International, managed economy, national socialism, Naziism, Nazism, political orientation, political theory, utopian socialism
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:51:36 No.208765XXX
    karl marx would be proud
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:51:39 No.208765XXX
    The government now controls your health care! You did vote for them, right? And the people you didn't vote for will never come to power, right? Sleep well.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:51:58 No.208765XXX
         File1269229918.jpg-(19 KB, 400x313, Conan-O'Brien-011810L.jpg)
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    Republicans are warning voters right now that if Barack Obama is elected president, the Democrats will control all three branches of the government. John McCain said this would be dangerous; Dick Cheney said it would be expensive; and Sarah Palin said, "There are three branches of government?"-Conan
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:52:00 No.208765XXX
         File1269229920.jpg-(28 KB, 484x400, 1242885899658.jpg)
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    I am revenged.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:52:13 No.208765XXX
    no higher taxes for anyone making under $250k a year. Which will never be you.

    Read the fucking bill you ill-informed republican faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:52:52 No.208765XXX

    If being human is all about supporting some giant, bloated bureaucracy, then fuck that.

    Look, I understand the theory of what you're trying to accomplish here, but you have to wake up from your fucking dream and realize that this will now play out like some progressive wet dream. If you think for a minute that this helps anyone but the power players, you're naive.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:52:54 No.208765XXX
    i support torture of prisoners of war. And im super liberal.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:52:57 No.208765XXX
    Interest rates on student loans are going up in order to pay for this.
    America is so far in debt that we're having to PRINT MORE MONEY which is just putting us further and further in the whole.
    There are more taxes being taken out of checks to pay for people to have "health insurance"
    Not to mention we're going to be fined if we can't afford it. Which I, for one, can not.
    Obama is an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:05 No.208765XXX

    forgot fabian socialism
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:17 No.208765XXX
    Yes, forcing people to purchase a commodity is a phenomenal feat.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:18 No.208765XXX
    >>208764882 you fucking honkey

    What you fail to understand with your simian brain is that the word "honkey" implies "being white", and this is not an insult but rather a compliment. However being called a nigger implies being a dark skinned ape-like sub-human, and is therefore an insult.

    Please, call me honkey all day long until you feel the need to beat your chest and get distracted by drum sounds and shiny jewelry.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:29 No.208765XXX
    Lawl just found a great source of Jailbait and epicness! Oh and a secret suprise for you b :]

    1. Go To http://bit(dot)ly/97r0wg
    2. Remove Penis From Pants
    3. FAP FAP FAP
    5. ??????
    6. PROFIT!

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:29 No.208765XXX
    Freedom through obedience and control. Freedom through top-down imposition. Obey or enjoy your freedom in jail. Follow our view of the "right" kind of life or be put behind bars.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:32 No.208765XXX

    Psuedo-intellectual detected.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:39 No.208765XXX
    Easily numbers 1, 2 and 3
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:40 No.208765XXX
    he aint no roosevelt
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:43 No.208765XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:49 No.208766XXX
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    obama fucking rules
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:53:49 No.208766XXX
    Fox News and my SE American talk radio say this is bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:54:01 No.208766XXX
    Washington lead an army though the winter and kicked ass at it
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:54:18 No.208766XXX
    rule 34 healthcare reform
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:54:35 No.208766XXX

    Psuedo-Intellectual detected.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:54:56 No.208766XXX

    Well fuck if republicans say its bad, then we are fucked!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:55:01 No.208766XXX

    Printing more money brings inflation.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:55:11 No.208766XXX
    Psuedo-Intellectual detected.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:55:14 No.208766XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:55:20 No.208766XXX
    samefag detected
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:55:44 No.208766XXX
    they walked off arm-in-arm

    kind of touching
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:56:30 No.208766XXX
    You just solved the problem, no porn exists of health care reform, so it doesn't exist!

