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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1268930150.jpg-(37 KB, 402x536, 2006-men-long.jpg)
    37 KB Long Hair? Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:35:50 No.207634XXX  
    Long hair on guys: Good idea or bad idea?

    The opinions of gayanons and femanons are more than welcome.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:36:49 No.207634XXX
    Depends on your hair type. What kind of hair do you have?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:37:51 No.207634XXX
    femanon here
    And I say that it's a + to have long hair but only if you know how to pull it off. Otherwise it's just really ugly
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:38:17 No.207634XXX
    It depends on the person. In any cause though, if it's shiny groomed jonas brothers fag hair, than obviously no.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:38:25 No.207634XXX
         File1268930305.jpg-(122 KB, 500x292, moot-image.jpg)
    122 KB

    I'ts a somewhat darker version of moot's hair.

    Same waviness and consistency.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:38:46 No.207634XXX
    hot in the summer
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:38:57 No.207634XXX
    wish i still had my long hair.

    unfortunately the whole time i had it i was overweight enough for it to look really creepy. long hair is best when youre of thinner or proper weight. if youre overweight, NOOOOOOOO
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:39:43 No.207635XXX
    I'm a guy with long hair and its fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:40:05 No.207635XXX

    Long hair is hot, but it can't be black and stringy.

    Thats just plain creepy.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:40:13 No.207635XXX
    good idea, very good idea
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:41:49 No.207635XXX
    Must be curly-ish.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:42:01 No.207635XXX
    Skinny guy with shoulder length = Win

    Fat guys - Just bad idea really.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:42:48 No.207635XXX
         File1268930568.jpg-(36 KB, 400x693, creeps.jpg)
    36 KB
    chicks used to say i gave them the creeps with my long hair...

    i kinda miss it
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:43:52 No.207635XXX

    OP here.

    For the record, I'm not overweight at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:45:35 No.207636XXX

    You're jawline goes perfect with that short stubbliness, and your head doesn't need to be covered up by long hair. The glasses are excellent too.

    You look hotter in the top pic.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:45:41 No.207636XXX
    78840 --Declaring WAR against /b/ - Fuck all you faggots. If you want anything you can hit me up on MSN: I'm not scared of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:45:46 No.207636XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:45:58 No.207636XXX
    That's some creepy beard
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:46:26 No.207636XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:46:35 No.207636XXX
    No se encontró la página
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    HTTP 404 - Archivo no encontrado
    Internet Explorer

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:46:36 No.207636XXX
    bad in general its rare a guy can pull it off without lookin like a tramp or a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:46:41 No.207636XXX

    The webpage cannot be found
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:46:48 No.207636XXX
    13989 --Declaring WAR against /b/ - Fuck all you faggots. If you want anything you can hit me up on MSN: I'm not scared of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:47:00 No.207636XXX

    Die Webseite wurde nicht gefunden.
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:47:36 No.207636XXX

    The only women you're gonna get with the bottom version of yourself are psycho, rocker bitches.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:47:50 No.207636XXX
    Post a pic OP, can't really judge unless we see your face shape, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:47:59 No.207636XXX
         File1268930879.jpg-(411 KB, 2048x1536, myself 007.jpg)
    411 KB
    When you have long hair, you get sixes and sevens like these.

    When you cut it off, shave, take a shower and learn some charm, you get Tens. Trust me.

    Its better than being uninteresting, i guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:48:26 No.207636XXX

    No se puede encontrar la página web
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:48:38 No.207636XXX
         File1268930918.png-(148 KB, 2185x1960, 1268091024448.png)
    148 KB

    You have the facial fluff of a 16 year old boy.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:49:02 No.207636XXX
    thats the kind of women i like though :/
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:49:14 No.207636XXX
    Femanon here. Long hair on guys is awesome. Below shoulders=Godlike.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:49:27 No.207636XXX
    You look sexy with short hair ;D
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:49:59 No.207637XXX
         File1268930999.jpg-(40 KB, 453x604, cat.jpg)
    40 KB
    I fucking love dancing with cats!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:50:56 No.207637XXX

    Those chicks are not sevens.
    They're fours, at best.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:51:03 No.207637XXX

    sixes and sevens........... WHAT!?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:51:44 No.207637XXX
    i'd say 3 out of 10
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:51:55 No.207637XXX

    The webpage cannot be found
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:52:23 No.207637XXX
    ghey thread
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:52:59 No.207637XXX
    The one on the right isn't bad actually, but still, no 7. Very very generous ratings.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:53:04 No.207637XXX

    Agreed. The bottom version I would have sex with, maybe.