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:56:38 No.208766XXX
    Double digit unemployment for a decade? He can but dream.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:56:42 No.208766XXX

    have we totally forgotten the fact that obama is a nigger?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:56:43 No.208766XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:56:47 No.208766XXX
    Die communigger die!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:56:51 No.208766XXX
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    Today's elected democrats are the most arrogant and self serving group in history...I am going to the county office today to change my party affiliation from Democrat to Independent! If the democratic party ever had an original thought, it would die of loneliness!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:57:35 No.208767XXX

    So the left elects this guy because they think he's a champion of hardcore left liberalism. Turns out he's centrist more than anything and wants to get both sides to sit down and cooperate and actual construct something positive that conforms to as many people as possible on both sides of the spectrum, that is, to as many Americans as possible. You know, that part about elected officials representing the views of those who elected them rather than the party they are affiliated with. The part where you actually go to capitol and work to do as much as possible to get the views of those you represent heard. Anywho, turns out neither the left or the right wants this and we, up here in Canada have had to spend 15 months listening to fucking morons south of the border do everything possible to prevent the other guy from doing his job instead of actually doing the real job they were elected to do, simply because the other fuckwit across the room has a different point of view. MORONS! ALL OF YOU! DEVOLVING INTO BLIND SLOGAN SHOUTING!

    tl;dr elected guy shows up to show both left and right how to do government right. Both left and right instantly infuriated into stupidity; nothing gets done. passing of hcr is a miracle.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:57:36 No.208767XXX

    Who cares about fucking insurance companies...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:57:41 No.208767XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:57:53 No.208767XXX
    He accomplished what 43 other fucktards couldn't.

    Take that Whitey.

    Man has brains.
    Man has power.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:57:59 No.208767XXX

    Because what we've had all along has done nothing but screw the power players, right? I think the point is, it's time to try something NEW. We KNOW the old system is fucked, so let's try this. There's a lot of doomsday theories coming from the right, but they're just that. Theories.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:58:03 No.208767XXX
    This bill would not be all that bad if this were the mid-90's and the economy was raging.


    Why in the hell would he rack up our debt so high right now of all times? Why would he not wait to try and get this done until the economy has recovered?

    Obama really is a fucking idiot, and i voted for him.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:59:14 No.208767XXX
    Roosevelt passed far more things then him
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:59:25 No.208767XXX
    I agree, but if this bill had the public option, it would reduce the national debt
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:59:28 No.208767XXX

    it seemed like a bit of real emotion for once.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:59:30 No.208767XXX
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    Being a politician was not meant to be a career. Somewhere, somehow this thought has been abandoned with "Bringing home the bacon". There is FAR, FAR too much waste, fraud and abuse in Congress alone that would cover any budget gap. To sit here and say that the people who probably SPEND the most (paying sales taxes, income taxes, property taxes, excise, etc.. are the problem, is demonstrably ignorant of economics. The top earners probably pay more in taxes than a typical person earns in a lifetime.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:59:57 No.208767XXX
    USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA ! USA !
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:00:01 No.208768XXX
    loling at the democrats chanting "yes we can" like a bunch of retards.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:00:02 No.208768XXX
    Typical Repugfag with his talking points.

    Hey.. lrn2lrn, the Student amendment was taken off, retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:00:04 No.208768XXX
    He was also president for like 12 more years then Obama
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:00:15 No.208768XXX
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    Maybe you like supporting the degenerates of society. You know, those wastes of humanity who irresponsibly breed like rabbits while the rest of us work hard to support our families. Feel free to reach out to them all you want but if my tax dollars have to support these vermin, you better believe you will hear my voice about it. There is a difference between people who need our help and those who make living off the taxpayer a way of life. And yes, I would have no problem witnessing the latter dropping dead. They deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:00:45 No.208768XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:01:06 No.208768XXX

    You're right, it's time to try something new, even if it's ill-conceived and shitty.

    "Hurr durr, I'm not getting laid, time to try something I'm going to stab myself in the dick"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:01:24 No.208768XXX
    low-middle class happy now?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:01:31 No.208768XXX
    Well when you're elected an extra term you must be pretty bad ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:01:33 No.208768XXX
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    This is nonsense. I am just going to change my last name to Lopez or Diaz. This way I will get not only healthcare free but so many other things that stupid Americans are giving away free……..Like housing.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:01:37 No.208768XXX
    Does this mean that fat fuck Rush Limbaugh will make good on his promise to leave the country? That's reason enough to pass it right there.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:02:05 No.208768XXX
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    Fuck Ike
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:02:58 No.208768XXX
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    Obama's approval rating suck because real Americans don't care for lies, corruption, and extremism in a President:
    1) He lied 8 times in promises to televise the health care discussions openly on CSPAN.
    2) He made deals giving one premium health care plan to union members (supporters) and another to the rest of the country.
    3) He stood by and allowed the House and Senate to buy health care votes using taxpayer money.
    4) He allowed the health care bills to be fashioned behind closed doors and be filled with political favors.
    5) He tried to take over the nations health care by the federal government - most Americans do not want this extreme action.
    6) He irresponsibly overspent 100s of billions of dollars the US didn't have on bailouts (President Bush started it and President Obama accelerated it) and bogus stimulus packages.
    7) He has behaved in the most partisan manner of any recent President, after promising bipartisanship.
    Just to name a few.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:03:19 No.208769XXX
    Not with the republifags, demofags, niggerfags, or whiteyfags.--I'M WITH COCO, YOU BITCH!!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:03:27 No.208769XXX

    ok, so what's your plan then? It's easy to shit on what is, not so easy to come up with a new deal. Let's hear it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:03:28 No.208769XXX
    my mom did all that and worked hard for 30 years. while in between jobs (thanks to the economy) she got cancer, only 2 months after losing health insurance. after discovering she had cancer by coughing up blood all day for weeks on end, no health insurance company would take her. cost us over $400,000 for her treatment over the past 3 1/2 years, not to mention she couldn't work again for most of that. i was in college and dad died years ago, so there was no other way to get coverage.

    did you know that 2 weeks in the hospital costs $60,000? and that was just the hospital's bill, not including the doctors. i had to take 2 semesters off of college to come home and take care of her because we couldn't afford for someone else to take care of her.

    so next time you find yourself without health insurance for even 2 months, get sick, and find that the health insurance companies won't take you back, go ahead and vote against the government covering your back.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:03:35 No.208769XXX
    time to go smoke, before he takes away my tax monez
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:03:54 No.208769XXX
         File1269230634.jpg-(34 KB, 509x599, FDR.jpg)
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    Lets get some more FDR up in this bitch
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:04:00 No.208769XXX
    25% unemployment.

    For 8 years.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:04:23 No.208769XXX
    To all those fuckers who scream about debt, who the fuck is gonna come collect on the debt on America?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:04:25 No.208769XXX
    who the FUCK cares about how self-serving a congressperson is?

    this is about the law, not people's personalities

    disagree with the legislation if you want, but dont bitch about someone's personality or attitude. it simply means nothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:04:36 No.208769XXX
    >He has behaved in the most partisan manner of any recent President, after promising bipartisanship.

    really? Really?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:04:42 No.208769XXX

    I don't think that they passed a bill allowing the British to oppress us and seize our land.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:04:56 No.208769XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:05:09 No.208769XXX
    probably china
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:05:15 No.208769XXX

    Fuck YES!!! We can hope.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:05:31 No.208769XXX
    World War III should fix this economy nicely.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:05:42 No.208769XXX
    i like the health care idea but no obama is not that good, in fact he is pretty shitty, george washington FTW
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:05:47 No.208769XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:05:56 No.208769XXX

    The Loss of 43TRILLION$$$$$

    One word: BUSH.

    Trumps the list.. and that's a microfiber of the all the shit he caused.

    THE END.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:06:14 No.208769XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:06:30 No.208770XXX
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    My man FDR
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:06:58 No.208770XXX
    bush was dumb. Obama is just clueless and bat-shit insane
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:06:59 No.208770XXX

    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:07:14 No.208770XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:07:18 No.208770XXX
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    America's biggest mistake, just made America's biggest mistake....