    The top version I would make sweet, passionate, trembling, juicy love to.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:53:26 No.207637XXX

    dude those fuckers are barely 2/10 serious.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:54:02 No.207637XXX

    They're sixes and sevens if they look GORGEOUS under the hood.

    Otherwise, 3's and 4's.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)12:55:15 No.207638XXX
    Femanon here.

    I prefer guy's with long hair and facial stubble.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:01:28 No.207639XXX
    Does it help that the one on the right could suck-start a leaf blower?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:03:55 No.207639XXX


    Ok, maybe a 5.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:05:15 No.207640XXX
         File1268931915.jpg-(43 KB, 398x474, Kinda.jpg)
    43 KB
    My hair is a bit longer than shoulder length and generally really wavy, but it can sometimes be straight. But, the thing is, my hair is never smooth. It has this crazy look about it with strands just doing their own thing and going wherever they want.

    Kinda like this, but a bit lighter.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:05:28 No.207640XXX
    yeah thats fair.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:08:15 No.207640XXX

    Call me gay, but I use conditioner.

    Otherwise, my hair does that.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:09:18 No.207640XXX
    femanon here, good idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:09:21 No.207640XXX
    The page cannot be found
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    HTTP 404 - File not found
    Internet Explorer

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:09:22 No.207640XXX

    La page est introuvable
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:09:32 No.207640XXX
    No se encontró la página
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    HTTP 404 - Archivo no encontrado
    Internet Explorer

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:11:05 No.207641XXX
    I'm not sure it would even work properly. They just hate conformity.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:11:09 No.207641XXX

    OP here.

    Fuck it. I'm letting my hair grow out. How long should I go?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:12:55 No.207641XXX

    Gayanon here. Shoulder length.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:15:47 No.207642XXX
    Past shoulders! Oh god please do it <3
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:16:14 No.207642XXX
         File1268932574.jpg-(58 KB, 320x240, Image 4.jpg)
    58 KB
    what about mine ?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:17:55 No.207642XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:18:49 No.207642XXX

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    HTTP 404 - Archivo no encontrado
    Internet Explorer
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:19:58 No.207643XXX
    I'm a guy with hair that goes down to the bottom of my shoulder blades.

    A lot of people seem to have hate for it around here, but if you like just do it. There are girls that do like it, but there are more that don't.

    Just take good care of it. It's really disgusting to see people with long greasy hair. Wash it. Use shampoo AND Conditioner, and comb/brush it every day.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:20:18 No.207643XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:26:41 No.207644XXX
    Awesome hair!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:27:35 No.207644XXX
    Pics? Please?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:27:42 No.207644XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:27:43 No.207644XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:27:52 No.207644XXX
    If I want to keep mine wavy, I must not comb it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:28:53 No.207644XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:28:57 No.207644XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:29:02 No.207644XXX
    Girl here.. long hair rules! Unless you've got very curly hair that makes you look like an eighties glamrocky metalhead kinda poodle explosion.

    Other than that... hair ftw! That includes chesthair btw. And stubble beard. Or long goatee that's breaded :D

    WOohoooo hair!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:29:05 No.207644XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:29:06 No.207644XXX
    44812 --Declaring WAR against /b/ - Fuck all you faggots. If you want anything you can hit me up on MSN: I'm not scared of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:29:16 No.207644XXX

    The webpage cannot be found
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:29:49 No.207645XXX
    Página não encontrada
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    HTTP 404 - arquivo não encontrado
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:29:58 No.207645XXX
    Não é possível localizar a página da Web
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:29:59 No.207645XXX
    Impossibile trovare la pagina Web
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:30:04 No.207645XXX
    No se encontró la página
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    Haga clic en Búsqueda para buscar información en Internet.