    Welcome to the Obamination
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:08:06 No.208770XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:08:11 No.208770XXX
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    Look at how badass this mother fucker is.
    FDR! FDR! FDR!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:08:41 No.208770XXX
    First, that isn't a sentence, why did you put a period at the end?

    Second, how has he, in any way, been partisan? Let alone more partisan then GW?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:04 No.208770XXX

    Dumbasses. LBJ and FDR did WAAAAAY more for society then this nigger did.

    In 100 days, what did Obama do? Nothing. Just... nothing.

    FDR instated the new deal within his first 100.
    LBJ had the Great Society.

    Obama is a bitch for these two.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:13 No.208770XXX
    kill himself?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:17 No.208770XXX
    I like how when Bush does x he is a stupid clueless oaf, but when Obama continues x he is the great leader that brings the sun and commands the heavens.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:25 No.208770XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:28 No.208770XXX
    Fuck you troll
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:42 No.208771XXX
    Suck it trebek! Suck it long, and suck it hard!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:50 No.208771XXX
    and a nigger...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:51 No.208771XXX
    FAIL... just ask a eurofag
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:59 No.208771XXX
    that's exactly what the power players want you to think. the power players would have benefited most from this NOT going through. that's why there was so much stink about it. they convinced the republicans this was a bad thing.

    hooray for corporate CEOs now making only 10 million a year instead of 20 million, and consequently thousands of sick, starving children won't die!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:09:59 No.208771XXX
    admit it, most of you would like to be fucked by the double-sided dildo of taxation.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:10:05 No.208771XXX
    Run out of money?
    America has been running deficits pretty much constantly for fucking ever aside from Clinton, how is this new?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:10:06 No.208771XXX

    My plan is to reduce government involvement in healthcare, and reduce insurance use altogether. We shouldn't be paying for day to day healthcare expenses with "insurance". Think how fucking expensive car insurance would be if we paid for oil changes with it.

    First of all, I'd use the interstate commerce clause -legitimately- and allow the purchase of insurance across state lines. I'd reduce spending on medicare, and I'd leave health care programs to the states.

    Look at laser eye surgery - it's one area where insurance and government are generally absent, and the prices have continued to drop for years.

    Also, I'd stop spending on these bullshit wars and bring home all our troops from most of our foreign bases. After all, inflation caused by our need to fund overseas adventurism has partially fueled the escalating costs of health care.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:10:39 No.208771XXX

    yeah, illegal immigrants are definitely gonna be able to get this WITHOUT INSURANCE, you fucking moron.

    just kill yourself, holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:10:44 No.208771XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:10:53 No.208771XXX
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    Yes, FUCK YES !!!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:10:56 No.208771XXX
    OP can sux a troll dick!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:11:28 No.208771XXX

    Obama's approval rating suck because real Americans don't care for lies, corruption, and extremism in a President:
    1) He lied 8 times in promises to televise the health care discussions openly on CSPAN. = they were televised, this isn't true
    2) He made deals giving one premium health care plan to union members (supporters) and another to the rest of the country. = no evidence that this happened
    3) He stood by and allowed the House and Senate to buy health care votes using taxpayer money. = how does one do this exactly?
    4) He allowed the health care bills to be fashioned behind closed doors and be filled with political favors. = this has been one of the most openly discussed pieces of legislation in the 21st cenutry
    5) He tried to take over the nations health care by the federal government - most Americans do not want this extreme action. = only according to polls cited by ... you guessed it ... fox news. Polls that don't use exploitative questions or push polling don't find this.
    6) He irresponsibly overspent 100s of billions of dollars the US didn't have on bailouts (President Bush started it and President Obama accelerated it) and bogus stimulus packages. = bailouts suck, but the collapse of the american financial system would make this recession look like a cakewalk.

    7) He has behaved in the most partisan manner of any recent President, after promising bipartisanship.
    Just to name a few.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:12:09 No.208771XXX
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    100 days bitches!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:12:14 No.208771XXX
    No politicians give a shit about you, some of them are just more concerned with looking like they give a shit about you. This, like everything in politics, is really all about money. Not your piddly non-billionaire money, either.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:12:50 No.208772XXX
    you miss the fucking recession and being broke as fuck with $5 gas???? Have at it, you fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:14:09 No.208772XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:14:42 No.208772XXX
    Oh my mean we're gonna lose our right to choose what we do? We're gonna give more money to the big insurance companies? We're gonna run a country that is already running a huge debt into more debt? We're gonna raise taxes during a time of recession?

    Do any of you highschooldropoutfags know anything about economics?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:14:53 No.208772XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:15:00 No.208772XXX
    Obama is a big government believer, just like many of the presidents. And a murderer. Only socialists who want a a government to take care of them are blind to this usurpation of man's liberty.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:15:45 No.208773XXX
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    Fuck government
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:15:47 No.208773XXX
    but not the most nonliving nigger of all time...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:16:37 No.208773XXX
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    andale andale everyone to americaaaaaaa
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:17:11 No.208773XXX
    Poor faggots.
    This bitch didn't do shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:17:46 No.208773XXX
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    The best
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:17:50 No.208773XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:17:51 No.208773XXX

    better be trollin motherfucker. He had to bribe people to get the bill past. Fail president is fail.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:18:32 No.208773XXX
    He was the best. Obama is second best.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:18:35 No.208773XXX
    It was definetly a bribe!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:18:57 No.208774XXX
    insurance companies make money and it true most are broken. However, the Government takes money at gunpoint, and then does not improve its own insurance scheme or service, (medicaid,va care, ssi) and now you expect them to run healthcare...? even make a proffit? fail
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:19:34 No.208774XXX
    I love how people make more of a big deal about this shit than a multi-trillion dollar unjustified war of aggression.
    >> Fuck You OP Teddy 03/22/10(Mon)00:19:58 No.208774XXX
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    I fucking brought this country into imperialism. Shot some damn beaners in my free time and wrestled with a bear. All you fucking did was give some niggers a goddamn healthcare bill and make us into a shitty European country. If it weren't for me we wouldn't of had all of our fruity snacks now and make Spain our bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:20:00 No.208774XXX
    i definetly don't want the government telling me how to live my life, you fucking democratic fuck tards. When things hit the fucking fan, i hope you remember where you went wrong!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:20:04 No.208774XXX
    FDR sucked .....that is all
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:20:05 No.208774XXX
    Here's a few thoughts: Work hard. DO well in school. DO well in college. DO get a job. Make money, then buy insurance. Problem solved, newfags.

    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:21:14 No.208774XXX
    God bless healthcare reform.
    God bless the people who no longer need to die.
    God bless every single person who is taxed, and salutes the FUCK out of the idea, and supports it, even if it is at the most BASELINE of healthcare. Its a start.

    Healthcare reform will lead to a more balanced economy overall. There really isnt that much of a change in economy from rich-to-poor if you take in Europe overall, man. People are still rich, and people are still poor. So if you want to sit and drink tea, don't shit yourselves.

    Dont shit yourselves.

    Just pat yourself on the back, and know you are helping to save lives.

    We all want to change the world; but when it comes right down to it - when it comes to everyone chipping in and putting so much as a penny into changing the world from their OWN paycheques..? Everyone fucking backs down.

    This time, let there be no cowardice, and no backing down. Peace.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:21:46 No.208775XXX
    Are you kidding me? Most of these pantywastes will crap on Reagan all day long after he engendered the longest sustained period of growth in American history.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:22:18 No.208775XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:22:33 No.208775XXX
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    If you're for Obama, chances are you're young, and you have a hard time paying for just about everything out there.

    So you rely on the fucking nigger to pay your way through everything. While at the same time the bill has so much shit into that pile of papers that they're as of now just removed so many of our rights. Give it a few months, and the truth will be revealed.