    HTTP 404 - Archivo no encontrado
    Internet Explorer

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:30:32 No.207645XXX
    Long haired guy here, It's about 2,5 ft long and hangs beneath my shoulder blades, It's awesome, but regular girls don't like it. But you're not looking for a regular girl, they're just trying to fit in, usually 'novelty' girls like it. Keep it clean and well cared for and it will be a valuable asset to your appearance.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:31:31 No.207645XXX

    Impossibile trovare la pagina Web
    HTTP 404
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    Questo errore (HTTP 404 - Pagina non trovata) indica che il programma si è connesso al sito Web, ma non ha trovato la pagina desiderata. È possibile che la pagina Web non sia attualmente disponibile oppure che sia stata modificata o rimossa dal sito Web.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:32:24 No.207645XXX
    EVERYONE except my mom and sisters thinks my hair looks better long. But short hair is less of a pain in the ass to manage.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:32:26 No.207645XXX
    My ex-boyfriend had thick, straight hair that went down to his belt.
    While it was gorgeous, and very unique, it was always in the way.
    He constantly complained about how hot it was and he would never wash it because it took him more than an hour.
    During sex, he would take it out of the ponytail and it would get everywhere.
    Unless you want to seriously take care of it, don't grow your hair long.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:33:42 No.207645XXX

    Não é possível localizar a página da Web
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:33:54 No.207645XXX

    The webpage cannot be found
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:33:59 No.207645XXX
         File1268933639.png-(101 KB, 319x239, 1267501122641.png)
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    femanon here, and i've been rated 7-9 depending on the person, for reference.

    i find long hair the sexiest hair possible. pic related, it's a guy doin it right.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:34:37 No.207646XXX
         File1268933677.jpg-(98 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20100305.jpg)
    98 KB
    shit pic of my current hair length, been thinking of cutting it all off, but unsure. Any advice other than an hero?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:35:58 No.207646XXX
    Femanon here.
    It's hot if you take care of your hair (get it trimmed occasionally, don't let it get greasy)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:36:05 No.207646XXX
    Longhair fag reporting in. Long hair does get attention from girls who want to play with it or are jealous of it, as long as you're not going for the greasy Aragorn look. But the girls it attracts also tend to be the kind you don't want to bother with for more than one night, at most, and usually only that if you're drunk enough not to care.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:37:49 No.207646XXX

    Dunno, I'm for long hair over short, and I'm not the sort of psycho rocker bitch you guys seem to be thinking of.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:40:13 No.207647XXX
    Good idea, i really like long hair on guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:40:54 No.207647XXX
    it's that awful beard that's givin' them the creeps..not the long hair...long hair FTW
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:40:58 No.207647XXX
    It's not always rocker chicks. Some actually look decent too. Too many seem to be broken upstairs though.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:42:56 No.207647XXX
    It really depends on you, if your outgoing and have a good personality it really doesn't matter what you look like, but if your kinda shy and introverted short hair is usually the way to go. From experience most girls (not all) see short hair as you being confident in the way you look, and long as youre trying to cover yourself up
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:43:39 No.207647XXX
    Longhairdfag here. i love my hair, and i aint got it to fucking impress you faggots and kitchen runaway whores.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:44:13 No.207647XXX
         File1268934253.jpg-(399 KB, 896x785, DATASS.jpg)
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    my DAT ASS face
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:45:08 No.207648XXX
    I have long hair, the thing is...
    >The opinions of gayanons and femanons are more than welcome.
    LMAO, w/e
    *closes thread*
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:47:41 No.207648XXX
         File1268934461.jpg-(22 KB, 640x480, Picture 004.jpg)
    22 KB
    what about mine? just took this last nite
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:48:50 No.207649XXX
    Não é possível localizar a página da Web
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    >>   03/18/10(Thu)13:49:40 No.207649XXX
    Guy with long hair here. About to my shoulders. It's red too, but fortunately I'm not a ginger. Daywalker ftw. Long hair + a nicely trimmed, short goatee = win. Ladies seem to love it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:50:18 No.207649XXX
         File1268934618.jpg-(33 KB, 405x498, 345678.jpg)
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    Ex-Longhairfag here, after I cut my hair off I got a lot more attention from girls. Take that in whatever way..
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:50:22 No.207649XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:51:56 No.207649XXX
         File1268934716.jpg-(97 KB, 581x600, George-Harrison-LIB.jpg)
    97 KB
    I was wondering too. I have wavy black hair. Sorta like that motherfucker, except slightly shorter and slightly more wavy.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:52:25 No.207649XXX
    ever since I started wearing my hair like the guy in this vid, Ive been receiving lots of compliments
    yes I know the guy in the video is gay...
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:54:08 No.207650XXX
    I've accepted that my long hair attracts the freaks. I keep it long because I like it that way, and mostly blow off the chicks who get all excited about long hair 'cause I've learned they almost always more fucked up than I care to deal with.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:55:11 No.207650XXX
    Though I prefer long hair, society has moved away from it.

    I didn't cut my hair for 14 years. Finally got a men's hair cut again and now I get more pussy. Didn't hurt that I had matured some though.

    Guy in OP's pic is a good example of why I like long hair, but the culture doesn't like it anymore. Cut your hair, shave and act like a man now. That's about the best thing you can do for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:56:18 No.207650XXX
         File1268934978.jpg-(77 KB, 396x396, Underoath_01.jpg)
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    Does curently listening Underoath also counts as gay?
    If so long hair rules when being actually washed!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:56:45 No.207650XXX
    short hair is a jewish conspiracy
    man has had long hair for thousands of years...
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:59:20 No.207651XXX
    Yes. I am a boy and my hair is 14 inches and fuck anyone who doesn't like it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)13:59:49 No.207651XXX

    I don't really think long hair attracts "freaks". I mean I still got a lot of girls with my long hair, and I can honestly say none of them were freaks or unattractive.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:00:40 No.207651XXX
         File1268935240.jpg-(66 KB, 640x480, Photo 237.jpg)
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    longhairfag reporting
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:01:06 No.207651XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:02:04 No.207651XXX
    <3 'freaks'
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:04:20 No.207652XXX
    Maybe I'm just lucky that way. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:05:00 No.207652XXX

    I find that more interesting girls tend to like long hair.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:07:32 No.207652XXX
    In my case it's mostly been the type who wear wolf shirts and think Pern dragons are real. I guess that sorta counts as "interesting."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:07:55 No.207653XXX
         File1268935675.jpg-(19 KB, 640x480, hair.jpg)
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    Thinking of getting it cut. Not many people appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:08:51 No.207653XXX
         File1268935731.jpg-(69 KB, 1206x400, beforeafter.jpg)
    69 KB
    This is me with semi-long hair a month or so ago, and then what I look like now that I chopped it all off. Ignore my gut in the second pic.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:09:25 No.207653XXX

    Well fuck them. It looks awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:09:54 No.207653XXX

    What the FUCK is wrong with your left arm?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:10:04 No.207653XXX
    If you're doing it for other people, you're doing it wrong. Go back to China.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:11:31 No.207653XXX

    Wat? You mean that it's partially hidden behind the swing?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:12:40 No.207654XXX

    you're a faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:13:11 No.207654XXX
         File1268935991.jpg-(40 KB, 320x240, Picture 3.jpg)
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    I've kept my hair long because personally, I think it looks better long. All the other ginger dudes I see have short hair and they all look fucking disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:13:35 No.207654XXX

    Looks like a gay tattoo.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:13:37 No.207654XXX
    i weigh 300 pounds and i have long black hair

    is this ok?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:14:25 No.207654XXX
    holy dear god your the most breath taking creature i have laid my eyes upon also ftw cause ur a ginger :3
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:14:50 No.207654XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:14:57 No.207654XXX
         File1268936097.jpg-(26 KB, 300x375, 1267428064402.jpg)
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    Long hair is for kings.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:15:40 No.207654XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:15:56 No.207654XXX
         File1268936156.jpg-(37 KB, 320x240, Picture 4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:16:09 No.207654XXX

    How insightful.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:16:47 No.207654XXX

    It looks like a standardized test form.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:17:14 No.207654XXX

    ... Son?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:17:44 No.207655XXX

    Thanks. Femanon or Faganon? Just curious.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:19:52 No.207655XXX

    Faggot killed the thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:20:46 No.207655XXX
         File1268936446.jpg-(1.36 MB, 2336x3504, IMG_4635.jpg)
    1.36 MB
    me about a year ago. loved that hair, but decided i wanted to change and cut it pretty short. opinions?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:21:01 No.207655XXX
    almost always looks creepy as fuck and/or gay as fuck. very few guys can pull it off, and if you have to ask, then odds are you are not one of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:21:14 No.207655XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:21:36 No.207655XXX