    Fuck you Liberal faggots. Die. Please.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:22:41 No.208775XXX
    Democrats fucked american history in the asshole big time.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:22:57 No.208775XXX
    until insurance companies buttfuck you with a "pre-existing condition"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:23:26 No.208775XXX
    congratulations on joining the rest of the fucking civilized world in providing some sort of public health care, you fucktards. now go cry about how your fire departments police and military are socialized.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:23:29 No.208775XXX
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    welcome to the club (again)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:23:44 No.208775XXX

    because this actually effects us. I dont give a shit about the fucking turbans
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:23:48 No.208775XXX

    hi i'm 12 and i have cancer and what is this
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:24:18 No.208775XXX
    Shouldn't they test the health care reform bill before making it official.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:24:29 No.208775XXX
    Butthurt? You can now afford insurance to go to a doctor to have them check it out.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:24:46 No.208776XXX

    Obama's a moron, but these progressifags have a point:it took me about ten years of not having insurance until I had a decent job. I'm lucky that nothing happened in those ten years, but its a bad idea to trust in luck.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:25:03 No.208776XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:25:08 No.208776XXX
    You best be a troll, nigga
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:25:08 No.208776XXX
    The government is elected by the majority.
    The majority dictate your life.
    If you voted for the government in power, you are part of that majority.
    If you are part of that majority, YOU are telling you, how to live your own life.

    If you don't like it, vote differently. If votes are vastly outweighed to one side, and your on the smaller end - re-evaluate your options. See that it seriously isnt that bad.


    You want strength? Economic strength? Financial strength? Strength isnt strength for the sake of being strength. Strength comes from adaptation. Adaptation is painful. Fucking deal with it.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:25:11 No.208776XXX
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    >> Im sorry America Teddy 03/22/10(Mon)00:26:16 No.208776XXX
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    My nephew Freddy fucked us up, I liked Truman more. Nuked japs and doesn't fear anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:26:19 No.208776XXX
    The point is the people didn't make the dessision to pass the health care reform, it was all political power. If this keeps up the worst is yet to come.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:26:34 No.208776XXX
    What do I get out of this?
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:26:55 No.208776XXX
    I dont see a logical means to challenge my statements, so lets say I'm not trolling for now. : ) Lets say I'm serious, and I'm going to give every single one of you child killing teacup fuckers the runaround. Lets say I'mma do that. <3
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:28:29 No.208777XXX
    i agree, what do us civilians get out of this?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:28:37 No.208777XXX
    Ugh. I feel unclean. Unclean like a European is unclean.
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:28:43 No.208777XXX
    The UK majority voted against helping America in the war. Furthermore, the majority of Scotland voted "No" to helping England help America fight the war. That didnt stop the Scottish ending up on the front lines of English armies - as per fucking usual.

    This is due to little known legistlation when those in power are able to dictate what is aforeseen as "best for the country as a whole" regardless of the public vote.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:29:19 No.208777XXX
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    Oh im sorry did you get 3 terms?
    Didnt think so.
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:29:34 No.208777XXX
    You will like the smell eventually.
    It is the smell of success, and caring for your fellow human being. Welcome to humanity, and welcome to your B.O.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:29:57 No.208777XXX

    You're obviously:

    1- Not from the Northern United States, where Reganonmics disemboweled our steel and shipping industries.

    2- Were sleeping through the 1990's, where a Democrat, CLINTON, provided this country with the first economic surplus in history, coupled with bringing about a newly sustained technological age and a massive boost to the free-market economy.

    Regan was a shitty president that you faggots idolize because he played a cowboy in the movies, and a cowboy in the White House. Eat a dick, read some fucking books, and stop sounding like such an uneducated idiot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:30:00 No.208777XXX
    house md will suck. eh
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:30:06 No.208777XXX
    Libfags who think about others as opposed to...

    Republicanfags who don't give a shit except look out for themselves.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:30:07 No.208777XXX
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    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:30:43 No.208777XXX
    ..... You get healthcare? : /
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:30:53 No.208778XXX

    Yes. Profit = bad.
    >> THE GAME 03/22/10(Mon)00:30:55 No.208778XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:31:37 No.208778XXX

    Thinking I shouldn't have to pay for people who can't hack it is such a horrible concept, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:31:38 No.208778XXX
    Oh the delicious republicunt tears. They provide nourishment. Cry more.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:31:51 No.208778XXX
    Ausfag here

    join the club USA
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:31:56 No.208778XXX
    This president's going to kill us all.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:32:17 No.208778XXX
    Yup! OP is right.
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:32:21 No.208778XXX
    Amen. Preach it.