    Looking creepy is good.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:21:40 No.207655XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:21:51 No.207655XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:21:56 No.207655XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:22:05 No.207655XXX

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    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:22:10 No.207655XXX
         File1268936530.jpg-(43 KB, 640x480, danny04.jpg)
    43 KB
    I don't advise a haircut, man. All hairdressers are in the employment of the government. Hair are your aerials. They pick up signals from the cosmos and transmit them directly into the brain. This is the reason bald-headed men are uptight.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:22:14 No.207655XXX
    Bad idea, unless you're actually good looking to begin with. Otherwise you just look like some kid who's too lazy to get a haircut.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:22:19 No.207655XXX
         File1268936539.jpg-(9 KB, 262x349, 1237694302316.jpg)
    9 KB
    Keep long hair, especially if you're pretty.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:22:21 No.207655XXX
    We WANT people like you to find us creepy.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:22:30 No.207656XXX
    Femanon Here-
    Depends on the face, really. It's like girls pulling off super short hair- some can, some can't.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:23:27 No.207656XXX
    LOL AT THE FAGGOTS WHO HAVE LONG HAIR.. JUST LOL You guys look ridiculous, have fun with your 1's and 2's
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:23:30 No.207656XXX

    wrong, the spam will kill this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:23:40 No.207656XXX
         File1268936620.jpg-(17 KB, 227x256, 1246322111431.jpg)
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    You fucking idiot, it's the goatee that creeped women, not the silky hair said women would kill for.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:24:04 No.207656XXX

    no, not creepy in a good way.. creepy in a basement dwelling unwashed sack of shit way.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:24:53 No.207656XXX
         File1268936693.jpg-(29 KB, 259x296, 1268171048131.jpg)
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    Gonna have to do DNA tests, ain't paying for some kid who ain't my own.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:25:16 No.207656XXX
    he still the hottest one here
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:25:25 No.207656XXX
    This guy is most correct. That beard on your chin elongated your face A LOT, thus making you look creepy. I know, I've been there. Not many dudes can pull off the long chin-bread.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:25:36 No.207656XXX
    i used to have long hair...i got hit on by gay guys far more often.

    some girls liked, some didnt, most asked if i was in a band
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:25:44 No.207656XXX
    I have long hair, kinda a trap in the closet so I have bangs and it's layered. I style it so bangs aren't visable. everyone I know tells me I look like a girl and should cut it, but since I want to look like a girl I don't cut it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:25:50 No.207656XXX
    If you guys are tired of hitting f5 to wade through shitty threads or just
    need a break from imageboards in general come check out what we've got playing over at LWTV!
    We've got a pretty vast and growing collection of all sorts of programming like
    Penn and Teller's Bullshit!, Harvey Birdman, Metalocalypse, and much more!

    Just head over to wutchan_org (change _ to . ) and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:26:51 No.207656XXX
    Ahhhh...well that only seems to be the case with guys who would look that way ANYWAY.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:27:18 No.207656XXX
    Long hair can easily look good on a guy, but the problem is on those guys if they had short hair it would look great.

    However, Ginger guys tend to look great with long hair, since with short hair they look.. off.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:27:31 No.207657XXX
         File1268936851.jpg-(690 KB, 1728x2304, copysmall.jpg)
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    long hair is always a good decision. grow it out while you still can
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:27:39 No.207657XXX
    exactly what i tought. depending on your face. Also, don't cut your hair or whatever just to get the attention of the opposite sex (well, do it if you're REALLY desprate but whatever). Do it for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:28:07 No.207657XXX
         File1268936887.jpg-(28 KB, 320x240, Picture 5.jpg)
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    You know, I'd rather take the test and fail, because Mustaine is a douche, always bitching about not being in Metallica when they got big. Can't deny that Megadeth makes good music though.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:28:15 No.207657XXX
         File1268936895.jpg-(53 KB, 391x599, rzdcnjdfnlk.jpg)
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    Depends if it looks manly or not.

    Pic sort of related, Rasputin probably had more women than all of /b/ combined.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)14:28:44 No.207657XXX
    Motherfucker, that's not long.

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