    Someone get this man a fucking toga or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:32:38 No.208778XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:32:41 No.208778XXX

    he will be up for consideration when he starts smoking cigars and fucking fat white chicks in the oval office

    i miss clinton
    >> Im sorry America Teddy 03/22/10(Mon)00:32:50 No.208778XXX
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    I fucking made the meat factories stop poisoning you guys so you can actually shit out something healthy, what has this nigger done for you?
    P.S I did a speech while I got shot, then promptly beat the shit outta the guy who did it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:33:03 No.208778XXX
    Can't wait until they bring us to a depression, stamp a chip in our bodies and send us to a concentration camp.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:33:33 No.208778XXX
    The irony in your last statement is fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:33:41 No.208778XXX
    Because if it's anything we as Americans want is to be more like Europeans. Hopefully they'll ban guns, knives, dissent, and "hate speech" next. Fucking Constitution.
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:34:44 No.208779XXX
    You seem to be implying that "people who cant hack it" are people who are ALL lazy, and who ALL don't want to get jobs.

    This is an unrealistic fallacy of an arguement, and a generalization at best. Step out of your door. Look at the man on the street in your neighbourhood in a cardboard box wearing nothing but boxers and dying from some kind of fucked up illness. Who will employ him like that? Noone.

    When a hard working man breaks every bone in his body, and cannot work, does that mean he "cannot hack it" and then must live on the streets? After years of hard work?

    Such fucking hypocrisy. Such blatent, fucking, hypocrisy.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:35:27 No.208779XXX
    After all is said and done, i'll let smith and weston do the talking.

    Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:35:43 No.208779XXX
    Major victory for most of America. Rich ass fuck-offs can shut their shit for a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:35:50 No.208779XXX
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    oh herro americans. you want more credit. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:36:03 No.208779XXX
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    stop being a butthurt jew.

    there's always more money.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:36:43 No.208779XXX

    I suppose I should try to eloquently tell you to place a phallic object in your mouth and ingest it, partake in the reading of some literature, and desist in the manor in which though sounds like a oaf.

    Is that better for you, or should we all just remember that this is /b/?
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:36:51 No.208779XXX
    Knives and guns don't kill people, of course.

    People kill people.

    Mind you, without guns or knives, killing someone might be a fucking hell of a lot harder. Shooting someone might be a heckuva lot harder when you dont have a gun, or at least there is much better control and less public ability to buy them.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:37:08 No.208780XXX
    trollers gonna troll
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:37:25 No.208780XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:37:27 No.208780XXX
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    >> Dear nephew Teddy 03/22/10(Mon)00:37:48 No.208780XXX
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    My face when you got polio
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:38:10 No.208780XXX
    hell yes TEXAS! Prais the lord and pass the ammunition!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:38:39 No.208780XXX
    what he said.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:38:46 No.208780XXX
    Bring back Bill!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:38:46 No.208780XXX

    oh I see, you're an idiot who doesn't understand how our country works...what you are thinking about is a true democracy, we are a representative democracy. lrn2politics
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:38:52 No.208780XXX
    TBH Most people blame shit on the current president of the United States of America whether they're at fault or not. Most of the time it's Congress, the curve of economics or world affairs that affect the countries in dramatic ways. Presidents don't have that much power.

    At least the administration is trying to do something.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:39:22 No.208780XXX
    should you democrats be raping little old ladies for there social security checks right now?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:39:45 No.208780XXX
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    Yay, we're finally starting to stop sucking so much!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:39:50 No.208780XXX
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    Did someone called my name?
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:40:15 No.208781XXX
    I quite like Texas. All other politics aside, its nice to see a theistic cult beginning to rise in at least one of the states. The fun part is that you can move out if you dont like it, or you can move IN if you do. : D Theres too much religious bigotry going on in the world right now, and its nice to see somewhere of more christian origins slowly turn more badass.

    I'm talking BURN the terrorists, rather than politically protect them.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:40:36 No.208781XXX
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    Quit trollin OP. Only a fat ass, lazy- uneducated democrat would actually believe that. That is 90% of the dems.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:40:59 No.208781XXX
    Best. President. Ever.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:41:05 No.208781XXX
    And for the rest? That makes you the darling of the Republican cause.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:41:13 No.208781XXX
    You, sir, have a poor understand of economics and need to improve your vocabulary.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:41:50 No.208781XXX
    Obama = best Bama.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:41:52 No.208781XXX
    choke on your nigger health care that'll be collapse the country because it can't pay for everybody.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:41:56 No.208781XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:41:57 No.208781XXX

    you're only half right. some kids will be helped, and it would seem that income will be curtailed by the insurance companies. but they'll find ways to pass on the expenses to the consumer. it happens every time a new tax is imposed from the top. if you think execs are going to sit back and take a cock up their ass, you're entirely mistaken.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:42:13 No.208781XXX

    THIS, can't you stupid republifags see we pay twice as much as anybody in the world for healthcare and still have shitty infant mortality and lifespans to show for it?
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:42:17 No.208781XXX
    Congratulations with that.

    I'm from the UK and my girlfriend is Danish. Fuck yeah, lets start a universal healthcare rave.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:42:23 No.208781XXX

    That's not Thomas Jefferson.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:42:33 No.208781XXX
    the real LULZ here is, well, none of this will take effect for aother 4 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:42:34 No.208781XXX
    fag ballz is a fagballz!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:42:35 No.208781XXX
    worst president of all time if the health care bill gets revoked
    >> Teddy 03/22/10(Mon)00:42:55 No.208781XXX
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    Now you can suck on my progressiveist dick
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:43:06 No.208782XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:43:21 No.208782XXX

    >typical liberalfag believing health and safety is more important than economic freedom
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:43:53 No.208782XXX
    Still waiting on our troops...
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:43:54 No.208782XXX
    You also have an international army quota that could crush Godzilla if it was reduced to one-cent coins and dumped on him.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:43:54 No.208782XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:44:42 No.208782XXX

    I'm an economics major and my vocabulary is quite extensive, thank you very much.

    The fact that I study the subject while you furiously masturbate to Fox News separates our views; I understand this.
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:44:52 No.208782XXX
    Typical retard who doesnt realise proper healthcare leads to better workers, which leads to a better fucking economy.

    Oops, did I break some china?
    Methinks I did.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:44:56 No.208782XXX

    you're a fucking moron. I can tell by your poor command of the english language and how you get mad when presented with facts. Why don't you tell me how many other industrialized nations have collapsed due to universal health care? what's that? none?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:45:18 No.208782XXX
    USA is history, let's do a new revolution! Fuck yeah TEXAS!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:46:20 No.208783XXX
    Do some resarch and tell me yourself faggot.
    >> Xy 03/22/10(Mon)00:46:52 No.208783XXX
    Texas, if it becomes a theist state, will be good news to me, if only to keep out the Sharia Law bullshit. I only wish we had a Texas in the UK to keep us from depressing further into Islam.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:47:22 No.208783XXX
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    Texas dosn't take that shit!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:47:45 No.208783XXX
    ITT: democrats make logical arguments based on facts, republifags make wild eyed rants based on racism and isolationism.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:47:49 No.208783XXX
    Please tell me where you are studying so I know better than to suggest it to anyone...they obviously need to improve their curriculum
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:47:53 No.208783XXX
    Actually Pres. Obama is only half-black, but he did good regardless.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:48:14 No.208783XXX
    Best ever.

    /mmm Glen Beck tears
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:48:20 No.208783XXX
         File1269233300.gif-(90 KB, 363x330, civil_war_soldiers-union_confe(...).gif)
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    American Civil War

    Round 2
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:48:31 No.208783XXX
    You sir, feel free to an hero
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:48:37 No.208783XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:48:52 No.208783XXX

    lrn2read faggot, I just told you NONE.

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